M'fc r - 4t(' 4 a i lu 4W ' ' A. C MWABJEM, arartalae at tka foal Offira In kl Clnutl. !. M mall mailer ot la erromi elaw. ffil 1 POWDER Absolutely Pur. TtiUiwwiIrr bevef tmwtler acrer varum, Manrt of intr lb ami wboleMtnietieu. more eeonomlfal Iren Uianthe. PlUt oeainary Kind attiieamiot I old In weight alum or biilii petlon wlttiUi aiulllluilea ol low trt tiort (ht alum or ibmilial imwdor. hold oulv nrani KOYAI. IIAKI.NttroWllRKCO. lot Walt street. N, V. :v. CITY CLATTER. Maslled kyear Alert Mcaamr. aad rraaared far War Headers. The largeat aasortmcat of rocking chaim at Taylors. Peyo old 29,7!H cigsr last year, good good lid it. Tko 0. A. 11. folk held a veiy in ter sting campfire last Monday ni;ht. Oil cake, coaditiun powders, ncats- foot and haraess oil at Deyo's. Col. Gage of Franklin and Mr. Cook of Orleaaa were in the city Monday. vVe understand, that McKeeby ia goiag to Utah to live. Utah hu our sympathy. Mr. Price and wifo of St, Francis Kansas, were visitinr at F. V. Tay lor thU week. Look for our line of nobby erushcre that we shall show you noon. Be no A Gai.uhiia We advise oar readers to go to Peyo'e for wall paper, a ke has a new stock and new styles. Don't forget the grand calico ball given by the Fire department en the 14tb. A good time cipeeted. ' Oliver MoCall has sold hia interest in the Naponeo mills and will return to ltcd Cloud to live in a few weeks. Kverythinir in jeans goods at carv ed prices. Kabbit brand warranted panM at 91. IIkkii & Gamjhiia. A good Norman stallion, aged 4yrs. for sale on eisy terms, inquire of K. L. Smith, at 4th avenue barber shop. Mr. M.J. Richmond, formely of this place and a relative of Hoy Hutekisoa, died in Kansas the other day. With MeKceby on one side and his friend, Joe libit om's jscksss, on the ether, wa are in between tao very dangerous (?) ires. Featjerlv A Aultt are still selling vinegar and trantalar juice. Call and see them. Clnod cider vinegar for lift ceataper gallon Wfcea ia town look at the liae of Meae, Boya aad Childreas foods Oppaeit I'ott office. We have some grabaias for yoa that will interest yoa Mr no A Gamsiia. Poa't worry iboat The Cmtr, Kl- der.ilwill live. Better be looking al for the money you hate sunk oa tka kig 8 sheet. The monthly short ages and the bg tlSOO mortgsjre may swamp yoa. Oar old and esteemed friend, lr. Baird, who for many jeare was a trominent dentist in this city until ia health failed, will rctarn to this city ana locate l.i about thirty da)s. We art glad to hear of his detcrmiaa tiea to earn kick to this ciiy. Mr.aa4Mrs.O o Ifiadtay frava a ra aepliaa at tka Maaoaie haU Ul vawlag MB hawwr ef ta departarc of HJae Faaliae laety, 4 Ik ITtkkirtkday of Mats Car Clear. After aa ajyakte areata, lay adjearaed to Ik raaMaaea of afr.MaaWi waaraaaataffaataappar waa aarvaal. A gami IWM waa raperUd Ij aL P. Ja oae of Red Cla4'a ae4 ealorpfisiag citUeas left tkia week far iko mat west where ke will leeaU aaoa. Mr. Jeaea is a good eitiaea ia apt Mly aad aaaav of the tatorpriaea ia ka acta ia KclCWad art da to kit a4ak a4 taargy. T Caur will kw aarry aa lata kim aad kU eaUmabtt faaaUj frata thia tity. Taa Jeraty Lilly