The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 07, 1890, Image 4

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fMt " '' -"rvrm "11.
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4:A' .
yn ,
rf j-y .as
l d
,;-:i::i.0rTWwr la veele aa tie nil-
:.-.;' Ml kUlM hUl atata M tka fraUht
Kft&aaeaama Tin aaa i a ef inuMtitdM
J a& aevlan: Mk to Briniaavat eke acce
nt riMUWtaeawverBMkaa lakaw tka
$ i BtatWlare Butane's.
We will Jae any far tae eallHtiea
tf B ttimtHrmtimfomj cava
ae wnv, tkal Tiib Citiir Ii aeertllv
U favef of aa laveeMiatrtt, (if
IHC CtwUV eMUM to teat ft BCC
IWIIMIN) of the Mtltf trees-
arere etatri. Alse, that Mr. MeNItt
aeeirce it, alse that hit f ritiii eetire
the aaae thing if for ao other roNa
thaa to Breve that Kldr MeKeebv
has wtlfalla Hen aboet Mr. McHItt,
Talk aaont the printing steel ei
.avagaaee, nan right oa top of that
MeKeehy waata aa cipcrt at oight or
tea delists a day to eiaalao NeNitt'a
books far shortages, whta ho abee
tcl kaowa that they aro all right.
That would be eeoatnay with a veage
act. An eiperts) services woald
eMt Webster ooaatj froai $1,500 to
$2,500. His cries of Frand, oto. aro
all for political bunoonke. Then it
not oae honest motive ia hie body or
those who aro back of hiai : However
TniOmir woald aot kiek agaiaat
theesaaiaatioB, If really deiired by
tbe people.
That poor, contemptible hypoerit of
tbe Hlao HH1 Times, tries to say a few
bum, diskoaorablo thiags aboat this
Kspcr. For ansa who professes lo
ye oaibraeed ehristiaaity, ha Is the
thiaeat epeolnien wo over saw. His
gall aarpasses his religious habits oae
to tea. He wanted the board of en-
Crvisors to give him $50 for publish
a the proceedings, aad made the
mild snggcstion that if the board
woald give him tbe tax list, whiek
would aatoant to $450, he would priat
the nroeeediags free provided the
board woald make him the ofleial pa-
eir. How very ooasiderato ia Mr.
an. Most aay oae woald have
keea glad to have doao likewise. Mr.
Harris very modest, ia faet tha whole
Burr family la troabled that way,evea
Aaroa Barrwas
8poakor Reed of tke house of rep-
reseatatives. is knocking oat the dem-J
oerata la goood shape. It ass beea
tko auatom of tko demooratio oartv
to lllibvster aad obstraet the bailaesa
of tha hoase for years, ualess they
were la the majority. Uader tko old
rullai oi the bouso a member eoald
ait la his seat, aad by a persisteat
Mtiaro to aaswcr to bis aama aa
, r eoald bo eoaated abeeat, thus obstraet
lag tha busiaosa of tko bouta at will .
8poakef Rood plaoea a differoat eoa-
atraetioa oa tka eohstitutioa aad
koMs tkat if a membar ia ia his Mat,
-.waothor votiaier ae. tkatlasaloiaat
ad tkat'lt ia no fault of tbe others If
be falls to ozoroiM hia ptivlleKo
vTkdBoersta do aot like the new
order of thiaga aad are kowllag lusti-
' ly that Iris re volutioa, eta,, beesuse
K ,tae speaker persists la doiag business
whoa, tko legal number for a quorum
are preaeatto traasaat it ia the striet
meaatag oftaoooaatUutioB.
At last tha Jersey Lilly savs that
( ha will explaia away that $237 bonus
that ka took from poor Augast Pior-
satoffwkea ha made him a lota of
$100$ of Mr. Naleom'a moaav. Good.
Also, please explaia how the loan was
dispose of to Mr. V. JS. JaoksoB
' Bold to the Red ,Cload Natioaal
baak who were iaaoooBt parties.
xaete nine eipiaaattons oa yoar
pan, niuor, will be Bailed
with ley, as it is aot oftea tkat a maa
eaalivo pcaoeably ia a eommuaity
aad ropo people la so I ippaat a man
ner. Tka matter waa takoa iato court
and Mr. Maloom swore positively
that "Mr. MoKeoby did re
ceive the boaur of $237; that hn did
aot get it." This, alio, was tbe
statement of Mr. l'iersioff. Tbe mat
ter bears on its faco a very crooked
traasaclioB, an only to Mr. 1'ierstoff,
but to Mr. Maloom, whose money tbe
KIder waa losninu. If this Kldor can
explain those little disorepenoles wo
skall be blessed. At the mm tlmn it
would not be amis for C'holles Csther
to explaia seme of bis outrageous
nouns iraasaetioas, aow tor the ex
plaaatioas, Rider.
