The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 24, 1890, Image 4

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    fW'IMIi1" l
& Vt tV
.1 w ' v j x i
tv, . .viZirr..-
. -WWIn K.v ,, .
r-'- r 1
A-iVitlLlyt 2L& iA t i is
iiL'&i'MftflMai.Bafla flk.
i ( - j 7 'aT - . " w
jMibvlt ee frtaiMtUf
iHMtai the Mkilt '..J.
V-, -viW-'!. aa 4 Z7 ..'
W?,5IM, aleae. te Imhi
MW- aeiter $14,600 til bit
lliSK r"f "
T HV !. IB M ajUHHUB. !
IV 4 taM thai mm u M u ika
rB;rv:WiVaiprfIwrtw. Baltic wltk
r;;.(h-U. Tie great cock aad ball ate
NPPws tbwl ' Wi "if'
RMffilMmA theft Ike tout! woeld leea It .11.
t JWi the lint NattoaarHaak eoeld'at
TtV tata alst.
jk 4M the bait fakefceode are now re
i"KVT Zl . r '' -.
Wii.&(T'Skaat It . ., 1... -..! 1
?, r"j Tr. mm iaae isjio every
list. ,The bank ntlll raas. tka
S'VS v"T"V lie aaaa who pe
! ;
1 4
ariod aa the aaet profeane1 Kara at
UM, aai Tmi Ciiiir will apaa, ia a
few weeks a deaertacat for the ere
Maaorafaadfor a aoaaaeat to
their glerj.(?) The aoae haa al
wJsyaheea safe cad has alwata beea
Italj far the pabhe oa deaaad, thai
ehet-Lg that aoaie peeale wha elaiai
to aa vaar tuati up are galltj of the
aaeeet deeeptiea toward the public.
The eorraoraata who were the pria
ataala ia paahlag the faUehooda for
ward are the fellewa who wanted to
get the aieaej to uie, and they now
hare It, ia feet they eaald aot hardly
WftUatint,Waa turned Jofor before
they pouaeed onto it like, haagry
welvea. What do the people aay aow?
Wu it a baak Ight, or waa it aot?
' r
?m 1
tl .lr,
me . J
Aw.ia ataM.
; K? ery aaa who would aet oat ia the
'weeM' ahoali aa far aa peiaible a? old
debi. Froa the very oatNt of hie
aaraer he aheuld resolve to live with
;ia his iaooae, how very paltry it may
he. The art of livlag eaally aa to
eney ia very aiaa)epiteh your
: aaa!4 of living one degree below your
Maaa. Ail the world'a wladoa oa
t - rl4a aabiaet ii aoit tariolv enitoaiii.
r;eJn the words of Diokeas' Mioawbur
,n l :? 'Aaaaai tneoae. tweatv aaaadi:
f $,pl eipeadlture, ninetna all; result
La haaaiaaM. Aaaual laeoae. tweatv
lUWMfVki nwul expeadlture; tweaty
I ' A -; lift .ptaada atvght aad atisj rttaU alury.
r-'7 Up W " l ' eowaraii rroa
'lf''lLXwJ harrowing moaey.
" a . .. . . 7
avvoia aaa arat oDiiguioa, for that in
earred, others follow, ono aeeessitat
lag the ether; every day the vietia
V willMtaoreontaaaled: than follow
'i pretevU, exeuses, lies, till all sense
af abase ia lost, the whole lifo be-
, p oaies a makeshift and the debtor ia
tnai aWallw faaAloaiB n 1I t. 1.
1 lit font wtftkna anil falaaknl
www ivvinn otm ailviiuift
Til. Ulnar haa aa desire to roaat
anyone, but believea that the law
taaght to step ia and proseouto the
aureraor tbia oity. There is no
Men who do ao much damage to
eeaauaity. It a truo that there
areereaoae who do aot put the
aereas down to the laat aoteh, but
'there are thoso who are rery miprin
aiped and loan money fro three to
aeven per ociit, aoae too, who are
.aeabers of ohurohc-. Tua Omar
dees not like to refer to those matters
but we believe that he public should
kaowit. Nea who will aell their
birth right for a aesa of pottage
ought aot to ha held up in eoamiuai
ilea aa ahialag exaaplea for tho ria
lag generation to oaulato. Look at
the woa who have been rulucd by ex
tortionate rates of interest. It aay
be all right for a aaa to steal uouoy
undercover of rest or bnaus. or
aoaathing of that Mad, but uieraUy
it aust oe a continual aightaare to
hia. ItVaahaae aad Tin Ciiiar
propose to show up aoae of the high
aaded outrages era leag that have
been p noticed oa laaaaeat viotlns.
