'1J A ' ft if r t v' mmwr .1 s '.; .o " 'V ITWy " m illMPW)tfWv' '' ww v " ' v jm. I'l 1 tf ' ft. 1 2i'm few 4f( .a ?, W i,V " to.: f( :te V.n. iff1 ft tt 4 , i. ! ' h s A : ,w: "- r- HHVV. BEffVflBSV k. CREAM gAKlNg IUstincrlor etcellenee nrtmi in millions nf homes ror morotiien a iittsrter nf n cenmrjr. It li tet by tlio United buites government. Kit tforeetttiy ihe heeds of tho arest universities Mtlw tHrongcst, Pnrrst, snu .must lleitltlifut. Of. I'm cream ftnklnR rowder doe a not con tola aamntajiaw. ur stum, vtM only in emu. HtltlK DAKINO I'OvVDKH CO. yohk. uiiirjtoo. st.loui. APPETITES OF BIROS. A Theer? That Much feedta May Be flaete f Lnajr living. A German oraltholofflst linn keen look llff Into the subject of bird' agiia ro Matty. Th. awnn, hn concludes, la the leaflet lived of all blrde. Thn oldest MW 0f which thurola a record lived 800 man. Muy falcona ur known to have llY.4 169 years. Tim viiltum and the Mfl an alto tory long lived. la 1819 an oaprey died which bad been eattffttln 17IB, at which time It wni full frown and probably II vn or ulx years old. A whtte-lioudml vulture i aught In 170 die la the bird-house of thn itiipfirlal ltaare palace at Hohoiibriiiiii, near VI aaaa, In ittit. ' larrotaoften llvo a century after they knta ken captured and tamed, rjea and twaaip bird usually live teveral irnnar Meat. Geose, If left ty thnmselvnt, and cuokoen also reach'a very old age. 'latent rarely die under loo yeara of ft. Mef elVe aoldom pais more than twenty or twontyilve yeara In confine meat Whoa fren thoy live forty or fifty yearn. TaAbarn-yard 'roiwtor In frood luok it generally boalthy and atronff till he haa famed his fifteenth year. Pigeon aro geod for ten years; singing birds for eight to eighteen years. Nlghtlngaloa la captivity llvo about ten years; black birds about fifteen years; canaries, In Mpttvlty, twclvo to flfteon yoars; at Itkeegh on tho Inlands whore thny orlgl MtieA they ofton llvo twenty-llvo or - 'jfllet' jrmulliTPllli. ' .An Important dioovery. They not on thVliver, stomaeh and bowlps through the nerves. A new principle. They apeedly onre blliowaesi, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipatiou. Hptoudld p for men, women and children. Hmatlest, mildest, surest, m dost-s for 2B w-nU. Samples tre at C. L. Colt i ' ' Mrs. M. K. Huffman, sKont for tho flrett v?nr book, 'Hard Tack and Cof 'fee" will oalUn you beforo long. This is, without a doubt, tho best war book ever published, ami has tMCB,heartlly endorsed by all of tho leading, Q. A. 11. men in tho country. Olva her your order. Mekllne Amlra naive. The beat sa've in thn world for oiita, limbcs, eeros, ulcers. Halt rhoum, fover ores, tetter, ohtppadhnnds, chilblains. oorni; and all skin eruptions, and positively cures, or no pay required, it ta guaranteed to lllvo perfect satis faction, or manny refunded. Price SS cents, per box. For salo by Henry Cook. leanlntiera Netlff. Motleo is hereby given that the firm of BirgAQaluha, elothlurt, have Oil day dissolved partnership by tnntnal consont, A. O. Uerg withdrawing from lh flrra. The basincss will be carried on by m, U. usNUt and A. Qalovhnunder Iho Inn uamn oftsoNUtAUalnths. The new film will eolleet all debts aad nitons all repeai bllitlea of the Arm of Berg Ualnsba. A.O. Bsaii, Al.1Uluh. Feburary 18th IB'JO. to inn r-OBLic. Owing to poor health I have decided to go eat of bttslneos for tho prencnt. 