VJa rtoate an cjhiimc liri4J.
Tmb Cinar th aks t s hlih tm
x for the l)latrtoas(r) editor of the Re.
pubUoaa to lot up oa his abuse of our
oitlseas. Tbe evetlastiag karanaue
or bis. ex sicai aaa roaaery, and a
whole let of other flimsy asMritnna
alike attrac,ara be eomlag aauseatiag
to the fctoplu. It no doubt injures
tnaeiiya lawresis, aaa It is high
time taat hia agotiaUeal dsp trap
ww iv. mi ntni w piseo tae
rospoaaibillty oa as Is like tke balaaee
of his wholesale asaartioas, atUrly
raise. Till Ciiibp oipoaU U defeat!
itaalf vi its frieada agaiaat his
akfjfiva toagae, aad boga pardoa from
. ita friaads ror bvcb doiaa tkat Tke
foa are tkat tkroutk kis maekiaa.
UOMUoolddiNardaat alemeats of
earlier davs have becB braugkt to life
acalB. aad will ramala ao. aatil he ia
t -TLt " & . -- ' ' -
fsto- move if Deviao latorferaaeo or by
,a own vim, no mareaoo wnica.
mi mm jam .ouMbMiiii s.... . .
i?'i imw w mmrwmmmnw mwrnmofM naaiiva iu
Hannamiiiralkiiaa: f
f v,bC9tTinw,
"M. nl " "lJ.l'.' .
oaatprliBMi iMoroatlSHineeBa Vroaa
mi aoetioBHi or .so Conatt-t
There are three loads of Otto la
diaac oampad oa Xlm Crack at Am
bov. Tbot are haatla.
Mr. Will Holliday who kaa km
iek for a year with laag troable ia
haviag a vaty Nrloaa attack of la
JcaN Wilaoa. kaa aald kis farm
oae mile east of the creek, wo aro
eerryeekaaw tkoy will leave, al
thaagk tkay will toad tka. farm lata
cammcr aad tLea wa lose fwo of tko
boat aelchbrra, aad the Qaakar
eaarea two or its best workiag mem
bora. Tka vouaa mea aad beva of ike
crock arc kaallag a great deal of fan
BBBiiag aaa killing rabbit these long
moon-light ovcaiBgs. aad sometimes
a wolf, besides the snort ia huatln
aad killing wolves tkere is also a pro
It as Ed Jaoksoa waa paid $4 last
Saturday for tka oae ha killed.
Joshua Orabaker has had a bad
time with the grippe this week.
Tkowoatkcrhaa boca like spring
all this week, Thursday the thermom
etor stood 60 degrees above, at boob.
we are thiaking the groaad-bog will
see his shadow Saadav if this weath
er coatiavN.
Some of tke folks eanio toaether
Wednesday aad gave Charley Jack
son a birthday surprise Cake was
tberuliag edible He has enjoyed
the good thiags of this life 31 years.
may ne live inree times that long.
Mr. Orville Fraaec, formoly of
this plaoe bat bow of Smith ooanty
Kansas was up hera Thursday shak
ing hanks with old neighbors.
Siaoo the annals of time there has
aot been any one disease attacked as
maay people at oae time as
this universal la grippe wa hope this
is ita last round. Manitoba.
Miss Bertie Suiday
with frieada at Blue Hill.
Heary Boyd aad W. B. Household-
or both lost a tao yoaag horse last
Bart8impaoa aad wife of Dlac
Hill are the guests of James Bardea.
P. Byrne has goae to Kaaaas aad
teiooaiag after his stock oa kis farm.
W. IlaffauB has been coalacd
to the house daring the put week
with Iko grippe.
J. Kliao, tka aotod Loaisiaaa Lot
tery maa left last week to visit friends
la Dakota.
Miss Keller, who haa been livln
with her sister, has cone to Bine
8priags Nebr.
Miss Nellie Wotworc, of Blue Hill
is visitlBff atC. K. Hiok'a thia wmIc.
Heary Biro and Geo. Roberts start
ed today for a trip aeross tha moan
tains to the new state, Wsahington.
Miss RobortsoB, who eame hero
last summer for her health, and to
visit her brother, is lying very low
with lung tronble, her parents resid
ing in Illinois, wero sent for aad ar
rived bcro last Tuesday.
