The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 07, 1890, Image 2

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1 Siivf.Yi.tT
'Mm "X
f.?'-W4RnB1ivn riTiinn mmv
FKvST . '
i riMMifi
la VI laaltml haa klimJ havm
v vjrtsk early vegetatioa.
itf aa .uun.1. -. . .
,; f ,,rt anus mchiwh h uvnweay cant nearly
; s - mw,wiwwi at me lata aiaouoa.
I ' sit at A. KitMtnHia, tli aoted
X' fart M iasaslty, died t Elgin, III., rs
. sjatUysTperalysls.
y5 sTn Portuguese Geverastsat kaa rs
dlBsst tks duty on forclgs wkeat to 19
' I llBl II
JliaOlD M. ttoWALL kM BSSa COB
mm4 by tks Senate m Coasul-Geasral
tar tat amosa lalande.
k-trrasvrrr Constant of Newport,
" aty., kai of ered tocoatwomlssalstSS,
: asfaMstton for W.ooe,
QtMtAMY is again permitting tke la
marl sf Aasrleea asset, subject to very
ejlaborsto system of inspection.
TBI grants dealers tad quarry owa
ra sf New Baglaad kave famed am aa
sseiatloa for mutual protectles.
A Aatopty perforated oa a New York
mi ike otker day skewed Uat kit vital
amjaas war all la wroaf places.
Tag eiperU appelated to sxamlae tka
cWtstgae for tke New York Grant boss
saest kavs prosousecd sll submitted to
s fallaraa,
Itn "skmlag" Cklppewa Indiana ef
tka La Folate (Wla) reservation kave
isfsasd tka auppllea voted ky Coaf reea
alee gives a a gratuity.
Tn Armsalaa Pstrlsrok kae deaaad
i tkat tka Sultan of Turkey restore ths
evUsfss ef tke Araenlaa Cburck aad
lltata promised reforms.
OrtAmoma papers aay there U a stiff!.
c4eat number of oonteeta already Died la
she Kingfisher land-office to keep tke
Accra at work for three yeara.
Thb lafluenuaMumea new Importance
n view of the reported l'apal decree
abolishing tko Ienten! fast thU year or
at least making It optional bucatuoof
the prevalenoo of the dlaeana.
Tm lower home of tke Maryland
Vajrlalature hai panudablll grantlny
tte Coneolldatod Uaa Company a mo
epely In Raltlmora for flfteoa yeara,
fayiaf tka city ilo.aoo year.
Oki.t a llttlo whlto bko aclentlals an
eMMiaoedttindlacotery of a worm tkat
tuaoked on nalla and dined a rallraad
Iran. Not MtlnflcA with this they declare
ew that they have fund another worm
akat la Making honeycomb of tke big
,krga. ' '
Ma. Davin, metnltvr tit the Canadian for tka Northweat Terrl
aorlea, Intends to auk the Government
to appropriate t25,000 to be dovotod to
laduelag Itakntana and fannura in the
MortkwMtern Klatea to emigrate to tka
Canadian Northwest. Tko request will
probably be grnntd.
i . . i
Tmi RuHlan Onvvrnmcnt ka dona
aftmefkhif todlftvUto the condition of
Mm aalkM. It kaa purcbaaed a uteamqr
w,fffltoon"y the, w down the Volga
aM MaFwrgea which Ocorge Ronnan
kMaa'gtakkleallydeaerlbcd. But there
laMok eoaaulatlon la tka thought
attflke Journey to Blbcrla kaa ba
aiade eaaler.
' '
Ittftitor amk)uii. la a addresa to
Metkotlet Kplacdpal mlnUtera on tka
Ckurak, eM that forty yeara ago tke
Methodlat KplMopaliana uutnberad tat,.
'2? ui now 'they numbered ft,o.W.
TkM there went nnly three ImporUnt
aiueational laatltuttonm while now
t kkara worn a. larger number eoaneetad
witk the denomination and tho eduoa.
aiaaal work among tho colored popula
Man aloaa wa greater than all tka adu
taatloaal work of forty yeara ago.
Tmna la na doubt wuch of a aenaa
Meaal nature la the reporta concerning
tke tatendnd (manngeincnltir OltUUmua
ky the negroea. l'or a long time It haa
keen a dream of the loader of tka
aaiorea racoto found a Rule that ahall
kelong U tho colored ra-o, and many
kave caproiwcd the Idea that Oklahoma
would offer tho bout o)mnlnf. Hut H
eearcoly aeema pruhabln that an organ
land movomnnt am-h an that latoly n
sorted haa bttpniuado to bring about the
and thoy deatre.
Tim 8onaUi "niitilling commlttoc."
