The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1890, Image 3

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    i ;
Ttv Cafertwiiat Yowl Marrtiaub tat tta)
Losrtojr, March A. Matter Abraham
Lincoln, eon of Mr. Kobort Lincoln, the
United ttc-i MlnliUsr, who ha beea
Buffering for a luag tlraa from bloc,
poisoning, arising frnm a allgant
carbuncle en the left nie below ta
arm pit, died at even minute afttr
eleven o'clock yesterday morning.
During thu morning tho lad was In a
comatose condition. II refused to re
Uln nourishment, and the doctor stated
definitely that his death was only a
question of a few hour. lie suffered no
pain. Mr. Lincoln and hla family were
at tho bcdsldo of tho dying oy from
etarly In tho Mornlna until bo died. II
etd hwy quietly.
Th following account of tho lad's ill
cm la authoritative:
Ho went to Versailles to atudy French,
and had been there about two month
when he began to foci vaguely Indis
posed. Thin feeling lasted for altout a
week, when, oa November a, a large
carbuncle developed la a few hour oa
tho left aide under tho arm, both left
arm and hand at tho same time liecom
luff ffroatly swollen. 1IU arenU went
Bent for, and on their arrival from Iahi
don, twenty-four hour later, they found
kla condition a above elated, except
that tho arm swelling waa somewhat di
minished. Next morning the local phf
alolaas made an Incision In the carbun
ele, and It was thereafter treated with
ejreat cam with poultlcea and antiseptic
until November 1ft, when an alarm lag
Inflammatory and febrile condition eat
Aa operation was performed by dis
tinguished l'arla physicians, aad there
after the wound so made waa carefully
treated. The patient continued to takn
and digest nourishment perfectly well,
but notwithstanding this he began to
lose flesh, and tho wound, Instead of
healing at all, became unhealthy.
Finally, It was deemod expedient to
remove the sufferer to Itoadon where he
might receive attention from tho famous
aurgeons of that city, and this was
accordingly done on January 17.
The patient was at oaan placed
In charge of Dr. Maclagan of Cad
ogan I'lare, London, assisted by Dr.
Jonen and Dr. Thomas Kmlth, eurgeon.
The lad's trouble was not limited tothn
outside of tho chest wounds, but ex
tended Inward, Interfering materially
with tho movements of the rib on that
aide and causing also an effusion within
tho chest, which effusion Increased to
auch an extent that on February J0 tha
patient was In Imminent daaf or ot being
auffocaU'd. lly tula Utn tin, waaclatloa
had greatly increased. Desperate op
erations were resorted to by tho sur
froona, but without auccee
The rrar's Review Mara II U IteapowalM
for Damage In Winter WhHt.
CmcAfto, March 0. Tho Farmers' l.
low says: The report of our correspond
ent Indicate, that the prevent eoid map
damaged winter wheat In many counties
in Central Illinois, Indiana, Missouri,
Kansas and Michigan from 10 to HO per
aaai Wisconsin and a tortlon of the
counties In Northern Illinois are pro
tected at present by a blanket of snow.
Very few report of damage by winter
hilling have been received from Ohio
and none from Kentucky. In the Ohio
valley, however, embracing tortious
of Ohio. Indiana and Siulheru Illinois,
excessive rain has swelled tho streams
and flooded tho 1ottom Una's, greatly
damaging wheat fields on low grounds.
With the exceptiot of a few counties In
Katiaas and Central Illinois there are no
complaint of damage from Hessian fly.
"The Unit all-around report comes from
Kentucky, all of our correspondent In
that HUle quoting tbn condition of
wheat a "good to rery goii," and no
damage from any cause, Tho most dis
couraging reports coma (ram Mich Iff aa.
Owlng to fall drought )J be
sjan tho winter in poo Witltlna.
While a few counties are covered with
anow manf are hare, and wheat has suf
lered greatly frtMn the alternated free
tag and thawing experienced during the
pant month.
MraaeetaHsa Wnsws VWw Nat aVsanaw
east rronaalr atsmw Ml IiiIiiisb
Toiicka, Kan., March . Tw women
f thia city called at police ha4anarira
to aee Chief (lardlner about the dead
bank robber. The chief was absent,
but a description of tho dead man was
tarnished, and the women left at once
forb1 crklen. When they saw the dead
body one of them fainted, but said noth
ing ahoat the Identity of tho dead man.
