tA OHOICl OF TWO ILCSSINO& Ol tell m which is to wed. Th girt who goes I college. Aad stag bar servo little h'ead, 1.1k aaasage, With knowd;e. Or on of th domatle km4 Who kM bo higher mts on Tha making et a bom dct'gasd Te totter msn't condMoa;- Tie haowa that (rntiti with an aim Abhor hoasaiseping ever, Aad, it obliged to do la Mm. Are Bay thin but civr. While those who are not built to tmarl later home' awet brsutte, Aad witk b gentle, loving heart Do skillfully It dalle. Wer w a ttormoa wo might try Both of these wifely treasures, As& o eomblno no end of pis With Intellectual pleamcs. But as we'ro nut wo fain mail seek Tho girl who bcai I able To ail our needa. WiijifooJii Grcsh WbcBniiljr laths Utile! A double-hMded Klrl tnight tolve Tho qurst'on, could we nnd her, Otio of hr heads could then crolvo Tho aclsnee-iure to blind hr; Tholherbrd-(the one we'd kit) Could settle down to rooking. Ah I that "combine" would give the 11 Hi For which all men are looklne. IL C Dedge, la UoodaU'a Sua. CLEOPATRA Belaf Account of the Fa.lt and VtccRct of Haraachis, the Royal Egyptian, AS IET FORTH BY HIS OWH HAID. Bv II. Rider Haggard, Author c Kliiu Solomon1. Mlnoo," "Sha,M" Allan Qimtermallt," Eto., Eto.. Eto. oiBMraud br kichoul. after caton wcso viixa bb4 oiuctrnufmAour. CtlAITEH IL irrnn dimbb diircb or itAKwAnrtii; or tea SLAYIKUOrTIIK UUK ANIIOr TUB SraBCII Or OLD WIVB, ATOUA. CI after these things llolcmy tho l'lpcr troubled u no more, nor did ho again end til aoldlrra to Ahoilthls lo m'k for him nf whom it wu prophrlod that ho should bo Pharaoh. For tho head of tho child. my fontrr-brotbor, wui brought to tilm by tho eunuch a ho eat la hJ italac nf marble at Alcxun I dria, flushed with Cyprian .!! ntlll ttlllVM.I IIHitM tltn RoviSjsjbCM ras 'BF'aikas'm fflt.g3V5 lrTi u- fluto boforo hta women. And it hla bidding tho eunuch lifted up tho head sy tho hair for Mm to look on. Then ho laughed and amoto It on tho check with bU sandal, and bailo ono of tho girls crown Pharaoh with flowers. And bo bowed the , knee, and mocked tho head of the innocent ftMft :hlld. lint tho girl, who waa sharp of HJMJ V tongue for alt of thla I hoard In after "T rear aald to hint ''that ho did well to bow '.no knee, for tbia child waa Indeed Pharaoh, th greatest of 1'haraoha, and hla noma waa tho Oalrla and hla throno waa Death." At thla aay Inar Aulote waa much troubled, lad ahookand trembled, for, beine a wicked maa, bo ffreatly feared tho entering Into A men It. 8o ho cauaed tho clrl to bo akin, aecauao of the evil omen of bar aajrlnir, cry. ng that ho would aend her lo worahlp that Pharaoh whom alio hail named. And tba )lbr women ho acnt away, and played no mora upon tho flute till ho wa one again iruok on tho morrow, liul tho Alosandri na made a aonf thereon, which laatlllaunit tbotit tbo atreeta. And thla la tho bejrloBiaa; '.hereof t Ptoltajjr tho Pipar playad Otcrdead anddjiect Dpr4 aod playad ha well. Bure that But of hit waa atado Of the dank reed alghlRf Car tha atraaaia of htu There btaeath tboahadowa (ray, With the elatera tbrae, Shalt ha pipe for Many a day. May Ma FTo hla nailer bo I And b:a wine tb waur of that eoaBtrla Pteleaiy the Piper t Alter thla tho year a paaaed on, nor did !, Ming very little, know any thing of the treat thlaga thai came to paaa In Kfypt; oor lalttny purpoo here to aetthrta nut. For I, IlarmacuU, will aioak only of tbo tblnga with which I hare been concerned. And aa tho tltno went on my father and tholeochera InatrucUxl me la tha ancient learning of our people and In eucn matter appertaining to. tho goda aa It la meet that children aboull know. Ho I grew atrong and comely, for my hair waa black aa the hair of the divine Nout, and myejee were blue aa tho bluo lotua, and my a'.la waa aa tho alabaiter wil hits tha aancttuirlr. For now that thea e gkrlra havo paed from mo I may apeak of them without ahamr. Strong 1 