The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1890, Image 6

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jag-1" "" ' , " siTW
utiWwmhO nam
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'VfViO ii.
,11 '
-- ww-
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Ji T
HtWlt4w AfXRKIIMtW ... ...,
try '
wry , 1
ter, aoaee their eoaiaet. Thi
Omar oalj refera to tho Matter for
take f ' argameai, for ofltimee
eome iratha art evca told it Jatt, bat
t thii uto date a far acoiit- aablie
ia follj able to diatlnguiah betweea
Jcat aad aotaa) falaeheoda. CrUI
ciime whaa aoaeatly ladalgod ia for
the paalie good are proper aid the
people ' who read the aewaeaocre as
pect the editora to ivall thoauelrei of
the opportuiitj, bat the wheleiale
manner la which it hai beea carried
oa by earUii newaptperi of Webater
eoaatv ia eerUlaly ta be deplored, ia
iimaeau ithaibeea eomailfeitly
aajait te the pablie oflleiile aad pri
rate eltiieie. Aa fir aa tbia piper
ia ceaoemad it ha aarar aiada aer
etteiapted to make a rlilaltaa en a
pablio or pri? ate ettliea, that It did
not believe wee dtaaadad aad ateet
petent for the welfare of the imodIo
"If, atonal vlglkaee ia the prlee of
111 .,, .-!
uocrcv u eenuaij Deaoovea eyery
newspaper reporter te keep watchful
vigil ever the paWio affaire aad itrlke
telling blowi where aioat aNded aad
at the proper tiae.
Who ii thii aaa MeKeeby who ia
now itadyiog ibaaive epithcta to call
certtia aeabera of the eoaaty board
beoiaaa they refaied to leave the
vault of the eoaaty treaaary open ao
that he aoald get hie aM-.oaeet lat
lata it? Why doit yea know hlaf
Heja the aaa who loaned Avgait
rieratoff $1000 of Mr, Mileoai aoaey
and ohiraid him t2H7. aid went Into
court to try aad 'explain it awiy, lad
uitarffetltd; fell'btek on the old
waf all fete testimony in eiplaiatloe
or haw. he eiao to keep oat $237
tlierilOOO of Naloema mom.
eweet fellow to be howling "boodlcr
liaj." I)id job aay yoa don't know
himf Whjr he i the fellow who eaae
hore'W a lawyer, and aaderteek te
ef the Bad Otoed editor. Bad by laprev
lag aaoataeee good qaalitlae, aaw aid
etUI better aaea aay be developed. Dei,
Politlect ratltlealt Petltiewtil Woalalhat
I had the gift of the Immertel Webater ae
that I might give eome dHaltlea of the
tern. There ire more aea goiag te dle-
traetloa today from the efeet of thle
KHUtreeltv. than fram ail ntha aaaaaa
eotnblied. nan who never have aa nn
kladwerd for anyone only wkea peiiti
eal etrtteta 00,018 get right dewa to the
work of vitineratioa ia a way that la traly
apaelliag. And It ie poeeible that aea
who never alter ed a faue hood alaee their
eoavereloa,belp pabUah the moat iboml
able Um wheat tha kaata that tha am
llee. Mow whole the aailtler. the orla-
iaal liar at the one who repreeeatalt for
the trathkaewtag it te be falaeT Ahmel
If all tka Haa ikai ... tmiA 4la m
- " wVww MW WVSW VWtlB IB W
laateampaigawereto be ateaed for by
ofalTpartlea. woald be ronlaa aader
their bardeaa. If the aewapapere are to
ha rallad aaaa. Ika mahU Kla
governed by the moat eorraat aad loath
aoaeaetofeeowadrela imaglaable. Mow
alae teatha of the proeoatdlaeatlaf aetloa
aaeag ine people eoaeeoi taia iaeeeeaat
wraagltagamoagtheeditoraof oar dall-
iaa bm4 f aamU aawananara. Tha maalr
