The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1890, Image 7

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JTsr French budget deficit this year
WM iet,W0,00 fraaoa.
Thm new court house at pallarf, Tex.,
fcaa beea destroyed by fife. J
A TWo-Titimn) Interest in Forepaug h'a
atrcaa has been told to, Englishman.
GarocKAt Join D. AatiKHMir ban been
hated commander of the O. A. 1.,'de
fartraeat Maine.
ia , rasa
Mnun Smith, Firat Deputy Commit
ataaer of Ponaloat, a rorater, baa bad
bla resignation aooopted.
mi r ,'., il
Tmt Caar baa reiterated hia dctcnul
aaioa aot to recognise the Republic of
afcaatl while Dora Pedro Uvea.
A mvkm pirate, while trying to aaek a
lal boat on tao Kant rivor la new
York the other niffht, waa ahot dead by
aba captain.
Cotton at Augusta, Ga., baa reaebed
4m bigbeat prion of the acaaon, ten anl
ataa-slxtcenths for middling. Thn. mllla
expecting lower prioea hate only moder
ate upplleeoahanfl.
BuncnoR Wii.mam waa present at a
dinner given by Prince lllsmsrck. There
waa nothing observed to indicate any
awldneaa existing botweon thorn aa had
been hinted in recent telograma.
Tax medical colleges o( Maryland have
lamed a call for a general conference of
American collegea to, discuss mean to
taaugurato a National Alliance, to be
beld at Nashville,- Tcnn., May 31 next
It la officially assorted that perfect
harmony exists In Crete. It la denied
.that the firman recently Issued by
the Porte has cauaod dissatisfaction;
that preparations for a rising are lielng
made oa the Island, or that tho Powers
bare roquosted that the ilrman be modi
It waa officially announced at New
York recently that, on account of ox
ending of rcaourcea in the atrikn
troubles, tho dlvldenda on Chicago A
astern Ullnola preferred will be dis
aoatt nued. The officials of the company
atate that it has no floating dobt and
atoea ao) propose to create one.
icaoo lawyers think tho Anarchists
Jala tothlng by having their cases
nekV'tii'la4; made by,, their
Bl.JWflyjwilIg tha Mate Hn
i CMrtSrodM have to Ao would be
require their preaenoo for sentence,
1 aa they were sentenced to bo hanirod
they would have to be hanged unleaa
Ooveraor Flfer Interfered.
Atraxo Thomas (Home ltulo), mem
ber at Abe J!oual Commons for the
art dlfflafa af Olamoajanablro, 4 will
awn aa aapaamenVto the addreas'ln
wnlfLto taV Qwaawa apceobt opening
Barlliment that the affairs of Wales
aught to be administered by a special
department presided otef hy'a Minister
aeaualnted with WclsfefflaUonal affairs.'
Tiia United States squadron of ovolu
Uoau Admlnjt Walker commanding, has
arrived" at Toulon, Franoec Influensa
am the vessels of tho fleet haa abated.
The new cruisers worked well under
attain aad sail. Aa specimens of Amor
eeaa ship building and the forerunners of
aba new navy of tha Ualted.Utea.(bJr
an regarded with, aurioalty by navy ex-
A KcroKT that Agent liennett had notl-
Governor llvrt that the latorlor
JbaMUfiuVi Mfaatd to allow ay
trooOThVusW'li U Chickasaw Na-'
MoifMSaVaaftjlleaawat of the. Indian
lawa, waa shown the agent at Muskogee.
He stated that oa the contrary he had
(Nde'red treepato the Chickasaw Nation
toexpalaUaarUas living there unlaw
Tr spectacle of. ft coroner holding aa
! over a man he himself had
tarardered waa presented in Klorenoe
Cawaty, 8. C, tho other day. Cor-
mw Burch had. ahot aad killed a
tsegre whom ha had taught 'ataaling
Kttoea from his yard. Ituruh gave
elf up and waa released on 14,000
bsad ,-Aa inquest raa hold over the
Jri-n awooaer preang.
Da. Qavtscii, the Austrian Minister
ayaiWJkJ.lbUg. Instruction, re-
eatty spoke la support of the adoption
1 tMaWl lagulaaing Jewish relbjioue
aMeaVaal thaf tboOovernment
aHaVifl!HrlnAfa antl-H4tnjitlo
WJmm .iabat M secure for th.
Jewish people of tho Kingdom the right
tooomplete independence in tho oonnl
f religious concerns among themaelvea.