Which la trying to loarn tho aourco from
which nowMiapora obtain their nowa of
seoutlva aoMiloat, It waa aUI, would
make a prvllniluary report actt ng forth
, tke font ,tht many of tho wllncMn
ailed refused to itBHwer tlio questions
fait to thaw . It waa not thought that
, tke Senate would take any atepa to
snake theae correapomloata answer ex.
apt, perhaps, in thh caao 'of tho eorrv
DMdeat of the New York Tribune,
wkoaa paper published a copy of the
ritlek KxtradWlon treaty. Thoro la a
law which lit flonalruihl tw t,,.. i. ...
wittka punishment f any poraon pub
Making an eivoutlvo document of tka
( aat.,,,'
"wtanemi passenger agcataaf tka
Weatora roads after a two days' aeaalon
ilOktaaM agreed to run a aeries of so-
v MMi lMaM-aeekora, excursions to tke
k yf9 H"Hr l April. A rate of one
UdV far tka round trip waa decided
.!, to polnU wast ef tke Mis-
mmA river or waat of 8l Paul ml wi
;i akaapolla, wkera tke rata Is to be tka on
MlM pitta tt, wklek la to no tka minimum
llssftato tkat terrl lory. Tka aale of tick'
jia will ko m April , May -', 8eptem
' Haw. tt fMhi (ktokav 1. These war
r..iri 4 1-i 4- .tan . . . a
; ajssMwut awrun va seinu in ttouih
v. WasaAarei til UsMirl. Knui K'
fIMIaw.Tawl tory, Arkaaaas, Texas, New
;ila BBMtoM'aad'the MortkMak
news or the ynan.
OiMUMC By TtofTp M Kaa.
Wm the Senate aset oa the Mth Reaaier
Okaaaier reea le a ajaestlea ef prlvllaga aad
ewared a raselullea eeasarlaf Ranater Call,
ef rioriaa, for ebjactloaable TaagHaga aaed
la dahata aa tha aaMiloa of thaassaMlaa
tlon of a dapaty Ualtud Mates marshal la
rierlaa. Aflsr both eeaatora had spoken
the reesluiloa want wr. The Blair Kdawe
lleaal bill was thea token up and fuHher
abated, aad after passing aavtral brMge
hllle aad aa aaeeatlva evasion the Sea
ate adjMraad....Tha ftouae devoted
the- eatlre session is voting oa
the ehotee ( toeattoa for the World'e Fair,
the galleries belag crowded with Interested
spectators. The irst ballet resaliedt Chl
eag IM Xaw York, JlJ Bi. Louis, II i Wash,
mgtea, Mi Cumberland Osp, t Seven kal
lota were taken rasnltlag In no choice hut
oa the eighth ballot Chlesge was ebosee.tbe
vote being, Chleagw, MT Msw York, MTj at,
Louis, M Waahlagtaw, M. The result was
greeted with a thunder ef applause, aad
emM the uproar the House adjourned.
tn the Nasts oaths nth among tha Mils
placed on tha calender was one to snthorlaa
tha purchase of gold and silver bullion aad
the Issue of treasury ante In payment there
of, It directs the purrhsso of sllvsr bullion
to tha auwuat of MAStss a month aad as
aueh gold bullma aa aay be egored aad tha
Vmm therefor eg treasury setae, aad ro
seate tha law dlreetlnn tha eolnaaa of asa
las silver dollars per month. ThoChaadlar
rsKHiiiion hi regsra loaeaatoroaii was then
take ub aad Keaatora Call and Chandler In.
duhjmd fa a bitter peraoaal tilt. Debate oa
lee glair Cducatloaal bill occupied tho re
maladar of tha session. . . .In the House a bill
aaiaeriaiag the eataetltatlea of a
draw far the pontoon bridge at Leaven.
wona, naa. The Oklahoma bill waa eeasM
ered la Committee ef the Whole until ad
journ meat.
Ansa the presentation ef petitions in the
eaate on tha Mth, a large number of paasloa
aad private hills passed i alsa bin appro
prlMlag for a pablie baltdlag at To.
seka, Kaa , aad a bill to provide for a Jedl.
del determlnatloa of the eeatroversy be
tween the Valted atataa aad Texas aa to
Ureer Oouaty, Texas. The Kdasstloasl bill
was farther dtacussed. aad after aa execu
tive aeaalon tha Senate adouraed....The
Hoasa took sp tke eonteeted election esse
ef Atkinson vs. rendlstoa, from ike r"lrt
dINrlct of Weat Virginia, ani debate eoa
tinned until adjournment
Tns aenste oa Ike nth paased a bill for tho
erection aad l eatloa of a broaxe atatue to
Columbus aad tha removal of the aaval
monument lo n new site. It approprlstea
ITVt Th bill to declare trusts unlawful
waa thea considered until tha Seaate went
Into executive ersslnn and adjourned.. ..The
House eoerluded the contested election case
ef Atkinson vs. Pendleton, from tha Vlrtt
West Virginia district, by sssllag the eon
lestaut by a strict psrty vole. Thn Dmo
erala refrained from voting to make a tert
uestloa, but tka Speaker doctar-d a quorum
G reseat and Atkinson wss sworn In. Tlis
raeaey Uedoeney bill waa tkea considered
until sdjourameak
lathe Senate on the ,sth Benatov Ingalls
was chosen President pro tern aad took his
seal aa presiding off! -r. Senator Itlulr hsd
mora complaints to make aaaliint the pmss
for not publishing mora of his speech on the
Educational bill. Pension matters then re
ceived some attention but no Bnal action,
and the House bill for ths appointment of
two persons to represent the United States la
the hlxdrld International conference na(S"d.
