fV J V ' m . i . - ii :.' 7, y J .. ' ;. ji ,"' f t--, , ,5 -j, !' -i- yrw" U. Atl aaaa &wi 3R W!-l.A wv; if-S " .. m w fl w 1 ? '., h m K.. IW I ' t 1 j-.V ,-' '!- -f Tl-i f jf ' v ..UiTCSSSS Hacker & Parker, !hU it ' ?-' ,? inftn" 1BE GROCERS ii j- . RED CLOUD, NEB. jm FEEB Cookf Feed Every Farmer lu WebViter in id ad ticH should geLp conn 'tjlOHO Celebrated Economical M3flBR 'r It in the bt'Ht method invented for cooking feed for utoek that science haH yct produced You can fatten your etock twice as fant by using a Feed Cooker. Call and boo it at my utore. "A. MORH ART, Agt, Red Cloud. CITY BAKERY Rkstaukant and Lunch Rooms. Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Meals & Lunches Wo makefrcHh every day LadyflngorH, Jelly Roily, Dough liutw, CookicH, Bread, Caken, IMch linnn, Nto. Boarding and lodging by day or week. JOS. HEltBUltGEli, Prop. " ' T - m v '"I CREAMH m H amH aaaT H H BrL H aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal bbH Laaw ''hi& fcv laai JlflE .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH 1 .rBBHrBBHMflKtiL litiiiiim liiriiinirlhan itntlitrtcrof ncenltiry. aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrhrdSBlBMVBBBBHrY.nW UmBKkI W BWEItTVESmkIA C 1 wCCBPEfl'i " i ' iiM" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM4 RP" H l iiwmI Iiv ttm Unlti-d Mute UUVurillilriit. I' dmcdliv the hcitiM of llm Kir.1t tiiilerlri iii liui MroniteM, run-M, mm mini iicnitnii Dr. I'rirci Cn inn llaklnir i'owilnr doea lint r tnlu Ainuiiln, lime or alum, ld only in cm run r. UAitiaw ruvTir.in;i. KBW VUHK. IJIIUAIIO. HT.UJUIM, P. V. TAYLOR, KEKI'8 Till'. FINEST laNU OV Furniture I. In the city at prices that all can afford to buy it in want of anytbi )j? in his line Oppolta rimt Nntlonnl Bnuk, lird Clond. LIVERY, FEED, and SALE STABLE. n t. u Wyn vjuuic wuibons oia stand where we make a specialty of educating young horses tor track or road. Call and see us, GILBERT BROS. Prop. :mm&mti&- 1 .H!1 iHOHv -xOTWJ.ireSTTWifcSl,,' liagaiih. top. 'idltlK Fifth Tho collar nhoriaertot tho hone, iiinkiiiK HMwaert. A MAN laLLFD For not using Miles T. Hayes' Patent Collar who Iihh bnrtt wnrkintr uunilmr of vonrn unnu illfTqrrnt intitliolnof oiinltiK iicolliti nl tlioUit tom, kvuitliitlitiono iilrit in Wow, Unit frt iilnliiKllioll)(lilntn, ttiri'iiKlltitiiil iliirnbllltyuf tho wholu eollnr, ntul utlil lu It (liemlvnnlKrHi( rnpiillly mill imikii if mlJiiHtiuini, nlisiiliilc, iur fool Uiinif II ttliiL-iuul most lmpor tnttL f nil olitnliilnt; Uuxll.illtynt llio thtoiil.l.y yloliliiiK to ( tliiiir'mironf tlm uliuuliltir wliilu working. ; FltHt It irovonln liri'iikltiK thti rollnr rt tho i thronl. Hi'ocml Ititvoidi tm rcinnvitiK ufrwent iuH from thurollur. 