They returned to Topeka and wean to I
lowisl by County Attorney OephafttofJef
ferson County, who came upoa ah njo
train. The women got off at the North
Topeka junction depot, however, ami
escaped (lephart. It Is thought they
knew something alioiit the ensn. The
picture of the robber In the sheriff
office still attract much attention.
Hepolnraster Watu, of the Hock Island.
baa seen It and says that the man ofed
about the iUsck Island Second stret
atatloa for several hours one day last
week. At that time he had sorer!
ago under his arm.
tl salr4TlrCwJ e t4Wjw.'
Pari. March ,M.Tlrrd. the Prim
Minister, has recovered sufficiently from
bt Indisposition to attend to hla dalle.
and was present at a meeting of the
csistoaiacosnmiaalcia of the Chamber of
Hepatic yesterday. In the coarse of
at remarks he Intimated that he re
garded hla political mission as ended,
ad ald he expected to tender hla rrsdg
auuloa la wriUag t rreatdcat Caraot
Taraata, Kaa, March .-. P. Me-
Caba, the colored raadldate for Gov
awaor of Oklahoma, aay that ha pat aa
faith la ta dispatch at eat fro
fiatatt aad vTuhlafffa thattb aaiataf
will forcibly resist aay etort to atako
Cklaaosaa a negro riutt. He aald
to-day. "If apprdated IJoveraor I
will adsalaUter the law of the Unltad
Ute altaaat fear or favor to whit aad
lacl aMba. Tbt cbarvter of baUlcr
th asaydo swath of Maana and Dtits't
11a. bet w go to the Territory to ya
aa cad to that hied of politic huCcl
ballot box aa4 ahotcna puJicj fcaiat U
Haasaa At4elte Ha
r tat We ml I
TorA, Kan., March .The Kansas
Farmer print a carefully prepared re
port thoflrstof theaeasoufrom nearly
every county In Kaa. mad up by Iw
special corresH)ndenU on tho last da
of February, aa to the condition and
acreage of growing wheat, the condition
of livestock, s well as the local market
prices of wheat, corn, oats, cattle and
The reports show an Increased acre
age la every county, ranging from 5 to
Bo per cent, except In tho counties of
Drown, Doniphan, Woodson, Meade aud
Nemaha, and the last two counties re
port a decrvated acreage. The most
notable Increase, however, I
shown In Western Kansas, where, til
Increase Is from double to Ova times tha
acreage ot last year. In the northern
Counties of tho Stat them will be aa
Increased acreage of spring wheat,
Some fear were 1 pressed, that tho
recent cold snap may hav Injured tha
what somewhat, but tho only wheat
winterkilled up to March I was in spot
on bottom land. The Hessian fly did
aomo damage In Wabaunsee County.
1'resent Indication are that Kansas will
produce fiotu tho increased acreage the
largest wheat crop over known In th
history of the .State, a th fall and
winter had been unusually favorable
until tho recent cold spell, which waa
general oor th State.
Live-stock of all kinds Is generally la
splendid condition and free from dis
ease of any kind excepting a few case
of bog cholera, which has abated.
Farm horses aro generally In better
condition at thla Mason. Feed 1 cheap
and abundant wherever stock 1 being
full fed for market.
The local prices for corn, wheat and
oat are hardly equal to th cost
of production, consequently mora
full feeding ot stock la be
ing done than ever before In
order to necurn belter prices for corn.
Tho lecal prices of live-stock aro low
and cattle are lower than ever known,
and tho supply of cattle will )c reduced
as a consequence of th continued de
pression In lieef cattle price
There has lx-en an Increased fall of
snow and rain In Western Kansa dur
ing tho past fall aud winter and tho
farmer feel hopeful as to god crop
during IMS
A l,uUlll IUnh fellrr ISwstwtf Willi
aMVaaa Tns SmiiI ml Wine, wmese w4
Lomavuxr, Ky., March a. William
If. Inpe, teller of tho Louisville Nation
al Hank, a trusted man of good habits,
who was received in tho best social cir
cles of this city, is gone. Hlaalisenoe
at tho bank yesterday morning at first
excited no suspicion, as It was supsscd
ho was at his sick sister's bcdsldn or In
tho country detained by the flood.
