tv.- 4Aag2tVftai. eO 1 Oh. !- &ViilfrtT-M0l 4- , of . .ataa f l. A NAVAL TYRANT. turn a caww at mm Willi a Tyiwlwl Naw Yoaa, Feb- sa.-The Tribuaa aaya: "Rot alnce the daya whea the Wig pommer cam ato tho port of New York after Captain MoKlnil bed kaaged Spencer, the bob of .he ttacrw iary of the Navy, hai a ship of war la Mme of peace arrived hero that ha beet, the objoct of ao much general latere it aa tho Katerprlse, which came la yea terday after a crulae of two yeare aad area month on the Kuropcan atatloa. "Commander Itowaiaa II. McCalla la ker commanding officer a ad thla la hla rat commaad afloat. It will bo a metn erahle one la naval btatory. The veaeel left tho navw yard In llrooklyn with a well selected crew and officer picked out by CapUia MoCalla himself, bho returned yesterday, the atoat un happy khlp proUbly that ever came lato pork During the crutMt desertions had been frequent and oarly every ooer In the ward room had been under auipeaalon oae or many tinea. Life aboard tho Kntarprla for oflcera and mea waa described by eneot her ahlp'a company yeaterday aa havlnf keen ona continual rouad of from hell a break f at t aad back again.' "Among the lacldeaU of the crulae, which will Illustrate tho aUte of affaire ea board, la aa followa: "When tho ahln waa at Chrlatlala a tremaa named Walker trot drunk, cam aa hoard and waa put la Iroaa. Captala MeCalla had him brought to the meat. Whea the officer of the deck questioned ike man. Walker replied that he waa druak aad f lad of It' Thereupon Cap tela MoCalla ordered Um officer of ate deck to cut the mea dowa with hla word. Tho officer refused. Captain McCalla going into the eabla buckled oa hla aword and had the naa brought oadeok again. The man waa brought p la Iroaa and the Captain, drawing hla aword, cut him down, deluging ike dock with blood aad ao aoverely In Jarlnf the man that the aurgeon had to be Immediately summoned to attend to hla weanda. A haaty bed of tarpaullna waa rigged upon the deck and oa thla the man lay for aomo time. Tho mem hen of the crew declare that he waa there for a day or two, but It la hardly wrobablo unless there waa eotne good reaaon for it, which haa not yet been made public When Captain McCalla aaakea hla report to tho authorities at ( vYaaklngtoa thla will doubtleaa all be captained. Tho whole history of the complaint of elHoera and men on hoard the Knter prlae and tho varloua unusual incident if the cruise would fill a volume. Many aay be without foundation and other mat deep on the truth. Whoa an inves tigation takea place tho wholo truth will probably coma out." A NEW BUREAU. ' r4rk'a Mill r-r th awtaatl wawataf a Har f AalraaJ laaaatry. WAMasnToa, Feb. 3. Henator Iad aeok yeaterday Introduced a bill fur the eaUbllahmont of a bureau of animal la duatry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattlo, and