Kfrvv" wTt:rt l- . M ' vJUTMf ,'. ?)! flW 335 IV .R '4rft4)f ; flllRf W y. n Mvl , j i " tt ft. ?: K lt- V I '.W Rt IKAj Ya&W V,W4kfiHMlNtiNMk ortgta a mm aa( editor of a m BttMlehei ay the student mm wm aitoalshed, and. , aoaadallsed. to learn thai as editorial whioh he hat rag arded with 4a4 trW referred to aid maida who awmi'a MtMkig for a dinner party. Turalaf the pago he Manned another roduatat'hU pen, a thrllllna; romanco, and dtawvered that the bafflod villain MM area tare MiMi into nimscii. The a editor had written in tho IntaHMo. -oM'mM who served as paMlag for a tknmm taMta- " In tha ateond arllole ho had written: V "-fared tare toilets lato himself." it m oron ask, wun virtuous taaig nation' why uch typographical erre'ra as thta ;ooovr. Tho explanation, aside front y the?; total depravity of inanlmato w.law, can readily be given. In-fact, 4a wonder grown that such mistakes do not far oftenor occur. lanwailatoly before a writ ton article Is given to compositor to be "set," the "T7 the manuscript Is termed by printers, la sclMorod Into "takes," or portions often or twenty linos. Home ataos alight attontion U paid io tho , paragraphlnff and tho pnncti'atlon of 1 ,th written page when the article is shutout up, and, consequently, tho laat 'Mnoof a "lake may often end in tho rildle of a sentence. When such Is the ease tho "ak" is said to "end even." Afk a , manuscript is cut up tho totyftjire commonly, put on, a copy hook, indicated by a letter of the aluhawhV, followed by consecutive 'fajaraafFor Instance, the editorial IwktsJygNffht such coitaternatloa td the tawswMaitor was out up into throe "kfcj, Indicated m B i, B a and B 8, , jTha Iras ''ended 'even with the word ."as," and tho second "began even" with tko words "padding for a dinner party." Tho compositor Who took from tho hook the first "take" set it 1 ac cording to copy, while the compositor 'wmrtook the second "take" made the' arrar'fa vary common.oho) of mistaking k a far w, and ao convrtotl"'tvtddlng" into . frsnw.laf. .ftThe first compositor, furies his ''lake" quickly, and a proof 'rttyVWHi Immediately road by, the iBfaawJssWier. The nthir compositor wartMa, and did not finish his "take" at..aVrel minutes after compositor . Mo. 1 had finished' his. in the mean ., 'the proof-rosdvr, having boon llmtaiod wlih importantj and pressing i -Jlag of L Beclng that k a ,lMgan with K i"pwMtnff for(a dinner; party," and be lieving mat puoainj; was proper and do Iraki at dinner party, lip did not do -. toot the compositor's error. This error, in fefc ahould have been detected by the topyholder," or person who followed twlthhlaaya the wording In tho "copy," M the waif-reader rosdnloiiil from the rproof but n this casi, tho "ropy taaatftuptloatlng the mistake of tho compositor, also mistook a for , A similar mlstakn was made In the ease of tko nokemtng villain who "fired .three ballets Into himself-with tko 'xataUaa that was mlstakea for . Tha tret "toko" "ended oven" with the word .."three," and tho next "began area with "ballots." Tho compositor who set the second "tako" subsequent ,i ly observed that ho didn't havotlmo to '" make sense or tho "tako," and thought no that ho had donohls duty In following (as h believed at the time) tho "copy." , Tho tame editor who experienced tho a'"Hro harrowing surprises roforrcd to f; lankaequeatly wroto, In reporting an awning address by Chsuncoy M. Dcpow, taaatateace: ."Wo do.not thus sully our iimdrnie, la reading the printed account HIV if (1Taaaxi morning he saw to his honor: "Waco not thus Sally our arms." Tho aoaslderato compositor had mlstakon nun11 "Mlly" for an a and, tomakn ' ,iMf hi mdo t,c, ftrl 0" tho '"word "uppercase," or a capital. Mobau Writo your u'a'and your a's in auch wise that type-Mtten can aot mis 1" toko thera.