&" 0"" '". .. c. nMirB, w-IT.. rreprieiet Enter 1 M the I'm! Office In It I Untnt, Nob , u mull mutter of taoarcou.l rlati POWDER Abtjolutwl Pur. TliU lwwdf r Bew tarlfa. Manl of pure tfrensth and wtiolr omncM, mor economical tlian the onllnarv kiml unlniumi haj.1 m formation with Ilia multUuiIrs i( low trt lUiort wvlklit alum nr iluntliat bowilnr. (V.I.I only f meant. MUYAI. HAKINrtYowiiKKCO. Wall slrvet. H. V. Ollv. CITY CLATTER. astir hf Car Alert Neawrttra, an Prepare for ear lltUtri. Stationery at Deyo's. The lTthisStratricks day. Dcyo sells the best buggy paint made. New dry Goods at the New York Store. It. M. Martin is new goods. in Chicago after 0 us Hosts will pay for t hosts. 5o per pound Norhart for cheap tinware. 1 'rices clear down. A new lino of pioturo mouldings at K. V. Taylors. Tbocity should put an electric ligbt on the jail corner. Sweet Orr overalls. All styles at MoNitt Qalusba's. For mothers Friend shirt waist call on XeXitt & Qalnsna. If you want the best buy the vVbite forssle by F. V. Taylor. Chajttjtffttarvin, formerly of this city, was in this city Saturday. We rneam business and wont be. vn der sold 11. M. Martin Son. All the lstsst styles and colors in dress goods at R. M. Martin A Son's. Deto says he is already havin having a Hi Tow good trade on wall paper. prices count. A teamster know j as Hob Cochrane of this city departed this life on Tnesday craning. Willing and polite clerks will give you their attention and onr prices. II. M. Martin at Son. Anything in the line of furniture carpets, window shades, etc., at lowest prices at . V . Taylor's. A. B. Ktarkes who has heel living here for a year or two has left (or more congenial tlisaes. It you are going to buy a carpet you will save money and get the beat by calling on F. V. Taylor. Howard Deisley. Ileary Scott, II. 8 lloleomb, and K. II. Jones will read the Great Family Weekly for 1890. Colling Keeps selling those Hot man Headache powders. Soma po jple say they can t live withont them. Dr. Ilaird the Dentist ean now b found at his new dental parlors over Spgktiields store, lied Cloud. All wsrk guaranteed. Renumber that MeXitt A Gnlmahn carry the largest best and also the cheapest line of Jeans, eotteaadf and worsted pants in the city. In onr last issne we made a mistake in C. Wiener's lota!. rVs had him closing out his "clothing" whet it should have hecn "annea." C. L. Cotting is agent far the Catarrbo-Broachial Medieater, the aew inhaling apperatas for eatarra, old in the head, ete. Try It I If yon want weavinc done eeJI en Wm. Huffman, Red Clend ef leave fr'-m -- Schaffait's. All hind if carpet weaving dona en short no tiee. C. Witner has rrtarM frsm tha caaUn market, tad U ahvwincn law- tr atwck and n hwttt elaae ef ekthing than aver at prieee thai mm4 hwt krlpU pleMje. K. SI. Vartin is in Chietft Hying kialarce srrinaT tUek. which with spri.ggeod.be new ha.. hmW till far eicd any aiwtk in pvisw, esantity and Ht; m ehww It- fcreitheva?!ey. valley Theeitiicnt ef Wcttter Cwwntv UI h called pn in the sar fwtwtw v waat pewv dtnat proviaMM lavHh DakMntBm Awaestty paweVfi awaaawB naiHnwt wawfwtwan yfsrwa) 11 wj vwaaawnm and ft will ha in AM h mi ! SPLINTERS . Wa,ler r cawr mf.rir AM Aham m, rir m p to ty. (to and b'c oe K. . Haudv. 4 i New babv carriage at V. V. Taj. lor g. Latest t;lc iu carpels at K. V. H. A. Manria for Canon Taylor's. Co Jo City coal. See our 'J.fiO spring jacket.. ll .'I. .'I.IITIK& o. H. M. Martin ifc Son n tin toady to show you their spring slock. OtU.1 i tho Block for von t InnL at Mc.Nitt Gaiuiha. Tho Clothier. Do not fail to call anil trnmir tlnek I of window shades. K. V. Tayi.ok. Thu jeeond uumtcriy meeting of tue .M h I hurch occur next Sunday. H. A. Handy now lus on hand that fine Canon City coal he used to hate. IL A. Handy will jjiro you tho low est figures of anyone in town on lum bcr. Aaron Cotiovcr and (!oo. Lemming hate bought the A. J. Wlch rrtir- ry. Mr. II. Clark of Albany, X. in the city looking after hi it Y. is ntercsta here. Henicmber our atook of wsll paper is complete new and fresh. L II. Dkvo. Havens horrc snd cattle food and all kinds of condition nowdrrt at Deyo's. Sattccns wcro never so cheap before Great bargains in them. It. M. Mar tin & JJON. Call and seo It A. Handy for prices beforo building as ho will make it to your intercut. Great bargains in sheeting. 