to provide for the aaaareaalon and extirpation of plouro paeumonta and other contagion dis eases among domestic animate. Thla bill, which la intended aa a aub atitute for various mraMiroa on the same topio, proildea that a bureaa of animal , laduatry shall be established. Tho Sec retary of Agriculture shall prepare aad ea force rulea for the suppression aad extirpation of all dlsoaaea of cattle, especially pleuro-pueu aaonla. Cattle ao affected ahall aet be transported from one Htate to aa ther. The bill further provides that ia errdtr to promote the exportation of live-stock the Secretary ahall make special Investigation Into the subject along the dividing llnea between the United States aad Canada and other di viding line oa routes to aeaporta. Ka railroad company or ateamahlpllae ahall receive for transportation, nor shall aay awraoa drive la a private eoaveyaaee, lafected cattle. I'enaltlee are provided far the vlolatlea of theae provbloaa. It ahall he the duty of the Secretary U Bvaaeakaa through the newapaperaof the eglateace la aay locality of aay con tagious dteeaaea aad he ahall also notify all traaaporutloa compaalea of thla fact GOVERNOR BOIES. laaagatasisa f aa rtrtrt DaterUa ow rwa of laws I TBtrtfMwar Years. Iwa Mot a as, Iowa. Feb. . Clov emor atolea waa yeatrly af teraooa la aagurated ia the hall of th House of Kepreaeatatlvea, aa the first Democratic chief executive at the Nut elected la thirty-fear year. Aa became the occa atoa the Capitol waa gaily decorated with flag aad patriotic emblems. There waa an attendance of a vast ceaoourae of visitor. The military parade, ad acted by Adjutant-tSeneral ateeeon aa naarahal, comprised the Na tional Guards of llurllngton, NlouxClly, Ottamwa, Uabva,, De Molaea, aad waa oae of the meat imposing pagrnta aver witaeaaed ia Iowa. Ia hla laaug aral addrea Ueeeraer Hole eompra heaaively rati wed those question which at aeeawat attract the atteatloa af th people f the (State, Btaui, Fh M. Emll Xeumaa, th world kawa to maaaataa all hjr hla Htatory af Maaw, a aaaif f marderiaf ata i twaatf ana, who waa faaad to a kad-aaat with all U aa i af aaiaida TaaaaeUr forth lUaaiimil to a th aea'a dw- af at lathar'a awaaemati ertmt- art with maay af hla aaaUa, wha to th heat famlllaa, OlTAWa, Oak, Fwh. Ml A awtitiaa land to rarllaaarat -Hrdav, l hf If ataamahta) 1 aaj wark af that aaa wm m awklaTf that sT-aa hat Rrttlah aahjerta ha saTJsyawi to aald maasara', saatgaj' aad awaWas a)ataeaaM to aall Chaadlaa .BBiriaathad a fBaaia toaUwwwd toaartor Caaad aaer sgateattto awe linHiMia, Taa tfgWtfttwhn aatata aat akaiahs wthUw sf-fFartha Daltod aHataa aad thatraaadlami aThmlawamftoyarwatlataa-aweiias-riiii! . )V,3t' -ii i.- , t ,"r ;, THE WORLD'S PAIR. awM rw l.neaM aa Weeiara rase. Wasmisoti., Feb. M.