la aa good today aa it wia, aad men are
laat aa hoaaat aa a rala. Bat thta avalaai
of politleei warfare la hariag lie effeet not
oafy ia eemmaaitiM but threaghoat oar
great commonwealth, Oaee iadaee the
people to believe that oar oaee hetdete
luMiakt. atala. aaa timA tkuiulvaa ln
oatee and the dlaeaae beeomea a eentagiea
ia bjiinii ! me wneie ayaiea
of polltioa will beoome ta eorrapt for real
It aeod mea to hare in haad la aaviaa
who ahall be promoted. For one I be-
Here la Ood aad la hamaaity; bellere
that there are thoaaaada of hoaaat mea
aad women ta ear lead. Whea I have eoa
elided to the contrary, then and aottill
then ahall I Join the rabble and ery oat
laatlly agalaat the rabble. Prleade whoae
boada of frleadahip ahoald be bat
etreagtheaedaatheawlft revolvlag yean
a b. an now tha varlaat anaaitaa. Oar
preeeat mode of political warfare haa bV
oemeaovilea thiig ladeed that almeet
varyinita ran, print maa reeM aa
though he eaa never a;itia eater the po
litleei areai Bad do battle for hie party,
let ta whom da we look for thia maeh
needed perifteatlOB of polltleer Harely
nal tatka aalnlL. War. nnuwui, ilaaa ik
eiargy iMime to dictate to their eoagre
gatioaa, aa to haw they ahall vote, than
mj iwvsn tuair nuia apau ina liaaria ana
eouaeleneaa of their neonle. atve Mtan ara
on the downhill road thetnaaifaa, We
dareaotleok to the polltioal inrHaaia
aneh, aaaaeh haaall it can do to keep
paeewlthiUenemieaby BahtinKi aait ta
ealleei, the devil with are. We mi
nna in tnn ana wraamn or ffior r apon'the ...... k... ,.-. j ,11..
of aieh aa ooaUi.a nUnfilly for "" V t iZZtu i u b T '
iwrealme. I oter il.o friin PaK of tho Review, and Mr. IUaiari
Muk tk..
look to the managliR editor, el foar aaw7 , " ,"Tk. ,J T VW " .T 1 1
papera. If they will auly do eo, Ihey have Jwt H H nw ii tkfii article! in
It In their power to Mtablkn a new and tBe mol telliag and improeaive way
ii pjikki ui .muni, n hj.iiui mat will uj tucnc ,nu firii IHHlf ri OODlrO'
tirlat AmMmnm maA nAtilltaMA Ihi .fcll,l M..u m.f- iil,.i ,
.x-tj. m . t-.L.,. t . . 'JR. .IT Z4 ? .T . 7 """ 1 "". " wr. uiiaaioaea article will
n"1"" f nw nmo, nut wa uacn
amtaerable fallare at that, that he
bindvd law and went info medicine,
where bo oae can kaow ,of hie igne
raaWwIaadora. ffalliawaaaa M. 1).
heapthepr1atentrlada.Bdir.t rllwml 01
beeaaaa "devir la the oSee of the big eoantry papera have beea parer than oar ap eo aach apace, thle iaaae of the
aa a a ai . .
toe aaaal aaaber aad variatv of na.
pera oa iaportant aad tiaely toplca.
B aid laallv kicked oat the editor aad 9Pv ."! h: R91 '! free from Review will be ealargad to ad ait of
- inavaailBBU lUallffwaiiaaaallaa Im aa.lav... il a a -
aeiicd the tjuill, aiaee whieh time he Thladoea not apply to the vren "n WeE'
baa baaa nnalnaaa tk. .It.. ..Jk. ateraav-tv. Bat hv honlii mil im, nan
-A' k i ... . ... eoaaty eome la for a ehare of the a-reat
...JiL.l.l aa a &a
Bat hy ahoald not our on
oaao tho champion of morality
boaeaty, and reapeotlbilitv, iuat aa he the order of thingahave
k .l. .l . ... . nrated? For como It muni if
ufcanc no caainnion oi ma icwaer. ...i. .k.. , 'rci. ii.: :r'.;-
ance cauao when he waa the "lighting I" J world has Niveau the credit for be
candidate" for ain, nt tkl. .u. '"
irx ...... i. ... ,.