TTis s!eo. Ttiera waa no youth of ny year In Abouthl who could atatid icalnat mo to wrestle with me, tor could any throw ao far with tho allng or epmr. And much I Teamed to hunt the llou; but an whom I called mr father forbade me U haat, telling mo that my life waa of too creat worth to bo ao lightly hjuardol. Rut erben I bowed myteif before hla and prayed be would cuako hla meaning clear to me, tho old man frowned and aaawerod llut tbo goda made all Uilaga clear la their wiiaaoa. For my part, howevc-r, I weal way wroth, for there wa a youth In About hla who with other had alaia a Itoa that fell wpuw hla fathcr'a berda, aad, be ing twvlee of my atrength and brawty.he vet it about teat I waa cowardly at heart, a that when I west tvit to hant I alrw aautht but jackaia and raw Ilea. Now, thi araa whea I bad reaehad my aeTentorath rear and waa a maa grow. Itebaaced, therefore, that aa I went aero U heart from the arcaenre of tho High Prteat, my father, I met thla yoatb, who sailed to me aad aaorJiad me, balding me kaow tbeaavatry awepie bad told hla that a graat Uoa waa dowa aoaoag Ue ruaa m by the baake el Ueoaaal which maa ?aat the Teasaie. lyiag at a diataace el tblr. tyetaamtfieAbeeUiv Aad, aUll aaock agBM,b0MkedaM If I weald eoeae and ieJp Maa alay ihie itea. or would I go aod alt aecttekJweaiv aad bid thea comb myaaawleak. TWa hitler ward eeaagered eab4lweaaru faUtag aa him; bat m aiaea thereat, fargeUUgay fataer'e aay tag, I aMwwred that af bewoaJd ckom aeag I wwOdgawrkbhimaM aeUteka.aJ aeaAaahlleavatf I Aai at feet be weald a, far. m awa nmereaateaiiaaataa hma la MNwaaaar at waod.MdMtheendtherfol a ate la aUrer.taholdlhe bead from allMlag; and together, lu alleoco, we weal ante by ide to where tho lion lay. Whea we came id tnewocti It wa Dear aundowa, and there, upon tho mud cf the canal baek ax fuua.l thnlkm'M,whkh run into a thick clump "Now, thou boaster, I aald, "wilt thou lead tho way Into Yonder rrd. nr ahl ll' And I nia.!n a thouith I would loa.1 iho way. "Nay, nay," ho anawervd, "bo n.n ao mau i too liruto will apring upon theo and rend tbe!. ptcel I will about aiuong tho rtll IVtvhance, If be aloepa. It will aroune him ' And he drew hi bow at a venture. Atidhowltehiinevd 1 know hot, but the arrow atruck tho aleeplng lion, and, likn a flaah of light from tho belly of a cloud, he bounded from tho aheller nf tlm reed, and tood before, u with brMInu: matio and jel low ere, the arrww quivering In hi HnV Hfl roared aloud In fury, and the earth hook. "rlhoot with tho bow," I cried, "hoot lfU,venjheiititigr llut tho eountk-e had left tbo lire.ut of tho iKMMter III Jaw tlroysl down and hi finger unlued their bold ao that the Ivw fell from them. Then with a loud cry ho turned mid tied behind me, leAving the Hon In my th. Itiit wlilio 1 atood waiting my doom- for though 1 waa nro afraid I would hot fly tho lion crouched himtelf, and, turning not atUlo, with one great Itouml awept ewr Uie, tcucluug me not. Ho lit, and agutn ho bounded full on tho boter'a back, atrlktng him audi a blow Tiui in grtm Mtr mat hi head waa cruhrd a an ectf thrown acnint a atone. Ho fell down dead, and the lion ativxl and roared nvcrhii.., Then I w wad with horror, nml, cano knowing what I did, 1 graapod my i'ar, and with a hout I chargiM. Aa 1 charged tho km lifted him elf up on In hinder leg lo gmot me, ao that hi head ttood up alxivo too. lie amote at mo with hi p iw, but with all my atrength I drove tho broad or lutahl throat, and, hriuklng from tho agony nf tho Uel, hla blow fell abort and did no tiinrolban rlo the akin. Hack ho fell, the great apcar far In hla ttirout. Then ritug, ho rnareU In pain and leapt twlcotho height of amanatralghl into the air, amltmgat tho (xar with hi fore aw. Twloo ho le Uius horrible toaee, aud twli-e he fell umiii hla back. Then hi atrength apent Itaelt with hiaruah. lug blood, and, groaning like a bull, bodied, and