I T.
lift ih- e
The portal note deea net aeoa to be
auehaaueeesaaawaa antlelpated for
aeading saall amounts of Money by
aail, without risk or loss. Aceord
jag to the report or the superiata
deal of the dead letter pice there
were received duriag the year 20,512
letters, eaataiaiag aeney ta the
aaaunt af $34,410. aad 3.W7 1 utters
, eaeleeing paatal aoUs ta the aaonat
ef 4,708.
Calvia Brice, who haa beca
aeknewltdgea aenopoliat and rail
road steerer for the last decade haa
beea elected 11.8. Beaaterby the
deaecrate frea Ohio. It ia. a aad
eeaaeatari aa ability when . m, Ar
'-';:;t',, his atrle tea bt seat ta the IT. H n...
arSfca "T r,kM'w
m m uaie tiaa ae, thai
ably repreaeat the great
1 s
X'i'A vy
ke. i
iryw . ihj,.
'-(( i aaa it
rf?v,iH v '
P Ml i A
all im
Bvetaye ante.
HaaaiByaael IMetaaaiaWlieaae Ptwaa
sum aeeetawa ar ekaeaaityf
"i - ii '
Jaa If ta the Chair af the aaatreaa.
tieaal ehareh held a eoaecrt la tie
Turner Hall, steering wt $10.
W. K. Cotrad, far aaaa tiaa
agent at Cewlsshu reae ta Illiaeis
aa a visit,
A goodly naaber af the Oawlaa
people have 'enjoyed" aa attack af
the aalaeaia.
ft la expected that tho Cowlen Her-
aid will appear oa deck agaia after
Feb let. Dr. A. Hard at tke hela
Mr. Lawrlton who haa beea a
atadeat ia the depot at Alaa for aoae
tiae paat ia atatioa ageat here. He
eoaea well reeeoaended.
J. L. Fuller haa retaraed froa Iowa
Wat. Davis, who haa beea ia H. 0.
Gutter eaplo for aoae Mae paat.
haa reaigncd hia position and goae to
Mr. Kaory Waller ia recoveriag
from a severe attaok of the aalhaa.
Miss Miaaie Peterson haa return
ed froa Red Cloud.
Mr. Poteraon ia aiek.
We have heard ruaora of aaappreaoh
lag weddiag.
0. A. Harris ia paoking Ice.
iLAsnr. w
During tka pact week we have had
a loach of winter weather.
Boae raeabor of a early every fam
ily in thla violnlty haa had the l
grippe. k
Mr. Clawaaa who haa beon coal nod
to hia bed with rheanalisa, ia coa
valeaeent aader Dr. Wegaaa'a care.
80L00I haa beca closed darlag the
put week an aeoaaat of the teacher
having had aa attack of the ! grippe,
Hev. Morrison of Blue Hill baa
held a aerlca of acotiaga in the Bap
tiat ohareh thla week.
A. V. Jabaaoa aad C. K. Hioks
took la the coaaty aeat oa Taeaday
of thla week.
Ia the law suit before V. 8. Hall
laat, Friday, K. J. Boloaau waa vie
toroua. W. 8. Kaappaad wife of Guide
Rook spent Sunday with her sister.
Mrs. V. 8. Hall of thia plaee.
Two of Bladen's preaincnt busi
nesa men who wished to gain puglis
tio honor had a little set to last Fri
day eveaing,
There waa ,a social dance at tho
Bladen houae last Thursday evening.
Those who attended report a general
good tiae.
C K. Hioks haa -ot up a now baae
bunur in hia atoro, whinh haa added
to his comfort as well ra his eustoa
ers, during the cold anap.
TIlO flrrt two Or lliraa .lavanf tkl. .k
were vary wlntrrr -nowing, blowintc mij
The i.w.pUnloBK this ertek U join In
ssrlair. llmtlf Mr. Va..i.v .. .i..
poiat, as fsithftil m did Mr. MoNitt they
will be Mtl.lad.
Thera U b nf utti. .1. .
" " "nra IOBg,l
tniaersci taut vaeiaiiv ihai labatk. ..l,.
where ater they slag, their egee range
aiaato twelve years. KiM BUy ha them
aader her Instruetioa as teaeherand eholr-
Well it seems that Orrnf Minima ...i...
ed hie kium n f av days, aa he said the Hia
uianry wnaiu oeoareoldeet day aad
not very eatd thea, bat taelAthwae eeld
MoaghforM,thetheaiometor registered
." u-Kr-t dmow sero aia oeloek.
wr. lila-y of Inavale eome down laat
week and took the Willow oa.k aih....
full fledged, sworn In ordinance
ready to flght the battle ot the fannera.