1000 vards of sheeting at tij seats. It. M. Mam-im A Son. The largest and best selected stoek of dress goods in the city at 11. M. Martin A Son's. Tho Nebraska and Kansss Farm Lnaii Co. want all tho good farm loans tboy can get. tf A penny saved is a penny csrncd. You will earn good wsges by buying your paints at Deyo's. JIcv. II. N. I'oad former) v pastor of the I'resbyterian church in tted Cloud was in th city this week. Frank Scott has secured a position In a drug store at Ft. Collins, Colo. rado and left for that city this week. Tho fire alarm has beta raiicd about twenty feet so that the sound csn be csrried further an I more dis tinctly. Hon. G. L. Laws, our congressman is doing good work in this district. He hss bcon very activo in looking after his constituencies and every one seems inclined to be well pleased with him. Vol. 1, No. 1 of a nest flvo col uwn folio, Tho Times, published at Superior by Dunlap Bros., h reach ed our table. Tho Timea shows evi dence thst it is in the bsnds of good men who underused the basinets. Oar old Friend Willi S. Leonard of Halltvillc, Illinois, hss started a Ba rter, the Wave, at Illaaeh, Nebrsika, Will ha our sympathy and wt hone "not a Wavo of trouble wave over the Blanche Wave, while W. S. is wield inc the gray gooe quill for the Wave. Miss Beaaie ll. Uedlow of Burling Vt ., had a di'seaio of the scalp which caued her hair to become very harsh snd dry and to fall so freely that she scarcely dared comb it Ayer's Hair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp, and mado the hair beautifully thlek and glossy With tho eieeption of tho Glad-etone-Blsine controversy, probably no mora important contribution has aver been made to macula literature than the two papers on "the Limitations of the Speakership, ' by the Speaker, Hon. J. C. Carlisle, heth of which will appear in tht March number of the North American Review. The Webster Sunday school Asso ciation will hold their annual Sunday school institute in this city March 27, and 28. Worker from abroad are ei poet ed to participate walkers of this cownty mtne program prepare ny tho eieeutive board. Each schoal in the county is cspecud to scad dale gates and also a report ef their rtspee Uve schools for tht year. A. W, Sxirjin, Prta. Mna. Wat. Dick in, 8c. The Muiti ewamlawientn ast a th eovnty clerk' oslsw nd attended U ta stnes rar wnn a uey were nffriintcd . They ergaaliedl by elet lnJ. L. Miller, chatrmM. Tht wmmitlM is eamp'aad of Jahn M cwJUm, W. Hagaa and J. L. Miller. Thtir hwiisawa Mtskeksf- JJ " J , "J m'J '.S"! LT! i'A1 tar indigent i4iffi of IM tnnmtj aid a far a tu pennH, Then were rer re!ter, wniea fww ?. I hart a gawd farm af 169 situated Ive mitew awwih af Ittvettas. whitA I will eeN aa ea Pleatv af wa4 aad vaaat. Mta. BtiMBT M. leittiwa, The pprr I crowded with advr r tisrncnts thii wek. Mead thtn and i will do yon Rood. Ij. S. HoIcoHili has rrtnrnod to, , Chicago to take up hi petition in the iriuunft cotnooiing too tut. Mr. S. IL Mclirldo has located her millinery slorc in the rear end of Sch a ffn it dry goodshoue. Win Irons I preparing to rain one of tho finest herd of thoroughbred I'oland China hoga iu tho couiilt). ( Jo and nee Mothart. He is telling hardware way doeti. The pice knocked clear out of tinware, do. If The K, Si M. bank burked tail Sun day morning, but H. A. Handy still hs that genuine Canon City Coal. J. 1). Leach, formerly of thin city and now of York Mate Is hero hxtkitig after hi? I arm. He will rviuain tin re week. Loan maile at low rates of interest by tho Nebraoka A Kauoa Farm Loan Co. Money ready as soon at paper are signed. It Feataerlv A Aulla are still selling vinegar and Irantular juice. Call and see tlicm. Good cider vinegar for '.'A cents per gallon. Wienei tho largeat dealer in south crn Nebraska in clothing, is closing out his watucn' s snd children's shoes at less than cost. Tho union revival meetings at the M K church are atill