""T'XV sw JV V "ttSVa-i',. "li'i'iK r JTf iW'' "" SKf J" 7, . ' y? TffV V . ml&w :,jf- I WlfiM, otfy:rJW.Cltl sjawtireed wltK am; tfhe haVi i,. impfmmvmy m pi WHWlll, MM IMMI M f, eight, aiv aud lea per miwWItty aaay a foUeVaftiaM under tha burdeu h hluee le the grfddetoae. Uiliwi,thM wedWIk. to alVaJsiWUM .. Mtdaea Ia. liUHMtiM war u de ea, aad fMi.MlpU l add,, mUU MM VtOg tBd IKJMMH, iaMlfMj-wry ii such ayUcriBslniily.respeBiiMe .jrifyft Jhe state bit lU'M4ki Most of ear. y1ecre,d0,aot go over two per t a sueath, but we bare obi or two 0 doaHsfop it 10 small a I guru, istd go after all j nan has, W have of instances this weok, that t to Btske hoacst man blush with akari1iifa"a'roTrlStB ItaiTiJu.l waa WH tff if r "at oar month ea fly MlarsyaBd acveral others al a Ilka eharaeter. All itrausaetioai'of tab altad ate illegal and unlawful, aad we"teei eoaipcUed to advise men wko are' adylng , aueh ruinous rates that it edaaot be eolleeted by law, aad tltatthere area, n amber of i attora iys if, ibis aity, who stand ready to meeeujia all parties who make such VmWi Boastaslfee. . If tbare is any oae tfciag that has injured Hod dead 'aad Webster oounty, it baa baea bese self same earbatoaa brok ers wko' bsTe na coaicieatlous sera lea. Setter lever have a dollar tbaa Vorrowatsaeb rates, frlead. " Our ad viae is iet to pay it. Vi.,aBBBBBapBBBlBBBKK t.va Vratf Bl BtecWestan Tbeboard of traasportatloB of Ne braeka,if about the thlncst cxcuso for pibUtiBstUntloB that we have ever eeea feirtercd by as great a state as NebraJki. The secretaries are allow ed to loaf arouad Liaeoln, draw their aalarlefcand oeeMleaally take Httlo Janata arouad the state at the people's aipoAsi). It is a shame that this is the ease. They have not dono one Iota's worth of good th's year in tbo way of relief for the farmers, but have beoa pliant tools of corporations ap parently,, until Gov. Thayer wue com pelled U take the tariff reduction in to biewwa hands, and thereby aeou'r lag a ten per ceutv reduction, which the oeWd of. transportation qulekly pick up,. and give thomsolvos .credit wiib.-Kveiy Httlo helps, but a ton par eet reduction is no rdllof to the farmers of Nebraska. It mum bo greatetyar thousand of buHhels of oorawfrbe left to mt upon tho groun, , Tho Boat Icgislaturo should relegate,, .be obnoxious board of trans portation to tho rear rauks, in faot so far back that it should uovor be dis eevered 'again. It i an eye soro to the people. The'taea of bailey vsJas. McNeny aad Ifeury, 8eott fur damages, wbioh baa ftea'J finding ia the U. 8. dlstriaeeurt, has been dismissed. Thai' jjjaa proper, llailcy Bevorvro eelvediBay injury, in fict ho was aotiaapreerated aadaot even, hold in auatady, voaly eited to appear, aa wa rameaiter. ellght'ifaay. The damage waa very The,great printing ateal whieh baa eiueedVeueh a furore (?) as it were, baa hiatal thrown overboard. The IV, , -;vBarj!failed to reeled the eontraeiaf Til VNifr aad in view or, the raust that there waa bo profit ia printing iar th(ikjtWBty at our figure), we con cluded to withdraw our bid and did so wtthawi'tha'.kaowledve of anrono. The tyaeafrft) mkn who voted to re tad al&UaaLwe will talo up oae at a Uaw.b the future. We have no fia ac ruture. deeira so earrv tbo war into Kgynt. WaaotJdAsvp' lipid the ecutraet in r our rnomiea but did nut de- do se. m labaard of aupervisors met Istt MdauaM' araasaeted eountv buai. ',' amauaBal K.VaMfisk nuirMt.MHu-.l Mllliti.t. rr ...:u-!".;-.l.:. , . Wj waipaBa -1.' ..aBBBBW."arcamueinNaiB rueiiuinuiii -wwwT' T.w V4..l. VV..WVV irh Im llPaa'waUBae waa turned over to kla aaaaaaatr in olec. This Isst act atAa tfWalUhe vfla atones told L'JLi" W'a' Mwetehv eeuaty aftelal ae aver aay aouaty. 