'l'lllnl 'i'lui nitvatilnLri' at iiulllmr m u ulln V with thin fdHtoiior, lu cmhca vrhorn tho huriitr. I' "y troubloMiinc, In ry uroit. .M FoBttll It NftVfK ulllininir llm iillnr n ! Mf1 hrad niul injuring thu iy of tho homo, nad mom, oi nu, n. iroubi. of baokllutf nud untinok- nnrfeotly lleilhlo nt tho thront, conforiiu qnlokly to tht 1K nu oiiay nml fulluntnhlo, oollnr whioli will not mill tho MM IE HARNESS HP Keeps on hand Light niul llwiyy lhumw, "whips, lashes, rol)08, blanketH, Haddhw, &c, in fart overytning in a iiret clnsH harnesMHhop. Triniming ond repairing mint- y and promptly done on short notice. J. 0. BUTLER & CO. Shop One door North of City Ihikery. LINCOLN MHWMM Ml mm 1 CilltL (ho wurUi. I ! "fMilSTS In inn Am in. hi'" rtiMta hi twk lanMr. Mkbt. OalyittMatMwnn MMM MfN Mtk Ml 0t llM BW.'AII IMk.Ml.iala MW1I U h Uww hi rHal M Mxakitll-w fcVAtii Ml !) nmtmi fw. 1V.MV ft ItlMMMl fcllM MMll nkl ef Ik, Hit. n , TpiiiMiMnM,mtw."iftwnr-4 -vtiwnJiJaAaMi!i9MsttV9r 5tt4VjnMVk EMMVIWMIMiJbjUkHM.pMMiktaMi i-a------- M-MrtflM 'Hffhril WfOltMc1vrnualH m illUHWn In ttit IHMlOTHl(T mi J UML iBMMllMl l4Mlnl IHItMlklNM vnicn.i,t. Bold by nncita. C. h. CoTTiwti. Auk nt, 'st , Li f illllllllllllllllllH7jl!!liiHMNiSi7iiS Vt MIKy,, .www mbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbVBbbbbbbbbbbH MttSfc-kTT " fMM-aVK if! i a. .. i . l!rTMMlifc Mil WWlm BAAflkAtMBt . v 7' M&? A Farmer Talk.. (Communicated) Koitoh Ciiikk As tliero hcciuh bo couaidcrablo talk about cou printing just now by tho big 8 tuoir rriundi, wouiu u not bo a gi plan for tho. tn begin at home pluok tho boan out of their own first. Wo trill admit that thoro i great many uiolcii oxiravagan' which might bo 'curtailed and d away with, for iuitnneo tho nu buiii.osH, jionn, paper, iuk, lead a ivt a a a Ollrt, CIO. XNOW 1110 IMir H llltH lit money loanorn, ubHtraet mak mortgage tnkom, ot., than any ot: faction in Hod Cloud, and these na follows who ory extravagance aro vory first chaps to stop up to county clerk (or any other officer) a ayl forgot my lead pencil or have you a shoot of paper, 1 would liko to take down souio figures. If they got tho pencil they put it hi their (tucket and that is tho end of it I could namo parties that 1 have scon do this kind of pilfering in our county offi oos aud do it nearly ever tinio they go to tho court house, still they cry extravagance, fraud etc, whon at tho same timo they are the worst in tho bunch . Who pays for thuso stolen articles? The Farmer. Who pays for these abstracts? Tho Farmer in many instances, yot tho Dig 8 ery estravagauoe, fraud, thief stoal and a host of such epithets whon 'hey aro tho worst in tho lot. Now Mr. CuitT would it not bo a good plan for thuso samo ohnps to lc. sorao one elso hnvo a ponoll or n sheet of paper, or a fow pons, but tuu thinks I hoar Choi Hay, Oh no, that would inuki too nnuh exponso, it would raio the taxes too high, Tho farm u r (and ho pays the burdon of taxes) uiuxt not have no suuh luxuries as that. Why? Ho oauso theso Hams chaps aro not will ing to livu add lot live. Thoy aro so groody that they want it all them solves and in order to got it thoy aro trying to run tho whole county, dic tate who shall bo its officers (or rath er who shall bo their tools,) keep up a gcucral row, make trouble in the county board (by contests,) cry thief, steal, Mscal, robber, etc., at as good a county officer us Webster county over had. Now tho question is will tho peoplo stand this kind of a thing much lougcr, I think not. What say you brother farmer. Kind reader theso are little things, but we have to look after these little things to make big ones ou a farm. Ghanokr. ."" jwwon. w lent ran inter tui mk .t inrnu ttviwrni t M.in ti r-i: ;::' Innnll.. l.".iV.. il .