The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1890, Image 7

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fhare't a time to work tad a time to wart
Aad to reate from tod aad labor,
rot a M It blOtl
And to mm with friendly aeirhbor.
Ot they abeaU knew who hurry ao,
Bat rarely Uttr noted abetiac,
!a thatr eager atreia at heart end brato
That aeuiag U loot by wailing .
The teed muttmtiatoe a,tet ttrth
Io bmi a day aad hour
Era it will grow
' The tlgnef a ttaikev hewers
And 1 bold It tree, la tptte ef Ue fa w
Wheat loaguee ara baaily prating.
-Taal WOod't great plea Ue boart c( au
to enriched ay the boura at altW,
YotUough hard Ua teak, we tlUt keep al
Tha nit that we need pettpotttg
Vatil too lata,
Should teptore ua while we're dreatagi
And a look ae play to a grewaoae way,
'Tha ptrtlout toaa dthat agl
Aad feel, a doubt, both In aa4 eat,
As it deleg peaaeee by oeltmg.
jTatret a tlaia to werk, aad a Uat to rati,
Aa the volume at nature taatkaai
Tha traa UaUt alow
To bad and blow
Tha hlghett perfection reach.
To attala tha foal band heart and tool.
New eoarata and ttraagth (ratting
ITrem day to day, atveied by delay,
"oraotoltglaiotiby wtiuig.
-Jottpkita Pollard, In N. Y. Ledger.
Belaff aa Account ! tit Pall
VtBgtMM wf Haf aUChU, tea)
Royal BgyttlM,
By H. RtDr.R Haggard,
-Author of " King Sototnon! Mlnon,"
"She," "Allan Quetermaln,"
Etc Etc., Eto.
TOll H4 UUmflMU.
wit miitdiu with am mci.a nar. ran
ion rniUTor ox: or hu ura at on, ami
or tmi wonuo ur sir a.
T TKK dawning of
tha uost day 1 km
awakened byaprlcnl
of the Temple, who
brought word to no
to make ready for
I tho Journey whereof
my father hal tpoken.
inatmuch aa there waa
an creation for mo to patt
down the rtver to Aunu el
Ha. Now. Ula la tha Hell
otiolta of tho Oreek,
whither 1 abould ko la the
company of aome prlctlt of
PUh at Metall who had coma
hither to Atwuthlt to lay tha
body of oae of their ureal mm In the tomb
that had been prepared near tho reatlaf
place of the bleaaed Oalria. Ho I Mate
ready, and tha aaaa areata, having re
reived lattora and embraced my father and
thoao about the Tempto who were dear to
we, 1 panted down to tho baaka of Bihor,
and we tailed with tho aoulh triad. As Ua
pilot ttood ua the prow and with a red In
fata hand bade tho tailor men looaea tha
atakea wherewith the vwttei waa taoorai to
tho baaka, tho old wife, Atoua, hobbled ap,
bar batket of aim plea in her hand, aad calling
out her farewell, throw a aandal aftor me for
.good chance, which aandal I kept for many
yeara. And ao wa tailed, and for all dayt
uattcd down the wonderful rlrer, making
faateach night at noma eonrenient apoU
But whe I loat tight of tha familiar
tklnga that I had toon day by day ainco I
bad eyea to aee, and found myaelf aloao
among at ran go faoee, 1 felt tore at heart,
aad wouM hare wept bad I not been
aahamed. And of all the wonderful thing
I aaw I will not writo bare, for, though they
were aew to me, havo they not been knowa
to men alneo aucb time aa the goda rule In
Kvyptl But the prioalt who were with me
bowed me ao little honor, aad oipounded
to me what were the thing I aaw. And on
tho morning of the terenth day we came
' to Meml, the city of lite White Wall, if era
for three dayt 1 retted from my journey
and waa oeurtolned of the prieatoof the
wonderful Temple of Ptob the Creator, and
ebown tbo beauties of the great aad mar
reloua city. AUo waa 1 led la eecret by the
High frictt aad two othera Into tho holy
pretence of the god A pit, tho Fuh who
delna to dwell among men in tho form of
a bull Tho gad waa black, aad oa hit fora
bead there waa a white tquaro and on hit
back waa a while mark ahaped like aa
eagle, and beneath hit tongue waa the liko
nett of a acaraberat, aad la bit toll war
double hair, and botweew bio bornt waa a
platoof pare gold. I entered the place of
the god aad wortblped while the High
I'rletl and thoto with him ttood atlde aad
earaeetly watched. Aad when 1 had wor
ahlaad, eaylatT the wordt wbiob bad been
told unto me, tho god knelt, aad lay
dowa before me. And then the Hit
Prieetaad Ihote wKh htm, who, aa I beard
In afterttme, were grrat mea of Upper
Egypt, approached wvwdering, and, tayiag
no word, made abeltnnco to mo beeaaae of
the omen. And many other UUgo I aaw
In Meal that are too long to write of
Oa tho fourth day eamo aome prleato of
Anna to lead mo unto Mepa my uacle, the
Jtlgh Ptteat of Anna. Bo, baring bid fare.
well to thoto of Meml, wa ttetnd to nrer
aad rode ea at tea two parte of a day'a oar
my iaroagb many nllagee, which we found
to gTaat pererty beeaaae of Ua pareunia
of too taa fatberera. Alto, aa we went, 1
fertaotrtt time aaw the great pyramUt
that are beyeedtbe taiago of Ue gedHo.
remka (tho Bphlna), aad the tempt ef Ue
Divtaa Mother tele, Oueem et Memnoaia.