-0 the eighth aad taal ballot la th House yeaterday la which Chicago waa ehoaen for th holding of the World'a Fair In lew. members voted aa followa: Calo-tit-Abbott, Adtru. Atdfteon. Allea of alU-ii.n, AUn ot MlMlotrpl. Aatrxa of Kna, Adhlnsoti, Its-tlea. Rarwtg, aaysr, H Ikasp, Kkivia BouUII. rw, hrtrknrr, NMklil, Rruvrr.T M Mroati, J. M. Hrvwa. BstlcHk, Rurniw, Hurlo Bui. rih, H H-nnrn. ('ldsll. (Mnnun, 01i Ccll,Ch'SlhM, (-hlptuan, Ositl "f Wl.cornU. Clunie, Ci-ll, .liua, t)mUKk,Cinrr,CMiail, Ctpro( InJt aii,CMvr o o.ifct, Crslf, tfrnlo. Cultwr on ir Tvts (Mltit.ii of I njr. Vaals, Uutrh(i, tultrll. lui ion, IHivltlsoa. Iury. IkI Ivrr, ! nrll, Kvsat, Kw. rinlrjr, rtlblan, rilrk.romasn, runtM-s. Ursr, Ont, lt( ton), )reoh-JK. Uioveier, Umut. Ilstl, llaitbruuh, Hub, Hare, Hsyxs. IU9I1M, llD0rro of Illinois, NvndMtMin f lua, llrrmsnn, Hill, Hill, Holman, llxpklns,' lluuk. Krlly, KKirtnly, K-rr of lo s. ..fjr, I rallilU, Lar, I.tutiiin. 1-saWr, U, l4ilt. Unit, Msrtlnof Indiana, Ma,.n, Mn t'lrlland, MrtJ..M, MrOvrtnlrk, MrCttj, McKvnas.ll Klnlvjr, I'Hllkrn, Mot-, Mur sn, Murr II, Morruv, oll l MMcha IU. (Hbimr, lhithwi, ( ut Indiana, Ueeus ut Obltf, rart-t. rayaon, IVndle loo, lrkli.a. rvirra, flcklrr, IVal, -iiiltj, Itv.HrrtuI Iowa, aVyUurn. Kir. Bo. kwvll, Buaall. Bayers, Hcranloa, fVall. "oy, Bblvaly, amllb of lltlnoU. hutllbol W Vlrglsla. nintaar, aolda, BMur, arla(r. ataphanaon, Biruhlr, heanry, Taylor otllllaols. Taylor olTannraaw, K.B Taylor, J 11 Tsylor, Thomas, ThorupMia, Tuwnaond ot Oototat. Tnaod o IVnii ylvaal. Turner ol Kaaaaa, Twrpla, Vaade vrr, Van aeback, trallsr of asssrhttsetta. W.lker of atasaaabusada, Wat, Wbeelat of Ulehlgaa. Whllla, Hick ham, Wlka, Wllllair.safObksWllao-1 of Kalufcy, W. on of Washlagtoa, Vodar-u. Nv Torfe Aa.lraw, Bakar. Mankbaao, Ranks, Biraaa, Horfewitb. R-Uaa, Hraa. H.BgbaH.RiaaeaA-w.B nual.Rualarr tlrn-k Inrid ol Arkaussa, Srovns ol Vlrglala, nrunnr,Mitrbaaaaof4aJafsay,Mucuanaa at Vlrdula, Burhalow, Muna, Caiiijtltl, CtiiadlarolUaorala Carlton, Oala, (Manry, Oiarba el Alaiituaa. Urm-nl. Uuvart, Cowl, Crlap. Cummlaaa, l-iano, IHtibta, liUllry, tlunphr, K Imunda, Kllloll, far uubar.riicb, lar,Uiatnbatanr, Urlaawa, Uarmar, at ndrratm of Nor h Uaro lias, llarbftt, Sarrof IVonsylVaiila, Klrh. am, Kuapai. Laldlaw, l.tntln, lihloarh, UM-r uf liorals, tod, Mtanar, MUb, M-Mlrt 4 Talaa, sii-Admt, MrUartby, Mo Uawmy, MiMliln. BtrKai. atilsa. MoSIII, Mmruol Maa lltiapaiurr, Mo.irn uf1a8aa, Millrhlr, Mula. O'Nrlll of ISnhiyl4iita, t'ynr, lal, l'nta)lon, IVrry, I' rc, I'rloa, Qua ksMliuati, Qulnn. K.lnaa, K-llly. Hlcb. aiMSon, Kdtriaim, Uaira, Uoetaml, Uua. till, HauloM, rawyar, (bfrinati, Minoitds, hplnols, aiahlnrkr, Bllrrr, Tllltaan, Traray, Tiirkrr, Turner t l or-jU, Turnar id Now York, Vtntlr, Wall. on of Now York, Waaiilnglou, Wlipnlrr of Alabama, Wilms Wllay, Watson, W lar, Wi