mr 'W'rLwl Wl &W W j- rcw s. k: T i .&. i a -,' 1 I'i !. r k I if r a? k Ilk r Is U m. ftir" 1 lAHAB DWILLXNO. v . i. t J ?VJui,V ' . f7dr r... . r I - -.- i UWAMtNIMIII WaPHaajf saaa W9f weWlal OT a VVvj9 vainvw art; new -The Tim Mead te 81 Usea'ata return from hla vllt te the IlKlNlfl Je rrfv My Lead Rev. T. lie Witt Talma wm greeted by a large oonfreffatlba the rat Meaday that he preached la the Moklya Academy of Mualo. The iBjeet of his dlaoourae wee, 'The the Wall." Dr. Tal- Btege.. took far hla teat Jaahua 'pi tif' .VAa the youag, men that hjaMjparea went la and brought eut 1aaah,-aad her. father, aad her mether, .aad all that she had." lie Midi , When only few week ago 1 vlalted fewhoflnald, Can It be, possible that th4 dilapidated place U the Jericho that Mark Antony gave m a wedding preeent te Cleopatra? Where are the groves of ' palm trees?. Where are Herod's pelaoee that once stood hero? Whore la the great theater from tajlajroofwhloh ftalome.toty the peeete teuTMfaaV.WM dead? Where U the aveamore tree the llaih of which Keeoheua Mt whe Jew paAftod this plaoer Where la th wrack af the walla taat'lvilat the blow lag ef the ram' bornt Bat the fact that all 'these had disappeared did aot blade me from aeetag talneflaattoa theaauuhef every thlngvoa the fated day, save one houao eethewalL1 That aoeae centuries ago cornea back to me m though It were yesterday. ' There la a very alek and aad house fa the elty of i Jerlehe. What la the mat ter?;!; It .poverty? Kat Wane than that fait leprosy? 'No, Worn than that. la It death? No. Worse than that A daughter hM foraekea horrie. fy what infernal plet aha WMladaeed to leave I know not, but they look la vale for her,rolura. lrJewetlmM,they hear a fooUtep very much ke bar aad they start up aad My: "Hhe wmteV'but oaly toaiak back Agala Into dlMhj6tni meat. A1MI AImI, The father aite by tha hour, with hla faoa la hla hand, Mvieg not one word. The mother'a hair la becoming gray too (Mt aad aha la be glaalng to stoop ao that them who Mw hor a little while ago la the atreet know her not now aa ahe, peaaoe. 'The brothera ellach their flsta, swearing vengeance agalast the deapollor of their home, AUal will tho poor aoal aever come There Is a leag, sleep aadew over all the houaohekL rAdded to thU there la aatavading araiyalii mtlea away, itiat over tho river, eomlag on to deatroy tha cuyjaae wnat with theloaa of their I ftV ekUd and the coming oaof.thatsjafueyMhedly Into ala, aad all the doors an. Ira army, I think the old people wlal that they could die. That la the flrat eeeae In thla drama of the Illble. fa-ia houM oa tha wall of the elty la that daughter. That la I herlolae bow. Twotaplae kayeloomal nwm fnv iiiTaing army io IOOK aroaast through Jericho and are how beet it-may ha Ukea. Yonder la the leatehlld, la that dwelling oa the wall of tha city. Tha police hear of It, aad aooa there la tha ahuflllng of feet all araaad about tha door, aad the city gevetahteat demaada the aurrender of thhM t wo aplea. Flrat, Rahab-for that WM,.tae aaaa of tha lost ohlld-flrat, Rehab aeeretM tha two apteaaad geU their fkraahrs of tha tracht but after awhile aha Mya to them: "I will make a bargalBtWith you. I will 'Mve your life If job will Mya my life, aad the life of y father and my mother, and my broth ere aad, my alatera, whea the vlotorloua army ombm upea theelty." O, ahe had aot tlorgattaa her heme'- yet, you eee. Tha waaderer aever fergeta heme. Hor hMrtbreaka bow m ahe thlnka of how aha hi maltreated her parenU. and aha wtahtiahe wera hack With them again, aad ah wlahM aha could get away from her elaful eathrallmeat; aad aometlmea aha loeka up la tha faoa af tha midnight, buraag Into agoalalag tears. No sooner havethaM twa bmm arouilaed to un her Ufa had the life ef her father aad another aad brothera aad alstera tbaa Rahaa),takea