The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1890, Image 5

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ht erf &kud glritf.
J- 4 HemWEat.
Entered at te foal Office tn l!t-t
m mall matterol lae sewn
Atoolutfy Pur.
Jliliiowrtrr never varies. Maml of ture
irvnKtb mihI tiulewMirnrM, more rconoiuiral
limn llic oralnar) klml aiitlrannol twaoltt III
witlon Mllh llu inultlliidr. oj low t .lurt
wt-Iglil alum r ihnht ixmilnr. ! mlr
mown. HOVA1. BAKING lllWIiritCO.
Iw Wall alreel. N. Y. cliv.
Tk rrnklrM rur !) araraaero.
Kmtor Chirp. With no desire to
be icvcro in our criticisms, we think
that the letter of Governor Thayer to
theH. R. companies, pieces the gov
ernor and the railroad commissioner
of this state ?n a peculiar positien,
in their effort to reduce freight ratea
in interstate commerce. They have
threatened to reduce the rates within
thin state. Iu this they tacitly admit
that heretofore they have neglected
to reduce the ratea in this state to a
just and reasonable basis. Would it
not be well for the commissioner to
attend tn their business in this state
instead of going to Chicago for the
purposo of interfering in matters (of
interstate commerce) over which they
have no control. Would it not be
well for the governor to eiplain why
it ii that the Hw of this state has not
been enforced as (gainst these cor
poration. Their sudden leal in thia
mailer leada us to believe that certain
politician begin to see the handwrit
ing oh the wall, and aro trying to
throw dut in the eyiaof the farmers
until after another state election.
The governor ought to know that the
farmers of this state are not asking
for charity, but for justice. They
are nut asking that reasonable freight
ratea be reduced, but that extortionate
ratea be made reasonable.
They aro asking that the interstate
commerce law be amended and it
enforcement placed in tha hands of n
commission who will not permit the
hipping of dressed beef from Kansas
aity to Chicago, at about one hair tht
rate that ia charged for a like aerial
from Omaha. They are demanding
that tha law be so amended, that tha
state of Nebraska will be made the
plaintiff in all eases growing out of
extortionate or unjust diseriminstiona
ia tha rates for carrying freight or
passengers between points in this
atatc. and that its enforcement be
plaeed in the hands of a commission
who are in sympathy with the people.
Until this is accomplished there can
bf no practical test of the theary of
state or national control of these eor
po rations.
Ia our demands fur lower freight
rates we aro met with the assertion
that if freight aro reduced our grin
will be rush! to market and prices
reduced. Oar (would be) guardians
telle as that freight must be kept ap
for ear good. This argumtat ia off of
the name piece of goods from which
the protective tariff argument is cat,
i.e. that ilia aeeeeaary e Ux sad
extort from the people in order to
make them prosper. The Uer ab
surdity of thia claim it amply illui
t rated by a glaaee at tha I aancial
coaditioa of tht farmers ol the entire
country. We ait telling oar owns In
Leaden and Liverpool ia eempctitiea
with the grain of other countries.
Kvcry cent of the tosi of sealing it
to market is pa'd by tha producer.
Our oppoaeaU should take noma tea
aiateat theory and either pataae k at
true or sbaadee it aa f alto. The troth
ia thai oota ia Liverpool is bat little
lower thia year ihaa loot. Oeeaa
freights aro eJevwa aoata this year
whlUthajwatf hat throe aoatt loot
year. The tf octet lata iasraasi hi
is it aawtstal la aoed afemal .
Oaftjan la esaswesl ia
great disadvantage, IJader her free
trade policy, Kaglaad is mistreat of
tne oeeaa carrying trade, and our
commerce is at her mercy. When we
Lave a small tupply of ioro octaa
freights are low but with a large ur
ptus we art at the mercy of Koglith
ship owners. Hcmove tariff restrict
tlons and American ship owner will
compete with their Hrltlsh rivals in
u.e ucer carrying trade, ami ocean
freights on corn would fall below three
cent. Karat ct, we cannot dodge the
imuc. It is squarely before us.