raara tkia weak. Tto MUla raw rag di.pUvW kafara his Wv iaa attira ia aar last uaw, dial t wark. Q giv yaaraelf credit KMerwitk kaiag afaol agaia, rtvaraad ctailamaa (till Isulr ae - as8g aatwdt will kra km kaads fall lookJaaaUer marakal a a til afttff lag aflat kU liul laek (of weekly jTkt prearat aawaril haa wata fateiy aatartaftr) sad tka payatewt af tiwt'reemiJasrag tka paot year, awl fflaww martgaga aw tka tepaalea! w areia kaaaa that kky will oiM tf ka ataewd aaritily ta kaaiaras. tallaw awt tka afa. , SPLHTIRS talker Dp ay rkll MaaarUra la) Aad Aaaai the Cllr awd) Caawty. Kara to rtat. 0. W. Barker. Morhart for cheap tlaware. lYicea ciear uowb. The n. A. M, paid 19000 into Ihc coitatj treasary thia week. K i ! r jr A'kinsonof Kearaey, is vis iting ! uncle, Anderson Hedge tkia week. If you want job work cheat, and Ike beit material ucd. call at Tiu Clllir omcc. Knot Johnson of Indiana, a hrather of Mrs. T. C. Ilaeker waa in tht city mia weea. Sylvester Ludlow hu beea give an incresse of pension hy the go vera ment Hood. Anderson Hedge and J.' S. rock add their names to the Family Weekly for 181U. Moth- Great Hiram Hicks of Haigter, Nebrasks, adds his name to to the Groat Family Weekly for 18!0. Thinks, The council of administration of the district soldiers reaaioa organisa tion aiet in thia eity Moaday. Job work at thia office cheaper than any one. for fine quality of goods anu in a workmanlike manner. Go and set Morhart . He ia tailing Hardware way dowa. The rrieta knocked clear oat of tinware, ate. tf Wv shall have everything ia spring nsts soon. ait for laem. IIrru AGai.usiia. Morhart the hardware maa ia up in arms and ia selling hardware al almost coat. Ho is knocking the bottom out of pricea. Com at oaea. tf When you atiek a hog he alwaya squeals. Did you hear McKeeby aad Chollcs Cathar squeal in their little i!x4 after dark daily tkia wttk. Wa shall ahow you the largeat line of noveltiea ia children' Windsors and Helmets, you ever saw, in a few days. liiaci A Gamjsiia. J. M. Chafin, Heary Maurer, Kliaa Goble, Charley Ucigle, Will Mitchell aad J. F. Winter add their aamea to the Great Family for 1890, Taaaks. This week Miss Maggie Cbapmaa haa beea iadustriously eireulatiag among oar buaiaes maa solirJUag advertising fur a mathematical chart If you have aot bought a heavy auit or over coat yet, yea will bo the winner to the amount of about $5.00, if you will eall oa Berg A Galasha and buy one now, la this issae we commence the pub lication of one of the moat interesting eoatiuuod atoriea that it haa beea oar pleasure to publish; entitle 1 "Cleo patra." Head it. M. It. Bcatley aad wife go to Hot Spring. Arkansas aeit week where Mr. II. is heavily latarrsted ia mlaing enterprises, lit reeaived a telegram this week to corneal oae. Daisy Stoddard tkt litl'e oratorical wonder, held the boarda at the opera house last Friday night to a large au dience. She is a aueeess and Na braakane should feci pruad of Ler. The residence of Villa Patterson waa burglarised oa Saturday afleraooa of about ." dollar worth of jewelry Several parties art saspeetad bat na arrest have beea mad up to pratent. For the ajxt