amff- t'v- - .i MMtf Hfr r'jty: ji ' v k . h i.. Vbi.M'U. 1 1 vim ! i$t l&Ki&TOtfM i VH - t-TU(VTtn i V I urf' j. .iAi yt -' w &rvr; H t m 41 r.j& &M.4fc:; V- Mfc V , y e ( I 4 4 w Mfi .i ft "" ? :&. J w 'i SvS! ft- ir ' wr IW ., KM M M?J f:HLR tJW' iv.i ift " ' 1 Mn .1TS sJ MX&fW vmvAi a.Wf,r i,.v,. mm t b WBnMgmT VFfTll!' w " ISBT( 1" !, t, wmmmBm nMBSBBS ,'. 'I MATJtAUTV, lV ., -J ii-"" "L f WSBSBBBSsami a-aA-IaaW B-v-,) H gaamtaa aaaVaa kaA MWnnVII VfOTVT fl m faM Mf miIJ &h r M aanaBBm amaaaB. f iteiA JmaBB -iffl J22 fcil a . . ii . i i .. . WBVnwipnuinfBnq n mat tat fee for mm ft teat VIMMI MMW BOW falTI 'n9 Ml Ml ewwaBmNave, b9 NHM nwerw VMv MttAaftkiiliiiiA MAAAaftkA mnaadl aBBBaa Banana TiMwIIWIlJWV wWflawwB "( MM WW awBr W' fane,. , i UBaA a Baaae bVbb aBWBaB SKAdkAA baJ aaanaa kA4 a - WIH) WWBj WenafeBe WJHHjy d wveBS BBBJB By Mala v.... t Ortmavt.vrtmtf Itteatem A ttWtlBISf mm MM nt. in, -.xt ewy .a wwmi wis iv ww. Wkat M H BMBtO Bteetjrt TBO OfM " taVilta tawae am aatfytAot sna fMlA-uftAAA bUmIaa wb us ovtv anvvpiPB sr firnpwMnp bsbbbb TU Hat that emHe from a HHmm msldt, Tat Its teat shews BMlvsrvNewlrnfMe. WBM teesUtMN MMlfff ku4 TO grate ef taw TfcM Mill ffM Ml UMt 9U m to UMltatea wltk yaattkjr tfM, TlMWitkM(trtoeafrt Uwt ewtft ff WlMrt MMtltatM Mtutyt 0MtMtlMtaU Tat MMto tint will he you t rtoa It fta MM. Tat irrteaiaaitaawiwtaM catty aa4 awtt- TbtM aaljr aiaka bfaaty-farevtr-Maipttta. -K. a Daft, ta DatnU ma Pnm HUNTING A GRIZZLY. AW bar of Woald-B IaaH In ParUou Sport. Tbar Moaal Wall. Mat Mafata tka raa -1 Wat Ovar Vkay MaaMl Mbm On H Malp Tkaaji MM Oa-Tka JaaraaMat. Gareraar Watoraan, of Callfanla, ewBa goM mlMta Cayaaiaca tallay calla4tha8toaawal1. It ia a aaa'ama plaoa of aroperty aad IU oaeratlM haa wottffkt number of amall laduttrlaa llate laa vallay.. mch aa ranchlat, baa kaepfaff, (aciaalftf , etc Tha Cuyaaaoa valley aai tha aouni talM inrroaNdlnff It art liifeatat wltk Wan, bath friaaTlea aai alaaamo. u4 taalr ravaffaa tha amall har4a of cattle aai awlaa la tka ragloa ara by aa maaaathaltMtof tha email raaakaf troablea. Ia a little eaayon braaehlag afl from tha trail whloh leads up to dowser Vratarmaa'o mlae Uvea a llttla raaeher aamad Greeaweoi. Ha haa a vagaubla patehaaa ralaaaalot of tblags far uaa at tha mlaa boaralairbauae. Ia tha weoiaaijetaiag tha llttla raaeh ruaa a larga hari t hog. Greenwood Uvea with bU wife and twa children la tha little hake" cabla. Tha hagaatalght oeeaay a big corral built of laga aad bruahwood. One alght la Auguat Oraaa iwaad waa awakened by a tremeadoua oommoUen la tha ptgorral. Tha, raaohtt' inm and gat down hla rfle. Ilia wlfa got. up and peered out of tha oaawladew of the llttla eabln. Thaw aha lighted ar lama, and the twtvaaeay llag tha dear, held tha lamp out aa4 peered from behind It To their barret (there ataod, not mora than fifty feet 'away, aa aaetmeua grlaaly. lie had a eaueallag pother under hla left" arm, and In anticipation of tha coming feaat hla faoa warn a Jeyoua enpreaalon. Tha aaddea glare of tha tamp aad tha aa paarnaaa of tha ranchman and hla wife utealehed him, bat he did not let goaf the pig nor did ha run. llealmply atoad up on bleated lea and aaamed toaayt Wall, who