The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 07, 1890, Image 7

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a, W Aeue beft
jbe Weehty Renew Kot M Sstletaetnrjr M
Might He-Actlvll- la Hslldm.
Xr.w Your, Feb. l. K, . iiun .fcCo.
weekly review says: The closing of oar
considerable, hank and two smaller ones,
tends to Impair public confidence; la
thcr respect. tho new I tea favorable
thl week. Tho financial depression at
Iindou docin't abate, and then- are re
porta of heavy withdrawals of gold for
South America or Franco. Foreign ex
change here ha risen from'f to
M.N?h' The. sale of bond have been
mall, and tho treasury ha taken in
early l,!WU,000 more cash than It ha
paid out. Tardiness of collection at
various Interior points causes more com
plaint, and the unseasonably mild
weather onco. wore depresses many lines
of trade.
Tim export for lecemlor proved
much larger than had been expected,
with an excess of over im
port. Tho export In January from
Now York havo lieon smaller than last
year by 8 per cent. Money at Now
York In abundant and cheap on call, and
demand for commercial patter 1 now
strong here, and at Philadelphia the ex.
change Is about name; at Cleveland and
Milwaukee the market I fairly active
with ample supply, and at St. l.oul,
fair and good demand, and other West
ern polntM fair and easy demand.
The later indication of business ac
tivity are not quite so satisfactory a
would be wisbod. A heavy movement
followed the cold day at llmton, but
wool sale were, only 'J,iOu,ouu iound
with a depressed market, iiood do not
An unexpected demand ha rained do
Wtestlc hldea .U'M'fe. but foreign wa
dull. Ioathor U Netting more freely.
Philadelphia note few hjId of wool.
At Chicago dealing In grain and meat
aro large, but In dry good Nome hat
leu for thn pant two week, and tho hoe
trade shrink a little. Distribution ha
been fair at St. Louis, Omaha and Kan
ms City, very fair at Detroit, but dull at
Cleveland, and depressed again by
weather at Milwaukee.
From the report telegraphed it may
be, Inferred that trade since the new
year began has not anvvercd expecta
tions, and there are some sign that tho
wild weather I not solely to blame. In
thn Iron business tho mllU art fully em
ployed at Cleveland, but seller make
better offers at Pittsburgh and some re
duction occurred, and at Philadelphia
large lots which haeleen hyMthecated
have K'en mild at Nome conco-wlon.
frightening timid buyer. Thu Indica
tion am that exren of production be
gins to lie felL In the dry good trade
the sign noted at Itoston, Philailelphla
and Chicago are seen horn and at other
points. The real trade also continue
much depressed, as to anthracite, though
bituminous Is ac.tlvu at fair price.
The iinurpaed activity in building
has m ado materials trong and active,
Wheat I lH'c lower with sale at -.'O.ouo,-MO
bushel; corn, 1.4c lower. Cot
ton la held by sNc.ulatton, but
Mlra for tho week were over
1,000,000 bales, and coffee I
unchanged, but oil and pork products
are dull. In the tock market for the
pant week the avcrug" Mum a Might
advance over last week and the report
of earning from all road good,
Tho business failure are "HI, as
agslnst IKPJ lawt week. Tor the wrre
ponding wruk of lal year thu llgure
were KM.
Arrest at rrealilrnl lessen. Ins Mrw Torn
Kanh Wrecker, suit III llrwfcer.
NtCW Yoiik, Feb. l.-tioorgn II. Pell,
thn broker, wa nrretel Thursday night
for the part he took in disposing of the
gilt-edged securities of the Sixth Na
tional Hank. Peter J. ClaMn, president
uf the bank, for whoso arrest a warrant
was Issued at the name time a that of
1V1I, was at large all night, a corps of
United States deputy marshals who had
been In search of him having licen un
able to locale him. Yesterday afternoon,
bowevcr, ho was placed under arrest
while walking on a street.
Yesterday morning Pell was arraigned
before CommlaaloacrNhlctd. who stated
tbatthcarrest was on a charge of aiding
aad abetting a hank director In having
unlawfully embnttlcd and abstracted
certain securities. "It I a criminal
charge," added the commissioner,
"ag yon am entitled to an e
ami nation and to ball. It I also discre
tionary with you to make a statement
or to refuse to do so. Any thing you
May say will h ul agalntt you, so
perhapa you had letter say whst you
bata la aay to jrour counsel foe. thu
Pell was then held In f iVOM Imnd
for a pretlmlaary hearing. I.ster In the
day President Classen, of the Sixth Na
tional Hank, surrendered to the officer.