aad Ue gad Oatrto, Lord of Moaatou, ef
which Temploa, together whb Ue Trmplo
.efUowerahip of Ue Divtoo Meoba-ra.1,
Marmacala, am by right dtrla Ue Mered
harjr Hlgb PrkeC I aaw Urm aad mar
etetd at their greattttt aad at Ue white
earrea llmeatone aad red graaMo ef Byeae
Uat aaahed In taa aaa'a ray back to
MeaTca. Bat at Utt Umo 1 anew aaugbt
-oftaotreaaureUat waa bid la ffcr, which
toUawUrdaaaeaf the rTramUa would I
had nTr knowa ef hi
Aadaeat tatt we camo withlt aigh of
Anna, which after Meml haU bora earn
la ao largo town, but atoado oa rabwdl
groaad, bofero wbfefe are tokeo fed by a
ue tows it too great
i (meltanre) ef taa Tomato of too
i wore wo aaw a a
bwttd Boole ajport. baeiacbk
at"- ," roa abat
todbk weak bedjr bwt M. gdt M
Bepa, who oprae the taoatb of the godar
MAad V I tatd. "am Marmacbla. ana of.
Ameacmbai. Hereditary High tYtetl and
Huler of tha Holy City Aboathla ; aad I bear
lellera to thee, O Bepat"
"Kntor," be taid. 'Batorr aeaaatagme
all Uo white wtth hla twlakltag eyea. -Ba-tot.mytoar
Aad bo took mo aad led me
U a chamber la the Inner ball clone to
the doer; andthea, having glanced at the
lettoro 1 brought, bo of a taddea fell upon
my neck aad embraced me.
Welcome !" hearted s "welcome, ton of
my owa titter aad bepoef Khetnl Kot la
rain have 1 prayed tho gode that 1 might
lire to look upon Uy fare and Impart to thee
Uo wltdom that, perchance, I alone have
mattered rf tbceo who are left alive In
Kgypt few there are whom it It lawful
that I thould teach. But thine It the great
dettlny, and thine thall bo the eart to bear
the lea teat of tho gait."
And once more ho embraced ao aad bade
me go and bathe and eat, tayiag that oa taa
morrow be would apeak wlU me further.
And of a truth bo did, aad at tucb ieagth
tbtt 1 will forbear to oat dewn all ho taVl
both then and afterward, for It I did to
there would be ao papyrua left In Kgypt
when the tank waa ended. Therefore, bar
ing muck to tell, aad perchance but Utile
time to tell It, will I paaa over Ua evcnlt of
tho yean that followed.
Kor thlt wat Ue manner of my life, I
rote early, 1 attended Ua wurthlp of Ue
Temple, and 1 gave my dayt to atudy. I
learned of tho rile a of religion and their tig
ulflcauce, and of the beginning of the goda
and the beginning of the Upper World. I
learned of the mytlery of llo moremeote
of the tlart, and of bow the earth rolla ea
among them. I waa lattrurtnl In tbtt an
clent knowledge which it called magic, and
la the way of Interpretation of dreamt, and
of the drawing algbtoUod. I waa taught
tha language of tymbolt aad the outer aad
Inuer tecrcte thereof. I became acquainted
with the Internal lawn of good and evil, and
with the niyatery of thai truat which It
held of man; alto 1 learned theaeretanf
the pyramldt which I would that I had
never known. Kurt her, 1 read the rwordt
of the patl, aad of the acta and wordt of
tho ancient hlnga who were before me
alncethe rule of Uorutupon earth; and 1
waa made to learn all craft of atate, Ue
lore of earth, end with It the recorda of
Orreve aad Homo. Alto I learned tho Ore
clan and the lloenan tonguct, of which In
deed I already had noma knowledge and
all thlt while, evon for flveyetrt, I kepi my
handa clean and my heart pure, and did no
evil In tha eight of God or man; but la
bored heavily lo aoqulro all Ulngt, and to
prepare myaelf for tho dettlny that await
ed me.
Twice every year came greetiaga and lt
tera from my father, Atnenemhat, and twice
every year I tent back my anawert atklng
if the time had enmn to ceato from Itbor.
And to the dayt of my probation tpod away
till 1 grow faint and weary al heart, for be
ing now a man, ay. and Icarnod, 1 longed to
inakcaheginnliiKot the life of men. And
ofttlmet I wondered If thlt talk and proplie-
cy or the tlilnga there were to be waa but a
dream born of tho bralna of men whoto
with ran before their thought. 1 wat. In
deed, of the royal blond, Uat I knew; for
ay uncle, Hope, the l'rieat, ahowed me the
aecri't record of tha dtecent, traced without
break from father unto ton, aad graveu in
myatlo tymbolt upon a toutnl of Uo ttone of
Byeae. But of what arall waa It to be royal
by right when Egypt, my heritage, wat a
tlavo a atave to do the pleaaure and minu
ter to the lutury of the Macedonian jegtl
ay, and when aha bad been ao long a aerf
that, perchance, the had forgot bow to put
off tho aervtle am He of bondage and one
mora to look acroea tho world wiU free
dom'a glonout oyeaf
And then I bethought me of my prayer
upon tho pylon tower of Abouthla and of
the aatwer to my prayer, aad wondered If
Uat, toe, were a dream.