ara your Greenwood brought up bit rifle, but did not dara fire leet tha bear might tear down tha cabin; The two baatily ratlrad Indoora aai the huge bewletauraly walked at with hla arte It waa mender grlaaly aad Greeaweod thought It would weigh twelve or fourteen hundred pouade. A few daya later Governor Waterman vtaited hla mine nnd wm to)4 about Uaaehev Groan wood's unwolftome gaaat Tha Oaveraar la aomethlng of a wag, and reaetved to have eome fun. lie wrote ta Kwta rub Commlaeloner Joe loddlag, t. J. da Berth Hhart, of Iei Aageloa, aai hit privet aeoreUry, Maiaaa a 'Veraek, tailing them of tk find la tka aeouatetae, and asking tkem to got up a hunting party. Governor Waterman eeoreauy had not loet any grlmllea and dtdaotearatogelapunultofone. Ho declined to )ole the party and tamed ,ovor hla InvlUtlon to Charley Yale, eeo .retary af tha Sea rranclaoa Vaoht Hub, Mr. Vale aerepted It with ageraeae, Another gentleman Invited to Join the I party waa Allen Koely, a tloatoa lour. naliataejeurnlng In Lea Angeloa Ho had oeneelvod the purpeao of eapturlag a grlaali bear alive aad eeadlnallaa la aeaaattaaal gift to the Itoetoa aeeloai' oal oeUoetio, Mr. Keely believed It to bo porfeetly feasible ta laaae una of thaaa bears, and with that Idea In view 'ha had taken oeverel tourer at laatruc tloa la the use at tha lariat from aa aa oompllsbed Mexican vaquem Tha party thus organised eat out far Governor Waterman's mine early la Meptamber. The bears bad aet been visible for, tvernl days and Rancher Greenwood reported that bo bad aet lost a beg la a week It was therefore agreed that there should to a renoe ueisanoe of lb nilgbberhoQ4 by day light. Aa a guldo and aae povttd In woodcraft lb prty bsH engagwl along, lank TvxanN named Tip Kent unon Tip kaaw all sbrat tnar nnd their bablta, end be was therefor the leader of tha peeauuotsenre. The party elked an v. oral mllea up be canyon from the Greenwood cabla, and wore about to re turn when tbr earn caught the aouad f aaweaJiag aa from a litter of very ywiaf tf Tboy followed tbeeeuud aai aooa earn upon a mound af Wave aai dried brush. They eiamlaei aai faaai the oareaaa nf a eow freehlv billed, with eight little hungry pin t var two day old tugging at her la vale for aaiobaaaaea. Laak aharp, aaya,N mraUlmai Tip f'S'Sr . Tii 7JL."T;.."f a a nre oneno. ntoauuaa WIW t 'Wwy awwl 9 aaaWarJVI veSareSaw aBS wwvtW wafg'a'Q Oi.Mtl'g.tibnr hb) mata " Utaa laamaall a aajmaaialL net aa be toft amttiillaatht MaaaUmew dwell tie tbA eafedM aw smm ' JBgPVam amw anawaw wnanaaam anPw anwPpVa i nVr gaaaaaFaw " 'agownmannm eaaj aggaw amV"f oaaavcalaat aarab aak-a vary If aha way, bat tha hlggaat rawm. imra Tip Kir 'WiFwrF -rt- " rvy:si,?'""i g,'' '''Vfawatim K Met)! amWi;awanmww waw iw w BmWHMu3cN&& . ' ' i . -, . BanTJeoEi'LJlJfc.i ' a - m amaller branchea a aa la Wave roeai far either rtfla atactica ar tha awing afJIr. Ketly'e laaao, a adght bo required. By this time the evening ahadawt r falling dai 'tha party atartai far cabla. Abaat ana handrei yaria fro thr cache waa a mareby swale aev aral rods wMa which It waa aecveaary ta eroae to get to tka eebia. It waa la fact a mudkele. very vat, bat dottai with clump af bog which would