The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 31, 1890, Image 5

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ABonr-Atir namrs.
Dr. Talmaff on the Manifold
BeautlM of the Nome Jaatia.
A .fame juy ! . aad f Wowm-rrel
I'ower-aUwatlfal Alike In Yoana; aad
Old trlst laws-Alt ths tUrth to
Kl" It l-ralsea.
4 During the Kurojiean tour of Iter. T.
I)'Viit Talmago thu vessel upon whloli
he wan a passenger stopped nt Queens
town and tho distinguished divine took
advautago of the opportunity to preach.
Ills subject was "Mhalls In a nm.-M
and liia text, I'hlllpptana 11. V: "A name
which Is above every name," Tho emi
nent preacher said:
On my way from the Holy Land, and
while I nalt for thi steamer to munn
her voyage to America, 1 preach to you
from thU text, which otto of lattV
rapturous and enthusiastic descriptions '
of tho name of Josus. ly common '
proverb we have oouio to .believe that
there in nothing In a name, and so pur-1
cnti sometime present their children !
for baptism regardless of the title given
them, and not thinking that that partic
ular title Mill ho either a hindrance or a
help. Strange mistake, Vou have no
right to give to your child a name that
It lacking either In cuptiony or In moral
meaning. It U a sin for you to call your
child Jeholaklm or Tlglath-Hlesor. !!
cause you yourself may have an oxaspor
ating name 1 no reason why you
Hhould give It to tlu4 who come
after you. Hut how often we have ncen
nome name, filled with jargon, rattling
Uow from generation to generation,
almply tovaune nome one a long while
ago happened to 1m artllcted w Ith It. !n
atltutlotiH and enterprise have Mime
tline with ftuftlclcnt delllMratton taken
their nomenclature. Mighty ilvatlniea
have ben decldel by the nlgnlflcanee of
ft name. Theru aro men who all their
life long toll and tu1e to get over tho
Influence of mime unfortunate name.
While we may, through right liebnvior
and Christian demeanor, outliv the fact
that uii were lmjitlted by the name of a
despot, or ii n Infidel, or a cheat, how
much better It would haw been if we all
could have started life without any auch
Incumbrance. When 1 find the apostle.
In my text and In other part of lit
writing, breaking out In ascription of
ndmlratlon In regard to the name of
Jchuh. I want to inquire what are mime
of thocharterltlcsof thatapMIItlon','
And O, thin the lour lllmelf. while
I apeak, might 111 I me with Ills own
privsenee, for w never can tell to other
that which we havo not ourclvc felu
First, this uamo of Jesus I iin easy
name. Sometimes Me are intrtxluced to
people whom-uamo I so long and un
pronounceable that wo havo sharply to
lltten and to heur the name given to us
tn'o or tltn-ii time lMfore we venture to
MHak It. Hut within tho first two years
the llttlu child clasp It hand and
jook up and say "Jmu." Can it 1h,
moiig all tho families rcprvonted hem
toiley, llierc Is ne household whorv tba
little one sjrt'akaof "father" and "moth
er." and "brother." and "lter," and
not of "the; nam which 1 abovo every
name?" Sometime we forget the title
of our very bent friend, and we have to
pause and think liofore we can recall the
name. Hut can you Imagine any freak
of Intellect in which you could forget
the Savlotir'i ifoalgnatlou? That word
"Jesus" seems to flt the tongue In every
dialect. When the volcr in old age get
feeble and Ueiuuluu and indistinct, still
the regal word ha potent utterance.
Ju, or thy vharialuf uanip,
'TIs music tu my car,
t'tn woulil I iouml It forlb so Intel
That Ilravrn atel tsrth tnlflit hear.
Still further, I remark It Is a beautiful
name. You have noticed that It is Ini
possible, k dlasoulaUt a name from tho
person who baa the name. So them are
name that am to me repulsive I do not
want to hoar tbom at all while thus
very name an- attractive to you. Why
th difference? It is lecauw I happen
to know perwnna by those name who
are cross, and sour, and snappish, and
queer, while the perwon you used t
know by those names were pleasant and
attractive. Aa we cannot dls:tate a
name from the person who holds tin-
name, that consideration makes Christ's
name so unspeakably beautiful. No
suonur sK pronounced In j-our pn-wnce
tkaa fiat think of lUahlehent and Uetb
S4jtna at4 Golgotha, and yovj ami th
loving ffcivad hear the tender voice,
and fee! tia gentle toucb. Vou see Je-
., V.. .SIm rS... ,l...l. t t
br,.akfst on'thn fish that rough men
name-Jesusl It standa f,-love, for pa-1
tience, for klndneaa. for forbearance, for
uthunrlitN. ,. .. -...I.- i. i
-" ....v, . H.pnHiNiij it i
aromatic wun au ouors ana atvmUnt ,
with all harmonies. Kotnetime I M. I
mat name, ansi vne leucr seem to lm
wade out of -ara, and tbea again tley.