And one night, aa, weary with atudy, I
walked within the eecred grove that la In
the temenoa ef tha Temple, aad thought
aucb thought aa Ueae, I met my Uncle
Bopa, who alto waa walking and thinking,
"Hold!" be cried. In bla great voice;
"why la Uy face ao aad, Haraechitf HaU
the lat problem Uat wo otadkd ever
whelmed thee I"
"Nay, my uncle." 1 aatwered. "I am
overwhelmed, indeed, but not of Ue
problem; It waa a light oae. My heart la
heavy within me, for 1 am aweary of life
wtUla Uete clolttora, and the piled up
weight of knowledge crutbe me. It It of
no avail to atore up fereo which eaa not be
"Ah I thou art Impatient, UarmecbU," bt
aatwered; "it It ever the way of (oo'itn
youth. Thou wouldtt totto of the battle;
Uou doal weary of watching the breaker
fallapua Ue above, thou woaldtt plunge
taenia aad venture Uo deepereto batard
mu aaa airt utt reita trwraa abb
of Uo war. Aad to thoa woaldtt bo getag,
HarmattiUI TV bird weald ly Ue aeet
aa, when Uey are grown, the twalfewn ly
from beneath Ue earea ef the Teatple,
WeU, It ahaU be oa Uoo dealrrtt; Ue bor
watbaad. 1 bare toaght thee all that I
have teamed, aad actalaha that Uo pvpU
hath outran hit matter." And be twvoeed
aad wianal hi bright, Mark a;. It be
waa very aad at the thought of mjr depart
are. -AadwhlUerabaU I go, ay aactor I
atked. reieicieg; "back to Abovtbi to be
lattUU.1 (a the myttorr ef Ue Owa r
-Ay, back to AhwtUla, aad from AteotbU
to AWnaadrte, and from Aataandria to Ue
UruMef Uy faUera, O Maracha I Uaiea,
new; Utogt are that t Thou kna-weat krw
aMaatra, Ue tfraaea, m into Wyrla when
Uat faloe e-ut wb tVUit aa net Uo wi ef
Aaiecee at aaagtt aad raJaed bar bretber
rtotemy to Uo aeto hardtbip $4 Egy. TWea
kaeweat alee hew aha earno batw. at o
Qaoea todeed, arMb a rant army h bar
nwTaTtwwaa wawHtl May Ba IntwwMMaytVa ojgaVal
paactare Ue algbtjr Can
gvaatoatafaU awa. aatMd wiU a
theater to ItraaaaVta Ireea for-
bee baaely mnrdorod by AobUlaa. Ue
oral, aad Lwclut BopUalea, Uo chtot ef tho
Borneo tngkwt la Kgypt i aad then knew
how tko Aleaand riant were troubled at bat
twalng aad would have tlala btallctora.
Then, aa thou batt beard, Cmaar aelatwl
ftolrmy, Ue yvutg King, aad hla tlttor
ArtliHe,aad bade Ue army ef Ofovelra
and the army ef llolemy, ander ArhiUaa,
which Uy- facing each ether at IVluttm, wb
baad aud gi Urlr way. And far
aatwer Achilla marebed on IVrear and be
tkged blm ttraltly to Uo Brucaiam at
Aleinadrla, and aa, for awhile, thtaga
were, and bone knew who abould reiga hi
Kgypt. But then Cleopatra took up the dloe
and Urew them, andnhla wat Ue threw the
made-In truth It waa a bold ewe. Par,
leaving the army at felualm, tho came at
duak to the harbor of Aleiaadria, and alone
wlU the rUcltiaa ApaUodima entered aad
landed. Then did Apollodema had bar In
a bale of rich ragt, tacb aa are made In
Byrla, aad aent Ue ruga aa a prreent to
Catar, And when tho ruga were unbound
la the palace, behold I within them waa Ue
falreel girl on all Ue earth-ay, and the
aott witty and the moat learned. And aba
ecducnl the gteal Otar evea bla wrelghl
of yrart did not avail to protect blm (row
her i-hkratt-to that, aa a fruit of hit folly,
he wellnlgb lotl Kit life and all the glory
bo bad gained In a hundred warn.'
"The fooir I broke In, "Ue fool I Thou
rallett hla great, but how can the man who
hath ao ttrength to ttand agalntt n women 'a
wilet be truly great t Caaar, with the
world banging oa bla word I t'weer, at
whoto breaU forty legion aarvbnl and
changed the fate of poop! Ca-tar, tlie
cold I Ue tar-toeing I thaherot Ca-tar, to
flt like a ripe fruit Into a falaeglrl'a lap I
Why, la Ue iue, ef what common clay
waa tbla Koatan Caaar, aad bow poor a
thing r
But Bepa looked at ao aad ehooh hla
"lie hot ao rath, Hareiechle, and talk not
with 00 proud a voice, blnowetl thou not
that la every ault of malt there It a H"4.
and woe to htm that weara It If the twor.l
abould anarch It eut. Tor woman, la her
weaknree. I yet Ue atroagett ture upon
the earth. Mho la Ue helm of all thing
human; aba cornea In many hepce and
knock at many door; the It quU-h and
peUtit, and her paatlon la not ungovern
able Ilka thai of man, but aa a gentle tteed
that the eta guide e'en where the will, and
eaoooattoa offerecan now bit up and aow
gtvo rein. Mho hath a oaptata'e eye, and
atrong muit bo the fortree of Ue heart
wherein abo Snda an place of vautagn.
Doth thy blood beat faat In ytuUt ahe will
outrun It, nor will her hlea lire. Art
thou aet toward ambition I the will unlock
thy Inner heart, and ahow thee tei'ret roail
that lead to glory. Art thou worn and
wearyt tha htth comfort In her breatl.
Art thou fallen I aha can lift thoe up,
and to the llluvlon of thy ten gild
defeat wtth triumph. Ay, Hermartitt,
thoao thing tho ran da, for Nature
ever fight upon her aide; and the while
tho doet them aha can deceive and ahape a
floret end in which thou hatt no parL And
Uua woman rule Ue world. KVir her are
war; for her men apend thalr trengtb In
gathering gain t for her they do well and
111, and aeek for greatnet and Ind forgetful
net. And all the while tha all like yonder
Mpblnt, end mile ; and no man bath ever
read all the riddle of her amllea or known
allthemyatery of bar heart. Mack unit
mork not! Ilarmechli; for ttrong indeeil
mutt be be who can defy the power ef
womaa, which, preening round him like the
general air, it nfttlmaa aott pre tat when
Ue aenart leoat dltoavor IV"
t laughed aloud. "Thou aaeakeat earn
aally,U, my uncle Bepa," I aatdt"ataoat
algnt one think that Una hadtt not roae
antoaUad through thlt leroa Ira of tempu
tloa. Well, for aytelf, I fear not womaa
and all her wile; aaugbt know let them,
aad aaugbt do t With to know; aad I ttlll
tvdd Uat Ula Caaar waa a foot Had I
atoad where Catar aloud, to oaol I la wan
toaneaa that bale of ruga abould bare beta
rolled adowa the palace ttopo, area lata tho
harbor of mud."