-.7rT.'-TT' '" nran taiogue and Nra. inoDiM. K.n, fot ff !UutMlir1k.raial(tci txtmfn of Kiiumhliv AdafiaT mUBJUtSg A ltwigjptlt. 1 Great English Remedy. Wurray' Kaelflo. a KiurmHotii mro ror all nr vou- dlmtrn u,h aa tk mrtii l,rjr !at? "r hrnln iHiwer luitcr a headiiclio pain in' the "if ti"r liw ntMknev iinHUMio)'aiiilKn- ' V..f fSffiiSir .- w. Mil. .il Jvt1.' L u'lnwUW U-.vl lo wsterft; ITV BIMlfOhRl'MrriOM. tuotwv ih)hv lur w ixv snt Tr-; hy null on rvcclpt ot inii, Vull uilloul.ii. n pnmjiliK'l, .i-ut rrnUirieryammMiit Wo (.UNi-KMIcr Mi Uutt-a to curtnm cuk. Koroorri (vi nTf tl wo M-ud lx bof villi uwiltifii KUMrautiv turv fiiml i ho nuiiu, it our sivrcitio "vin'iiiii ii i mo. .iniiitM aiutiaaMa. nil roit'imiiili'.itioiw in ii,m ...i imihiLitjirr, This Wuhv MKhirtNuu . r uji,. ,... .i. "w-ii II out. ' a IVH.l 1 lt)lXlNUol ' IjJ tr a t.'.i. ma EMORY MUm' Verve ail UverFiUi. An iiiiiortnut illHcovery. Thoy art on tho IWor, stoiituch and bowlin through tho iktvoc. new ptiiirii'lf. llioy Hjieoill) outohlllotiMir, bad tn.t, torpid llVr 1" niul countljuitlim. Hpleadld for iiidii, ontvii aud children. Snmlhvit. tulldtMit, cutfut. 'M doc for - rintn. Hnmple frr nt 0, I,. CotlitiK, ' ' Mrs. M. K, Huffman, agent for the great war bo ok, "Hard Tack and Cof fee" willcaU on yon before long. This is, without a doubt, the best war book ever published, and has been heartily endorsed by all of the leading (1. A. K. taca in the country. Give her your order. uaJUBPiyOf rmk AnTMtmjSi. ' i MALARIA CP JaBat.ftfMlwttrlrttMaet. 8BMiri,l SHI. Ily Urluo ol nnlirot miId ilirech'il to inn from llm illMrlrt court of Wi-IihUt i onnty NH.runkH, on m ili-crtiiiilitiklnt-il iMifiiro Mild cmirt nt llm nil juuriii'il hcplcinlM-r IWJ torm of WvIiMit umiity Ni'tiraxkii on Ihc'Jiilh iluyol kiiiiiImt -h;iii fmor of mk l(, Unties iriiMni nml O. B. (Irjiiit in iiUlnilil' nml iiuiliit William II. lleriiM-r nml AinHlit lliiilnvr rt al iih ili'fnnibtiit for tin mum or liriccn linnilri'd nml tut'iity ilolliin nml liuietv-rttti rent' mill c-l- tntiilnt $.ci.'.ir. nml itccurlmt cuitu I Hsviilitvliil uoti the followlm; ilcwrllied ri'iil iitmo tukcii iw tun inierty oi rnlil dclKmliinlM to wtlliify tiiul onlir of MiUe to Mlt; Thu mirth-cnit iimrttr of mcIIoii it In towuililp 'i north ninnu 10 went or than p in In Wiilwler rontily Ni'tirMkn. And nlllnller llie jiiiiii inrHiilH liitlm hlulii'.t Dlditer for ciuli In tiaiid on thu aint ilny of Kehrutry A. 1). IkwIii fnmtof Hip court Iuhko nt Ilea Cloud Wtlwtcr imintjr MidiriulialtlmtlioliiK the liuildliii! where in the last lonu of court h held I at the hour of io o'clock n. in. of niild ilny wlii'ii mid vdicru dim nttcnilniicc will lie Klven by thu umlcrslKned lintoilJammry lattilHJU., CA.TKKiXherllt. Cuio & MuM-ny Atly 'n. u.U, Titi iliiuty. f SJIIKHIVVtn s A litC. Notice H lifrcliy ulvcii Hint under nml hy vir tile ol mi order of wilo lisneil out of thu illnlrlct itmrtiitllm I'lKhtli judicial dl-trltt In and for Wi'liitor comity Niiiriwku iiimn u ilecrcn In nu nctloo I't'liilllin in mIiI court wIliTfln Neliniilui I. tan Al'rur n. l'liilnllit nml Holiirtl). Ilmrii Mnrthati. 