-N. V. Ledger. lM -y i , ... "A UTTLI NONSINIC." ' - h First Moth-"Aro you there, neigh 3 borr8eooud 2Uotlt-."YoHt how do I look la this new dross suit?" Yonkers Mtatosaaaa. aiUaald ska' aewmado 'brldiV "wlua Iwataaa that my teeth' aro-attlftcial? TaaakOod,V cried the groom, as ho saatoked off his periwig, "now 1 can anal any aeadrToxaa Hitting s. Dresden Professor (traveling In car, where tho content of a bottle In his neighbor's valise aw dropping on him from tho rack over ht lieud)"! Ih your pardon, but. would jrou kindly Jut put tko oork tnU tkst pottle till I csn get time to open my uuihrel1u?"nie geada Dlaetter. -Tka JolLjwtng waa overheard bo tweaa a Columbia student and his best W.-"Oh, Will, what lovely flowers. Taey took aa If tkoyokad Just beea gathered. Why, then is a ' little dow "ttw." 'Will (slightly erabsr raaaed) ,Not a cent, I assure yon; not aeonf-Mall and Uapreas. Touched a tonder chord. Tramp "Kind lady, will you give mo some tkiag to oat?" I.ady-"We have somo chops left over from brrakfsst. You eaaksTo thosh." Tramp (with a scorn fallook) "Excuso ut they nre a llttlo too tUfgsatlvo of tho tood itle. I oatOdattoko any comfort eating 'cm." tKaaiaay aterprlse. . T.!!A lroi, " who wants to succeed la ltto aawuld let cards nloae," said tko otd'igoaneaua to hie son. "Yest ntr; Ml suppose a Jackpot opened for Bvo dollars, and 'you had Jack high, what TmMyoudor "UaV'esld thovener aato aire, aa ho wretched his csr. "I would atill let cards lone. I'd stand aataad ket the limit "-Merchant Trav J-Mra. Youngbrlde-"llow dees year waakfaat salt you this morning, dar XmfT Mr. Yaangbrlde 'Just right! 1 --h -m, a-iuv, ii may uo pieiwiaa.butl WNlly fond of eaira llNr." Mm sTsrarkla "So em i. i.m,(mtvi.i. ,BtoaaasVll'0)oatd ttfi real Mln.i ...A .. Jk aaMaSMvar far breakfast every mora. A Mew Weedceefes Oarvy Tfialr Oaaprlng1 from One sMse to Anethor. One ot tko most interesting trait about the woodcock is tho fact ot Its' oo caslonaUy cohveyia'g its young through tko air, which'la ,done by only one or two other birds. This is no rocont dls eovery. Tho f set waa known as early aa tko middle of last century, though Oil bert White rightly surmised that those observers wore mistaken who fancied the young were conveyed either by off In tha bill. It is Just as erroneous, however, to substitute tho olsws, aa some have dono. The 'truth Is that, when the parent bird wishes to convey her young one from a place of danger to one of safety, tho tiny thing is gently prossedibetwcon tho feet and against' tha breast,' tho aid of tho bill 'belnr 're sorted to only when tho burden haa been hastily taken up. "-In this way the whole of the brood Is sometimes removed from on part of a wood to another when the birds have boon much disturbed. Oa' this subject' thorp is an 'interesting