'7 ' a to r , i. M' m. v. i THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. A.C. ft. frahtleaar. e CLOUD. .... NEBRASKA. MOW THANKFUL Wt SHOULD & If UiiriM wrrr all attached to bretaa, Ho thankful we should tot If ' ho" were Barrett front railway triaw Mow thankf! w ahoala to1 If fad aad foibles wrrr taboet. If sum wrrr not y la.Hr chawed. If death would htndlr slral thr audr, How lhaaatal we should tit Clitcace Urrtld. If rat would only iWp at ntxht How thankful we abuuld If I If Bioucjr would not ifrl o light, How thankful w should If' If women would not tat, fnrvwth. If tattle,' hat were Ira uncouth. If w rather e lerke aoold tll the truth How thauamiWeahould txsl Tvukem (statesman. If flshrnurn would stick to fart, How thankful wr should W It mrn would alt twtwrru thr acts. How thankful wo should I' If (Irlt In front their hat would doff, It folk would tlop at home wbo rvuitfe. If empty i;unn would not go off, How thankful p should tx Huston Courier. i It drink mrn's grief would trail) drown. How tbinkful wo sboaM Iml If, on the flu?, tack frit point down, How thankful wr should te' If bsbtes would not cry at night. If politician would do rlk'lit, If turn would pay their drtil at leal How thankful wa should tie' Lawrence Atuericea. It railway trains wrrr nevrr lain, How thankful wr ihould twit It hoor car never mad U wait. How thankful wr should br I If hrn would scratrh away from heme. If dogs would twirk whra burwtara ruaax, If brer wan nevrr two tfalnla foam. How Uiankfui wc abould I1 - lloumTranfrlil. lf boarding house wrrr all rtiht How thankful wr should tr If r would Rive a decent light. How thankful wr should twt It salary day u twice a wrrk. If plumbers could but atop th Irak, .If wr might find all thing wr seek, How thankful wr ahouM lie I - Ctilraco MafL A CJlUfiL CONSPIRACY. Old Mr. Brown and Hi Bon's Lova Attain Old Mr. lirown, the wealthy tallow merchant, wa haunted by a morbid -dread that hi only son .lark would make an Imprudent uurrlngo. The. re lation between the two were a little strained, owing to tho young man's ob jection to cngago in mercantile- puraulu. Ho had wished to eater tho army, which old Mr. Itrnwn regarded an a hut-bed of rice and dissipation, and having been thwarted in thU, tho lad would condn ci' nd to do nothing tml to road langtitdly for tho har, ohvloualy without tho Iraat Intontlon of adopting tho law aa a pro fMalon. ThU naturally IrrlUUnl bla fathor, whojMcdlly Ucaiuo contlnrrd, frm Ihnjatorlra which reached hlmiara of Maatcr Jack'a Brocvodlnita, that ex travairanr) and dlaaipatlon can W prao tlrrU hy a plain civilian without any military training whatovrr. Hut though Jack lirown had qulttod tin- parental ' roof, and hla father rigidly roatrlototl hla allowance U illOO a year, which led toajcreat many unpluant dim:uaalona betwoea tkoin, thny wore, not completely eatranged, for each arxrretly ntcrtalnisl more reaiect and affoctlun for the other than, bo cared toahow. Hut perhatM tlm real origin of tho -coldnca and of old Mr. Ilrown'a r- patual uueaalnoai waa tntm tracM to an rly lpro affair of the young man who, wbnn acarcely ono-andtwrnty, had en iragid klmaelf to a pretty but pennlUaa flrl Jfwvernfaa in the family of a nfttthtaf? Mlaa Mary Marahlanda wat BlfMy twlwrated and accomplUhr!, and l4y by birth and training; hut the old tallow merchant wld not hear of sf the engagement, aa4 vctnel It In a very peremptory way. Hut. though hn uc- -f'oUd by a vlgoroua exorcise of parental authority In reducing hla aon to aulunl alon, and Mint him of? on a voyage round "p- the world In charge of a tutor, tho lad , ' dlaplayrd aatartllniraplrltof headktronf v iBdrpcadanco, and solemnly warned hla father that,' It he abould contemplate matrimony again, he would take ore , not bar I k hla bapplaeea by diaclotlng , , . ! Intnthin. ' Old Mr. ilrswn waa more Improaaed f ytnla announrement than be reallied s j at the moment, and aa time wontin and Maiter Jck aeetnel to have completely reeotered from hla early dlaaptlnt t ' anent, kit