The securities converted and worthies
checks will make tho lo of tho bank
Lattery TlaM la Was
TnntKA. Kan., Feb. 1. Attorney
f leneral Kellogg has addressed a letter
to tho Ooternor In reply to the question
whether the sale of tottJ-ry ticket la
Kaasaa waa legal. Myt" th the or
ganic law of the State forbids the ale of
lattery tickets, but that the law wa
practically a dead lettw lecaue the
etatute attached no penalty to the of
fense, lie said further that the propri
etor f newspaper which priaud lot
tery adrcrtiaeneau might be punUhed
wddrr the law by a fine of not Irs than
M nor more than ll.oto. or tmprlaoa
seat far not lesa than thirty day or
sera taae sli menths, or by both such
aa aad laiprtaoaaieat.
WKMi. bUa-, Feb. L-4irgr Hlack,
very strong yaeag avaa, yesterday !
eaaae saddealy iasaae aad pmtnelag upon
bb) bretbarda-Iav, W. Crosby, brat bias
with a dab asoat berrlUy. lie toraed
apoa bia at tee aad aeriottsly l
bired bar. Wbea eaVera ar
ttred be bad lecbed himself In a
warn aad Urea tewed to shoot aay one
Ueejptlag to eater. Me flaally waa
to be a ii feet frees the
aad the edbmra brake la the
before be reald ah oat, aad after a
bard straggle be was landed Sa WIL la
tbelaet fear da reals aaaaa af laaaallt
ita been (opvrtad.
AHhsr IMskts tke V-Mtnrsl Htsramailee,
s In the IViUtMiUrr rr Mi Vrs.
KtiJtv. Kan., Jan. SH,--Tbe caa
agalnl Arthur lllake, chsrgil with
blackmailing Arthur tlorhsm, the mil
llonslm cattlcmsn of this oountr. ws
called In the criminal court of tht city
Tucmlay and yesterday, on hi own oon i
fessionof guilt, lllske was nenteuced to
ail years In the penitentiary.
Ka.n t Cit v. Mo., Jan. no. -A n'msrk
able story ws that of young ltlake. T)
y-sr sgo he wa an elevator Uy at the
Ceutropoll Hotel in this city, Mr. tier
ham wa a frrqucnt gut of the hotel.
During hUUMt hu learm-d to know
lllake and seemed to form an attach
ment for him. At any rate he took him
from hi lowly tltlon and treated him
with almost a father's klndne. They
swn drtipped fnnii public notice, how--ever,
and not until about sit months ago
did they resppesr.
Then lllske wa arrested at I.o
Angele charged with having forgtd
(lorham's name to a check f or Mow, He
was afterwanl aciultted, proving, It ap
peared, that he had power of attorney
from Mr. Corham.
It wa while in jail at !,o Angele
that lllake told a titory of hi eeasde
with Mr. Padelfonl, then a memler of
the "king's Foul" opera company Wine I
supr and a lavish expenditure o
money formi-d the basl of the story
Some week later lllske turm-d up In
San Franrlnvo and rrvstod a fimin a a
heavy swell. He wa cartooned a tk
ing champagne bsthr. and an enterpris
ing clothier hired a Und to follow lllake
about the streeU wltii small Uvy carry
ing tralisparencte Ix-srlng tlie legend!
"A. C lllske buy his clothe from us,"
Ho claluii-d to have noeved large
urns of money from Mr. tlorhsm.
About one month ago lllske came to
Kansas City snd put up at the Centrop
oil. He clalmt-d that he had an appoint
ment with Mr. tlorham, whom ho ex
pected from Kinsley. Attout two week
ego he wa arrested by the sheriff of Ed
ward County, Kan., on warranteharg
ligf him with attempted bluckmall.
khoU 1 1 or AllaMl twtrayer at Tmr,
S. V.
Tmtv, N. Y.. Jan. .-W.--l.ast Thursday
a woman giving tho name of Minnie Mo
llrath applied to thn miIco in this city
for aitauce to find Kdwln I'lrlh, who,
she said, hsl wrongtnl her. She said
that she lived In Chicago and that she
had them secured a divorce from her
husband in order to marry Firth, Six
month ago Firth suddenly lef l Chtcsgo
and she bought a five-shooter bull dug
pistol and followed him to Troy.
Yesterday the woman wrote a note to
him asking him to meet her at bet
room In Hiver street. He did not come
and she started out to find him. She
met him In Congress street and fol
lowed him to the corner of llroadway
and Fifth avenue, where she shot htm
la the head.