a acarlet, cord and Ilea , It around tha body of one of tha aplea, briaga him to tha wlBdow and m he clambers out aervoaa leat ahe have aot strength to hold him with muscular arms, auch aa womaa eeldom baa, alto Iota him down, haad ever hand, In Mfety to tho ground. Not betag exhausted ahe tlea tho cord around tho other spy, brings him to tho window, aad just an mitvesafully lots him dbwa to the ground. No sooner iave theM men untied tho acarlet cord rom their bodies than they look up and they My: "You had better got all your f rlenda la tbtahoaae your father; your mother, your brother aad your altlerl You had better get them In thla house. And then, after you have them bore, take thla red cord whloh you have put around , our bodies and tin It aeruae the window; " and whea 'our vlotorloua army comes up and aees that scarlet thread In tho win. dow, the will aparo thla house and all who are la It" ''Shall bo ao?" cried the aplea. "Aye,'aye, Mid Uaheb from the window, "It ahall be so," That Is tha second aceno la thla Illble drama. There la a knock at the door of tho old U ;-Bta. ille'looks up, aad mvu: "Come 1 la," aad lot there la Rahab, the lent i- ehtld;hut ahe hha ao time to Ulk. They pwn nxcitenieBt arounu ner, aad vyawnwuiroi "ifet ready uuleklv. (. aadgwUh,metomyhouae. The army st. MouraiiHi abo iniRiM)ii msko nuun AVFlyl The enemy!" lhat la the third Hm ..... aiwiii tin auais "MJ ii are ail around about the elty of Jericho. Cnwhl aoea ft mm gTMit metropolis, neaps on beape. Va aa . n . v , atr aunwauni witN tan USt, UBU Jfcartthle with the Mreama of a dyiag ';tty. :A11 tha houses Rat dewa. All the -AvBiaaala died Ah, ao, aet Ob a crM of ilaa wajlthe oaly aleMof the wall left aBdkag there la a boum pmmi "tar. 'There la a (am r, -aUt have baaB aparad. Wh i WBWB wo ily there ;ji ! wtn mwmrwm. via arst taavr KMtmmiai eee. avaaaa, aar lawer, imimtortWto&fl " ftMera, iT.r;iij, i.' .. . .--- taaafe,aMIMleaJybeuM laft ataad- 'aw aa. MiBBpaHaV ffaw Mvea taem? .attllt?. O, Mi it waa built la the neat Berlleae Bleoe-oB the wall) aad the well wm the lint thief that fill. Wm tbaoaMehereaerMterwM aa? better than aay ef the ether aoauletloa of the cltjT o, ae. Why, then, wm ahe pared and all her houMbold? Caa you tell aie why? 0, It wm the acarlet llae la the window. My frleade, there are foe coming up oa ua, mere deadly and more tremen dous, to overthrow ourlmmortal interest. They will trample aa down and crush ua out forever, unlete there be aone aklll ful mode of rescue open. The police of death already begin to clamor for our surrender) but, blessed bo (tad, there la a way out. It la through the window, aad by a' rope ao Mturated with the blood ef the eroea that It la aa red M that with which the aplea were lowered; and if once our eoula ahall be delivered, then, the acarlet cord atrotched acroM the wlrjdow of .our encape, we may defy all bombardment, earthly and Mataatc. la the flrat place, carrying; out the Idea of my text, we mutt stretch thla acarlet cord aoroaa thev window of our rescue. There cornea a time whea a man la aurrounded. What la that (a the front door of hla soul? It la the threatening of the future. What la that In the back door of hla aoul? His the slhs of the pMt Ho nan nut ret out of either of w doorways. If ho attempt It he I bo out to piece. What ahall he do? Moapo Wai down on a alendor thread. And aV my friends, we go easily and una- Bwriii imj nut u Dieccs. miaiMimi hfi7 i .BKaoape tnrughtbewjaiLiBBaBBmWi BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBH11 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmV) ISBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn ABaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw imBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBll BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBl naBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfB TiiHn laadTlopnn; but if we get out at all It will bo by being let down over precipice, wrlr gllng and helpleaa, tho atronggrlpalmvo keeping ua from being dashed to pieces on the rocks beneath. It la easy to get Into ala, young man. It la not so easy to get out of It' A young man goea to the marble coun ter of a hotol. He mUs for a brandy amMh called ao, I suppose, lieeauae It amaahM the man that taken It, There la, ao Intoiloatlon la It Aa tho young man recelvM It he doea not Mam to be at all exeltod. It doea not give any gloaslauM to the eye. He walks home In beautl. ful apparol, aad all hla prospect ant brilliant That drink la not going to deatroy him, but It la the drat step on a bad road. Year have passed on, and I aee that young man after he has gone the whole length of dissipation. It la mid night and he la In a hotel perhaps the veryonewherohetookthetlrstdrlnk. A delirium Is oa him.' He rbwa from the bed aad cornea to the window and It la OMlly lifted; ao he lifts It Then he pushee bach the blinds and puts his foot oa tha window alll. Then hn given one eprlag, and tha watchman finds hladls igured body, unrecognisable, on tho Rvemant O, If bo had only waited a tie If he had come down on tho sosr let ladder that Jeaua holds from the wall for him, aad for you, and for me; butno, he made oae Jump and was gone. And whea I aee tho temptations that are about ua la all countries, and when I hnow the proclivities to sin that am In every man'a heart, 1 aee that It any of ua escape It wll I be a very narrow escape. O, it we have, my friends, got oil from our aln, let ua tie the acarlet thread by whloh wo have beea saved across the window. Lot us do It In praise of Him whose blood dyed It that color. Let It bo la announcement of tho fact that we ahall no more Ini fatally assaulted. Htlll further, we must take this ml cord of the text and stretch It aero, the window of our households. When the Israolltlsh army oamn up against .1crl uho, they Mid: "What I that In the window?" Home ono Mid: "That U a acarlet line." "," Mid some one elite, "that must bo the house that was to ho spared. Don't touch It" That linn waal thick enough to navo Itahab, hor father, her mother, her brother and hor sister tho entire family. Have our house hold a good protection? You have bolts on tho front door, and on tho hack, and fastenings on thn window, and per haps burglar alarms, and perhaps an especial watchman blowing hi whistle at midnight before your dwelling; but all that ean nut protect your household, la there on our house the alga of a Saviour's aaorlNee and mercy? la there a acarlet llae la the window? Ilavo your children been consecrated to Chrlat? Have you beea washed In tho blood of the atonement? In what room do you have family prayers? Show ma where you have beea accustomed to kneel. Tha aky la black with thn com ing deluge. la your family (aside or outside of the ark? It U a ad thing for a man te reject Christ, but to Ho down in the night of ala, acroM the path to Heaven, ao that hla family come up aad trip over hlm-that la teniae It la a aad thing for a mother to reject Chrlat but to gather her family around her aad thea Uke them by the haad aad leaa them out lata the patha ef wer ldll aee. away from God aad llMvea, bIm! alMt There may be geraatum aadcactua la that family window aad uaaelatery aavarlagevaf It aad ehlMUa faoM leek, tog out af It but there la aa amulet thread stretched aeraaa It Although that boum may aeem to be aa the bAt atreet In all tha Jowa or elty It la really oa tha ee of a marsh acroM which aweea moa.t poMoaoaa maUriaa, aad It hM a Mndy fouadatloB aad It ealeador will come dowa aad great will be the fall ef it A home without Ood. A prayorloM laiaori via undevout mother! Awfull awfull Will you keep