8aah aapriaci- llaiiiin cerUlttl dAirltaaMlttl :aav aemmualty, aa view of hfeet Thb Ciiibf tancrstalste ttiJl Tit - -"A T TTTT ---- www. .MaMittibaihahae aabl ut real all of the falsa assertioaa that wnmm .t?t'attonfc about Mi allrced artiiK" w ' .ki iThl, d,i. " ' SL i'm f-il !. at mu W?lf w I'-WW m Ii.a-v L.'"H . w hot tani wiim tun bwu a ;MUaaM Ml, M.HBM kaa. u U..HU kl RtJRAL RUMBLIirQl tfOTM IT QvuMumomt, jmatprntaei laurwittwiii wrwm all aeeewaai mt sata Casnyt J WAUffTfUUHt "All quiet aloag the Petemae," they aa, bat IUd Cloud ala't da that riv,er. Oae half are after the other half's blood, (be other half ear v lag fer liver. !' Geewhii. .You fellows must ba taking blood as a regular beverage to judge by your papers. "MajaV ilea am aad "Kerael" Keeby would be immense as editors ia Keatucky. ' If it gcta too het for" yen "Msjsh" yoa oaatake refuse 'fa Milt Rotbroek's the "erael" wouldn't eater sueh a vile place; la faat he wouldn't re aegBJie anyone who wasn't circum stanced ao as to aetjip the elgars. , John Vaughn, sob etThds. Taugha a former rosideatof Wildat atook, is visiting amongst frioads hereabout. His father hm bought a farm in Sum ner oounty, Kansas and is well pleas ed with that eountrv. Tho report that reached us in re gard to the shooting of Grant Ken nedy in Oklahoma seems to have been overdrawn. From a lottr J ant re ceived, from tho said to be corpse, it transpires that he was simply ehot in the ncjk, and as is well knawn, suob shots never hurt a Walnut orccker. We aro all glad to know that Grant Is still in tho land of tho living and unhurt. Mao Fulton is scratching his head a good deal now a days to know what is the proper name for tho now relation Mao ears brolhor-in-law womld bo riht. Collins inkists on calling him 'I'ard." 'Dennls'su'g-gCB'trtbat plain brother wouldaboutft.'r T. Crowley has lold '100 head of aattlo to tho Oilroy brothers of Ina valo. '$ Gco.MoCrary, who recently went ot Omaha, had a severe tursol with the "grip." Fears wore entertained for n while that Georgo had lost his grip, but ho is reported as well along to wards recovery. You should bavo aicu Jim Vance's faco when be road the article in last week's Argus callint tbo old investi gation "a water haul," Saya Jimmy "Tl.ut investigation brought W. J. Vauoo promptly into putHo view and you don't eall him a water haul do you?" Governor Morton, of Indiana, once in addressing a crowd of discontented people in southern Indiana ..!tl:"You follows bad better raiso a little more corn and a little less h 1," In viow of tbo present condition of Nebraska farmers, Dennis suggests that iho coming season at least tho farmers raiso a little loss corn and a little moro h I. Maybe by doing so some r tho nabobs could bo brought to time TheN,iuib" in last weeks Cttiir spoaking of MoKeoby and Joo Hoi comb's' jsokass in the nauio sentence is "stow much." Mr. Kditor,you can abuse MeKecby all you want to. Ha is a bloated cjlitor and probably do serves it, but when you lippantly con aeet him and Uncle Joe's jaekass we kick. We want you to understand that that jackass was born, bred and aduoated on Walnut creek and his name must not bo taken in vain. Aa Silas Wegg would say, to drop into poetry: We lovo it, wo lore i, Aid