I, being but a lad, tl and trembled with fear, now that all cauae of fear bad pa led. llutaa I atood and gaiml at tho dead Unly of him who had taunted me, aud at tha car cat of tho lion, a woman, eveu tho aame old wife, Atoua, who, though I knew H not a yet, tiiul offered up her fleh ami blood thai 1 might ! aavrd alive, eamo running toward mo. For aim hal leen gathering luiilr, wherein ho hml great aklll, by the water' a edge, not knowing that thera waa alien nigh (aud, Indeed, the lion for the moat part era not found In tho tilled land, but rather lu tho deert ami tlio I.lbjaa Mountain), and front a dlitauce had aern that which I have aet down. Now, whea ahncamo near ah knew me for llarmacbt, aud, bending horaelf aha maltlHnaiico lo me, and aaluted run, calling me llo)al, and worthy of all honor, and beloved and rlioaea of tho Holy Three, ay, and even by the name of tho Pharaoh I the Deliverer I Hut!, thinking that terror had made her alck of mind, aaked of her what aba would aieak. "la It a great thing," I aaked, "that 1 ahouldalay a lionl la It a matter worthy of audi talk aa thlnel There lira, and have lived, men who have alaia many lion a. DU1 not tho Divine Tuhutimea tha Oilrlan alay with hla own band more tbaa two hundred llonat la It not written on the tablet that la between the pawa of tho living Koremku (tho Hphlm) that la aet beyond Memtl, nigh to tho aeven pj rani Ida, that he alew Hon aforetime I And havo not othera done HkewUel Why, then, apeakoattbou thua, Ofoollh woman I" All of which I aald uoiauae. having now alain tho Hon, I waa minded, after the man nor of youth, to hold It aa a thing of miec count. Hut ahe ceaaed hot to make obel aanco and to call ma by naawe that are too high even to be written. "O Itoyal One!" ahe cried, "wlaelydid thy mother prophecy. Murely the Holy Hptrlt, the Knepth, waa ia her. O thou conceived by a god I Hee tho omen. The Hon there-he growl wilhta the Capitol at Home; and the dead man, he la the Ptolemy tho Macedonian a pawn that. Ilka a for elga weed, hath overgrow the land of Nile; with the Mervdoalan Lagldm ahalt thou go to am I to the Lies of Home. And tha Macedonian cur ahall fly, and the ikm aha!! strike him down, and thnu ahalt strike down tho linn, and the land of Khem ahall once more bo free I free I frrol Keep thy. aelf but pure, armordlng to therommaad' nient of tho guda, O eon of tao Kal HoumI O hoMi of Khemt be bat ware of Womaa the Deatmyer, aad aa I havo aald, ao ahall It be. Poor am I and wretched; aa, alrlckrn with Borrow. ! hare alcawl In apeaking of that which ahouldl hid, and for my aln bare I paid In tha coin of that which waa born of my womb; willingly bare I paid for then, llut 1 have atlll of the wtadoot tf our people, nor Uo the goda, ia whoae eye " jz--. Twica hi LaartB Tar, auaaiaui to all are equal, turn their ooBateaaacee fro the poor. Tha Dlvioe Mother (M) hath apnkea U o-but Utt alght she paka btddlog tse come bltbcr to gather axrba, aod read to the u aire that 1 ahoeld m. Aad aa 1 hare aald, ao a aai I It ceaae lo , H thoncaaathoteadare the weight of tbe grrt tmt4atUai. CsaaehitbaT, Itoyal Owe r aad aba led me to the edge af the aaaal where the water waa deem eadatiUaed bloa. "Xowgaae apsa that face a tba water throw It berk. I aet that brow tttedtebear tb AeaKe crown I I u-A tbeae feaUe eye mlrrer tbe acrfert ajawty ot kmgal atath aet tbe Ft, te ClMiif; fhahlnaod that form to ft the) lav amvtelaTarb,ad a tba gleeo itmtl adee haahlag taweegb tbaa I Oedt "31 ay, aay." aba wvt ea la aaetber vetea aakrflf eat vuVi vtiee -J wtu-.be ante wadiieh, awy-tbe acraUb f a kwateaveav eeattada.atvTietba:yeja,ahada tb beta el aa it aa t ba traaaad. ae ale It wdl awahar.aadftl taw Am atwdt baa v' if -t5 ifwM IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW xm laTH xm im tV gLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVtM e iHkly And to think