on, my brother, on the wrong road, and take your loved one with you? Time la ao ahort that we caa not waate any of It on apologlea, er Indirections, or circumlocution. You owe to your children, O father, O mother, more than fond, more than clothing, more than shelter you owo them the example ef a prayerful, conse crated, pronounced, out and out Chris tian life. You caa not afford to keep It away from them. Now, aa I atand 'here, you do not see any hand outstretched toward me, and yet thero aro hand on my brow and hand on both my shoulders. They aro hand of parental benediction. It la quite a good many yearn ago now ninco we folded those handa a they began tho lMt sleep on tho bank of tho Karltan in tho village cemetery; but thorn hands am atrotohed out toward mo to-day, and they are Just as warm and they aro Just aa gontln as when I sat on her kneo at five years of age. And I shall nuver ahnko off those hand. I do not wnnt to. hoy have helped m ao much a thou- nd timo already, and I do not expect nave a trouble or trial between thla I my grave where thosn hands will . help me. It was not a vnrv solendld me a thn world call It: but wo had a mlly Hllilo there, well worn by tender trusul; and thorn was a family altar ere, where wo knelt morning and ght; and thorn was a holy Sabbath ere; and strntched In a straight lino or ng In loop or festoons, thero waa a arlet lino In tho window. tho tender, precious, blessed mom of a Christian homo! Is that the pmnalon you are making unon vour lldren? When you are dead-end It I not bo long boforo you are when I aro dead, will your child say: "If ro ever was a good Christian father ne was one. If thero over was a good Istlan mother, mine wm one?" till further: Wo want this acarlet of tho text drawn across tho win of our prospect. 1 Hen Itahab and father and her mother, and her theM and sister looklngoutover Jer- i, thn city of palm tree, and acroa river, and over at tho army Invad and then up to tho mountain and aky. Mind you, this house was on wall, and I suppose the prospect i thn window must havo boon very Uealdea that, I do not think tho acarlet line at all Inter fered with thn view of thn land scape. The asuranco It gave of safety must havo added to the beauty of tho country. To-day, my friends, we sit In thn window of earthly prospect and we look off toward the hllla of Hoavea and tho landscape of eternal beauty. God haa opened tho window for ua and we look out We now only get a dim outline of the Inhabitant. Wo now only hern and there eatch a note of tha exquisite harmony. Hut blessed be God for thla scarlet lino in tho window. That tells me that tho blood of Christ bought that home for a aoul, and I ahall go there whea my work la done. And a I put my hand on that scarlet lino every thing In the future brightens. My eyesight geU bet ter, and thn robes of the victors aro morn lustrous, and our loved onea who went away eoroe time ago they do not stand any mom with their backs to us; but their faces aro this way and their voices drop through thla Habbath air, Mylng, with all teaderncM aad sweetness: "Comet Come! Come!" And the child that you think of m burled why, there she la, and it la May day In Heaven: and they gather the amaranth, and they pluck the lilies, and they twist them Into a garland for her brow, and ahe la ono of tho May quuona of Heaven. 