progressing, and many are turning from the ways of the world to religious paths. Morhart the hardware man is up in arms and is selling haidwsre at almost eost He is knocking the bottom out of prices. Comeatouce. if Our l..'0 men's shoes esn't be best in th- United States. In buttnn.lsee or congress. Try a pair, at Chat. Schaffnil, Ncv York St-jrc. Our spring stock of bats a.id caps is now complete, eonsisting of every thing of tho late designs of nobbv goods. McNlTT A (iAH'SIIAt Head J. J. Ducker's now ad in to days paper. John alwajs aims to lead in butincss and hss one of the finest lines of goods in the great wast For your spring suits either tailor made or ready made go to McNitt A Galusha's. Ou a tailor mado suit they guarantee a saving of from $5 to $10 from any one fit in the city. For correct fitting clothing go where it is kept. We arc tho only merchants handling the shoulder pad ded suits. They aro equal to any or dinary tailor mado suit MrNlTT A Gai.i'kiia. If you wish to purchase a shoe for your boys or girls that will stand tho wesr and tear of every day urage.that is mane of honest leather throughon and on common sense iiess call at the New York store. The insurance adjuster has settled with the F. A M. bsnk and allowed them the full insurance the amount being l&.OOO. The money has hoea paid over and contractor, David Kes cr, with a corps af assistant is at work recoastructlag the hnildlag. A penny saved It that much in your pocket If yon can sava the re tail profit, and mere on the price af a pair of shoes, it behooves you U do to. Wiener the clothier ia disposing of hi entire lino of wimen e and ehlldrens shoes at lest than wholesale coat, aad will in the future not handle them, The lecture "Ahraeidsbrs" at Bap tist church Tursdsy night was heard by a good audience and highly appre ciated. The rich kernels of thought clothed in dry wit with a frt hurst of eloquence, mad the lecture a real treat llev. Mr. Leonard has made a good impression. Come sgain. The Mutual Life Insurance Corn Kay, sinew its organisstlon in DMS, psid to its poliey.hnlrri 'i", 681,948 20. The woauerful growth of the Company is dae in a large degree to the freedom from restriction and irksome conditions in the contract aad to the opportunities for invent cat whieh are offered in addition to to indemnity ia ease of dtsth . Don't forget citisens of IU4 Cloud that the spring tlsatio is abowt here aad that good men shoald ha aeleeM for mayor and aldermen, vt showM aelect oar meat aarvfal basinet men aad men ef entarpriae combined for the pwaitioa. The Cmitr would eaggeet Harry Fond for a.drmaa la the north ward and Dr. Schcack far oath ward, aad Henry Boott or Vt. Kmigh for mayor. If the gentleman named above ewuld ha prevailed waoa to accept the ofteee, we feel safe ia aayiag that we would have a eaitfal admiulotratiea of public affair. At a regular amanal meeting of the Rod Clead Fir Dtpertmewt a Ta day eveakag Mareb 4th the foliewiat oaneeri veto elected. Chl.f-Choe. rata. AtoUaai Aad; Warner. aa Tom tie Penury. Funmaa No. 1 W, W Gllhoti. lot AeaiHMt-Will MiMioa. Favwmaa Ka. .'-T. W. Batf aM. lot, Aaaiawaat C. L. Wiafnrt. 14. isBnitawt M. A. r rawrnw cwanaa aswaw nam svawwaw-Btwo). Traaie-nV.i. fwaway, Fred aawawotsi. O.Maff. Our old ftlend Peter .Marsden who hat had a miou conflict with la crirp' i abtut gais. We are glad to ee hint out Geo, I' IW and Geo W, Hagan ill read the Grot t'amllv Weeklv for lr'.H People who anl lhe(newa alay read TtIK Citttl'i Till Clllir ha the l-eil line of of county rotrriponJem tf any per in the vuuh U jo want the iiexn read I lie Great Kaintti WerVlj, tX C Con of PleiMht Hill ton. hlp who hi been lay tn leetmd liJ die lo la gltppe U out gix tfter a U week illnei ot a Very teveie na ture. Geo, W, llgn of Guide Itoek waa in ihe eity thl week attending the tcMion of the enlon eoium(tohf, Mr llagati L on of our jnMpiou fanucit 1111 Hair iteiirnei iv i ( lo hoi and lir tht Ihjnu tho Vln, ll it teieutiirio'li) tireiitHI and olll te ttotogii) l.atr to It origin! rdot and tigar. The llutehiiitou A Gulf railway tirtrjn run th tr Hn inln the e'iy on TliuinU) 1 ,vti lino iuu up Cliviked