of It. but itairau hour ago ho waa an etry-U day nth mortal nan you or me. Well, a May hltn to tho rrnlialnier. He'll unn awrll la the aim and burat, and that Mill aave them tho trouble of cutting him open. Not that they will apend a talent of allver over him anyway. Heveuty day In natron thal'a all he' likely to get. Ul how my Um-u doe run, and It' get. ting dark. Come, aren't you going Ui take away the body of that poor tad, and tb Hon, tool llirre, my boy. you keep thoae hcrli on, and you'll never fori your acraU-hea. I know thing or two for alt I'm rnuy, and you, my mn grandanal Dear, dear, I'm glad hla llotlnea tb High Frleat mlopted you whra I'ha'aoh matlaau nd of hi bom ; you look ao botiiiy, I war. rant the real llarmerhls could not hare killed a Hon tike that, til vo me the eoaimoa hliKHl, aay I, It's ao luaty " "You know too much," grumbled lb apy, nowulto decrlvrd. "Well, ,e la a brave youth. Here, you men, bear I hta body back to Aboulhia, and aomn of you atop and help m akla th lio. We'll aend Iho akin to ou, young man," be went on ; "not Uiat yt deserve lu To attack a linn like that wa th act of a fool, and a fool dMrvr what he get iletruetlon. Never attach tbe atrong until you are atronger." nut, for my part, 1 weal boa wea dering. CIIAPTKN IIL or tub atrrca or AaaitMNAV or vft rwAVia ur NtaMACHit, amu is vaa aid atvaa bv va an.v nona, OH kwl.lU . I II.. flgHiafa! machU.wint, Ihejulc aaaaaMfateBBBHl "' Ui fr'sn herb f Witaaaai which the old wife, IffEKaafaffiaU Atoua. hal tlarl upon my wvund rauaed mmuchamar, butpreaenliy lit pal ceased. And Ufa truth, I better llial thera virtu lattem.fvr with- w two day mr ieah healed up, a that after a Um no marka remalreL Hut I be. ttPHtghl m that I had dl oheted U word af the aid High PriaU Amcnembau wr.o wa railed my father. For till to day 1 knew not that M wa. in truth ny rather ayxvrillug U the fleh. baring a taught that hla wo aee waialaln.a t bar writleo, and that bhd bern pleased, with the saoctW .f th 1H vln ones, to uko m a an adopted bob aod rear mo up, that I might la dee s-tso ftij aoSco about tti lempki. Th-rrfcrewa I sor tniubtcl, for I Nan 4 the old man. who was very trrrtb la tia attr'r, aod tukocver with the cold vole of Wlsdvai Nevrrlbe'es, I dtermli;d tgo)n lo him and cniifes my fault and bear aura psa Uhmcnl a he I lita'ai be Anl to -wt opow me. Hn, eo with Dh red sr la my hand and thsird wuondao my bfTu padtbrotith iitnturrunitlij great temple aiwl ram to t) dnr of th rJnatnWr where the High Prfevldwtlu It l a grnt chamber sculptured roued abit with the tmafrea of Ibe aolema !, st.d tho light of Ka(t)t sua) cams toll in the daytliui by BAOpPBtng cut threap! tb Uuul tb nissty not. UutstuiaM It wa hi by a swtsgiu lamp t,( bronve. pe,t In with out u4e, fr the dfr wa txHs.U'get.Ur aheu and rmthing mr way ihrwgh lb bearycurUlaa that Wer XxtyviA, Um with a boating Ivsrt within tM rt-awlwr The lama waa tJU fr the darkles bad fallea. aad by tt light f saw tbe iM mt seated la a chair A Itury asd tny at a labt ef sU, wbrti wer spreaf tha mytlMS writing of u word tA Ut aad Itetb. On Urradsy sve, for brhMt hkpUaMlhls Jfsg, whits btd rtd vpam the Ub'4 Use the beard of a .! maa. Tb soft light trim tb temp fell aha aad o the papyri, aad em tb gM rg Mpna hi band, where wr grave tb yate of tbe rhvM , bat aU arsaad waa aUdtev. It fU th bva baad. aa the whit rtfee, sa tbe eedar uff tA iKtsatamal at ht H.aad aa tb Irsry 1 th ttea'fmtJ sUir; It ihiwal tb mighty anew cf awr,taa latara col I ttatfy aaald. tbe watt eyswrww aad Oh 4mk baCew it tb eye. I moean aa uiawa, far mr aua taat wttxw wa aaw tba f aaaav It tet bad be hvd wh tba hwbMJaaar wtib taasm antb th4te aril, a aVmatrwasaa la aa amwtee aMj w ate at vaiatiy awaasra. awe la tbia 4 A .! a. ikihL &f la I" " r-i ' - "-ii 4iiu aiJltta. i I u fawwaaafaaparff r rTBfaTf la . fill bin Maaa, atxl aad f ssed, aad aa I shod