The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1890, Image 3

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"$" "
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J tL--. arVVeasaVVS
Waal MM 1'MWlarf.M Am.
Lcwnoji, Feb. 11 The report of the
Famell Commission, lali before Farlle
eat yesterday, I a loaf and tedious
iecumeat. Using up thu tua of each
Irish member of I'srllsmeat against
whom charges were brought and enter
ing minutely into the detail of the tee-
mjubt, ual a lh nb...i ...
y be termed Judgment of tha
art U aa feilnwa-
w w vw WM..' .mv. ., ...
eart la aa fellows:
It la proved that Mew. ItsviU,
ms, union, VT. K. O'llriea. W. Red
Kaoad, O'Connor. Condon sad f'Klt
aonaptred to bring about tho absolute
separation of Ireland from Great llrluln;
tha fao aim lie 1'araeU letter waa a for
iwj; tho defeadaaU were sincere la
ienounclBg the Fhienlx park murier;
tho defeadaaU 414 I ache Uhwalda
ttoa and lavltti th , aaaietotore of
tori. Mr. 1'araeU exonerated
from the charge of aaslstlag llyrne to
escape. It U not true that Mr. Parnell
waa Intimate with leading Invincible.
Mr. Davltt waa closely aaauclated with
the party of vloleaoa la America. The
report la mora moderate and Impartial
ihaa waa expeolad and eonaMjuently
five aatiaf action" to aoaeiy eieeat tha
jadfea, who are relieved to ft it eff
their haada. "
The report further aejrt! "Ik fa not
TTO'M that the defeadaaU auhecribed
toward the aaalstanoe of or Intimately
aanoclated with notorioua crimlnalaor
paid money to procure their earape from
Jaatice. It la not proved that the do
feadanU were aware that the Oan-na-(lael
ooatrolled the Amarioan Iearue or
cmieciea money ror tho rnrllameater
faad. It U not proved that at tha
Umo of tho KUmalahafa aefaUatfoafl
Mr. l'arnell waa aware that Sheridan
aad Hoyntoa were onranltlair their out
rajrea The lavlnciblei ware aet a
hraach of the Land Uafue. Tha
League neither orfanlied nor paid Invln
clblea. None of the defendant directly
or indirectly had knowledge of the
Phienlx Park conspiracy, ilnratt waa
utterly unworthy of credit All letter
he produced a criminating were for
n the other hand tho Judge aay the
league never gavt thi'eutBOrlUeaaay'
aaalataBce in detecting crime. There
are no details of tho expenditure of
100,000 of the league funda. There la
no valid excuae for the non-prod actaon
of It buoka. The Commlaalun haa not
reoelvod fnini Mr. l'arnell or the league
the aaslatance It expected. The report
U aigaed by all judge.
eea la a OaNrorela Court lUmm-A Da
fcaulm Veeec llrl KhaoU Her Me.
' Irajrer.
Haji Uikuo, Cal Feb. 14. What may
prove to he a tragedy occurred yeatrrday
anwrnlng la tho Superior Court, when
Judge Campbell waa hearing the oaae of
Bertha Johnaoa agalnat William Mayne,
oa the charge of attempting to murder
by giving her poison to take, after caua
tag her rata The defeadaVit had denied
cm tho witaea stead all Mlas Johaaea's
aUtcmeaU, and had ieelarei her to be
a liar. The counsel had retired to tha
judge's chambers to aettle the laatrue
tloaa. Mayne aet oa the west alia of
the long table before the court ateaeg
rapher's Uble. The girl sat at a
table back of him. Hhe got up aad
walked to tha ead of this Uble, and
pouring water la a glass touched It to
Iter llaal Then aha stepped forward ead
raUiag her aand, la which aha held a
large atatol, f red the ball la to Uta back
of Mayne' aeok. lie allpaei down a
lltUe la the chair, with his hrai reaiiaff
oa tho back of It, exclaiming "t)br Two
ahota then followed, Uth going over hla
araa. waiter make, a reporter, stopped
the fourth shot by kaocktag the pistol
from her haad aad ptaloalag her anna
"IV) with me what yo will: he haa
rulaei tae," she aali. iwy whit aad
A doctor present helped to lay Mayae
a tha fleor aad examined Mm weaai.
lie aever lost conaclousaeas aai the
ioctora aay ha haa a chaaee to lit.