note la "Lays of tho Deer Foremt," by that brothers Mtuart: '''Quo morning sitting on a gray stone, Itsaw a dark rye whloh was nxed upon mine from the bod 'of leaves (before tne, wliensuddehly the little brown liend of a young, woodcock peeped out f rohi tho feathers of' the old one's breast, uttering thst plaintive cry for) which language has no sl'jfn. There wore .two more young woodcocks, and to relievo tho nnxtety of tho mddrt, I left "her. Near the pluoo where 1 found her .thsro waa a soft, green strip, such aa woodcock love. I had no doubt that taVfeuilly would be there next day; and 'as I psssnd near I" turned nsldo to ' sso what they were doing. Upon a dry bank Hall way down (lie lime, I almost stum bind over a bird, whloh roso at my feet; and as it darted through Ihn trees I saw that it had soiui'thlmr In Its claws, nnd at tho ssme time I heard tho plslntlvo cry of young woodi-oekri Just under .my fecit. Hooked down there wero two; and I thought a hawk had carried off the third, and perhaps killed the mother. This, however,' f found on following the bird, was tho old woodcock, which, being flushed again suddenly, after n low flight of .only ji fow yards dropped what it was carrying her own young woodcock." This trait may 1m confirmed by any one who will look out tho bird In its haunts, and 1h all tho more Interesting as it seems to bo an acquired une. Tflu bird is in no way adapted to transport Its young through tho air. Tho (lontlo man's Magazine. AN EDITOR'S TALK. Its Tells What Nam ' Ar Papula Awwi Mat'alUd Mtorarr Watasa. An Old Fxlltiir: I wnnilnr If an woman over liked herown Statue? When 1 was In the lianinH I used to have to read all tho muiniHcrlpt that eamo to tha office. Mont of our contributors wore women. Women, 1 have sometimes thought, aro naturullj Inclined tolllera ture. 1 nover (knew onq ?hqj didn'l drift Into writing' for" the press IIP aba bad the slightest oiicournjiumont. And' when they begin to writo ot course the first thing they do Is to select a nom de plume. These assumed names used to amuse mo and I took a fancy one day to keep track of them for one year. At tho expiration of that time I discovered that the dame "Maude" led thu list Tho next was "Lillian," and then they scampered off Into the realms ot (lotion. "Beulab," "Mlspah," "Itowona," and tha like. Occasionally I found ono who assumed a common pi nee tag, and 1 noticed that such a one, us a rule, gen erally made her way to the front I wonder whatever became of that long procosslon ot sorrowful-looking creat ures who used to come to my desk with great bundles of manuscript and bo seech mo to examine It and uso it, al tho same time telling me ot tho sick children at home who wero famishing for broad, and who couldn't get any un til "this article" wuh printed. At first 1 was soft-hearted nnd listened to these appeals, but soon found that I had more manuscript on hand than we had col umns In tho paper. Then I grew hard hearted. Tor Instance, 1 would ask one: "How many children have you?" If shi satd more than two I usked their names. Then I would ask the nnturo of theli diseases and sho would tell me. I would tako the story and label It, "Katlo mvaales." Then of the next applicant tho sanio query. Then tho label, "Johnny tho mump," and then I would