HO farthtUdiMhava. tot takaM ... ...
or even went to their meeting. We have
heard several member of the Alliance
here say they wontd like to hear from atht v
such clnb ovur the county, and aa wr.
Hotmer has kindly otared tke eaTawna of
hie paper to members why not use them
u nip eaen omer by letting the farmers
know what thai era doin a. ardla..
lathe way ef aweeess. Now let wa hear
from all the elaba in the eoejity brief and
ta the point what U allowed for the sub
tle. -.. .
le Ween In
v enl eM IB wTaaw4
Wltaaatfctaf ao far aa ta aay that
every artlele af a awn's aMereteafht
taaa vraatea, It ta aa aadleaatai feet
that thla aaterial tc the beet Belted far
aaderelethlaf, either la wlatar av aaaa
aar. Aad the roaaeaa are aet far ta
eeek. Hetther linen or eattea ta capable
af proteatlag the body froa axteraal
heat fa aha aumiaer. nor ef eeaeervlag
thawarath ef the body la wlatar, aa
eaaaa, aalag good eenlaetere af heat,
they allow it to peraeate. Wee!, aa the
ether head. Is a nen-oeadeetori and
there la little doubt that the death rata
la thla eeuatry would be greatly re
duced, and the wards ef the heapttela
for diseases ef the chest less crowded,
were woolen garments to be were by
yeuag aad old.
Bat to parody the words of aa anelent
adrertleaaent, when we ask for weel we
ahould aea that we ant It Two kiada
t9t articles wilt be placed on the counter
aerere the intending purchaser a cheap
aad a dear. The latter, however, will
be the cheaper la the long run, for tea
to aaa the former la a well-put-tegether
alitura ef eottoa aad wool. It Is easy
la ehow any ane hew to tell each a mlit
are at a glance almost, but dlfleult ta
describe on paper, aa the novice la thla
aatter ahould take aoae one with him,
ot her, when gulag to chop, and should
pay a fair prloa and deal only with re
apeetabla tradesmen.
Beware ef wearing dyed flannels aeat
to the akin. I know there la a great
run aa red, but thla color le Juat aa like
ly to contain polseaoua aatter aa any
ether. 811k for the undergarments ef
aea with tender cklnc haa aauch ta
recommend It, though It takee but seo
and place to wool. Then, la point
of cold-resisting qualities, eomes merino.
Thla may be worn neat tke ekln by men
wearing tho time-honored linen chlrt
Tke undorveat or semmet must aot be
ef dyed material.
Another thing may be aald ia favor of
woolen underclothingIt keeps up the
healthful action ef the akin far better
that any other material can. Casaell'a
Family Magaaine.
MahM Ugai el It.
"I am afraid," aald Algernon, In a da
centring tone, "that you are disposed to
make Ugh tot my declarations ef alec
tloa. Why, Mr. De Jones, how could you
have guessed Itr
"Ouessed whair
"That I have your last loiter to broth
or Uarry to light a cigar wlth.n-ller
cheat Traveler.
waa awecaci at wui oes-w aum-
erne ajhle artatwe.
Teall aapaaraacec we are gelag ta
have an lheaa erase thla winter. The
Tolstoi oraae el laat season In a aease
Isved the way for enthusiasm ever thn
wedlsh realist, and Ibsen elaeaee and
possibly Ibaaa clubs will shortly be the
order of tke day. Ibsen's plays have
net been put en thn stage In Now York
yet In an Rngllak dreas, ao that no suoh
controversy kaa bonn awakenud aa arose
antona: tkeerltloa last winter In tondee,
but tbey are being played In Gorman at
tho Amber, and that emall-alsod bouse
of amusement la orwwdmt every ovea
lag. And Ibsen drama Is by m means
eioltlng. It baa no situations. It In
trodiioea only three or four nharacters,
and nothing much ever happens to any
ef these. They simply talk and talk
garrulously like Howell' people, If only
Ho wells were a Swede. They are a new
style of real Istle drama, totally nnllke
any thing that haa been staged before, nd
while the teste for them would seem to
bean acquired one, like that for olives, it
Is the fashion tn pralau them, and there
tc already m small but growing Ibsen
school, compoMMl mostly, II U nnedlese
to aay, of women who foster imry liter
ary fad and am rttady to t ea
author who deal with wlal problema
aad haa his doubts about marriage.
Chicago Herald.
The Irst edition of llyron'a rare
Walts," of ISIM, bought not leag
age by a London bookseller fee fluce.