She then started for police headquar
ters to surrender herself, but a a over
taken by an officer. To Superintendent
Willard she told the same story that shr
had narrated on Thursday atwoii Firth
wronging her. She wa Uken to Jail.
Firth wa carried to hi residence. He
ha a wife and two children. HI wound
Is not regarded a fatal. Dr. Finder ex
traded the bullet. Un denle that he
ever promtwd to marry the woman.
It ha been learned that the woman'
maiden name wa Minnie lira th, and that
her marriage name wss.Mrs, Henry Warn
orke. She ha retained John II. Holll
gan, of New York, as counsel. He had
previously been retained by her U bring
suit for seduction.
mltteolsM fall. He leavee a son and
two daughters.
rreere4 tir tee awerlal Cwaassltta ae
nft rm nslwnlsiUs.
Wasiiixotom, Jan. ao.The World's
Pair bill aa It will go to the House
wa completed at a late hour Tuesday
evening by the apoelsl committee. It
embraces twenty-three sections. The
committee submit with the bill a propo
sition Ut give Friday and Saturday to
argument In th House upon the ques
tion of location and to ballot on Monday
for location.
The bill provides for no financial aid
from the (rnvrrnmrnt, except ai.ataMaw
approprlaUd for a Oovernmnt building
and Government exhll.lU. The money
for the exhibit Is to lie raised by the
guarantee fund and by Issuing stork.
Tho guarantee subscriptions will xtaad
In the position of rommna sVick. Thi
additional arnfiry crccaasry will" be
raliM-d aa preferre.1 aUrk. At least thst
Is the Idea of pnivldlng the maa for
the exhibition. St. Iiul and tlilcago
have worked hitherto un the theory that
the Government wrxild put In ..cno.ooc
or f Q.(J,u to wake the exhibition a
surges. When thn financial part of the
bill wa reached Mr. IHtU for Chicago,
and Mr, Frank, for St. Uis, Joined
with th New Yorker aad carrid
thmugh the plsaof raising money a the
way set forth.
rsesWO Isasi
If A5rrttMtr.R. S. II., Jan. M.rilUrd
Booth by, a prominent resident, hastjrrn
placed under tt.ww Ijcmds to appear for
trial at neat term of Orafvm Omnty
court oa the charge uf all n a ting the af
fections of Mrs. tieurge Kranaa. of Ilrle
toL He eloped with Mrs. Kranaa last
April, but the cotjple returned Ut their
families eori afterward. It U aader
stood that they have baa eorrespondiag
slaee then aad their letters are said to
be tbe wceasloa af the preaeatsuit.
rwvrtM Mia7sM,
Jcrrua Cirrf Mo., Jan. MVTbe
)tetaof Misermri will iastitcta salt la
the circuit ooartefm. UesU Veday ar ta
morrow agalntt tbe St. Um A ftaa
Fraaaiaro rail a ay tut the raeavrry af
the Matxaaa wsb-h U ehUm L.
ha daa the Utata. fUerraar Fraa-
aat aad Attarawy-earal Wwali
went to bb tia t eeaerday afleramea.
Itiskaewa that tbe Attaraeyderaeral
tad OeWael Jaasea Rrnadhead, ef Kt.
IvaU, hare aad all t
irawa for sreseal days
alaa ta be daae hat taaUatbrav. Tba
aavrsare ef the salt la geweeail
fmt tm b ttrjf daUawsy.
CAT It It tw
ftunVrera are ac4 reaevalty aware that
three diseases are reatajrtoue, er teat they
are due to the tf living rwraaltea
la toe Untag toeiubrwee of the aese aad
eustactuaa tuhesv Mtvrvacoeic reeearre.
however. Its i-nved this to ! a fart, and
the result of tUl distxvtery I that a al sieve
remedy has n formvtlste.t waerehy
Catarrh, Hay Fever aad taUrrhal sVafuoee
are rweieiUr cured la frvw oae to Urea
sintie athcUens msle at sxte by the
patient ee-s In two weshs.
N It. Thl treetment I net a ssuf er aa
etnument; both hsve tvu dlsvmnW hy
r-tuia)Uv)v)k,lsbssaln)ur(ous. A peaipa
let espial "I sir thl new treattorM Is seat oa
rvsvipt of three rents In siaraaa to ay
postage hy A It. lHten A Hon, eer ef John
aad King Street, IVrviaks Caaada-HArw
Ua 44i-vei, .