Ailjoiiraed until Monday..., The House fur.
tkereoaaldered the (Isaeral Dodolnnc bill,
which waa paused. It approprlstea use,,.
. tho largest Item being an appropriation
of fit .. for the payment of pensioners
of the war of lU aad Mexican wr. Private
bills were then considered until adjourn
A nr.cKHT report from Topoka atated
that thorn existed a nooret political so
cloty, with branches all ovnr Kansas,
membersklp Is which could only lw ob
tained by thoso of negro blood, which
proposed to found a negro Kiato, In
which the whlta man would t t.iln.
ated aa a neoesaary evil but to whom no
political nonora wouia do given,
Andhkw Caiitikoik gavo a dinner to
the membera of tke International Amer
ican Congress at the Arlington Hotel,
Washington, on tha lUth.
Ths funeral of tha late John Jacob
Aator waa held In New York on the Uth.
Tim Canadian House, of Commons re
eently defeated a resolution to place on
tke free list all grains aad seeds sot
grown In Canada.
Thb French Government kaa accepted
tke Invitation of Germany to take part
Is tke Berlin labor conforeaoe.
Thb Ohio llouso of Representatives
kaa paased tka redtatrlotlng bill, gtviag
tka Democrats fifteen out of tka twenty
one Congressional districts.
M- U. WnioHT haa boon renominated
far Congress In tko Fifteenth leaasyl
vanla district,
Almkht I'oi.i.atx Gallatin, son of
Albert Gallatin, who waa Secretary of
tha Troaaury under Madison and oaa of
ths earliest and greatest American
financiers, died at Now York on tho Mth
In hla nlnoty-nrat year.
Til U President haa nnmlniU.! nn
C Caldwell, of Arkittuua, tu be Circuit
Jimgn oi mo KlghtU district, vlco David
J. Itrcwrr.
GKUIIIIK II. WlllTK. rhlnf nf Otn titimtu
of yurtla and dwka, Navy Department,
aiou auaaoniy at waamnglon recently.
He waa a Cotnmodorn In tho navy.
Tiik Koinn Itlforma declares that En
gland and Italy aro In perfect harmony
on African alTalrn.
Ur.iMiiTH of the death of Minister Lin
coln's son at I'arls on tho 37th proved to
bo unfounded.
Guvriinoh Hoiks was Inaugurated at
Dea Moines, Iowa, on the 'JTih., tho first
Democratic Governor in thirty-four
AuavniA, Italy, Holland, Switzerland,
Denmark and Sweden have accepted tke
Invitations to the Uorlln conference.
Neither Prince) Illsmarck nor Count
Uarbert Illsmarck will attend.
CHAttona kave been preferred against
Bishop J. J. Gsher, of Chicago, before
tha Kvangeltcal conference at Shamo
kln, Pa Ha waa accused of evil speak
'"If. lylag. ate, lis kU previously keen
acquitted of similar ckargea asd tketr
resurrection tkreatened to break up tke
Thr death of Jokn Jacob Astor, caus
ing tka consolidation of two estates In
kta kelr, makes William Waldorf Aator
worts ssmevo,sss, probably tke largest
amount wttkls tka control of aav one
Joarii Jotrnsov. a member of the Mc
Coy hand of Eastern Kentucky, kaa keen
assassinated at kla novae near Ptkevllls.
Aw attempt waa made tke otker ntgkt
to wreck tka limited express oa tke
BslUmors A Ohio railroad near Isde
swsdeace, a Three Ucs were found
wedged Into a cattle guard and removed
s few minutes before tke arrival t Mm
WfLUAM Btrinwat, tks setod Mail
Ystk piano mssafseturer, kaa suk
eerlsedsw,sM to tks Cklesfo WorU'a
Tm Enterprtsa witk tke remains ef
ei-Mlnlster Pendleton on board, arrived
st New York oa tks sf ternooa of tka
A MiWAURtm A r. PAtrr. train sol
tided wltk s stock train at Rait Uke.
near Elgin, III. Twelve cars of tks
Block train were demolished, much atook
killed, two persons fatally Injured and
two boya badly kurt
A TttnousH mail ear waa burned re
cently st Dlus creek, Utah. It had no
registered letters, fortunately.
A LANiMLtVB on tks Ckeaapesks A
Ohio, too miles east of Charleston, W.