Rev. Maybe delivered a sermon at
tha Baptist ohuroh last 8uaday . The
Congregational pulpit was supplied
by Mrs. Comstoek of Rivertoa who
Ktve a very intercrtiug talk. Next
tiaaday evening she will deliver
sermca on "What inveatment will pay
the largest interest. Let every body
eorae out aad listen to a subject ia
which everyone should bo interested.
All aro eord tally invited ta attead.
Taoaa winning to pay their taxes,
ean do so with out taking three days
to go to Red Cloud, the books can be
round at A. V. Johasoa's.
We would like to Inform the Re-
BUDiioan taat J. u. frame doea not
represent this preeieat therefore it is
not necessary foi the Illadca peoph)
io van on mm in a dooj.
As it has been some time slnnn
have seen any thing from this part of
the Oarden of Kdon, eonoladed to add
our might. Qrippela grippe la grip
grippe up the creek down tko creek
Mr. Richardson and wife started oa
an extended trip east.
'there seems to be some troablo in
ine waggoner district, we have not
learned tha case but woald offer ibis
saggcstloa, that we as paresis uphold
the teacher more and our childrra
less, and see what tbe recall is.
Reports say that Mrs. No Cart a e?
nas mkcb a ooaracr.
Oae of 8. B. Viers karses was aer
iously eut oa the wire feaee 8uuday
noon, ii saia o. n. woaia nttsh up
i RutHi ana go io cnurcn, taey
woald aot bo so apt to get hart.
Fiae weather for this time of veer.
n Mr. C. K. White height a horse et
Ocorte Drake lut week.
News is searse, scared away by the
m Uwr.
, Mr. Friable, haa moved Iato the
bpardiaa; lease formely ooeupied by
Mr. WiUiama. r '
Mr, Harwead, has ma,ved to Guide
' John 8aladeB, kaatakaa tha pael
Mtho soatioa vacated by Mr.
Harwaad. ' v i
m. r,' W: Waty visiter at
Mr. J.Kmlekehfewdaysaga.
w. t Jiaarr istuta nn iem
Tka dance tka 29 iaoi waa grand
O. W. Baker kaa haa traded a teem
of two year old eolte la Mr. J. Lot
AmyatcrtM etraager pat la kia
appaaraaaa a tka homo ef Mr. Fred
FraN, a yoaag gtatiamaa of good
hspim neitncr caews, amoaac, or
driaks aay tkiac atrtaccr tkat milk.
kaa Bathing ta aay to aay oto and eaa't
ae arwvc awayererai of tha aknh
bora bavc called aa him. aay kc la
aotbedlceklag.eyouBg lady weald
kava beta mack mora datiraabla ta
Mn Fraaa'a famtry, kla wtlgkt act
ever li Iba, atatlrar aad child doiag
wen aaa rraa leaaa aaa.
Ot Nick.
Wa kava had aama verv cold
weather far a few weeks pact, bat bow
tae aaewta aeariy au geae aad farm
era will be able to latch gatkeriag
taeir oera.
Tkere are quite a aumbcr of cattle
dying yet by ruaaiag la the stalks.
Almost everybody kaa had tka la
grippe or kava it.
Mr. Kditer. aive as aaotker prob
lem for the farmsro. It has set some
of the farmers to thiakiag aad stady-
tag wast ia rortaeir laterest.
We tbiak Govoraor Thayer did a
good a tkiag la writing to tke differ
eat R. R. compaaies to redace
freights oa corn but will the R. It
eompaaies do that thiag.
There waa a literary orgaaiied at
Mt. Hope last Taeeday.
KveaiBK spclliaa: school ia IHst.
No. 00 every Wedaesday eveaiag.
Wa uaderstaad oar old friend
Henry Steffcna ia back in Nebraska.
Mr. Paasmore ia dowa with the
Wm. Barrett iaoa the sick list.
The Stefea boya have skcllcd a
great deal of com tkia fall aad wiatcr
and are still shclllag.
Mrs. Wm. 8kaw is vary sick, ake
kad tke la grippe whieh acttlcd oa
her laags causiag paeamoais, fever
aad the doctor gives ao hopes ef her
recovery. did.
Tha anow whiek made alclgkiag
for a few days is bow gone, aad the
roads are la a passable eoaditioa once
John Beauckamp Is able to be tut
agaia after aa illaess caused by la
Hon. Jas. Oilkam waa ia atten
dance at Pleasant Dale lyceam aad
argued agalast tke policy of tke Ua
ioa Labor platform. He by bis msa
ly aad worthy speech woa the ad
ministration of every one present,
and, wkile tbe aftrmativo was not
victorious, Mr. Uilbam s. speeeh was
far superior to tkat of his priaoiple
oppoaent who argued nothing but
pure democracy. 8. B. Lightfoot
was also prsent and by bis free talk
the knights had ao uso for him.