Huffrrer from Catarrhal traahba abeaM
earvfuli- read the sta
I savrta Ilka te aea any klndef aassa
dlstlagaUhahle from a vIU that eume
gtHsl aad even pertly wiwan cvust awl
shspeahuaaaadptttuf U W Holmes.
A Sspvrw ArMevesseel.
Thousand ef dollar hsve tw rtHnJe,
In preperlna tUeuusctitnorot i.w UJUtti
Jost iMunrbv the llrysnt Hirst Sm CM
ct? rluatueftatVlleire, HhrthaieJ UalltMlo
and Kagtlsa Itamtug eVh.H.l. which I Ik
luial rlagaut aad c0y telunte ol the btad
ever published, the t,tfeire alette aweunt
Ing to toccata. lttvuUiisll'Jtar-epe-s,
lSl, with ex.iuislle full page
euirrsvlhg, printed en guest enamel mtr,
and ever suitiltlous jiung man and weuisn
hiiuldserurea rpr Addrrs II, Ht Hat
axr aV. Preprtrlers, 7 lo It Washluftoe
Hi (Chicago, Illinois.
Tai phthvaovaer treabie la teas walk ha
give Btty jearslo evaluavtag life tm
IwrUaUl. Itfe
eara la sha'lag his itreJudlcea-CWaUry.
spent sevsrai taonsaea
rHHwlaa naesly t'eresl.
To tna Kihton I'tewee Inform xeur
renders that I have a positive remedy fr
the sliovo iisuted rtlsewse, lly its timely
use thousands of ho-lrs have Ux-a
jnuaunU runvl I shall ! glad t send
two hotUes uf ur remedy ri to any of
)our reeilers whe have eiwisumptlen If thev
will send me their rsprea and Hiat-ntt
adders Kesptvtfultv.T A Hmmim.M C,
11 Pearl street. Now Vera.
Man Mbaa to think the world a stage hat.
trr than ha likes to think thst he Is aa aata
teur Drturar oa ILAWhlsou Uloba
stsltrft tulMns.
Tim tfew York Central Italtrvad has re.
rentjy addnl Bfly new slemlard emu-lnw,
hewUst by steam and HkIiWxI by the PtnUrh
H stem of gss tltumliistlott to Its liassetiger
e.iilimnt which now conslsta el rl Jlrsl
class psaaenger ears, fv composite cars, (I
dining i-rs, Ai second claas snd Inilulxrsjit
cars, 'J.tll lumttW, mall and raprrss cars,
au.l JD, psaseoirer locvmouves,
In mmenl of dnritlen there la danger ef
mlsUkttur Uie tihauttlon of loua stilrltaal
lelor realgnaUuu to fata
rtoveeae, Ala.
The personally roadorted eirvrslnas to
thl rapidly growing t-Jty have tm-n so uo
reasful that the Chirstfo A Kaalrru lllluols
Iteilniail. Kvaiivlll Ibiutts will run one on
each of U.e folic. wing detea-Keli 4Ui, llth,
Ptb and tath. Vor ctv of " AlalHuna A
It Is," and further Infornisthm seed to
WlUiaai Itlli, Uea. Pass, Agent, ChUagu, III.
Mr face Is my fortune, sir, she said. Yea,
you nuuld easily get a toy eagagemeat la
a dime museum.--bos ton asWaU.
l,i vn (Ian. At.., ivy; tita, less.
Messrs. A. T Hattl.fcnNuM ft Co.
IliHtester, Pa Utnit. Iist spring I
meiviitbymallatNiii,t)iifeur Antidote for
Malaria for my brother, wan had hills for
mnrt) thaa six month, lie frequently tireho
them with Quinine, but Uiey would sntu re
turn. I gave ului the Ai.tidoUi ami be ha
not lied a chill stare. It ha made mft
HMmnl cure. Yours Irulv,
W W lanra.
rssvaartv late le.titn returns seem u
come rarj prwerly frutti nuUytsg OlstrKls.
Marraaal Traveler
AiiNKKaniK to pupular demand the
Kansas City, Wyamlotte A North west
ern ratlnawl hss redoes! lie iaaaenger
rate to two rents per mile. Passenger
will save money by purchasing ticket
over thl line.