Vs., saused tks wreck of a freight train
of slgkteen ears recently. Nobody wsa
It kaa transpired tkat Mrs. William
Aator aallcd for Europe s few hours
after tke death of ker brother-in-law,
John Jacob Aator, not knowing that ke
was dead. Tkla tends to eoalrm klnU
f sn Astor family feud.
A Bio Fovb pasaenger train crashed
into a freight train near Indianapolis in
s fog the other night Only ons person
waa kurt and be not seriously.
Commander McCalla, of ths Enter
prise, haa published a denial of ths Al
leged Inhuman acta during ths crulss sf
ths vessel ef wklck ke kaa been accused.
A mam meeting waa keld at Cooper
Union, New York, on tko Mtk, denoun
cing tks Cast for tks prison sbusssin
Thb hearing In tks lard investigation
ended st Washington on tke 38th.
Bib Morsll Macksnzir, Emperor
Frederlok'a pkyslelsn, won kla libel
suits against tks fit Jaxsee Gasotto and
tks Times, of London. Tke Gaaelto waa
to pay klm 1,600 and tks Times AIM.
Thbrb waa a report at Portland. Oro.,
on tke 38th that Hilcott, tha defaulting
caabler of ths House of Representatives,
had been caugkt at Toledo, a town on
the Northern Pacific.
Walton, the Paclflo Exprosa thief,
was discharged st 8U Johns, N. It., ths
prosecution acknowledging that tks
wsrraat for his arrest was Insufficient
Phrsiiirnt Hahiiibon has referred ths
esses of the threo condemned Navasaa
Island murdorora to the Attorney-General.
RATKBfrom Chicago to Kansas City
wore cut to 18,00 second class on tho
38th. IUtosfrom KannaaCity to Chicago
S3.00, and othor points in proportion.
First-class passenger rates averaged
3.00 moro.
IIusinkks failures (Dun's report) for
tho seven days ended February 37 num
bered aot, compared with 370 tho previ
ous woek. Business was less satisfac
Thr Alaska seal fishery lease baa
boon awardod to tho North American
Commercial Company, of Now York and
nan rranctsco. The Government will
obtain about St.sso.oeo s year under tho
new conditions, tho old loase giving
KicHAttn II. Hawks, tho murderer of
hla wlfo snd two children, waa hangod
at Birmingham, Ala., on tho 38th. Ho
mado a confession. It was at an at
tempted lynching of 11 awes in Decern
bar, 1888, that ton persons won killed
and many wounded, tho sheriff ordering
hla deputies to flro on tho mob.
Kx-Conoiikshman TAUi.mcit, of Ken
tucky, was shot In the head in tho Cap
itol building at Washlnston on the 38th
by Charles Klncald, correspondent of
mo iiouiaviuo Times. Ilo was seriously
wounded. Tho cause grew out of a
scandal published while Taulbee was In
Congress, the lattor (who waa a large
nan) taking every opportunity to pull
Kincaia s noso and otherwise insult hint
foe ths exposure.
ARMRI) fautloae emM tllaniitln Skai
poaseaaloH of ths Greek Church build
ing at Hhenandoak. Pa., on the td. A
riot waa prevented by the police.
Clrauino house returns for ths wssk
ended March t showed an averags
illCrOBM nf III T nnmniMil ail Ik tka u.
responding wsok of last Tear. In Now
sure; tno increase waa lf.i.
THB nubile debt ahownd a, dMraaa
during ths atontk of Fskruary of W,IV
TUB French Government haa dncldnd
to prosecute the paper L'Kgallto,for ad
vising the German rjoclallsts to shoot
Emperor William.
A niSPATrn from Brisbane. Ourena.
land, aaya the steamship Quntta, whlok
recently foundered at aea on her voyage
from Cook town, Queensland, for ten
don, had on board 380 persons, Of these
u j were saveu. including the captain
and several other officers of tho ship.
HKruiiT irura Northern Texas aay
that hundreds of range cattle wero
froxen to death durlnir the recent cold
KKMCOADR Attaches am rtmorted mak.
Ing thctusolvca troublesomn along tke
Mexican border of New Mexico.
M. Constams baa retired from tho
French Cabinet
lUmitKii Rood aro llkolv to be still
further marked up.
Kx-GoVXHXOM ENOMStT. thn watt.
known Democratto leader of Connoetl.
cut, died at Now Haven on tho 2d. Uo
waa aeveaty-clght yiara of ago aad left
between a,000,000 and 13,000, OSO,
ItOTii Meutenant Steele, of tho arskv.
aad Commander McCalla, of tke navy,
am itKsiy to so trtea tor cruelty the
(d .. aMkUa tl-l.L. Will -1 .k.-
im inmiag ! niw
letter tor outtlns- down a sailor wltk a
THR loas overdue mlssioaarv sanaaaee
Glad Tldlsgs kaa arrivwd st Port kUats
son. B. C.