When no word waa received at 10. M
o'clock President Jamea H. I'irtle, Vice
President J. D. lcch and Cashier W. H.
Darker tiocamo somewhat suspicious.
They oMnsl the vault and a hasty ex
amination showed that alout o0,ooo
was missing. Tho missing money was
all in largo bills. All the bulky gold
and silver coin and small bills were left
Intaot. It will require a careful exam
ination to stato tho entire amount thai
I'opo look with him.
I'opo Is a nslUe of this State and la
thirty-eight years old. Ill father, Wal
lace Pope, resides eight miles out on
the narrow gauge railroad. Ho entered
the bank In IM as a clerk and was rsp
idly promoted. H was thought to x
"close." Ho had lieen leading a Dr,
Joky 11 and Mr, Hyde life for some year,
aa many of hla boon companion are
awam. At hla room be waa unusually
The tnly articles aliasing from hla
room war a Itlblo and a prayer book,
which an mutt have taken with hint. At
a rousa aa Jefferson tree l ha frequently
gav wlnn supers to young anon of his
claaa and fast young women. Hm
gambled and was known aa a "aucker,"
He frequently waa drunk nt night, but
ho was alwaya at hla desk promptly In
the morning.
llaHlaa sT in HsM I I a wf
as casa i asjiu.
aiaaaniliJt, Tea., March ft. It H
long sftcr twelve o'clock, tho hour for
the ssacmbltng of tho third annual con
vention of the National taagu of Ite
puhllcso Clnbs t Amaunmat Hall,
when tho delegates were callfl W onler.
From eleven o'clock until the aasem
blsg waa called to order, tho mtitor
cnt Iho time in admiring the bwautifnl
sWosatlons and doing sotue sharp pollt
Iral work, for the next presWent of tie
The contention hll Is the larfft-st In
the city It has a fating rapacity for
.M4prKa. Th front of Its doob'ie
balconies have been rlatcirately dratd
with flags, while the National colore
elsewhere throughout the hall almost
hide the walls frrms view A layer of
aviutt two lorhrtdcepcorec th aocr.
When lion. A, J Watsr, rhslrmtu of
the loi- executive committee, caII)
th aemblge to eHer and mad U
add res of walcome there were nearly
art delegates present At least l( at. or
are expecitd before th convention ad
Chairman Wataon's address of wel
come waa brief.
Hon. O. N. Tlllmaa. Capiat a WUllaia
Kale, tdltor of the Kaoivlll,
nd W. O. Wlnatead. of Ten, fol
lowed with brief atdressa. after whkb
th convention was to read orar ta I're
Uat ThacaVsa. of Hobraak. who do
ll rered a long addraaa
Da Motaas. loam, Maeab S . Willi
E. Alllaoa ha been re-elected by tho
Oeaeral AaswsaUy to taw Halted Mete
Kaate forth ten of ail yearn Tha
term begin oa year frvw to-lay.
Tbee tw net a dlaaeaUaff UpoWlfta
Itrrarai. Pa.. Ms-b t.TK Ciwt
block of Ua prodscod fraw as AnwrVraa
tin mine reacted lltUbatfa to-ay It
wctgwn tweatylv psaad A taka
frosa a tia desoalt near f Ursaoea. K IX,
by U OUadat Tin Coat pa y. It hat
anaa frano-saoed sst saaatlaat aalily.
Froten slop will rus pig to lose
weight rather than to gain. It will pay
to warm all sloppy fl for pig.
tlle your hogs enough eor feol to
distend their stomachs and ps-ent their
overloading them with contentrld
No lse man will sell jreen Wrlryt
In other words he will not sell Ms jesr
lings iv tu-y car-olds ot either cule or
To make the greatest success of f row
ing one Vlhd of stock a tsrmer should
have tho best, and handbs It In the best
It Is said that the KnglUh shepherds
find cut Ct)hgo preferable to either
ix'etn or turnip tor hccv lmbt In
rarly wintet are apeciatly ton J ot It,
"Hogs and alfalfa will I- tnT chief
qcratlons this season slid neit," said
prominent farmer to us the othrr ds).