The girl waaeamwltUd to Jalt. Whan
asked why ah did UU aet. Miss Jeha
That hiaa haa ralaei aa, I aa
reeiytodleBow. I ihl It thacwaa I ili
aot get Justice the lt time, aai I was
afraid I weuli aot get Jaettee thU tiaia.H
DlsUlct Attorney Imraey U ptaeei la
aiellcato aosltlaa. Ma helUn l ska
juaticeef the girls cease, aai he aaya
he will dehU duty. If aftor coaaUaV
atioa ha la oeaviaeei hla duty la aa ie.
faai her, he will reelga the oasoe to 4a
It la she gret ease brought by the girl
the Jury diasgreed. Thegtrt UaWaada,
aai arrvei aa a waiter at the hatal,
where ahe mat Maya. Naa la a aeert
aai comely hloaie, aai aai aeea well
iawaffht ef wp to tha hrlaglag af tha
Srst eaaa. She haa aa asUtevee aa
America where she haa aaaa two yaara.
lata' tha
aoathem half of It
"" raaaaaaaav ,j j
Aaarefal etaalPwwaMle
Hat SB lM eWWLl mMtmmM IT
hffaVt Ww"spsfg7ji sWsfMsWV
. WlllUax tallaadar. a 'lretaea. whUa
a a Ulrtref i-toet Udder oa the aaatS
wall, waa haoefcei froa hU foetiag aai
fell to tha atasM ki- xl.
adrackoa KEXm Fki ee
awcewarloiM. jJNaVTfe fraetaiwi
aai aa was lililiilly xaeaad.
, . . .
AiarrisaataV jT1
as. r,
Tarda last rwalaa
WHMamTeyier Uet his UU.
aavei hU train aai wrereaasi aay la Jary
w mm awmaweav i ae bj
i taio aha yard at a hrh
A swltah waa eaast esal tl
tt la aai waa xee -b waaal
wteh a heavy tralav Tha raii
iwreckea. Tee avsnasss ef the
Mai aata aillitli
llm W t.l. wJsw.t.
rem aj ad at aU aaat, waa aa hail
www wa tkMaaaei
ket earaHc, asraaC aa aVaaEaV eVy
geeiaheaaa at i,y' sJaWW.
aaaaht ira aawteimesaanWsaaa aw.
aikiii'K J: .
at mm
ef aw Mawee. Mm
Harm n Mar
RtamMNAM, Ala.. Feb. ix Hlnee
Utk Hawea was taken from the atda
ef hit bride of ait hour to anaarer the
charge of murdering hla first wife aad
hla two children, awv of reporter sad
eorreepuadeaU have tried la rata to
interview Uie yuua lad be marrlrd.
j Mlaa May 8tory. that waa her maldea
I ........ . ., ui ..i.i . .. .
aatue. la now llvta aulMlw at ihn k.
of her parrnU inColutubu. MIm. There
. tin. In Mk k. i.n. ik. v...i ..
your corresponaent secured an Intrv
. of how aha onon loved IMeh llawe. aad
how ehe hated htm when the learned of
his crime. When ahe Brat rommeaoei
to Ulk about the at air she aeld:
! Uy to forget; people aay J bear up
Bravely, bat I had to do It, If 1 had
given way to the terrible grtaf that was
reakiag my heart it would have killed
my old father. You haow he opposed
the marriage and when tho blow came
Italmoat killed him. For his sake I
have tried to bear It bravely. The saV
iectls aever meatloned at home now.