Wahmaxts kavs keen nnrs emft
against tka o wears of tke kugs glaooas
works st Marahalltown, lows, for ntsla
taming a nutsanes la pouuusg tks
lews river.
Train kasda dlsarulaad aa Wullia m.
cently robbed a train near Palermo,
oiwiy, rssawry waa s mew sss
tkestriesl asd ended In tks Bsasass
raderk belag ledged tn JalL
Rbv. Fathrs Fsbon, si sktltlavatst
died la Philadelphia reeentiy. Hsksd
evidently sees severely ksatos snd waa
HMtgaw hi sm fsura Biatiasi waua nay
Urn JJtrvuut'a fatasua dreepiag sys
lid kas kssw issMvsd ky s amrgtsal
Thr man Caton, wke waa arrested st
Kansas City some time egoon the charge
of atealtng cattle, and who answered
tks description of tke man Neal, who
recently sold eighteen bead ef cattle at
Soutk Omaka belonging to the asr
iered Hmltka, waa taken to Omaka and
fully Identlled by nartlea to wfcom ke
had aold the Block. Circumstances
trongly point to him as tke murderer ef
tke aged couple.
Thr Governor kaa appointed tke fol
lowing delegates to tka Inter-State Cat
tlemen'a convention, to be beld st Fort
Wortk. Tex.: Elijsk Filler, J. B. Krios,
A. a Davenport, a II. Gould, Austin
Htimpkrey, J. G. Meek, W. T. Auld.
Tub other night s middle-aged Ger
man fanner aaasd Weasel Mareeh, Uv
Ing a few miles In tke country from Al
bion, went to tows and became Intoxi
cated. Wkils there be parckaaed a
bottle of aleokol aad one of earbolle
aold, put both la kla Inside pocket and
started to drive home In company with
bla wife, son and another woman. About
three miles out he took a drink of the
carbolic aold instead of the alcohol. He
wsa driven to ths neareat house but died
In about fifteen minutes.
Two boilers in the Armour-Cudahay
packing house at Houth Omaha ex
ploded tks otker day, wrecking tks
boiler kouae and killing John Tlgh,
Henry Olson and Thomas Linahan, be
sides badly. Injuring eleven other men,
some of them it waa feared fatally. The
loaa to property waa about 30,000.
Thr Farmera' Alliance which was In
stituted at Wlsner a few weeka ago with
sixteen membera now number over fifty
and la constantly growing.
Thr report of the president of tho
Woman's Relief Corps shows that the
membership baa Increased In Nebraska
tke past year over six hundred. There
are now 3,000 membera la ths depart
ment. At a reoent convention of farmers at
Dorchester a mutual firs Insurance asso
ciation was organised.
THR other morning about five o clock
tho of L. W. Uawley atOr
leana waa destroyed by Are, together
with contents. The children wero
carried out In their night clothes. In
surance on tho house 11,000, and 9300 on
Unhkn tho provisions of tho Slocumb
law Incorporated cltiea and villages a
liquor license shall not bo less that $300
In cities under 10,000 population and
not less that 81,000 In cities over that
population. Tho saloonkeeper shall
pay all damages to the community or
Individuals by reason of auoh traffic and
ahall support all paupers, widow and
orphans and the expense of all civil
and criminal actions growing out of
aueh traffic.
Thr now school building at Stuart has
been completed.
North Brni business men havo raised
a 18,000 bonus for a fifty-barrel roller
mill to cost 90,000.
Thr Washington's birthday supper
given by the Madison Woman's Relief
Corpa waa attended by over threo bun
dred people.
A ruiiMiTttiiK factory and planing mill
la to bo started at Plattsniouth.
Thr Young Men's Christian Associa
tion at Ashland now nan tlfty-wno mem
bers. Tick general atoro of Veak A Lash at
Grcsham has been closed by creditors.
Tho liabilities are S4.000.
Tiik Senate on the 37th confirmed tho
nominations of W. II. Clark, register of
tho Lincoln land-office; A. I Towlo, re
ceiver at O'Neill, and M. M. Necves at
Pknsioxs recently granted Nebraska
veterans: Original Invalid, Henry K.
Aydon, Cambridge. Increase, John M.
Buck, Sutton: Tbomss Whltner, Mo
Cook; Charlea Arnold, Boomer; Jamea
W. Sageaer, Chambers; William Ed
wards, Ashland; Julius Frost, Crete;
Charles II. llolden, Rlverton; Levi M.
Moulton, Moultoa; Daniel Clark, Gor
don: Samuel Eogy, Benkleman; Sylves
ter lleeaeley, Omaha; Charlea E. Myers,
Nellgh; David L. Dennis, Battle
A iJtTS fire at Firth destroyed the
drug store of J. II. Davis, II. J. Feb
rlng'a grocery store, the Firth Bank
building and Flecklnger'a harness shop.