wo rather guess, Yoa had better atcer dear of Uncle Joseph's jsokass. Line township appears to be "all write" lately. Our river bridgo will need about I50t worth of repairs this spring, and tho supervisors will accordingly take uotico no as not to pay out all the county mouoy on baud to llosmcr for printing. Draws. JTOtOK KAHIAfi. The f armor j are taking advantage of the nice weather aad arc vory busy in tbo corn fields. There is consid erable com to gather yet. Mrs. Wa, Shaw ia recovering from neraiokaeee. MIrs Llaelo Barrett kas beca home n a visit tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Ring are both iek with la grippe. The Knights of Labor met ia a dis Mission at t'lcasaat Dale school house, J. 8. Uilhnm tad W. A. MoKeiibaa utertaincd tho audience for about one hour to the eatisfaetloa af all Wa hope ho will give us another call. Su. wllit laxmlMt ihi tbouM auunBaaaBajte - uarvw aawws www m awaat u au UArujavftawaj (.t. -.ti Februsrv ftth waa the 81th aaaiver. el Rev. FUtt's wedding. They favi tbd aeme of the older people to help taeaveeioBrate it, ,v The eTB feetival held by the ladiee of the M. S. ahureh was a eta eee. .They realised abtut 120 whieh waa ' pali on a good seeond hand orgaa. Miss Blaine commenced a term of seheel la the east part of the county February 3d, ' Mr. laddler, Kev. MeVey's soa-ia-law, .tagether with Ms fanily bare bMB vliitlsg with Rev. MoVey's faat ily for tha psst two weeks. Mrs. Huadell of Kanrne City ia vis itlng here with her sister. Mrs. Dan berg. Mrs. John Putcrsoa waa vory aiek latt week but is somewhat recovered atpreseat. ' Grandma Ward haa been quite sick for about iwo weeks. A. C. fieett and family of Kdgar were Visiting relatives ia Cowlei lsst week. M. 1'. Hurd bas built a barn west of the depot. Ilev. Piatt was aulte sick last Mon day. He thought he was taking the la grippe lie Wriiiht haa been bod fast the past two weeks. Mrs. MoVeyhai been ill but is re covering. JOHBPHIWK. WILLOW CIHL Hurrah for Dennist If wa knew who he was wo would try to find out when bis birthday was and send bim a eako or a small prise for being the best county correspondent, as be hsa sueh a way of.blendiug fun and faots. . Mr. Isiah Skilea one of the pioneers of this county, but now of Decatur oounty. Kansss, is spending the win ter with old friends here, of wbioh he has a goodly numbor. Will Jookson and Charley Boyee killed a wolf Saturday morning and wont to Hod Cloud the same day, and got three doolara from the county and the state will pay tbem one dollar for the scalp. The Jackson boys seem to be in luck and that should encour age others to kill wolvea for they are a bigausiance. A new Quaker minister preached here last Sunday. Ha .waa from Kan sas, accompanied by Asa Valger of worm liraucn and ror. rraaer 01 uutae Rook. Mr., Wolf, superintendent of tke jail work last summer, was calling on old neighbors Tuesday. Call again air. wolf. Mr. Joshua Brubakcr's ehildren all gathered at his residence on tho fifth and celebrated his C7th birthday. A good timo wus enjoyed by all and lota to oat. J.opg may be live. Manitoiia. A8I0U1K. The fine woathor of the past few days has made tho farmers think of going to work cu tttrns etalks and so OB. Mrs. John Willson who has been very siek for some time ia no bettor. No hopes arc entertained of her re covery. Mr. A. J. White and family of Red Cloud spent Sundsy with S. B. Viers and family. There ia talk of organising a Sunday school ia the Waggoner