b en hi uarg ejr-a, bmt taehsw net ea ortufvMUa head aad yet ba aaw n.t . by bttt thou Ht dtHdjwdleal t , s.il" he aakt "llw raa It that ttUl fjMth arla the Ilea whea I thea aW I iwkwl tb-ro, my father, that 1 rorlhl"!ekcdln.far, ow know II Are tkete, thea, aether et kruMteVlge than bv the seawsl O raat child t w not my ttrtt with the th - sprang kivn Ihy vm nt DM I net pray the set Ut ! prolnt lite to mVa sma thy twbnthHldklt drive tlr sixarlsto Ml thtvatl How ram II thai law eslfottKOmy a,ui1" bwster tauatrvl as," I aaswvrwd. I we ni," r, I knew III ami Ucu of the had cfvvutb, I forclve ths llstmaehls. nuir lUten unto me, and lei my wwM lo thy beart luo tb water ef Mtr Mrtty atid at the fUlng ef rUrlu. nuulot'.ie Tbe boaster was anl tin aa a trmtdallo. aa a trial of thy gtb wa be seat, and Wet It has not riultoth burcn Tbeivfor I thy put back. Ilawtst tlnxt been slng III nailer, the Mlh tit Wen made plain roierea ue-w ll.it thvvu bat failed, berelorv I thy hour put hark " understand the hot aty father," I an. M hat wa It, thru, my smi, that the r4,l Atoua, said to tbeti 4Miibylho lank e iimlf d thereon I UUt htm all that tb tdd ha. said. ud titou triiote!. Haratsjchls. my ay," I answered, "bow shuM I bo iivh tales. Hurrlr she Is mad. AH 'pie know her lr Htad " n for th mt tlu.e b iivt toward ho a standing tn tho shkdo-w, in my sonl' lm rriet, "thiu art rh I. vet road The woman hai utb, sho SiVn net of heraetf, but of kit within her that rwi nut Ue, Tt tm a pronhelrss snd hot) No thou the destiny thai th m ef heghen tol,ei to fulBlLand wt i thee If by any weakne llu.u dt reim ij.umI ti.ouarl ao stranger I Into my Imhis and th bourn of Iho i thou art my Very Sim, ssved UMn iw ssme wonian llut.tlllsrinscala. . . - . . . , it more than thi, for In then arid ma ith flaw Iho Imia tat bl.l of F.gyiU and I alono sif atea allvs aiw ). without break or flaw, from thai oh ekt lirbf whom Urhus the Vr rivn hm tvgyiU Tb Fetlnwm tie reralau went, and then after th n ratno tlm Msvtimlsii, and now for utHin tbrr bumlrvsl test hat th lldai tiatiriNol tbe double crown, rfrgllne th land of Kliem and txrrupttng tb wir ship of hi gods, And mark Iboa thls but tow, Iml two week stiicss, Is Ittdshiy Neus llon)lus Ptolemy the Plr, who wtmkt haveslaln then, dead aad toil now hath lb eunuch I'othlnus, thai ery eunuch who cam hither, veer v, to t-ui ll.ee og, aH t asuai.t tb will nf his master, th dead Aulete, and placed the boy Ptolemy U th throne. And therefore hath hi sister Cleopatra, that Irrva and beautiful girt, gcd Into rlyria) and there, If I err not, will sh gather her armies aad make wsrupo her brother ltnlemy for by her falker'a will wa sh left joint anvereign with hla. Aad meauwhllawatarh tbo ibis, my sou ths Koinsa eagle baag aa high, waiting with ready talons II surh tlm a h may fall vpoe tha fat wwtbr Kgypt and rend him. And mark, grU, lit pwr4 of F.gyj' ' weary nf th foreign yoke, lb y hat th memory of th Persia, ale at be r they f aslng ralkd Mea of Maiwdonta In tbsTwtarketa nf AleaattdM. Tb w)m1 land mutter and murmur beneath th yoa f lh Orrwt and th shadow of the ttomea, liar tuA they beeaopprewsedr lists hot tbelr thIUrsa beea bub- here,! and their gains wrung fn them to fill tha hoUAmte gr--t and lust of th I .ag id let Have hot It terapU bw forsskenl Ay, hsva md thadtvln aa)aa. tie of tit eternal gls bn est at hstighl by these Orvtt lmtblr who have dsred to saeddie with lh taimoitel truths, aod nam lb Mvft High by acUr nam (rsarapU), mnfouadlag lh ub suite -f th lavUlblal kth M KgyM cry aloud for freedom aad shall she cry In vsinl Nay, aay, fur the, my a, art the appealed way of deJireraaea, To the, tiring sunk la eldbate I deer! my right. Alrrady Is Ihy asm wkUprred I tesay a anrtuary, from Aba ve itatnAthnt al ready da artest aad pansd SWesr asto, Usee, even by tU arred ymUda, awhs him who shall b dUid asto thraa. Htlll, Ihetlmsl