aa aiaaia . Baniaaaaaa mwtmm aniaaniaH or w v ,
-- wwvvMwwaaw milWIMIHII VI atllia Bllllltlf llekaVf Waal lt aakw Lltt.a . i .ai-riiV
the eoiaU board, aad beeauia b l.9aTtilamii)Mte the threat ami
.- . . ' ..7 "" awa ia rrFuingi)r uaiuroroui at till
cil't.heia Bad. Ilia raforai.lin. HMaJyear. (Ha"tol(lHTtU ot Hr,se
---- - - IJMI I BW1BBBW1 HVMIIk aatlll wllaMaaB aaw naalhaaH
frta the aigaer of aalooa peUtlon. imTWtfiA
aaa fvaaa, va a .aaea BOWOVer Mat '" " " Tnw""" I'naiw.
t ....i. I..V . . Li . . O. K cerrian. Itnutiltt.
- J
B WaaVV.aaka aak a, a a. "
j. B.-tjn raiaiaiea Tin Caur aaaw. m n...kiL
with tej iaieeaae? aaamwataattaa. latroaOaiav If yea aewaMaer aaea
t. kt.k.A',J-S-i- '''' r . ' ftaaa aa --- . .
iS wawSZIaE. SffiVimS
te . apillael a. owMeJ. aai ih- Tbt. 1" V " !WU -" ?- MN. .. a... .
L. tea eettala?deTeeJa'rab.w.ll lttSZJV!JZ' MntaHaaaaf ifcaco.y.
, , , erited ' at eeaat aa far a aOBe pa- end to thUkUkeaaev eat ightf Bat aa CflWtaal
' r"kM-S?Twl ,B " ? f ' f 0. B. Walla, ef Lawreaae apeat laat
9i tWWTWWI rtaaftta tO the pi O"""- pwauany aKIraTaWS 4,4,. B fjjg..
a a ail aaaaa. Baal aaw . a aWKValWaaaBaaaWai BaTwam WBH aiaaaw ajveaiB BwW BbwbIbb bbfb- aaa .k .
lait falUTW, autmeau were HTiSfftt
emaeoa aad far from belie- -iriffal fS?!. 1T5 ."T1 J b.iui.. '
1 .vk' a 1 . "ryiBa;ej wna Deaaium isiage laoai -
7t tbey were freely used oa goad, yoa, gaaMaed brother. The time to aay Then will be a cera featival givea
nonoraMeaee, get for tha beaait ef goe4thlagiiboat a mania while he la bytheladlea af the M. K. Charah
the pablie it large, bat for the eg-H, far yoa oaaaot lprova u be held at the Taraer hall, Taeeday
grandliaaat of a few iadivldtala W-flwhfteraohiapMaed beyoad tw..-yak. 41b.
a..a.iwa,aoa on wnat na regalir .th.i0iMi-i4lf. k. ,,,.,. at the caagregatleaal ehareh thia
omiaaa wm aa aoaeratie aaa, bat
that tha other fellow aaited thta bet
II. L. Hoakiaa hid the aiifortaae
ta loae a good hone by death, a few
daya ago.
The lyeeaa ia la raaaiag order
aaea aore.
aa 1
Uao Tewaafctp aciry.
Oh Dockv av dirliac. whit iaaa
with 90a aaw, yea go aroaad tairlina
aad aay lag I'll ahow yoa hew . It waa
(Jaaey ay darliag who thoae letter
did write, how ia the aapreae eoart,
there had beea laek Ight. It ia
aotiaatthe thlag to let the evena
hold over, there ia Beaa ia the eoap
aad uaat ia out of tha elover. It'aa
Ilrtt National Beak I eaathelp bat
tbiak, altheagh I did ay beet te kiek
ap a atink. Ok it'a aa aaa aew for ay
Jeeeph ia goae, aad the reatof the
fellowa, will do every thiac wroaa.