'Ihoip .inm l.ipluuu hinlmiioiriil colCii. nml HlmtoklKiT IIiih, MiimifacturlliK t'o meilrfi'iiilmiK I hIiiiII oiler lor unlu at puli llo vcmliin tor c.iili In Intiul nt the cast door of llm court liuiiMt In Him I'loud lu mtlil county, llhiil Ih'Iiiu lli I'lnco whertt the ln.it term of unit) lotitt nni liolilcdl on llie )th!davit Krurtninry, IWHIiit tun o'clock A. M. llm rollowlmr ilcn'iili. en iiviii'ri 10 wii, 11m RCI jnncc coimtvMiliriiHKii. iilkiiuiiMlcr my hand thh '.'Mil ilny of Janu my IW, 11. C.8uorr,Wiejltl. .iNo. M. II iia.v, rialutlil' Atty. .t 1 nl iivni'i'tt) lo wit. Urn outhwcit ijumtcr of MM-limi ti'Ui'll.')liiliiMnhli four ft) mirlhof miiKc lwolc.l.' if t of the tip nt In WehMrt NIIKMIVir NAE.IC. ny lrtu(M)tnu onler of lo directed to me mm Hid district court or Webster county aa a uiUimc nt olitnlncU th-fore ald court at the ad MirntHl Sct.(iKH9) term of Wcbuter county Ne irmkii on the IHtli day of Not ember two and tlKllvcnil to mo In fmor of A. 1.. runk aa plaintiff iindmiiilnttihrM lilaukeninlcfcmlaut h'M Itcum of Imo hundred tuttitv thrci) dol lars mid clclily net vn ii-nt, hrln r the third lien mi Mid picmlii''. nmliitHti inuil at SAI.m and ncctulimcoM-, I lint 0 lot led Uxm io followliiL uecrilicil mil i sinu tnken thn nierty of wtlddi'lciidunt, In MiiUfyiuthl otder ol N.ile.U) wti South half ot the norUittrMt iiuarter of MH'llon Ihlrtyrito IM ton 11 two IJI ratiKe tcu ttemof the mhp. m. In Wftinter county, Ne htttika. nml tttlf offer the Mine tor nale lo the hUhcm hlddcr for cash In hand, on thn awth d.iv of KchriUJy. A. H. l!W, ntthe r.tt dour or the court Imuiie at lli Cloud. In Wcbiter mnl NchrMka, ilhat heiimthc Iniildlru: wherein ttm at term of ald court nu held.) nt Hie hour of ten o'clock a. in. of mid day, when nml whero due ntli'mlaiice ttlll lu khch by the under. IriiciI. IUUdJrtmi.ir)VJ, IKtt. niAH.TKKi.BhirllT, llyu.U.Taki. licputy, Cahb f. Ue.NiMr, Alty'afor I'llf. MIIKatirF .!.. Il tlrluct 1111 order of unit iMUcd by I., II. Knit, chrk or the dlilrlct court or llm elulith luitlcml dlMrktliinndlor rlvir nunt),e liriika. Unn a decree In hii .ictloii pemllna, whrli'lu I ho . ibl:uk ln V 'Ini't O'. T pUlntlrt.aiid John V. Unite I defendunt, lor iheitituof MinetthoiKUid tino llumlrcd Ittrtiiy dollar' (Ml'.u. nml M rt nlto c crucd c!, I halloSerforiuilentlheeatitoir nt the court botie In Metl rtoud. lu W renter ciiuidy Nctiraka' Hat belna the place where ihelMttcrnief wld court wa holden. at lu o'clock a, nii en the nth day of March, IS90, the tnlowlns nVncrlbcd real eUt to-wltt The aiMilheait ipiarter of Section Hue, tn townhlp one north ranee 11. writ of the Sth I. M. lu Webiler count). Nebratka. Wllmimy handand cal lliliTthiUyof Kcb ruarjilwn. U. A TKK!4Mierlff, Jno, if, R8n, I'ltR'a Atty. sniirri ia&i. Iiytlrtue 4annnlcrot vile dlrrclcil tome from the dlilrlct court of Webttcr county, N braka,ou a decree out tlned b'foroUd court at the adjourtietl HeptcMber iMu tent, of Wrtnter county cbnMk on Uie j day of Movetntvr Ikki end itclhercd to i lu ravor ef Krancl K. layue aa alatlif, aut acalnst William W, Itciw aiidAuaa M. Itvumi a dcfttmlatit, tor ih mow et acits hitndnil aud tnciityoHiten dollar. t'JiuMrret fnuu Kct'iuxry t, bA a ten ir tct fer an-, iium and coat taxed at $tM nd accnniHc cot, I liae Idled upon the liJIowtncdcwrtb m! real mt.