v. wntmiwrnmi, WWMtimWt4xinthl. I t 1 -tf i v XSS J -IMHI.M WWll pwtil-WWiai ii ' THE CRONIN CONVICTS. McCaaasM SkTSBSS ttBSS a Raw Trial Ra B)llf MM ABfllaB M at tee eMfc-4reaMIa. Caaawlhi h4 Mark TlkM ta MM nriUMMf Vaaar Ik Um aataaa. Ciucaoo, Jm. 1 In J mice Mo Council' court yesterday morning the opening argument on the motion of the Cronlri prisoners for n hew trial Was begun by Attorney Wine. The argument km altogether confined to tli pot tit a already presented to the nt toroey's written declaration of error. Judge HeCoiwcll in tlio afternoon granted the application of Kiinre. for a new trial, but denied the motion an to the other defendants, Coughlin, Uurke and O'Sullivan. Judge McConnell, la bis decision, said In part: "1 think it would tie mere pretense for me to take more time to dclllrate a this matter. I would not arrive at any different conclusion in several daya than 1 have now. It has weighed up on my mind during the trial that the defendants should have a fair trial. Since its conclusion it has weighed up en my mind whether they had u fuir trial; whether the jury hud reached a conclusion that within the limits a Judge has the right to question whether the verdict was a Just one. It was a Just one. "As to the evidence the judge U not called upon to say whether If in the Jury he would liavo come to the same conclusion. At to one of these de fendants I am convinced the etidenee la Insufficient. First, the evidence against John Kuuce is that of James who saw him in a window ucrou the street and never saw him Hgalu until In court I do not think his Identities tlon is reliable. I also discredit the identification of William Merles, who claimed to have seen Kuiue one even ing. Niemann, a saloonkeeper, did identify Ktinre positively. 'This murder sprang out of Irish politics some way, it is not necessary to even conjecture how, but ihero is no motive of Kunre to have taken part la the crime. Even if Merles and James were to be believed and Nie mann been more posltho, there is no difficulty in reconciling theso fact with his innocence. I mean to say he ' might havo been In the Clark street iat and all other places ami still have been Innocent. I tolluve the verdict of the jury was not only unwarranted by the evMenco but was an absurdity. "As to tlio other defendants I over rule the motion for a new trial." Little Kuuze was on his feet In an Instant, blurting out In his broken English: "Thank your honor; 1 am very much obliged for your kindness." "You are not indebted to me for any kindness," said the court. "Is there any motion for arrest of Judgment!"' asked the court. Mr. Forrest knew of no grounds for one, but made it to have it on record. The court overruled it, and asked if the prisoners bad any thing to say. There was a moment's suspense and then Dan Coughllii arose and said In jf rm tones: "Your honor, I am Inno SjenL I was convicted by perjurers." O'Biillivati's voice trembled slightly aa he said: "I have not much to say. I protest ay Innocence liefore God and man, and time is not far distant when it will be shown. I was convicted by a prejudiced Jury and perjured evidence. I do not ask for mercy; I nsk for Jus tice. I have not had justice." Burke stopped chewing gum long enough to say: "I nm Innocent. I al ways know that in Kngland they allow perjurers to go on the stand and con vict innocent men, but I never knew It was done in America." A moment's silence followed and then the court said: Will the prisoners rise?" The thrre men arose