Tariff taxes are to a great extant the
ciuse of the low price of corn and
other farm products, and the problem
for free transportation will never be
olvod until all the materials ued
in building and operating our railways
arc placed on tne free list and Ameri
can ship owner are allowed their
freedom to compete with their rivals.
It will not be solved until the farmers
of the west assert their rights at the
ballot box and demand that their eon
grcasnian have clearer idea of polit
ical economy tnan to aert that tax
ing and extorting from the farmers of
the country will make them prosper.
The present agitation ia full of prom
ie. Let farmers, merchants and la.
borers stand together for meaiures of
relief. Our ist-rests are so closely
interwoven thai an injury to the far
mcr is an injury to the merchant and
laborer, Let passion and prejudice
be thrown aside. Let as seek the
truth without regard to where it may
be found, and when we vote let as
vote for oar own interests, for the in-
tereM of this community, for the
ioterciU of Nebraska (oar own our
native suflanwer patch.) If we fail
to do this wo are not worthy citiioas,
and will not obtain the relief so
surely needed. .
The NfW BHaterr.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors Ulkinir about it You may
Joursclf bo one of the many who know
roiu personal experience iut haw
good n OitiiK it is. If you have ever
tried it, von it re onn of it sluuncli
friflmK Ixjcauw tne Wonderful thin
bout It U, that when once given a trial
Dr. King' New Discovery ever alter
luiUU a ntai'u in ih liouic. If you
have never ued it and snould be a 111
ioled with aeoUKh could or any iliroot
I.UB nr rin-st timiltle aecuro brttle
aloneertinl i;ie It a Inir trial. It is
gurmnU'ed vvrty tune it money rcftin
iltsl. Trial Uottlr Free at Henry Cook's
Drugstore. A
Tartar bVm4.
KniTon Cumr. This time two
years ago all a person eould hesr was
free trade or tariff,' but after eloetita
free trade aeemed to have lost its sa
vor. Ol eourso the difference in
presidential politiss, helped the tariff
question to cool off, any way wa have
aot heard very much about fret trade
since Mr. Harrison's eleetioa, until 3
or 4 weeks age, or, since Mr. Me-
Kclghan's f rst letter, and I eaa tell
yoa it has warmed up the old tariff
question ia thia part of the world.
Three cheers for MeKeighaa and six
cheers for the Cilixr for printing his
letter, it has given us something to
talk about besidee oar aeighhora.
Such letters and replies to thtm
make thiaga lively. Kvery mat,
woman and child who can read are
eager to oecome posted oa the free
trade question. 8o many are puttied
as to its meaning I heard one per
son ssy not a great while ago that he
weald give $M, to understand the
tariff as he would like to. We take
several papets sod keep some for
year. Ho I eoneluded I would take
a course in reading old newspapers
aid sift oat the much talked of tariff.
Of coarse the editors of moot of oar
papers art eteaach repablieaaa with
ehsrity toward all. They try to peel
fy the advocite of free trade by giv
ing it its real meaning, which I bate
pat tegctbr as I understand it, and
I hope f am right. Oar free trade
friends insist ea teeming all detiee oo
imports a tax, aad all their argamettts
are btssd oa that prepeeitiea aad eee
tinully assert each daiiet art aeoeee-
eerily added to the retail price ef
the article seld, aad therefore paid
by tht eeesomer. A protective tariff
each as tn Uaited Mtote eompole
feraifW eeaatr tee to pay to tha gov.