Bat then I have oae thlag to eoaeole
ae I kaow, I helped to eleet Faaaler
If 1 did. Iaaa. Jaa. Vaaala la a itaai.
oerat aad aa old aoldier too, I woader
ow it ever eaae tbit be wore the
blue. I sight be alatakea for gray
ie kia eolor, aad Joaee hie deputy
ayi he eaa wear ao other. Taea
there'a tha P. M Baikiig eatlt
yoa kaow. with a great big heaee bailt
jaat for ahow. Aad Aaaoa Ita leader
who for eheek eaa't be beitea, eieept
whea ha itrika a aaa like 8aa Ilea
tea. Aad the poatolee hia elipped
oar elitchee too, Oh whit a pltyf
woaaer, waai poor ngat win da.
Well, well, cleetioa ia over aad every
thiag.deae, ao Wright will have to
wait 'till 1891. Pgria
AaaelBtelwoedi IMeUeeiaal eilaata.
The Jiaaary aaaber of the North
Amoricia Review will be readcred
aeaenble by oae of the moat brill
iaat feataree whieh have ever appear
ed ia ib Aaerieaa periodical. Thia
ir a dieeaaeioa betweea the lit. II oa.
W. K. Qladatoae aad Hob. J. 0.
Blaiao, 00 the tariff, Mr. Gladatoae
advocating Free Trade and Mr. Blaino
I'rotcation. Whatever eaa bo aaid
on one aide ind the other of thia sub-
attlm aaaaeae tavaal
aTMa?aatlnaa thrnnah anna hul ika bln.i. rcttlv will bl about tha aaatn lanatti.
waa -.-- -... ... w 'wt vnwr aaaaaaa) - a ' - wmm w bw m
llaitoffMiiaga,trutuigthat there may If not loager. It will be a battle ef
arwe men eqaai 10 ine inuertahlng, and iatel eetail ailBU. The irticlea will
that air papera miv bepirged ofall the bi ibll.riaf.ilalia.-.Il. k! SI
naeleaallaeM that haa .0 longbt.a ftlllw E-, P."plB l-wltaiaaaljl bv Mr.
I oar ""w"' , aaa, aa aay uiaa
When )oii need a mIM laxative )ou khiaild
have a tanllrlaa that will w mi the llf r ami
kidaera aa well aathe bowtai. hraa'a VeaT
tabla IJver Pllla are iiiaaareaprwSir for th U
biubum. InaUt na acttuia theia, m tKer have
no lUlwrlor and tow aauala. , 1.. I'ttriimii
moat peeple Ink bpob hia an a f nbd
tnd 1 hypoarite, Till Omar however
eaa wteh for hia hoaeaty aad iateg
rity because ho aiyi a "Thier ia a
TaJef, and The aaa who plaaa to
rob the eoaaty trenary ia a thief,
aid la aa guilty ia if he hid 'robbed
tha hoate of aay taipayer ia the
eoaaty." Whatie the difference be
tweea robhlag the houee of a taxpayer
ad rolling hia pocket? What do
job call tha Augaat l'leriteff traaiae
tioaf Bit let aa forgot aad forgive
tha poor aiUy aa, naae it ii raaorad
that be baa baeaaa aa aaral aad re
liaieaa that ha thlaka aerteaely of
ojuagiag, hia prefcMlea again, aad
tliM time beeewiag a preacher. Jaat
whit ehareh he ie going (e taekU we
are aat Informed. He will probably
haye to aeck aew lalda, a plaee where
he ia eatirely uakaowa, aa he waa
whea he dropped dewaapoapoor af
aieud nod Ulead. ,,
npiiwan inerawe lie
x- aaaaawariaaiadiajeitaaaa a
, aaaiwaaee-adiaeaeaef tbia kiad, ae wdl
Xotlea la berahv alvaa that f talll
eiaaiae ill peraoni who nay deaire
to offer theaaelvea aa candidatea for
teaehen of the public oohooli ef thia
cwaaiv, at avea uioua, oa the third
Haturday of each month.
