The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 07, 1890, Image 2

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V Mil .'
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I tWffl
1 4,
.. . IfMON kaa escaped had atom thi
slater and tke eattlo are la Irat elaea
Rem Amcotit, town elerk of Rerlla,
la a dataalter for a large aa. Ha at
tar. Ob. Biijimiko, the faraoui
am Bapttat preacher, kaa about
famoaa Lea
snrea irons tae gout.
Thr Caar at Rasala kaa conferred tka
attfkeat peeelble deeoratloa oa tka
Jfteaek Mialater of Plaaaoa.
expresses fclav
anM aa aaaaUanblv tmnh
tied over tke
) dlfftealtle la tka Mouth.
Th aiotker of ex-Governor Wermoutb,
f Loutslaaa, has been awarded a Moxi
aaa peaaloa with back pay froat 1857.
It la materad that the Duke of Cam
krldge, Field Marshal andCommander-ln
Chief of tka British foroea, will resign.
FoaTBa, Superintendent of the Cea
Ma, kaa prepared instructions to super
TJaoraiealrlMf apeedy and correct work.
Tub aekooaer Joha Hancock aad a
argo of pearls kaa boea atolea from the
Cklaeaa Company la Nouthera Call
Tmt Cklppewa Indians la Wisconsin
propose to lay claim to land worth WOO,
4PJ8 on tka grouad that only mineral
rig kta were ceded.
Impkhoii Francis Joskfii Intimates to
11m burgomaster of Perth that he will
ami reside la tke palace there If Kossuth
ia elected as a cltlion.
The irat attempt at lighting the Ilrlt
lak museum by electricity has boon sue
esefuUjr accomplished. Tho museum
arill be open to the public during the
Mrxbt HcHMitrr imported workmea
far kla 8t Louis tailor shop and t waa
laed 91t,aas for tho offense. He has
asked for a remittance of the fine oa nc
aanat of Ignorance. '
Jacob Wooijikh, of Peoria, a largo
ateekholder of the whisky trust, sUtes
that tka wklsky trust will be Incorpor
ated aader tke laws of Illinois Instead
aa rnaalag as a voluntary combine.
Wi i ii ' ' 1' ii "Tm'.J ."ii. '.'. J
At tka Treasury Department It Is
Stated tkat tke lease of Castlo Harden
would tarmlaate March Si and that suit
.able quartan for emigrants would be se
oared aa Oovernor's Island, which will
ka eatlrely uader Government control.
.Tub bureaus of tka Freack Chamber
a Deputies .have elected, a Tariff Com
, aalttea. Tbe'debatea which Hare taken
M la tka various bureaus Indicate
ta majority of the men chosen as
Mashers of the committee are In favor
f protection.
T steamship La Place, which loft
Mlo Jaaelro January 8, has arrived at
Hew York. FlrsfMaie Chase says there
-was ao gag which waa recognised
throughout llrasil. The people of each
Kvlaee had a flag of their own. In
washer, ka says, forty tailors era
fseyeaVoa Braslllaa men-of-war weat
aahore and ahouted: "Vive L'Bm
peror," aad aubaequeatly had their
throats eut for their eathuslssm. There
-waa aa English vessel In port loading
coffee and flying a Braslllaa Imperial
sag. Orders were Issued to pull down
tke flag, but the coffee waa loaded aad
tke old flag floated until sho was ready
ta leave port
efcOBBTANY Now haa had a confer-
ee With Senator Piatt, vkilrmia nt
tka Senate Committee on Territories, in
avgard to the bill to establish a territo
rial form of government In Oklahoma
aad also upon the Oklahoma Towaslte
Vll. .The Secretary urged upon the
Senator the aeceaalty of securing speedy
action by Coangress upon tioth bills. He
.regarded the sltuatloa la Oklahoma as
grave, aad waa tearful that unleaa
Congress provided a temporary form of
Creranieat and took early measures
; tka adjudicatioa of land dUputes
there would bo considerable tlghtlng and
Bloodshed botweea rival land clalmanu
ad their friends.
Ilcan OAaLAND Mrkmh, aged twenty
tva years, died at Mount Savage, now
Cumberland, Md., rooentlyot typhoid
fever. He la the young civil euulnecr
who two years ago made himself famous
ky walking Into the very Jaws of death
la a successful endeavor to save human
life. One of the mines operated by the
Consolidated Coal Company had been
drlvea late aa eld working that con
talaet millions of galloas of water. Tho
-BMBoutalde were apprised of themU
kaa bv seelaa a torrent rimliln, t
tke drift Young Meems surteil into
tka mlae aloaa agalast tke stream which
waa up to kls armpit. He found tho
salaera assembled together la a chamber
awaiting death, told them to follow him
aad taking a boy on hla shoulders led
tka wkale party safely out '
Tub Herald of llaltlmore, Md., has tho
fallawtagt Thomas A. Jones, tho
Marylaader who refused a reward of
taaa,asa to betray the whereabouts of
Wilkes Booth, the assassin of I'resldcnt
Itlacola, waa la lUltlmore yesterday.