1 , have sold my Interest In the clothing bl' Met, formerly carried on by Berg Jt Ua lasaa,tOM.B, McNltt. I d4lre to citond to my friends thanks for the past favors aad bespeak for the new Arm the same geksreas patronage, In the f ntnre . I will be at the old stand torn short time end all the time Satariays darlag the sammer, where I will be glad te meet my friends. Yonrs Tralyt A. O. Beau. sWc euMK rAfJ -bVTT Mi' MALARIA fiaOA 9roJSSnW WKM eBJa.J.:... VAT aanrnVVVlVC PS,';:,;',,:,, ssnTieeii8a;it v ssssssssssnsTX.Vfl WmSi-SSSSiSffsSP msasmA rM&mi rnVflV 6W 1 wfch WMm; wVaasnUBDmnX; mm sssstiehb ombssss ' ?rvVkftjllHAiB iMI'lBaAL It - . ----. T- "" k Timet tabsx. Tine table No. tl to mm effect Now ssd, less. WORTH VIA ItmilMSi No I'l'. pniweiiKcr In llMin Icavm . ilally cxii;pt rim tny fit n.m. No. iwt, f rflKtit fo llnntlrifri itnltv t:uiiin. No. ni 1 rum-ngn- from Hnily r o't Fuiiitay asm p.111.1 No. I.-W, frrlKtit from Hiutlngi ilnlly nr rltn ( jii , in KASrviA WVMOIIK. Nil lit, pa-seugcr to tn .rtiwnn dully lcfti' lor.'rtn.m. No. o pswiPiim r lo Knimai rity 1ultv i(in p m. Nil Ift iHM)iinor ftntii ,'imi iiti diil lynrrlipN rnHim. Nn. .in ifiwicm.ur from Kimi t'lt" BltlVI'S. . . XiiOlt.lll No. 77 frvlKlit ilnlly vxixi 'J licmlnj r 2 4'a.m. No, 70 fie'Kht ilnlly ctci-pt Hmiihy Ill p.m. WKT IIODNO, no. so iissicnpor vca to Denver ilnlly !V. n nl. No. in nsiViiLcr tn Ix-nvor ilntly liHivra .1 .fi) ,i. m N01 la nncii(,fr from Ml. ilowiili ar- rtvetdslly tOiSiun. No. 40 mMnp:cr rnmi Kaimxs City ilnlly nrrlri lo.'j . in Nn. Iiu frWubt 'oriH-nvur linvondiil ly i-xcf it hiimtiiy 11 :00 s.in. Nn. I'll fnlulit from Deliver, ilmly vx rrtHiiiiilnynrrUpi HilOp.in. No. la nrrommiNlntlun to Olierlln- ruiii slomlsy.WeUciiiMtiiy ami HutuJIfiy. A. CONOVIJt. riii SSS5BC? 3fiIS3TSJX?t faUnrN U llff, l'coplo fall in ninny ways. In businesn, in morality, in religion, in happiness, and in health. A weak heart is often an uu strnptcted cnunnof fslloro of Itfo. If tho blood does not circulate properly In the lungs, there Is shortness of breath, asthma etc,; in tho brsln, disslness,heaeselie,elc, in tho stomach, wind, pnln, Indigestion flint spsllt, etc,; in the livor, torpidity, oonjestion nndote. Pain In the left side, shoulder and stoinsch, is caused by hnnrt strain, for nil these maladies Mr. wiles' New Cure for the heart and lunus Is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and re' commended by 0. L. (Jotting, trsatise f reel) II, C. Andrus renews his allegiane to thn Utont Fsmiiy Weokly this week, und of course will eet nil tho owi. A Oieeseifal CiatiuUoa KitiKs, poolo, trusts, cuiiiblneH, inoniipo lli'H-cnll them whnt you wlllthey aro fast incri neiniMhrolaliont tho lenirth nnd brondthof this country, LvgiiOntors do nonnre them, and newspapers attack Ilium bat still they seem to flourltili. It isgrnt Ifylng, however, lo nolo Hint tlieiu is nt least one combination In Hits country that meets with the approval of the public, es psolally ot farmers: It Is composed, not of individuals, but of tho following quartet of harvesting maohinee: Decring Binder, Desrimr Light Itenner, Deeriuir Ulant tsowcr, nnd Mew Peering slower, 1 Air. W. Morrow of Hindoo, will road tho (Iroat Family Weokly for 1800. Thanki. An iBftfttBt HitUr. Draggists everywhere report that ihe sales of the Kestoratlve Nervine n nerve