V' i wau m,z - -"" m"
&? !? th
which Hi people shall relra. taatworl Me,," and I
iaTsf MtMlaav lhavuiak iViA aa .11 .t.l.
.sus. the one who, though It... clouds an, K i rliwS ll i u .""
the dust of His feet, walkt footson. on , orT v, C ,ts r,U""' , l ";
the road to Kmmtii. c7in. im . tP T1 . , Vf
i -.' . - .. . . 'ennany, Illchard I,, of Kngland, luis
Just aa oe. u that name Is pro-I XVI. of France, Catbarin,, of ItussU- !
nouncrd in yottr prenee 5-. think of , mIjrhtT B.,nr, Jfc 'u ,
bow the shining one gave back tb. c,n- IWB1,., but Bfw, Jj
uriou. daughter, and how He helped tb,m verenc, .d to theVe.t Lm
he blind man to the sunlight, and bow o( t, iropI,' h mean ab"u
He made t.e crlpp e . cmtcho, useles-, nothlag; they never hear.1 of them H
and how He looked down Into the babe's ,,e .,,. fVbrl.t i U, endure We ' ."
laughing eyes, and. as the little one It will l t.rttuat in .r i . .2
.tn.ggle4 lo go to Him, flung out III. ?, UeTTiuiaU t'oVp'cMhe
f!B,"3.' U nU.,B,e''sl a loving .lona.. ,hw wiu ! other UhlrUn-lln.
K,'4??1t'n,.W'r1 Ws 'M ! to represent Christ'. W.S J, 1 2ft
IKl Wl LHHIITU T VW lltf,Mm IUntlf.1 . 1. -. . ' ' ' '
"'" - HI "- . -w - ..,.. 'WUMtHIHV, ninAff r.Mtto. .. -V ,
.. i-iT r sla. .--,-" i aireany u is etiirMjmra In tbe tt twoks
A Jt! ?". " X ff-nad there will M olker Dr. I'aley t
of Ca ruVn and again I sound It writ the "KvMenre of CarfstlaaJl
:!?:i'v:"ir: "? 4Trr. r!
i , T i, .TT. 17
glorbM of tk Uadery aad pat tfeew
aroua.1 the lag where t aa U
rrloted. On CaristatM Moralcg wreath K
fftehrall. Mt It drip fami harp a I
aad thuader ostt la rgaa'adUp-
isdwms it ultra, sum it ww. u.
w every war aairan w aaiaa tu aad
rewrr Bower ahall sreav to breath H, aad
I.. . mm,L .. . - .. . ' .
asuw asta ss-w, mm sjks sufau "
and earth and Heaven acclaim la fall
chant: "Messed be His glorious name
forever. The Bant that U abovsv every
Jrsua, th riant tilth ovr all,
la tlvavsn, ami atlli. and sky.
To the repeating moU. to the ex
hausted Invalid, to 1hr .Sunday school
girl, to lhi snow-while octogenarian. It
l lMautlful. The old man comes In from
long walk and tremblingly own the
doors, and hang hi hat ou'tho old uall.
and sots hit cane In the usual corner,
and lie down in a couch and say to hi
children and grandchildren: "My dear.
1 am going to leave you. And they
say. "M'hy, where are you going, grand-1
father"" " am going to J-nm." And
so tho old triau faint away into Heaven. I
The little child come In from play I
and throws herself on your lap and av !
ti. i .." , . ..'
.'i.iiiiua, i am so hick, i am i met.
And you put her to ld and the fever la
worse and worso until In miiio midnight
he look up Into your face and saya:
"Mamma. U mo good-bye. 1 am going
H ay
from vou " And vou av "Mv
dear, where are you going to?" And she
sys: "I am going to Jesus," And tho
"""" "'hook which you thought i the
luark of tho Iihit imlv turn out to l
the carnation bloom of Heaven! , yest
It ft a sweet name slsikeu bv the til w of
childhood, spoken by the old man
Still further, it Is a mighty nniiie.
Ilothvlillil s a sjtent name In the com
mercial world, Cuvler in the scientific
world. Irving a (hiwerful name In tho
literary world. Washington an Influen
tial name In the political world. Wel
lington a mighty name in the military
world: but tell me any name In all the
earth so potent to awe, and lift, and
thrill, and rouo, and ngltatv, and Idea
as this name of Jesus. That one won!
unbored Saul and flung Now ton on his
face on ship's deck, and toslav bolda 4M. of the race with omnipotent sdl.