C(ra The depul gtoutid will probalily Ik near tl.o city witir worke. The Guard office at llloomlnglon, Neb., was burned tht week, Loss ItiOO, intuianee ISOti. Hntry Lud low's job office waa in the aatao build, itig and wan burned Henry'a lost will be shout f :iH. inturetl for WOO. Bad blood eautet dltpeptla aad dlt deptia read by eauilkg bad hlixtd. Ho both go on grating wntre, until the whole aytlcm It oitcned, The surest mesnt of Tclicf for the tlctim it a thorough and pcnltlcut court of Ayer's Saitapatilla, Dr Ilaird, the dentist, left I he fore. part of tho week for lied Cloud, Nebr, where he hat located for the practice of his profcttiun, The doctor did a good buisncM while heie, contiderlng the site of the town, snd we regrst that he found it neeettary to go lo a larger town in order lo teeute a prsc lice commcntursic with his skill aad ability aa a dcntUt. Daring his slay of nearly a year In F, I wood b did work for a large number of our tord, and without a tingle ticcptloa hi work lias been highly satisfactory, We bav heard many of his patrons speak ol what he had done for them. and all unite in pronouncing him a first cltti workman and a pleasant and agreeable itentlsman. Many etrs of eiperiencs have added to hit thninuglr'knowledge of dentittry, amine la tho e0 I at a tkrilful proe licioner ef an) other man in ths pro fettion. Llwood Nehr, Hccord. TATKMBNT or Tin litnJ Lib .Mima d. urmw Yonic. rwCMAAO A. McCUItDV. raisMtr. IW tht year oaasaf aW I In, law. Jmmi, . "a'ioeoisM of lastsM I tttx. . . nuiMts a aerpsas, .... atVatMM M tatraaat ta nareltw, . Il.tlMNM nii. asi.iia.ata a lartott otrte t S.aMt to rM rwMn Btssin, . . . tis.ews.oa as Ismail Ht ft, . . iSfaVoM I awasatwaoM, .... UI4at tl lftaat Striae pat, . . faaaajat as assta la Steea, .... 4e4.aojai M Itrtmm r1a I-, faayoIMM M VwMrlt la fteet, .... IH4M Itiwast oartat ! HJHi rMt orwato la I sea, SMtf tarsteaaoMr loaa, . . . Iljtl TM Atwtfl itf affMrtw m roUtVti nawt Mala a4 Bm4 A atrtat Mm, aotl.SIS IS taiue BWMt be MveMiM. . . . - asoes.so SI ItlMtaldMmllwMtilM, as.IM.SOS 00 t mk U UmS ttllml aataM H lalreMt Of.SAar I Mt4 fr4. frrttlMM tff. MMh InMaM, Mr. 0,t.af n aioi,N ot li4tllla lUHaOlae tA VX lira, tu j m taa f hjw. sm S".i nft..-Vivn i tliM'-V e"VH 4 Maat. . Mau snovnr a iac r. Xtnth j IU Jam ), i as: natiiiA,'VrMM. AST OK. . tmmwi V. V . Au.hn, iUMtti Af( ff Klrak,1k !b4a Kniotin, HyonfOf 4 Vfk ( rf li Naliat Utah, tarr.tm atwl l& SH-, OtaaXt, o4. Tt rrawtool ttlaWt i wtatwoei taJUr lUUwty fvlal MS)kiv1i lfh4 Haettofw to ChlaotTO aa mmt wnf watah II sav. I A XT. raUowW Im argt4 $t latefatooaalo I'd. Methoa4ra l ate SMhe afme eortk UiOt raol-g frees eeei o4 o with aM lit rMt4 Uto laawy fui fariha tllrte orH f 4lf mm MM- t-t fttt tWtiAgo J.K. Koa MAt.a A yesjoc' Frcoeh Cna diss to) lino, yrs 44, W hlorh rctk, vi iu Mr in ltd it? fift 224 Vi ti1t.i-iu,H il( Wm, vtffotaM. isjsj drM toiler ) rUW Vr s Clt, Jt4iiee l)le ad ajaia. la sot tr skowa ia Rod (lewd. We lathe yaws fooortio. M, M, Martia4 Asa. u bought' goods CHEAP I This means thai we vvtll c them to our customers at Bargain Prices ! tasalsaij)aW4,-1nwWP You will find upon ex is larger than ever mis spring better goods FOR LESS MONET Than ever before. VVc will not tjuotc you any special prices, hut come and we will be plc:.sccl u show you our goods, and will show you how Cheap Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Boots and Shoks, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. can be sold, if bought cheap. Yours RcsjKictfully, c. WIENER, RED CLOUD. WYMORE Ho, There H. C SCOTT Agricultural Depot ! And niw in k uu liatnl nil kind of i Farm Machinery. ; HUGH AH ' IV kin Plows corn PIowh, The Dutch Yankee Plow. Keversihle Steel Harrow, Old Champion Hinders & Mowers The Ttihlar Smith Wagon, The Sutton lload eartis Stalk eiitters. Etc. I hall also keep a complete line of machine oils and machine repair. I am located in the old butter and egg .tore .store of M W Dickers mi on south Webster street. EC. .mining our stock which that se arc ofiering . ....IB SCOTT. i w. n - ' -a v-' -vmn wjUHtfinwiwxn A, lUHMfNUSe' JT. - i .. .. ... ..... ... .Ai.l