lbt, T aid. try and Noeakar Ui-It. SI. Umla-IIUnd, HrrrklnrMrta of Kra laeky. Caratb, Caiottln. Cliochran, Iniohi ery, Kllla, Kuloa, Crank, Ooodnlaul, llatpli, Haard, Kiny. -asur. Mill, MoiiUoiary, Ni-Hlrlngbus, Kirrton, ll'.Nnall of Indlaaa, Hlorkdali, Mlona of M aaourl, Tataury, Walkarof Mlaaourl, Wllain of Mliaoa-t aV WatMaatun-Mnwdaa, Brown ol Viral la, Comptoti, ttcllavan, JI son, llmihlll, Mo kr, lira, .valarof Virginia, Mi-Ooataa, ffrarrail, Huab, akl ar,ilwait of (Jaorala, tawartof Taass, fUx-kxrUsN etuuip, Wll so ol Writ Virginia ta Tbarhsn-rasun Ibaalghtb and last wallas wrrn Abbott from BL Unila to Cblragu, Oat-blaga from Ubliato to et. Ual Cobb from HI. fxiula toNrw Yoik.KnliMi fiom Xrw York to M Iak.', llata fnun M. Uula to Chlcatfo, Hriapblll from Bw York to Wathlngton, Kallly from Waahlngten to Na York, fklnnrr fnim Ma York to Wal Ingtmi, Wallarw of Maaaacliuarlla, from Now Yoik loChlragn- addition lb following inauibaia Votad Wbo ba I ttroptwd out In lbs pea lading vol or wbo ha I not volrdatalli Allan of tlUalaal, ol, roraman and Wllka fur Cblrao, and CoAican and O'Nrall of In dlana, for M. Umla. Tint following named a -in rra who had votrd pnloil droppad out Andrtaon of Mlaalatlppl, t'lina'lla and Oalaa of Ilia Ulilragn paopla, Caillaln aad Wadi for at lula, Siewart and Moras u lb Maw York iarty. THE SUGAR INp"uiTRV. taspartae Katlogg's Aaaeal HrH Kaaaaragtag. Toitra, Kaa., Neb. 3.V-8tat Kui Inspector Kellogg baa presents to I HUt Agricultural Department hiai aaal report regarding th aujrar Indaatr which haa developed ao rapidly durii the past few year Ilia report la of tl awetencourwfing nature a to the futui He aaya that there can bo no longer ai doubt aa to the practicability manufacture of augar from Ki aorghum. "In the dry and undeveloped portlc of the state where corn, wheat ther cereal are a partial or total fa re aorghum will alwaya flourish," 1 laspector Kellogg, and continue aaya: '-The aouthera tier of countlaal the Ktate aa tar west aa the west of llarbrr County la at the time the cream of the ! district. Man-hum with a augar content has been cultivated tea consecutive yrars without a atai fallut In Rice County, though eatlea. west of IhU It has frequently U damaged aad of llttU valuo fortnaktl sugar. The po-slMlltliH, for the succel fat culture of tho suirsr lflt hi openM a new field of Inonlry, will take at least one or two araaons I fore th augar dlslriot ran be rli-ad Jcflaed. Vast tracU of land ia weatern part of the State are lying I walcb are a ndoutiteoiy rfber lar cultural parpoaes than in the pwrtioa. aad in Urn may r-roduc rkheat caae; bat for the lareaeat In ' light of past experienr is la a hi oas aadertakiag Vs rsubllsh a wtof th nlaetr-alath marldlaa leaa ao pel led with avrf ailing sysv af ungM- A rwrtfl Uvvtjo, Feb. M. Th Import Ataartaaa