Seaatd: 'It was reported at the time
tkat Booth was secreted la the vaults of
tka a4d Catholic church at I'ort Tobacco
Jwlataow kmawa aa Chapel 1-olnt a
aasamkuat laadtng, but such was not the
wsaa, Me waa la fact at that time kid
4bb la a ptae thicket about a mile aad a
aau naaa tae sarm ot Hamueicox. All
r I ht tar Bsstk was doae as a mark of
1 giaB4aklp far Mr. Cox, who was a life-
Japf frUad af mlae. I did not know
,, jkai, shut ! when Mr. Cox put klm,
ivV.Aaeippiea aa aa was, ia inai mae taicket
' .taatf akargs aotklay could have tempted
h.iuL' ' 'A
OkmmUMf Talagrmpli art Ma.
Arm the dltpesttlon df severs! resets
lions, th asnste ea tha ITta reeeasMerea
the bill to hatM s erMn aeross Ike Mlstonrl
river ta Deagtss Oeualy. Ksa,. amendea li
so m te prevM that Ike brlle shall not be
eeastraetea wRhla ees-thlrU ef n mile of
say existing bridge. aa agam psssed It
easier Obsaaiei's resolstlea eslllna for Ibe
reporter the Valted Mate msrsbsT of tbc
Northern fUtrlet of Mlsslsslaal eenetrn
leg reesat alletea oelrsges In last Msta was
hsa 4bst until sejournmeM.,., After the
Introduction of Mlla la Ibe Hones Mr. Me
Oraarw IMw. uMmtmA ...... - ,.
Istleg the people of Brssll upon IhetMsee.
hi establlshluB of a BspuMIs and reeof sis
leg the same, wbleh Was referred. The bill
smnlatl Sllaaaaa ik. kniMi..
three united Mstes arlMinsfnrlh Imerlsoe
meat ot United Mstes prisoners wss eon.
shtsred and Anally psssed. Fending a no
lien te reconsider th House sdtoarnae.
ARM tha ttmal rnutlaa nrh tka ai
ontneisin toos se in
esv lo the seversi ntsta
isredn snd
ls snd
Dlatrlotof flolumlila all
usder th direct tsx of IM1
rtcr soma
osbste wss pssesd. (Thl
Ired Tsx
bill pSiMed by lb
ress and
vanai.l Tka
namd ma
sldsrsllenof Ben'slor Cbsndlar's resolution
as ctoA. alleged outrsi to a cltlstn of
lndlaiaby certain psrtles In Ab
rdeew Mhm, and th dbste eontlnuad on
III sd)oarnmnt.,..Tb Hous psssd bill
prevldlna tbst In ess of passion elslms of
dpadnl parents II shall be ncecstsry to
show lo lbs pension ofac that lb psrants
sre without otbsr mssas ef support thsn
msnusl Isuor. Mr, Dorsay (Nab.) reporttd a
bill from Ibe Hsnbln Commltts to provld
for lb Issue of elrculstlng netas to Nstlonsl
bsnblag sssoclsllons, which wss ennsldrd
SI soms Unglb snd wsnl ovr. Mr. rtra
(Ksn.) Inlroduesd a bill setting spsrt cHsln
laada la h.Ui,i..ImiI ik. J.. .,i..
efbugsleas, snd tho Hous sdjournrd.
ni inn 01 in Minsi on in WtFI wss
brlsf snd unvsntfnl. eanslerlnRsllsofferrd
a Ion preambl and reiolutlon as to drills
uy rniuinurn pisim on iseisn trum
funds sad Ihs direct tsx of 1MI snd rslllnx
on th Secretary of tha Trcssury to furnlih
Infannstlon on the subject, which u
sirrd to, Bhenstor Mitchell thrn ail
dreistd th ftenst on th bill for th fro
colnafs of silver, snd sftar an ciecutlvo
stisslon th ncnau sdournrd....Whsn tha
Hous mt Mr. Dsliell (l'a.) called up
th eontcsled election ess of Smith vs.
Jsckson. from th fourth West Vlrxlnls dis
trict., wnen air. urup (Us ) rsleed the ques
tion of consideration. Upon th qut-etlon
lb IemorrsU refrslned from voting, and
no quorum having Voted npeaber Reed di
rected lb clerk to record Ihu Democrat not
voting aa pruinnt. This led lo a storm Hint
Isated during th silting snd lh Hous ad
journed without reselling any final reiutt.
In th Senate on the KMh the bill Instruct
ing the Censu Huperlntendrnl to collect In
formation aluilll farm llinrlMan. Mm. ...!