father eomntlmra doubled 4 whether be bad dono wlely u inior fere. It feared that hla son waa jut the aort of aalag ulded, aurceptihle young . man to be inveigled into matrlmoay,liy ' eoanndawlirnlngf adventure-, and If auch M catnatrophe orcurrrl it waa not pliav H ant to reflect that the lad, warnwl by la nrevloua etperlanee, would, In all yrotonlllty. keep hi own rounael, and not nfford hla amtoua parent the opaer tunlty of reaculag him from hit own Imprudenc. Old Hrown gwt thla idea ao Irmly into ' . U kead tnal it rendered him perfertly f, Y ilrAli . unluckily, bla aon a)- "" wayamataUlnwd an attitad of marked reserve concerning bU private affair, which tacraeaed Ue old man's nneavii It nsuat be ewaed that Mr. Krown, waa wet the sort of father saw ner Invites naafldenc., for be was habitually gruff and uatympelaetlc. Rut It is certain that the young man did nt appear to reHeb kin mvent's fre n t tnlarenf to th tsffc f necret aMftiafet. ajtd U Mr. Krawn notieew hat on snek orcasiwna hit aon alwayt haatenrd nf chaafw the cwnver atfa-a. "Thlewas n rwfirwoay the raee en nw fnraleralar evening1 that the old gen (Ueavaa, wka fandeal that he ,kwd re--eently noticed a aort of veiled wtanrw in Jark's manner, resolved to aatUfv hU hjr atnkinff aoeae imanlriew (JM foanr leikaw'a frUmda. It en kapyened IKat en the very neit 4ay after he nrrivew at this deternOaa- tiov he rame aeroaa is the city a ywnaff man what was a member of Jarh'r elaW. The Afinvt ally saewetf toataadtoka loat, a4 Mr, Meat CatUew had oa reviodt orraekiaa saawa hintaetf to aa atr,aai4aUie4iafiUaa. (a II Mr. Mrown had already atehet ua several hlvU of hit son's aiwewedtnga irom this eottrce, and when ha la vl tod the young fellow to luuch with him, the latter aeemed, by hla manner, to he la no wlae averse to undergo the catehl lag which he evidently anticipated waa the object of hla boat. The old gentleman did not venture to broach the aubject he bed at heart until, after a aulialantlaland recherche repeat, be waa aeated with bla gueat In a anug corner of the smoklngroom; and ecn then he waa acutely aenalble that be waa acting In an underhand way ltut he endeavored to console himself with the reflection that the end juntlfled the mean, and he waa relieved to find, when he awkwardly blurted out hi Inquiry, that hla companion acemed neither an gry nor Indignant. Indeed, Mr. Stephen Carlo, who eat a weak-jed. br aril raw young man, with a reeedtug chin abd a propenlty for giggling, apparently re garded the old gentleman 'a parental an loty aa an eiceltont joke, and chuckled for aovural tnlnutea before hn could flu I wordi to reply "Ni you've heard of It at lat, have you, Mr lirown?" Inquired the young man, at toon at he could apvak. "Itumora have rarhM my ear," ld the old gentleman, greatly atarllnd, " hat have you heard, vT Irujulred 'oung Carlow, abruptly "Well, nothing definite I hould l very much obliged to you If ou will tell me every thing You will l doing a reel eorvtce to your friend," aald Mr. lirown, eafnenlly "Shall I though? IVrbapa he may not think mi," aald the voting man,agej, aa bo contemplated hU hoat' anxious countenance with a humorous glance "llo shall never know. I give jeu I ty word of honor that I will net men tion jour name," cried the old geutlo man, who could acarcely control hi nervous excitement. "That won't quite do, either You got me Into a row once liefom, Mr lirown. I told you aoniethlng In con fidence, and Jack at once gueaaed where you got It from. No, hang mo If I'll ay n won)." ald Mr. Cerlow. with auddea aerloutneaa, evidently atrongly moved by aouin unploananl rcmlnlacetice. "I will comply with whatever rondl tlon you like to make," said Mr, lirown, fingering hi cigar nervoualy "I'll tell you what, promUn that you won't My any thing to Jack about the matter! Then are mom waya than one of killing a cat. Your tei chance of stopping thla little affair I to get at the lady," aald Mr. Car low, with a knowing wink. "Very well. I promt",'' ld Mr. lirown, trembling at the mention of