two months wo ehall sell all winter goods a price arrer be fore: known or heard of. Several, linva ol kouJ will b cloead ml with out regard to cost. BaauA Gam.'PN C. Wiener I eaves for Cklesgo aad New York ike Irst of the week wktre he goes for the purpose of nwviai kit larga line of spring aad tammer clothing. Ha will also Wring with him a first elsas cutter far hia tailor ing department. The big 8 editor (7) ia vary mueh rsercised about the piialiag steal, all iircause he didn't get the printing. He mjb if at don't grt it we'll die Good, thaa we'll die, bat while we arc djiag, Kldrr, yoa will get a glimpse of the salphune streets ef hadea. The Chriatiaa chareh will U ddi cated to the atviee of God, February If,. Rtr. F. M. Raias, ofteiatiag. Morning aerviee 10.39 a. as., ehil dren'a meotiag 3 a. m., eommaaioa 4 p. m eveaiag aervita 7:341 p. m. A spriag mtdieia l aeoded by a vary oat. Wiattr fead, largely aati istiag tf salt meat aad aaiaul fata, eaaata the liver U beeoaLt dieorderad aad the hleod impart, kat tkt aa eeasity ef eleaasiag saedleiae, Ayar partapaiiiM ia ta aaat. "Ayer'f Chairy rartal ha givea sm graat relief (a brtarhiti. WrU- la a aoath I have aaat aaaaa af tkia areparatiaa ta a fritad aaf arlwf fraai krsaekiti aad aatkma. It aa 4a kim aa aaark gaad ka wrilaa far asata bibb arara ajaaa a wnia aar aaava Ck. f. DaU., M,m, laad. Marshal Ikiakla kaviaw rasiral Tktktettf fa aawwitaaataptaat I: lTha eity aaeut will Yes HlJtr (MeKaeby) if w had kad NaleaaVe asoaay aad year gall, w woatd kavt beea wealthy loag ago aad bo trouble lo pay dekta. Cleans the scala ftom scurf and daadruff; keep the hair soft aad of a natural tolor by tat use or nan s Vegetable Silliaa Hair Keaewtr. Will Mltchtll of Orleaaa waa ia the city this week visiting relatives. Will ia a good fellow and we are pleased to know that ktls prospering. The neit entertainment to be given by the ladle of the First Coagrea tioaal church, will take p!aee, Febru ary S8lh. "Aa eveaiag with Art," Y. M. 0. A. kail. Frank l'otter, foreman of thU office for the past eight months hss resigned his position to accept the same poti tioa ia an Omaha office. Frank is good hsnd and we wish him prosperity. A news stand is an accommodation to maay people. Deyo'a aews aland ahould'havt a belter support. If you wish to sakseribe for any paper you should do so through Deya aad sup port home business. Tub Cmtr is today and alwaya haa beea tf favor of the atrletest economy in county affair, aa far as it was con sistcat with the welfare of hrr citl. teas. W do aot bel icve in eslrara gance ia any part of the county gov ernmenl. However as far as the county priatiag steal goes, we will say that it is a decided fata economy to lake the priatiag oat of tht coaaty aad give it ta outside partiea. That ia not economy. McKeeby, having willfully lieil about the letting of the bida, we Ind it necessary to say that in no case eaa aay editor buy 100 blanks for 35c of any house, and fur thermore could aot set up and print at home, one of the blank far less than II. 50 to 12.50. aad in maay in stance twice a much. There I no use of a maa perjuriag himself because h