That name In Kngland to-day means more
than Victoria: In (leriuany, mean tuonv
than F.tupenir William: In lranee, mean
more than Carnot: In Italy, means more
than Humbert of the present orllarl
baldl of the past. I have seen a man
bound hand and foot In sin. aatan his
hard task mater, In a bondage from
which no human power could dcllvr-r
htm, and yet at the pronunciation of
that one word bedashed down bis chain
and marched out forever free. I hate
seen a man overwhelmed with dUuxter.
the last ho tied, the last light gone
out; that name pronounced In his hear
ing, the sea droppd, the clouds scatters! '
and a sunburst of eternal gladness '
(siurcd Into his Mini I have seen a man '
hardened In Infidelity, defiant of t).l, ,
full of scoff and Jeer, Jocose of the Judg-1
ment, ns-klessof an unending eternity,
at the men pnmunclatlon of that name
blanch and cower and ijuake. and pray,
and Mib, and gnstn, and believe, and re
joice. Oh, It I a mighty name'. At lis
utterance the last wall of sin will fall,
the last temple of superstition crumble,
the last Juggernaut of cruelly crush to
That name will first make all the
earth tremble, and then It will make all
nation alng. It Is to Im the password
at avery gate of honor, the Insignia on
every flag, thV battle shout In every con
flict. All the million of the earth am
to know it The red horae ttf carnage
een In apocalyptic vision and the black
horse of death are to fall hark on their
haunches, and the white horae of victory
will go forth, mounted by II lm who bath I
Uie moon under his feet, ana the atan
of Heaven for hi tiara. (Kaeraoniln
ion aeent tu be giving out; talaaeeaM to
be enlarging. Spain ha had to give lip
much of tu domtnloa. Austria baa been
wonderfully depleted In power. France
had to surrender some of her favorite
provinces. Most of the throne of the
world are being lowered, ana most of the
scepter of the world are blg short
ened: hut every lllble printed, every
tract distributed, every Sunday school
class taught, every school founded, every
church estahllahrd. Is t4lir V...
power of Christ's name. That name has '
already been spoken under the Chinese
wall, and In Siberian snow castle, In
llraiillan unx and In Kaatern sjaguda.
That name 1 to swallow up all other
names. That crown Is to rover up all
other crowns. That empire Is to absorb
all other dornlaatioas.
All rrltnr shall erase, ami sfitlrnt frauds
HMiirnlng Jtntlr (III slot! hrr !.,
lvsr vr tlis world her olive iirsmh ti
Ami wblts relied
laaors-nrs frotn llf-avsn
Htlll further. It I an enduring tiatne.j
Vou clamlier over the feaye of .ti
graveyard and pull aside the weeds, and '
the '
V"? T' SSJVt .VT. " "'.
ri.ltlr.g the spirits In wl
tllotu to appal ourslrht wit
laa t ther
. r --- im wwiirnw
a r -!. t aita ai . i H,ltl. i
The name
for there wlil
rill pr--rved la aon.
I' other Alexander IVcs-a
to wrii iK VJ...t.t
Voun t, r-,rr lit. .w,.t, ...l?'J
triumph, other'
vow prrs to sing Ills fcne. It mril) bw
srrhtusrturr. for I;tv.4aaw.wlan3r2
Mme-VasLiWn, tv . .VT. "'
aervrsl In the liratref ,.e ww, f!
... ... " av
."4 i
To 4nr Uta aveaxrr al that u.
of Christ riw sotU ks s- i, ?