iKHycti lhot4rl ligr a sapling to lr th weight if wb a storm. Hut today wast Ibo triad aad found walirg II wbe wuld rv the gtals, O Uarmachte, must put aM lb fail tegs of tb Ytk. Taunts mwst md avrt him, nor any lust of a.sa. This Is a high Mletlnti, bat this must MUm r-tre. Astmm lesra II aot, trVm shall fJl tlrHs, aad tbn, myrurso b ea tblat tMmrs ef Kgrpj, and tUtreetf F;K brsdma godl rvt, know ihotr thla, that errata g'd, wMarolmsMyrial, aisy, M lh later worm arhiae ;f thtags, leaa au tUaa wiki Is their lnstrasaes.1, r a wsr. t'M o his awwd And ww U Ibe sword tbat f-In tba U,r ff UltW.iVf It ball be tbrvwa asbts to rtitlt T!rre f9,e.sk lrVa lar rt , MA M-a and strsiigi fr tbla te ao . Us, snd tblasni mortal svwd. Triumph, sd In glory MU!. g-Ja rfcrylwr d benftr' Fatt.at.d ww wweWe mi It! f!s psMd ivl bvwed bis ha4. sd thaw Wi;l tm MJf t)s rastuir sUU fsxt br isvir hereafter htewtwklte bv hsl nw'la tears. T svrrvw will f gtre th Mters sad Um shall psaadww the Kile, past wk.bwKad V v:AiUUOt, i.U.JiU)thA thr sbalt Um s.ra mM yrirad learn more of mr afeff-tl wls awrtb the tkadew of Ibat srr.d pyramid af whei tira, tA, art lb llrtiuy High FrVst Ustlslob. Aad &;: Is t tf d wU-e, fav tt br la t-a y 4, ay U4 b'.p tA ttM gwls, spi thm wb WVsfWS tsVKi tbalt I.U4 lb wasp Msusdvia 1,liiUtt my ) mtmm Mhe-r a4 hte as a tiv kor, Ut i art .'! r bt, aa all tb tf rrypt. H twt tr, rite to th fttr bright ut thyatea bay, d Uvn iWt h vtefVra br aad h-TefWT Im tsU, fa, aa,f I srWi esst av tle. aad te abalt b atrsed, aad tiy yl shaCt retaai (a teavCsg M tial Ut wbsa,if lb aVwaMerit f tteasta rrif bM sasv avw te aw) aad Igytd bK araas be few," 1 drew a teUa)y aad bteasd hast aa taw fy, -msy.aU itema Us avr.as sasr,- J aaVt, -W I fast Owrfaflberr' "K!," be rdL "m saet b4 IVt whoa wjd aw. Aad aaw sx as at. Bi Hi t i aadsxsvdarlath baan, aad ta thy asevet heart digeet lay taavdat aasf gaar wbsa tUaaaaH see, aad gtetbsv a tbe swtr af wteea,aadasaBMrsf1esahas f" VLU L "" aaatartad frasaaetrst Ma bam tmfUmtttSittrm ', ttfrntttiutm mm kVHmm 4wVT 1 lmf fal Mswl " TWlsrsaAfsswMBfalaaavl. Taw stlnUg ta lb teBa euvtt. I hsftVif threngb tbera, ad rrW4 lb wm m lkpvUnthsl U sltk enter gats At Ihers sevkleg .itoda, u. a It wt. lo draw nigh ta IImiv. .imI- t.a . ( sma " twehasdred tps wvtttl slMogthl trwt.nl the ms4e ni Hire I Vi.l ay brrMt Sgslstl the prspt ssd hvV4 ttK Aad f a IrtkM Ks rl cvlfe ef sa Nil m mvited upeier tha trablaw hUu, s. her rsy fell tap.', UM4 v.b n,J, and the temple alls iio,4. M vt, tka visage ef twvurtv cl tV tha ,o, HgMstitM-V then ids tlixvh a tli HH1 lsad, ivow Tihttciag V.t tha ht(,T,i, ,. thabeateely Uwavl ll lkMv pMl up Iha k jf, W if rtM bar IS) rrwe J d-WH tbev allay, llr M.N.tr, ftt,f ,.f isa U. of Ktwiii, rHi en t td IV And aew tha KnjVl l-atn li,,f. the walel, that smiled as sntxer bs.li, sad now avi.stia at tt, tvt, W towa and p'tn ut tl.lr vi nsiU tight, jt blither lU w, ao thtvw her gleaming r .' tka ii Uvutitf tr.ee.Uth IWauttM It . tl lhleulyif vfel ttlv, a. wa aathehniur after de(b WcUtu-, h-tt the trnilvV t,ierv.l hps(k.et W f.i Klgl'V Ketlfi. lary ! Ms'e4t m Up.Hi fhst W(jt, thoa aiHxut shrines, beftassjamiAMia vUraal U. llnw '.vl- . xAstiNisJt a ttiHitusaw mis tua rrir isswooa htsasalf shall wit hoc A4 raise It wa la be to rule this a'.llt tsadi mtaa U a serve thiM aare.l shitsrs sid rbrth lbs honor nf Ihslr giM miss la al el ta Ptolemy and frea nj4 fr lb fetig )tk ta ity ilksrstbs l,hd ef Ik glal Kiogs wli,shp!g a lb tal rl th alley of Tspl fT.el., swalt th dsy ef resurrection hlrtrit swetld wilt is ma a I dreamed Sm hl glrti te.taf I 'lae.l wry hssds, and thai, tof- th l'Un, I ptsrot s I had hrr prl be lor tn Ibe llidbead, wUo ,ilr by laaii names aad In many fur n. atada SHaslfL t) Ainea," I prayet, 'lUI of r's, aVr hast Ue from ilia bgtnirg lrd al Truth, who art. and of wrWat all era, whs gtveal mil thy IMhesd