meal iatoOerauaay la again BaarmUtod, hat ealy at oa port, that of KM, where aweh aa etaborat ayatom af laapaetloa ka Veen UUllMal, that M la toaaght Impwaaltla far any 4 a agar to itoff dlasiiil meatallpwiag taroagV rh, TV-Tba Mark I. Estwwae la IU wawkly rtvk f tha Mrtawh grata trad aaya: "Kaglhah whaata ara rather Iraaar. TVtaaJf Kaftlah whata dartagr thi war H,mn aaarl at taa .7toaafVma4aasUdafia th -w teairallag waak laat , Flaar la wavvato ara grm at a faal BTwHlaaal Mvaa-ae, Cara 1 HUtmg bbbbbb1 BBBBmBBawaBBl BsVaskaTawrm 441 BBBBathamAa - awaaaj BBBBBWawaBBBBB-BBaaargf BawawjByww bbbbm BBwawwBBy--gfl- gaTVJaaw dwiraji Tha avwiaca daallaB I ff Ba BBBakaaY lai A BTaWjakwha1 BBaMl4a?gBB RapBBBaBjBV gawawaxgaaTW ggg) ta BBw-aflfBBy aaTawaJaWaWgb bkga-BtokajBwc. StmmMf At I .1 ,v "(.,.. u -. r.1Jm,y !! Tta. Tta Tfa Mm th two. wUrda af ear akk f lka ara tiiaw y Igaeraat aad aashlUtul pky. alctaaa, aad we it aet fr ta weadarfal naruperauve power of nature- a murk larger preferua weald a hurried preata tureir latst ta grav e accouat if erroa w tretl rwepw ar aieaUr tam selve to Ma. Taejr are a hwig time rrt Uag akk hut aemaad laawinllav trtlet. H fer dysrepsta aad ta4tgestKa Ut doetor wwerttbes a cataarlw vtlL. for an a.ddu I ted sioasach alkaii, for pais a.une bi-t UnlmeaV for aleetdara aome nrwU for ah la dlaeasn aois eaterttal elntrornt, ae-t a might ertveevua treaUent hernu mertt4 to greater tragth, but vtiougn It la to ahaw th thvtor alma to give i)UKk Um perary relief wltlwut hc er r ir-tatloo ,4 aay permanxat rmc4. Wow nlaettmrsevjtri tea dispeiMla, w-ak aUavah, ecbt tlns, sk-releaaneea, arrveuaaeaa, skin ritao, ev , c their origin to a ut of oo(a Uv trvulatloa and blxl laipurlt.T, and the u of that aclcatlSe reeneay InveatM by th rmlemt lr. John Hull, of liuavllK hy . wuUl etss't a imuneat cur 1 1 la eallei l)r Hull'a Hsra)arUla tVa.and It of yvur drugglst. Take no ether. Knwtptva man ran pad aa much out about hlmaelf br getllug on tha lury aa by running for la lYeald-incr - ChWNtgo Hoc aht. BalgtiM wf rytkkas BBeaalat CWI, at Mtlwaakae, Wis., Jly I. For this ret e'aslnn rgcuralAn tlrkela will be sold from all irlottl otnta In th United hutn and Oaaada U Mtlwaukae and return via the Chicago, Milwaukee at Hi. Iaul Hallway at a tvitl. Aa tu name Indlratea Ik Chli-agxv Mil waukro HI. I'aul Kallwar la th dlrvi't route to Milwaukee, and as theaaip gtuad for tho I'nlformnl Knight (to wk(h point rare aad trains will berua through with eut traasfar) Is ItHWbr-tdiretUy on this Una, It will be sawn tbst IB Chicago, Mllwauks ft Ht Paul Railway has a great adraatag over other routes which are unable to fur nlsh auea fattllil. aad visiting KalgaU, taeir families and frlemt abould hear this la mlad when niivhalngeai-ralAa Uoheu, A rlrvular giving didalltal latorwallna will Iwmallnl BTtwupe