erameat, U aot a ux hot rather a Ii'
teaoe which forrtga metaaaata pay
for the privekf e ef trasliejt ia thte
ooaetry. directly or iadirceily. Thia
Upraetieed ea a seullor eeak by
Marly all town aad ettioe whleh levy
eW tha aaate of lieoase, a las at
tariff oa poddlere aad aaetieaesee who
fla tMaWVwfffPal WWaW VwaWlw wH rr
Tha homo mirihsnt pay Me las aad
hoepo hojiM tf Ma aoww. aha ptdflar
haw a bwaeaoae aawa, sasdat a fao
or seldom ever lad him. so when he
comes into a town to tell hi goods
the authorities levy a tariff on hi
goods or on the privilege they give
him to sell his goods in the ton and
that U about all the benefit he I to
the town whetr. be netU hi ,ck4,
the money whleh he receives for his
goods is itprtit eWtswherr, but the
good he sell ! that much laVen
from the homo merchant. Some time
the tat or tariff 1 levied to high that
it keen him out entirely ami he
ftttirs to tonic other town wnii ir
courage This on a national ete ii
the duties on foreign good for ihe
protection of home watiuf Jclorlc and
home merchant. A great many ray
if free trade was the law we could.'get
goods for most nothing. 1 i uppoe
we could: where would eur working
(HKipIc he, cither stealing or tnuiptng
or begging, for labor i o cheap in
the old country that if all the mining
products were allowed to bo shipped
into the Cnlled Hlatcs without lh
shippers paying a llcente or tariff for
the privilege of selling their good
here. Why the mine and manufaC'
tories would soon stop work and then
where would the workmen be? It
tho Tniled .State would levy a Ur.
nr tariff so high that the furvtgnets
could not pay it, aad reap a large prtv
It, why then Ihey could keep their
ehcap Isbor products nt 1mm n. We
think poor Marving Ireland could
disposo of some of it, and If not let
them dump It Into the ocean for the
Ishes. The Vnltcd States are fur
nished by nature with every mean of
rolait to work and maklne our un
goods of every ducrlption i tlul we
eould be entirely indepeadunt, only
for neighborly love for all nation
and that is one thing our country I
noted for. Well I nutt dote now
or thia will run into politics, llo'iiui
thia will be taken as intended, fur an
enlightenment to some reader of Tnr.
Cilixr.witb noenmmonU.wlih charity
toward all and malice toward none, I
quit a I sign :nyelf,
A roiitlmul rrtUjsliinK It rt niiu!u tu wt
IUIK .l.llnj iwai tlHI 111 mr klinl "I M KMlllIIKl
hrii, Ii U hi sal iltmwr la Id lliril ivl
Minna, mid U iin-llhstr ,lm-"iii m ih).
fau n the rar. line ball lill ( i-t
Llimjr Cwuili etitM will rrllnv ani hi.Iiuai)
eiHith, hihI lliliiiirtl mmI' ihiumiii limn Ih
lulrrlm nut llialare thltmniMi llir inaikit
t'i m II nl riMiMu rvliu
C, m(mivihii, Hii'mUi.
For years the farmers of the United
Stale have been trying lo ilevin ways
and means by which they nould bo en
ablcd to cope with the balance of their
brethren in the line of business. It
seems tn have recently dawned upon
their minds that they have accom
plished very little ia the way of unit
ed effort, from the fact that they
have been unable to keep their saea
la line. Thcie are many reasons why
the farmers should stand together and
labor to bring about an assoeiatloc, of
torn aert that weald be etroeg enough
to compel the vast moaepolics of the
country to etme to their terma, instead
of tht fsrmer boat; dictated to aad
forever aader their thumb. The
griadiag process which Is being used
today, for the perf,ee of nnptesrieg
the farmer, and poor peepU generally
is eaoogh to make our leicfalkers ne
from their graves aad eat) for the
good eld primitive days, when wonop.
olics were aaknown. Karmr mutt
combine for Ihrir torn protection It
must be a non political organisation
or it will fail, it must be tioneetaiisaJ
Or failure will ! certain, in (set It
mast leave all of the little thiog
eetaidc if the aueeeoaful ore eeitatiow
that it la be the gca paeeees, as it
were, for the reason that if ttwjet die
terbieg elesseatt are allowed to en
ia, share will quickly fallow liseord
aad) diseatisfariioa ia their rsnk.