the Hiblea aad all ih.rk.t ,..:..i
aadtara la a f4rit of nlveraal ana aw
tarosigh the gat f Hsavea m4 mi
Mfu a ia imsaIm ui kj .,. --
the pahvrwa, aad afwt all tsUI Htf was
wtaiaid In awfal essiiuri t .i
" i ' p -niWM
uutru asa tfwt MM gaawl a taw raia
re tea they wwatd wear a aasaara
the thunder of falling lower and the
cr-Mb of crumbling wall, and see It In
wrought In the flying banner of flame,
and tho redeemed of the lord on high
wvuld lie happy yet and cry ouU "lrl
the pac and the temples burn, we
have Jesus left!" 'Itled be Ills glo
rious name ferever and ever. Tho name
that Is aUne every naute "
Hu', above all, and more than atl, that
name will he ontlialiixxl In the memory
of all the good of earth and all the grest
ones of Heaven Will the deltvrrcd
Isindmen of earth ever forget who frved
him? Will the blind man of earth ever
forget who gave him sbjht Mill Uie
uicat of earth forget who brounht hliil
home No' No1
Hare you ever made up vour mind by
what name jou will call "Christ when
vou meet Him In Jleaienr ou know
lie has many nanca Mill youcall Him
.testis, or le .naolntcd tine, or the
Me.slsb, or Will you take MUtie of the
'symbolic nsmes which on earth jou
leariuxl from your Htllts"
M'anderlng some dav in the gsrvlen of
Uod on high, the place ahbsim with
eternal springtide, inriullo litvurlaieo
of rose and Itlj atxl amsranth, jou may
bmk up In tii Ills face snd sat My
l.ord, Thou art Die rose o( Misron and
the lily of the valley "
Stime dsy, as a soul comrs up front
earth ts take It place In Hie firmament,
and shine as a star for ever snd ever,
snd Die luster of a Useful life shall l-'sui
forth tremulous and beautiful, vou may
look Up Into the face of Christ and nay
"My Lord, Thou art a btlghti-r star "a
morning star a star forever "
Wandering some ly amlil the foun
tains of Ufa thai toss in the sunlight and
fall la araab of j-rl and amcihjulu
g!lcR and crystallue urn, and jou wan
der ip to the round-banked river to
where It first tingle its silver on the
ruck, and out of tho chalices of love jou
drink to honor and everlasting Joy, you
may look up Into the face of hrlt and
say! "My l.ord, Thou srt the fountain of
living water."
Someday, wandering amid the lambs
and sheep In the heavenly uttiire,
feeding by the roek, rejoicing In the
presence of Him who brought you out of
the wolfish wilderness to the sbeepfiild
above, you may took up Into Ills loving
and watchful ova and ssj "My l.nt.
Thou art the shepherd of the everlasting
Hut there U another name jinn may e
bi't. I will Imagine that Heaven I
done, Kvery throne has Its king liv
ery harp ha lu hr-r Heaven has
gathensl up every thing that Is worth
having. The treasures of the whole uni
verse have (siurcd Into it The Ming
full. The ranks full 'the mansions
full, Heaven (nil. The sun shall set
afire with splendor the denies of the
temples, and burnish the gulden sin-et
and be retli-oled back by the solid pearl
of the twelve gales, and It shall l noon
In Heaven, mxm on the river, rnn on
the hills, noon In all the vallcvs high
noon. Then the sou) may bsik up, grad
ually accustoming Itself to the vision,
shading the ejes a from thu almost lu
suffcrable splendor of I tin noonday light,
until the vision own endure It, then crv lug
out: "Thou art the sun that never !!"
At this silnt I am staggered with iba
thought that notwithstanding all tha
charm la the aame of Jtsaua, and the faet
that It la ao caay a aaaie, and so beauti
ful a name, and ao potent a nie, aaa
ao enduring a ansae, taer are pll"
w ho lad ao charm In those two sylla
bles. O euui thl day and see waatheg
there . any thing In Jesus. I ra alien
those of jnn who are farther fmai )4
to come at the close of this service aad
test with me whether Hod la good, aad
Christ Is gracious, and the Holy Mplrit la
omnipotent. 1 challenge you to eewa
and kneel down with ate at the altar of
mercy, I will kneel on one aide of tasv
altar and you knc-1 on the other side of
it, and neither of us will ri up until
our sins are forgiven, and we awrllx-, in
the words of the U-xt, all honor to Um
name of Jesus you pronouncing It, I
pronouncing Itthe name thai is aUiya
every name,
III viirlli, If sl th nstloe lam,
Sum thr his esllli srimhl lirVw HlM Un,
O, that Deal tint ay. by the ser of
Ills holy spirit, would roll ov-r vou a
vision of that hloed Christ, and you
would tn-gin to weep, and pray, and !
lleve, and rejolre. Vou have heard of
the warrior who went out to tight against
Hirist. H knew he was In the wrong,
and while waging the war against lha
kingdom of Christ an arrow strnek him
aud he Ml. It plorrs-d him to the heart,
and lying there, bis face to the sun, his
life blood running away, be rsught a
handful ok the blood that was ratkiflg
out in hi right band, and hrld ll up
l-efwti' the sun snd cried out; '"it, Jesua,
Thou hat comjuernl' And If today
the arrow of Uui's splijt piening lour
soul, you Ml the truth of what I hsva
tM-n ulag Ut proclaiaa, yow woU sur
render nbw and forevr'ui the Joed wha
1mght you. Hlorious naioei I know
not whether you will accept It or ayrtt
ttut 1 will toll yirti one thing hers and
now, in the prraenis of angels and aa,
I take llltti to he my lrd. my 4S1, my
parrlon, tny pee my life, lay yj, my
aalration. mj bt-atru' "Hleswl le his
gluriowa aame," 'Jlallctujsb! unto
lllm that sltteth upon th throne sad
unu th jmb for ever aadrtsr, Amca
aad amen ami swiew."