Tho loaa waa estimated at 918,000; In
aured for 98,000.
On February 3.1 tho corn stored In
cribs at Dorchester amounted to 340,000
bushels, and thousands of bushels were
being dally hauled In.
A woman named llltt, missing her
llttlo boy who had been playing In tho
aisle, jumped off the Burlington "flyer"
near Ashland tho other night when tho
train was running at tho rate of forty
Bailee an hour. She wns found tn an un
conscious condition, with one leg broken
and her body badly bruised. Tbo child
tn the meantime waa found fast isleep
In tho seat aim bad loft It la thought
that ker Injuries v,ero not fatal.
Joskpii Mi'ck recently mado a mur
derous assault on George Carber with
skslfoat Nebnaka City, for which ho
waa bound over to tho district court In
Jon Shrlijcnhrhorr, alias Joe Gray,
was arrested at Nebraska City tho other
evening on the charge of being an ac
complice of Neal, the Omaha murderer
of Mr. aad Mrs. Jones. It waa reported
that he made a full confession.
Two croeka were recently captured st
Fremont wklle In tke act of robbing a
fanner wko waa Intoxicated and had kla
pocket full of money. One of tkea,
wko gave kla aaae aa Jaaea Moras,
roves to be Jaaee Laak, wko Is wasted
st Kacaasks, Mkk., ssd far wkeas s re
ward c4 900 la offered.
Martha Lrmuu slxty-slae years of
age, wsa reoestly burned to death at tks
rvsMescs of ker aos-ls-law, asar Key
aelda, ky tke Upplsg over sf s coal oil
tamp. Ska kad fallen asleep wklle sit
ting sear tko lamp aad oa waking sp
Upjwd It over, aettlag keraeif asd tks
room on tre. A slse-yesr-old boy ex
Magulshed tks tre by scooping aaow
pea it witk a akovel, but aot until tko
Id lady waa fatally burned.,
THR canning factory at Heeaer was
recestly sold at public auction asd wss
Cireksaed by s Weat Peiat aaa tor
,sa Tks butUtsg will be repaired
ad will be opeaed for buslaea tke eoa-
ftscslvss Two Loads of araek
skot la Hla Oksst
Tke DeeewraAVe BUagy DeeeHetleaef
self Karltee Saepleleej aad Ha la
Speeealy Traeewd aa
wriiinniv, nan., Marck . "I am a
slicker" were tke words wltk wklck a
stranger greeted Night Telefraph Oper
ator Taylor, of this place, at 11.90
o'clock Saturday night prior to asking
tho naiiul question as to tho time tks
moralng train would be due for Atck-
Being somewhat surprised at this ua
usual gruff and uncalled-for remark,
.Taylor scrutlaUed tke maa before hla
mors closely than he would have other
wise done and at once recognised from
ths description seat out by wire no less
a person than the outlaw wko Just Ive
hours boforo had entered the bank of
Hicks, Gnphart A Co., of Valley Falls,
and at the point of two revolvers com
polled Cashier Cocn to band over tks
cask be was then In ths set of puttisg
In the safo prior to closing the bank for
tks day.
After being Informed as to tho trala
time tho man's next Interrogatory was
whoro ho might find a hotel to remala
over night, and, upon being Informed,
ho wont direct to the hotel and request
ed the landlord to havo him a bed pre
pared and to bo called for tho train go
ing to Atchison at five o'clock la tka
Upon the departure of tho "slicker"
as he termed hlmsolf, Taylor Informed
tho authorities at Valley Falls of kla
discovory and requested that they coma
snd mako tho arrest
Officers Shire and Summorflold arrived
la duo season and arrangetnonta wore
mado with tho hotel peoplo to awaks
their much sought after guest and bring
him Into the hotel office, whoro Mori
den's city marshal and two deputies
from Valley Falls wero stationed im
mediately. .
Upon tho entranco of the unknown '
two shotguns loaded with buckshot were
leveled at his head, and ho was com
manded to hold up his bands and sur
render, but to tho officers' surprise he
never faltered, but on thn contrary ad
vanced with bold determination, reached
both hands toward his outsldo coat
pockota and endeavored to get posses
sion of tho rovolvors ho hold In tho face
of CaihierCoen when ho compelled him to
hand over his cash. ThU timo tho out
law wa not so fortunate as 'before, for
at this moment both doputles emptied
the contents of their guns into his chost,
and ho fell dod In his tracks.
About 93,800 was found upon his per
son, most of It concealed In hla boots.
Two 9300 packages of ourrency were
found with the cashier's noting on the
From a registered receipt dated at
Burlington, Kan., it Is relieved tho fel
low's namo was Robertson, and that ths
money was payablo to ono 1). S. Smith
atOttawa, Knn., supposed to bo an alias.
Hla watch was marked "U." and a two
foot rulo tho same.
Tho dead desperado was S feet It I
Inches tall, weighed about W0 pounds, I
had light complexion, light hair and
eyes and a small blonde mustache.