Kva J. Kiwu, Ceanty Sap't,
Thia ia to certify that we, the
aadereigaed, hive barat aoae of the
coal aold by R. A. Handy for caaoa
city coal, aad aay that we thlak it
Brat elaaa ia every reapeet, beiii
oleiB. uaiek to aUrL aad ta kalta.
it ta he Gbnuihi Oanon Citt Coal,
at lean tae aaeat elm of aolt coal
aarat at aa thia wiater.
&a atajat-kMr a bet af awafa ejamaa
w wevpaawpant waa awaamw aaawa aaaa' aTaaamg VaaWana 1
U. A. Hewird.
A. 0. Haamor.
D. A. 8troup.
J. O. Bailer,
aad amy olhon.
J. J. Nvi.
0. H. WhitioB.
K. P. Ilatehiaeon
John T. Jciicn,
Dr. Dcnney.
A Card to the Public.
'dfe the aadereigaed, dedare falaa, any
Mdailrieaoia tolheeteet that ear Mat
aoeaghep tea branch of d, L. raUler'e, or
!iMl?!i!ff,lf-ll,lU' Oalythoe.
Who wtehtajafare oar trade wW etrealata
aaebetackNkejkgfrlMMle at J, L, niikK
"' w" war awa aoanaea
haae ta get, aad beea, year patraaat
waa BA.I.W.
ThaVanell farm adlnlalmrtkaknwn nf
Rloontington Mebr. oa the north, la oae of
the beet farma to tha valley aad wiU be
eold it a bargila aad aa eaey terme. For
pamaaiaia aaaieaa,
aire, X. J. Vaacik
Vlrdea IUlaela.
ealed fmaoeaia wlal be reeelveday the
eommltree oa peer firm af the board t
anpervleore, for bide for leaalag the peer
ia!?i?5M' im nerbo
led. with the eietk af Webetee eoaaty, aa
fli'S 22" 'Hl"' hMff h
1W0, Mddee will be -iiraiMil to fara
ieb boada for filtafal aerleraiaee af
leaee. Leeee maaay to be paid a eeeh
wareh lat liei. ' "
By order of board of apervtaora
L. D. Taowaa
i, L. raaaa.
daa Onovaa
.. . Committee
dan. IT, law.
.. 1
Nra. N. K. Itaffaaa. aceat for the
t war bo ok, "Hard Tick aad Oaf
ee" willcaM at tmhifM i.
Thia ia,withoat adeabt, the beet
war book ever pabliihed, end haa
beea heartily eaderaed by all of the
11 1? A we J" the couatry.
a)r yoar oraer.
WewtU gives more ihaa eaah n
P'TliV'W -wa for
eaah mark
llrVi V , Z "w.wre, 1
...wa a cr anaa vara.
BaaaCaia. livaaaw,
I bat goKM honts
muwaforHUeortndw Will
tt e com, hogw. froth cow?
ww young atorjc Hoots
oompivrfrirrBd Myhoiteti
.n- ' ' .
- ir
The New York Store
Dry Goods!
Boots and Shoes,
Lowest Prices Guaranteed.
Moon Block. New York Store.
' c
. T
Featherly Aulli aro atill aelliag
vlaeaar and triatalir iuico. Gall and
ace them, Good eider vinegar for 25
eeaaper gaiioa.
ccno roe) our eavakeouKaaa aicia
-trUNHenua. IND.
fraiitatha dUIHfc MMirtnf w.h,lnpmini,. W.
tirMkaonailariTcpMilaM lferaiaM rnurt
!..;"" aujournni
oi nriiater ctmaiy
Movrmber lam
In favor ot Kra
an I ainumt William W. tTr-ion ami anna
u. i-rraioa an aeraatiaMia, far the aum of arra
liiimlritl auit tvtilr-aern tlollar. wl'Ji Intt-ivat
lrr rant rr aa-
H anil ajNmtia
n. ini
Vbitrrroimtjr, Nf-
HritntnT law trta
a im iaa
fahaiar raaialv WMkviKMlia .1. lb. ai .lav tl
iovraiber law anil .dvllvrrvd in ma
Irom ri'iiMry te, fan. 4 wn
m laiaa at w.h aim arvmiaf
f ll upon tha MltiMluailerib.
takpii u llin iiiirrjr il aalit do
ilUty aaltl order of aala towlti
11 v. 9mv pmim ot iiianr, ana
in 11
aadaMa to aa
".a Um. h.l
mm .v. aiBM, v. mu .ii.i. wv. .MNr III.