Twe ImH 4 la Wsrrs.
The last even distant relatlveof Aarrm
Uurr I dead. He waabsttf IIwm
bom In Western New Vrk loag ago
as inf. aaa went to the o.etroWi to
-A Me4Ua (la) man I au.tVlty
Tor the tateivat that a rvvtr, servet
at his home the ether day, had two fully
developed and perfectly fermtsl wish
Kine. Vucen VlrtorlaS rmwn, kept with
ether rev l regalia under strung guard
at the old tower, and worn ewij on slalw
(ccaslons I worth rvwo,n,t, metal, gaa
and drvttrwtton Includist
ln a M'heeltng store where tvvktng
glasses weee formerly sttrtl fs4nd
rather generous) v they have all .-n
taken down "The "rr-ss.oi.M viM .
flisir waikvr, "I that I he avmm would
alwav-s be jsntrued up In elwds whrre.
ever there s s bikln glasv and
Uok them down"
An Instrument calle.) the tele.
Craphone baa lern patented, which
etisbles the sender to teeotd hi nesaf e
on a rrllnder attsithnl to the es-c,tvhg
Instrument, In th absent of anj one
to her It, and even to tpe.t the tatesi.
sage Uk to himself for Correction
"(None In and see th Swimming
Match1 Admission, Ten Cents This
a4lTcnt,.meii. rleverly dlaplaywl to
caUh the public r,,v pttn en a
hoard outside s Urge fair In llfooklvn,
Mhen thn itsltors (mid their admission
fee. and ru.hM In. Ihey saw a Match
floating In a tumbler of water
a visitor t the NeverslnV Flr I louse at
Heading, a few day mgy, ate a toUture
sinismH of a ptiund of figs, fifty w
otes. andaMiundot sugar, and lopsl
off the mess with a pound of lahi He
said on k w.gcr he would eat a ll of
wagon grease, but the spectators would
let him go no further
........... ..... ,,.,. ,j , ui-inirn
- Frog are Improving with the rest
of the world, and are evidently d - velop -
I, -, -i-s'iij nir turning tne tallies on
their perstsjiutora one of the frogs
Into the snake care at the Worcester
(Mass ) Natural History Museum to Ihs
w allow ed, turned swa'llower and "ab
sorlx-d" so tuuoh Ills, k snakt that the
latter diet after bring pulled from the
fighting frog,
A writer who tsmlxnda (hat w)4
fashlonctl oul-sif door games are the. beat
form of eiervlso for children says
Ittinnlng makes a trim ankle and a
shaKly rr, m,4 Mr( ahould I en
cuursgei) to run as often as poabln
In old fashioned games of ball of pris
oner's ho, w tilth, as (t used to be.
ptsit. left few fliers of the bily with
out Mrei4h and refreshment. The Uislg-
Ing, the Inlets and sudden dashes for
!.-.. - ... .. .. . .
base weregtssl pr set lee. In tactlca, gv-
ing a nuh's eye ami foot ahd lltbn Issly,
A hawk pursued a plgrnm ImU a
house at Hrunswtck )!,, the other day
Tint pigeon li)V refuge under a tatde In
the kitchen The hswk In enlerlug (he
door saw a window liyond. aril sup)-s.
Ing his prey had gone thai wy dartstl
for th arlure, but, lo hi borrer,
found sn Invisible sstipnf glass, through
whtrh hi. MMimealum carried him Ui the
gmund le)ond, whrw he lay for soon.
lime, ' Mho irow dat brick"" sang out
the rook 'Hie master of the house ar
rived on lhn sssawe Just In time to dis
cover ,4dst brick" wss a hawk, and to
ee him disappear after recovering from
his encounter "lib the window pann
A newspaper man went to Interview
lb. superintendent of one of the eleva
ted roads of New Vork a few days ago
with a lot of letters complaining that
the cars on the fol were Uwi od
"Vou'll save mn a lotof trt.ubU If you'll
let me hsie these ltter,M said the ttl
pcrlntendnnt, reaching Into his desk and
Uklng out a tackage of doeumvaU.