AMa..baarteea repotted in theHenato,
entfct U tke 'Alaska ssl fl.hory. It
authorises thorlecreUryof thoTn-sHtiry,
WpfjiXWlWnif for thirty days, toloune
froatpdyll,,im, the ht taengagf i
im Dusiness oi laxing rur seals on thn
Islands of Bt Paul and 8U (Itwore. The
aaausl rental for this right shall not bti
lean than 100,000 per annum, and In addl
ttoa.amveauo tax or. duty of .ao oa
aaek akin ihlppeoVfrom tho Islands.
Tarn report of AdJuUnt-flineral Kel
oa aaa.atiUtatyioreaulUMt Ualted
Htatea, shows that the militia of the
IMatee mnatlBloC.T,afT ooiuniuloaed
aaaoera. t,Tl' enlisted men and T.'ios,
dMjnea not organised but available for
Military uty; of the Territories 914 o
atiSift men and 10l,T3 available; of
tba Pistrict of Columbia 141 dllcera, 1,
M men and a,W0Iavslsble, making a
ftaad, total tor the United HtaUa of 8,
f aVera, '10i,irM mea and 7,SM,171
avaWHefc'' Several of the States either
katfa a ragalar militia or have made ao
aeaaai'to tba AdJnUaHleaeraL New
a stats m ue onnrr muus nutw wua
waionwa omcera, ia,s men
ftw X a.NJataallables: IVnnsylvaala fol
r.-aaarla' arltb aat oaYcers. 7.8M men aa,l
f,m aanvaaa stsIUUm.
. 'k ' kH""7Cr7T-,7, - -T-r
OUaaaa By Ta4aTpk. u ltotL
Soon sftsr the enst mat on the fd sir
nouneiiment waa made of the sflllctlon thst
aaal TlsitH the families ef Beeratsries
nislas and Tracy saa lv unsalmoas vote
the body BdKuraMl....Tne Hoass rrtumed
consideration ef the Snalth-Jssktnn ron.
tested election cssa from West Vlrglnl.
The KspabUcaaS teenrsd the neesitsrv
qaoram of lflS members snd finally succeed,
ed In adopting tha majority report of the
commute, ousting Jsckson sad Mating
amitn. Tae if ohm men adjourned.
AMoro tba bills Introduced In the Henste
on the Hh were bills for public bnlldlaxs at
Rmporls, Ballns snd Topebs, Kan., aad a
bill by Benstor Plumb for thn protection of
Amerlcsn bison. After sn eseentrre setslon
the Senate sdJonrnedi...When the llouie
met some lllliuaterlng oocurred over ap
proving the Journal, and bv the action of
the ftnesker In snnonnelsg a quorum by
eoantlng members present aad not voting
the Jenrnsl waa declared approved. After
dllltory tatrtlcs whleh continued for some
time the Home, without traassetlng any
business, sdjourned.
Tun senate took up the Oklahoma hill oa
the Ith, sad pending the reading, It wsa tsld
aside aad Besator Sherman, from the Com
mlttee on roreljrn Belstons, reported a Joint
resolution eongrstalstlng the people of the
United States of ftrastl neon the sdoptlon ef
a republican form of government Senator
Blair then addreised the Beaate on hla Kdu
catloaal bill. ...The llouss Immediately ad
Joumed sfter thn reading of the Journal,
many members wlihlngtosttead the funerst
of Mrs. snd Mlis Tracy.
Tim Senate on the Mb farther considered
the Oklahoma hill. The discussion brought
out the fsct that thn preaent ares ef the pro
posed Territory wss only shoal ltco.wo
acres, or s.uaa square mites, with the poanl.
blllty of being Increased to M.wnefiusrflmlli-s
as different trlhes disposed of their Isnds
Without concluding the bill It was laid aside,
snd Benstor Ill-air continued hla remark on
Ihs Educational bill. The conference ruport
on the Joint resolution for removing shsga
from the Missouri river wss concurred In.
It spproprlstcalTs.oon. Adjourned until Mnn
dsy.,..When the llouae met the Jmirnsl was
appruvel the Bnesker counting s quo
rum present. After tha Intmduetlon of
bills Mr. Morrill (Ksn.) reported beck tho
Benste bill to Inorcsas thn penslone of cer
tain soldiers snd Bailors, with s snhatltuto
providing thst sll soldier, anllors sod mu
rines who have been since the Ullhdayof
June, IM0, or who tnsy heresfler tHicome, an
totally snd pertusnently helpless from In
juries received or illaesie contract-l In tho
service n to require tbe regulsr perannsl
aid snd sltondsncn ot annthvr person, shall
be entitled to receive s penwlon st tbn rata
of I7i per month, from the date of tbe cerlin
ostnof tbnessmlnlng surgeon, or bnsrd of
surgenna, allowing audi degree of dlaablllty,
snd slao Incresalng thn pension of aoldlurs
dlsqusllded for performing manual labor to
not to exceed J0 pur month. Thn aubstlluto
wss agreed to and that bill tiassud. Ad-,
Joumed. t v
THK Bcnsts wss not In session on the 7th.