and the court imposed the sentence in the following words: "Following and confirming to th verdict of the Jury, the judgment of the court is that you be taken to the penitentiary at Jollet and there be con ned for the term of your natural lives." Judge McConnell Intimated he would m willing to grant a stay for the sake of humanity. If he were sure he had authority to do to, saying he had given the matter some attention and could -Ind no authority. Kunta was then admitted to bail in the sum of tt.ouo. Iast night the three prisoners were taken to Jollet, where they arrived about midnight. aaaaaa latasicrailaa. Wicnrra, Kan., Jan. 1.V Tlie eteo ntlve committee of the immigration bureau held a meeting yesterday wsornlng and decidol to send agents Vast with advertising malUr to work sap immigration. They discussed a plan of placing agricultural eshi lilts In all the leling Eastern cities. Ths association met at ten o'clock snd eeapowsred the executive commit tee te handle the finance quea tiea for the association. A num ber of speeches of a general eearaeter were made, when Hmt ad Jearasd to asset st call of Uw etrcwtlve eawualKse. Taesxecstlve coearaltUse set again la the afternoon and It was acrerd to try sad awke srrsJKressesU far running sosne excursieas fresa the Kast to Ksasas. WAWeaMel fleWt sftsaW BriMABCK, N. D., Jaa. IV Twenty eaght granger awssbersof the lloeas ef aewMn tall van kae mm oa ths war i teesist seeaasr wsih slat the lower braach They aaswaWjasd t te this sSeet, Taf s. wae is a f i vm astrsyet tJsat ilianat by ssesdaV law a lawyer ehsinasi sf the rsilriad kaf a lawyer etasin . Vj aTasvas. The rev JT' WeMgaaiMasTwII 1 tw) It la dejkjer rsvekt Is swowtiag sad Is Ires usdssrtthst FORTNER ARRESTED. VIM Bwaaalttaf Traaaaiat at attoy CsMXr Km-, Arratal at MaasBMa. Ttw. MKXriits, Trnn., Jan. 1 -Janes M. Fortner, the defaulting treasurer of Hllcy County, Kan., wss arrested here yesterdsy and is held to await the arrival of the sheriff from that county, who had pursued him to St. fouls. Fortner, in company with a woman, arrived on the strainer City of Cairo at two o'clock. A police officer, Iv ebedlenco to a telegrata from the sheriff, boarded tlio boat, but it was some time before ho found the fugttlte, whowns traveling under the name of James Madison. As the officer was about to leave the boat ho saw a nun emerge from a state room who he thought answered the de scription of Fortner. The officer tnet with a decided bluff at tlrst, but It did not work and tier asked him to go back to the room. Ho did so and a moment Fort state later in came the woman who, Fortner sal I, was his Wife. She cried and protested, but finally both weakened. Fortner was taken to police headouart era and locked up. He had aUiut lsj in bills and a check for a small sow. The prisoner refused to talk further than to acknowledge that his name i was Fortner; that he had been treas urer of lllley County three years, nud that he wits accused of belng'an enilwt tier of 10,000, which he denied. Fifteen minutes later the woman drove up In a carriage nud she and Fortner talked (or some time. She left the station ostensibly for a hotel but was driven to the I nm Mountain depot and left for SL fouls at five o'clock. The woman is about thirty years old.a handsome brunette exquisitely diessed. Fortner acknowledged that she is not his wire. Ist night Chief Davis received a telegram to hold the woman as she was Implicated In the steal. Fortner will leave ln the charge of the sheriff