John Orsbota, started nut boldly
against the Knights in oar late debat,but
in inn eioning speti ne saiiaa la on a
elear give away, he said, Mr.hkKlyha
poke hia sentiments, he speak mostly
demooratio Mntlsaeat, In faet ha made
a very clever desaoeratle apeaeh. The
Jadgea ware democrats, and had tha down
ill pall on us, and we had to go.
fJnele Peter nannies ia much better.
C I rank's bogs stolen. The idea, he
said they died with some disease.
Tour correspondent that slgas Peter
haa bat little faith, ha can't walk oa tha
Why not start a paper this side of the
rltar, half of It comes from this side
Miss Lottie araueet showed where tha
KnighU of Labor Arst started, the foreign
mnaas waa aroaaau.
We wU! close for we hear that eight
teen or twenty have written thia week
from the aama place aad the aama thiag.
Ueus Kt as.
BBIMO due to the ptsasaea el aria
acid lathe Mood, U bmm effectually
eared by the aaa of Aycrt smnaaa
villa. Be ean yon get Ayvr's aad ao
ether, aad take It till the laaaoaa
acid la thoroughly espelMI from the
eystMH, We thallemje attcnUoa to thia
"AtJAHt tWA Vflkra mmm. mHrnr ii !
. .. . -?-Zz!: --vr
"LJ'W ,w. 7 . rheamatto
aont, betag able fo waJh only with great
discomfort. aad.aarTag trteil rartoas
reatedlee, Uiclttdliig miaeral waters,
wlthoat roller, I saw by aa advetMa.
nvent In a Chlcarm naaet thai r.
been faltered ol Qua dUtmalagoi
wmtmu aner icaf auaenag,
Am e araapSqia. I thaad
make a trial of thia aiedkiae,
decided tS
I. MBA tMfc
raattUtl fa Uht Mntttka. mA mm
pleased to ataw that It .has effected
rompletecttre. I baraslacehad acre.
12!? . dUeaae."-.lre. B. Irrlng
Qodgc, 110 Wect mth St., Maw York.
."OrtTW Vjkn ln wlth
InSnojaVmee als aaoa'taTMeaaaa
c tna atekweea very much aeuife
SS!iwi?.,w . aad my cyah
diaeedered la every way. Inaimsni
nalat Ayet'c eweaarUla and awana
and aaoa rcravanng my noaal i
1 Maact aaa tWaSaTui rake
walMnowii aee5scme.M - Mi. L. A.
Ayir't Sirtipiiiili;
BT t
Or. d. C Aycr it Oa Uwaa.
MH;aaaaales,ai. WermHe
Oarfrlead A. A. Papa, ieeeastdef
ed a very brave maa bat it waa fan to
ace ktm make the race far life, wkea
aa advarMciaff aaUaitar ia tka skapo
el a yaaaa ladv vjmvt afaar him i
allow aad dawn Iba aabaw. tola aba
ware aeaee, etc, atf.. bat laaBy ka
waa eaatkt aad mada ta ante al far a
1 MUo advceieoccjMBt ft the eaart.
The New York Store
Dry Goods!
Boots and Shoes,
Lowest Prices Guaranteed. .
Moon Block. New York Store.
r w
Omaha It PaaUiilwaukaa Kaaaaa
City, aadaUpomta
Theo,PyAm,J MMitlivni Ntltnuln. Iiukola,
Hot Hprlnir. th Mark Hill, stul
Central WyiimlBK.
Thruuah tlckvls aud tMnniaav thetki-U to Urn
for rates, time tables etrLvtlnn
I. It. Uyav, J. K. BuniAITAW,
len. Msniuer. 0n. I'm, Aft'iit,
Omaha Neb.
J. II. IMOnVRR. Ajtcnt.
llMllnut, N.
iniirri iali.