From all we rn lesrn It tks ss though
Kearney County will raise a big surplus
of hogs during the next season Kear
ney (Kan ) Aducate.
There Is danger In watering a horse
after letting htm go loo long without It.
If you have dilven hard all day and can
not feed or water, put htm up, glvln
hay first, water In atxnit an hour, and
then feeAl oats. 8ce thst he Is well
taken care of, and he wtll be alt right
In the morning,
HrcaVjour colt with a quick, actie
horse. It make belter wether and
driver. When you want It lit dr,
commence light, lncrcgTdull), and
the colt wtll think he can draw any
thing. Teach the colt lo slop si "ahoV
and use the word "steady" If vou want
him to go slower.
Ten year go we exported to Cnd
atom! 900,00(1 pounds of dressed lieef)
now the total approximate 4,000,000
iunds. This great change has crested
no little alarm among the Canadian
farmers, and they sre now elltlinliig
the Douitlilou I'srllament to double the
liuirlduty, hoping thereby to shutout
the great bulk of these compiling nieats.
The question hating Ik on ralnM In
the Kast tlial butter maite from coasted
on ensilage 1 not so gixl as thai from
coas fi,l the ordinary dry fesl In winter
time the matter waa fully and carefully
examined, and resulted In pnolurtng
evidence showing that a here milch cows
hail ensilage feed they gsvo a richer
and lttter quantity of milk than when
they did not get such fond
Horses are bred for some puro for
110 or for sale. If for the oaner's oan
use, and satisfies his requirements, thst
ta enough: but if an animal is hn-d for
sale It must he one that can ccomotlsh
something It must Ih able to pull, to
trstol or to show off lo city fashion In
other words, in order to sell well a horMt
must !' a draft horse, a trotter or road
ster, what would 1 class! as a coach
horMv- Ct)r, Horse World.
If the ore hard Is cropped continuously
care must n taken to keep It well
When the garden plot Is used contin
uously regular sjstem of rotation
should ho carried out.
A gixid rotation in the garden Is as kh
sentlsl in securing the best results a it
Is with the field crop.
One of the brat varieties of -sel'r
rles Is the Downing, though Houghton's
seedling la also an excellent kind.
In the garden or orchard tho !( plan
Is to spread the manure as fast as it Is
hauled out, scattering as evenly aa imxh
In many loralltlc blscklxirrles esn
sdded to the list of small fruit with
profit. They need about the same room
and tbn same cultivation as raapbt-rtle.
The Snyder aad lton re Uih stand
ard vreiie and ran lie groan almost
any where, lhay are loth hardy,
Th early peas of low-growing oris
my do very well without being hushed,
but If the tll kinds are grown :
ltns must lie taken to keep them from
the ground or they wtll probably mil
dew. If you Can. cut the brush and have
It ready I fore the spring work begins.
In undertaking to grow trull, It will
bn found snore profitable at the start to
make aurh selection of varieties, ptsnt
In well prepred soil and glte curb at
tention during growth as Is nerary to
ecure the best result, and then nd
to market In ha I-si r leu I ted u
Msrure the lest 1 Ire
Currant are among th healthiest and
trf-st fruit tht can I groan. '!,.
White llJtch sim. thi, Wrsslll am
txjth old standard varieties, one while
and the irther rr-i. The ft should m
tout feet apart and the pistil not ! r
than two feet spsrt in the tun IH01
t ran Iw; dime It U1 1 lt lo plant
the currants In a partial shade
A novel mlh"l ot ulkle? n Col
lin? Is sard to J much In ui wi)
l.urfrK-an rroa era. A trrHmh rutting
Is l-r-nt In the firftn of ft Uiw and u,th
nla Inserted into the rth, so ihst
only part of the renter wlOi the bvd I
alxta the grtu4 'fhls rrngcoei
stejrs th evapfitatlon frtn the tepn4,
whil Ihr r rnd Is fimnltg ita
Cldldren'a gardens should ! frMterod
and n-niraged wherevs-r lhr la p
enough to allot th-m. even If only a fw
feU Hcb a tru as thst ths-y rh plant.