You have aeea father? Ilia gray heir
that awful trouble caused It 1K 1 lore
that men? No. no;Ood forbid I I hate
hla. a Uaot tha man I lovei. I
iei a man who loaknd Ilk Mr. lltM
hut I aever lovei a moaater, a flcai la
human shape. "
Then she described at length how
Mawee bad repean4 that he waa a
widower, with oaly one child, and how
he deceived even her father by exhibit
ing a bogus decree of divorce. Hhe told
ef the wedding ead how happy ahe we
whaa they atartei aa their ariial toar.
r- --w,-w w ..vhp. . vh pinir ar
rival la Rlnutngham ho seat her to a
vwi in cuarge or a rriend, ana It was
two hour before ahe waa told of the
charge agalaat him, Hpeaklng of this
ahe said: r
"I could not believe It It seemed too
horrible. 1 thought I we dreaming.
Thatnbrhtl did not n m i
alarn. Mv hrsla u in wkii i .ii.i
f aet kao what to believe or what to do.
A long aa I remained In Klrmlnghaaa I
aeemed to bo la some aort of a horrible
trance. My father had heard ot It all.
I nj fact he had heard about It Before
1 knew the truth, and he telegraphed
me to come home. I reached
home at last It aeemed an age
since I left It and found relief In tear.
Oh, It was terrible! lerriblel I reed the
paper, read all about tho finding of
those bodies In the Iske, the terrible
riot at the Jail, every thing; read all the
evidence against Mr. Ilawe. my hue
hand. Then my dream was over. The
man I loved waa dead and ! hla nlmr. I
saw a monater In human ahape. All the
love In my heart waa dead; my conn-
denoe In men waa destroyed forever. So I
maa caa be trusted. As Ion as I !(. I
shall aever place aay oonRdenoo In maa
again. The very moment I fully re
alised the horror of Ma crime, then I
loved him no more. My heart was dead.
The charsctar nf tkn man I lal mm
dtfrcrea tresa that af tale men llawee I
caa netet ihlak of jrhaaa a oae aad the)
,n t T
i tmm.
H."l).. Fefc. la-Tueadaraf-
Jrraohat Colonel Laaaen, ta cavnnwnd af
The xellmarv at fort IIkpm. m,I...I ..
1 oViafal telegram" from tho War Depart-
soea omcMiiy announcing the I'real.
dent's pmclsmstlon opening the Hloua
reaorvatlon and that the military fortxw
ahotild be withdrawn. Information to
tbla effect was seat to the dally paper
of this city, 'aad Imraedlalely extra
coolea wern ik
Vehkiea ot all ktaia were ImmedisMly
called out aad packed with me a of all
classes aad there waa an exciting race
ar ahe w sen allow. Kvwry body who
cauti get traasporUtloe daed the ex
cited crowd, and those who could aot
ride walked. la thirty mlautea the towa
was pracUeany deserted; store closed
aai hualaeaa almost manendi d.
At Fort Flerre the altaaMea Uaerioaa
Tha hulk of the crowd irst atruok thai
--" - - - " I
village aai Immadlately eomaaraoai a '
eisiatjtatraUta. tWre swiag aw aaaay ae 1
tea claimeata to oee !.
AT CXiHuai.iia.
OuMBstatAia, a I.. Wk. la. The
altuatiea oa the towa alt ansu ml ax.u
atty beeaaM xsere enaspiieaati thaa ever
ea wage wwea a larga party af aaresaa
fresa aieag taa Mllwaahee read arrives
with a lasea af aarrayata aai hegaa at
asMa raaalag Unee rrwariUaa of tarn
riflhtaaf arter settlere, ladlaa laais aa
aayahlagelea. A BMettag was heli by
tha aaeaval elaiwaaU far the parpeee of
aitasllaf the ilaVreacaa, hat a aata
aravataaeaali aot he mad aai the Igltt
for taa piaiisalua freta this time aw
ta he meet Utter. Maay eat,
Mere are patUag up haUdiage aw laaia
wwanai let thalaiiaaa la severalty,
hat they are being ejecamt
Farm, Feb. tt.-The Dke of OrUeaa,
aea of tha Ceaat aai Cbaatea ef FarU,
waeeaese as FarU Uet week artak av
lateaMea ef ealleviasr la
French snay, aai who waa thea arreeUi
itavrhajsmaf vlolsstag taw law aali
H sVaaaw all pre togas ex ta tM
drawee threae, was agaia Mtadgaad aa
fare ;tMr trihsjaai ef the rUaae hvaag.