"How la thatr "Why, here 1. a bundle
of oornlpalnta we have rsnelvM aixiut
the rars Uing kept too warm. If youli
let me have yours Iran.endtbe rold let
trrsi to the ho) writer and the hot let'
tra to lhn cold writers, aad a-j make all
Ihe growlers answer eaeh olher," lawa
Slate KcgLusr
-- Tlie mrslern game of base 1 (a an
Amrtran Institution ami not, a soma
might l)je, an esottf of foreign
growth whlsh has co u us from the
older rivilla-alluM of Kinpe aad thn
ICatt. 'ihe game from which or pres
ent stwrt Is drlM hal Its origin and
d.ivrlopmtfit among the aWrlflhes of
the Amerkan continent, who played
with t-at as4 UII fir ags, for aught
we know. Wore th dream of anew
world fllb-d Ihe Imarinatlott of the
Italian adventurer ll is thus Ameri
can to the fore, Of emir ih gam has
undergone grat modifications, but re
rent areheJlc Investigation prove
the truth of the al-uv aUteroent.
ss s.i. ai-..i ... . . .
Tlie N.v.Jxj tflb of Indians own lm-
-.-., iiv.,-..-t. ,.V mivrs
riuslJy A part of tht finds its w.y
I nt 1 the regular market noi,h t.
SMdaaw. wjtaansrtaww sw,siifMt u m.
tAW mAA a al. ......,. ..
blsnkt. After taring rlsned, erdd
'-'" -... .... .... ...v wa. v-,, ..I
am iywj i;y a f.r-ea Is-nm only t
tbsmselvrs, Jhs ew fa tf fT Ik
Tien wr.ter arw mfrtsl irH'
asie. aad will only prfyrm Ihe Wf of
mating the blanket, therefore lbs work
of rr-tlftg U kge, whkk fonulna
mr "u -,wi-t vrr - js-,
The Mgaa l male by fdsnllar l .
rvgb-)ewn tV, afewt lgfcl ft
ILL t . ,1. -. ,.. 4
uin, tm wt r,ji as r.iar
itr ,.
vervsl. forming a stasti
h Up 4 these Urtth r1 tf Sr
placed to form a rtf sari shade fra
tkeb,raliT.tfcstav Tb ca-
ter v!1 form Ik iid n tfc risw.
aad l-t u from te tv ss-l Ua
Uim rrxKH tU, M kd. t
ihtxrtgh thew for fc wsrp, ar ar
fast-"! w(a r.ohVte tli'rf.g.
Tb waro 1 vit fwn tte fln ef
he ysv f" 1 1 Is 1eaUd i a V-
r kWB ! to tbav U ytrff It. ,
ft, afrt stu aoft 4lr!ge4 U a
a.liA te. a Vefj. ta.A LfaaiWta m li
M , " W"m , ,w "-r -. ..."., ...-. H
lr b 4H'rM la jsllr aad tvr
iy tkevde f'ravTt7 the- tUaksla
tti tui w fttf tiuir si , bsii
a- they vers rv)s4r f la "'
saat tsl ttrwwa aiass4 ault
ipnsm ttietf warn !; 1 a uwaav
ta,r vaiae wf their vuakaM aaa
Lajseaased ym tklr avlavtst Wf trader
Lai ka satataMMi tha tedag laftsHry-
rraarttv Ckra4ia
MOUVIAfltTIM Of l10lUa,
Katawi. taa wtaard ef laeiriHy. a.
aVltaea to vUlt-vr at Ms Aienla
"ark Vsisviatofi NaU a (mat maa.
Met he ran not sa.rUa4 any hi vaK
haVK gsddsn ttssa ahoald aarrtsVswl
to tTla wmvatmrdf rail w "pay tastr
Mvt ) will sjmpalhtsa wtk
Mr tnstsma U hu Ke,la.w fer Ilk lag
to II a b4 In Ihs ni(ag lis m)i
"I ksWgsttttng npla the aeralag, and
I hals It every H,ewlng " He will ao
ps-rtivtt htwsssslf toM.Uk wf earrewl iw
. tora t p.dUic after hrs W 1-4,
"" ttd Vne that Uo t Mblv
,f eb-tdlsl, aad ha ln m fwf
3,'ar ' h4 tt a hit rlghtp
sv!vd ts'tlUar and a,i K be la
1 toltly gvsl hrMh 'ItVe tak e-sss el
I "I"' niw. hewever, and be tare.