Tb llotltfl bill aa In dulv nn allh rlhlwuta aa
pssaed. Henator Vsnc then addretaed the
eenai on the bill lo provide for colored em
igration. Senator Hampton followed, at th
conclusion of whoao speech thnHenst ad
ourned...,Th Houmi continued In an up
roar all day one partisan wrangle and ac
complished nothing.
NoraiHO waa don In IheHenate on lhIUI
....Tb actslon of th Hous wss character
ised by th ssm dbtordrly proceeding ef
lb two prevloua days, th fight being a par
tlaan on over th Smith- Jsohsnn contested
lection esse from West Vlrglnfa. Alter a
loag alarm lb case, through the rulings of
lbBpskr,w flnsllygot before Ibe Hous
nd Mr. Italaell, who reported It, snob
until adjournment.
JuiKix Louis noTTscnAl.a, formerly of
Ht Iouls but moro recently of Califor
nia, haa boon appointed Consul at Ntutt
gart Oermany.
Kll.KY llHHiiitTT, the noted organ man
ufacturer, died in Chicago tho othur
Uknkhai. CAaKr, chief of engineers,
haa mado a report advorso to the paaaago
of the Nenate bill to authorise tho sub
stitution of a pivot draw bridge across
tho Missouri river at Ix-avonworth In
place of tho present pontoon brldgi.
IttiuiK Lovk, of the UnlUl States Dis
trict Court at Dubuque, Iowa, has re
fused to confirm the aalo of the Fort
Madison Northwestern railway tor
fJU.UOO. Ho Will onlor thn mail ahan.
doned If a fair prico ta not offered.
-ihk lower nouao of the New York
Legislature haa passed the World's Fair
bill. Only one negative vote waa cast
ConhaI) NRirr, the mllllonalreChlcago
brewer, la dead.
Thr Kepubllcan Club of New York
will celebrate the birthday of Abraham
Lincoln February in by a banquet at tho
Fifth Avenue Hotel. Tho principal
speech will lie mado by Senator lagalls
In response to the toast "To the Mem
ory of Abraham Lincoln."
Ehitoh M. II. Dk Yovno. of the San
Francisco Chronicle, was reported ae
rloualy alck from pneumonia.
Tiik llraalllan Republic waa formally
recognlsiMl by lresldent Harrison oa
the 'Jttth.
A numrkn of French priests have ar
rived la Mallndi. They atato that they
rtcently met Dr. Peters, the (lermsn ex
plorer, concerning whoso death many
conflicting reporta have boon received,
at Kokl. He waa la good health.
CIUHI.KB KliWAHlt Lkmtkh, the New
York author and old-time altolltloaiat
died at Detroit Mich., recently. Dkcatith Twiiuim, aged
elghty-etKhl, died at l'hlladelphla' re
cently. Mho waa related to several re
matkabln and historical ptraonagta.
Tiik Ohio Nenate recognliiMl Hon. A.
V. MaruU (Ihtmoerat) aa Lieutenant
Governor by a strictly party voto18 to
Jl'lHIR MANISTV. nf tkn Onrum'a lln.nt.
division of the British. Illffh Court of
Justice, died In tandon on the 3lt
Tiik eldest dsughler ot Hon. .lames (J.
Illatne, wile of Colonel Copplnger, was
reported seriously sick at Washington
on the Mist.
lately In charge of the algnal service aea
coast telegraph llaea ta New Kngland,
la missing. Aa examination ot hla
money accounta ahowa him a defaulter
to the amount of ttteo.
Mas. IUhiu. of Waverly, o., while re
turning home through a fleld tho other
eentng, waa attacked by a vicious hog.
Before assistance reached her she waa
ao horribly mangled that she can aot re
cover. I'HKsimtXTCkAssRx, of the Sixth Na
tlonsl lUak, New York, and a broker
named lell have been arreated for
frauds la the attempted wrecking ot the
UJJk: Colaen gave taformatlaa
which led to the frustration ot a gtgaa
ttcswladle. Claaaea had hut reeeaUy
obtained control. Thn Inox Hill aad
tho Kquluble, two other banks, were
also iavolwd.
It was at flrst thought tkat there waa
only one life lost ia the burning ef tha
DeHotoaear Oweasboro, Ky., tkat of
Brown Klckardsoa, the colored flremaa.
William fitelaaaer, of Tlktiett atreet,
Newport ia missing, and the oMcera
think he waa lost Ha waa tho second
Tmk annual renort of tkn Nnw Vnfk
Htate Lunacy Com mission skows many
Instances of abusea la the county man
agemeat of Insane asylums. The State
UllrtBIa taw ka au. b.lik
tho) of tha cniintina.
wuiuipairv iBaTuraui
A pabty of boys weat skating oa the
river at East Dubuque the other even
ing. ' Two of them, Lewie Tierce, of
Eaat Dubunue. and Ilnrt Clark, nf M.