Lei them org toil a4 fght for their
righto, in fact demand thtw In Ian-
gaage that is aaqaaweiaaahie. !
laadlordiem aad smplies know
that thty matt deal fairly r t at
all, thta aad aot aatil Ihea, will the
lot ol the farmer be any eaer or Ut
ter, Of coarse it weald U imeiU
la get every fanner lo aquiee, Utt
it should be eeoy eacaih fo get a ns
jorit). aad Ihea a great eltaage weald
lake plaee whieh eootd a4 hslp bat
beboOof aaarwaad. While all of
Ibie tfUaliet) i fOJef oa faemet
""WawlWwflsjaw lawi
', late food aero of their
taoabaaeaf , and U
thehoraf the
a4aaaIBfklAA f. pj LftiaIaTafSaaVl mA -
s"aawawawmwawj eev sxeam awswasspww swjsawtarv awaassy ewewavawar'
asweimaesaei, Wm.
Mafsojawaj tMtg art e
e to 4
of their receipts aad eipeedJtarte.
they let each day take ear of Itecrf
with but little idea of hew thing are
running. No wonder then that they
are iwpoied upon by grinding and op
prnivo mcflppolic. If the farming
world want la Utter their eoaditlon
they mut become mere basin like
and oranlio fc-t their own prelection,
thereby placing themieUe In a pol
lion to e(et their juM due. The
lime i coating when tho condition
mutt be fulfilled.
It IM'I J ol JiHIt (aul
W llMlul1l l.alnr.1 l ark
- a .
It Mr
U I!(wmim In )tU U Mkl
i4illt tVIUtK
l W(tWih A i el ItrnO O
sl i iuimi in uwm n IM
Mxl,)iM miiniu Ar.t nUe a it.. WH
t iuimI Iii UtM Uk IM ivM Mr
ll h tklfUTl
iiwHUMI ll.t, tII
lnAiKlli-h tt li kl4.
il In
tU (Miriao,
Mr Dinwiddle the Kama ej clone
temperance lecturer spoke to a crowd
ed houie last iuadsy night at Mt
tjuaker ptstrr mecller at Willow
crek (eloil liie, on Tueaday even
Ing of each week. All ate rorllally
Samuel llruncr I threthlng out hit
Urge atAcke of clovrr. II will hat
about three hundred buhcl ef tha
clover erd afler l ia cleaned and
nilv for le. He ha H. aete of
timothy and clover which jleld an
abundant ciOp.
Still the nice weather la with us,
Faimer In all direction are buy at
work, ome with their coats off. at If
It wa April Instead nf February.
Mr. Adamooa killed the fattest
beef lt Tuetday that has been killed
hero for a long time.
The heruin at l'leanl Mill eehmd
hoimn lia utrii illteonllnutu on a,
count of too big a eiowd,
Mr. Itichmnnd and Mr. (Jodwla
ahelled rufti ihls week
Mr Jake l,cj, ha taken the reu
trarl of delivering cretin for this
nellilKiihoixl In bn aUpptnl fiom
Cowley lo the lllue Hill erramtr;. He
gsvc the Wt of llsfscllon Ut )et.
Win it )i iMtil a tiilt, Uiallte )mi t.ltxiil.1
hWn imxitH l,4t MlllayliiMlM llirf .
Sl'lhiia a. Mr at Hin l-utnt. I.i'a VmJ.
Iallv I lit I1IU lrfrf, .MI r4 lH Hilt
uiar iii.lmiKtliii,j im. a lli baia
itvuii.i al"l l r.ju. i, ('of
IMr. C)"Athr KapoattitM IUI
lu- r; versell., Kit. IdtrJ.