....Tha House trsnisctrd little Inmlneas.
Beversl bridge bills psartnd, and Mr. I'etera
andesvorudto get tho Oklahoma bill before
the lloue, which waa snlagonlsed by pri
vate bill, and a motion to adjourn until
Monday carried.
Tiik funeral wifvicoa oyer Mrs. Cop
plnger, eldest tlaughterof lion. James
11. lllalne, took place at HI. Matthew's
Church, Washington, on tho 4th, Father
Thomas Sherman officiating, assisted by
Cardinal (Hhbons. Tho remains were
laid beside those of her brother, Walker
lllalne, in Oak lllirceinntery.
TiiKVnkflof Montpcnslcr, of Spain,
connected witbthe llourbon pretensions,
died on ibn 4th.
Tiik report current at Washington on
thn nth that Mr. Itandnll had taken n
serious change for the worse was later
denied. Ills condition Was tho samo as
for several week a past.
Tiik funeral of Mrs. Tracy nnd her
daughtr, victims of thn terrible fire
at thn Secretary's rt'sldcnw, txwk plsco
at Washington on the nth and' wus at
tended by tho lVsldent and Cabinet
and many distinguished persons.
I,amison, the llcpubllcan Lieutenant
flovcrnor who was ousted, foum his hmI
tlon by the Democratic rfenato of Ohio,
has diol(led;tter cotiHltlUon'with his
attorneys, aot to curry the easo to the
Nuprctue Court
Mil Paiinki.i, it is said, will ask Par
liament to Inquire Into the Times-I'lgott
auaatilraoy. ,
ItKAR AlthilHAt,. HTXril?t P. QttACKKK
nvsN, U. M. N. (retired), died In Wash
ington recently, aged sixty-seven.
Wu-mom H, HiMKt.i, of lluffaKs N. V.,
ex-President Cleveland's old law part
ner, waa married at llwheater recently
to Mlsa Iiuulso Nturgla,
Hkv. IIh. TAt.MA'iK waa tendered a
public reception at llrooklyn, N. Y on
hla return from tho Holy Iaml.
Culta, waa reported seriously sick on the
Tine confirmation of the Katuoan treaty
by the United States Scjtato nlTortleil
general satisfaction In llerlln. Count
Herbert lllsmarok mllcd Uiwn Minister
Phelps and congratulations Were er
changed upon the ratification of the
UAHiMWAi. Ikoct, brother of tha Pope,
waa reported dying from pneumonia on
the ith.
. llrxnv M. Stam.kv has ben elected
a member of the Kusalau tlmvgraphival
Society. ' t
Tiikn colored men'a convention at
Washington elected- ex-Senator IMnch
back president of the National organi
sation and. ssucd an address to tho
people of tho United 8tatoal
Tiik Now York Senate reconsidered
thn World's Fair bill und msmhI It, but
the llpusv would aot actopi the amend
ment. Tkx thousand colored people In Can
ada baya '.sent( 0e Hlovcrnor-tleucrsl a
loyal address!
tlKMKiut. Hauamanca, Oovcmor ot
Cuba, Is dead.
I. a Fham-k accuses Kngland of insti
gating aa attack oa a French caravan In
It la reported that ex-King Mllan'ls
a victim of melancholia, llfs gambling
debu trouble him and he threatens
suicide. Ho has to be eloscly watchi-d
at all times.
Tiik Duo d'Orleans, eldest son ot tho
Comto do larls, waa arrtsti4 on the 7th,
charged with a violation of tho Preach
Kxcluslon law. There were reports in
Paris that a Itoyallst uprising had been
nipped ia the bud by tha Priacw'a arrest.
Axniucw Cahmkoik proposes to donate
1,000,000 to lltuburgh, V., for a pub
lic library. ,
Oxk man waa killed'am) five ar six ia
urcd by a still explosion recently la the
Standard refinery at Lima, O.
'A'Yfcftftiaue mlaa tftoaaati ajeumi
at "Aberyacbaa, Wales, on tbe ith.
Three hundred men were Imprisoned,
two-third of whom wore rescued all va,
tba rest being dead.
Russia influensa is reported to be
raging to such aa extent, la tho lumber
regions of Wisconsin and Minnesota aa
to almoat prevent logging operations.
Many deaths are reported.
Tin: bank examiner has decided to
wind up tho affairs of tho Amerlcsn
ltuildlng A. Loan Association 'of Minne
apolis, Minn. Tho concern was Bosnl
aally capitalized at $10,000,900.