food nnd medicine aro aatonishing; es eeeding anything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction In hendaohe nervousness, sleeplessness, sexunl debility backache, poor memory, fits, dlxxiness, etc. Taylor Bros., of Byrnn, O.j Ambery AMurphy, of Battle Creek, tilcli ; 0. B. Woodworth A Co., of Fort We) lie, Ind., and hundreds of others state that they never handled nuy medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave suchsntifnol!on. Trial bottles of this great modiolus nnd book on Nervous Dlsenses, freentQ. L.Cnttlngwho guarantees nud rccotuineiidH It. .1 Notice in hereby uivon that I will hold a spoeial examination for teach ore in my oflico at lied Cloud, Feb- 28th, nnd March 1st,. K. J. Kinu, (Jo. 8upt School report of dilriot No. fiS foV tho month ending, Fob, 7. Nuuibor cnrnllod 20, average attendance, fo males 2, males 10, names of thosn not absent during Iho month, Willie Ilef flobowor; names of thoso not tardy during the month, Willie llcfflobower, John v Meiers, Kdward Wilholmson, lanics lloyle, John Doyle, Miles Doylo firaco Street, Kdgsr Street, Mamie Mycru, John Struct, Waller l'atmor, Iiawrenco Dojlc, Ira Hiitchcr. hide Huffman Smith, Teacher, A ennd l.rgal opinio K. ltaliibridgr, Monday Ksq., County Atty (Hay Co., Tex. saosi yi lit) "Hsts nsed fclectriollitters with most happy resalts, My brother bImo was very low with Main, rial Kever nnd Jaundicr, but was cured by timely use ot this uunllobe. Am satis ledKleotrli Bitters saved hi lift.' Mr. 1. I, Wllcoison, of llorte Cave, K. Y., iidds n tiki testimony, saying; He postlvfly believes he wonld have died, had it not been for Meet rle Bitter. This great remedy will ward off, as well as care all Mslsrisl Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Htnmaeh Disorders stands iinequalfd. Price ftflo. and ft. at Henry Cook's. t nie Q hssslrm nntvee. s) estlttscthta Is lbs curs ot Hoaorrhire sa4 Ulttt,lutnlbeUaa4 fesl tats In rcuwt4 teg H to all suatrtft. a.J.tntU,VJa VHtcr.ti.wa, 8(44 by DnctWM. t'OTTlNlt. AliCNT, ua mw f.KJi!l iba kMrwikSICi lnu.ala lk !. W un.-llrtf, IHIW MttlD BAUttlM ffM lt'V !.,' ,ul - Hick rlk n(i 4 r.,. '.. vik riniaia pr,bVVbin .!! usk nU Mas. AU.ita .var tnm till.ki,S)MrMiMiilmM ijm kn;t SW4.lhrntiM4AiMitnmi itlilwil mt ikw mm iafiuti iiMjkjkWtt, mirSS AfnTeviSflAEi.-w iWtMWtfWs aHsCrl 0. 1. rvini THE PIONEER Feel, i ii F. N. Richardson, We haw mora liny and moro barn (all of whiuli vn purclinHcd wliou nrlocH ;:rro wav down) than any firm in town, u lower itata tnan any lirm betwetm tlio 2 oceauti, Bo by tlio day, week or iruith. We do not bnig of our innnBliip. Stock in onreaie bIiowh their keepinp, C U8 at the old reliii'm barn back of Postofllcu and h u lower wi tnan any iirm viiifxxi tnat wliat we tell yon m . m .- Notlin Male. In llin illatrlrt I'nurl nf IVnlulnr pminiv v lintnhis. intlie matter ur the estate uf rdwant He m.irs. N'ltlrn is lifreliy klven that ly Irtun nml In linrmmtiee of an onlcr nfllten-io inaitu In sslil iimtUT nt tlio court tuMMi nt Almi, llnrlaii eoimty, Nebraik.i tin thn'itu ilny ol .ianii.iry, IK'Ki.tiy tho lion. Willi nn liaMin, JiuluiMit tho illtrlitioirt oniiofliintli JmllrlHl iiiitrlct of NflirAikn, I. Xrivler li'iimrs,mlmlnltriiti ur tliueM.itenf Kihvnnl llemirn, will mi tint mil ilny nr I'eiiriuuy, irn at I o'i link p. m. at tn eiinl rtiKir ot ilm o mrt liouv) in the