The hightsl pwatibU premium The
only grand prise for sewing msehlnes
''Nri 0"' 'k" aly waehlae that
nu' iJ c b called modsra,
It Is up to the limes.
uVrt (V'Runssoquitt and steady
rU. II tmavt a lamp may be tet
oa the atand with esfety.
"Kin fl" lt ,l,, 0,' ' '
irtu, r saschlne Improved, bat
buiis built on new leeohaalee) ptla
el ply.
OnHcwa fast aad msk t
itrfert sliuh with all
klndsef thread e si all kinds ef meter,
ial, It laalwsys roody.
0As time
.1.1.. all
roll trill
other mwIok
msehlae from flr4 elave home and
dr mkltig ritabiiahmtnls,
t a t Mn.
tuvfr- (.MI'c not dtsw or pacser
ly. U ,,a g.t .Wrie Nevet
nasaror brraV
wr !ftn
m blur
ihrvtw. Ill
..M.. IV'U ttsrirslied for
iWl. it dursbililt end iutiif of
,irt rHtiih thr ysreVs ef
leg 4ithH a hMU meehlna,
iT. fiTh only hk 4lh me
O. If ehlee in tie amid m.k
eif s p.fcet stiieh t a vsrisbl opetd
N (1 1 Will not break thru ad or
O. 9 I-,,.!, ii. sUtehlne
should it run (a the wrong direeiioa.
;minii aa.raaf
iV -. n''rr-makr't favorite,
". if Is the only Utk 4luk
machine tha moke ea elaotie atom.
Trade lhat aaeieat mM
No. 0"
eh lao of Ihlae foe
Wheeler A Wlisoa new
MH i CO.. Mprti.
iUd lload, ifahraek.
I. It.
eej asfcti.
Atma Jk &aLahamB) mmaaw dmwamwi .oaef
WaWantsw maxf mwawaaanwaxaj anamw maarwe'Wf myv
tawaswesWans ia ttovasVy aaaf awj ao
aMaealOfgaaiaai aass)swmrsm, few
aeettisstii aawsvoas.
At cost!
C. Wiener,
To mike ixxim for other goods c will sdl
alt of our
Women, Misses
and Children's shoes
At coat. An in oitm iutltKtnmtl to buy. w will wif
Mi) UiHIei of U(o ilnttritttwl (Jill Ktltftt Him IhrwalaVJ
frw lo tiwry iHitvlmawr f I'J.KO tif !. nuotU
If you rant rool oUooit iJiwtp, mow fat
your timet.
BaaBaBaaaVwaalBmBEBwwAH sV .BHaaaaBaBamwap
xwawawawawawawawawarBaaaawak msswawaay KwraTafKffafLwavaw
awawawawaLasxLwmwawawawawawawaw f
&9Jmb9 MwiwJwMttlWst
sstiafW abjoji
mtiimi'it''-' ? -twi-4''m''' mifbt - t
I las taken the agency for tlir
Lyon & llealy & Burdott Orguit
Aim the Fisher, Knabe and New
England Piano.
If yonjyh to buy an instrument call on mt
for Tricci and Term
It is tilt Isravi fffHlirxl liiVrttfewl
that sciirtHsti Iim yt mAMw Vim mu fatto yofsf
ntiwk twlr.i mm fflt by jln Vv CoosW. Cmll
tiifl jtwi It st my HUtrm,
A. MOKHART, AKt . Red Cloud.
kwWi. v,mn
WA Cloud, M AllaMy, Narw Yistt.
H. CUke. AJvs
, At. 5w Twh
momr lcahm.
e swVWSaweFaawasweal wawwswal sW
At cost!
p IllllhH
Cooks F
Every Farmer
In Wlawierssvl um
m gfKWllI amt oninf
Ojlchratctl fooiiomfca!
fiy iv! ffwar few
ft. sVew. ITitjlufiB sT.1T.
at easj Itotf tl iowwaw
( Ti