art gatbat ! It V again, In Ihar4rvlr4 wHom tb dhlsso move and are, aha wat frm all lima tb Hefugot, and aho shall I till all Ue-. hewtkraualom. HIAmau Odrts, tU saeilge by wWm w are nitnd, Urd ef tU UVw 4 lb Winds, tba MuUr of tha Agaa, lb twetef la lb West, th Nprwsa 1 AsaaaU. heark uslo mav "O U, Orwai MtUr tk.uUsa, M4hr ef th llonjh mysterbais MMhrr, ftle, a),usa, besrhv uMn ma. fta.ed s tha rboaea af gils toiairy st tbaarass Sf the grals, r slg be glre WSU SSa, eve aow, lo sa my lit u iw life ahmre. Htrtch ost ynr arms toward s,j gtts, ad uiMirlbghry id year rrM t-MisM-av, Mrarl ah, hear aa" Asdlfasi myself ! my base d lifted tia; yes t erf And a I knelt a etimd grew pa th fi af lb avM aad rterd It , a that tb eight beame dark. ad lh slWi decpeaed all raaadeea I be W f U-hiW lbs Hty rese. U bil. a4 the sllsoiw grew rnt grww till It wa hessr a dealk I fell my spirits lifted eg wlihls me, aan my air rfseutw my a, tn r.f a odds the wlgMypjU, sl tat rtv mthaath m-, a gri wiad lt h-t ; my browa. aad a rw .p hf w1ll m; "hvLn a sLt.1 as . ilr-lf I- Ahda.vaaa.iL. L....k. . aa LA towrtss.1 aty aaad asd left ebBl WHbl lU TVm sUrtead rtl4 frtas, imi fae f ta asaiHV, d Use wtsd itisd, aad tba )Wisj leased bv Iremlde. sa4 lb alahl Wss " .-vaaw jeSMtkf. aramfafaftfaa - -ua? i inMsWw ""tf f?b ' l MhU V J abaighlbsdten. I 'Mh hlasMh Thar f,M tw feaaet .. A,M ''W ." If-'M.omi'u isrrlsg aa lb FfssMb sU d Ima tTZZ . l-T,ubli.u!;MW "''iteesadsri tlae. If;tag ta sarfaada bb It wa a lud af Ilea bJy Ma aaw bf.sk. . '., ,,'JL Ul a Ihws bawt lag late lda, aad thrfri raes a rawt H ' ' ' JT "! rT '' "f! iswl aetL ktms siwwds4 with aammsysa. bk Aad a I garnd tber so, tebX I ta lata Cs frvi vt my grasp aad vialahet, Vteg K st(krd. tm a m-f itnss) ucolio unruofTt, Woes ttteMsyi Mtad a fdstto vat; Ma a m. w.,. ef wavw,; .lavHWvty ayatett llvaiaiV-d tea'aeaf 17, i tb WathWsaw TUnrl!Ur war MKaHlsMN ri agate rnyaog hwi PtfL A r-.fitLili tmthaasnsifMOi lag tb"j Pm Ontati, vl , fei;, Uvrd aia fartaloMa f dja laeygsuiatwteM laey HNr44.baswa ZZtTtyTIS"!'" rHht k1t Mtwtn. -. ... . .. .ZiTi vt' " v.jTri. rrmrr H77lZ:tL. aim,riaV. bet t!a7d la UZ Ut hg SeVslg Hi syUs ,, bag,grtvy frwflgee late a pa f UPh, I pwysrgVs irua, wMM'aw h) wHh iissi; btKaaJferist It tat irWrrT " rp,sllfrtg II sMftW dlssav4, .! psaaad wtftUsiMlw, TWmM etrsagee UiW,fd at a f.a Ju'J?J)rtl I gtsask, As'4 arvswsa sftnaMmt btsnabtawt aaaaiaasrua ere, srtvh sb aat aa tbeuhte. A bassa WMtbdaa la f taw eraur af lb aa, aaVr tb oswes. 7 a shi fcsiy psersai at K tbrsmga bar aaaav tattec -'Jfbff tstesvaaskg avsaa, i -tUtd, ftaaraaeaPd la a4 draw Us tte tiea t esse bat aaUiy eras by IM UM. HM Ug K aaw tb awa WMb sna baal sb s tb sUga aad tawatb f lb sa 4 swaa'Maf hteawteg warn. Mr. aWtaaswsWSjahtaaswsaag ta Leadow QsaksXsw4steiafsaafsahavsiamt . awjfaaa w sta gAtest. M Me rer te water at a w1Tbf,reWt aswdt ft isttai uW taa BAsyua r asbwg ta halt. -1 Mm swsasVt abseeed ef N baa bsaw tot f yw vrasr te raws aaB Vatast " ! ea a awaataw aewX, "It aaaw btesbsawwaasWaalaigssiMas a4 Wv atftg wsigat ftiaws Ml Maw ; .! ,?ff7 , 1 tnm ftadj Mb tagele lm !rXZ?12L Ws,wbwlawfft JfttVgaf mm saaaaBi BawasB -b- awat ftukaBl aaawstal - " aat m WWB ataVaVaWvVaTasV MF MaTswVaaaaMvfaVa wsftaTal MMpWW wWmNfa4TraMwWlwil , MMaHlHl -A ftA. a, aw Mgaaaat atrfcaaa A f 9WWWm Wfwl V VaMaa9 MIMILlANtOUS. A Jb.th r(lt sgaf has liAhu Migf I'sH Mtr, aM SU lM.h. u IN li t gw M thre sasl Ibm j-t, ()f vmM Mtlt" rn ffv am etd KngttH wd, ltefat, a ma what h rhars t ta t.itttef Tha sNtef Vntter v lnhv aiantWinmt la tha) lllld. h ('rH'pf of high frth, wa atvJ Vfwrl erW? in tha klsg III on, ut tte n.ef I ef th ieVf thtt s Mg lt rsa tl srfWI tba r,.iHM sit 4t llh plri f r4 rtaal f pd. rM her thrHst, rtarstsg bw Ultuenia. vt ta the enlug daa t. e her Wan, th hatthte-tt la Mlllrvr. Tel UIIg, In itnVtrig sttesUH sielt ta Itws V"et Uahata tnr-t-esrttig strata hit l-h re-srhvt t depth Ni St hbh fe.y U i( Uiat Vosaf gtM ir htnat hat !re htlrsl. 