tho aubetantlve feminine. "It's l.ola IU-11 he's gone upon. "You've heard that, I auppoao?" said Mr. Carlow. "Who la Ula Hell?' Inquired the old gentleman, setting hl teeth. "lola Hell! IKia't you know? Why, you can are her photo In all the ahop windows," aatd Mr. Carlow, a little con tetnptuoualy, "A oolobratid avtreaa, of couree." "O, that la the lady, la It? I.ls lUdll" said Mr. lirown, endeavoring to apeak calmly. "That I her name at pre-wmi, but Jack la ao gone ow her that abe maybe Mrs. .lack lirown hy thin time, for all I know," aald Mr. !ariow, alrilv. "Oood heavenat You don't mean to say that he baa married her?" cried Jack'a unfortunate parent. "No, I don't think no, really," said Mr. Carlow, with deliberation. "Hut he will." "He shan't." said Mr. lirown, draper ately. "There to only on way to prevent It," returned Mr. Carlow. "if you like to leave it to me, Mr. lirown, I think I can manage It," "Your exclaimed Mr. lirown, perhaps a trifle contemptuously. ")M,m. I've seen something of the world, and 1 know how thuee thing are done. It'a a question of squaring," aald Mr. Carlow, lowering hla voice, "Oh I you mean that yon think the the lady can be bribed," aald old Mr. ltrown, with a gleam of hotw. "I'll manage It If you give me carte blanche, Mr. Krown." replied Mr, Car low, with fiaty couCdence. "Hut It'a a delicMe hutlni-M, and I expect ahn will open h mouth pretty wide," "What sort of figure?" Inquired Mr. lirown. cautiously "it might lie five, thou.," aald Mr. Car low, blowing a cloud of smoke, and watching It with an abstracted expres sion. "Five thousand noundal Preposter ous," exclaimed the old gentleman, "I asy It might I-; but I daresay I ran make her llta to reason," returned Mr Carlow "Anyhow, you ran rely upon my getting you off as cheap aa possible." Old Mr lirown' butine instincts be ing fully aroused by the tifrn tb con versation had taken, he began to recover from the state of nervous excitement Into which he bad keen thrown hy Mr. Car low's new, and to reflect with toler able calmness on the situation, ilia flrst impulse had hen to avail himself ef hla young friend's proffered eerrWs, bet a few mlautoe' rwnaJdarsUoa caused hint to abandon the idea. Hn 444. not 4ovbt Mr. htrphen'e hemeaty and ga4 inten tieaa. but be had no reason to feel dear In his tact and Wuainras raaao ity, lleelje which, It nrcurred to him that puwslbiy young Carlow axlght be equally wrong in his anrmlaea aa to Jack's intentions and the lady's natore. There might he ao qaestlea ef marriaara between thean,r, la any ana, Mia LeU Hell might ha opea la aha aeavktiea that hy marrylaf a anUaa. dleiaher ited yoeag nana aha wwahl he acting foolijhly in her own IntereaU. la aaert, Mr. Krowaewar 4e4 that he aeaMoea 4act the aefetiatloaa hlmealt at leasts well as bla yovag friead. and he taerw fere said at length; "1 really aea't think that I ae4 troqUe ytra, Ut. Carlow. If yvm will give me the lady's address 1 will call afea iet." Mr. IMepaea Car tow looked as startled aad aisrearwrte4 hy thin annawjaeament that lev n atagle taetaat ha t a pared hU aamntoa with a vagwe jeeliagsd daaat aad ntlatrsvu hat he said at Uaaram. aiwh aarelrasUegh: -All rSgh'.J 1 4H awat to UtorJera, Mr. Rrown, hut let me give you a tip don't let out who yoa are I" "Why r Inquired the old gentlemaa. "Jack thought It prudent for fear the matter should come to your ear, to call himself Templrmora, or some such name. Yes. I'm sure it t Teniplemorsr. If you let out that you are Mr ltrown. the rich tallow merchant, you may add on any number of noughts to the fig ure," aald Mr. Carlow rising from hi rbair. '! understand," said Mr lirown, quite appreciating the hint. "I uppe I had Wtter call myself Mr, Trmplemore " "Ye." I don't know whether Jack haa admitted having a father, but that yon can find out," aald Mr Carlow "Anyhow, for goodness sake don't men tlon my name, especially U Jack In fact, you ve promised not to mention the matter to him at alt." tMJ Mr, Itrow n i..k-itcd hi assurance nt thii point, the more