sow nd replant t suit tJ.r omu
tiona. At first the repltaUag will b
vary apt to go to lb teagtb vf AUtf
leg what thy seak for, Ut a little gild
ing will wrm it ibesn la the right way,
and by it means lsva iA itlesvr wtll
be Intnlf-ated 4 aatur) hnw f
flower engendered tht will rliag to
thear, ihrosgh Ufa
"Ah. tht karsa ausaallaa a
aaV4 fteaeral Vaa. "ya atval4 bat
ae kiss at Atitew ka aaM.aa4 aa
Utile fr rdt" "T bat ba AA," said
Khl. -If ye wwceve his.4
Vn"t frat tnt att ;-r rputia
will ta fter 44y Teaktv c
mighty thsriuld.
It take iaapiti saa to aaah a
tatteat wuwjat
Hrymn Hitt. Mte ttJtUfm 4fmU
Ujcj at IMruetua, la IT fwt irg. whit
A4 .V Hall I ft, TV fattasc,
ba Uilt la irAaas & JargaetUlld
l( is tU livd f-Utea
- t
tw Waas IW SNeM Twat
JTbt mull thewerhl t-aMN.ut vml
thtr taolltets, eur sisters and ear wtes .
Whsl wvuM there ta wltluoit them la Mt
Wrrth ilvtl ,td l stiSMiMs tfn I
evicruetlrl thir trs ah.t ovr rll n
rarrfu f btirt aiwl tt, t.l Ufr nisi 1
sviupttstis et silt. (ttr 4k allulU
MutiM4rlvt IrHads snoutf Ucccr s
grow Ihtaaed jic lfece cur try ejics, ,
aud sr-uT thfij dri e,t xtedale we fad
lo l lv t )t W-t I ha nut fall tleoi our
)caaj4kt us imlireKiH snk n. tito
1. tietn sM uw icaknis we slwtuM N In
Mnr tcha, w l,n II oners to iuetle ef
bxslth l.t us ivine tstr Ibal tt thla.
pale n KvKotf ween Dr Joan lull's
HrssMtiiiu la )t their ct. It wl I atst
ItrinhnVs rvs and thr will gMW In
ttrtoj-vh ftftd fsh ,vH-.J 4eSvO,
W oft hear ef tnsn Wis rrrtel
ss;lrl.u Ideas litis mutt kMs h
art low Ualu id lfcysjtiV rhtlat'raia
I rv.
fair M
la alt that is a.Vcd lor Dr Iterce's iMAm
Methtal Dls.vtrrj'. when Uarn fercwUrth
In Ibe head, vr 1t love, lUl or thtvt l
lections er lun-cfvfvU 'vemteti knean
a rottsitn-pUn cd the Uncs nd If Ukrw
In liwi siid gtvrn lair trUt, tl wilt cmi
er Ihr nu.iT) kt fer It wtll b IvUftJcU.
It Is tha etilj fMMalel rats.
0s the vr, stanie, K, bowel ad
WhoU tjslriu h usts Dr IVow's tVlWla
Ttss sre pleat et Iwrka tp the sea,
hut Ihrjr !. a aotMug l.t with tl ew
srjtvuilt W-sU'U (U.'lav
Alte tie ef tNoae stirTv tlaf wilh Drorat
Is iwlle.1 ,. Or II IL lire a Hen' lair
ir to furnish tree ln d)' trUIITaali
Writ lo i-M-rt snffrfer Ttw-ae pjsl, labS
have Kia.le liuikdrvsla ef almnal utlra-'tWka
cures In arliis rla el this country, d
totta) slsa.t as the voir sela llropsi
f'la;isa I (U Wvkild. raws U4r Sal I
utia r
Ta paltU ef Mlalator Wi llrwar I
hwhnt ihii fali4a,w YMlstes
Dr A, T Hauissssa.ish,
t.lMrlrr. I lr AV nv
hern utln jur Antldwln t,r MaUri Ml
taiiillt lur arrtal )ee iVr mhiiw ltk)
Jr I had r rolls, and waa ! down thai
I hs.1 li - atretiytk lo walk Mr W Snanslat
lngs-nl u, tu try ue Aaildw. a4 Itcuict
me at i'Oci I atu nuw alftMif, health Htit
We U' mi Ihrr lonllrlne In tha Ultillt, aa
wa Itlol II IU ulrkrst, salrsl, ami ftla U
rlieaknaU Veui Mtt Irult.