county or Welnter. Neliraika, i7er fur sale at .ul)llo auction Iho fnllowliiK iteMrllieil real estktn Uh wit All the rlulit. title ami Interest of which tiesniil Kit want iK-marn died selet. In ami to the nortli-WDit nunrter, '4)r section live (A) IowiikIiIp thiee, (3) raiiKO twelve, Hi) m-tiiut thn slxlli prlncltml meridian In U'ttmier eotinty Neurinlta arl'lna liy virltm of a colli r.irt Mr tlio pnrehsui of s.ild la1 d exeeiiteil y the llurllimtoii & MImoiiiI Itiver rail mad company In Nebraska to Iho wiin riiiiaru iicmnisami her llth, ism. Cose & McNeny, Altonicy.1. heailmt ilatii Henti m. XAVIKIt IIRMAIIX, Adiulniitrulor. I.KUAL NOTIVU. District court nf Wehiter county, Neliriu!a. Flrtt National Hank of lied Cloud, Kehiutka, I'lalntlll. foamier N. Kdson, I.. r. Illlhert, Ijivoma U. KdMin, .lulm H. llolhrock, Joanna I all, Defen dants. The aboo named Ustndcr N.Kdsou, Interim M, KiIhoii and.ioruiiiit'iall mii-rehleiit ih-fen ilants will take noilre thai on Urn am il.iy nr February tWHilhiiHalntllt llled Itri ivtliuui In tho dlMrict etnirt nt WehMur county. NYtirmk,. thenlijcel and ira)erol which Is to forci'luvwi cirticn ih.ilKI mortuARo exi-cutiil ly vU M'iuder.i:iNiltl and (Jiveriin M.hdnn In .lohn Monro umiii lots iiimitM'riHl onel,smttwu I'.'j otHCftlou titimliir iwnot) lu IohhIiIi iiumter olio l) north m rnj,'i' :iiiiiiImt tiwlv.i li'jl w nfthenih I. M. hi Welinicr Cuimty. Nchraska, losecurulheiayment of live certain irmulor) nuti, nieciited and delivered said lumirr N. Kdvn to said John .Monro for iho mm n( 7.n each, bearlnu dato ttic jHili day of April liiff nml due roertltely, way m Ism, May Ut. lno. laylt.lHii. May lit ihoi and May 1st IMU wltli (merest at 13 m r cent ht nnmim on lachof snlil iiiitos after the sumo licfniiici due which said note mid inurtKiiKe wern Ixforo the same or any of ilium lieeamo due, aiiluued sod endorned for value te plalnlllt. There l now due on said notes and mortiiaae from defemlaut lA'andtr N, K(fon to ilaliitlff tlio Bi,m nf thlrlv tilno and rlnMy liuudri iltlm dollars, whhh sum with Interest from iiiiw daU) planum iras forn decree thstsald lsuderN. Kdtoiiltu in. (lulled to nay or that wild vremlnes mav lie sold to ssllxty f he amount fouini dim ialuil(T, That tbe claim or Hen upon and Inieriwt In said prein lies nl defendant I.. 0. tlllhert, John a. lioth. rock and Uitermt M, Kdieii and .manna Talt it any, they or either ot them have, tie declared junior nml Interior to tho Hen nt iiialntlits itiortKairo nnd fnr such other and flintier relief as may lie Juit and multslile. Ynu nru reitilred to aimwer thU h lit Ion on or t efore sioml.t) the nut day sr Mauh Mw. FmsT National IUMk, of lied cloud, Nc- tiraska. . Hy Ciwo ti MoNeny. Its nltorne s. w t LltCM!. NOTItlK. District eouit of Webster count)', Nebraikn. Alison U'tMin, VlalntHT William N. lllehnrdMin. SMIIIamN. Hlcbarditnu in Trustee, Mary A. Miller. Shenield Miller. A nit man stlllor A Cnmpauy, IJtwin w. Miller and llio unknown litln of Hdwln W. ullUrdcv ceased, defeudsnti, Whereas on the aitli day of Nuvemher, Iv-w the nliowi named pUlntllt riled Hi tlin. ilHtrld com t nl Webitei enmity Ni li. an allld.ivlt nn uexed to her lltlou, herein setting rnrtli that llin names nnd plac nr plscea id reldcuee otNaldAiuo'imnlielrifirsnld rdwInW.Mltlerde. eeitsef are iiiikunwn to llio il.ilulltTnnd the said court did thefciipim order