aptdlcatlivn to A. V H CiarST-an tcaeral fasarnger Agvat, Mllwaukm, Wis, ' Ir haa been Judicially davlded that corn Is fuel. Th tub of H haa Ion lawn kaowa aa a great beater -'Ualtlmer Amrkeaa. Haw's TBtat VT offer Onltundrd Hollars Iteward fer aay of latrrh that raa art b cured by taking Mall's Cater ik Cur. VJ rng)BT Co .Frotia,, Toledo, O. We, the unileralrn-J, nave known K J Clmuey for thUtHften-er,ndillev him iwrforlljr honorable la U bualnras transactions, and tinsiu-lslly bl Ui irry eut any obligations made by their firm. Vfeat Truss, W Itolraalo lrvgglt. Tololo. WalJlng, Klnnan Marvin, WholosaM Itrurnlat. Tolmln. Ohio. Italia Catarrh Cur la Uknn Internally, Mltitf dlrxvtlv an the t'lxM and niuroua sur- fiu-rs of the sstam TiatlmonUl free I'riitS IV, (H-r lKUn, Hold by all Druggist Tea gnat era-eis to bar erhlrved the d la. tlnlon of l-rlng tl hasvt Motkrr of th uluial kingdom. -lllngUaaitoii lilr, raaam4 - Brly rr4. ToTBeKitiroBi -I'leaa Inform jourrra.1 era that I have a imaltlv rnmeily for the atNive aaml dlsaaa. My It timely ua thousands of hieless raae hsve boea per manniUy cured. I shall bn glad to aaad two bottles of my remrdy vara to any ef your rtadcra who hay maumptlnu If they will Bend me their einreas sad 'mat otto l dra KosuetHfully, T A Huwt. M C, 11 IVrl strrot, nw York. Tea plrtwr of a man was never taken that he did aot frtd Ate 1 ears afterward, that it looked foolish. Alehlsou Us raid. Tna doctor could not tell what ailed me, hut I waa helpless and ttold not us my hands or fert tine day a neighbor hnmgbt m a lutUanf Hull's KrsaiarlUa audi afur. wards got two bottles mot", by tialng whlfh I am now aound and vrrll and able to be out aad about- L. 1- llruwa, llahntllle. La. Taapealef the banana haa a faUlag In oUo.- oukers (laaetle THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS (.ITT. Marrhe CaTTIJC Bhlpplngatt-ars.,,.1 B IU Hotelier Stoats, , IB W I f Ratlvarows IB a I t MfMn-Oond In rhotv kaaty IW SB WatEAT-Ko.1 rad - W V No. I bard..,, COKN-N I 9'ttafsstt ia4aBMt. CTHam .a TTaaav gadawi. -mm , Wwij arw-l . .-'-- m Mva MMmM f 1 aaw a am lJ oATa-Bu llBgggggggggggggggg Iggggggggggggggggggg Of taWJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm .fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB r m.. augH m RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJa Bad BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ldffffJfB UB vim avm iaas taa ta asanas mi rMyaajaa C t-aaaj-a ISSSPfMHSSSS. I i Aift 1 k VaA R vLi I aHWWjL laV ( I 1 . iSfhtiC ti ''Mga Mlkkawnk. tgwffBgaaaBaaae5flrtf BgWgaT"fei- ggaaaaaaTsWIUgatf jr3 .BB7W.ajgggaBwrag7B iBdaaBBXawaaaaj. s amS.". r. igBaaijamgaaaiaaaaBawagayL . . Bw. pv'aplBRBBagcaaalBgSli 5?fc fiKr waa aenaa aal aayaa. aa asat rrywAj H aaaa w eiaarh aad dewa Wa haul tl ! fttawas ka asm iwa, Nrviw earatag