"Nay, oaaeal cental" ho cried aloud.
"KrttlalttoepeakUuttaad mayUegndi
avert the omen aad preterve to tbee Uit
cold ttrengU wbrenf tbu onatteetl O
man, tboa kaowrtt not I Uoa la thy
ttroagtb aad beauty that la without mm
para, la the power of thy learning aad the
awaetneea of Uy tongue thoe hnoweet
net I The world where thou mutt mil It
not a eaactuary ao Uat of the divine 11.
But there It may bo to I Tray that thy
heart'a loo may aerer malt, ao aneit Uou be
great and happy aad Kgypt be delivered.
Aad aow let ma take up ay toJe-tbou
aertt, Hanaarhle, oven in ao grave a elory
womaa claima her place, fae young
Itolemy, Cleopatra't brother, being Wnaed
of Carter, treacberoutly turaed ea blm.
Thereon Ctrar aad MiUrldatoo atormad
tho ramp of Ptolemy, who took to light
acrott the river. But bla boat waa ouab by
Ibe fugltivea who preated upon It, aad auch
wat the mierrabio end of Ptolemy.
'Thereon, tho war being ended, Caear
appointed the younger ttolemy to rule
with Cleopatra, aad be. In naao, her
butbaad. thougb eaa bad but thee
borne blm a aa, Carearioa, aud be
himaclf tVpartod for Hw, bearing with
blm Ua beautiful PrlzM Aralaoa to
follow bla triumph in her chain. But lb
fteat Caaar It no more. He died aa be bad
lived, to blood, and nghi royally Atai Ut
ihiw bath Cleopatra, Uo (jvm, If my Ud
Ing may be trutd, title ItoUfuy, her
brother aad ber baaband, by p-aon, tad
taken the child Cw-aannw to be Ur follow
oa U Uro, wbka ana hoidt by Ue help
of Ue bVts legtoaa, aad, aa Ury any, of
young Beatut foapetaa, whe haU too
ctentVw Caoar la ber tore, But, Maraabla,
the whole iaad bnita aad aeetbeO aoalatt
bar. la every city the child tea ef Khea
talk of Ua deliverer whe to toevnte-oed
Uetj art be, 0 Uaraactle, Alaoet U la
Uete ripe. The boar I aigh at bead,
Uou back to AbonUtt aad leara Ua laet
oerrrto ef Ua gad, tad aeet teat whfl
ahaldlretUetruraUig(rflWtora. dad
then art, Maraacato-act, I any. aad etrtao
btava for Khea, and rid Uo toad f Ue
ttoaaa aad the Oreek, aad take thy ptorw
apow Ua Uraae of Uy f atbera aad be a Kit
ef meet. K cnto lit oai want Uou bora,
or raa aorrne t aauwit - aaearraai
caxaMtartoe no raa wrtiaaiats cater ie
aa. aat- ran waaatna tfeaaetanat.
TMK at1
tritb aa
oager baart dVtarhad
tnm Aaau Wt bt
Abottbit, Aad, to
be ebrt, toother I
... i$fftf ,,i., ,.
TanTtTaV-o TMK at1 day I
ITaVKl awaTaTaW twtw, aad
jaiHBJbBHT aat to aaletjr, boo-PSt3tF-r
3 ktf baaa abaeat
rmWL-if year aad a atata, b
mKL&viVw) t
MMlMJ j I MWja bwt a aaa rtdl greao,
12?-- eateaal awa ate aoai
anwtnwawT awMO aawtawtaV aftwf taawaa awtfaWa wtwafaT awMwaTaaa
F&Q wtnataa of tawiaV Aaa aaa
P aaaa I aaa two ate) toaa
t tbo Toapte, barrof
woittuled tWOa, the
prleato and
ho rovtue lataed forth to bat
and with Ibea the akl wtfe.
Atoua, who, bat far a faw added wnahtoa
Uat Tta had cut upoa bet ftrbead,
even aa the badbeeawbea the threw
aaadal after a Ire leng year Mean.
"iW Ui U." the cried i an4 tbero
art, ay tvway lad ( are Kany evoa
tbeawertl llwhata atat wbataboal
deraland what a fae and form I AKH
date aa eld woman iredlt to batw dandled
Ueol BulUoailorefspaletlhaaMwato
dowa Uere at Anna htve ttarved thee,
aarotyl Btwvett tkytetfi the tb-dib-ve
aot a ttrlUn, Rapty tuach aabea
empty bea.l.'aa they aay at AletaedrU
But, thlt aagladboMri ay, a yeat bcur I
Oae In come lot" and ao I bghtodeVtwa
the embracwd ate.
Bui I tkrutt ber aaida My father I
where ta my faUerl" I rrttnV 'laeo bla
"Nov, aay, bare ao fear," abo anawerod t
-hit llntlaett It wall; be walla the labia
chamber. Tbo it, pata ea. O happy day)
Ubapoy AbHithir
And ao I went, or rather raa, and reached
the rbaaxW of whWh I have wrtttra, and
there at lh table eel my, Amea
a bat, even the tame aa he had been, but
very old, and I ran to hla, aad kneeling
before Ula kitted hit hand, and be klttted
"Uvk up, ay ton," he tll, "and M ai
obt ejea gtie upon Uy ft., that I may read
Uy heart"
rVi I llfied up ay beat, aad long and oar
eatly he hmvked urwn ma,
"I rea.1 Ihre," he aaid at Ieagth l "pure
thou art and aUvn In wl.tmt I htre trft
been devolved In thee. Oh, tonaly hat teea
the yrara t but I dil well to tend tbee ben,.