II. M. HKCRtrrAK and others connected
with thn collapse of tho Hoclotln dqg
Metaux, of Paris, have boon ordered to
be handed over to the correctional police
to bo dealt with.
Tiik cases of the Anarchists Fielden;
Schwab and Neobo are to bo taken
up In thn Supremo Court for re
view; Should tho matter result favor
ably for the prisoners, it will vitiate the
Judgment that consigned Spies, Llngg,
Fischer, Kngol and Parsons to tho gal
lows. Twknty-two companion of London
dock owners have signed tho agreement
recently made to fight the labor unions
of men employed In handling freight
and in other dock occupations.
Tub body of William Thacker, pur
chasing agent of the Klg Handy Lumber
Company, of West Virginia, has been
found in tho mountains of that State.
Ho had been murdered for money.
M AN V dangerous Icebergs are reported
In tho path of Atlantic steamers.
Ma4oii Panitza and fourof bis acoom
pllces In the plot to assassinate Prince
Ferdinand, of Hulgarla, an retorted to
bavo been shot.
TiiKiiKwnsa collapse In the pig Iron
market of Scotland owing to the tem
porary suspension of payment by M. 8.
Wolls, a prominent broker.
Tiik Mexican quarantino aguinNt bogs,
from tho United States has been re
moved. Tiiiikk men worn badly Injured by a
llaltlmoro A. Ohio truln running into a
snow drift near ConnollsvlUo, Pa., on
the 7th.
Tiik President hss approved thn act
for it bridge ucross tho MlsHourl river
near tho mouth of thn Kansas river.
Tiik passage of tbn bill In the North
Dakota Legislature authorising lotteries
Is likely to prove hurtful to certain
Government officials who were suld to
lo Interested, the President and his
Cabinet being much Incensed ut this
dubious iwitof tbn new State.
HurtiMMSM failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended Febuary a num
ttcrrd (Including Canada) .TJI, compared
with '.til the previous week and H0;l tho
corresponding week of lust year.
llv tho explosion of a cylinder of tbe
boilers of u now British erulaer at Mar
gate, Knglnnd, two men were killed and
ten Injured.
ItKV. Hit. Ham, who brought a libel
suit against the New York Kvenlng
Post, growing out of tho seandala in tho
cumpnlgn of 1PH4, lost bis easo at Buf
falo, N. Y., on tho 7th, the Jury return
ing tho verdict, "No cause for action."
TiiotTtiLKs were reported UHween
white and black railroad laborer In
Hlbbs County, Ala. At night while a
party, ot whiten were going through a
wood they were atnbiiHhcd by negroes,
two being killed and three wounded.
Hk.niiy Favnck, the outruged tinner
of Alicrdccn, Miss., has been located
and will bu taken to Washington to tes
tify before tho Senate immmlttce.
Tiik Now York Legislature will In
vestigate .lhdgo Hookstavor's relations
to tho Flack divorce cuso.
Mitch huvou was created by wind and
sleet In Western Pennsylvania on Uw
7th. At HlAlrsvllle, near PltUburgh,
two men were killed by walls falling la.
IT Is nstlmatotl by tho Southern Pa
olflo offiululs at Coburg, Ore., that It will
take 1,000 men ono month to repair tho
railroad track damaged by the flood be
tween there and Ashland, a distance of
140 miles. Six miles of the track waa
curopinioiy cameo out.
Unir. lluitiuiws. tho noted outlaw.
has been located near Milton, Fla. Ho
waa In the woods with a number of offi
cers In pursuit.
Couinki. 8. W. ltiiOttNT, the last aur
vlvlng slgnerof the doclsratlon ot Texaa
Independence, died suddenly at Saa
Augustine, Tex., on tho Vth.
ltoi.ANi Vaitoiiax Williams has beea
appolntod a ludire ot tho High Court of
Justice of Kngland In place ot Judge
Tiik Swiss Minister at Homo la of tho
opinion that Swltiorluud will accept
uormany'a invitation to tho labor con
ference. Caiiiukai. Proci, brother of the Pope,
Is dead.
Tiik Orcek steamer Spyrldlon Vagllan
hss been vsitn-kinl and the captain lost
with thirteen othors missing.
Tiikkk wns a fatal collision between
a freight and passenger train oa the
Northern Central, near Harrittburg, Pa.,
on tho Uth, a Itrcman being killed and
live or six other persons Injured.
Cijcaiiino house returns for the week
endinl February 8 showed an average
Increase of 4.,. compared with tho oor
resiHndln week of lost year. In New
York the Incrcasu was 1.4.
IIiisi'kss was dull on tho London
Stock Kxohange dtirlng the week ended
tubroary 8. American railroads were
neglected. Tho Paris llourso was quiet,
three per centa bowing a alight rise.