srvire to IteJImd hv jmlil leal Ion on said unti.own heirs and whorrns on , the '.'lit day of Felmiary li the said plain, tilt tiled nn unid.ivlt fm iiciAlcii hy publication nn the above named mm-rciildent iieteiid.iiils. the si'ld defendants Auttman Miller & Comanv Fdwjn W. Miller nml the iiukmmii heirs of l.dnln V. Miller deceased wlllkike uotlu llmi on tho uih day otAlimisttSNi Mm nlnte mimed idalutllT niisther ietlllnn UKuintl all of (he iiIhivo nsmed deiemlnnt In iho district eon u or Wobstir ccunty, Nr braskii. the objeit and prajei nf which Is'lnfonvloio .1 cirtnln ninrii'tii... ... i iiiisi iiv iiricimiiii jury a. Miner noil i:aln ..... , :.. ..... .. - . ..i -' 'f.'.. ' rr w. Miiierdeeessed to Hit, Muliitlir unou loin elclil IK (UllUliI I ISI.iiliie i l.ii-ii lii.eleifii(ll)aud lw,e n blmk two In Williams addition to Hie town eltv of lied Cloud, YYchMri ouuty Ne now e iv or lieu I'lnmi. Wfimin imiuiv brsskn, toseiura lh' Kijimut nl two ceiliil- pnmilsviry miles dated .tidy Mb l.ss;. ld,. ot which Is for the sum nl ouo Immlred and andwentvllyedntUisiayableon tin, sih dav ot.iuiy.ltvwthetlMt other ol which l for the sum otnuo hundred and lllty dollar iiayahle mi Ihe Mh day or Jul) Isk,IhiIi bcunu inter, est nt ten er cent ir mimim Ireni thn dato thereof, Ihero U now due mi said note nud mot inane tlin sum nf tu u for nuicii sum wiin imert'si irom nils uaie I'UI mm piat fer a decree that ilifcnd.intH Ui mitiire.i in pay or innt said inemlsrs may be relit to snti4 the amount round due. I'Ulntitr iiUoprajslh.it Iho lieu claim mid m llri.l III .l..(..i,l llltri nli.l adlf.il .if It..i, I. .. they ur an nf llictn ImuMtpen said pri-mltes la! diilated luuler, Infcilnriiud suIhchuciU lo the lien nf her said niortpise. and lor siuti other. nn.. niiiiivi iviiKi s in, j in. jim linn ciiininiiip, eu inerfinilrea to answer Hils Hiliinii mi or Ik loin .siouday ihe aist day nf March, uw. , .. Allwm la-twil, I'ljluiin. II) Case it Mi'Keny, her attorue. ao I Great English Remedy. Murray's tssveiifio. a BuarsmiMi cure Tor all ner simsdli.as,,Mwhaa wejk tem niy loss or brain power li)teila lie.iilAilio ialn in tlio kukn-r-Uius priMtratliHi wakef idlueM leu corrl.iiaimlier.Ktl latudo win. Inal weakness linpotenc) aiidnen- rallim of power nt Hie (leiicra tlte tinnn:-luelthei sex.mus. wl ') "liynvjonoruti'icseitlun and WljMi idiluuHitv lead lo I'MKUArilllE OUl i.ir ,. ill simivsii'iriiiii.t V' si M ypggg iiiiiirois iwir mh inin. fllf ti null on receipt of price. Full intlkiilars In inutphlcl, n'lil free to every applicant WeBert,te Ms Moaee in cureanv rsc, Forevcrrta order leeotvvd ero arml sli botes with a written Boanuttc to rr. fund Ihe imuc) II vtu siws'lae dues not vdect attitr. Address all mutmunlcatlont In the sole mamiiMcivirrrt. 1 M Mean v NuniciNr . Ksumsliv Ho. rfT'SivId In ttctl ( loud by C. t itirilNU mt axeid. MEM EMORY raki viotsssb: Btrawberrt plikta. Wholesale aad retail. Sure to bear? v All kind of rterMetk t way prieee. Bead ! jeisr erslere. Inall lrU a ZtC a m m Prop, Red Cloud. c6rn. monj outw. and mnra therc4 wo K prepared 2 give between tlio 2 oceauti. Boardinc Jiorfe Call on lm con ----.