Paul, akated into aa air-hole and tiotk
were arownea.
URomiK, a Choctaw negro,
waahaagedat Fort Hmlth, Ark., on tho
80th for the murder of Irwin Richard
son, a rival for a woman's favor. A
year ago Tobler's two brothers wore
banged at Wichita; Kan., for murder la
the Territory.
A nniiMiK at Dussoldorf, Oermsny,
waa carried away by tho floods. Tho
wreckage of the structure collided with
a furry boat which capslsed, and eight
of tho passengers were drowned.
At Morgan, Calhoun County, Oa., dur
ing a race conflict one white man waa
fatally shot and others serloualv
wounded. A number of negroes were
also shot but none killed. The row waa
caused by n drunken negro striking a
white child.
NiiMtirr Hai.1 ot Independence
County, Ark., gave a mob which wanted
to hung young Schrotber, who had ahot
hi sweetheart and rival, tho slip and
put his primmer In thn penitentiary.
Tiikiik wun a riot of glass workers on
strike at Clablon, Bohemia, recently.
The factory was wrecked and two of the
rioters wore killed. -.
A liJM'ATCll from Plotou. N. H.. aav
tho steamer Stanley, from Pictou for
Chnrloitetown. with malla and nation.
gers, was stuck fast In the Ice five miles
off Plotou, and could not muvu In any
Suit has been commenced In St. Lnula
against thn 'Frisco road for money duo
me mate or AiiMnourl.
Tiik (iovernment of Cuba Intends to
Impose a new duty upon all sales of
sugar and moliusca tnudo on the Island.
Tho Chamtiorof Commerce' of Havana
has presented to the Intondont of thn
Treasury sn onorgetio protest against
the measure.
John Kii.nzk, thn Cronln suspect who
ls(now out on A.OOO ball, walked Into
court at Chicago on the aiat and de
manded a now trial. The caso waa
aohtlnucd to the next term of court
Jat Oiiant, "Itatlroad Laborer," la
held In fJ.OOO ball for libel on Dr. Itellly,
the Irish. National League. The ar
ticle was publiahed In the Chicago Inter
Fivr. warshlpa of tho Turkish navy
were launched at Constantinople oa the
Tub Capital Wagon Company, of Lan
alng, Mich., haa failed with 881,774 lia
bilities and SI'JI.'JIO nominal resources.
Qiiikon Moiiuan, n prominent Chero
kee, favors the salo of the Strip.
Hukinkn failures (Dun's report) for
the aoven days ended January no num
bered (Including Canada) '.MM, compared
with 8:m the previous week and :1J the
corresponding week of last year.
OitiiKlts have been issued from Wash
ington to allow matters to remain In
statu quo In Okluhoina until Territorial
(iovermiicnt Is established.
Tiiiikk single houses und a double
block In tho town ot Plains, aliout four
miles from Wllkoaharro, Pa., dropped
nearly out of sight tho other day, the
cave-In Itelng caused by the "robbing" ol
piiiars i rum tuo coal minei under th
Cl.KAIIIMI hoilNn rnturna fur thn w.u.W
ended February 1 showed an ivumm la.
enaso of H.w compared with tho corre
punmng weea or laat year. In New
York the Increaso waa 17.1.
DllHXWNT Waa In demand In fmlna
during tho week ended February ij
Business was generally better. Amer
ican railroad aeaurltlea Imtirnveil. Tha
Continental bourses were also reported
better compared with the correspoadlaf
Tub Senate waa not In session on the
1st The House nassnd tho dav In um.
fusion over the contested election cases,
the speaker continuing to oouut non
voting Democrat aa present, to consti
tute a quorum.
Tiik Braslllan Cabinet ovorcamo It
recent crisis, Minister Koblura resign
ing, hla nlaco belmr taken bv .Vu.aaiv
MHM. Al.lrr CoI'I'IMIICH. eldeal daturk.
ter of Hon. Jamea tl. Blaine, died at
Washington on the 'Jd fnuu brain ferer.
the result of an attack of influenia.
Mr. Blaiuo was tho recipient of much
sympathy over the death of his daugh
ter, following SO soon after tho dumlan
of his son, Walker Blatno.
MltS, rilKHlllKNT UAHIIIMM haa ahot.
tahod tho custom of hand-shaking at
receptions and will Inaugurate other so
cial ehangea at tho White House.
Tiikiik was a riot at tho Polish Church
of Buffalo, N. Y on the 'id, caused by
an attempt of tho uuttonular nrlnat u
celebrate maas. Several policemen wrre
Injured, tho congregation using brick
bat. Nine arrest were made.
Thkrr men were killed, three fatally
Injured and five entombed by an ex
plosion ia the Nottingham shaft at
YVlPteabarre, l'a., recently.