district, Wa hope it will bo a success. The sehool in tha Waggonor district seems to ba going along smoothly now siuco tl.o scholars found the teacher was going to bald the fort. There seems to be lota of complaint 01 negsuv.ag to tma part or tho pre cinct. but we have not learned thu aa turo of the disease. Guv. Public Sale. For sale at auotioa, Feb., 24th 1890 Kntiro or divided, aa desires, Improv ed farm, 000 acres, aeo. 12 and lit 1 -4. Thayer aouaty. Neb 7 ailes from Chester. Buildings new aad substaatial, terms easy. Also 40 clyde maree aad eolte, 2 fine young stallions, other stock aad machinery. G.W. Floating, Byran, Nebr. For particulars call at this aSee, or addreu A. O. Wright, WaukegaB, III. A Ktmariatle Letter. The following Ittttr from nr.W. K. Thoma of Columbia, Win., in pMaliarly Inutvfttlnir. "My wlf" aya h 'kas beta traateti for hr hnd, itoinaeh aadasrvoa proa (ration by thrtM doctors In Nrw York two In Ctiloago,oB ia PhtladalpbU, one In Cinnlunttt and at tha (area 1mII tuta hi Buffalo for in aaontht 1 Thay all fatlad. Bat ona bottle ef D, Mllaa Baator atita Marvtne halpad her wonderfully," Thl nhould be aaed In all headache, backache, chaagee ot life, narvnae dta laraancee, at, at. Aak at Cottiaga drag elotv far a free (rial botUe aad Dr. Mtlea new book on the nerve aad heart. , The following ia tha pregraa at tb Farmers' laatitute. t be held at the court hauae in Red Cloud. Tues day, February IS, roairuHiM. Hgaatiallaa aad etaHtoa f aMetra. ArrtBNOON. aeaaedtathaa)rofA IMataeleaMft. llfer4oa.-TeaiV. Varietr at wheat beet euoi vxefttmt ' ThaCMiaty iair-J. U. . la the tvealag there 1 will ba a lea iarabyFraf.wia.8,UiakaT dive aWaa v- aaV' AMaafal-WaligJ laWaaaBataaawafaaa ft f'-e'ir, "."W "J 1 . awbpflWrBJPyspauj 4 T'BBJBBBaBaaavaaj a, -.- .-kru&Ma. ' BfBttMlU ta faPawwj'dnBf drwVBvBMaPaHa daVVVTVwa"'J W eetdaally lavieadlfU peaeaV VgWjJteL? iTeMaadTreaFlaal .. f - , .'- ' '' ''- " . ' -' ' ,- , ; ' .- '-.. r-'-: 18dOV,-'V- : ' '". .--.-.. . u ?.!( 1 . t Vf. ; " ' ... ?jv:j.Z& -k ... , . Thia weok Goa.W.Lindsoy shipped an installment of 60,000 pounds of meat to Nowoastlo, Wyoming. 30 tons of moat in a Httlo over 45 days ia not so bad a aLowing, and when ono stops to think what a, benofft it has been to lied Clod, it makes ono feel that tho Red Cloud Packing House ia a big enterprise. Not only does Mr, L. ship meat to Nowtastlc. but ho is constantly shipping meat all over the Ualtod States, besides supplying the lied Cloud market. Peoplo bavo not the loast idea of how much business he is doing. It is ono of our best and largest enterprises. Success to him. r.QNSUMPTioi;, IN Itit flint tat', rnn bo ucvxsfu!)y diet kvil liy the inmiit ii.ho ( Ajor'a Cherry I'artorul. Kmii In tlio Inter M)tt(Mla nf Unit 1) t. ,, Cm iimiIi i wonderfully lullovul y tliU mulliino. I bare need Ayer'a Cherry 1'ertoral with the bue ekTert lit uiy jratUcu. Title woaderfal ac)iaratlon unce aavcil suy lit. 1 had a roustuiit rou, Might aweata. waa Rreatly redm-vl In tlculi, and gtern up by my pliylcUti. Ono bottle aud it lialt ot ilia 1 Vet urn I ms we."-A. J, Lidiou, M. I)., AlUHlktou, Teaaeaai'c. " Several year ago I xvn overtly 1.1 1. The doctor mitil 1 mix In rtiuniiiiiptltin, and that tliey could ! nctliliitffor tur, tmt advleed too, a a lent rrxort, to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. After tuning lata nedlclna two or tliro inoiulm I waa cured, and rny lualth icujuIiih txul 1 tha prencut day " J unit JllrtUurtl, IMrlea, Cunn. Several yrar aso. on a rttsn?e lionm from I'altloiulu. by water, I t-tmtnw im! ao severe a ouUt that tor Mnue tla. I waa cufliirl to my Miil-itxim, utul a idiyatciau iu laul nuilil n-l mr li! iiidanxer. IUinanlhu loliuioatiotllu tt Ayer'a Cherry rXeeutral, I ii.