'lbi aster l hAklh ! , few OilnVlivf. hat II tert jll fw Wstgatseiev 'ba dealtwftloa f hurvan Hf hf r rt!w)ii alutalag tly Umtsl lrwtte.. Ksvrt t. he 4ttHSte 1 1 the Ihteratste fwiir ttsabMhMS' rrthe ev,rttltt r'i tM W ta a ingle jv ( a Mgl, a f.Ml, MI fvw tha um l.1 th ta"mlf perasa In )-. I It, ilUit srMal tesjaj ttt.wst or war a gtval r-yv..ttU-H la tlh rlw t aia.1 hp i.t tilasrv , .tf e I the hfMtH fasiUt tds svnttti4 slwal I iio,K.r isdlii-Uatsv la Au, ahifn aa a gtsl ptsat, ' th n mk Uit v'aXtaai na na aa) stigf, lh in lh tHr itl la f l,rH" ihtfe sr hj4Ji, .tMaa , 10 to tha e.r Slta, a ,fb thef) st1lKls ta A-cfra, ,SVth sasi 1 l.ith, lhe ana lswav,tM, rrUUtelf i thtaty esirrd la the filsn-K tseaw i sn.) m.ll ptdMy iinWu, tlit ) tre l the hle iM Mseh sr aa ifim Ui tbrve tbe retutUlsg tm.w ltrig tntte.tlslo tta aad laf A 'ff ttohte re)..? tn tba) light of lh th-ar dearent lamp I away ."leg anl It rHitiis f aUaJ gUdai nf ft a Rial gtssa, (MSd aad) I t I e. at Ibe Imso, the Mef sMes haw tng ol stesr ftssa, rMin4 aad fHwtesJ I tba has. Mft lijf hs-l w!h b M.hedtltirt n ,r-h ; lh it atit Mtsr larUh iil4(i, lit. mi Um vf frtf glaaa, ahl'h s. hfabs up tha rat ihst, sllhh lh maa at tight fi-UHg fr" It U rtaWtihf t , thsa tM .iatfat and hrlgbt sa lht rwiwJsg fMH ihatlghlwfdlftsrUg, It It swtt eitjr teas dssttlag, ll It M sWdll; suit snd pUastat m the V At sgier; bK la Mfeat, Wssa, rvsil ablls iultva bmlaf d sas aer glhfst lb-!, lh pr talMf gt tht-s so gwesalaf i (lag thlhga, gsially Mug t, pa t-eaaa, haruhaf i gaaa wse SHd a ta tsasg a.a r a a hashal, Tb teaat swafc ! wMh la lb party g met as &jfw a Bfty thaatrd. Frs that tbaaft r rl.Hs wthef seUmete) ad ft scstUr aumhwf, "Welt, sir," aabf twa gttavr, "tbar tm aa ha4r4 Maa ntasteea tbsaa4,w IN ewaeas eaaaa oald U I lata him aatlt h alaeawA that there war ity to a half aw aad pmmmI it, ihe baw saaav siotes will it tab U weigh a Mb atft slliMdidlarr hasald. ilm headrsstr ('exvsatr gr thrww haadtawf sfaaA r.t sa.sral 'S itgtV aahl bba '. ' Nst lasalt lain," ahtea) bay UItraM sad Mwtwsl. tATINO ON f Mt blNI. . tf d Heem a tap sw ta vase. Aa smsslag teey resyha sd frwaf1 ,u vl ea e4ttj whWb ha faet hav ., . y(wmU Umf ,b(l 'j? blgbltas4 al ih fwUf Tbaaa lltrmsa lfrsla ahar tej4 tbw) la) I lo'btft e 4 af taa agt ssaa aajg, - t"r f-. bat IV he, ftf lg fe mmm Uftse la t, twlravb 'aalias tat lbs fiutiar U swast mttfUi Urrsd rb ; hMag( Frarl, l aastrra4ltea had awasm. hrp4SMd hf laf dii, a a), btftt'. Ut tfittit bus th Ibslf hwav gr anfsae, t ggted la) !! f iiaf a rtlr s ihtl thvf sWahi J hf; Uh sat fsib th tt4 a bias? W I ihsy .! ynnv v isw, TbeaW ' ft'"4 ,"tVM ! . 4 awa r.tt-H ! ffrmstlf ba'irs.'ijgtttevl l-ta, lUififeteabi iff wblh tir l-ftdt M dUiwsa la (wsvpti lVr'ri-t(sUwiM I bade .eMabf la l,Mia,tar a.t li tUi , ii,. tfA silrlS. a.l Wily lh ill'-" M Vieeahlte, tVll, vasMty lmad. Hit twn r wg t-i . uu u . uu n 1 W ' F ' M '" ' '"'W,' M 'Wi I,M ' '' "' k aHrsU lentbtpnl h ha ttnn a lh tesltef sM W kp iry Ik) fa twsa of fatlag aoV'd lelftv u, M m s- s-ri.e tlawasf JeMg betAall )ril VaT ' t.,- MW; d(latelftl hrfc v a vhw; ser t4 "" laavai 'gtegrs If 1 a sws be rte la tM waeva eteetb Abrt adr tA ,iu 4ns wee sbaaa af rtevkOte. ! U MI taw absaif tv fsw t, h , f sbaakbl aay tasat If ftp tl has taxed lhaeayags l,sa stadias-! drU4dywt Bwaav . )M.irVr te iayH easa he ba omf&ate b-aalyi ahieawa, H Iftaef Kgii tftft bag aafswt fgiftiv taelr. .! saawftai tbar sdaaargft 90tM sraraet rr aastasj a aaaaagaat; sotsw,aaf law fv ftesV ftgt T .! M f i V: ? 0 ABTM ICaaaraawjata. Aad I . bai ag. aad aaabaa: aM. ft abaft . af tba Uatete. aai was teayiUMaaajtaaayaa 4ib ,-x . ty&A'i.' &M x .,ur--.iUZtift.x&i'fia iJSgf . f.tVmlh1.'? 'i.alVi WlL & ,. t . . ,$-Jha; iVjairdbKyftgb XU &&, MJ& 'a i V'& L.Wl fc r