asadaig4glltyef rislslagae
law aai waa seaUweed to twa years' ua
arlnaaiiat '
TV Dahe will he sllaeid ta nmila
Mtaaasiiaidimili far a tew weeaa ha-
f rxeaavai to JaiL The Oee
graaas hem thU arirUega U
raaarat graaas heat ahia pr
eratoftaftrahlasx eawertai
aaai rreva sUvaeatewes ai ah
tvaaaJL Alav. Fesv ia.nW L.
ea Ue Alshams A Oraat laaahaaw
veaiHar aeta eea a
ejH-Bknl ajae-e-amfj-l 4TswMMaaasajuwaa ! - - - -
BewexBasawama W W BwarsaweeaBj awfmew ffefaTatsfJaFw
lag af swaiva eaaaSea aaiijUj eeer a
rata af trek, awaatawar Bdweei -
ha tenia eg ana mmmtAml iil.
mmmwmm mmmm ww -rmm imu km
sawta aa Swar tmaeaoe. laMtit
f A Waenaa hi Ma tee.
TWr always la. Mae U the aevarW
htodwMUree. A wvwmm late ever
tW aa wh levee her to efw ea.4M,
LTT "- " "T awawem- aaena; aaj elra vsMAleaajk
TtA t,KW'r ?h?f wwaea mted
Should he vkmr aad heatUy. It vea net ha
"" senwring itvna aay raeHieaal aw
reetnat. Hew many aaom la maM aa.
RT? IW1 'if lwed. 0e,.reeei. wvt.M
laralidl Wives, euU.t and daawtiter.
Sf" . " tve "female retuTtatsU
lr P1r''s Katt'rite fivtti.ioa will
renew jour healUi and gladdra IVe alwvit
?! "''eatortaaiacaa to maay a
aadeatj Uf Why NJyr marnravu
when releaac U so east t la lu t-Ul flV
Ihrre avr waa a reabraUve like tb "r.
TVi rtaaxaa thTakteTach. li w, aa.1 atatm
geeerally, m lr nnw'a IVlWta. a ceata.
A run n upa a real estate title 4,v act
aleay have a atlver ltala.-4lucitluai
ra t?ear tie-
J4fe l heart by evils and rhsnges e every
rrm htrta to waanotii aad from
the prn et heallh. There la ea rmtedy
taat has sated many a rhhMjr, heedat hlag.
hloiid.piWaoned, dyettlc mortal to a life uf
aaltr Hull'a Maraatarilla, aad
panllathattatiaraiartlla N
daeeaof moUsaea and water
eat a reaceatraMd eaenoe
anuvv i nmm wi.
II Itt klll.Ml tl
aad It la a Hr
eat a reaceatraMd eaenoe ef the brat
vtnueeof aarseperilta aad ether altrrathe
"". ii ami, ii ruin nn vuwr him
psrttla aad bltMl remedirt have au saore rt
lert than ao much etagnsst water If jur
atatrm crarea aa alteralre. If yxt value
life, ou do iraelt a great Inluatk It you
fall to try title rscetleat rentrsly Iw-maed
It of your druggiat aad Us ae etbrr.
Hidney Time.
Taa laBurata haaheroaM eocaamca that
M ta ao laager latrreaUnc It la a svrt ef
haaraecaasuutaoto atwah.-ftvatoaTraaa
Ceesaaawttaa Baealf Cr4.
vna Kinvoa -Ilea Inform yeur
m tl.Al I kmva m. kMlll. m..Iu ...
the abw tiamral dlamaae llj- U llnid.i
aee tboatanda f nomlra have Ur
permauenUy cured. I ahall be sled to ul
two btmJea of my remedy rasa to an jot
' rr,rr "' eavti iwnaumptloe if thej
will vend ie tlirlr etpreaa aad nl
addreaa lUeullj.T A HuTtM.M C,
1M l-earl atre t, Nrw fur.
If eems rather peraoaal to tae drum-
nyor worn iue a! txiilaU him aUrta tie
" Whet did ou ret that Ltf Iku..
you get that Uir-Hoawn
Ptf eae, Ala.