IVlces ut llerlln wore Arm. At Frank
fort bualnosa was quiet. Tho Havana
sugar market was active.
Tiik Pierre lusuranco Company, ol
South Dakota, haa failed.
Tan Republican House aad Senate at
Helena, Mont, passed eight appropria
tion bills on tho th. llecker, thn Dem
ocratic benstor, who was brought In by
Deputy Sheriff Parker, took no part In
the proceeding, but waa counted pres
ent by tho Lieutenant-Governor, thua
making a quorum.
Tai-KUKAU from Aden do aot confirm
the recent reporta of tho massacre ot a
French caravan by Somalia la Africa,
On. tbe contrary the telegrams report the
arrival at llarrar of the caravan la ques
tion. Wixuatk Hau, of Malao'a State Col
lege at Oraae, Me., has beea destroyed
ty are. uoas areut la,aaa, imu
fit, vat.
At Tllue Springs the other alght Mnt,
A. J. Van ttusklrk, an old lady, while
alone had a fit, fell into the Are and waa
burned to death. Whea found hor
clothes wore burned off and her body
literally baked.
H. H. McKm.vey, a prominent farmer
near Coiad, recently became lasaae
from attack ot la grippe.
Oor.t and sllvwr have licea discovered
ia Keys Paha County. '
A i.atk flro at Covington destroyed
eight saloons and ,wo wholesale houses.
Loss, f 18,000; fully Insured.
"ScoTTr" Mtr.i.xn has been sent to tbe
Norfolk insane ' asylum from Keith
County. His malady Is supposed to have
been caused by worrying over his wife,
who became insane and waa aent to tha
asylum a year ago.
Mks. Thomas Waitrs has brought
suit against the city of Kearney for IV
000 damages for the losa of ber husband,
who fell on the ley sidewalk some tlhio
ago and received injuries from which ho
Tiik Lincoln County commissioners
estimate thn expenses of the county for
alt purposes attt4,lft0.
.Ton HriiK, of Clear Crock, Custer
County, has lost his reason, and haa been
sent to thn Lincoln insane asylum.
Tiik mysterious disappearance of
stamps from the Filloy post-offlco has
loon accountod for by tho finding of a
mouse's nest In a rubber boot, lined with
tho missing stamps.
Tub Hoard of Transportation recently
met tho representatives of Nebraska
railroads in Chicago with a view of
securing a reduction in rates on porn.
An agreement waa finally reached in
which thn roads stipulated that rates
will bo reduced on corn from all points
wnstof tho MIsHourl river toChlcugo 10
percent., making tho minimum rate 'JO
cents and tho maximum '!' conts per 100
Foil unusual cruelty to a horse Herbert
Stulmndyko was recently lined 7." at
Tiik Luxonhurg Catholic Church, flvo
miles cant of HoIIwimmL was burned to
tlio ground tho other night. Tho church
was built about six months since at a
cost of 87,000. No Insurance. It Is sup
posed to have been tho work of an In
cendiary. Wii.mam Tvi.ku died of mid aim at his .',
residence at lllito Springs tho other
night. Ho' was born in Pennsylvania
In IMU. Ho came to Nebraska in IMU
and has lxcn a resident of 111 no Springs '
since that time. He was a veteran of
tho Mexican and civil wars.
Mils, Haxon Hicks, wife of a farmer
living alHiut ten miles from Dakota City,
disappeared very suddenly tho othur
night. She left tho houso to get an
armful of wood, and that Is tho last tlmn
she was seen. Her footprints were
traced to an air hole in tho Missouri
river, where all trace of hor was lost
It Is thought she had committed suicide,
as sho was slightly demented at times.
(A tkmimikaiiv injunction was recently
grunted by the Supremo Court In tho
easo of tho State vs. tho Nebraska Dis
tilling Company of Nchraska City re
straining them from moving or attempt
ing to move tho machinery ou( of tho
buildings In which the distilling com
pany formerly operated. Procemllnga
were recently begun in tho Supremo
Court by the Attorney.-lieneral to con
fiscate the property for a violation of
the Anti-Trust act of IKHD.
It cost Thurston County JH.MK) to try
the Indians for tho killing of the llunja
mln lmy.
"(Ihanimm" Huitittr has been sent to
Jail for three months by .ludgn Dundy,
of the Federal Court ut Lincoln, because
he would not produce bis little grand
daughter, Kva Miller, In court in re
sponse to a previous urdor. Application
will lie made to thn Supreme Court at
Washington for a writ of habeas
corpus on bis behalf.
tlKoiuiK Lav, a Schuyler, grocer, heard
a burglar In his store the other night
and drawing a revolver held the thief
until a policeman was brought Tha
thief proved to bo Robert Watehhora,
and ho was Itound over for trial.