-itc taVcu a the I'nijt'y ) aald ii-iiMtm 111 aim ruin ufMrc 111 hib loriii Tliowct half of th touiheau quarter and wmHlueal 'iiUrtercnluooHi went tinar ler and the uutli c.tt nuxru of Hie north wrt iiuatteror dtiijt. 1 1 1 naiilp 3. noiihof r. w, ,, , m. ii net-?,,-, i-vutn?. ' lm and will offer tbanuHD fir-l tot'r ramre It, vteturr,(v n. tu Wl-trrivnnty. Si loaUca. 4iutwillo3pr Hmluu fu-.iU toti.i hVaura bidder fur caMt In baud, on tbe II t 4y iHiii'nuira. in imM iht rt iuioc ntae eunrt bouae at Ked CVuwi. Wcb-'cf i"Huitr, je braitattfcat retec theNdi itert,cn lu tee Utt tta.atajaiisjauat Mliowenf in'Ha-t m, waaji dr, & and wm Am attca I mr wlliht 1t by tbe under pKi. . Mated January txlriL t'.A.tKrX. J. U, Vclwr plU ally. mmM, -HOLLAND HOUSE- IVERY AND FEED STABLE ! J. C, Holcomu, Proprietor. irst-clas Turnouts. Everything New, Neat and clean and in good repair, oarding and Fuelling Teams nt Reasonable Iiates, Ouly 41. 1 4 1 .1 . 1 ..a ii.r. ..1...,. m niu itvni nuy utiu gram iibuii iil iihh HutDie. uivo liiiu a eall. Hates' Old Stand, lied Cloud, I. OLARKl Proaldont, Albany, N.Y.. J. A. TaLLEY,ftViosPridBt nuuv, v 1 omibut, iruuHurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAMM lLflDAK 0, ' PAID UPa4PrJAZ,50,000. Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New Yprk. DIUK0TOK8: . V . H. Clarke, Albany. Now York Goo R. Beach, Balstonina rl.V! ' , , W H.Kobeson, Albany, N. Y. K. 8. Francis, 1'itUlleld. Ms R.V.8hirey D.M. l'lntt K. K. liiubland. J.A. Tulloya M.B.McKit MONEY LOANED. On improved farms in Nebraska Ami Ksmaa. Moiiov furnished aa toon aa tt security is approved Principal ana interest payable in Bed Cloud ' J. C. WARNER. REAL ESTATE AGENT Hiito lniidH of nil kfials to noil or I r:ito for stock or tuortgnKu note. Towu property to ncll or trnile. Farm Loans made quick and easy Office ovei McFarland's store. TH-ETRAL&RS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKK C w nmkfS RC!S9 POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Fort Abstract Co,, Red Cloud, I. H. FOliT, Manager. A!stiat of Tltt, FumiBhed to all Lauds in Webster Couuty, Accurately and ON SHOUT NOriCK. llatliiKlud ten yean epcrl nee III county r cord and otie of thn muitt complete net r Ab Mniit liH)k In llu Male, we nuiraiitcc o.t(lfacilon. Voar faton willcileft All oidi'iK Dllctl nuull) ln.ow dollar bond DM nod l'niti'l. AddrixK or call on I. 11. I'OItT Manaiikr, Heil Cloud, Neb. It. V.Siiirkv, l'rts. lIc.Nitr Cf.AnKK.Vicc-l'rci .Inu. R, Kitiatv, Cashiti HoWAiip U. t'ATiir.it, Anylfiiant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITA!, - $75,000 DIRCCTORS: Traaiact a general baakinj; bminrAD, buy and sell eonnty warranty alst ceaaty, precinct and school dictrict bonds. Ruy and sell forcigs eschaag Jaa. NoNeny. J. A.Vullers, 0. W. Liadicy. R. V. Shlrey. John R.Shircy. K. F. IliKhlaad. Henry Clarke, A. J. Keaney. S. M. SEAL, Jewelry, Watches,&c Ulil) CLOUD, NEB. CallaniJ -ee n;c, we will do you Good, .- v m, nm vCi i.M?j f,y?iXj flik.;iiite Aa mUirl:. , . ti.ya&.yktdPZ , ...' -' ,&l.k' ut,M & r. .