for Manhattan to-night. BRICE ELECTED. Ttia Okla (.agUlatara CkNM Caltla a Hrlr I'ylWd m4Im SMialnr-Uaa Uaai rral lil Nul Xnf Wat Mlfa. Cot.UMiius, O., Jan. It. Calvin S. llrice was at noon to-day elected to tlio United States Senate, receiving a ma jority of the votes in each branch of the Legislature, In the Senate Shaw, of the I.lma district, nominated llrice. tJanmcr, of Zanesvilie, seconded the nomination, saying that the nominee was a brave soldier In time of war and a brave statesman In time of peace. Schneider, of Cincinnati, nomi nated Murat llalstead. It was re ceived with cheers, hisses and laughter. The presiding officer gave notice that a repetition of the disorder would lead to a clearance of the lobby. Masale, of Chllllcoths, nominated eE-Uoveroqr Foster. The vote in the Senate was: llal stead. 1; Foster, 14; llrice, in. In the House a rail was demanded to bring lu members, llrown (Democrat) of Hancock, who was sick, wan carried to the hall in a chair. The only other Democrats absent were Troeger, of Holmes, and Lawler, of Franklin, who is 111. Willis and lilalr(ltvpubllcans) were alenU Hunt, of Sandusky, presented the name of Calvin 8. llrice, which was seconded by Helloville,of Montgomery. Representative llramau named Charles Foster, which was seconded by Repre sentative Laylln. On the roll call the vote of Counts, for llrice, was received with cheers, as was also that of Muu son, two of the members who were ac credited with being bolters. Smith, the third caucus bolter, voted for 1 T. Neal. Ilia vote was received wltti a subdued murmur. 1'ennell, a strong llrice man and worker, voted for Foster by mistake, and before tie could make the correction the House was in an uproar with threats that the hall would have to m cleared unices order was maintained. The vote .si the House stood: llrice, 67; Foster, M, and Neal, I. In the combined ballots of the House ami Senate, 144 votes, Ilrloe received a ma jority of H. Ue received " votes and Foster WJ. WINTER WHEAT. A ravarafcla Wat aa lla CaskaVMa ta ha rarasara Bavtasv. Cnirano, Jan. Ift, Tlie Fsrmers' Review says: Outside of Michigan and Wisconsin our correspondents as a rule report the condition of winter wheat equal to or above the average. The condition of winter wheat in Ohio is apparently about the sare as In Illinois. In Wood County It falls SA per cent. llow the average and In Morrow CountV an per rent, below. In 10 oilier countlea 10 to ! per cent lie low the average. With these excep tion the condition ranges from 100 to ISA per cent In Indian, only four corrsspoadsnU report sversges lluw 1A In Kansas and MLsaouri tbrwHiarters of our corrssaoadeats reort 1W (r cent, or ovar. Useae Csssnty, Mo., re port soase dsaiage from Hesslaa f y. We surarasriss as follows ths tsferte of correspendenU reUtiys to the cotdi Ilea of winter wkssat as eses pared with aa average: Illlaois, IM per eswt; In dlaas, ltd; Okie. U, Ksatacay, IM; MlsaesaTi, !". Kansas. !; Iowa, M; Mlehifsa, M; Wtaroaala, Ml SaatS Lafno. Jsa. 14, Lord CarnwaMU Nspier of MagisU Is 4mA. He was a rktisi of lsEasata. Lord Xasler wss la 111 sad served with distitae ia a sassier ef wars hi wfcka Oteat BVttals htilliast ensssslaralasT aetac la tie with the esflare ef Fs-kla, ths AbyasialSB e latUia tsf Magdaia. gaTtwaiA, Xaa- Jasv IsV The sajsV KENTUCKY'S CVCwONE. BtMaa Ra- Set tajaesS B a vweeeea at rwv Catao, III., Jan. It A tornado (Ntn day night strwrk the east aide of the elty of Clinton, Ky , demolishing fifty tve house and