did not get the county printing. Wt art wilting for any man to eall al tur offie aad aiamint the price w hava to pay for klaak at wholesale. Com la aad see for yourselves. e4 rtaaA aea Maatnaaa. Daring the last year ending Janu ary 1, tka II. A M. received aad ship' ed away from thia stall on the follow. ag number of car. mEIIIMT UECIIVII. pan . . . . , $ . t i .... . ... sia ia. luiailirr,, ,...., t. . .,.. ., M Cfial...., ill ' MlartUaawnu, . . Ian " TaUl . ,. ., Ml ' ritiiiiiir rnawABiiEii. aiiirk bliil , ,, imok, Ji , ... it (Intln .... ,,,,,. ...... ... "t " Mlrllaarii)i ,. , .,, ,. as TMal... . , .. - These two added together made a graad total of 699 for the year I8H!. This shows a immencn busmeas for Rod Cloud when you take into ron sideratlon that tnt times for th last year have been hard aad agricultural produet scarce. Neit year the ship ments will bo far in eireta of tba above. Throuch the rourtrsy of the II. A M. offieiala w hava beea rr mittad to aat the fgurra for fablioa- tioa i H rrlaa far Mala. We always had good deal of ryrn. palhy tor the poo shiftless jck-ol all. trades who is trying lo edit the orgsn of the big 8, but when he seat forth that pitiful, heart rendering wall tat week, tailing on tht good patiple of lltd Claud and vicinity for aiiitlanre to help him keep the pwt wrakly creature (of eod'ty contention and disturhaarc) alive, we were affect ad htyead description, It sounded as mack like tke nng of tk dying waa that weeoatda't help it. W did feel badly, Wt thaaght of law lonely wt woald b whea the poor iking dies It makes as fel Matk Twain did wkea kt stood by tht grava of Adam, aad likt he, w drorixd a plaintive tear 1 1 ii im Wt must kaiff stirred tke Jeney Lilly aad his kelprr, Cbotlee Cathar ap in great shspa last wrete..e haa devoted most ef his daily i to l'oor Little Hctmer" tkia week. McKeeby dea't Ilka U be told ef hla oalregtoai koaaNa ia Wekater eoaa ty, aad it make Ckollc Catker' hide Urn blaa with rage to kt esfoetd. The C'Hiar raa'i kelp it however, aad tapewt larm we maai. The riwa ty eaa ataad 3v (1) per rent murk battartkaa Aagaai I'mataff, y Haary Taagat t Krie Kriaaaa sad aeasetaa ar twa kaadrad patrfal law aaa wko kav kea virtaafty made Epara ay tha MaatVaakara wk kavt 4d af thaaa fay tkair laat dollar. ! weaatr we kavt aaat wttk their awaira pailtiaa, aay aaaa wawhj visa had taaaaarag ta rapaaa tkedr fckh- awtwmfffiBy aTpjfwwJ"J af ffiffiffv pBujrT f 9aTaatTPal Talk akwat gawd tftMtaj. faaaMai aajaaw ewmaa w wwaaa uat tawr lastfeato, aawtkaa aU yaw aad al aaVwfaWwl , afaWaMsMf f Vflkal WKk aaa M pay aay aaaaa aaansT r. I rtj -.i-.-- ',, . m ZiJ m far re awvwat a sjaaffal ia 9m; simmsallt far, toMavaaaa a rae- aaL A raBadaawa taaaMaaiaai -i- ww aaa w aMmavawarwBBw arwajrwaKajyajaarawaBaa avWawspajp akaaa fessaw aaw aawaar ar kstev ikwy wiaitamryaMaaarta. Wa fcara a wa far taajsja aad ar bwsm U at' aaaa fraaa kiwiaaiag U rd, a w skrtw AVwa tk gaaaiaH sad WaJuTai aW lffi2f B sWartaWpai Attar lata waah, Ta Canar, pmpaae M .). a far a II t saatetneO. IM laating Jaaallkg, aataaa l U Impeaaw apeaay otaeta, Wa Aaat 4a tKU hasaaas wa are vaaaUkait, at aaythmc of that atad. eat ef 4fraia t (a aaat h tatatlt of tUj aadewaatf. Wa' VsmtMUvarnsav An lm)wttaiit Aieaevar j, TUay aet m tWa llvat, stoatae) aa4 aetata tkrvHaja the aatvea. A aaw axtaetH ! rMy earaMllaaaasas U4 UK Mrll tlvar, yktaa a4 sa4patta. jalsaitd fat man. axnaaa saJ aMaVaja, maWasl, mIMaal, iraat. m Aaaaa fae H . RaawfJaa fraa at t t. Catllaf, Caleadarial eatertaiameal . Cm aad see fer, yeursehea aad tajoy all in loveimjst or the arraiaaa laAafaaaa. 