Willi.): stopping at a Oeneva hotel thn
other night Miss Jessie Dontvan, a Fill
more County school teacher, was robbed
ot a gold watch and f-'O in cash, which
waa taken from under ber pillow by
some sneak thief.
Two white Arctic owls, measuring
four feet from tip to tip, were captured
by a Jefferson County farmer recently
and sold for a handsome price.
Tiik three-year-old son of Adam Pier
son, a Dundy County farmer, was re
cently drowned by falling Into a cistern,
the cover of which was loft open.
Tiikhk are twenty-seven Farmers' Al
liances in Huffalo County, with an aver
ago membership ot thirty.
Sr.vr.XTV-TlWKK O. A. K. posts have
reported delegates to be present at the
State encampment to bo held at 11 rand
Island February 10 anil 'JO.
Tiik cltlsens of Osceola have raised a
parse ot 91,000 to help Theodore llecbo
erect a l000 hotel on thn alto ot tho
one which was recently destroyed.
TitK city of Creto Is in a prosperous
condition financially, having over 5v,000
'available in the treasury, and; enough
money will ho transferred from the vari
ous fund to take up and pay off tho
bonded Indebtedness, amounting to
Tiik York creamery manufactured
5,000 ponnds of hutter during January.
Beginning ia May tho output will bo In
creased to I.V000 pounds by the separator
process and cheese will also be manu
factured. At a recent mooting ot tho officers of
the agricultural societies of Chase,
Hayes, Red Willow and Hitchcock Coun
ties, held at Culbertsou, tho following
dates were agreed upon for the several
countlea to hold ihelr fairs in tfets):
Hitchcock County, third week In Sep
tember; Red Willow, fourth week in
September; Hayes, flrst week ia Octo
ber; Chase, second week in Octoler.
It la said that there is a well la than
Ave miles from Nordea tho water of
wMka la uatt for driaklng purpose for
tba reason that after water la drawn a
arum ot all collects thereon. A maa
(Mas tbe ell regioaa proaoaace It tba
real stuff.
A OamlaVe KIHs aaady chararte raw
Walking Wit Mia WlkV.
KajtsasCitv, Mo., Feb. lO.-Bd Flnley
Saturday afternoon at 9:10 o'clock shot
and killed Joseph Carr on Third .street
near Grand avenue. Flnley shot flvo
times, emptying the chambers of his
rovol vnr, three of tho shots taking effect
inflicting wounds any of which would
have been fatal. One bullet entered
Carr's body In the renter of the small of
tho back, another penetrated tho skull
on tho right side of the head Just abuvo
the neck and another entered tho head
about two Inches above thn second.
Carr, who was released on bond
Thursday In thtf criminal court, where
ho was under Indictment for feloniously
shooting Juhn Williams, January II,
was walking east on Third street from
Main in company with Mrs. Flnley, wifo
of Kd Flnley. Ha waa approached from
behind by Flnley, who hod hurriedly
followed thn couple from Main street
and it Is said that Flnley called out;
"What are you doing with my wlfn?"
Flnley claims that Carr then turned
threateningly half way toward him
and made a gesture aa if ho were about
to draw a pistol from his hip
pocket although no pistol was
found on Carr's body. Flnley
then draw his own pistol and shot at the
man flvo times. At thn second shot Carr
extended his arms and full over the
curbing of the sidewalk Into tho street
Fintey then emptied thn remaining
cartridges in his pistol at his prostrate
victim. Offieer Harrington and Dnputy
Marslral lien Ronnnthal hurried to tho
spot and placed Fin ley under arrest Ho
was taken to tho central police station,
where a charge of murder was preferred
against him. Flnley is a member of a
family of gumblers, while Carr has an
unsavory reputation.
Two IIMts Upset at New Orleans Wllh Had
Nkw Oiii.kan, Feb. tO.Yosterday
afternoon eight boys, all residents of
tho upper city, secured two plnnuces and
started out to tako a rldo on the river.
Their course led tbum between two
empty coal barges lying at thn head of
Octavla street There was a strong cur
rent running at thn time and dosplto
their efforts tho ho:its were hurltnl by
tho current against tho barges
causing both to upset Sewn of
the eight unfortunate youths were
tht'own Into Ibo "river ami drowned.
Their names were: Frank l.nmlry, nged
17; George Sampson, 10; Willie Winters,
10; . Martin Perrlese, 18; Louis G.
Fuldo, IA; Alvy K. Fulda, lit, and
tiddlo Kncept 14. Wilton Ho
bey, aged seven, the only occupant of
tho boats who escaped, saved himself by
catching on to ono of tho overturned
boats. None, of tho bodies hnvoeofur
bcun recovered.
ralhtr anil Mother Hot Perlah Wltk Their
r'Air Drowning Children.