killing elevvu people and wounding fifty-tints. Two messengers from the scene of the disaster report that eight of the fifty-three wounded are so se loutly In Jurrd that they ate not likely to live. Fur Mirrml inllra anuiid Clinton I tMsrlt . Il.li. I. rt.l l.i ti,althwrM hha t. tlatrt.t fcf groatHl. Tlio llrst building struck was a section house about half a mile from town and which was occupied by John Musics and his family, consisting ol his wife and three children, all of whom were killed. Tlio population ol the town Is about 1,000, and at first It was feared that hundreds had be a killed, but the list was found to he comparatively small. Only eleven bodies so far have been found. Small bouses were lifted tmdlty from the ground and whirled around In the air, dropping to the ground with a ter- j rlfying crash and llug literally smashed Into kindling wood, tlylnc tlmbers filled the air. and the crash of falling buildings mingled with the shrieks of people fleeing front thai! ruined homes. The path of the tornadc was about 800 yards wide, aa shown by the debris. The loss so property Is esti mated at alout TO.aoo, although ac correct figure can yst tw given. The lltst house struck la Clinton wai a section house of the Illinois Cvatra! road occupied by Mr. Joka Rhodes sad family. The house was torn to splinters and Mr. Rhodes and two children were killed ou'rlght. Ills wife and one child escaped death, but both are d ringer ously hurt. The house of Mr. Jobs ttsddlcs was Mown down, and (laddies was found under the debris with an In fant lu his arms. G addles was dead, but the child was not hurt. The houss of Robert Johnson, which stood on las brow of the hill, seenied to divide Is half, being cut la two just below tht second floor and letting the upper por thai fall In Its place. Following Is a revised list of ths killed and Injured at Cltutou, so far a known: Killed John A. Rhodes snd two children, Mrs. William Hone, Hurnelt Done, Walter Nance. John W. Gaddles, Infant child of Judge K. 0. Iltgs one other person not yet Identified. Wounded Judge K. C Hodges, wlft and two children; U. R. Owynti, wife child and father; C. W. Voorltees child and two relatives; Rev. N. W. Little, wife and two children; D. Slub bleftcld and several members of hit family; Mrs. Foster and two children; Mrs. J. A. Rhodes and oae child, child will die; A. L. Kinerson and two ehll dren; A. F. Justice and one child: William Hone and two children) F. Hone; Mrs. J. W. O addles and ens child; Mr. Jackson; Robert Johnson Sr., snd ll'ibert Johnson, Jr., (both dangerously); W. It. Nauce, wife sad child. BLAZE AT BALTIMORE. A Btaia Klaaalwr aaS Bjrtilak Shla HaraaS WHS Uaaa Llfa. IlAt.TlMonr, Md., Jan. 14. Ths grain elevator known as the Northers Central railroad elevator No. 3, In this city, was burned last night. It was worth tSOO.Otnatid wss Insured, mostly locally. The corn stored there wss worth 1300,000, was owned by Individ ual shippers and was fully Insured In small policies In local comanlea Not withstanding great shipments there sre 1,400,000 bushels of grain In llaltjetere elsvators, and Uie loss of this elevator is an liTeparslde calamity to the si sorters, s titers are no facilities now teget rid of theglutinthe grain trade. The elevator, the property of the Nortltern Ontral railroad, was turned ever Ui the Its) timer Klevator Cos. pany on January 1, sad the loss falls on that company. 