cap port a Man If tha clump war ura tally picked out. Tha party eroooei thl la alaglc lie. lei by Tip rrgaaaa, aai wer aeon at the eaWn. Whila upper waa preparing the arma war gat put and examined. vJupper 'over, tha party started, Tlpi argue on leading. They eroooei thoawal in aafety. aai then, beiag aaar tha enehe, moved with the utmoat aauttoa aad In breathleaa alienee. Their art beat violently, aai for tha flrat time 1IHI4 Mr. Kly begta ta wish he haiaguiM It.waabythts time nearly ataa volock, and In the first darkneaaof eatembet alght While Tip Vergu aaa alowly raeonaoiterti and peered Into tka iarkaea tk proceeslon kaltodaad theiector lighted tka keroaea tarek. Under IU light the party found tka tree wklok la tka aternoon tkey kad pra pared a a blind, Jag la a.fowmoueata all war la Its braackea. The cache be Math It bad not been disturbed. "Hani eme aooa If we keep quiet" tboy Mid. Bat ha didn't eome for a long time. Tha party "doused" the burning kera aaa aad aat la darkness for two koura ar mora. Tka hard eeata In the branch aa, the loag, tedious vigil, the quiet af tha alght aad aatural drowsiness aooa relieved tha party of IU spirits, aad tha preposltloa then was made to ga home. Just then, however, a comma ilea la tha bushes waa heard. It grew louder and louder. Then there wai a roar, and pretty eoon n rustle 1 anether direction. It wm evident that there wm aet only one bear approMk lag, but two. This discovery wm quit eneugk to keep every hunter In hla perch. Ilut the grltsliea did not com near tha tree. They seemed to meet ia tha bushes, about tweaty yards away, aai tab bant on having a good time aatll tka breakfast hour. They growled and yowled and skylarked about and ayei for nearly two hours. The half Men hunters In the tree could aee m the early dawn approached the reaper ral move Ilka waves In tha Ma, but they could aaa nothing ta shoot at An hour later daylight came and tha beara be gaa to thlak of braakfMt Mlowly on of th monatera emerged from the brush. Ha wm a tremendous animal, weighing a good deal more than half a tea. Ha cam aloag with that laay ani peculiar ahuffle a characteristic of th grlaaly. ills companion, evidently a female, wm amaller but none tb lea fermliabl looking. Th huatara pra peaai to open ire. but Mr. Keely pleaiei for Just on more cbano with fcbv lariat Tarn .wereluctaally graiatad, for allear M. great baata ta end the busiest. Thla story might bare had a very ilf fereat ending had Mr. Keel y been ref need permlssleatatryhlslsrlat It wm duet a meat uuUwii circumstance connected with tka laaaetng af grlssllea, wltk whleb Mr. Keaiy wm nnfaaalllar, that tka tale ends m It dec. In order t la cUltathlaaMf tka lariat M Kealy wm given the topmost pemli In th eomewhat fragile tran, and to better ee cure hla prey when caught be had mad th "home end" of tb rapaaeourely fact but Its trunk. The big bear approached the cache, aaooaanioua of dsngflr. When within a few yards of the trw and Junt within lasao range Mr. Keely lot n.r his lurlst Alast ha bad learned his vuqunro losson toe well. The rope weat out with a lore awlah. It gracefully unwound Its rulla In the air, aad la a second Ita loop wm around the bear's