Da, Kiiwaki McOi.vax was recently
seriously attacked with bronchitis.
TlIK schooner John Hancock. enmtetnJ
to have tieen Belted by the pirate, haa
arrived at tea Fraaelaco.
At.UKIr NKI-nta. the Cincinnati tkaab.
er who left thla oount to anOd iMtir.
lag ta tke Ivea trial la New York, la ro
porMM to nave esunusaea aa Immense
lcctrig Ught trauehlae In Rio Jaaelro.
tan laaueaaa kaa assumed a vtraleat
form la tho City ot Mexico aad there
have been many deatha. United Statea
Mialater Kvan'aaor. waa ! a dtaau.
ous condition.
IN a saloon vow at CVatra.1 Cltw. V. M
tka ether night Heary Brooks, a colored
soldier, shot aad killed Depaty Sheriff
Imllia and a aolored wemaa aaaaed Car
ne iirug aaa seriously woaalad a ascend
man, 11 waa vraaded ktateelt ta tka
Av Inssne youth from Waverly. named
Post was captured at the residence of
Mike Keaaedy, three miles aorta of
Weeping Water, tho other alht Jle
rode a horse that wan nheut worn out
and asked te remain and rest until night
When he wanted to m on. hn hIJ. Kn.
I aedy Jndged he was aot right in his
J mind and sent to towa for aa olhcer,who
B atHMMH lha aa..A
made tho arrest
Miss Anna Aniirrson died at Her
trand recently from Injuries received
la a runaway two weeks previous.
CAMi'nr.i.i. has been recently Incorpo
rated and among thn flratordlnanwn
adopted was one prohibiting boyafrom
being out on thn streets after eight
o'clock In tho evening. ,
Tiik new residence of Mont Lloyd,
living near Nebraska City, burned to
the ground tho other night Los 17,
000, Insured for $4,000. .
In thn district court at Nebraska City
tho Other llav the Amnrlean twian anil
Truat Company secured judgment on a
morlgago against the Nebraska City
Water and Light Company for 8I.W8.I0,
and thn court appointed Fred B. Smith
a commissioner to sell the mortasired
A PHOMIltKMT Xnhraalra fai-max aav..
"When my hogs become nick and refuse
w eat, innieaa or dosing thorn with med
icine I load n few of them Into n wagon
and takn thorn out riding, driving pell
mell over the lota and pastures, seeking
the roiighimt places I can find. After n
few such drives hogs that tic f ore refused
to cat begin to feed and get better,. I
havn not lost a slnglo hog since I began
the treatment."
Homk time sgo a resolution wn adopted
by thn Htate Board of Transportation by
a unaalmuiis vote Instructed the secre
tary to prepare and report a schedulo of
rates for the State based on the low
tariffs. A few dnv Liter liv a vnl nf
four to one they rescinded that resolution,
Attorney-Oeneral lecso voting in tho
negative. The majority of the Inwrd
claimed that they wanted Immediate re
lief on the corn rates, which the roads
had agreed to grant but they would con
test In thn courts a general revision.
A iikckmt Mm at Osceola destroyed the
livery stablo owned by Durham A Stal
naker, together with tho Commercial
Hotel, owned by Theodore llecbe. Dur
ham and Stalnaker lost ten head of
horses, all tho harness, robes, etc., and
some of thocurrlsgo. J. L. Makeover's
Llltlo Boy, a trotter that ho valued at
91,000, was burned with tho barn. Mrs.
Hllvlrtin, .IumIIImm. ... .1-.. .1..... I
--.. ........ . u..v..iiiK wn mwi urnirnjlltli
Yki.miw (K.-HIIR has been dlaeovercd at
indlanaole and a company will bo organ
ixed to develop the tied.
Tiik Brady Island bridge, which Is tho
longest that spans tho Platto river,
measuring 4,7M feet has Imen com
pleted. At Bri'hhai'iiii, about eighteen years
old. accidentally shot himself In the
breast with a musket at Franklin the
other day, resulting In his death.
In the Federal Court at Lincoln the
Other dttV lloracn It. Chaan. aiiiknrlnlnnil.
ent of tho (Iovernment Indian school at
(lenoa, was round guilty of keeping
false books and presenting false vouch
er to tho (Iovernment for articles al
leged to have been purchased and sen
tenced to pay a flnu of 8l,"i00 and the
conts of prosecution, aud atand cumin It.
tod until paid. I
JNKM (H.MI.V, a settler living eight
miles northwest of (Irunt, was pursued
the other morning by a pack of eight
gray wolves. Olson mounted n horse
und iscaMd to his cabin. I
Amuikw Noiiii, a farmer ltvlnir west
of Ouklund. was recentlv hndlv If not
fatally Injured by the dlHchariro of a
gun, Ho wan preparing to go out hunt-1
Ing and was standing near the1 door In
tho bouse leaning on the gun with both
hands over the inusxlo when some chil
dren who wen) playing near accidentally
touched thn hummer, discharging tho
gun. Tlin charge passed through both
bunds and struck him In tho face.