Kiknstox, N. Y., Feb. 10. Tho four
children of Jacob Slater were skating
on the lake at lllnnowator, about six
miles from hero, yesterday afternoon
when the ice, which wss but a few inches
in thickness, gave way and all wore pre
cipitated into the water. Tho shout were
beard by the uicmUAs of tho family
who lived near by, and the father and
mother rushed to tho roacuo, but
by tho time they had reached
tho lake the four children had disap
peared ttoncuth thn Ice. Thn mother,
frantic with the thought of her drown
ing children, rushed upon the ice, which
gave way with ber weight and sho sank
below thn surface. Slater then attempt
ed to reach' his wlfn and he too was
drowned. Tho entire family Is wiped
out of existence. Last night hundreds
of people gathered about tho lako search
ing tor tho oodles.
HedureU Meat.
Chicago, Feb. . The Chicago, St
Paul, Minneapolis fc Omaha haa given
notice that it will at onon put into effect
a reduced scale of rates from the Mis
souri river to St Paul on business des
tined to New York, lloston and other
Eastern points. Tbe proportions which
It' propose to adopt range from a5 cents
a hundred pounds on first data to 30
cent on fifth claas, and February V Is
given aa tho day on which they will bo
come operative. Thn action la taken to
meet the competition of tho Great
Northern t Sioux City and northern
lines. This makea through rates from
Omaha to the seaboard via St Paul and
Canadian linos much lower than those
la effect via Chicago.
Aa Ovation in ttvnalral Mtlea.
At.nro,irKiiqitK, N. M., Feb. 0. Whea
General Nelson A. Miles, commanding
thn Pacific dlvlalon of thn United States
army, arrived here en route UiWasthlngton
to appear Irtfore thu Congresalonal Com
mittee on National Cost Defenses, he
was greeted by a crowd of warm friends,
who were loud In their prabu-s of his
manly course In protesting against ubo
removal of A paches to Fort Sill, I, T,
now so heartily recommended by Gener
al Crook, w ho mado a signal and Ignobln
failure sgalnst them In hlscanialgn.
Vlprr tlretkre.
Lovr.t.ANn, O., Feb. 9. Police protec
tion was asked last night at th meeting
of the colored peopln la tlf Union
Church, occupied Jointly by tho Meth
odists, Hardshell llsptists and Mis
slonary ItaptUts. This was bocauso at
the meeting last Wednevisy night Uev.
Mr. Ratell spoke ugalnut a doctrine that
bad Juat been announced by the minis
ters of the other two denotnlnaUons,nd
a' scrambling fight resulted. The meet
ing last night was orderly, but trouble
ia yet feared.
A T9tr .
I.txcot.y. Neb., Feb, a. When the
people were Informed of the petty re
duction In corn rate which the rail
roads mado at Chicago ttrey universally
denounced it as unworthy of all the ef
forts which the Governor aad the State
Hoard of Transportation had made, aad
public meetings were called all over the
State to dlacuaa the question. It la pos
sible that Chairman Richards, of Mr Re
publican State Central Commltu, will
be asked to rail the committee together
early and attempt to commit tha party
da the side ot the peopb. bat tba rail
rwala artlt aatrar aanaJt taia.
aV Weanera Mbtsard ea the lUsapag
Taroagaaat fenaajrtvaaU aad tilfctr
Mae mral ralaHUea.
PirrsHUftoH. Pa,, Feb. 8. The worst
storm la years has been raging through-'
out Western Pennsylvania siaoe noon
yesterday. Snow, wind and hall bavo
beea playing havoc. In this city no
damage was done by tbo wind, but tho
snow and slush has blockaded many of
tho rtreets and stopped street car traffic,
while telegraph and telephone lines are
breaking down under tho heavy weight
of tho Ice with which they are oosted. In
the mountains the storm ia raging with
terrific fury, and report are coming lu
of serious damage to property.
At lllalrsvlllo the large glass factory
was demolished by tho wind, tho roof
being blown off and the two side walla
fronting east falling la, Charles K.
Ilarr, general manager, and William
Ilurney, ono of tho firm, were Instantly
killed and a workman whoa name
could not be learned Injured. Mr.
Ilurney's body was Immediately taken
from the wreck, mangled almost beyond
recognition. Mr. Barr's remains were
recovered two hours later. Tho storm
at lllalrsvlllo U subsiding. There waa.
ao further damage.
At Unlontown the roof was blown off
tha Methodist Kptseopsl Church, a part,
of If alighting on tho houso of Joha
Ilrown Just north of thu church, crush
ing 1 In like an egg shell. The tower
of thu church, it is feared, is so badly
shattered it will have to be torn down.