, unHIt aaat iiHavtarnff Ika anulk moat aau..
tr Bwi the eouth raat uaartar or the north wat
iiuarteref BeriloaM,la towaablp 3. natthof
imMia. AM ill oltarthaajuae tor ala tatka
nifljtrtt bMdvr for eaah la kaad, oa tha Hal day
Hcnwaijiii'i i-n wy i.i uuur
court toaee at Bed Ctaad. webator ramt
aw. . a a.k-& . .a aa. a..ia-aa a. .. .J
I Ml a aaa HIIMlt BTam talim tat 1 at ftlaak BkaUB nW f
it aaa. caff aurJaa a! tat arhaai a
aVttCa) tHUM irtVMI bfUm UlwaWr-walwf
aad whrra due attend
jaauanr I).
tha aleajWaaurt ei Wahatar igmty aeeruka,
oa aawrac ahtalned hafare taJd rnart at the ad:
tearaeti ItiiMaikir imo lena.arweheiar cauaty
kekraakaaa taewih day el aavaaihei tern la
aaat aaaaaaM
ivalavtrd aaaa tie taaaaiaa
.. - .J- T.T
1,1 a"iv .a;aB hi.i . rB.. an
raaatai aorwraaaa lewawaT uaaaaiia
ralatav aaaaey nekvaaka. . And aBBiaW tka
aaaaa aaaf "- III B - aB) BBakal aaa.a--a
daj; ajliaYa jLwjjbfgeal
f BPeajBl aajp m g iaa a-w-waj ,t mam
neavAaya. &ttM
BWawaBaBaW. V wBBWjY
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaawai i
( it the lop
For not using Miles T.
Patent Collar
whn ha been working a namber ef feara ipoa
dilTorrnt mat lioda of 0(enlng a collar at the bot
lom, kfotiltithaone idea ia view, that ofre
tttlnlnt tiia IlKhtneaii, atreagthiad dirabllityef
tho wholo collar, and add to it the advaatagee of
rapidity nnd aaae ot adjnatmeat, ahaolite, per
feetion of fitting aad moat Importintof all
obtalnlBK fleilbililyat the throat, by yielding to
the pretaaro of the ahevider while working.
First It preveate breakiag tke cellar et tke
Baocnd-It avoid the removing af aweet Bade
from the collar;
Third The advantageeef pitting oa Beetle
With thia faataaar. ta aikaaa tka -
Ii very tronbleaome, ie very great.
rourm it aavra auppug tke eoMr over the
head and injiriag the eyeaofthc horee, aad
mo! of all, the troable of heckling aad aabaek -
ng it th(
ruin rnaeuiar uina iurrnnii fl.wii.i. .i ti.. i... . i.l. . .t
honjdraof the hone, maklnt nn rny and niljnatable, collar which wlllaot gall the
Keepi on hand Light nnd Heayy Harneeu, .whlpt, lashc.
roboB, blankotis wddles, &i in fact e very tnlng lu a tad
claajharnowHliop. Trimming and repairing neat
ly aud promptly done on nhort notice.
,. J.. O. BUTLER & CO.
ShopOne door North of City Bakery.
Call and ace me, we will do you Good,
And Window Shades,
My first invoice of Wall Paper and Window
anaaes tor lHyu. hnc
mw Uve a plenty of thewe PopuUr IXsoeratad CaiiiiMt al
-v au, wuiWHtj win roiitT ana IHtll. OOHMawatAJ
Hat of Pure Drug and Medicine, at agajaL CWtt
S-oiibb :. Apply to IV F Kel
y PaTBWBwwgJW WI Bag aUVawWe
3 ?rf
logg, PO box 156, RtMl Clout
f ." - . U . . . V. . i 1
"? 'rtit
( t.
,'h 'u
iair aaa rwaaai aaaiiaa;,
d aa O, Imm Amomw Wauii.