A Ii Mil no forgery was perpetrated at
the Stain Bank in Columbus the other
day uUnit noon. A man went into the
bank with a check for Ui.lO, purporting
in nnvn uern miriii-u ov . t. hickov. a
tmoiw no iiaiyuiiuawtarmMm. in ive-
A broke Into tho depot at
llenedlc.t tho other night but stH'iirlng
nothing of sluo ho turnetlhls attention
tu the stables of J. II C Bniwer, a
wealthy farmer, and helped himself to
tl,e heat borso bo could And.
Mils. K. W. Bur ANT, wlfo of a promi
nent business man of Tekamah, acci
dentally ran a pin In her eyo tho other
day und will lose tho sight of that optic,
Tiik banquet to bo given by tho busi
ness men of Fullorton, to the mill firm,
capitalists and newspaper men of the
State has been postponed to May 31.
Bkavmih are thick la Red Willow
County, one man living aear the Repub
lican rler trapping aa even doxea ia
twelve algat.
A Soitia mialater haa discovered that
more than 97,000 is spent every year la
that place for tobacco aad oaly twice
that sum for flour.
Mohk than half Ike population af
Campbell had la grippe.
Thomas WAruts, an eld geatleman ot
Kearaey, recently fell oa tke ley side
walk and broke his thigh, from which
ke died several days later,
OrorniB Suith. formerly a colored
eeldler, living aear Fort Niobrara, waa
rua ever aad Instantly killed tke other
xsoralag by the S:aa eastern express,
asar Valentine, Smith went to town
the previous
heavily started for home In aa latexl
an aavA uwr Bniiiiv
aaaaaeoaaittda. It ta suppeeed he weal
ta sleep oa tha track, a kla auagteJ re '
main weea fiMind botara. ti,a rTu .
... .. v .... . .. .v.; uisi u inn vi snr nine, ine nuild
cat lo and hog buyer of that city. The lnf WM v,,utHl .t viWAta of .oo,,, ,,
riislilur pa d tha money but did not dls- belngaesessed togetherwith the engine
cover that It was a forgery for two or .nd , for , lnT00, ,, ,
three hours after. During this time tho ,urmnce of -175,000, which will undouht
forger hid escaped. ledly cover tho loss.
D. L. Beatrice, was Iwdly r(HR AT ,,Aj.ii.,Y,
Injured by agusolluo explosion tliootbur Dashuhy, Conn., Feb. :i At I3:.1C
n'i,,rninK. .,. ii . .1. . o'"'"0 yraterday morning fire waa dls
Ukv. Day. a Methodist minister of coven-d In thaiaement of Samuel llar
ttnlon, white on his way to his enngro- rU clothing s&reat Liberty and Main
gallon tho other night an "- streets and before the flame could bo
about olio mlln south of Nebraska City extinguished tho furniture store of Hull
and rohheil of what money ho pocicd, jt Kogirs was also burning,
linen dollars. That was thn iiie.ineit Tho four story brick structure adU.ln-
4 Motooawat 1m a loakwi Tanai
DtsaatraM rir hi
Oreat Wsm nl Ihuibtiry,
Ala One at atsb.
Boston. Feb. X. Itr thn flm In thn
dwelling house V9 and Ml North atreet
occupied mostly by Italians, yesterday
morning, it ia now known that ten per
anas worn burned to death, three others
fatally Injured and six more seriously It
not mortally hurt
There ! a diversity of accounta aa ta
tke eiroemstaaccs ot the origin of the
ffre, the alarm aad the rescue. It la
believed that tke fire started la tka
elothlnf store of Maurice Ruhey
oa tke ffrst floor and some minutes
before It was discovered It had
eaten through the partition wall of tho
hallway, which contained tho atalra
leading to tho tenement above. Tha
wooden stairway was llkoa tallow eandl
and tho flamea awept up It like a flash.
In dolus so It lighted un thn hallsviv
aad ahot llttlo gashes eut through tha
cracks of tho doors and soon attracted
attention, but In a moment It had takea
hold of tho stairway ascending from tho
same hallway and thus cut off all possi
ble passage to tho street for the occa
The scenes which occurred among tha
Inmates when they were awakened
wero of the most exciting description.
There was no way for them to get down,
snd as they ascended to tho attic the
flames followed swiftly upon them.
Shrieks ot terror, groans of agony and
orles for holp filled the air. Men, worn
en and children filled the windows
and earnestly pleaded for help. Soma
of the more venturesome even hung from
tho windows by only a slight hold oa
tho sills, Ladders wero hurriedly
hoisted, lines of hoso quickly rua off
and "pipe" from the chemical engine
was rushed Into the (taming mass.