Now. tell tne, tell m of ihy life, fur thy 11
tort have told a little, eiul thttu canal net
hnow, my am, hew hungry la a father'
And ao 1 toM hla far Into the at (hi we
eat and tvmmuntd wllh n an.ttaar And
In the end h bat mo know thai I at
BOW J'l-n me to be lullttlnl tnblt(H'e
great ui)aUflet Ihtl are teamed of lh
Choeen of tha (lila
And aoilraine to peat that fore twx- r.f
Ureemmithal Htred i)tll acnWdlag
to the bolr cualoma I ale no menu I waa
coatlanl lu the teactutrlee and In the atudy
of the aecrvt of the Ureal rUcttfice aad of
the hmcIoii of tha HivtV Mother I watched
and prajed before the altar. I lifted up
my nail to Ood, ay. In dream I emmuned
wlUlhelnvlalble, till at Irnrtheactli an.l
earth'edealitreteemM to a ftvot me, I
loagct no more for the glory of thlt worUt,
my heart hung above It aa an mIm ha
outttretchetl wlngt, and tht ii ! tha
wortd't blame could il ttlr It, and tha
vltlon of lit beauty brought no di(ht.
Pur uhnve. ne waa the rail vault of lleavm,
Where tn unalterable prnvtalon ihetttrt
tiaatoa, ittawlug alter them the dettlatoe
of men) when the Holy One lt u.n their
Irurnliig throne and wtch the rharlol
wheelaof Kale a they roll from aphate to
aphere. O hour of holy con teui plat Urn
who bavtnr core laate.1 of your lay rouM
wtth Beam to grovel oa tt,e earth I fviU
flrthl bulla ua down. I would thtt tbou
hadtt Iwek allogal her fallen fremae, and
left ay tplrll fro to aeek Oalrtal
The motttht of protathw ated bol ton
awlftly, and now the holy day drew near
when I waa In IruU to be united to the
unlvertal Mother, Never bath Night i
touged for the proa lee of the tlewn ) bever
hath Ue heart ef a lover ae paaaWnalely
dealred the tweet naxlnget the bti.te( aa I
longed to aee Thy glnrtcue fe, O lata I
Kven aow Uat I have beta fatlhleaa to
Tbee, and Thnu art far faat aa, II lHlet
ay awl go out to Tbee, aad tace nvwe I
know- But aa It la bidden that I tbld
draw tbo vail aad taaak ef Ultga lUl bare
not been told elnco Ua beginning ef Ula
world, let ao paaa on oad reverently aet
dowa Ibe blttory ef that holy mora, for
even dayt bad the great fettlva. beta cele
brated, tie tuf ertng of tbo lard Utirtt bad
been roaaeaoraledi Ue paatloa of Ue
Mother Itlt had been adored, and glory bad
been done to tha ataoey ef the rowing et
Uo Divine Ct.Ud Horua. the Hon, Ua
Avenger, the lbegvl. All the Ulajft
bad bea carried out araodlng to the
ancient rite. The bata bad loatol
a Ue haired take, Ue prleato bad
erowrged ibeaeelr before the aatwtu
artoa, aad Ue laagee had beew burn
Urouga the etreeta at atgbt. And taw, at
the tua tank oa Ua oeroaU day, ooeo are
the great praaatiwa gaUerad to chant Ue
wore of lata aad tell bow Ibe evil Waa
avenged. We went la all bee frea Uo
Temple, aad patted through the city wajre.
rirai tame taae wan near u path, uoa
my father, America hat. In all bit prtottir
rohea aad tho wand of eeder la hit band.
Tbea, -tod la pure llaea. Wlowed I. the
nawpbyto, eioeej aad aftor at the whit,
robed prleata, balding aloft batter aad
the emblem of lb Oodt. Neat roae Uoae
who bear the aared boat, aad after tha
Uo aad tbo aournerti wkia
atreublng aa far aa the eye nA reorb
marched ail the aevpwsrla4laalaeblf
black beranae 0lri wo n- ntore. In
oUeexw we weal through Ua tlty atrteta
till at UagU w caae to Uo braaaee tf the
Tea4and inmed in. Aad a my tetW,
the High rVrtt, ealered beneath the g
Wtf Of lb ftfUr tyUm, a reC-taa,
woim oieger legan to ting Ue tMy
Ctaat, and Una the oeagt
- Uag Oalrtt aead,
Lvt U fUa head
Tha I -vt km left the awU, the wand at grey
AUetrt the alter a
Tfe we-! tl fm aVa.
Aad lit waeye 0rt taaaa-t eway .
, Vftaa.yatretctrree,tt4.
Wtet, taAUrta lb HUa, weep, (a- tr
ga paaaad la hf aoet oweet atg. aad
Uerea the tUn aattitwao took tp U
aalancaxdjr dtrtjei
Weruy w trrt.r wtntttod tnMatepe HUtt
WitMa tae nMarr aefi4f
aWlea U tod that btna am wetaMtogl
JUtara, Otma. froa tar tTtegOwa a44l
ketwra to tbea that weraWg ttoe f .'
The ttarai eaneed, aad oawa again abo
WJtoa too er! rtoe
The ttrft4ard aanae
W ft, whwe aae toe Taojpto Wade
tVtwot too lata Uaettv
TM etead e4 tarrw t
fae vp wiaa ta wnpernaeaat tata.