-- in true. NOTICE OF SALS. Ill the District (ourt of Webster county, Ne biaska. " In thuiii.itUroftlic estate of Isaac May Uc ceased. Notice Is hereby kItui thai by lrtneaild In piirsiiameo. minrihror llcnic made In said m ittcr, ill tin-court huiisfiu Alma, llsrlan loiinty Ntbrakkn, oiithunii a or.mmary. "W ,y the Hon. William tmslln, Judgo 0,i .n'." ,,,l,rl '"rt (f Iho fcOehlh JiidlcUl dstrlri of Ner.ra.skn, I. VvilHara A, May, uilinliilHttainr nf the iistatu of !nnuc Slay, (iicensid, will on tliestlh iiaynt Febru' ntj irwj in . i i iiick ii. in , in me, east door nr tin court hniiMi m iced Cloud In tho county nf Webster. Mijliinska, iilfer for sale at nubile atio iiuniiio loiiow iik iteserllied prcmlsis to-wlt: Iho i west oiio-half C4) of thu south cunt nn arte r Uior fee ion three, i:i town four, 1 4 ramus loveii, ii) nml the south-west iiimrttr, (i.) nt . I... .i.iv, l..n. ,...,, ...a..... ..V'.... town four m iano elevei p ni. Hi VYt lister i uiinly, u mwi ..i-i ,.i, .111,111,1 i'4i oi nis'iiou ii: :ree ',111 li III) west of tli , Nrbrask.i. : the s. nam , uruo. .iiciscuy, Attornc)s, Wii.i.iam A.May. Admlnlstrnfor. 1T0TICE OF fiALE. District court ol Webst, r county, Nebraska. In the matter of thucatnto of Christian llak ke, dot cased. Notice Is hereby lin tli.it by lrtuo and In pureiiaucn of an order of llceimo made In said matter at Hie court house at Alma, llarlau county, Nebraska, nn the Mud day of .mmiary tmobytho Hon. Willi on ilinlln juduu of the district court or Hie (IkIiIIi JikIIcImI iilttrkt of Nebraska, I, Andrew U. Ilerit, inlinlnlstratorof the cstuto of Christian llakke. cleiciicil. will nn thn '.'llli day of Cebrunry l") at two o'clock i, in. at the cast door nf tho mart house In Itisl t loud In the count) of Webster, Nebraska niter far sale ntiiibll: miction tlio following lies-crltiedriiiiistiti-li; Tbenoulh oni-li.ilf-i', ol Hid soiilii east ilirter U-and the north eaat iiiarter Unf the bmiiIIi csRt iiuarter U and the aoiith cast iiuarter. H of the north i ast iiuar teri, nf section tlilrly no. lownshlpthriH). :i norih or rniiKe twcho ii west of the Uli p. m. In Webstireoiinly, NiIimskIi. Hatisl lied Cloud, Neb. .lauu.iry .Kl, ItO, Case k MuNeny, AMUikw O. Hkiiii, Atloruejs. Admli'lstratcr, CHIUIFE'3 SALS. Ily tirtiio of order nf s.ilo directed to me from thu district ( ourt of Webster emiuty .Nebraska, nn u deereuobtalmsl lieMre said court Hi Hie ad' JmirmdHcptiiiilier lhbUterni ol V, lister county MbruskiKiti tho'.T.th day of Mnnnbcr IHjOIii favor of Kors It, Mattes liustec mid tl. II. drain us philulllM and m;alnat William II. Jlcllnrr mid Amelia llelliierclnl nsdefumlautsfor the sum nf llltccn hmidred and twenty dollars and niueij-lhi) eiiiis ami uitts taxedat taiataml aceurlui: easts l iise levied upon the followlmr deserllK-d real CNtalu taken as tun property ot Mild defemlauts lo satisfy said order of stir tin wit: 'the mirth cust iiuarter of section '.'I In township 2 north rnm;e 10 west or thn o n m In Webster county Nclnnska. And wlllolTer the .nno t or Hale to the hluhest bidder for cash In iiaiiu nu mo am miy ol reurutry A. IJ. IKW In front ot thnrourt house at Itul Cloud Wbs(cr eouniy NebraskalihatbeliiK tlio building; where In the last lerni of court was lielill nt llin limn t where iho hour of lo o'clock a.m,ot said day when nml where iiuoattemiancewlllbeitlvciibytiiuuiidersliined inn iiiiiiiiiiauce win lie u lalcU.imiaryl3tlili)ii io.. 