The prrsenally condarted eacursloea to
Ihla repklly growlugt'lly bste lirra so sue
ceaarul that tlie Chlcatfo A Kaatorn llllaol
rlailmail. Kvaaavlllo lliult will run oae ca
eachef tiinfolmwlng dalea-Fnli 4th. Illh,
inheivd xath For cepr of Alabama Ai
It la," attd further lafonnatlbn iut to
William lllll. mi, l'a. AfttChlrawo, 111
Tas lnvswrieaed carver Is st to Nad
Uial a bnlse. llkfevmrrulra, can work both
waya -Hurllnjrvon Free lr.
Oar the ReaU iTr.lautt'a Worm lie.
stmjcr are the heat Ttiry Uate fad
They are safe. They are sure.
A rschsnae
aay the best thine to give
eneacmy laklmlitcsa, but that .Ii-uhI. .
the rer 's slan -Tvie NlfUng.
i .TJ! '.T1?.?," cTu can ert Carter's
I.IUI Uver Vills-the brat lUrr MpiaWr In
the world. lkat forget this. i)u pill a duae.
Iryeuever expect to gat Hh yea must
make moaey when Mae m hard.
Haa, reelrst M use aad cheer. Ifao't
Mawaiy lut Laiarra. My aruglata
. .- .. As4l cm. Pah. It.
CATTIJt Shiprlsa sewra , I a at m
Malrhar stovr ., IB a I
Nallvemw ,., M a W
RfHia )4 (u rhelas liaavy M T
SMMT-NnlM oma
Ko.1 hartt. , ...... M m
!( I , .. ,..,., . ii a hi
iATeNa. 1 , , , ,,,, t
MIR Kit. I , . ttt a)
rUiUM-l'aUal. aach ., K m
r.itey , . , .... I at a I M
MAT-naUd ., . ta m )
MirrTkMfaoleB rrarr . U m u
uiaxmc-ruii crat . .. M
MMia-4axilo. ,. .. Mo it
aaA-u. m m
Smnibtars ..... I at
aleas ..... ti a
-. ...... ,. at
ruTATuka, , . m e
CATTUI- aatppiaa et,,..
MtSctMea-sseata.M set SM
MrKia-Paehtag... , a) is.
SMEKrrsWtosaeiee.t..... set im
rtna ctmss. i. ,.,....
wtmmimm.w raw.. ,,.,...,.,
- I., ....,
2f JJIV "" ' "
"Ji-?- ' "
tiMii-BiaiB ran.. .......... n m tM
stTTtl Osamary
blaww aaakiaBBBBawxaBXvaxw swwaaaaKt .
awn-ia rwUgaa4aavaiag
"sWavr1" lsTawtTVAVaVa1SMHHBV
rUNJawVxatar wheat .....
WMKAT-tle. lead, ,..
tWrnafe" Ptf esrs4te
" wV littftriMtrilMtrr
-515saHBiext e,'s
aTTaaUeffd ya .tai.aoa
tM tat
dtTt raai ibis s prtsse
"JSreeea to eaeesa. ......
FUW il an aaMs
11 sTTsWaT-fa(ass
wV ai4Mitffii
waxawsasseaeaaaaaaaeaae e
Prfw for ipriiif
Mew ta Me Maw to assess M rear seraaaal aaasv
sees rHB saiesi
waaee, Mewiaenrri
a. - aeaes m m
Hood'9 wMMfMNTllfal
WaT4aTSaTaeaSr j
tkiwuntm sssss.
J f
V I I I as 4 -
V , I I I VOtl a I f
All I -WOO? I II HL -a "g
j I p f , m.oU L IQ )! 'A
il I IrSTTI fts-w."! LP-Tn II ii-
SSlreaMll 4w aBBawmamwV r X jyTnTv M aynwy
I 4o hshVve aVee neaea,
Ki tU.UM laaer'wtleamWs
TV IsTaaaaNaaWmS laWaW Sajkaival'Va
shoiild again rail the alienih.ii af iMr e to the rmedv eararURr prnMe4 M
r. T"V ?' .l.Writ''al al maitU hy lr. M. V. I'Utre, d riigawT It It
railed r avorHe FrearrJpUott." Weaten for )rra sh.l rr aval years hate iwi
I and have pretMHtaced U ike beat voir live at all "(resale weiteetMw
lut rated.