Ity virtue at ail nnleruCwtle direrted tiime
from the district court of WrbnU-r rmiiitr. Ne
braska, on dtHTrti ubt ilneii hrfitro Mid court
a the edjouraed Heteaiber t ism term.
nt Webster cunaty netimska mi the at day of
Movrmtier .irtrf hikI .rtcllcrct lu m
In ravor n( Krancl ,K. ftiyiio m idHlntlff.
anOnlatt William W. tYrstoa aM Anna
M. rrrston as derendanln, tor ihe sum vt srien
huadrMi ami iweaty-mven dollars. el'Ji laterest
from retwuanr 19. Ism, 4 ten tier cent per an
num and costs Uved at ?. and areraiaa
costs, I have levied nirnn the tiAlo ln describ
ed real estate taken as the. frojwriy n said de
trmtauts toat)ty said order n( sala towlit
The weal hall or the mmiIhcaU uarter aad
the north east ijnarler nt the south west quar
ter and the south cast quarter or the north west
quarter et section M. la. township j, noiUiot
ranre la, west ef.a p. m. ta Webster county. Re
BT?1" A9 ,Pn oaerthesaate lor ak te the
"ifJ1" "rawer rw ensa in mum, ew ine iisi aay
east noor M the
p. m. saia sjay. worn ami wncre uue attend
ance walla be given by the umtersiRncd.
Haled January IX lm. V. A. TKF.L. elerpnrsatly. hhrriC.
otrebruaryA. p. ismat the east door ottSe
inn aoijse m sw crowi. wetMer cotmtr.
bnmka Ithat eelna thebulldlna wherein tho
tent, of court wasneMI at thenmirot lo'rl
Hag at tha top
For not using Miles T.
Patent Collar
who has been working a number of years apon
dlferent methods of opealnj a coUar at the bot
tom, keeping the one idea la view, that of re
taining the lightness, streagthaad darabUityof
the whole collar, and add to It the advantages of
rapidity and ease of adjustment, akeoiate, per
fection of fltting-and moat Impertaatef aU
obtainiag flexlbilitjr at tha throat, by yieldiag to
the pressure of Ihe shoalder while working.
.. prevenia areaataa: tae ceuar et the
8eeond-It avoids the remorlag of sweat pads
from the collar.
i7iMS-rh dHc of patting on a eolla
with thia fasteaer, ia eaaea where the horses are
very troublesome, ia very f rcit.
Fourth-It saves slipping the cottar ever the
head and Injsrlcg the eyes ef the aeree, aad
most of all, the trouble of kacallag and nabaek-
.TkninlU. I..I... .....i m i. . ...
skorddsraoF thi !"& C " Z"' ""S" 5 !,". ."- - q-"i
shoulders. " ' "JMsaoic, couar whlea will aot gaM the
Bv virtue If an order of saw Issued by l It.
wit. eMk or the d strlet nmrl at ih eluhih
iudlrMl district taand far Wber (smnty. ae-
raa.iiMna decree in an action penalua.
rhstsim Tnanearasha laa X. Trust i'a. u
prainiia.aad John W. Burtea la delendsnt.
for iMtumet tttreeJTmaauad One Hundred
Twenty dot Ian '(Ml), aad M so cmta also ac
crucd casts. I shall oter ror sale at the esat iKxir
oc me conn nouve in km riWHi. in weoatcr
rounty Nebraska' teat be lac the utase where
the met tsrmwr said eetm waa hoMen. at te
eewMe. m.mi.uH'iiHinay m alarm, ism ine
(oleenag deecrleed real estate te-wltt The
eewthasiuarter of Section thiee. In townshla
one,nenk rants it. west of the h I'. M.ln
W ehster ceuaty. Nebraska.
Witness my hand and seal this Tth day of Feb
ruary. DM), u. A Tr.B!.uherM.
. L - ... ? c " Deidr.
Jno, at, laaaa. ntfl's Atu.
VnmwVMnmwaawSaWeMmVi IWvfXV
I haYw ikmbw lrorama and
maret for amle or tntde Will
take com, boga, f reth oowf or
oUatr yoorjg flock Hoapud
ooni prafwrml My avonetarti
Young. Apply to IV F Kcl
togg, PO box 1 53, Rsd CWud.
Keeiat tut hand Light and Heavy Haraow, whipn, lanhem
rolHts blankohs Baddies. &v, in fact everytnlnff irVa fiwt
ir ii initnwHiiop. Trimming and repairine neat
ly nntl promptly done on short notice.
J. 0. BUTLER & CO.
g!iIlOndoor North of City Bakery.
Call and ec roc, we will do you Good,
And Window Shades,
My first invoice of Wall Paper and Window
Shades for 1890, has
H,ln of' t'i, " "aL, J""1- ."?IW"
m. .,.b m,,, miruiciuea aa -nil Call
ee Me.
c. l corriNG.
a .?i& .
.w wwMMyrn i
yipmiii 1 1 ii .,..
lira lanwa.yLJi JfLlmd