11 hail a capacity of storing W i.oon baahela. It was erected In leTs. Kvtry modern appliance for safety ssd dls'mlrh in handling grain was used. The lifters were of Iron, snd ths three dock legs ware capable of discharging IS,0os bushels per lioer. The Itritlsh steamship twrolKrsoo, lying near the wharf, was entirely de stroyed In flames from the burning ele vator. The llrltlsh steamers Nerta Erin snd Khlo had their Blasts and rigging and some of their upper works destroyed. Three of the crew of the Kacrolioaco sre ml suing and It Is be lieved they were burned to death. Iliey are all Kiigllshroon. naud Riliert Curua, chief enginr, John White, fireman, and Charles Johrtsea, seaman. Among th-i crew seriously btrrnad sre: Cbsries Appleton, stewahl; Thomss Knight, colored, cook. New York; YA Whiteside, snd A. J. Robin son, KugiUh seaman. - lisiataai C'aaaa4M'l laaaaasaSaS. Coi.t'Mst's. O., Jan. IA-Jaa-s K. Cawpbtll took ths esthef oaV US.t at aeoa. His m usage to the Ijr-gisia-ters wss brief and loaches epen e aemher of subjects of K'.ato and local latere. He ravesntaends that home rale U rsstered to ail the cities as speedily as pnsaiMe sad enters Into de tail ss to the seeds at Ctarleasti. lie streaglf esse s sets the sys teen ef ballet rfcme) twatsaealy railed the Aaatralsaa syeteas and sketches brieiy the searwss with which tthssakstlaetawr jACsnesr, Mies., Jaa. 11Jehn Marshall Mawe was laeafsjraisd Uvt eraer yesterday, T Issrsagarsi ad drees was very leagtay. Reeeiac refer ease was asade te the sett waslis at Vlctatowf (lews sad gray I The eVseraet eesveesed the wis Ukal aaarty we esawsllew be flrea the .weve. e igimail the belief that toeetoseerrte the awath be ef s teem ef Is In si st f n taw wsrtisra aeeaH. Megaiisaaly areaaaAseaviHleswaagsyetesm. rAvaaan. ratartast si May hW'A K'jtVrers sea rl trw-lly awses that taorwt las-a tr roaUfUms. or Ikat hi are lu to tke rsu et tulC paraslw tn tta llnlttK auti' ef h ant us' toss fclKi-vti' .. kowvr, kas prvied ih t i a f , sJ lid rrattlt of liilt UVWI cf.t I last ttl; WiMf r.ae brw Itinnatatrvt tiiAj Catarrb, Hay VYr ami Osurtkei IWi st )rmaaeUi rurvM tn rwn tirr itK ci'lttUi. tii1 i tjf Ha . i jaunion. iu nvi hwh N R Tlila trnttmrnt t aot SnutT r Ml rftntUWfl r-hii-UlslMMiu A iiii let rt,UlhlD Ibl br tivMlroral U ! e rsv-ll et hr crnts In tUwii U pv wtut r A It llm tVa. vr AfJoha as J KIs ritrtsrt, IVivsUs Cns.l.-i'Vr Hufferer frvm ("itiUl treaMss saU crrfuU) tra-l VM TaseassUlMt mlsUtoe wftt mti rrasrti SWaJtijr ft tr htur nja U InUuHjr f Ijrtag aa4 Ua aUailj ! Uw Nm4 lag MMStWrs if th tvitffrsaiUa horn a thai Um are.nn Kt-t Hit Jfutnai. KUm4 Aavlkor Ma Wlftv Tt -MtakArvl" vU4 ivk Ura. M kt m'J if IV I . " T,. tit.vJ xi -ill t-. M 0C- I tkl la .- ! " ! -- tv4Sra itltS. tivcl M.IM'4 "III MJIlll.lMU .- twl. pal ll4 Ml Mt and I tlli II b itiw she kvkrd " kl.aie (he err pl.tine ! l-dl au4 liraliit Wbal Is tU ix'TTt ( Hi" WetL- rrplfi llrern, "lm joii ask 11,1 will lcll)ig li ui lr IVn FatdrMa I'ftsv HUn I -iour ai-cU-sv (IihxI niglit " 'Ta terite fteaeriiUii' Is Ike erily fwti lr laatlrUaU ilfranftiHruU asJ HMkMitn at (tmall "U In ilrvissUl. umlrr r" tew r-4it l f U Ing lll'liiv In fttf) rae,ur avmry aid lor II rlurnrU n bdlmitss,slck af.Whe,linUcaU(Mi, Uit tvnsUatlia, lake tf lll a ItllrU - 0B snlUlsn Alkva la alUrr watahs at,. SaSmaa ara aeau avlU.oa aaaari tasavy ,a.a hi aatiy siaw SalTerra Haawi kUrress (aaaaiasi art4. To va Hum l'trM lufoim yeur reatlrra thai I tia a mUi iniirdr fal Ilia sliova namril tla f llmi-lj Umi llituaalilat lKrlr-.a im liato rJn pr I mi an rutty Oirrtl I shall