aeok. Unfortunately Itoaught him with onn forefoot out ae whea taut It came arotind his breast and aheuldora. The liesr wm greatly Mtoa lahed, and gave forth a roar whloh cent hla mat flying to tho brush to protect her cube. Then be picked at tho entangling rope, but Mr. Keely, with tru vauuero skill, tightened tha loop, and h could aet abaka It off. Disgusted and new thoroughly alarmed, the huge rrlrtly mad a plunge for the brush. Mr. Keely paid out hla rope with the skill of a whalemaa till It brought up with a aaap ani a whirl whkhmade tho very air ache. Fortunately the treetop gave, aai thaauddon obtk aai pring leaded the bear en bis bMk: New be gan a etreggle between rope, bear and tree, which promised startling results to the hunters. Tboy foresaw this, for Tip yelled 'Cut the rope: he'll have ua 'iip by the' roots!" "Fire at hlmlN eoreamei the doctor, but who could Are and held on for dear life at the ume timer The bear wm furious and atruggled with all hla atnsngtb. The rep wm new and of tho toughest hide 'MVa get ua like a trout en the end of a rod," gasped Commissioner Rnddlng m kegTMped the slfndor tree and held en. Meantime ihn liear's elTurta re doubled. He pulled and tufsd at tb swaying tree till It almost bent double. At last with a mighty roar he gave one plunge Dunn came th trvMep to tnn ground, and up came Ita roots The kuutoi lumped for their lives KeliewJ of the spring on the lariat the latter anappod Ilka a cord, and the bear. Nnding himself free, doubled on himself and made for hla an aaarera. Then cam a race for lit. Fortunately, the moMter wm impeded by the trailing lariat ani the ewesae) wu aear. lato It pell-mell plunged the fleeiag nlmreda. All were naarmei thelr guns were shaken out of the tree early In the aeene- The doctor weat let the water up to his chla aad the rem; floundered through up to their waist. Of course the bear would aee teUew them la the mud, and Meaifi tkaoaataai 4 aawtai leek Lag party never waa aeaa thaa that wktek. Miff, eat aai amlMaaaai, foaai its way aa koar laaae be akjafoaaaia aabta. Mr. Oreeawoei 4wt aadaaia them. Me simply weat aaM keJMbia aai toagkei rat a feed fee. Tka kaatera themselves aai ae fdrHIWJohtBf, and not one of theaa asjajar aay clrcumataaea apeak t J tViidkLosi.M it iiiaWi.. t ;?. 1 0?PWC CREAM "owdep ItSNiijwrtar etri-l nee pr-nriM ia millions ef hoaiM fur mor iban a iiuartor of a enniury. II iauMMt by th trnltt-.l ristrsaoveraaient.' Rn iters? by ilie heads of fiia vraat Malnnii MHip mmn-nH rnjTMi.Hiq. WH lli . k- m.. i.: i -n iTi":: wTy j"r iir. rnrnA'Tni win awonia, iibm wick AKt Haw YORK. ('Htl'AOO. ht.uhiih. Great Kngllth Remedy. Murray' peolflo. a gusrHniero cure for all ner voiw iIIwwwt) micli m wsk mem. orylOM of bmln piiwsr liystorla hwulsclM r n la the Iwck rwr vous pnmtrstlon wskef nlltivus ! esrrlMni UHlrarsal lastltutle sew. Ids) weakness lmpoMy Midge erai lose .of power ef the (ieaera. thre Orjuw;--ii eHeei sex. eaue. ed by Indiscretion ororsrexertlon and nhlcli ulilmatslv lead to l-aSMATVlia IIMt Alia im gi mmxtmmvmnwmt w'mm a or six boses for ease, Mrnt mail on receipt of price. Pull MM alu. M&HM.IUM.MM A. Mk """1 " "" "." psnicuisrs in iwrnimict, eeni tree to every aiulciu