Ware, ar a oaer'a araa, tbo awtat
la eod ertwta. tfer Ma tetwtaag
theratt'f a tv,tad waf
taruy wo irettetf aanti lawtaapa toSotg
WHaa aha ttoMiaay a(tt4t
tvri aha ! tva erta ae w rtwagf
tVlnra, O-ve. leva toy KMa atdl
tei totataiattatatoMWd,''
"OgewBerto the Waa.
laoal UaewteeV
Tbo Jvt. thy taatr tat eat the haawf
Tno pJatar t4 the Bet,
Ttytiaaeey aaae) tee tor I
at aaa. i
Jf. ,f.'rf
Tha tea aa taw b at at tod
awa mat mar aad m.
at our to watwaptog etoe.
wawatW nwndV wjgB tMtfrVaM Wawafl WTa Vawr layJI
ahwXty wo weoa. oar aoaaeod wartttoea taotfl
Witota the aaertoary a tea tatd i
tvnaa the Iaad that be in aea eair-agl
Rnrtt.i,r'va to t M i- Mt
wataa to taea thtt a wthie the et tM,' "
Tbea, la a atrnie aee high aad gao,U
aiagor taf l
tat waherrea ttrth toe pitaa
W aag to ehitd that Beat eeeeaeed aad
T-a nn !, hva wara
The Waeaa at it titan
pan areata ta aetata et Utt ea hetett aad
And to bar eeettt tat tetath
pMMtUt aewtteeath,
Pti4l tt tafit a ant a at
TeaeoM auk her hat btaOt,
Ta teed a all it Uaa.
Motuta, be r hwa h v,vtv Mr acaattt
bkaita, attTyrte, tr,
The Aat Jar diaetttaV
Pwot ea tor trath tt Ota ,' bwtt frta
taruy w traad. WMaee4 wwtawpt ttUag
Within tt aa,tty earUi
nvrt a to ad that lu are a taitiaat
twtat, Oa i. ta ttf KtgAa '
MUa to tntat It at earatip tha at A ' "
Oace aoc oa we bwaed let Ue HAyt
he aaag, and eeat the fall breath ft tor
glad matte tinging upthevttatttgwn,
till Uo aUeaa ahied wtth her round
neteaef auiyaed Oa beao ! tho
who bear breed Uitet rrly I the
braaaL And Una, a we walked, the Mg
the teng nf Oakitt rttea, the eenf Hr.
tho net get WW
Oik It Haif ta
Pug we, t4 ria d K.-ttlr lb Y
Ttt ttl t-t' tM halt at-
Ya tt troth a av
Taer t the Malta al tta Nty ail
Tte t tt ttntawitgt
rit l t f elAtd eiwa.
Tbeeathttl wdH t i roth
Wa ! ttf at teat
rartatttfeUtltktMklia Wtalf
Once tt, aa hr ante died away, U
dared ferth the riweut ef all the vwtrea, M
thalbrhantltg reatrd, and aa lb tun
tank the High tttt taied the tlatue l
the living Ood and hal.t H hefero the aultl
lud that waa aaw gathated In IK
ivy ft of tha Tal, ihetwutu, with
a mighty andbitfulthMttef lh)trl Oat
lj-t tUtlltl ! ta"' the ti.; t IK
lilt, k wraitiag ftai tMrdre, rvalig
tha white ivW they Iweealh, att, at
iae atn, ttwiy bowed bfr the tied, and
the feat I ended
But traelberfany wttcnly begun,
for tonight wa the night ef ay ItltUtUn
leevttg the inner r,t-rt I bath(-4 wraelf,
and, ctd la pure linen, paaJ, a It It rf
d&id, Into aa !., bet bt In lnal
too wo wat ruara.
tj a at Bal al m M tt
tage oa the i
aid the
age oa the aitor Tbea, wrung ap ay hoado
to rleetee, I raalw for many bearo to
cvaleaplallen, tlrivlag by Mly tha-gbto
and praier to gather ap ay et-engU agalnot
the aUtbty aaaat ef ay trtoi.
WWaly Uo hwuro epd la the eUeaea ad
UeTaatKUIInt length Ua eW eaaaed
and my father, Aaaneahal, tho Nigh
riteet,taaeln,Had ta whiu. aad toadiag
by tha bead tbo rrtotl of ItM. fa- lla
U.bavitgbaoa aartied.ho didaotoator
iato Uo ayeurtot of the M4y Mather.
I roe to ay feet aad etoaf btaMy ho am
U twain.
-Art Una readyr ooM tbo meet, bftoag
Uo lotap bo hetd a that lu Mgbt fell aawa
mytm, "ArtUa ready, O la-e rawaew
aa, area to eoo taa) gtay of tbo Wadlat
faat to fatal"
"I am ready," I aatwered,
"NeUlab tbee." he oaal Ogata, la aohaaa
too, "late to ae amall MUg, If thaw wdt
rarryoot tha thy loot oeerro, nadtrttaad.