sata aamM asm, Bark h-aahv. I TW er hmg jww aaaa, IjU atowaai-h satihw Bsto lwr Within aw h-aal ta thrtaktri e- iVrt Iwm awes fan htm I Nor will they (all anyone Ir aack a ilira tllcjaaaad, To tha dysejtlo, tha hllloua arttl th tnt4t4st they ar aHka wa frWhl in ttersl ami a (fiend itnleei),1 A liver lll, they ara aejwali, Smallest. eheaM-t, caaleat In take, at af In vial. arrfMeUeally ar)e4 - hence, alwaya (resh and rellahl. wklok U Rut tru o( the tarr "Ills itit up in wivh or aatelntanl toiiwa. A R (fentU UialUe, ttaly ono pellet (or a ilisae. Thm ta (our of the liny, sugar rtri B-raniilr art aa a eathartic Manu(ac(HrrH hy Worih'b DisrRaaAHf Medic i. AaaiH'iATttiN. Ada Slain Hlrrat, HufTalo, N, Y, tsc i. - ,. ,r, - 37.rjnB,.,.jitg-"3i5. -es " ?trym&T7K,t-m?m4 mm aw "run- ataaalaBkTaaVaaaTi aTaaa-dl aaXaasaBBBBBBaajraM ' BBB"tf'aBWawai aBri ! ii wrwajBasaj IW !-- S rs1U r If HaSI ) toatwat .4 all Ht--1 tot. It W-Jaa- r-WTMl7f-e w4 Ban las, II s-a VI as w4l a uWvtae, twate PlBttB RKbirilV BUR CATAMMUr-Raa. Maavat M -, iimi-ms. Riwf MlaaTsdisis, A ta awtia. fwr 04l la th Ha4 11 has an wfwaL Lshs BarrAKUaNRt aa vtuaa. YOTTNO-'aBBl Cl.CaVIOgala brkim ami rMwtfa fa -a ; ?. J wiaa lx-in rr-t tf -'l . ra. - f-, eo- mt al, , nui- aaw Wii BVie I ifiatfR Ahfl vlfUIAJMt ifftM -I gvrnt wMfHa i awt (. 'JmMJmABmJUmVBKUJMmmii a-..-.,. saaaaM-t Wrwlaai.laiinit a"ia ma. sstaa mmtt fa. em la YOVNO ff wObbJ OO rsaa rata rata -,a-ar-. tout aUMijnuM, irrt, W. afJiKKlTst CtVS Cicti JONES 111 RAYRTlllf'RIrfJNTa BJ lay wSf jg ?, BBliislh ZZJWUF'' icnrnfirj fJJ mi CJ33lB"ii "TU Wiwa ii-m-iim --i PUUIItjTlga ft II 4 -H aa( . a sra-jww""'""',..,!. (- laatf,. a. ,atsa s a .. ..!. 4, saa-a.B. ans mm aa --r a- TtaJaaaAMft f- ' Mgy--fcft;' I tmv u t -, Ma. s -laSSWreaf TDCC art-arriaa( B JHslRn WBBwaaWBwaj aajaay arBBBwaa Btw vaaBWfBwwww gggggggggggggga F dTse BmBBaTBVw"wBTar arr" wpaBap HHK i asa, affllmm No Chemical HI II IffM aw aat Bt smai. B Sat bVJbl Jl I ggaa T-fi ' '"" HI 1 1 1 HJ aaaaaa4 aawar Sw Sa aw Bill I llH2-' M '"" " eaawaa, Hal 1 1 BIB' aawtra ajar-4 - leasaai BBBBBBmjBB m a a a -- w Maaa. VV"" wVwMaa7Bj aVavwwaaww"aTa W aaPaeaaaWBaaBeaJmi VJsf wsWjgaga avWBBBBBawaeJ BBBBBmV lb THE HrWCWPUMITER A Thff NatWOfatla OfaSaraaw CgwfcaWaaBf gr BaVVVH M awFHHI afg HMMH) MjV Agggggggggggggggg. SbbwHF waWaaT flmaVjatt -BaaUaBraL. waas ggalA BV"wBam abbbbW. bbf mr wFm aaBBBBaa BBtoKmawawBBB wVwW bbbbV aVaf aaawV bbbbbbbbw aaaf BBBBBaaaaBBBBBBBBB bbb'bbbbbbbbbRbS BBBBBBBBBaPwS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBT FSSST aTaBaaVAm. aaBaaaB a-aBBBhamB BBS aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .aaaaT W VV 0 wla ia a tUWOatTN &$f?S& ., w. t . - "t ajaajaftodRaBBmaTigBaW bbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbb I itf-tt tr 4 at tw aha Si .hwftktUt , a; n MHiwiMieiriailhii tMtrVa, ttH-g, twatiMai -Sila. Sk.s a4 a aaa. M eeb-a ra. Il la awarMUa ,mm. a ioHHa4 by e asiaitaM pafa. awl hBM'Si-t h i-mns Wi rMr vita m r"' anr f4tlt t Um -, II a tttn -) Mttra oa aiaam, 44 Bf oaaa. asMtee a ptBa aaataaani 4 apiMaia. i t aa-y - jNM t m fHd. TBM ' tia - eMas-d e ah halar.