In ten minutes tho fear of personal
aafoty had subsided, those whom It was
possible having been taken from their
positions of peril and the wounded to
places where their Injuries could be
cared for.
It was not until thn flrn hail hern
( practically extinguished that tho Into
. rior of what was then but a shell could
bo examined. Chief Webber, fol
lowed by seversi firemen, went
Into tho building at a llttlo after
unn fifMnttir ami iffh riininnii i
axeended to the upper floor. Tho stair
ways from tha street to thn second
floor were completely burned away.
When tho chief and his compaaleaa
renched tho upper floor, under one of the
wlndowa waa found a human form,
burned to a crisp almost the two palms
clasped together aad tho body kneeling
as though at prayer.
Further aearok showed In other parta
of tho ton floor seven other human
forms, covered with cinders and ashes,
naked, and disclosing limbs that had
been torn asunder by falling parts
of tho building. Seeing their escape
from tho flamea below to the
street Impossible, because tho stairs
were raging manses of lire, tho terrified
victims had evidently rushed to tho up
per floor In their attempts to escape and
had there boon roasted as though held
In a furnace. Later two IhhIIos of In
mates were found In other parts tit the
building and thn completed Hut of ten
human lives waa mado up. The Injured
were removed to hospitals and tho dead
bodies wero taken to tho morguo for
posTort' sr.coM! ur.ArK
IhisTo.N, Feb. 3. Following close upon
the holocaust In North street yesterday
morning, came a fire In tho forenoon
which In an hour', time almost totally
destroyed the Sears building, a five
story marble atructum, corner of Court
and Washington street, owned by J.
Montgomery Sears, and which at the
time of Its erection was the finest bust
ness building la Boston.
The walls of tho building are about
-ti .k... i- ,... .. ....... .. . ...
ln, un A ,,., ,iw, Wa hadlr
i.- -. ... j
damaged ny nre and water. This build
lnir waa owned bv llenrv Iteanl ami ..
occupied on the first floor by a clothing
firm, with office on the upper floors.
The total loaa Is e atlmaU'd at .lOO.Ooo.
The Insurance, so far as known, amount
to 9100,000,
There were seversi narrow escape
fmxa death, maay ef the occupant of
the (lata over the store being taken
from their nxwis almost suffocated.
Krxosiia, Wis., Feb. S. Fire yester
day morning destroyed two of the sis
story buildings of Allen A Sons' tannery,
filled with stock. The flames rapidly
aprea,d destroying also th Denoyer wa
ter cure and tke (irrmaa M. K. church
aad pareoaage. Tha loaa wilt reach
914&.008. At oae time the entire north
western part ot the city waa threatened
with destruction aad aa engine was sent
from Raclae.
'ttnllisaa laaaa.i- l mt.
DarraoiT, Mich., Feb. . Pat Grant
peclal correspoadcat of the Chicago
later Oceaa, waa eaaUaed at the ta
ataace of Dr. O'Reilly, treasurer of tha
Irish National League, for alleged libel
by recent publications a the later
Oeeaa over Orant'a signature. He I
held ia jail awaltlag kail af 9t,aa,
which ke refaaea to give while awaiting
-- -.. -,. aaai
law kuus m um laser lWa mssarr
'KUly aad coarrere are Utter and are
w example or ureal,
SSfSl "' ltoNW
I!- The latarthreaasMaaaer aav
1 "'nrtffert to sweur Uraat's
rwallr segnlss the
JUw MiaeSBs.
WASHiXQToa, Jaa. 81. The formal:
recognition of the Called Statea of
Bratil ky Oils Government was com
plcted yesterday afternoon, when the
President received the credentula ot
Benhor J. O. Deamaral Valeate, tho
new Minister, accredited by the Provls
ioaal Government and also the oradea
tlala nf Mainline Ralvadne Vnndnnpa
, as Envoy Extraordinary aad Minister
l i , . aa as
nenipoieauary ob a special mission ti
th United State.
Th ceremonies were marked by great
cordiality. Tha two Ministers, with
their jolntaultnof foursecretarlea, made,
a fine appearance In tholr rich and bril
liant uniforms. Secretary Blaine pre
sented the two Mlalaters aad thoy la,
turn presented their aacretartea. Tha
ceremonies were la tke blue room.
The President 1b receiving Mr. Ves
icate, said: "Mr. Mialater, I receive
you aa th representative) of a now Re
public always a grateful duty to the
Government of the United Utatoa. The
peaceful course of event that has trans
formed the Empire of Braxll into the
United States of Brail I has been ob
served with deep interest by thn (iov
ernment and people of this country. It
la a source of profound satlefactton to
tho American people that thvo Provis
ions! (Iovernment of the Braslllan Re
public came Into power without blood
shed and without violence. 1 trust this
circumstance may prove a happy augury
of peace, progress aad prosperity la the
career which now opens to the United
States ot llrasil. Speaking for tho peo
ple ef this country, It will be my con
stant aim to cultivate tho most friendly
relations with your (Iovernment, to In
crease tho personal Intercourse and tc
enlarge tho commercial exchanges be
tween tha two Republics. I trust Mr.