Atrarr a yeu wester tbe dlvaculllee ef
life, new owes arise k demaad nr altea-
Brnnte Chaavea af
feather reuse
mere effartual
threat Disease. There la no
remedy for Cough. Colds, rtn.. thaa
Haoes's MsostnuLTaotaaa. V4e,Wa
hum. PrloeiActa
A tacat wan a man waa marries a
widow whoa Brat bushaad waa mean te
!-aMts IDectrlo Rnap eVste aet chap the
bands, heiag trfit aura. Many people
sJUeted wHh Melt Rheum bsve area cured
by Ha aae. Preserves aad whltaea ciettea
ttava yaur grooer uraar it aad Uf It ew,
Ima'T fret arer yver trtals. The mere a
plea af aeup 1 swrreg Ue cswter it a
aaaiea.--aVatoa Transcript.
Have sv SHual aea pretext end pnelU re
rare for elrh teiarh, hillousMea, ou
patlne. pala In lh skts, aad all liver trouh
tea. Carter's UlUvUvtrPUU, Irythess.
Taa good ie yosag. but It I the ced.
who Uvs to he wfcaed, whs twprxire tAe
fVia yonr cough with llaie'a Iloawy ef
MrtHur tm4 Tsr
rthe's Tuutaswae UrtiaCureln eneavUiats.
Haaaar 4 ymaterds; . det-lee not U dsy
depb aut ee tomorrvw Tesas HirUia
A eox wind metrhca fre te sanber of
TseslU's Puarh" ae. Ctr,
k airaaL in the land heat twa la tbe
ak. 9. U rVayuaa.
Plaosmrn at cured ay frenmat email
stosee ef Pise's Care for OeaaempUea.
sseejsu, rare i
mmr1ti. sV b s isie
tmA sVaaAfaSs M . .- -j
hllViiseta4hntMn7 I ZmZl
m eesrwg t. I asel laeunssiii is
iimmi mim BfjKmmmHm sw,
e Wee'aeeeeefr,
far aaWysTeat ttXft&3
Af bstmsswa see brat
" t i. amssm., u a.
! tSMvvmsaf I smwevHawssaaUhasr I
lni-i rtimiilniii ruiKiiiii
U JW r-
Tills It pMltlcm im any Umlly, ami we hesitate In gtrvt tny
!viciv. Thtt babiea nre tweai, mm mailer wliat iiamea you tjUe to
thn lrr, ltltlo Uilngs, Tin re afW gom otbet little lbbfs tbnl Kave
name, am) our yoti will 4 veil to War In tttlml. Dr. I'icrreSt
llraaanl Purgative I'rUeta atv llllto till lively. 'Hiry lv Mot gti?
ymi llit olil-tltne, ctiormoua .llla An, 'IVy are ewafiswlrtl,
I'leiuant to taVe anJ ! their woik iiilrly, clranln(f the tHiwels,
tho llvrr niul the IiIcnxI preventing UUraae, reettilla; heatlk aMtl
working wtMi.lcra, '.'ft wnla vial, hy tlrttgUu.
,... ism -j. , v ijj
For ' run . down," d.IHsled and
overworked women, llr. lWrr)M V
rofile reecrlptioh U tba beej af alt
restaraUve ton Ira. Ilhi pateMl
rile for all those Chmnki Veah
nd IMaeasat peculiar In Waiaawi a
powrrful. general aa well a uterine,
toale awl wsnbse, II lmtri ;tgr
ami atrrugib la I he whole system. If
I tOtsTsg
J jlBHsV UsU Bntaat
aammaal HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmssmmmmmmaaW ammmwTM AAAaaZ
ammmV ammmmmmmmmStfmmVamsLLLLL, mWW WIMV
W WW liMiiamTit;
W mV a ..uaEf i inn ,
plana MrMRlif m9m lUTAanM,-.. tM a ae.
fUnTinUem A fSZ K
A nets as,
Ma4 (awtart, momt
JKmM M.SttrM. m I
asaw- jmjm v aasvaramd
awvai aF (s ues rt
MA M A.. ... te. m
4Wd sUaUh, faAat, Wrt
W, MAKKit at .
u u sia.
No Chemical
m Mt t a fMss set
mm Mas tt
um aw a kjaa&AHa HuttaaacLa
esmi am p tawsewwa mswv'awssmj
i l
ell be sleo v
ammmPevfe attesea
awtA alB imwi'f saw
javjSK. a'
I ays W t ai eg
tl' $ CUNS
aw m aBrasav 1 m ataasaasa ggaaaavaahaVaah akeavA
I sfbjg4vM7 m rmrw tmwr,7w'wu
I VajfC A tt Vft!!3 At-
W r I hsxal W&4 ebwa fP rW&'Q
if J I IB i'WMtMj
l sAViB 1-3 msU tfav asmHMsMsMseV
Vn. W AW "& tEm!3?