'c.A.TF.Ki-Sherlll. Casuft MoenyAU)'s. u.ii. iceiiiepmy. niiKiiipsin k,Ai.K. Nnllco Is hereby ul w-ii that imdcr and by vir tue of an order of sale Issued nut nf tho district iiiiirtofihoclKlitli Judklsl ill.trlitln ami for action inmmIIuk In su iiruiirrmi iiiy niiiinisin iiNiu a iieciee in an in court wiicrcln Nebraska i'iiii Aiiini t ii. Martini o. 'llmi I m !i -i, "M'lniiiiiu aim uoiierip. Thorp ...... '. ..."..". ....:...-." : "V" t.""", not ti Ui.und Mudubakcr linw. ManufacturluK Jo. iirodercndsnts. I shall offer for sale at pub lic vendue for cash In hand at thu cast door nf .nun' i.Hiiiniu imiinierson iai- m'liiiinniiiiM'iii iksi v,inui in ruin county, I Hint In Iiik the place where tho last lerui of said U,.l.,.,l.w.H,, l,,!l,.l"U "' I1'" anhldas of Feurbuary, ed monertvlo wit. tin, southwest iiuarter of se( lion twelvetli) In townshln loi J.111K0 tWDlH'.llil wist of lUu (ll m ill Webster I utility Kebinssii. dlu ti under my band this '.'Itli day nf Jaum iiry inj .M..M.iit.MN, ll..l,,llnsVftl7;, y&iin' ir I4 iioriiini .Hlliailirf MALI., iiyvlrtiioofnu order of s.do dlrecled In me f inm Ihedl.lili I iiiurl nr Wd'sterismmvoii n liKlKluenl nblnttud beroin h.Ui muri ut Hie ad lourlied Mp (ISki) mi f Wlciirr i utility Ne bnnkaniiilHilMltdiiv nr Nt,vciiitHr inci ami del vcrcil in me In favor nf A. I, riink as ldiliillirnudn.iiiiHi(iiiM lllaukeiisdcfcmlaiit nrHiiihumnflwo Immlred Hicntv lliiee il... 1. US .lllll ('.'IllV HI'VI'll li, a. Ii.il,. . ,1... .1.1.. I II. .. nu 'aid pit nilses.iindciMiH Imm d nt s.M.vn and ni 1 1 ulna costs, I Imi ii ..t led tiMn ttu fnllnwlim iIcm rjlKiliHil estate l.ikiu lis Hie pripeily of wldil.fendaiit,liiMil.f)wldoidiii ol sits to wit: Hon Hi half of Hm m.ithvvest iiuarter of section Ihlrit nt n .t5 (own tw, (a fu,iK0 . west of Hie i!t li ii. t.i. In Webster comity, W brasVa. and will nller the sanm for al to tho hlshest bidder for cash in hand, on thoSClh dav nf I ebtiujy, A. I. lion, at Ihe east dmir of the colli! house ill Hist Cloud. Ill Webster eniinly N( liraska, It hat In lnK Hie ImildltiK wherein l be I it term i .f Mild coin t was held ) at tin: hour nt leu n cIihk a.m. or said dst, when and when, duo attendance will be, y,lven by the under, PilliMli D itril Juiiii.il) v.', l.s".s riHs. lien, ftiuntr, II) U.t!, Ism., Deputy. C. MoNn.NV. Ally's lor I'llf. NIIKHIVF MAI.K. Ily virtue! mi order cf sale Issued by I II. roil, clerk ur Hied strict court or the clxlilh judicial district In and tor Yti bVef wiiullf k " bnisks,iiHmit tlccicc in an action lien. Ini;, w lieu hi i 1 ho ehrnska lian . Trust Co. Is niiiiiii,niiii diiiin n. IIUIIIS iloleiultltt, for the man ofhr l hous.1 nd Dim llim.trwi ;i crwjsl iisls, I shall oner for sal,, at lb em door ot the iiiurl houso In liw.1 titnnL In Websisr l nniij- nuiiais ini.im, aim f.TI.W rttsls also sc. li , '.! . iv stiiih inw inker wnere ii, I- ii-., , vim in iim miirt VlSS.UOldvil. at 10 oclock it. m. on the llth da nf March, foo, the fuhiwltu; tlesciltvd rctl esUio to-wlts The wuiinrti I uitai ler of Nrcilon lines'. In tuwnshln li laiiKe II. west nf ihe ait P.M. In munty. Nclinitka. w'.V. .mill, ,ili,X Webster mimtv f. Wllnesiii hand and seal HdsTHiday of Keb I ruary, Ism). d, a IKK'hline. I IU It f LVI flk..... Jmx XI. Uesau. Mih't Attyr i " siuirrs sali. Ityvlrliic- ,4nonrcrof jl directed Wvaie from Hie district court of Wenrr county, Ne lirasks. on iteree ebtilaest before Mkl court ,.t,u,.,'. Ji'r",, ,sMnatwrisis letwu otWrtwtcr csmut) etr.sl twi the as dav of Movewber lNy and drIUrrcst lo 'me