Another wonderful discovery lias
been wade and that too bv h lady in
tola county. Disease fastened its clu
tches upon her and for seven years
she withstood Its severest teals but her
vital organs wero undermined and
death sceaed imminent. For three
months she oounhed ineessantlr and
could not sleep. Hhe bought of use
bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for
yuiwiinipuou ana wee so raucn re'
lieved an Uklns flrei Jdam that ah
flept all eight and with one bottle has
beea miraculously cured. Hnr name
ia lira. Luther Luta.'. Thus writes
W. 0. Hamrick A Ca. af Shelby. N. 0.
Oct a frea trial bottle at Henry
Cook's Drug 8toro. a
RUl!fiB linlkaa. mmA .J .-
r-o--- "wi aw. roan CBrtS
for sale at oost oa loag tiae oa chat-
... v,i, Vf v, u, niniroy, ur
eoamission auctioneer wha will err
your sales in tli U . ..." -. J.
the CCUIltv Tavaaa ....I.l!l.
aatisfactiea gaaraaleed or no pay.
'a, i. .
A Slataal ..
JSFll 'Mf tesheuM be es r4V
5gt"3J1Ja.yLLi'aai' airwtm M eS
Feat'aerly Aulia are atill selliaa
vinegar and traatulsr juice. Call aad
see thea. uood older vtaegsr for lib
ocalsper galloa.
There will be a traiid rallce ball at the
riremaa'ahaHfea rb. 14th 1HW which
every body I invited tn attend. Kaeh
laby ia to make n week tie ef the same
dreeahewar,tebe tnetceed in en en
veleie and sold et tke ball, the purchaser
to have tke pUaeere of dancing with the
way wearing tne areas to matsn the tie.
By order ef Committee.
(a BAI.K.
Tke Vanell farm adjeiaiag Ike town of
teemlngtea Mebr. oa ebewerth, ia en ef
the best farms ta tke valley end will be
sold at n bargain aad aw easy verm. For
pertlealars address,
atr. K.J. Vaftvii
Virdaw Uliaei.
WamSa WereaB.
-. paerty cbm. raw ere
l(nllllmlt'm.MfmmmiHM tr M.ajatjM..-.. .1, . .., ,. .., ... J.'
- '.. ju
4 ,n,
' Jo
1 as l
a $!'
The New York Store
Dry Goods!
Boots and Shoes,
Lowest Prices Ouarantaed.
Moon Block.
Nafjv York Store.
jjS5 s-
v-.: .-if
I liave Home lioraen and
mart for gale or trade Will
take corn, hogs, fresh cow or
other young stock Hogs and
corn preferred My horeee are
young. Apply to SV P Kel
logg, FO box 156, Red Cloud.
actio ton oun ctm.ouuco raicr.a
iiuurr'i iali.
HyvlrliiK ( an imlr of aaln illm-tnl to nip
rruutltm ilUlrlrU'tiurlur Wrlmtcr rmiiity, Nr
liiakn. on ii iltfrro nll iliml Ix-nirtt ilil murt
ul II.m m.ILuiim.1 U....., . M. ....
ottt flutter itMiaty krbnuka on Uis 'Jtf ility of
MnvmilNT 11 and itrllrrred to me
in ianr 11 rrnui'i .1.. ntrn aa.maiatis:,
ana .lu.t William W. I'mton toil Ann
M. IVrMun an ilfoiUuU, for Hie ium of acrrn
htindrvtl and Urvaty-anven itnttair. vlUi liilrrrat
irom rvoruanr r. iam,Ai(pfl wr reir an
num and coata U.ed at S7V. and srcnmiK
coata, I have levied uion the fonimlngdoarrib
l rval estate taken aa the property of li de
feiMlauuioaatMyialdordtrofaal tnvlt:
Tlio half 0f Hie aouth cM tinarter and
the north eaat iiuartercf IImmmiUi wni uiwr.
tr and th aoulli rat quarter of the north wrat
itiartvref townUiln s, nnitbof
raiiK" is. et of s p. m. In Wrbatrr county. Ke
iitaAka. And will oltar UwaaMe for ato te tli
hlxliratMdtfcr for caw In hand, on Um SIM ear
vfWliruar A. II. IW at the raat door of iK
eeurt ruHiaa at Krd Cloud. W baler rouutr. He
braaka (that tue UMbulldlna-wiirrvlM the hut
tere.olrottrttaMM1at thehourof lu'rlore
v !
.ataV -JTl'l
aaaam BaaaPJF
AaaM' '
aaaaaaaaaL Laam
4h' '" '
For not using Miles T.