1 lie vai amaaat of latter pifwtsa4 f tha heat i lit feapl all aatttAas at -the ImhIj af jtia alih twj U aot gtaMraMy a.n. It Ut'i (kn tlmaa. aad tataaa tha Uoottat ttsa ralof las anltaa a tiav, anieri I ,i.ivwit umi aa4 MVa,aa mil la a lit time. No wa4a liter era aomauy IIKAUT rAll.tlRRH. Tke (at arenpktma aiak4ttaaaa tf arrala t.aa aiaieitlnKipola ta tha U or atoataek, rttleilha?,eHBlbt lu lbnMl, npprela then follow ae, Kaa or amothaiiag pelU, aamida klas ate. t. rieaalla Mllee'SawRaiarCVaela tb.oalt iIUM ramadr, ftojj by C, ltMtlaa. At the Calendarial entertalnmtnt February '.'5th, supper will be setvad at the December twlh frxtia ll to It 1' M. All are cordially la Had. ASUalf9aaa Ia.l Mi. ,A. Uaraaae, of ViatU.la4, IheJ lao tkoaaaaa yeara aa ha waalJ haatwr) taoagM a a iiiiisssl ay avtl ylrila. Uka waa aatijaat la aatnaae trattoaa kaaAaati, alaataaa. aaakaaka, ialpllatlaaaaa fotty t. tfty eaaaM a Jay, Tkmk kaviag aaaa Iraalaw ay alghl phytleiaa for yaara wltaoal aaaeaaa he aaa pafaaaaaatly aaraibs aa kattta af Pi. Mllaa Hilar Ilea Nar viae A lital iNittlaof tkl aaa aad aacaat fat matialaa aad a Naaly Hlaatratad traall free al I). I. Oottinar tr Biota, ana ttewmmaad and Karaala It. llemvuibar tha Caleadarial ear tainment February II, to ke gtvsn by the Ladlee' Aid Haeiely of tka M. K. church. A arroa or raps aaaaa Mat Ufa. It aa Jaat aa ardiaary aerap af wrap lla r-anar, l.al It aarad her ttffaa, Kka aa ta Ik it atagaa af aaaaampttaa, laid ky pkyslaiaa that ak aaa taaarakta aadaaatd aat live aaty a aaat Masai aaa walakad taa thaa aavaaty paaada, Oa a plawa of wrajtalsHf papat aha road af Ue Klag'a Maw Dtwwvary. aad gat a aamsa Iwlti; It kalpad aar, ska teaaghl a larga aattlai II kaiaad kar mafa, aaagkt aaatS ar aad grow aaitat faat, aaaUaaad It aa and U aow Strang, kaattky, ray, H! Walgklag l psaada, fkr fari partlaa araaeadataaiplnW, M t3ata, draggte, roil Hmllk Trial ktMlta ml tkl waa datfat dlaemveiy fraa at Heary tWfc'e drag atata a Thr Chautauqua elrel will meet with Mrs. Ch. Kale; aw Moaday February 10th, al 7 p. at. sharp. Tha foltowlag I the pyagran for tka evea I, IMIrall VaWatia rf 7 t41l l)4Mi4ul .awair, a. 1 1 a. man. , Hiotek tkaOivta i. kr nrikiina -"11 in Ike UeiWavr't ItaaaMef," Tui)m. 0 Hi VI mimn. iiuiot,ii. mhiit4 iaat 4J mi, I'f Ml, r. Ol ' mt m ThU I altat yaa aawkl la kavt, ta faat, vnu mt kava II, l fatly aajfay Ufa. TkaaMad a aaaraklag It H dajy , aad aanaraiaa t sssaia Skey Bad M aw. 1 aaaa aad a pan tkwwaada if daMat are aaaal aaaaaliy ty aar ppt N Ik kopa Ikal Ikay fMtt attain lata Imaa, aad yat ll aaay ka had fcy all. Wa aaaraat Ikal a III kit tat, If aad aaaaedlag aa dire llaa and tka a pat4sl la, was kflag ya auvd