The root of thn largo new building
lately erected by tho Pennsylvania Con
struction Company, below the town, was
also blown off. A bona and wagon
driven by James Rush was blown over
Gray's hill. No one was seriously hurt
Postmaster Raker's new houso waa
nearly demolished, as were ulso Josoph
Frankcnbury's und John W. Ringer's
None of tho coko works are running
south of Unlontown. Thu Redstono
Coko Company's office at llmwnfleld was
blown down and entirely demolished.
Tho end was blown out of tho engine
house ut Ilth and the Warren glass
works were wrecked. The roof ot tho
Lutheran Church was blown off.
AtConnellsvlllo tho storm began In the
morning and did not subside until Into
last evening. In this section tho loss,
will reach SIO.OQtJ, J. M. Hcrrcck'a.
store and house wore compK-tely wrecked,
tho Inmates having a narrow escape from
death. Tho Catholic Church is in a
dangerous condition and a number of
othur hnuHCH In tho town are wrecked.
SKVKUK 15 TIIIII'.K STATIC., Minn., Feb. 8. DIs
patchon received hero statu that a hits
sard is raging throughout Dakota, Iowa
and Minnesota. The thermometer la
rapidly falling und tho wind blowing a
galo. -
The Duke of Orleani Nudilenly Makea Ilia
Appearance la l'arla and la I'runptljr Ar
mted. '
Pahis, Feb. 8, Hy prompt action tho
Government haa nipped In tho bud what
was apparently intended to bo a Royal
roup rfVtff, modelled after Iouls Nn
poUun's descent upon iloulognn, and tho
consequence Is that the Duke of Or
leans, the oldest son ot tho Count of
ParU, Is In custody.
Thn Duke arrived in Paris yesterday
bearing a letter written und signed by
the Comte do Purls, announcing to thn
faithful and to all other tho Count's
abdication. Ho also hod with htm a
manifesto addressed to the people of
France. Nominally, and according to
the theory of pretenders, a pretender Is
always a king; and therefore thu
Coimtof Paris abdicated thu thronolio
never posftcsscd. Ho consequently ab
dicated his claim as a pretender, and in
virtue of this abdication, all his claims,
rights and titles descend to his eldest
son, the young man now In the hands of
the authorities, Philippe Louis Robert
Duo d'Orleans, who Is therefore not
merely one of many Princes, but tho ac
tual pretender to the throne by vlrtuo
of hla clarma aa tho heir of Loula.
Philippe and also of tho old llourbon
The Duke's coming Into tho country
la violation of tho law banishing all tbo
brads and direct heirs ot reigning fam
ilies la a rash escapade if it stands
alone, hut the fact that ho was equipped
with aa appeal to the Nation showed
his intention and may raakn that escap
ade aerious for him. if it should de
velop that this movement la mado la
vlrtuo ot aa understanding with the
partisans of the monarchy in France it
may bo mure than a mere violation of
the law of expulalon.
Further disposition ot tho case will,
of course, depend upon whether It la
discovered that there was any plot for a
general Royalist movement behind tbt
laddeat The Aaaerlraa Hog.
Wammjmitox, Feb. 8. Secretary Rusk'
recently made an urgent remonstrance,
through Secretary Ktalaeagaiaattboim
posltlon by the Mexican Government of'
Irksome quarantine regulations In regard
to American boga and yesterday was la
formed that a telegram had been re
ceived from United States Minister'
Ryan Imparting tho Information that,
tho Government of Mexico would
issue orders without delay recalling
the obnoxioua regulations. Secretary
Ruak is much gratified at the removal
ot this restriction aad regards it aa.
being poaslbly a forerunner of a morn,
liberal policy In regard to American
meat pruduct on the part of other for
eign countries a change of policy which
he thinks would be facilitated should
Congress confer upon him full powers la.
the matter regarding meat laspectloa.
Titer Bat ( ttdaas-taat.
Tashisotox, Feb. 7. In theexpeutiva
arasloa of tho Senate jrsterday tho
Samoaa treaty was again dlscuasrd.
Two motions by Senator Edmwnda wete
tabled. whereupoa Mr. Kdmunds stated
that he dedrad to be oxeud fruem
further service oa the Committee .
Foreign Relatloas.
Tw UnrnMt a fata, msl
Havaxa. Feb. a.-GeneralSalamaaca.
Governor uf Cuba, died at aia oVUs-hr
last evening. From four o'clock la taw
afternoon to the hour of his deaftk, W
saife-vd from a rumwlot r. na.tUa aS-
I tho function of tba iirtr aad kldaera
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