Wedaamatee atx flfoxr to eureanv esse. rorevsrrM orner receirea wo srnu six iwxes with a written Miaranteii torn. fund thn mnnrv If our unrelAc lines not eflert a ture. Address nil rfltnmiiiilrMtloiii to thn mix in nuHiuiMcturvrs. Tun Muhhay MantntMa co. av-ftoid In Red flood by C. U curxTJuimle aa-eat. -jCf basal vsn snlvsr si ssHMsctiaii is tue ests ef Oooorrhive and Wert. I mnmm it - ftl SStS In rtCOMBMB. Is It to all urtrs. a.j.aro!in.aA. ..!, aoM by PtiiiifcOs 0. Ii. COTTIKU, AQkNT. mt Ws MALARIA .trnaTlfaMisal UMOOUt manias. MsTte tw lumwaSd easslssms aad uujbSSLui kodeaTusmjt. Nan. iREu"ssrnaii Wessa 'mmgg& tits sWitiY.iiBiC;. rtwa aMmmnaal - asanm sefal aeen isssistef esw iMte rsssni toaeni WsSnsT 1 l"1TTtl Tfl IIMrt ZXs'HmSSSfiwaisr' ygM aaBsBaR&ftWM EMORY v MATB "wTir. "-vVt.y. . "V"- V . m- .j.LJZzrss.zzs,.j v ". :. ; "vvv: w'"-,v.iiia MIWKUI. msiik rswMt ooea not sea . nrruuai. HnldnnlnnMu S(H)WUKUtO. M aenLsnnanMl 1 w...W 9Vf Vt'jt " ,., i m !!flfJSsismmPJi wmWX BwanT-e"-" MSflPswpnaaaaawsna eseepes tsiaj nmHsaui smsr a nnBik.LK rbwiiibhwinvmi ww amamnmEir SNinMnsaiiiMK tsv BJmsBBBwasm1- o0iiisssnM iraw aMaaamamnmiiaHM mmmi mm u eflAnanu.& anew nwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan v " jew sv: tt ph' Br av TlbtavmBVBnv JmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnsnl lan aanswaLAB anaasl laaaal BBaVTV-anaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl wnwl Bwmamau sranja eaawsj aanaranj fjBfis9MH bmmm it iav emt neje ELl aamataBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH apMgpajM Lfllsmenmassssssssssss faM fflawlS we Bfjmnmmasi JfBBplawjaBnwaBl wm wmnp wmwwsmmmmmsm PwaaWsWmw gmsfwMwBeBmmm w7T mSSSwk samL555 gg-tM'"Hgl BVknVfJ aMiTa ws'-samm JnH fjllBla-Bl BBSBBBsaBsBim " " ' ' ' h" ' ilv.s--lsws1io BsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsm LwaBnwamWams7awaBB -nmmmmmmmmBL mnnmma-sns-. -L.L.TT- wtw"enmnwara BMKmSfiU&tf 9t LmmmmmmmmmmmmtMaKMmmmmmwMBky "" """ w-mMk BKUEBJSpJE auBKn VLWBSr w maasaeitsmsmimnwsagwt rvsiaaiy mm tvf. twmtin, Ceaaty jaayt, MBasimiP MbVB. virtu ef an rnrsf sstedlreetM wr iHratTHtnnrewnsWrtieiMiaiHM- - ;"5?r,wiwldmiMtbt M- il reM.OMei term ef WlMtrHM.i MMtrN is, ami I thelstlirfav of NnM-i.M im pUlstltsMii ff-2ftia4t&-fcsflS. fmUMMmofTwo hundred tsenrr thre- iTat. "'"!,Jl'!fhVj!!"nJ'fnXt ln ' tw third Urn aeerijinKrwiti, Ijisrr UM amn urn tnHnniuu -SJrT- .eal estate wfctn m th irrertr of Mid riVfriiitant. !.) mi..1 .Siiri ... HMhn. m. lit Wtmter comity. We. fld Iwllf offer JW vnufw Mrie tn the Metr fur eash In hH. mi ik Mh dUv f?!.' and wllf otter tN nu. for sate In the Mfcbeet atddtr Mr rash In hand, on the Mh dav tiHSSH' !!. 'JT' the essi doer ef the J!l!ih5f,?.it.lW wSw,i ,M. .Webster county Pthriisks, (that belttx the bmldlrur nhert-ln the lt l0fte-'l'M,,,f.?5ll.,'"tar,en std when dMMtemtsace will he Urn by Urn under. Dated January it, sm. rNAS.TBRt.tWM riff. Hyi.C.Tast,lMiNity. casb McNanr, Attya for ntr. in cniri rrtw noiil ) Ml llllt HOOT Of "Jellee r. In Ihe district court ef Webttor enmity, ne. In the matter of the estate of Kdwanl De mars. notice Is hereby lven thst by virtue sad In iwrsusnoe of an order of license madelassld matter st the