Tho body will be held hero until Tues
day when, if not Idontlfled and token tn
charge of by his friends, It will be buried
bore by the county.
Yesterday a coroner's Inquost was
held boforo Justice Frailer, and tho fol
lowing verdict was rundered.
Stale of Kansas, Jefferson Couuly.a.; Aa
laqultltlon hoiden at Mvrlden, In Jffreoa
CountT,onlhnlM)1yof nn unknown person
there lying tlesd, by the Jurors whose nsmes
are hereunto subscribed. The said Jurors,
upon their oath, do say that the dead liody
Is to us Idrnlllled ss that of the robber of the
Hicks. Uuphart Co. Hank, at Val
ley falls, Kan., on March I, 1-90,
and killed by a gun -hot wunad while
attempting lo escspo arrest at Herlden,
Ran., In apprehending him as said rob
tier. We mm that ssld killing was Iswfut
and Jmllflabto In rvry reipect. We further
Bnd that said death was not fnloutoua. In
testimony whereof the said Jurors have
hereunto eel their hands, thn day and yeir
here below written. Match 1. Insm. Ahrahnm .
Mnalrr. foreman; llobert ttiullh, Gooricu W.
Potta, Nathan Ulenn, (2orxe A. Smith and '
D. II. Kiaalur, Justice ol the peace, acting
eoronrr. I
The man was Identified as the robber
beyond all question.
BToitv or Titr. nnnitr.KY.
Vai.lry Fai.ij, Kan., March U. Cask
lerCoonof the bank of Kicks, Gephart
A Co. yesterday told the story of tho
bold robbery In detail. He said that
bout four o'clock Saturday whlto bn
was alone at work a tuppw-d farmur
with a red handkerchief over his face
entered tho ban); and stated that ho
waa suffering terribly with neuralgia
and that ho wished to remain thoro un
til. Dr. Gephart xhould come In, as ho j
nccucu soma treatment ana liepnart
was his physician. He took a seat by
the stove and waited thcro until alx
o'clock. It being Saturday and tho first
of tho month the cashier waa very busy
and did not lock up early.
At six o'clock thn cashier closed up
hla business and was placing tho money
in tho vault when the thief appeared at
the vault door with two revolvers and
demanded that the cashier pay him 910,
00, snd aald tkat ke proposed to lock
klm In tho vault for security. Tho
cashier recognised that he was la the
sower of the desperado asd pleaded for
kla lite, Tke tklef thes demanded tke
currency and got about 9B,SM. He tbes
aade tke cashier lock ths front door,
backed out of the rear aide door, locked
It asd dropped tke key by tke aide of
tke kouae aad leisurely walked away.
Ttw Artteei
Paaacwrr, A. T., Marck . Tk work
sf burying the victims of tko late disas
ter la about completed. Tklrtyala
bodtea were recovered aad tdeatlfed,
wklle tea mors pereoas are ksewa to
kavs beea tost Property st sad be
low Wlekesburf waa badly damaged,
but as loss ef llto occurred; Um psosto
beisg oa tke. watck fur tks ftoed. It is
impoaaibto beta to Is tke ipeikUlty
tee the aeeUeat, further taaa tkat tk
daa was sot ccastructed far tke purpose
fee which It waa tstesdwd. Arrange
aeats for tke escape- ef water to tlass sf
load were aot provided.
BtaMIMflBTAM. Ala.. tfank I
awes was kaaged fee tke murder sf ku
wife ssd twe ckildrea st tkrse aiautos
to one o'clock yeatardar. Ill . neck was
broken and death wss easy. Tks Uttls
isll wsa sseked to anffocatln. ta tka,
streets outatde tkoasasds of ssepl
stood. la tke rain waitisg, tkougk tke
could see notklsg.
Before tke blsek cap waa adjusted
Hawes spoke briefly. lis called s aewa-pepcrmaB,shook--ndawlthhlm,aBdfor-gave
blm foraW VMStotemeata against
bint Ue tkea kanded aa Age-llerald
maa a writtea coafesaloa aad asked
tkat it be puhllsked. H stated tkat ks -was
guilty aad seffersd Justly; tkat
whisky aad a bad womaa kad brought
him to kla ead. H warasd ysaag mea
sgalast following la kla fsstotop. Hla
writtea confession woald toll tks rest
Dr. Purser offered s prayer. Tke drop
fell and all wsa over.
Tho crime for whtck Richard H. Hawes
paid tke penalty of kla life wss the mur
der of hla wlfo and two children, May
and Irene, Tuesday morning, December
I, 1888. Tks body of May Haws waa
found floating in aa artificial lake at
Eastlske, a pleasure resort ale miles
from this city, bufit waa not IdeaUlcd
uatll theaextday. The dVioovery led
to still further lnvestliratlnn ami it
residence of Hawes was visited by sev
eral persons, who round the plaoe de-
crica ana viaonce tkat a horrible crime
had been committed. There were blood
stains oa tke floor, aad la a corner of
one of tke rooms s bloody dab wss f enad.