t (la.) l.i Mint iwn IkiIIU of any rnr.t) rait Ui ant ul jour frailrra jh. lao imsuiuIIii If lle will arn4 ate Ihrlr rijuraa an.l a rS".r addlvsft Uwaull).T A ntixva.M i III IVall alirrt. .Nm Vwk- a rtHsialawyar Majr m m selatiae aad ksvacktarUnastaMarrlass, hui waaa eeeeyla a rasaialag faa aha lavtu adwi aa is aagagS--aawa (Varlar iu rtslUeSa Kajaf Ta plaant Samr, cautl srllnn aa4 imliiii( rftola ol himiiiil ('!, li In ftilwfa liiatlieaiuflf llHifalUinr toll. brCtislU f lilllotit lh mt fialllllns rautu fullow Ita u, kit Itial It la Ilia lr family laaicly ksoMn add amy fassllr ahuuld aaia a l-ollX Tes alatin Ikat lataakaaa tnstaaas Is eaa SartaS ua aavaS anarlflaa aaaais rlsslk4s, Val raaUj It Is snaaxf Vxl aasealt k tssrias vtSetK.-aiaaaae AaarliC It (s a pleasure to sola the growth at lha Klkhait I'arriara ami llarr. Maimlailuf lug IVuiipanv, t KUbatt, ll.it 1tu-li aers ho (ke Kih roow af tVeSst.aia fi 1 bis ivrnpait r itrals tmly -alia lb iiniuar aii J aak tbvlr cnsUiirs Ik) Btl.UI'ai'.ra piaHU TMs ahli sii)Wlnie, with priv iltt lu'saailna befora ki)lnt; A as pat raulusvta aiallr! fiea ui aat siaJraaa. eaa tbalr aJfarllaaaivat. tvwas a gt-aagtsrs M to wbs sets assets Us weal as florids Vs siaaaisw is sals fasjBlsIs ef gussaasi testa. the si Tease Rifiaags. o aa. tea rara-M ml rsasa. Mlld,enullablrllMa!,rr fain aaJ aasiNaahl m Il4ifr-uit.cralii)graka,aia. h muy tiilliaaull. rililiifnraiall fie AAJra Ors'ualMiails,rallaaar4,t'rtUait,UfvS Tss "wtwAing Uav sf eigar Is ass toar watahtaaaaaTssU w UsVrraei t'osaar Rrssi v etery sritrl mU Is ckaapaaed, In nl f jfioOtirtlaii, at tiatuM l uaill lallilRs' RlfslitcSksti Is -rJl-.U) whsl It was la lv ai-W; smra. kaimUsasas ualfurai Ask fit gtir fn IV. Rest teats tto baatMsH Ri ess toss asWysasialsa tto Cast Ua MaastSUesa. . k a - War iln'tjou trjr Carlo's lAMh IJef Dilal Hi- ai s -iultJte cura tar irk h"Sla ha, aait all Uia IIU pt4uf4 Sf Sla urilil r Uatyaaaanl a 4o, 1 "art Is aWtTae" psleMag sto ew ted ssaet Us asritsal vtrWa - IsWaM rres fa Tttffat IHaa aat (ritaia Sas Paoas'a bsiisiaitt, Tr"" fjke all itJ .W iblnys, Ur si laltlS. fa tul SS laiif Ik Sat, n.a n. i-a ii i.i.m .i. t Oaifre sikitt I toas-a-S to esaeaV sistiijf ledges If seywsiuaissssr rreBssrs Pruina Ar KlIM ky C(ka ikal Hsu's tfr-f f HorrliowNJ a4 Tar woyM fvtm Ptkr'aTowtUa.ti lirci l"if In iaalaula. h) swUla ta s SMffeslfaUut Mfllot'ts'rM, i1IiiU, n, h4nhm, af ralirrrH uf aa af CaiUf a Ui Ua .tr ntla. Wets Us at walag rsrn kSIU f U s - Brr eatf-t ia na atvt '& nihtf farCaUfrh. II; S(a(fUl MVs Wm Uriac aavtssis -s-tinaa Um haOitac aad arssa ksayla--AlikUii UMst. Tssr rKaarfM-ar tik kM'sVr tf r sfit fxuis trass Talil a r.wfc be Cfr i iaiii.iii.ini.il' Tea wissau It aJeM if Is SB alt raall, -ltwat Ursrtasr, Atimr 29 T.urav s4sas af rSea U ! f-s , !. UW tvrw a'tr(- HIAavACHB 70L ek-tk s rmtt - ss l( rttajrs, 4 , l4; avtew. f rtStst KS aaia Is Sf a rnsa wv STsnS n f TVr 4k(.jM4ks U aa4 a Hssalt at ti saMC(x.aairuw. A-MRfR YatsaJ'ek mm t'a a eaf - aw. Sa-w aw?. .'rae m MMMi S U,Ss At Sjtaait a SstlfSS SbbtJ sfaftMsrstseM . w-SwaTdRMrwaf f VaaTaHsVsV Vew amMvaWawaf aTassBatl aSpfTBaSjHj HBk RsvwSaw sw ww Saastr-J. mmtmfm "' SaWl-ffTTea sskaraf.aveWarftSw-s. Jt-LaMMk gstjajs. sa-aaaaTaWSa-BjBW mimmwmttntmmmmm I aaeTdaav. sf-asl I bsavLV e'B Bta-wa'aVP' BJisS aWaaBjSs W VS S; iaawaaraBaTaW 11 1 fa SaA Vaa l tfSpaiaa. aaa aa ST ST U as II IsT ila aXWil "VVsiaa asra w m bh -as aa SB $smm RRWAim Tlie enslvslcnt In KnelUh eaeiKV ttf IMM was sa old Isilv in