court housn at Alms, lUrUw county. Nebraska on taezmiTnay otJanuary, taw. Jiy the Hon. William Usslm, iudife ofllrn dlMrictreort of the el(nth judlcls. dhtrtrt of Nrbradia, i. Xsvlrr lemsrs,Bdmlnlstrstnr of UietMajeof Kdward Demsrs, will en thosttn dy."if "Or' ,Lt o'c" f an. a tS Jjfjrtpor ietUTOouwlntne eeunty of Wetwter. Neenuks. offer for aaU at mihtin auction the fidlowlita described real estate to- the WII All the rlaht.tma atut inutani whih Id Id ward Itemara Ad uli in an.i i. the northwest iusrter,(4)of aectlon Ave (8) township three. (S)ranxe twelve, (la) west of the sixth nrtnelpsl meridian In Webster eounty Nebraska srUlnc by contract f.r the virtue or a of sstd U-d nurchaan eaeeuted by tne hurllmrton Itier rati road aomiwny In Nearaska to Uii &l!8HIt'9mn 4HM date Meidem ber lltb. tarn. Xavirm Dbmabj. ft Miaseurl uie W( ..Ml. Bf Case a Men eny, Aiiniiniswaior. Aiwrucya. tfOTMl OriALB. ' In the Dtitrloteeurtot Webster county, Ne braska. In lite mstttr of the estate of Isaac May de Notice Is hereby alvrn tlmt by virtue and In iirsuaueeof an order of llesnse made In said atter. at the court bouse lii Aim, HsrUh pursttauee matter, a eounty Nebraska, IM hv th II on tha mii da n j umm by the . (Ion. William nsslln. ludae BTramvmj 01 Vlillam nasi of the. aetata of the district court Judicial dlstilct of Net wul"" A.May, administrator of the. estate oftsaae "aj.Mwoaaeii. wiii uiimevtin iyoi renru tne court nousnu warn immu & a u ciutm fk n. m . at the east door of II Had ClMut l tha Muuttv nl Webstor. Nebraska, offer for naia at nuhliM .m. Mouth foflowlMt described preMhwa tawlti ue wst one-bait OU of the south-east quarter Ml of section thrse, IBItown four. Ilfranxn 'laven. (Ill and thn anuili.araat niurtjir (u7. eleven, III) ana the south-wi the north-east iiwrter II41 of aoctlon tlirtS p town tour (t) raiiro etoreBj.ll) west of the sutli 1. m.iu ntotwrijoumy. Nbreka. ase MeMeny, Wii.Mam a. May. Attoraeys, AdwluMra'or. vonoi or IAXJ. IMilrlct court ot Webster county. Nebraska. In tljemsttsr ot laeeelate of Cbrtsttau Hah. AoUca la hereby given that by virtue ami In pvjsuanee of aa order of Iksnae madelnssld blatter at we esart house at Alma, Harlan county ISM bv diitrlet Nebraska, the estataM CkrUHUn Bakbt, deceaed, will on the pi a' iwn o'ctoan art kouse tuned n. m. at l M sbraslui offer following dt aw to. II 1 The south one-half H ui nusnerii ana tnnnnrth. east euarter Moftbe soatbsstuarterHaad tbs south-east iiusrtar, iiuanpr. hoi iae nonn-aaw uuar Ikm thirty aa.towwm u three, a ter U, of sen north of ' raafe twelve-l-wrst of the stb p. m. lu Webster county, Nebrssaa. Dated Had Cloud, neb. January 30, tam. Case s MeNeny, Anonaw t). Hnnn, Attvrue)s. AdmlrlstraU'f. hertaVa tale. Mr virtue of an eseciitloa tsaued bv t.. II. fort clerk nf the dlttrlct court of tka rlahtb liu dlclsl district In and for Webater eounty, and state of nrbrsska and to me delivered In favor oft-rank V.Taylor, titalntlff and aaalnstJ, H, (line, K. K, iillne amTJ. U fatten defeaaasta 1 hsvo levied uMn the following described real eststeas the property of J, ft. tiles tontti l.)U s and a Injiloek ituU's addition to ojty wf Ked cloud In Webater county, NrbrasRaVwIth uereent