'f l,rs for w than kjslf aa hostr at
.a time,
I A N'aw Oniaans leHer-wtHet saya
1 tSl old Jib Uj, m an senei of
' thf UuUlsn Mtery, gvs sl.tklwg
alwul th e,nkt.xa of tb Ht, Charlsa
' lUtoJ lk a fl.esl of tS pa.v. It, wf
' hll fssl I that re atll hvr -est a
I NaVUival Unk toM with a r-xwait e4
lltmefal tlrsnlen It.
Maaa TwAta Km 4ran the Its at
i nl.U-fcrV rvsvltags- la his pos-sal .14
nt vae invrwauisi estiiTtinv vi,ww.
Ha Wilts that tvotef rmsvs still law Uka
rt la ene of those rs-lleg They
ara always m Ufwlionalty exndMt!,
aob)eslloa lies to Urn dW ..
ten wf the issadlssaa ast;oad (h llwsiw)
svf time originally sat,
JiTsuB Maaa Mt.aaisrvmisef i)ile
gla ftuereaie brwsh, la a Arm Wlt l
the asllae sts-aa. lis Inat an arwt at hm
1 wattle of MnKtweil, Va . In May, isaa.
, aa! he deviate thai h aaa evary etnsr
add lev wh got wowaded In the sun in
' Hsat estmtsal rm's)ves4. while all tha
I wwaa4a KMvsd mortal. Ha salt ha
had tasysmUva a taka aitietai nxUnf
W.M Waitataa Is taa weast 4.ta
anavskaraeter fa AmerWaa lltaiatara
tar, HU satlsadU wwalih el walla
hair Is a Mltlag frasaa fr a faam af saw
Jsaatbv Vaaaty Ilia magalgsamt fagwra
I not t howist duaa w)lk Ike waight
pf aevenlff w later, lav hi tnatb
4frrilss4 himself aaa "rvugh,v aad mm
vasaa In the habit of aaawetaUng with
stgT drivers, aid ka aoHate bawds
lad Oia ilas and drvva dvwn Hrsway,
I dreswed In oattragesisaa attU. Ilwt of
I Use yeavra be kaa twilled down Into a
. . ... .
dsswsroua aad most rwafawilahle ch Mas bar ,
aa aaa "good, gray ,"
rfc iiaw: ii'fwisa.aiaswi s
TIMMat AdD mitt,
"VBwJlt', I the same woe I aa "sale 1 1"
i and each Is an atffshusit of the fasklal
Manasia Is "my lady," ami sir had
tssa ettraetwd frei taa lailn "alr'
throw h the riMk,
"DanwRUttg' is deal 4e Isssa tka
ll's tooth), and "vlhagar- waa osvw
Via aigrw (avar wine),
Itta.riv'4 apa allva tka l-aila kat
mwtsts (twtea ssetkAd), aad a vardWt at
atmply a vwre dtetam m salag),
, A "viujti,MUfrwtaatsgmawf dltv
fraew waa atsaekad t him, waa a lamstat
aa tka villa af a Hojaaai wawatry gaatlaw
Aa Karl waa aa "aUer" la taa prtml
Mra aunlati. wklla IVpe Is taa saava at
pat," and tiaar aad Katatrara katk
tlvaa at trat swsaat -wire "ata
a,Maada awrrival ut ta swrly asgalaV
esvttoa ailsta la aaaa," aasd awa) waaljp
la a aad awaaw.
"Jimhisvm to a rwaalaiaiwaea of taa
laaaWl a4jratloa, (I gem I a I. aa4 kaa
am Ramans ba tawy ealUd upam tW
twiaa Castor aad IVliaa lav help tasm.
MaaiaswrvR la "rtdlag auai, ltwaral
Yf tka lrah frm star wa laagaaga,
4a4 ratarawd as aa la a aew gUe wtsk
kka draasmakar'a stamp wf apprwraL
1u shop kaa aoaklag w do wtta
alopa, aa aw amataar atymsliagtaw
kava asaartasdtHtaastMSleUlagskatpa,
taa weed swrtalag thm taa Ismlaaiat
alappwr, a toat.
Taisr . MeissMy fov arikU mad fsf laa
CUao w hV i u srl; mU saw V aWU,,
rger1 AhlMnte let Msiafto r,t j wSI)w
saw1 ansha a tf wsat trHwd aed tavratt
foethi'ftsMlbis'tre la ksw4ssa wsewey
w-stW-ual Wk is 4 Isi awtrsrltstag,
y, tMvtUtrisv naily s-.l U m ka-ses te fj
Hi Its WK41U, A few sVmvsv 1 trt j
ktsisrtaln tiusstsbN. aet hi avail fs
r, A. T.tswsssa4t, iit, p
Tatr ssyera maaagr srmat sHa a
mat wV"rvwd a tsaaswr frswu taa
. av
lnsr fs-saltiUw4'avsl
,tty, UtolV WahsJI JUsvr. assaiia-tu.