Minister, that you will find in this cap
ital a pleasant residence, as I am sure
you will receive a warm welcome."
The Brazilian Minister aptly replied
oa behalf of bis (Iovernment and was
formally welcomed by the President ai
tho representative of the new Republic.
A Worthy Klval of Napnleofi" Ive rnrnv!
In New York-C'anilldatea For Htrlpra.
Nr.w Yoiik, Jan. at The Lenox Hill
Bank has suspended payments. It li
controll,ed by the samn parties who last
week bought the control of tho Sixth
Nutlonal Bank of this city, which hat
slnco been closed by tho bank examiner.
Tho knowledge of the relation of tht
Institutions caused run on thi
bank which It wiui unable to rannt.
Tho Clearing House Association yes
tenlay acUnl on the Sixth National and.
decided to drop It from the association.
The Equltablo Bank has also beer,
mentioned in connection with tho otheti
two Institutions. Its president maket
the following statement: "The ownert
of tho Sixth National have a mlnorltj.
interest in tho Equitable only, aad tht
bank ia aot affected."
Wall street looks upon thn attempt tc
dispose of tho WJJ.OOO In bonds owned
by the Sixth Nstlonat Bank as simply t
case of highway nibbocy. lWldont
Classen, after abstracting tho bondt
from the safe deposit vault turned then:
over to George 11. Pell, a broker of un
ttvory reputation, who attempted to dis
pose of them on tho street, representing
them to be the property of his wife.
Mr. Colsen. tho cashier of tho bank,
learning of tho action of Classen, noti
fied tho clearing house and the hank ex
aminer. Tho latter soon learned enough
U cause him to close tho bank and call,
on Classen for the return of the WW.OOC
In securities. Ily his prompt action
ho succeeded In getting beck 900!,
000 of tho bond. In lieu or on
account of the rest of the abstracted
tionda Classen handed the bank ex
aminer checks for 83W.O0O. These
checks fell short of the market value oil
the abstracted securities 8140,000. The
checks are being protested.
Tho United States District Attorney
haa Issued warrants for the arrest ol
President Claawin and Broker Pell.
George II. Pell, tho broker Implicated
in the wrecking of the Sixth National
Bank, was arreated last alirht ami inM.!.
up In Ludlow street jail.
NIB RUy Klval Arrive at New Tark rr-
Trip Arsmatl Wort.
Nrw Yobk, Jaa SI. A large crowd
assembled at the Cuaard dock yeaterday
morning to welcome Miss Elisabeth
Blsland, the yonag lady who left New
York on November 14 last to travel
sround the world aad beat, first the
time of Jule Verne' hero ot Action
PhlneasFogg. and second, Nellie Bly,
who left nine hoars earlier the same day
and traveled U an opposite) direction.
The Bothnia, th slowest vcal of the
Cuaard fleet was unluckily
the only ship that Miss Btslaad, who
went to London Instead of Paris, aa was.
expected, could take. In thi alow boat.
he left Queeastowa oa Sunday, Jaaaarjr
19, and, after tea and a halt days'
buffetlag with floreo gales, arrived la
port oaly yesterday morning. The
Preach steamer r.a CataaM
,whlch sho should have come, aad wklcb.
waiHi. iour noun for ber In Havre
Saturday, January ia, arrived on
Monday laat, aad Captain Uoyer
! . wisBrter yeatantoy that,
had Mis UUlMd beea oa board
he would have landed her oa Stiaday
afternoon laat, en day oaly behlad her
rival. The story has alrendy beea told
of the arrangement mad for MUs Bta
Uad to get the Freack bent aad the
amasemeat of her friend that she did.
not do aa.
OAiwirsvtujt, Tex.. Jaa. 3t.-An ep4
demta U ragtag la tke wetm part of
look Couaty, some twenty mil froat
here, th symptom of whkh have
characteristic of aaealagitis. Tk
paUeata la ataay luusm iic , few
hours. Seme tweaty-tvw deaths ara re
peW to kave aerurred fiuas tkia malady
during tke pat tweatyfor keura. h
fr physician have beea aaabto tockaek
ita ravage and It ka already spreed
over tke country te M aUrw4aaT axtaMit
.iTwf riw'.?"t r1 dmaay of
Ike clUsens there are fleeing frum Ueir
basaea to other locaUUe not yet visit!
hr tke ulsru.
lw-f4W,4a tJA1.
&1)&t&k-iJ iPzM.