?. lwreT-at, raavoraMts hM,
TEJLTT " ,ng Mvto, ftr
Hiuat la rert, tt at tha oely imIMm f.
the ,rHr -wAmmmm m. alhttani l.t
itNtt fc. faenahe, a. I l.v itM(ku, aadr a
peaMlte gaaraavee frtae lit aMtaura.ur-
, tUt It attl, In ewr eaae. alt mtMer
ttiat ta- IU Wk (II ul( alUta 4toH(y
rvfualn HlfeMilMM(t.m,HUelM
Im ayaltes, eat. the Tl. dle Sitos
and pslna, mtaa rvCremlng stoat, dtaesia
rtUhciy and mTv,mmm ia k.H.i aj
U4h the Heah Mtd swvegMi id tlxaf to
doeM leetw a toeithv eUadard It U a
keilttoMtoaHerfcMealnffga Oat
Dr. IVrw'n IlNtri npnlaiit mul ?mimi Urn llvtrr,
wtomnch Hml bowulH. Oim a doraiu HoM by tlnijcprirtit,
We Offer
From Now to
3of only 25c silver or stamps.
Thi KOm offer ii made
induce you to send for the
ical ever Utued for a few
price It ha a larger
periodical in the world; nearly W miMmt
Sarcial fraturra tot the next kw Nvoatlti art
Wmwum, If A, I Mate.
fiUI Mai sWilil if Um
Maa. A. K T. VftV
seaaa swwe a was any meset.
!UuMratl Sfotira by
Una Cuaa, Kats Takxatt
Jcuar HAwrHoxae. Jllustratrd VmtM by Wax CAatKNif
Massabit K. Sawktb. Kut-
On Uic New SurxU. is csoU s copy.
rin i i r ' i ur i ' i.. u
fim (Atoaiu-aast
u--wi ew -
Hat ear
? .
Wjm ff" TSWSPiJHB,
I uies ex aU4 to hwtotssa, m arvw ,
eager . feiment to tWsaeamaaai
awawag Teaajaajasx navraWVweai THsaVrws arsw wa
aHkat Ttoveftwe, dues, ta pad
aiw eiwMtWaa itawMaaat aaeMv. I
r-Mty, to ha " pat a g
wai waawaar mar nets ae pnew.
IU l-Kavtia w laMaMatas 1
eMufaHT' aTawtotol i4tn togai
'" aatawaisaat M rtery teas e amaav
rrruai, taa to nailwt ever Utaad
d that rait AK4,ieiW
ae-l MMr tolf ri !mh
aai, to idato aev
Aaaanatwia, end hlete Mtt riwahi, R. T
to Send You
July ist. 1890,
an experiment sml to
hsndiomeiit fsmily pcrxod.
tnonthi trial at s reduccfl
circulation than any other
Lwa to a On, Oaaw .
t. T raWMt Taiaeara I
S wMgpTaaaVSjBi
-Oeiev My Stoda Uaa,M
foauN Aula's Wiff, Kara
Wootsj, Ma llAgMi,
K. RaaFoati, aaal ,
eait-. -
eeaetat ea.
wi -aa -an -1
-Te)rarafj; Taws, rV
K- - tn rrf Cti 1 11 taj inanaa Siu Ml Ma
Watt fHH.r mj aTTrmT.Z?L TT?
. ... ajeiaaaa--ajafl,,anaaieiafi.aiaii I n i I j. .1 .
nwamagewawsai au,rm0ATp'mmi0Mnm-tommmwmmim
AwwmWmmL EV
awVaWaWaWam? mWW
arnK'awVawi I
BBWBWawvK f JvawVwammvaV I
- a-"arawaMa JumJmmmm-mimtmM'Wim
eeee. , ajjtatMiMjtoeeeieji e ,m raa m a ai m$ 'iiamt,
K M. UK- X r- MW
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