0 do you think they could aee our waving to-day? If from this window of earthly pros pects wn can almost see them, then from their towers of light I think they can fully seo us. And ao I wavo them the glory, and 1 wavn them tho Joy, and I say: "Have you got through with all your troubles?" and their voices answer "God bath wiped away all tears from our eyes." 1 say: "Is It aa grand up there ns you thought It would be?" and tho voices answer: "Ky bath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath It entered Into tho heart of man thn thing which tied bath prepared tor those who lovo Him." I say: "Do you have any more strupitto for bread?" nod they answer: "Wu hunger no' more." And I My: "Ilavo you lieen out to tho cemetery of tho golden city?" and they answer: "Thero is no death hem." And 1 look out through tho heavens, and I say: "Where do you got your lights from nights, and what do you burn In tho temple?" and they answer: "Them U no night hem, and we have no need of candle or of atar." And I say: "Whixt book do you sing out ot?" and they answer: "The Hallelujah Chorus." And I My: "In tho aplendor and magnltlccnco ot the city, don't you over got lost?" and they answer: "The Lamb which Isln the midst of tho throne leadeth us to living fountains of water." O, how wear they eom. Their wing do you not hear them? And all that1 through tho window of our earthly proa pects, aero which stratchve the acarlet line. He that my choice color fcever. la it too glaring tor you? Da you Ilka the blue because It mmlada you of the sky, or the green because It make you think of the foliage, or the black because It hM la it the ahadew of thenlght? I uho the acarlet becanM It shall make me think ot tha price that waa paid for my aoul. K the blood! the blood! the blood ot the Lamb ofGc worl atth cldi Uke hear the la etui krtt rifttSIM JFKAOMINTf. Tor a mhm mmIb. ! tk kl ef an egg aad a taWespooafal each of vinegar aad spirit af turpeatlae. Pat an la a bottle, ahaka it thareaghly, ttien hatha the sprala eftea, heglanlng m tfooa m BOMlble after tha aceldeat -IfcBedlaB Oat Cake: Two egga aad one teMpoeaful of wit well beetea, aad three cap of aour cream; thlckea to a batter with oat meal la which aae aad one-half teaspoonful of aodahave beea mixed, drop into a hot buttered bread pan and hake quickly for gfteea or twenty minutes; to be eaten hot House hold. Apple Tart: Line round pattle win, i-kt, m vBcn una piacn tnn nan or a tart nenlrd innl fna nnl tha .. aro sum bake quickly), a tablcspoonful oi swoot cream, nuiier tiae or a btckory nut, tablespoonf ul of sugar and a pinch of nutmeg. Put core side of apple down, ml siitrar. ntt,.. nn inn Itnbn until k tpple am aoft Albany Journal. .lolly from Applo I'arlnga: Take the parings, cover with water, lot thorn boll tin mo nuotunnoo in out oi mem; strain through a fine sieve; place thn Hquld in a pan, boil until reduced ono-half, then ndd sugar enough to make a jelly, add julcnof lemon to one quart of Jolly, or without lemon If apples aro tart, put up In Jelly glstse nlco for Jelly cake. Tim only mndloino a man needs 1 the right kind of food, prepared In thn proper wny, partaken of at tho right timcVhd in necessary quantities. It is because these and other physiological rules ore notobserved that naturo rebel (get sick), under which circumstance man, Instead of stopping hi faults and correcting them, resort to drugs, which aro not food, but poison. Citron 1'uddlng: Mlxono-half plntof cream or rich milk with a tablospoonful of flour until they aro perfectly smooth, then add two ounces of flno sugar, a lit tle grated nutmeg and three woll-beaton eggs, tho white and yelka separately; when thoroughly Incorporated, add two ounces of citron cut In slips dredged with flour. Tour the mixture Into molds and bakn fifteen minutes In a quick ovnn. Mend to the tablo hot Good Housekeeping. French Cabbage: Holt thn cabbage in salted water twonty minutes; then substitute milk, and allow to boll ten or fifteen minutes longer; then drain In a colander; place It on a chopping board, sprinkle well with flour, and chop quite tine; put a large spoonful of butter Into a saucepan, and, as It molts, add thn rabhairo, stir It and let It heat up thor oughly for Ave minutes, and nerve with a slice of lemon on top. HoUon, Hurald. Htaroh Polish: Pour on quart of boiling water over a pound of gum arabic, stir and soak until tho gum Is dissolved, then strain through a lino cloth and bottle for use. Add ono tablo apoonful of this to each pint of starch. Hcothat your Iroaa are perfectly atnooth and free from rust, and tho polishing Iron In good condition and uaed rapidly over tho Unon. Juat before using the pollahlng-lron moisten the collare and cuffs with a very weak solution of thi gum-arabto water. After a little prac tice you will bo able to got a perfect gloss. A GOOD OOQ STORY. A IUmIsiIm) mt Old tmys Whs th vrinnnn Haiti. It happened In thn oldcrlnollno daya. My aunt, who was then living In a country town, had gonn out shopping ono morning and was standing In thn High street, talking to a lady frlond, m Mrs. Gum worthy, the doctor's wife. .She, my aunt had on a nnw crinoline that morning, In which, to us her owaexpms alon, aho rathor fancied beraelf. It wm a tremendously big one, aa stiff as a wire fence. It set beautifully. They wore standing In front ot Jonklna, the draper's; and my aunt thinks that It (the crinoline) must have got caught up la something, and an opening thus left between It and the ground. However thla may be, certain It la that an absurdly large and powerful bulldog, who wm fooling round about there at tho time, maaaged, somehow or other to squirm la uadermy aunt's criaollae'aad effectually Imprison himself beneath It Finding himself suddenly la a dark and gloomy chamber the dog, naturally enough, got frightened and made frantlo rushes to get out Hut whichever way bo charged there wm the crlnollno la front of him. A he flew he, ot course, carried it boforo him, and with the crino line, ot course, went my aunt Hut no body hnew tho explanation. My aunt herself did not know what had hapiH'nrd. Noliody had seen tho dog creep Inside tho crinoline. All the people did see wa u staid and eminently respectable middle-aged lady, suddenly, and without any apparent ma son, throw her umbrella dowa In the road, fly up thn High street at tho rate ot tea miles an hour, rush across It at the Imminent risk of hor life, dart down It again oa the other side, rush sideways, like aa excited crab, into a grocer'a shop, run three timet rouad tho shop, upoettlag the whole stock in trade, come out ef the ahop backward and knock down a postman, dash into th roadway aad p1n round twice, hover for a mo meat undecided, on the curb, and then away up the hill again, as If aho had only Juat alerted, all the while scream lag out at the top of her voice for some body to atop her. Of coarse, everybody thought that ahe wm mad. The people flaw before her like chaff before the wind, la leaa than tea second the High street wm a desert The townsfolk acampered Into their ahoy aad houM and barricaded the doer, llrave mea daahod out aad caught up lltUe chlldrea aad bora them to aJaM of Mfety amid eheaaa. Carta aad carriage were aaaa doned, while the driver cltstlwd ua Boat. What woald havo bepfwavd the show goa oa much loager er my aunt would have heea shot are engine brought lata rvqalei alaat her. It la ImnoaalMe. havtaa? to tha tarrlled atata af the crowd. Itortaaately for bar, h became With aae daaaalrlaff aartek vwayaadaatdawaaa taoaeg, reigned aara again hi that rural tewa. Ttohny j trlf OOUtRN'T PLAY. I Mia BwkMM ttHen a am Treat) i rw u, t If oRteaa WeaH yea pleaae play m thing fcr ua, dear MIm Hwladht? Ml Hwlndle Oh, I caa aot really I'm ao horridly out of practice. I Hostess Oh, MIm Hwlndle! Whea you alwaya play ao beautifully at aay I time! 1 MlmHwlndlo-I? I play beautlfally when I really don't pretead to be aay thing mora than aa amateur? I only wish I could play. Flrat Guest Do play, MIm Swindle. Hccond Guest Oh, do. Third Guest Please do, Mlsn Swindle. I've heard so much about your exquisite playing aad always