O IWyal niemaha, that aw thlo tarp
alfht awat thaw for awbUw din la the fcab.
what Uaatayaenl thall tofc oa aatrrtaM
Uitga. And If thoa dlert aad there abaM
hw aay orll Ultg fcejnd wMhla Uy baart,
when U reaetl at loot ato Ihot tefal
prtttmw, mm anU theo, Ha,otab4si ff
the bteatb rvf Ufa thall a aaro ewler to at
thagata-way of Uy twath, Ultofl; tbait
Una tariab at to Uy bfy aad abet ahaU
larfail Uy tc.bor parto, if I how I way and
nap (Arrdlag to lh RgypUea rangVa
Uo bang aaa to a'aaaj t far aarto
the lady, U dawWe or aetrai thaa (t),
ibe aval (Mi, ad M atar N f H' earuag
f reaj the Itwthead (Ua) ( Art lha, tbera
fre, ad frtofrtai the thMogM vf ttl
Art t preparetf t be gabfd U the
breatt nf lfr wb aa 4 to a4 wta tm,
and In ait ilntgato do Hr biy wW), t&
ber, wad the ahaU a eaiaatlt to pvt
away tho laatglrtiaf earthly oan4 to
Utar aJwait f Ma gtory Ml at tto ii
Uy lite I aburfd to Hr ertal Uir
-I aa," I awewradi tymmi
-It to wet)." aad the rrtoot, Xa
Aanaaeahet, we go ba M
"raroweit, ay aa' eeto my fataef ( 'bo
Ira atvl tiitapa rner the tniage eptittool
a thwo thaH trHrtaaw ewer tew totogo aatta
lr fdewhewtoldteely ttbltoewVlaai
IrHhoMrtodtaaaaawthwaabi. gtoaaot
beat taa wwa abat, far Una taJyoaaMb
aara taa eetrto 4 14a Mrto, gat h
waret Ibe e deoaoad ait ad aVeao
whw dare to rater Ue rtreieof UaarDtra
Mp , If Uey at batw toeref rtta Uey abort
betodgai ef a thatter low. aad he aaaraai
w-Hh a beavtor rt. Ao thav at to, a
ataN taaif ahead b i h to a MgM laatg.
arlagaataf toy tvartal garb, a aw4 Uo
rataeat f tho BH to aVwbly dare..
TVrrawao, aaa Uy baari , t nVfat
gltrat-fcal A4whaihaiaaaaittVaw
ave were t4 x o4 aoaatwt t Mttp
p ateaa yea ator that turn haw to wtaa
gread t0 taro fteta oaad tOrto be
.ira4 aaato.. Aad tnm4i. titoed, ta-r
lUarthe la4-f wbHA Hw) aad ao pot
gH to avt to a tia, PaeewatSr"
fv a aaaea t. ao my heart aetghed taaat
hntrt wad, I woee'td, go wai I twdTwV
vt I wa goad with taoftag tob fit irtil
y of who lartao oata, aad I
gai a aow
to at aiy ta tae taat to paot.
havtoc awaao
etrataTtoay ear. I aaa fwha to tat aVbko
abaft, laal aa, I rtlaf, aw bawl
wabwx, -land OhOawf Mawtl I nwaww
- V
..'iA..L -ay U :a. J; JU&M -
5aaMaaaaL-.aMtMy at bbvCmM Jai 1 11 lBVBBanaBaBaMBMal
fTHnPaWI liaHflWfAfft-tJ
Mt. it4.1Bmm mimwmm
iftt tapervtewagit will la fatal fa
lea and cH If thr arej boat pa fwaa)j
trull tor la lead of Ua bogoa,
-Praia rww pa44taf, tatand) fromjTa
pretty nttnM aad rtfntohe. Hw haa
atte aa atOtlelhtag) daaaitaadl
rMto m tawra tha bt ft! ea Vao tobha
la abablagdUb,
It tha latboe wlatr arw aara
aadatrwe,! U utt watot twtaaa
aarthew, la, aeA Ubawtwbea toadoa
and dipped. In egg aad alowtoaw,
tiled td aa with towtoM , tva,
ttw vety aVetv
--Kje0O44t-CVe, Ua plat v.f rta
, half a plat of graham ,, half
pialol wheat 1t, a tobUaraafa, of
awgtr, twt ogga, a toaaptnw,f4l ml tat,
a toatptaiUt t alt(.mi wall with Voa
terallb, and raiaa btwaa at 1 iWaioti
,l very fa4 lubber wab aapaa eaaf
t aato froat a geatltaaaa Nhbap
.ir.! that la -at net ttoa aw a aW
iVw fata aUoo wb aV their awa
aeMng tnd rhtatng will lad Maea
abvn tet at lag aad ovonfaUbto, It
It W not thovgbt awaalta ateamwy.
A fiult now fand la tbo market bt
Co Uiit, ald giapn trull. Illoaa
lnl lot p.t of Mlt.Mii haVit. ami
totnt i-ople leaf a to like It tltof eallaj
It a few llaea. In ealltg tt, every par
th'ta uf ah I a tkwiM I roaovd traa
the aw float tha ptlp. at tbla laaev
whit thin la ii Ultor and o,ait o
II )ou are t, tht-ben aay talagf aha
bntlef ant ItMur, and hat awr hulteo
than &Mt, all the 11114 aty ha p'4
Pt lh at time, at It will tavaily dip
..U and alt tb thl4uVd. If, btw
er Ihtfn It Bom af th, then Ue lUutd aatt ba
a Utile at a Hot
When not raoled )a the pibt t
wnub thould alt htng by It flnaj
la Ik tttlo a ll to w,wa. Aa
a rtl tb bra a til tta tlh a dltSfwal
rale when laid d-to a, Owlp htgb gtata
watche aro a4Ut4 M pjaltliMtt eel
wl t;iow nalt a fw nan4t dlfraret
la liii'lHi hHre, ablla
watr'hM aay I atf tlawaeteval alw
ulea la night Jewl't Weekly,
ineje,ah l'.v44lg t Half 9p
flour, hall pttig' hatteip allb, Iwa
i"w lltof, egirt, nao top af
niolaaat, half tacafw) aalt, mm
iUm1 t(,m a4a dltta la wteO(
tat tHw talba af l-rgg ty tight,
and alt llh tgtr, aalt, toUMaat
allh, and th bulref aotl4, add tha
flour, ua th while f tho tffa, ami
latly the ala, Ub la a ValtoroddUdi
tliMutfte el a bt4r, t bat
uUhln terte wtla hat oaa4a TbU h
ir y rkh . Alhanji Jofatl,
- Iht CtMth Hairt bad fa a aA
eluOt t alwnt hri.l, aaa a tory aal
n4iFaa la m4e 4 frabtnae, Cnluaw)
ptr Iftera lha Iwwal, badbbat at
the top aad alralgbi aetMM th awtbaav
A a-Mtad pleta f the tHtaa la rah
the aaa width aad a Wat few laebaav
ah, r br, a-Ht at tuth eaia raw taa
taio pi iaMtf at tha tathat aaw)
u,an4 bla4eab aeparatoly a faat
tht I, Nlat all atajwaa tho edgwa
with light aleral awati af Ufa A
braaa Hag at the hp, aal bwarfrte)
arua ho bMthem la tab It p haatlti
V OdtoQ THrMaMr,
Aa ad a I ror of Oeaertl (V-Hm. bbo)
hem ut the hVnataa. realafo aa, la 1 lav
rnt aruat of bto lite, that "bo beat
bit aneailnwed plarw ao a eblef, mat
by ! ret oM la aad baaa eaa
aalutoo of irwtnpoto aa4 aaaa, trot by aa
lag tbiagaT aad the writer ftao a to1
g Me at ateey iaatotvaw wf bit war mt
doing thing," Ma ttwayt toad nwaa
Im bto aaa. rather thoa "oV" rtowaoaab
ooatoat with dltofMaf af twaaaadtaa.