llilare and vulit and Afty.nve one hundredths 1 coats snu accruii'g. imteii Decemucr , ism. OtaeaMc Pill 'sattos.tLV, H0.ner.TT. Mlwrig. ivra At,H. byalren. that tinder Notice Is fianfaa erdsrof 1 rivraor las eisirin.cewnor tne wn ludletai d strict Hi and for Webster eoumr, Nebraaka. uion a decree hi an action peudiup; In said court wlteirln lmw a Km i tTitllff and Alma Downs laitn'iinttahiai offer for sale at tiubllc vendue fur i-aah in bandat tha cast wof .IKw.r. hMnwjn .KrOksjG3 . . --! " . . - term of asiiTi ef December two at I o'clock a, m. the foi towing '?riw, . P'eperty.wtt 1 The seutb-west iiuarttr otlne.aorth.wsmauartsr and south. eaat nuararraf north-west quarter ot snetkm fourtacn. IHI town one, lllnorth range twelve, liaywett of Ihet p. m, In Webster county, Ne- Ulveu under wy hand this Sli day ef No- The sale of the snow described ereeertv U hereby tnoned for want ef bidders uutllthe MhdsyofpVbruary lam, ItC tk-orr. hberiff, aMfutiivr a a LB. Notlee Is Mrebrilven that under and by vir tue . of sn enlrr ef sal laaaed byt. H. Port lerk of tha district court of tha judicial rte ' axi,.'ur Webster SAtiiMi ' M.ndlua .In Mid oiiirt wherein Daws k Praia arujiWIntlt s sad KUrabeth Umii. tgle at a) are defVudsnls I ahall o3rr for tale si iiublle vendue lor casH In bind attheraai door of Ihe emt houas tn Ked Cisud in aid cowutv (that bring the daee where the last term (4Mldrort wavlioWfalcw Uwasthdayef ln ember iwn st I oVhvk p. m the faUswlaKdb crthrd CVtrrty twtit The weat hsM el the wrst naHurascitiUitewntv 11 tawnahlp taxi 111 wirth rannt iwrtre ef she a k m. In ..-"" - " -. - - - t. ' "t tllirii i.n4cr my ban on iuh vsn.osy ny ovcav er ism .. it.t',niv)iT. XfceriW. laiaiia iifwri. . Th saw ale of the .about dew liked frswriy U at da at H.Cacerv.fnMriff. SIvvtetaaaf atdetaf aaat dlitilidliai 1 the dwat k t cwsrt id W ctwtev lyynty HwkT 1 ad eaaidilslnedberwsaaldwaailMiiiZ? Jwarwtd wawmbrr Mas 1 temef Webster mwaty tK? rnraaaaun iwwr way at wan mm 1 isa w ivwr of Mesa It. Mattes ttwrtre and u. H tirsM 'ffitXtw law tar law BvBums1 mnj aa'fe'aTwa aanmswieTwg aanmaa tjEEtl maety-snv cents aasi aeemssgcjsss 1 eWwBnamt snWawBwTawBlsmU weBmatHeataal len eVtt lka atllaoalvv HI tw.m.v. P. SKS OatecnkkenrJtMy. iC :u.ji,).M ersMaon sVllYererf , nevraMUkOH.uie asaanayoi January the ttesTWIUbua llaalln 'luaaw at Uw, court of taeelM tudlelal nltrli.t m 1. Andrew O. BanL adailnlatrato ii k eny w naoniary 1 the cast door of the vexaffsssrsk oribed nttSHiMS af tha SData an me niiiiupriMiK'aa buiihuuhe laerew aaa 1 will, on the iRHa day of January law at one o'clork i. m. on mid day at the east door of the court house of ssld Webster eeunty. Nebraska at Mi I Cloud In ssld county, aril ssld real se lata at public vrnriue to the hlxhert bidder for caili to satisfy said execution the amount due thereon lu tie sxim-rus being the sum of forty, three, and nlnrly.lhc one bumlrrmbs aollars, al to ner cent luierest fr wn liecemhrett. isbl aratars ifstniti Mveanwai snamtaeasiinahM WpPMVf Wrl7fh alW WMgaRgpf lyM HSlb1lmeTkvn ATbb?bbbb& itwswwr ""tf''?11 anannsee Tt.3? B.taanta.M 'mtmmmrw ii'. 1itMi& agyati: " t"g.r '4 fc .. v . ii . v. v. taylqr;.