I t U N.taal tVewsw aWvswl" a
marrigvt sl Wswr M4tf t.a
aVsjasi fcJsat
tviier i
i ' peti' Hwikul tsvasr' sceea,
iifl lM)
l)rlWf t-f lMraass f a4
ar rrSMt((lr asf4Wa "
Curtails VtyiVI,
m. i-m
Tas ousvstl f
ll f sw asavsvss
sat tAt wtaa
attmir lsme aslssavaea
lassf svaaa UUsa
ft-a a Cvg rv Tt,ra V teat avaall'
rtMi Hes rts
I Haw Hf t N-rns4 asvd 7sr
- is v arsssww.ra savrsaaaaa. aaa
r..j.i ,--..
araassiSMiaaa tsascnf a
T'tit r UUm,i,litit4 Ws.sU.
as. aMs4iswiw, wstwsf i,Vva
Utu ldr lM-..f; ail frytaaaa
Taw first uu a mm iasafM UasW fata
aUt. vf a a kl savaa Use has swasV
Afttr Pneumonia
44 easenas s ! r"s-e. vraa-ss are, aws
t svassawrss. am .seas, lm" m seasa
aarert avrlfaM k) easa aa am saws last m4
a ! snttw f aw m r as a i' am.
Wassl M M ft fasssfc Sssxe ssssl Swasst
rt'SjMaM aVasaTsaasaaaavsaaj, SWSSwWSaa
sdsws s ssa awai'isamiaaa
MtMMa'aw swrawsMlawtfllawl
sTwswSjat aw samawv awsmsjrsvv awsWdg
swaasfsiissamtsss tiMara
Ct-JaVaCVi, tu
ms& i j.x t;
CUfSwJlwa- " C9iMks?d
ft tka amvlrow) gml rwmilkl
Hj ttm ofliga U taa aa i It I
ami tafrealilnalrt tka tsvata. aksli
Utor aaa) Ikiwsta, mUtmwa im tt
Urn rfmvttatHj, slrsfwat avtldt, wmV
as kaa anl "-t -nrrtftiirdlaml
rsMlttNwa. plyTwH mf Hf
imljr rvmr.1r f lta Vlml atwr hk
ilurswl, plewslng to ka fatamv aal as
rrtaMw tn lha atomaew, pjavvrnpt It)
ils avtlon an4 trult IsHaaaWial l law
rrexta, tevats waltr frvwm laa m-w
KaaJtkj ami agtvssakla MUtamwa,
lit nianjr airTll a;via)rtlesj r.ia.
mrrol K M alt ami Imvw aatvla H
list keH tatjvwW rwamsljf llawwa.
Intuit t.f llgs kt fVr aaU la Mk)
Mw) asmtaaU all lewdimxirugy.
giata Any raliaMw slfMggU nkt
may tvw) kava H mt Uswl will am,
gura It ffLagidla tW Mf aaa wis
aUkea 1st Uj ll Ds mat asveaast
an wuWilHttV ,
ChlFMMi Hi IfefcVr- Ma
. fMraadsjsagwvf!,
imsirmr, sr. krav rasw, a a,
OT laN1l 4MHa)
to aaamaad aad aaaaamsl ar wsvdssa
awiiwaai ama nv raat sm Sag
aww4swavaaa am easia4
a1aawswi ajawawampawm hat
asmtsmsaaamjawsmaaamaaaawaawarsasmawiaa snigt isasjawjajajsyammagaf
Tints Pills
f ''gtosjaagiaisjgaa MM ajtMswaptv
asa, Mfea saasjajsiasia
Uk XwMaJwMlwRf
rmavsaaaij.aagaiat haws amawmamaam
rimino si. :rrxm
mHiian as swsas
.aiamsy am asanas
waaa aaaiaa
AdkafMtf atatasHtBt feahdaSJ daaasstsft
mWrV tsTaSgsf WwlVapH
mV agaaja.saVaamsw,av,f,
3 lNwHawi
IMsWsMala SstllwW SsUaV 4MsW NsML
yi?-S? sTaaltoKssVaTRaT
Wwmt t f sPsytgpsj WW Jfrasgrspa srwrsMwsl awHav
Ms"aasjwisawwWU IWKp
WMMUmtM. flfttoamjSgaMjsa
jpaLaaWmwVXawlwi "
""""" ' tmmmmmmtmmmmmimmmmmm