lWt Itl'MII,
Mssas etskctN man ahl-rh esplalns
at) aritir llin ra ,ah .f d'ssn 1V
luf f w s l.a bm1I for lias s, a - rh
ta ftlHthat nia4M
Jtet nlr IhiHri,, UU'f and lessens Issln
sller.dlNK II, lU treatl tlllninltliea U
ttaoars 1 lo lite I twin rnutW si,. I 1 MM (
t'sssl ft fr imotths U-(iii t'rihtui el
write in T Hisdneld IWauUl.n lo.Al
lants. lis , lr itl alsts, rau U)
alt drunclsts
A MtSRiSM rnupla uiat tie eo but that
t.a tan hul trsirl allliut la rilttavt
UiSrU- llooi tWnllarl
T Ix-st couch meituin I Inse' lur
tcr (.ol!uni.tloti, K,. evvil wtu'ia, '
W teuiuiiiniil " a IVma" Clrar
kanaaa liti, fctarth m
cTTI.S-ahirpi m m sm
awl, list tlsai I as 1
hsllver.iwa I SS
H(Mt-4,.M ,i.ciia kaa lai SB
wiiai-nik 1 r-i
an. I bard ,,
mm .h 1 . ...
n !.-. 1
riAHIM-l'alaal. !
rar .
MI'lT .n4Wlea ifautr
CHUasit- rll sisata
i.tia- ctxfitw. ,M
SlMMilitar 1 . .,
Sliia ,
Mao . ,
ST. liM'l
carrtJisirei (
Imtrhsta' aests
SHBtr-ralr te sal
riit'n-OMiU .
WIIKAT-Mu 1 rest , , , ,
oiaa-Hw . ., ,
OSTW-aa. I , . ,
ta-a 1
atrrTaa-4,via . ,,,,
s m
I SS at
I s a
i s
H a
s a
le m
Is a
M IrH M t
C4Tn JU-aleela eVo-ta . Its
1 a
Miauav.rsiMststrig ss
RagalrottaM.wa , t
nH.'a-WIMa who j M t m
WstlAT-N Ire rtfta
raa-n t ,,
uaia-aa.i .,.,. ,,-, Ma
ava-aa.1 ... i m
SDH - ary .... H
rustfec.,, ,. , , tm m
I a aw vonR.
mmH4ltm0t O, ikoWa . I H
. 9lltUlLl4 n vsmhS). , , f O
I WMaST-na I re wa
ouanwM 1 at,
UaTWa4afBJilse4 TM
at'TfUa-CfssiaMry Mo H
rtsaa ., ,,-,,,,,. sv h 11 s
rrsiorsewtnr sexfraassrs-n
teaaa. W.aUaaSxaasnaaS,
T1ra4. awslllaca, rstsat-Mla.
aswalM, Mtaiasa, S)wf(Ml mmkU.
icasatfta leviKata
raaMli,WaM ! taMaSaa,
I f f aay a taw -s ewi aass aw
, La f niana
e ssiiaas esaasar
af SWaaa , tea t
r wwrria men
- tl'-i s. . MMsa- ,.- Mu-waa, -t-1-1 t- mi nitiTTii niasinm iiiiti wsniiiiMsiiiiirsjisasjLi a
I bet-
Wilt And N Hsvy twU -.