-..,l ii freely, aad my litaja wrru xin rronml lo a healthy rvMiHuii. Kin tlu-n I have lavarlahly ritmnu'tit1rl tM ircw araUou." J. U.tHiau4lvr, JuikiIuii, Va. Aftr's Cherry PeGtorn!, retrtr in Dr. J. C. Aytr 4 Co., iowetl, tnais. aM j u tttt. rikest ;iiuii)r,a. I liave Homu horwe and marvB for wtlo or trade Will tako com, hog, froth opwi or other .yountr Mock Hojn and com pnsf arml My bone are yourjir. Apply to W F Kl logg.-ro boi 106, Bod Cloud. rem aili, U The VaaaU taesa adjotatac the towa ! thaheatlaraM Im tha TaHay wiit aabi aa a aaiiaen aad easy terea. Wm sTwwUFflaW'Iw wMBannW) r.K.l,Taa. Virdw Tm New tort DEALERS SIN Dry Goods! NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, Lowest Prices Guaranteed. CHAS. SCHAFFNIT, Moon Block. New York Store. $' ! A rtrtuate Teaiaa. Km. MnryL. Bnwer of Ovid, Mich., hnn reaon to be very (hanktul. (iliu wnn n great (laderer from heart UlHuime fur years. Wa hort of breath, hml hungry apell, pnln in lde, llnttoriitg, faint ni'M, etc. Altor taking two doses of Dr. Kilo' New Heart Cun, he.iy8. "I am bettor than for ao year, uy miiitl nnd eyritaht have improved woudurfully. 1 ndviite lilt person thu nfllicted lo eio thin rest remedr. C,L. OottlndrnMitt rcccom mend nnd ganrnntcca it. ' Dr. Milan' work on heart dUento coutniulng runr velona testlupniali, frea. The Chautauqua Circle will meet With Mrs. II. M. Martin, Monday eve, February 17, 1890, at 7::i0 o'clock sharp. Jho following is tho program: nooi cm. wueuioin ueiciiiitue or ome Table talk-Mew Iteam, The LetMin. Matte -M Im ltlnt)iitt. ikkrai Iar Blirtch .Nulla ll kii...i ..1.1 i liiilwer'e'TheUrt layaf l,onit.ell"-Mt! k. Hi Martin. laj-,,Knntloa ot Venuvlns" by Victor fl?58rcto,J2?.Jl' tmn'1 '" aaxlne m rase sis b the NrctK. ' ItllM.. mi. ifBuriii.- Mrs. t are. crlllo. Ai. Scribner of Hay Spring, Neb., formerly of Bed Cloud, was hi the city this week. While hero ho erdorcd the O. F. W. sent to his nor thern borne. OUo8toeke, W. P. Kenady, J. Me Cartany, A. Anson, h. I. Thomas. Ai. 8cribncr and S. 1). Lightroot have all sddc their nnniPi to tlio big book of the tJrcat Fjiuily Weekly this week. Thanks. - - i r - la raaaaaloH lueNiable. Read tha roUowiag: J II. ' Morris Newark, Ark., ayt "W town with Ab eaeaef Laaii, and Mm and i.liv.l. elaaa preaoaaead meat. lucnmbH Cou aaapUv. BeHau takiag Dr, King' Nrw Discovery for Conuniption, am now on aay hird bottle, aud able to -"wee the worn oa ny rarm. it U tle Cnrr. lelae aver made." Jaaaa atlddlewart, Dccxtur, Ohio, mv; "Ha 1 Bet been for Dr Kim:'. Xow 1)1- eovery for Contampeton I vonM hvo died et t.asg Trouble. Wn itcn on by tioetor. Asa now in best of hlt!i ' Try It. Ham pi bottle free at Henry Cook'e dragstote. a A Card to the Public. We the aaderslgaed, deeUre fnUo, aa y aad alt reatei to thesffeet that our liar aeasBhoaUabraachof J. L. mller', or la any wav eaaneetrd with it. Only th who wkh to lajare our trJo will pircubu aaakatriaa,aadftlBds oJ. I uiller aa de kiaa aa good by maktg neh acr ttoa. Wa ran our own buin-, nnd hone to rtraad keen, your patronage by fair and huaeet dealing. J. O. UuTlkB Jt Co, la O. Bviwr Aaravw Wikjikb. S-SJBBHKSSSS! Netlee ie hereby givea that 1 will amiae all vwraons who tiiv !; to offer themseive as csnuidatei for tfaebers of the public school or this ewuBU, at Kcd Cloud, on the third Saturday af each month . Eva J. Ki.to, Cauaty Sup't. ' 1 '" , '' .