it, is,r i.i rrnncis r i-aytw m pl.slatlir. JJU Mtsinst winum W. tlvston ami Anna i n-ffiim i aundnst nn lrctnn its tlrlcialtnU, for the sum of mm (1 tWl-UftMhlH-ni llaUlr lftl.lt InLtaAl (row r'clvrinn- !, Us, t ti n r ccnl rvr an- nuiii iwinuu iitici i ns.u aiui accntinf OAlStS. I llAVK ll'l III! Ulkvn tlwi liJI.inliiir ilunlu 1 rcAl estate takvu as tlm piiMy rj-14 said tle fendsnts to satisfy !,! ortler of wlo low in The west half uf Hie Ma.thc.ist usrtr u. tho linith est iimitcrltHiciiniitt l nuar ler and the mmtli rast quarter or the north west iwitcrof mitonai.la township x noithof rsuce K, wct ot 4 iv m, tu M etU r count). Kc-!?!n-v.m,wl,,"atr.,b'w't'leleth hUliesl tddilrr for ish In najwl. on tho list tUv ollrl-iusryA. l. iMitas u. ri ,iMv crfifci brasfct . (uui i elite theimUtitn wberem ia u, trra of nwirt wssh4el M vhirot IwVlaec t. m. nf s.d4 Uy ., whatt aadj wasw ttae aetsasl F. V. TAYLOR, KKEPfl TBK FINMT LINE OK Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford-to if in want of anytb, ig in his line Opposite First Natioaal Bank, Red Cload. LIVERY, FEED, yeaeaaaaaakk 4,3tBraPIBL e&Z&jxlBVttBaaBHBv JtBHtttttHtSarV GILBERT -HOLLAND H LIVERY AND FEED STABLE ! J. C, Holcomb, Proprietor. First-clas Turnouts. Everything New, Neat and clean and in good repair, Boarding and Feeding Teams at Reasonable Rates. Only the beat hay and grain used at this stable. Gire him a call. Gates' Old Stand, Red Cloud, CITY SAKERY Restaurant and Lunch Rooms. Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Meals & Lunches Wo make fresh everyday Ladyfingers, Jelly Rolls, Dough nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Buns, Etc. Boarding and lodging by day or week. Jos, Herburgeb, Prop. J. C. WARNER. REAL ESTATE AGENT Have lands of all kinds to tell or trade forttookor merefesreaMea. property to sell or trade. Farm Loans made quick and easy Office ovei McFarland's store. THETRALERS LUMBER CO. WILL HAKK m "leW POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, I. n, FORT, Ma..cr. Abstract of Title Furnished to all LandH in Webster County, Aocumtely and ON SHORT NOflCK. Ilav Iiik bad ten years ei rlrne ta county rcconls and oae of Ut avast eemnWte set 4 tJL stntct bonks In ttw tali,e RiMmilea satlifactloe. Yosw favere toUertssT All unlets ailed promptly. m, doHar hem Ht4 anU spprovisi. Ad4rte er call oa U II. FORT Manaoib, Re4 Oeid, Nek, R. V.3uieky, Tree. Ilinr Clarke, Viee-Prtt. Jno. B. 8eimt, Cuki I1owae B. OATUft, AMltUal CMhier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Red Cloud. Nebraska. CAPITAL, - 976,000 Transact a geaeral MjkjM. bay Usl mU ttj warreaU, ale eouatj, preciataadKhsMMiAfRet U.dt. B.j a4 tell f.rvigt mbsaeav DUtCOTORt: Jaa. McKcar. J. A. Yelleys, O. W. LiaeW 1. V. tUray. JekaR.8kirey. I. F. Hif aka4. Heary Clarce, A. J. Kmsy. S. M. DKALKft IN Jewelry, Watches, &c RED CLOUD, NEB. Call and ee me, we will do you Good, huv and SALE STABLE. George Watsons old stand where we make a specialty of educating young i . s for track or road. Ca II and see us. BROS. Prop. Tm SEAL, r r f 'a ii I a x -Y' I geWajpTAammV K J.f '''mnamBsaasMaSSS!! ML:"' 'h$Hfy 1 .d " tpceltUjr. It. II. Ri st. ..U.VrlmHtVatt. . w- f -sa V Jill fc -lc.Pi ?W1 Z " J sssVjSj nir4.t Ut . -U . '! A ' .V , ! te X I'-tt .fuw "M .- ?..iJ lJ7 ansnsns&V&aaWi v M&f li h' S nnnnnnnnMnnnnnnwBwaajMBgiMnVw. iMjMrAMi4uF-r-wwwww-w44w