dlKltoM aad el Ik diaaaa dfyia aad iatlall laHaad avapy, Wa raewatmaad UHi kltlata far die fjiU aad N dl f lltat, aaiaaai aaifeUa!. Roldet an, aad flavyf at) .lie oy ffaary &mk, dragat 4 The ladles of tke Chrittisa Uuk will giv aa eyaier supper tkl eveaiag ia Heary Caok'e star tmm a 4tk Aveaaa. Mapper will kt atrvad to thoae aat alshiag aysterr All se CvrdUlly laviled. A iwalltMMl eaAaataa U tear mnattma I i Wmfk,V M i in r aiM U aaaaawfi K.I4, MUM !, t4 U eielt'r daeaf'.aw l lki UtiHlM I lk MMaV M Ma.4iit ', ih aa omiw h ewar teeff i'rt, ayrar'aiM aar fiHr rim$Utn- (til irtMNti rtttla Mtxr laaa l .aVv ea4r tka aaa iWvitui tt Mtrt ( ki Motatit ae4M. C l.twvf !), laraasM, rasa aAi.it. Tka Vaara) farm tdjaaaiag ta aawa af aaWmaaaal Iwffij waaa laaaVajg aaJI aTawP aVVfsffis tv maaw ffiMj A tka krt faeaa la taa alter aad was a aid at a aaegaia aad aw aay taraa4 Par aarttcaaar adaraas, wr. K.J, VaaMtL All fanaar UUraatml la haidiaf a frmr iaatltata ia IU4 Clawd, art raajaaatsd t aaatft ia Jaigw Trakt' affieo Feb, llkh, atl a'ehaak. - Wkaa yaa aaad Bay a aiatai BwAAaaaBBBlai am AaaaaAB . rs:ci A Card to the Public ATtejw aask aaa aw at a aaaaa af i. L. fcaaay way araaamilwamts. fBstf aajaaaaasasajasiaai saaawwaaes .aaaiaraa..a4Maaa 4, U BaUadak Amaw laamma aaaaa dBBBMBaal BUM AagakfJ aatmaail aaaaaW aMsal umw MBuaam aaaaw gamamaai aarjy amamajBaam tgaaa1 MJMBaV 90f0mWffMt909mjfff9ttf99ttKmWffp wf a,a WHsVawll saVfTgf aTdavaafAfffdJ tV MaWawafafJ igaV BfLaad Saa5afUma. aaaT, uimtit pjii. o.tWaACa, I ' At cost! C. Wiener, THE CLOTHIEH, j III ninlrr ifv-tm (tr ttur vilo i'. tu!ll A ....,.. .,.,..,, ,,,, xiiimi kir- UV VIIS JWSI i all of Women, and Children's shoes At out. Aa Alt ttni Itii.iiotimtmt to iMtynnt. w will arJw . J&ti Uittln of tin onMtrftM ;ilt K1k Slum llrvtaditaf Cnii to nvury inirvjligavr of I'J.ftO of uNivo mnnl If you rmtt Kimtl nhisrai rhoaj., now la your tlrtiit. C. RED CLOUD. Hacker & THE GROCERs KED CI)UD, NEB. Off Tllat MaaamtlfasmsT PIBLBu www" uVBj) WlawsyaWlJsfJ alfJMaVa taVaaVaffwamw aaiaBBaaaBBAaaaamaBt affiaffiw gkkAABB,. - A w'afaArJ "A.1guawLwyywaww aji WMistaaaajisaaiaj mwwm ""''"alaTa " ?iy,gf&..2'1 .g'! .9. . wajAarIrtasM ii I nM saw aaaVd Iff slsTaaaiBaaWaaaiiaa waa "vawUaaw uapawBBjBBjjajywy ssj IBJ 0W19BvBM191JvB slfATsaWlMa aWawsaaW ClffiMT saWWaaKI - avaayaawamBmmaawwswswjswaswaaw awaswasyaa aaw awm aWawaaMaaa a aaJM aaWaltVas. ajagaj. aaaUaaBmaA AV AmaV. FEED COOKERS, It I tilt bMt mH)kmI iiivsftttrvt fur r4tlK I"" (' & ttiftt m:Umtm tout yt ftinHiM YfiH caw fttM yuair Uxk twicw av tut by t) jr, (Vvltr, CJamll tffid j it at my aitw. A. MORHART, Agt. Red Cloud TTTrrrasressBEsassa! CITY BAKERY Restaurant amp Luy.cn Rooms Oyster and lee Mealm A Lunclien T Wm mhmtrmk wtavytUy lytwaamn, Mr IWI, lungk j urn WmA.Xkmtrim Bm,. Boariling ind fodging by flay or week. JOG UEBBUUGEB, At cost! c' our Misses WIENER, WYMORE a.4)k 7J' rf4av -s Parker, .iijhpbA "e"-W " waaaww BJ aaaajaji Cook8 Pi Every Farmer In Wt4sar Ami sv!Lvmt umm m lnmU ipi urn ti Hum Celebrate 1 Economical Cream in Seaiton. F! II Jf ,. Wl ,i" .1 VfeflR 3 ' 'WS'H ' '.:' '$ ' A $ VJM j 'jrc y X ,f . jki,' V 'fa kb- " ,n