lay the MSS. away in a pigeon hole and occasionally I would look them over and wonder how the invalid corps wero progressing. When 1 ftHt a llttlo womanish In my heart I would select tho "disease" which I thought was most dangorolu and ho It. And then I used to watch the obituary column. Hut I never saw tho announcement of the death of any of tho starving ones whouc names wero on tho parchment la raj pigeon-holes. Chicago Tribune. Watches la Card d Amonir thit lllMt nnvnltlna In k way ot card eases Is a cry dainty llttlo ouo made of irj finely dressed leather. In ono corner of the case Is set a ttnv little watch. Tho effect ot this is ery pretty, and, besides this, tho combina tion Isa very usefulone. Ladlss aro often put to a great deal of trouble In taking out their watches when on tho street Carrying this little tlme-ploco set in their card cao or pocket-book saves them all this trouble, and then, too, when making calls they have a little gentle reminder in their hands that they must not ou'rstay their welcome. Watches set In this way in card cases and pocket-books aro much more popular than tho bracelet watch attachment The novelty was Imported from Paris, but is now being manufactured very largely in this country. Tho cost of these card caaea aad poeket-booke Is S5 "f.eB Uo,Ur ,M,a nf1r win up. V. Y. Mall and Express. Hal Not Ktrvllawt. "Can you let mo hate ten dollars till ant week'" asked tho Knake editor. !&nY rcpU,M h0 ,U)rw . without (ho slightest hesitation. 2u1??n?,,'H,r 'o rvmrralcr what a faat thing It is to lend that amouat" "Ho is it goodr - "KJ,? caV'-ruuiurgk ChroaJala. OARRYINQ THCIR YOUNQ. flonstipation, i r aot reatodtoi la saM,t Maatoto Warns habitoal aadehroate. Dm. tie purpurea, ay weakening the bowels, eenirm, rather than ears, tk evil. Ay Pill, being mild, effective, aad atraagtheaiaff la their action, are gener ally reeoauaeaaed by the faaalty a tha hestofaperieata. "Having been subject, for. yean, to eonstipaUon, without living able to nnd much relief, 1 at last tried Aycr's Pllto. I deem It both a duty aad a pleasura to testify that I have derived great M fit from their use. for over two years pest I have taken one of thee fill very night before retiring. 1 would not wlll&gly be without U.tm."-0. W. Bowmaa, 90 Vast Mala at, GarUal. Pa. "Ilmve IsMtn taking AysVa Pills aad aslng them In my family alnee 1H7, and heerfully recommend them to all In aerd ot safe but effeetnal cathartic." -John M. ltoggs, Louisville, Ky. For eight years X was afflicted -with constipation, which at last 'becasne so had that the doctors could de ao mora for me. Then I tiegan-to'take Ayer'a Pills, and soon the bowel recovered their natural and regular action, ao thai now I am in excellent health." . L. Loughbrldgc, ftryan, Texas. "Saving used Ayer'a Pills, with good results, I fully Indorse them for the pur rioae for which they are rreommended." T. Conner, M. iX, Centre Bridge, Pa. Ayer's Pills, .Dr. J. C.'Aar;A'Ca Lawafl, Maaa, UiS a aM 9aaaWtata aa batataa S taaSlfaaik arffa wj uaaa aWsTVBB"pnBBB ajaajaj aTsrsnaaaaja" bjbj HSaaatajgaTgsi L... Noliro is hereby given that t will examine all persons who limy desire to offer tlioinsclves hs candidates for te.aohcrs.of tho pulilio schools of this county, at Kpd Uloud, on tho third Saturday of caoli month. Eva .1. Kinu, County Sup'f. A Card tothe"Public. ,A'e the undersigned, deotare fslse, any and all rumois to tho effect that onr Hnr nensHliopisabranohof J. L. mllerV, or in any wat connected with It. Only those who wish to Injnre our trado will olrcnlnte noli Ntorlrs, nnd friends of J, L. Milter onn do him no good by mnklg snoh asser tions. We run our own business, and hope to ust, nnd keep, jour pstronage by fair nnd honest dealing. 