Patent Collar
Vii " . """'., """a nameer er years aaaa
different methode of epealea: a collet at taelaaw
om. kcepla. the o.e iSffn tIswT. efSS
MulnK he llKhtBeee, sfRegta aad fWabilltT ef
ta'nu0" ""' "d 'dJ ' 5aaegeief
rnpldlty and ease ef sdlsjetmeet, eaawtateT ner
fetloe of attttev-eadmaa Za JaaZaa? f!l
flsilbliityeitajaJajaaVay;i te
ra tka I JaJaav..k..
the trMtire at tka .haCaL.
thFlrl"",t' lafl
ar et the
p. m. elsald ilay. when and where doe attend
anee will beslTen by the utidam i.rt.
. W.'f"ttJK?' &! -4 - A TKKIs,
Briar iibbiiii i
llyUrtueot order of aale directed a me frem
tlielitrtrtcrtolWfbktwiwmty 3SnZ
leunied ttFUtNRber IMjkrs7o7Webeter eeeaar
Mebraidiami themth davef vevxuter tSTi?
er of Meae K, Matte truatef aad u. a. (I raat
nUlnlia aad asainst wllUsm II. UaiZ
and Amelia HpJtBarrtal as dvfMHlaaia f or tka
nm of arteee btmdred and twrntydoltoraaM
MMti-ava reauaadeoau tatedat --"? ana
aMurtnjt roata 1 k llrd umm
deirrlbed reel rdale ndiMaeMMi 11
M BaKiai Bfl ttMl inaari.3
aald defeaSaMUto tathrfy and order rofaal Z
1 im in
iinnh .ait nuarter at ar4in ui.
towROtn north raat) r wem of the a p m la
Weetter mmty.mfreaha. Aed wlhWr th.
aue mine amajSM oieeer rer eaeh te
tklataW iv raAritr a.Hi. ilaTaiZ
froetot theeeurt a. at M-d ChxaS WMmSit
fm mbratlmeal breathe raoseletwlam;
fyr tWHaaalthalbetagta rajraWaawaaw:
In th teat term of evert aa JldT5leehSr
of te ntth a. m. et aaM day whVi mMlhSii
lee attMdeera wtH b iiva e
wiitmvHj .
Cae ft Mr.Nrey AUy'a
KeUt H EX3SitF&?3& w- -.-
tua ta! aa uau ".!. TtLZZa ZZTT. 7T? Ml-.l!'T
fmrti4tlMchrhlh haMrtoJ itt-tHrt iT ukTS!
eemty.irrKrsaae eeee a drete la an
BSaftaaSBTaaB tataaTltaO (ura akakla .
MaMba o. TVnp -Irr-ata
N aka ter a
Is a
ware ef the ehert stem
Mm at
aiataaaia, OMbevf
KniB aed BUtOU.hUK
1 BBBraaBaa aawj aaaa -- - m
aaa,! sM.etataM the beted ef aliis
the ase
to. ata-us "
tertaa1atl!ir ?I?S
a MaTtaaaaalsaamTaBMaB
tswaWTaW7awtpai ewwjjj
Hud-I.iaaUu ... f"A ,.
from the t3FT "'"'"-T "-" "
r.!L U '-sr Waases where lie hetese are
rtty troubleeome, i very greit.
h.lT,--r,fa.e!T )?& aeealaf am the
head and iajwrinir the eve ef the her, aed
moat nf all. Ik. ..r,.l. -m .u.. " ?"
lihff at th top. 7 " """ "" m"
iveejie on imiui wgiit nnd Heavy Hameas, whipa, laahai
robrt, blanktttat, aaddloa, &c, in fact everything In a Snik
dam hnriietw Hhup. Trimming and repairing neat ?
ly mid promptly done on short notice
, J. 0. BUTLER & CO.
onop uim tioor lXorth of City Hake
S. M. SEAL, "'
maaj "Mum tn
Call and :ee nm. vvc will do you Good.
TL5'""a-mr,,m.ia -arbHitiay eaamK-
Ultve ajajaW Br baaal tkla lakj.. .j..
arybwe. -.---
An Window Shades,
My first invoice of Wall Paper and Window
Shades (or 1890. has
I bow have a plenty of thce Popular Decttrt r.e.iA.
line of' ft.r Dreg .UK Medidiaaii miTEJ!
u- 1
ar a
KM 1
eamaiiee emy esiwi, f. 1
k ,1w,,CBi waaaaa . wawsjaaaajw'aB
tm. We
Jv M.BoAJ(,namtasAbW,,,ltWt"
,j.V ' .. &&