2r -- gassMatrf.awa
sswseeau . a. iesaiau:a weeJaaea, wway isj.i whWhUIiSsi mswuswsWs
TeM NBjWMtVie Jll OtiAsfltfJ sPrewai'elSiWVf XjmT
3fM a.!. eSmV m iaHaHaaaBBaaIZ!aTWaaA a. - - &9!9'VEiWB
BssvBAVsBgsr W BatVs tns- m. sBaBw Ba At aBBBBBBBBBBBABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aMtatBaataaWtt aaaav " -
attmaltmULOi MJ llalllllllllllmlBlBa'ISLP1 SLM
nnnaaaaaam aiannna1 stsannm asasVasasHsaaa asasaV. at W asasasasasasasasasasasasBBasasasasar asasasasasVar aaasasasasasasasaT amaaamat asaav.awKaaa avss-a KssaasK
w" ww rxwr aBKBam T aw aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfaafBBBBPafr awlaaBBBBHBaBSmmxBa ""we vVwHaVB BaVV sHamVa
kj aaaml -s fawaaa a jBkaagm f. aV L 4 JB7 BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBJBaBaT Aj ammmrTBmTr smmmmmmmmmmmmm faatwat ammb amnawamw smw aaamYaS
Ami saaaam aaaataf aamT amamb aatbstaaa aaaaV s&HlfjlHtBmmmmmmmmWHaaf Pr99fwtiQ sfcaaVxsmams am VaTxs anamrfsll
0mm mm$mmmmtm9 turn KBt9m T''r
aVBJBaaaam (aammmmmmf ammamm amaaati vfjaaa BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBa B-Bt-2JB?wxBW1FPBJ2BB-P'le xW IsTeamw MwsWswamK
iixar j. k. atflt-3eptrrBjaWf,,
ptviptly curve rat arm ef etuaasrb,
lisuera. Imllgeslhia, l-hnillee, e
b.h, nervous Hoelislht, drldilly aiel
Itrplessnrsa, In vltbet set, ratf
lull) eotiiieuieM by su rsrilitrd
.htrlnn snd adapted to wotnsnVi iWI.
rale niganUellon, I'urtlf rg(Ma
im erfrtly hamles In tor restdtlbai
of he ).m, l I tbe eaily atedwiaa
fur wottven, n.ld h druggltts, aasief
paalllte gwaraatee af asHafaHmw ha
every case, er isrwe ifl.tal) tfHed.
Tbl guarantee hss len prlnled oi W
Hitle.wraH)ar, and ealthfully retried
out fer Wiser srars,
WiHlii(llrNMM MllMftt. A.
amuiHin. Pfvnrirlera, Hn, m9 Main
fttirel. Ilun.lo. S, V
ltT7rTi ti L wtea
rsftsa. Pa.
rf f Wt Swt
fammatl VsmmmV staaata.
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Sad rtvtit of wtwtun in tytrv
&Jtww(t to t JrW
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MwIhwh wr ca tndsl Mtnpet
kl M1 a alaatsttLvW aTwsat ataetrtw AaaVal
SltexufC whKfd.HrK. SIJ
hvf our wt'tt terms mert
- itlxtal 0m crf tKnirr,
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-a ifviniHiii viaitsver, sa.
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aaaawaa , rwMtueiferb,y 4mm
er WssAat,
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aee eee ar as
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Vtfrt jar n -eaasea awiaw
mmam 0mm , turn, Am
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mBBBBrmBBBaak easwwe"1 warameaxee sejw sseemwasseamrai mwfamga
raWrWA-. sMesssesvasWe.
a, aMWaram IMtti
A. H H,a
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- - -r - ;rtr.
r'aw'sf VBAeM IN) VsfMtWvfl INNI
kkfl I IkU sannnaT annaBI
MAtH MtlN srOtilttfl tMA?Ub"MK
-var jfbcAsw arjr Jimmsvft'gim
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ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmsw JZLZflUBT
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baw aaa aax man. saaav I fj jKHt
ase nM wmsw
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KsbamCm ammaTaut AwM " awmaatvaat ) tuasaamm aVrnfabaS.
saart e ee r aT m aas waamajaA
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mar ammmfVaT saaamawmaammMa ammwxesasammmmmmmWmmmmmmm
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a ma as wewseew, tsWssdwsmaa4
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