I neaar 4h Isiii . batvsw-
m-ki .wiM N
- niav T-
Ttie aisove grvxcf rruiliol a of a rreiflrs phjslclatt wbw rosa
fiteto knowlclKe of lite iiatmal Htiter (11 sKo Kasnan frm, Kas eaa
ileil Mm to cotnimutnl a iticliclnn thai never HMir th soeve n ja
.......l.. ts t. ....J. -II I ... - .1 .1 I- II .1
aowjjtu. 11 rutrs nil nuittoi, iroot sow ixnnmus HWisir, iiirt( lay rtp
tlon, lo the Wiirwt H.v(uU or l4tvKljnlnrf, Kail iKnilu), 1ftf,
Kciema, IUiUs, riliincc, rWr.tcM iijonl lliseaae "White
Mwrlliiia,M In ahoit, all ilierc raiie.t t Ihs iibavl, of wKltef ham
or nature, aro cvnqucird by this aiwefful, tirlf ii enl litvlpjofalUit
ntsi Ine, 4
St csittfltlMit am I he nianufsi'turoi of lr, iVrto'a iIoMch Mt-
lal lll&r.iirtv ibal ll hill i..iiiiillk all Skal la llu.l I.. la akil
ihey bve on ol It, ilnouuh ItMgrfWt, tin.lcr a aasalUm Mr4eW I
that ll will, In evrir case, eltlur torlt of eule, or rMoy (-H (or It wtllj f
lie iironiiiiy rrituoieti,
Wttniit Pisrstiaant Mntntai,
wain ninct, iMinsio, n. 1,
HaHr aweat t.f Mt SJAsWW HUM
Mast f'.tsaab Masi
e wbf H elao fll.
H, CblbttO sake p id4aaae, Mf ifrsgilitt.
S kmwM in assaat
fM,w 4 as ati I.
rt l s ZttmuTt iL
aa rea f aioa a.
WsjsMMf f m Mtaat,
aatam staaw
tf4 lass awsasf m nwiav4HMI(u(M
-t.4 mm Ss M
a,. Cm
t a"
wsaa,ariM4 twba'tmnMMxtft yw
1 ,tffif.ri 991 ' ?'
r. .. r fWKrvviTMM, yi, tw
Wm iK viTaftr fla? H e " nJi
aWSjSjlj ra1 e4Wes'i
ItTaa'aeTS aerj'awisi'-r.
J) Swsniwm SjtAtMHaiMi saaaa
i .-', w-v rw .-,.- " wmm mv -tai
1 wawl IwaTaW TtjavaVawaPtf sjsVa ga sVstav
i wMiNCet. Tftjrrs. covf nt,
I - ' S' '"ft a,
- mi" , , 9 vafc IIWW 9S9
rtmkto ,u74.i
rwmaf CVftMs-esWfH LANDS.
ftsUWIM Sg fit SJaa a)y. Sya a
aastS sTstsl Mib.i - .... aSMVal
) - 1 ajp , a
sat iissiivrsaaiattaaft.
m7?mmu isTaa,, '
-. lww I Haytawi .
! M -t
-. . .m..
Asik utio, riorlctor, Nu, 4
4 Utm ai. N '
aw 9mwn wf -efvHfi nm
as . -- - -. - -L S
Itewowril att Si
iv. mx Dressed
Woman Town
rsVitrd MM v fcwjr
isrKI mm) waa Aim
Me.!!, try virwtf rv.
IliHK. A MMfl wroNMR
CAR catily fdfR for R
sr slrwl, b rrfl(rHf to lit
IIIHgV ItlMg Joi-aJML,
3Um ,Jfaa m aaklaatf.l iablaa
www vtrWWW WBTnfT'f "TSJf
imakbm t Mf tflaWfaVI (Mf!
srttft), tsflfl wit) aXt aa sVttf
fatcUl aCsYf.
l,tM rsoeutaa V.
ii.TS,t t
-'--, J"- ""T " -F -
I MftJ i, I a W kM. W.H ..... ,
i?S cer , iww-t at 4.mfm ft ft
If MUj
- I wWM M w aM I Ul i u:
KiiFMMMtS a Smsmmm SnC'SV
. Naf
mmtm m t ?.
VkW wswjswsjsjBBjajsk aw ,, rMasTsWata!
-wsae-w jnww, sssasssisgraMW j, jX
Sat ffjf f statf, saaset
WmW9mW9 wwWJ PwaVsaVb) aWJsf SMf Srssj swaVb
r -4. V mr
jRawsBjBvsvpsvsftfe. swawasai swHsaxsxa,!
ttjaejr XaJ.B SJ
r tSjaarkT4HasMi, sxa Irr!
94 Wf tvRai'lR Mr'
pas - . vK
a. ti o.
tNH Mawma ta) ai
swawaWK jSkWaesMisjr'wssBBaaar it - m .
I fml mSSm
- - Wat wsas
Mw7Bwirg, W weasgasaww
mI. aa, iituMaa
irists isitssa
w '
i rav WaMisMSrtfW Am, mm.