lmdoa lor the stravrd or len stole. I'es.ple ralUsl bet a rraah,'' sad prhaa a was. It Is unfortunete that one of the fteallrr set tstaeM ever eS) Ibis title, vet tnsnv do. II Is. feist Oftaii fimctlonal itetaiurrtHrnla rstirr nature, iMil'l tdsme aecb suffema U they are Mr-nMsy.' tell thrm to ura Dr. l'lrtvtV Fa turtle IVssrLytUsa wbladi U aa Wifi remedr lor female weakiuears," JJ "VavivHte Prt-scHptioa M ha cared taawassds sf ftwf U4riraj suffer leg wutnen of " frtnsle weskneas, painful Ure-galsrllUs, hleeS tlons. orjfsnlo ilisplstsruients sad kindrr ailaseals ot aumerHasew mention, It is lli only medUine for wnaws, sold by wretfgisfa, atatf ' a Msllltv) gHBTMIf tst u win, la prii (II mt) wilt le refunded. A which Favorite rreecrlptbat" ceres, n-relnt of ton cent a in sUim-a. Aildirsa, Woaiti'a Uiarssssav MawatiAt. Aassnurtoe, IVsfi tors, No. 03 Mala riUral, HaRalo, DRPIFRCE'S PFI I sTRavejejw w W a-aav w w "Saw waaw ar m ewwwwavwsw w SP M NtNitlltae1waVts t SiSSSi -aa-SaSBaWS--- jf aaaaBtoBaaBawaaaaBBSalBBfl -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-B-aBTaBBBBBBawsBB-a-aa 'v-aTaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWf TT BavaWBTaVaT-WkSJ saarl it Pinis ssMsiiy mi i aasMeTsV lW-R-st to fWta&aWltaasis II I aa mat at. af eM.a s "Sti le-gety Mswaw aW- I CURE FITS! i f a - ay rt um - ' .1 Jtf ,,,j ., I s. i sirs. s f- ,IIIMiIK0l'lMl'MI (. ,. rt rtmrntit - " SM ana -, .j-h ... !- naua . PHMlrf.MlMMllH.IIMM tw a- immm 1 1 M f Sastf Staisa a mm tm -I St as - aaaait iti 4 . SHaaS Ba, SSaaasf B)aSi t aa a fax ii ii t s a- ' ,m.. ar -ti " 'aawai saan n ft Ua aa dim mp-t-it Wt " Mm PUMTER. Wmmmmmm9m0mmm a-aiaaBS.Mass.asaiiaMii ay n (Sirs e FITiCg Saw. iaas t,.aiwaitraasiiaaisasr --- ! DETECTIVES is aass aajasast aalsar(Nsai Saasaaaiaai ja aaBsB SaBSTaBaaaaBaBa SBSBBBSaBaTS BhSB- d STANLEY'S eeeetoejaat ftjtt ii ts -fi as riiana --bi aW a " aaiSiiiiaStaj i. i in m i . : .in im i win. .i.w.wn..niap mi'tm tntiitmianmiiwmttmtmmfmmrtmtKm )le yaaaeTSai laWaaee eases SaSPil Ssssseasicv ttv . 4Wst,s1S flRawaTsfMsWd SaVVJsfM BawawBsa rtm a uwt cat. ef steal f Wbi.W la return ef a favorite rat rr. frvsiMeatiy wot laetr their faelk weeasm MkaValtaS will SMvstrallt raaaee ev j rase, give ssisiiscthHt er lhea id led faftve, oa 4lmjl seat eeaiea IR fteM eatslses 1. Y. ETS1 - -a-ay w m a aaskarawawa arsa as l,lllB,l-,, VSReBaVJsTwaav wVww aw wJewW aSJs a7PsJHsr s wyi 'f" mCh S baataa V aTa-aTBTgjByB"BaBJBTeBBj V twawaMsajSrSTparajaa. WeSBBiaaTawTr aasaBTaTSaajBj BMBJBjf Fsvaiat aT awaw aTsii. to Staasssia -V-j- " aa aasaas araaS asrM Is ssssud M MM M? tM TftflH " SaVCVewJ StSraaPILE AWHmvfumrm aaaM aw aaatas atojaaweaes, ; aj m sat mm rsaja am aai PrJJBTHS aatawBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSa i lUIAaasVstoi, JBsWssms. gaga) 7 UaTaSiSs.S ears B) aWwaS. Tm M ., ' jtwMaaf I SJSBJHSBBJBSa ' BTaTajaasaTsaTaTaTa' bh. aaV SB aawSBaiBaW ' aBTaBBTaaBaSSkSK Tw kaat VWfse to MtiewBBsWsTlaBJBi' Ma -(rqs jJfTiiaL Wifji SwJSaB' H) sa. TieriSawiMail Vi..a S Sltstl 1 Haei aVki'isasaS W'aSaaVA t" Haws SfMswVb"4p mfm9mmm M- S-4iaatM " ) -V mix P BBa.SA.fJBaBsdSS Ab dBBBi A Al dBTa. g BmaW atastdl vmmsm sBJJFawa wPaw tvtsajgjgf sjgsf sTaTvdBS4BBJ sw-wiaai , a. 9Hmtia0,4rfr404utiM9,il SeaBBaBaaaaW wnmm,tm-m'tm ,m,,mm mwmm'fymm-wt it, immmwmmmmm Sw'SwBJp fflSsBr 'BwBa7 aawRy saawAwa' SwaYA) fij '" " -! " l--rfii-aTiniHtaiaSnajaiSiasMSMaja -J J -gjg pe M j saayglTais,'' tVjfJAM J r si Kb. Kb 1& M WfCii toiMrffW, :iJ-.'.'.c.f. ' n; ''. ', tj, S