wanted to hear you. MIm Hwlndle Oh, thank yout Hut I really am quite oat of pravtic and I imply play a little for my own amuse ment Guest (ha chorus)--O-o-o-o, MIm Swindle! Mis Hnindle Really, I don't prrlrnd to play well. Fourth Guest Do, please, play mio thing for u. Let too escort you to ILo piano. Miss Hwlndle (reluctantly) Well, if lhjflM, I must, I upioH; but I shall tTHfpjflfridly, and I really don'tknowof a thing to play, anyhow. Hostess (to her husband nn hour later) We really mutt do or aay something to get that stupid Mix Swindle away from the piano. .She' pluyvd six long pieces now. and Is beginning on the seventh, end Heaven only knows whon she'll stop. r.vory body either yawning orglggllng. I don't know whatever made me so stupid as to ask her to play, anyhow! Detroit Free Press. Holts and Carboawl, It seems strange tt nny ouo will suffer with bolls, carbuncles, etc, when Hr. Mull Hiirsaimrlll will certainly rovcut all such eruptive Umdcuclc. It is a suro and sa.'e an tM.,t for blood poison arising from what ever source, and IU use when uocded should not be unnecessarily dvhocd. Thousauds who found extensively advertised hlood medicines to havo no efheacy whatever, lire rejoicing In tho fact that Hull's Harsupsrllla Is an exception, nud that gixid health luvarl tbly follows its use. Hyphllltlo und scrofu lous symptoms dlsappeur, tho skin becomes clear und free from pimple, tho digestion la Improved, aeoos and pain cease, tho weight of tho body becomes greater, the flesh more solid, uloerntlvo and consump tive tendencies dlssppear, the power of en durance I increased, weakness. AUxy spoils nd unnatural f stlgue vsnlsh, In a word tho utcr of Hull's Kirsupurllla bocnwe a pict ure of good health unit streiiKttu Try it Uo no other. Dayton Kmjulrer. Fon the fow who have sworn o there ro many who are swearing right on. ilutcblnson (Knn.) News. a BARK! inlhssnamlnrhuaiBfiny'iwitilsl Ulllinns of toil vim it, an) with jJ. twUthat si4 huftiiiM. s nrilr. Bord, akna of limn mxl ill..rlr of tln.L Vl lhro' a halpor Dial cwrtalnlr Th uxn a f patipln trum erviaalurn aravM. The remedy Is l)r. l'litris' tloldcn Med- ICnl Illscovurv. It rnrmi imiili rnllnva aaUima, chocks brommltls, purines tho , "'""ii iirnn mm, rrupiions anil unsigntiy Pimples inl is without a rival ftir all th ills that spring from a disordered Uvar. All druggist. Dflx'Thawk, and blow, and aplh. but use Dr. Bage'a UaUrrh Kemedy. Of drugglsu. Qvaxn, hm't It that a polltlclM should absorb liquids to make himself solid with the boyt WMhlagtoa Capital. iii Ir you are auferlng from Malaria, aalc fi!?M!i,iJffl,,li5ri. nherger'. Antidote for Malaria. If he don't havo It and toll VOU ho has anninMiln. ).,. .. -J? i M... ."" 27,Vhut send one dollar to Dr. A. T ri,Ti J. .rri tx!fmltri renn'a, and get the AntiUoto by nTalL A fow dose will - UJ.,!u,0 ,irfp!?h,u TheMfdlcIno la In the form of puts, but I aot a purg. live. It aot only daatreia Malaria,: haitla an excellent touia fW"" Wn Bupnose It la King Oambrlnu to whom we gear oeoaslonal referanc m "hla royal jaga" Blaghamtoa Leader. nsgij who aat4iM rus far hour theyaromottly aold by O. W. Hlmmoa Co., Oak Hall, Beaton. Mm, at aisxlal rate. KnqulrtM aro aunt ta.thMi from all pert of the country. .... Taa. profelonl wrestler hM a good many turning point la hi career. Phila delphia laqulrcr. tlBAVheeaieeeMlnaaMy troubled with Coughs, and In each case have used baowx' Hboih-hul Taocua. which have aever failed, and I must say they are sec ond to none in the world." Felix A May. CMhier.Ht Paul, Minn. . a .Ja letter hiUeth, but tb trUnrram to ftyperrnt woraefor people with weak heart. UurUagtoa Free Vrvs. War not rw aoar r'o(A, by using the jtot emnomlMtl seen. IXbbliis Klectrlc. Malo ever since lssli. Try It onco you WUI get It Look for the name, Jfctbwt. M w Taa human race Is run oa the course ef true lovo, m a general thing. Texaa tutt ing. Wat you think your children bare worms, Mk your druggist for Dr. Bull's worm lvstruyer ami do not Uko uy ether. They taatv (ejod and are ahvaj s sura. a - i in- Wamr a man U under a .cloud the silver lining Is generally on the other ski. ihU adelphla Press. 