On the samoday it waa learned that
Hawes had been married to Mias May
Storey, at Columbia, Miss. He waa ar
rested tke aamo night while passings
through Birmingham on hla way to
Georgia to spend his honeymoon. lis
identified tho body of bis child, but
atated that ho had beea divorced from
hla wife and she bad gone away. Tho
children, he aald, had been placed in a
convent at Mobile and he waa at a loss
to understand how May's body came to
be found where It wss.
Tho palpablo improbability of suck a
story convinced those who heard Hawes
statement that ho had murdorod tho
rest of tho family, and by tho direction
of thn coronor the lake was drained and
tho bodies of Mrs. Hawes and llttlo
Irene, heavily weighted with railroad
iron, were found on tho bottom.
Tho finding of Mrs. Hawes' corpse
Inflamed the public mind to a state of
frenzy All tho efforts of the press of
tho city and the county authorities to
allay the excitement wero futile. Ths
jail was stormed by 10,000 persons de
termined to lynoh tho murderer. The
sheriff ordered a halt, but the mob re
plied with cries of derision and pressed
forward. The order was given to ths
guard to fire and a volley resulted la
the killing of tea persons aad tks
wounding of many more. Tke spirit of
tho mob was broken and It never re
turned to tho attack, contrary to the ox
pectatlon of tho authorities, who had la
tho meantime telegraphed to tho Gov
ernor for nillltta.
Tho trial of Hawes began April 34
and lasted eleven days.
Ks-Congreeaman Tanlhee Assaulted In the
rapttol at Washington aad Meeelvee a
nullitt In the HesMl t'rnas the Plate! of as)
Irate Newepeper Cnrreapoexleat.
Waniiixiiton, March 1. Ex-Congress-
man Taulbee waa shot In the head byS
Charlea Klncald, correspondent of the
Louisville Times, at 1:45 o'clock yester
day afternoon In tho very Capitol itself.
Whother tho wound will be fatal oaa
not now be told.
Both men are Kentucklana and ths
trouble waa caused by the ex-Congressman
pulling the correapoadeat's aess
for publishing oertala statoxaeau la rs
gard to him.
A call of the House had beea ordered
shortly after noon when tks two mea
met aa thoy had done many times be
fore since th trouble between tkem
originated, about s year ssd s kslf ago,
in tke publication by the correspondent
of a notorious scandal affect! eg the moral
character of the then Congresamaa.
Taulbee, who had a business engags
ment with Congressman McCrssry, of
Kentucky, and several others, came out
of tfie Hnuso whllo Klncald waa stead
ing In tho outer doorway, and walking;
up to him aald a few words In an under
tone, Indlstlngulshsbln to the doorkeep
er only two or three feet away. It a
said that tbo lie was paased. After a
few hot words the two parted.
This quarrel waa not generally knowa
even to the Intimate frlendaot the tws
men. when, at alout 1:30 o'clock, mem
bers and friends dining In the restauraat
were etartl.-d by tbo sharp report of s
pistol fired very near the personal room
attached totheresUurant They rushed
out breathlessly while other persons
ran down thn stairway and Boon thcra
waa an excited crowd aurrousdlsg a
maa holding hla bead, fnun whlck blood
was gushlntr In a steady atream, wklls
snother man wss exclaiming taat a
kad doae tha shooting. The bullet was
fired at s range aot tke leagtJs sf tv
man's arm.
Klncald said that Taulbe kad beet.
hounding him for more than a Tear past,
aad several time Issmltod bla. He ear
cnlated stories tkat ke. wss a award aad
afraid to meet klm (Tsalkee). Tksss
reporta, in kla nervous stats, ss svsr
wrought klm tkat ke ksrdly kasw wkat.
ke waa doing, fto also asdaratosd taat.
Taulbe bad tkreatesed blm wltk vto-
lescev Yesterday ke aasaaltod kla
pulled bla som aad rr aad tkiat
tksa be esstd sadars.
. Ta wmswt i
Xaw Yoav, Mere 1-Wkttaadsit4ar
bat tks esttesk tor s WfB fbklm
New York Is 1M wss a at all sassar
agiag. Mayer Great aald tkat ke was
set prepared to say tkat ks kad give
sp all koss sf Cctvses rsavate Ito
wbsrs It propeely sskwasd, "Tksv
ars msibilittos,M a sakt, btoh de
at resrk eulto up to prebk4Httos taat,
should Ckbmgw tad Itoetf asAStotoasV
tofyOssgrvaatkst the to wttala vssskt
a suaeieat asm ef msass urtib sratob tav
esrry a aa exkiMttoa eaUabts to ttbs
aiOyer tke Usltod
aay reoaur tto
w" .
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