fie aevor t top pad abaft of tWag, fa aa)
daoHtaato wf Ufa tho aaa waa 4ata
thing It lb pdat aaaa. Tha awaabtf
taw af Iho viaVrt t4aa, win ltd aalari.
lag relay of lter 'ItoMlaati oWob aaaa
Uiee aad roeb-harota; dtaaatlgey
with wwMlka wtonVa IhaaaViraaf hba
PweW grroTowl wWl1elti ffNfgaff fwMlwg IHlffWwnHaJwSaJ wwefgajt
at tha largo tlltoo, hat tha trlha af anaa
fl JrTw7naw4 laWaj fgM fpaM WWmjfrWftwW
totoeaaa la gtwwtat tve town It to aa
Mti etr to toll b tho ttaatoa) awfwb
to ta at4 Ihoa tw aato th aawoat
it la at hwah oaotor ta talk aattat
hiMtttnia tbaa to trala hl4owi
It to w av.h aaatof b ad tow Iho editor
that- It U h U a pweaf it to at ,
aootrr t' l-4 fault wllh law a-eaOhap
Uoo It It tw pve-vb, that a Uaweaaai
mn tteyt bw f--a4 atatdo taw)
nvteto llr-a, a4 tve aror, aa4 wa
edltArtol toMt'a. aad lh tla04 waa
kavw lvtt whet by As, araf
totMw aa tafaato aa4 adlhao ool .
Mwahfe aro ale art at a aoomtsage
Talbafe aro thoofV (sow taw aaraab
U gttftifl with theat. fhara rawo htgwa
Uaww thy aa a aa. 7h bag
hto atatit otohleg that! UaaUfaf
daaal M4 felt Ihroag a lha U torta
he watof, aw Uat h atajbl boa tw
prltltota of retniatf aa oat dirftof tag
bto vaUo, and wb rt loto at
Haty thw hf taal h M ap ten
f ttolr oooMedU will a'
nvadtt law Haaoaa Ibateig, taw)
wag aaa oh atoaww ba dlo(tgihg
klanalf - tea wwrht ' dwoav wtfl
havea (toaadtoai oaaartaalff aa4aaf
pareHtely liHto tiaaaotitt'ta, TWra aow
few awre watpreboaal ro taf ana fat byaa
saHrwat laaa ftoaaral feadawwnMfge
Oaathlarahhtage awrtaf,-
Kale. jin m . .,.. t
taaffaeaaMaw Myaatv
Tbo aaryiuftt ooawraJlp a
Kate the raMtopM of lh at af tabh.
t g aaot W, hat ao af food.
iho atrrvi to di4dy lafortoo in hba
ayattv Tharoevw alwayoogpaplaowf
taaat Mttat fa taa nowm awioo ad May
tm, aad fAy rpa4 rarhtao paWwawa)
with g road Naraaa af otlonaa CaH
atofy ttxetgh taa aaatbaf agfftaaav
Mia th 4a oaaaao ha 4ee bhdgt
waa, Uboahddafaawdhl.. Tkaeaw
ataPAwTA awm Abwhmalaff gafasVAlBaiABAga taVAataU ahatamaawiat.Ba1 afatr
amamwj mawj tswawawpa w Bawawwaaayawma tmmnmmy tWgBJgaawTmmame. fmmr
tnaaVaVAaia awaawawanwaT ATaW aaatonwawatm aaAbnata aWatngMt anahanaa OnaV.
wwaw07 MtTwraswa emmmmwaa nwy fjamjBJ WIM Vfwawd fggaTggi
a.Calavtgg Mlgglgg -'- - a-et A--
W wawTweww a awaai wawrwaaawy twawHwTwvetpaTaT tVaw wOBn4WVtMaata
bo Mo alatotiaae, fib tofwaa at g tagal
af Ae.ajifAMl aawMBal aMmVaW mATaianbwaT iBMawBl idb --
away arwamrwawmmymmmma; mmmmmy awawawaama mmmwaaj may wmmtaat,
faAwaWAwatdnV AVaaT anMafi fAaWaUaawabAAaVl aaanwnmtwaaaaV fsehBtBm
owwwaTaTgV waeJ Pwf owwVwaTWw"aJ fyWraTiPrgg nTawaaaVJgaf
aattawoiilitlileg a
yV wwata oaaMJ awl
r simmtm
AiSjtrl &!&,., V $& ...'rf.J
taaaaaoaa aaatai
twwaaaw nwawawav'
A dV 7