1 1 Mrsr not be confounded with common cath artic or purgative pills Carter's Little er rills aro entirely uulllwttiom In every ro aiHTt Uno trial will prove ttocfr superiority. A aun amy aot go to prayer-afsMlng, hat taflumua will bring hiui to hi Moaan " :: JtWft Pnuxs-CMe Hchool of applied eVience offer Ave awe prircs on entranco examlnatlou. Korprticularsadareairai. dcutHUloy, aerelaad. O. Taa undertaker rhvorit eseraUe ta hoxiag. Yenowin Mew. Hox't vThee aad rough wha Hate's kn'a TnntllArh limn. I.n.ln ...... i a) . i ... 1 Taa model hashnad are th mea who aever marry. Foad u Lac iUporter. Taa bert reagh awdictn t P1m Car forCoasumeUue, tteld evwywhera. aVs. ----"" -- i-r- -.w ,.. mu Steady Progress He eterssiafWM BteeTs BsreenHi esse ewes H was ateoaal eefuee eehaa. WUstsaan telro luaeisMraa rami Ttv,raaraMl ao IIMU ( Mvala tai aaaa aaaaaajaT! anaiaai nam. ar fwaa wat mt easMaiMi. la ami ft Bats aaaaaaas Us talae fT- tt" t-T I TsTliilialaai llama. tiiiiisiMaaaMiasiiisaaiefa tfrmHmtmmmmHmmmm he ol , B.B.-aeMFttM Hood's SsrssiMrilla MstaBiiaajiim, Bhemawtv tvims rM"r r-"T i liMMiai 100 Dim OfMaHlltf tft2?s -XmBBW.t I gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK aflBBBBBV-A mVJaVW LLLw ONO BNJOYI Beth tha aoethod and remit BnipofFlgiiatokeojithipleaaaat and refrcahiBf to tha taato, and acta Kenny jn prorapuj oa taa AJanejav Liver and JBowela, deaneea the are. tern cffcctunHr, dispel old, head achM rod ferer andaarcsliahitaal contiintion. Svrup af Figa ia thai only remedy of iu ktad aver pro duced, pleasing to tha taate anil ac ceptable to tlio iitomach, prompt ia ita action aad truly fceoellcialiaita effect, prepared only from tho moat healthy and agreeable aubttancea, ita many excellent epalitioe coat mend it to all and Kara made K the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa is for ante in 60 and $1 bottles by all laadrag drug gists. Any reliable druggiatwh may not hare it oa haad will pro cure it promptly for any oae who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. s ai rnAKCiKO. en. lomvnu. kt. mw nmt. .r. The Twonty.flftb Reunion of Wi VKTXRANB of thn OftAVn AM OFTHX REPUBLIC. takM place fea BOiTOM NEXT AU0U3T. TImtbbV ton will number over a kuadrail thouMnd aad tha occasion will ha a memorablo one la every way. The Poet throughout th United tatet are moving in the matter of MB. UMITORMIbTO, and thla notice) the ofl?er and namhara nf alt fl A . S, POSTS la to call atteatioa to taa lact taat our new o. A. X. Oatalogwa la ready and will be aent to aay aaV dreae em atralteeaiAw. WTa aauaain ,& pleaaad to take year order. O. W. 8ZMMOH8 CKX. Oak Hall. aWetea, rsta rM rartaaft Sm laaiasa. If you have a COLD or COUGH, acBM ae teaaiaar CONSUMPTION, SCOTT'S EMULSION rUMK COB lalTEat or UMB Aim BODA I This nranarailoai eniiaalna ilia. nam.. "7 eroruae oi me MftmmpmmtmlkUm aiJ Biie ti.rftom Cb4 UaW OU. I'm-4 b rliytieuu all ta wirl4 evr. It la aw jaaaWfaM m milk. Thnw llraMa akw einnt a laln Co4 Liver Oil. A naffer EinaUlo. kwllar tliaa aUoUsrsmMa. tor all tar o(rawMg Wxaiaj, hvaaihlUJC coysvMPTiox, Scrofula, nd u a flesh Prodnear there U nothing IIM IMrrg mailtaBL IttssnM by all Draggisu. Lstaeoaefcrf v.. ... r.aHiivar iinpaHiva Utdure rou to seoapt a aubaUlut. .. li.MiiwiMmj, 35,it?THlS1f' mses aasiim taeae MaMLaaea mt Ike saamT BILE BEANS raeawraAtAMBBlM mh, aaaiSkeMi. 51fJ"MlptAJliJM M w-"rBfaj ajar saaSBWaaV ZmMABaaa l-.?''1 's eMa bb VMSaWaftV as aV t ,, -w.i-ft. Sh.ri J mA . f"'C rt i&KA. ' w 'J IK . tt&et $