3, O. llim.sa&Co. if s O. Dotlbu Anoaaw Warnkm. The North American REVIEW Mow la the time to Bubacribo. Arrntwuu'iit have Wu tnmlo for I lit) runilui: eur whi It III lualnlnlii lor die lu-vlow iu no pvallml pMlilonainiiiiKH-H(MtlriU, nhd rcnilir It essential to every itmlcr In America w tin ilc- lrt-s to kean lUirsast ot the limns. Kroni inmiili o meiitti. tmiirs of .cnmnwiiillnit Interest In ewiy tlcM of human thought ami action will n trra(il.ollnlUiiai liy rtirmout4ihtnrll er, whose wonts ssh! names carry authority with tlK-m. Ihe fin-tliooMilait voIhiihi will do nlKiialUisI liy IIiiuiIm-iiuIoii oliiieitloiis or lilch piiMln Inten-sl liy the forciuom int-u of the lime, notablr by a coauovtiaa (in frit, iraih, uu.l nm. wtlsii In tfielrlieNrlnii upon the di-vrKiiiim'iil if America Industry anil ciMumerce, bnuncu mercc, miiwttci stesiiH-n n( Kuu IiiihI and Aiiierlca, The MlalitTlun. w, n. nimi mi iwii miaH laimiiiff iivinv au.ii-iiiii nr ki... Sons ami him. aaiiHw ii. lUalui-, 1lit iiiuv nn. emuraclug Uie mnt luiortiiiil rontrllm. mm liter iiinile tonu Aiuerlriiit Krl(Hllra, will IhtIii In thu .iiuumry numlicr. It Isniiluiiin cnut fsct-iiN kIuiwIui; Hie iiiiuircllel iKinuurlly and luwtulnuss of thin purltMllral. utul Its w Mr) Inlliifiiru iimin public oiluluii-tliiit tlierlri-u-latluii el Urn Nmtti AiuvrU-sti lie view Isart-stt-r thai) that pt all other American ami Kuullnh Ket lews ramlillu-d. Miib-i'tlMloii price, posisko eniiil J, s5.n1 a )ear. h Tun Nouth Amkiihah Rbvibw. 3 caul rourlti-ittli stttH'l, New tork. QKO. 0. AND R. D. YRIRRR. .I'norRiCToB" or thk Widiii C011U Mtil OffieS REDLi,OUI. NKB. Coinpleto anil only set of absttnot hooks in W'elistvr county, Grating nnd srmiiiK lauds anil city property for Western jriobel Artellan water tlirmiRhout the huiioe. tiuly two blocks from city l.nll C.8CHNEU)KR,Prop. 1114 l.'tliHt. Item-er.Culo. . UATKSII 25 ami It 50 lRR DAY. Thehousesnd furnUninK) nre all new. Klegaut rwuus with first clans iumU at inoilernte rales. First class livery ami boatdlng atables in connection with the house. D. 13. Spanogle, y . RhAi. Estate .t" I ANU L,OANrAc.KN,r Red Cloud; WATNED Men to take order for IS art j wk oa Salary or Coatmiisioa. I caa make a successful, SALK8MAN. of aay oa whe will work aad fallow 7 iustruetieai. Will furaish hand soma nutut free, aad pay yaar aalary or oommiasion evrry week. Writo for terms at onee. K. O. Graham, Narnrymaa, tw aVMheator, M. Y. f.W. TVIXlYsM. U ISft3&:S& '.. RX- t nrn throats akaastwasl f mai. 1890 Jflh The m$ ,v Moon '.i.Jy. Jk 1 ; ,1 ? 