-ta. Bad MMwItf ay-4 taal ft arsiara Witataia HtsraMsat I attMa-l I lb J I4V laV. 'Ja a .RsBNnRa, . I44MI (Mtoa aMaa, ST. MM N3. . eiaai sT-ai -a v m -tvaaa--j aw unmummmmrt. AtJtTffJtflTR ram -TrtTaTTtWtsut araeafat. asatruBSaiaaSaas-aa I CURE FITS! V- I f - I aa m 1 a - ta aM Wa H b- rjtawr - r-- ! t-gggaagi fa--V- eaV u4Uun ftf mti tj a -- aWay.4 04 raae a hew a V lav A aaaVaaT 4- rV- tdtr tt - gaWift , awdjrf.M M r1 , iaat4a frvajaataa mWm a- g-Baj. aWagag aBSM ay MVEYWM a IwawggggU mBaXgmgBB9Ja U PwJ iTaHaTHl HHHaafHgH HsbbT TWBm vaMfBTia, taragsls A.rTTZraTi'; irr-aj rjjiimr VOXiW ,U.JBvX A., Mn:,- aaaSPwi. . aay,----ea -i-walJfijiBt aaarvawMWA r,,m Ifuwai BBBa tit. f4aaaai-am. Xtaa v wsavj aaa aaaae ae -K-oem e- wa- - aPBw""iPg aPalaWaPaf gaj BBTawalBBBBTBwHaWH faaT tPwW Mbbbb .aaBBaaBBT lih aaBBnWli' iBBBBaV BBaaaVae' abbbbbV I QSHPE a,t niTlalMIN. MrwTT INTIIKtottNMll wHagjajp f"aWjMaJHfaMB aQJgaTrBB!gY( ws wVawsJRB taeVallao wd RTaia ii hi && 1 ' aai Mi iii MS IISI'IIIM rjU.BI.BBBWBBa . . awaa, I &&&&&i V You can 3 KymtNian 5j tht PARLOW, B-wwaBwa---a-awaB -Jn Ssxwrt liitu x OfK VJ for youi KfwwinK ttu-- 7k tr, k KdMtatom Um ey rtrr art or an ffRtittv y gtthl wjrtf.h wrthoMt afarnd 7 lru cent if yi f.hKv a J ik) HK Wc Rraftt, A (artUl $ A(cwt in ytmt Iwwrt, Ami J oflfcr yon any vt ht lwive 5 In ccrwi fW Hwl Wtwat ytlM CaR W wt tXRiR-, 0aat ya-n Cm, ru W xrm V1SUHK "ttfUUIIINtt. 4pma vaaa) wiwTaBj lMaBtB' 4BfrWwmWar Vamf anWJal Vf far WJaafrWaW' 1 Jdtat-ad tV VJawBaaV W-wf wWJal fjg JHJBHaf IJmBVaBaff waaf .JC.ff wJamggg) fjafl VJal Vi WsaaBafaBwl laVJ fgVeaBaWJ ), aW JbbbV dSS2SX? Clf ihaw. Baaaa U-miiii -i(aisa l'iajs a aarai fjae n j?j t9 wsas vtawaws 1 aw aaaa at mze4&& -aw saa-taa--js-ja-awajay sa, nimAjm'mMMm0 icnsioncts: Y&i ???r.ri j yflffaMV awafisjgBB gaawi ff l-jal!;' fleRT"WTfBBai . ft WaveBBsff-- -- a anal KlRlf f vf' wawigfsa: h ga,! JKgmsttSk- ah1fkstwi MatsBetA ,-, Mjb-a(it -y.tjis-esawg- BBtolBt aaSka. lUlWBaTH -i m rmtm &mimWtfa . way aC'rfcrti e-rir g nwy H , 4 . aa ' oAwB.tlu (Jf '"-- w-a a) Af WtfAT WW BwaBav af 4MYtoaj IMNI t aw B was 1 wa w5Rw v lw wf "fBfc R'aTaaaw bbbbw waagBaaBBBBawaayw a . gpr ay grgrBBmaBBaMaaLflKlaw mSt wU IfJaWaaWaal w4niXalfwaBmW . ' - -w V Wfc fey t Via aKawswBw -- e--JHV!BBBBwfl gfafy -wig la aVi aiy-awljl 'jiUffUBflSM aCaaaai wTrJ BBawaaf ss5iaaiaaaHml BBBT' BmBTal ? irat"' EaaaWaT WaaaWaaPaW evCtVKIf ar ina sssm aaa a T T-eW' w-i . -. uw- -. !- miwltaal Bwallsai erV- , Vlr. ' Jv?-' '" 11 TgggfgiT iflliii t u w 1 1.1 . ll If i Hi - H