- KEI THK FINIWT LlMB OK Furniture In the city at prices that all can afford if in want of anytbi ip in his line Opposite First Nntlonal Hank, lied Cloud. LIVERY, FEED, GILBERT BmBmamamBniaBmBW BBmBmBmBmamamm. 3bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb9b1BBv smaV -HOLLAND HOUSE- LIVERY AND FEED STABLE ! J. C, Holcomh, Proprietor. First-clas Turnouts. Everything New, Neat and clean and in good repair, Boarding and Feedlug Team at Reasonable Rates. Chily tlie best hay and grain used at thla stable. Gire liim a call. Gate' Old SUnd, Red Cloud, h. olakM afa385 NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN CO., PAID UP CAPriALJBOflOQ. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. ( DIRECTOK8: H. Clarke. Albany. New York bftwy. New York D.N. Flntt K. K, w ILV.Shlrey ' MONEY LOANED. On intproved 1 tarma in Nebraska .id.KKns. Monnr furnished an aoott na il ' aecurity ta approved. Principal and intereat parable in Bed Cloutl " J. C. WARNER. REAL ESTATE AGENT Have lands of all kinds to sell or trade for stock or mortgage notes, property to sell or trade. Farm Loans made quick and easy Office ovei McFaHand's store. . THETRALERS WILL POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Fort Abstract Jj. H. FOHT, Manager. Abstracts of Title, Furnished to all Lauda in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOriCE. 7 "awWemCT. 3S& H Ak All orJcis nllsl imimptlir. nuaa dollar txxU ilea! and approu-a Addreat or call oa tnw v? ey.ts R, V.BBiiar, lrea. HrstY Cr.AEKa.Viee.Prtt. Jgo, R, Buair. Csskiet Howard B. Oathib, AaaiaUal Caakier FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL, - e75,000 TraBaaelaMaeralavMktBgbaaiataa.aaTaad aell eeaatj wwnaale alas eoua.v, preciact aad evheol district boads. Bay aa4 aaU fereiga aaeVaafw OlMOTOMs JaavMeNeav. J, aVTaJleta, 0. W. Liaaeew. R. V.Maww Heary Clarkt, A. J. Keeeaj. aaammswsnai Katies M aeretf alen that wMrr aa4 lr tsaio(aasfeerefiaieUMks(Mtturtk till nr e wai 1 taeaui Miurtai abitrt ia urf Lr reMxatwaasaurawn ta au laTrsntte. aaerrta .Masaa bd ItntwrtllL Taw '"J VmlmnmTL ft2VTV?xZrJ,W' MaatMrlac t . Mi'Uuts I aH otter tor sale at eU earoaakinkaaeMUaeaM Ujot ef veils: MR) wesieftaaSBBiMiWeeaSre asyaaadtnts MtB day of Jaaa. ae BJ. BseUB.nsmlM Alt). tV f a Tart . lawn cTraei teTli ttalafiVa Mattnao.'lnatnjaae MttaaMS s&ffi&s&Ssaa 9. mmi eaaessseisnss, .,.. Vt MtMitetr eanU d WS OeeeiemtValy w MHiiveet 4amr ef : ' ' aSSeam twelve lllla BuBTBahiM laurUiaaMBiu . ..-,. -n id buy and SALE STABLE. George Watsons old stand where we make a specialty of educating young horses for track or road. Call and see us. BROS. Prop. Goo R. Beach, DalstonSpa N.Y. ' Highland. J, A. Tulleya N.B.1I tfaa Mtlfit . tt tji. Town LUMBER CO. MAKK Co., Red Cloud, m m L. II. FORT MAWAQia, Retl Clend, Nek iiaae avaaa. Xoleelsaertarah - JtiTH? '"s stave a. " " . ". laaneiai SaaWtaS aa - s artiaai saoeUaa la -rTS'fg "saaaa. tiia4 WatteaaTateaTl.ailaBBBTS Ksstak la tiftamal 1 laJa!fAlI; aaUh mull. iJk rZ-!- "WW an 5.,Hn?rt lat b.4 'wmpihi ia aiaea saHeassriwasI aoMm maawatttiaa sviaV Sl,!i?r!r' .tw w. aTl fflaPggS Naefc.c, ta learawf Ki aieiMSvy IMsmewet Tr.a. "" .' r r;i b i y I ! ft il n f -" -" -jc' - "- -- "- ., .- " flST s aw