-4 1890 . - '-'",'' ' f V " - '" , tkr ,: ut -.-.' ' ." ,' ' , - ' !)Sa. . i'.'f'si- ,,'' ,'' ' " '1 if ttV1 $ : 'fc I4. - ' t. '' , ' '; - A. - - '' W.v i .M' ,ij , - 1. ' ;ii . I J. v ,- .V,jj, ' - & , ' . ' $ . Store '- 'I & t.i-A' wy ) "';v ,.(eJ!K fi?. . ..:t- 't4r'4SbtBm .KUAE. NOTIOB. Notice MierebygUw,, that on the 6th day of March, iS0.at 9oV net p m. In the yards ot. McAvoy A Keuhn's livery utable In the city vf Ke. rioiHl, Nebraska, I will offer for public ssJa lo the btihest bidder for eaub, the follawlac lroiortvlowit; i bay gelding hrs-.o yean, Se murks; t bay awre. wluta hairs at tap aT BSi t tri)wn mure, no iiiartn. a )ear ; t laraiarawa mare, no mark, blark inane and tall. Ii rear old, IwtiKht or Vf. K. Jackson: t bay ceMtM ior;e, no marks, years jdd; 1 light bay" y earl ln bona roll, one whiu hind foot: l light hay Miring rait, white strip In face, white hind feef, L"1tr.waBon'onMt harneas. .Hal preperty telim thu iroieriy rouveytd to tha aaderaigMd W.I.. Jucknon by Holomon Penny by chattel mortgago-iUted My th, ima, and Hied far record in ike county clerk' ofltce in Webster county, ebrnjka. and there being due therean at date of nrt publlratlon hereof, the mini of led nt Kcd Cloud, th's llth day of Febru ary, IKV. - W.K. JACKSON. Notice ia NevHeo Ideal Baareadaala. To William W. Preston. Anna Preston and tlrorgKrklue. nparesldcnt defeadaata, row and eachot ou will lake notice that aa the nth I1' ' ,r,"ruiirJr' ? francla K. l-ayae, plain I!?1 r'i1'" "B,,.n,, Petition In an aetlati than pending mtalnst yoa In the atarlct eaart af ;V,Lric,0,i,,,r' 'hraaka, tah object aad pray rr of which are to foreclose two real estate niorlgBKf now owned by plalntlf given by WH 'i'!) Ti 1 reiton and Anna M. Preston, to O. at. McKrultp, and the Mascatme Mortgage daas jinny. "mvejfinjflhe following des. rlCed real -lato sltuateif In wretxtrr county, NearaskaTt wit: the wist half of the south east nuartsraad ike north east quarter of south west aaarter aad tu south run imarter of tba north wVt quarwv of secuou thlrtyfour In towablp north la JS.'KK'f.SS W!a."i. JL-.S3dBy, ! in , 1 r' . -n i, imm. oc UIO "III iv uhcii hcdoiihm BHU B dCCf cloauro raiiUril . nn,d creaaf fara- .. rKANCISt. PAYNE. ruiatlt. Cheney & lavb. PUIatlff attoracyj, Mt vmiiTirnWrtvtL 8Ute ot xebraxka, (. Wi'bster County, i Notice Is hereby 'given to all persona having rlalui and demands airalntt KAmSTS. Ilarrl l'e "t 'r.r eountv. deeeesed, thai tita "m rtxrdfor filing claim aualsiitiSd ritatel v montht from Urn nnd day of luarr traa u!!urti iwnonsare required tomeasnt awir claim with th vouchtoth?raBty Ib4m ot Mid county at his o2ce therein Toner eJrforo tht 3rd dny of August, tsea, and eUeUlsi an nieil wllllw hc.nl7ore sheaTatadgVim "T1! d.!?..Vf WA Jaia erSrc at '. it uiiui.rf jiiiii imi. l.K. TwOTakv, County judae. c.no ron oun CAVALOBuaMM Mtcea HAS ENGINE WOftKS, lANAPOLIS. INO. Omaha St inuslMU wakM viiy, ana sta poteta NOUTII, KAST. 80UTH. WEST TbeoJay llncto iwtam "Neheaaka. rstkaaa. OwHraJ WyasUa. " J. r. tuai K' "V 'litr p U' ',' m ,(JVnvl" ' " 'N.vvl tt .f:$0f$ "Via ! I.AK -tAi, lV :'';-4!fc.. JLeJsVvxwrtVi4wSuV Wb r u. i 4 . p r t' .f'vJS- I v. If mmk'M 'M 3f V W! ' & kvMCs fV-VA-y. ' mi-w& i L . . k "i . .,-vm lrM&.t. ?. !l m$JMa, , ."At.. a. fi ..AC ,fc- li