1 ' ' -ift ft Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERs RED CLOUD, NEB. aWawVi'aWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaaW. WaWaWaw aaaaaaT aaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaT (l?K3;Maaaaaaaaal - jaaaaaaaTHsavuBBBBBaaV 4naaaaaaaaa'HBBBBBBaaVi -caaaaaaaaaaauaalaaaaaaaaaaaaBN fwPVtaaaVRaaWaaaaaaaaaaai' iiaawBr-'aaTMr-CIRaaaaaaaaa t' v lSaawVaaaaaaaaaWl "LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawlaK -' BBBBWaBaaaaaaaaaavaaar lag as the top Flftn Ths eollar Seiag nerfetly fleiihle al tha threat, eoafitrats qulekly to tha shoeldtrs of the horse, making nn easy and adjustable, eollar which wilt aot gal tha shoulder. BUCKEYE HARNESS SHOP! Keep on hand Light and Heavy Harneav, hips, laahta, rouuts. uiaiiKous BBuuitja, ecu, iu usva cvcryuiiug in a HrvT ulaisharneaeishop. Trimtniiif and lepairlng neat r Iv vand. promptly done on ahort notice. J. 6. BUTLER & CO. ShopOn door North of City Baker'. brown's ' Marble and Granite Works A. H, BKOWN, rtaev Cine Monument ' and Iltwhtootwi ' . - v Mas Ht. ana 4tti Av., Res) Ctaw r-jj. New York DKALKR3 tIN- Dry Goods! NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, Lowest Priees Guaranteed. cHAS. SCHAFPNIT, Block. New York Store. tt 1 1K A MAN KLLLFD For not using Miles T. Hayes' Patent Collar who hss been working a number of years apoa different methods of oneninff a collar at the bot toas, ksapinff the eaa Idea to view, that ofr? UlalnRtheliKhtness, stresthaad durahllityaf tha whole eollar, sad add to it the advantages of rapidity aad ease of Bdjustment, absoluto, sa fMtlon of IttltM-aud asost Important of 5 obtainlBK flealhlllty at the throat, hv ytoMlaa to thepmsureof the shoulder while wtrhiaa rirat It rirpveuts breaking the collar rt the throat. Beecnd It avoid tha removing of sweat nasla from tha eollar. Third Tha adraiitasaa nlnnllU ... . Un. withthiafaat-ner, itcaira where the horse are vary troat4eaon)s, is very greit. rotttth-It mvm lipping the collar am la head and injaring the eyeaefth horse, aad most of all, the trouble of hackling aad aaaaefc- t iIbiAsms . Notle is kerehy givsa that taa -aartaafshia haratofora xiatlM W tweea H. W. Qallifers! aai J. p. Heueysutt. doing hasiataa aa Galli ford 4 Hoa7utt was eUaaalras) Jaa. 1, 1890, J. I. Hoapjruttwttkdraviaf front Ik Irat. 11. W, OtLtiroai), J. 1. alOMtCUTT. rthraary U, lew). tTf-t-t ' ' J! i ' 1890 J ' i- th , 4 Store . I iv .' - 1? i " . i - tM f t r tl ft ' if V 1 ifki 1 , w " r i. r ' ,. toy i '' "O r ' Ai c' .seal, Nvicav ttailBM ail. ai Had IW MUt. Ikla I Ilk. aw mt --- srv. lam ' "" ""' "" '"" - W. K. JAflKHnN. RaUra la NasHMMldasH storeatfaato. tleone fnikm, non-mtjlei law aaiiMaaaaa wv . asaatBaiae-. At iaata nn eatheiUi w&mmM at Un faaift ai sua aff arhtatJs. .a, aw. iJl -J"T ami way- eaMla nu. aaavavlu L K.ii. j!HIFTl" rr!" .-. as itairvA:r.i'iiiT w" "). . mHiw BaAWB. aanfti flats ef nehraska, I WaaaterCoaatr. f notice Is herrtir alt r tn iSruii ki- VMarf.SLTSS K.d."J2- tlkBA fcil.. a,l t.,.' v " J- -'-" wmwmrn vwv wshisk estsie la raansary ires fcanr NOMTH, KAIT, 80UT1I, WWT. stsitf aswas MSI ;rafgtoBfAB5 J. al Nobraby tivM, that en the Mh da) ot 2nti2!?ii lw ?' ?T tle safe gjwjlghest bntor? tor cash. ikoWuktowm Saw1Sn1 gjgaWwWIrWWW KSftSLKS ?l'!cJ!25 fcera'' ,h um of tflrweal taaaaiaaaBl MMA ffaUartiitBaria -- -- . .liu i. mZ.iZ7ZJZZrtiZ!Ti21'. ar TSarU27r srjja . tEfflsssssm Jalua a.1.1. w- .'-L" '."' I , P7r. TawaT-tv. pa ly ja. aBWaWeWaaWawCfaaaWaWBBMaWaWaS BBRaLwaWaWalaSaEaaBaMaBBaS aM skasfejMiM5aBKBK mmw7SmEKKS9SmfmmSOi hh irmiiiBhin Otw.Bms4Maws iJ V W f'JV V