readily Ihou h full) reslltttl the unoMtwlous wladom of hla young friend's advKe, that the beat way of dealing with the matter wa by not ope nly opposing hla nn lie therefore parted with Mr Carlow after thanking hint warmly forlil'to tldenttal communication, and returnul to hlsofflre to chew the cud ot hla hitler reflecilona. lie went a tittle out of hi way, ho ever, ou the road thither. In ordi r to pas a stationer's shop which displaced In the window a collect'on of photo grapt of theatrical and other notahltt ties of the day, and there he had the grim satisfaction of beholding a like, nrss of the lady who had lieon menllonol by Mr, Carlow Mio was a youug per san of a prouiiiient t)!1 of Ix-aiity, and Mr lirown shuddenM as he gated upon her meretricious charm. He r solved on the Hit that bo would make any NMMiulsry sacrifice In order lt release hUunhsppy son from the tolls of this un desirsble siren, and his subsequent metillatlun parltnik rather of the nslure of UincnUtloii than nf dellleration upon hi course of notion. ltut he, nevertheless, carefully re hearsed In hla own mind. In tlm privacy of bla official sanctum, the line of ar gument which he should take with the young Isdy, snd. having done thla and put a roll of bank notea In hla packet, he sallied forth to llrompton, full of sturdy resolution, and not without a faint hox that young Carlow'a Informa tion might prove exaggerated. He wa relieved to ttnd, on reaching Miss lo)a Itell'a address, that the young lady was within, and, having, with some trepidation, given his assumed name of Totnplemore, he waa ushered Into a daintily furnished sluing room, where he found his hostes gracefully reclin ing on a ofs, reading s yellow hacked novel and smoking a fragrant t Igaictte l( old Mr, lirown waa not unnatur ally confused at finding himself In tlm presence of this ruddy-haired dlvlnttv, the latter seemed elao somewhat dlscon certed at the ep-aranci of her visitor, for aim fixed her lustrous ores tiin him with a startled expression, and furtively dropied the cigarette into a bow I of gold fish. "I've called to speak to you on the subject of of a namesake of mine," aald old Mr lirown, cautiously "Are you bla father?" Inquired the beauty, assuming a less neglige atti tude, "Yes, I am hla father," sail Mr, Ill-own, taking hla rue, "He haa told you. I suppose, that he wants me to marry him," said Mis Hell, In her most dulcet tones. "I bave called to convince you, madam, that such a marriage (s out of tho question," relumed old Mr lirown, turning "ery red. but speaking with considerable firmness. "Why. may I ask?" Inquired the Isdy, akarply. "Ilecauae, madam," replied Mr lirown, wisely controlling bis ts-mper: "mf son is not In a position u maintain a wife rw-sldea which he la very yaung a iur boy." Hut I'm not very aid," rw tor tod the lady. "No. you are young enough, aad I will add, with your prnllon, le-au liful enough, to do a gaad deal bettor for yourself than that." returned tb wily old diplomatist. "Wbera the heart I engaged, Mr Templenmre, a poor girl does not alwsje consider her oen Intoireta," said the lu-ly. with a gentle heave of her !. 'in "There I a vast dlfftrew. madam, between eelMnterosI and atoelutely ul ridel lRiprutor.M saU old Mr, lirown, impressively "If you marry my wm, you marry a paur, and of that I give you due and tlaw warning." "You are very unkind." said tb Iwauty, making a little "aviuw" sal brushing a IV hsndkrrrf.Uf llgSilly arrow her eyre "I rail It brutal "On the other bend," returned the old gentleman, watching br anxiously, and gaining considerable eceregemeBt from hla oleervatin, "If you alii give him hlarwafa.ead promise not to marry him, I might, perhapa, ehm!annke it north your while. "Hew meehT" mnrxaurad tha teasty hsteeea her vermllltoa Ilea, as aee gaawd nt her visitor with a haarfteaMng smile of languid Interest. "Well ahem i-yereetlaa U rather ahry4,"aard taw aid genUeaaea, aaarv ely lean acaaaaiiaed thaa dellghtod nt the tedy'sevtdeat hewrtls n.sa May I In qalre a hat guarantee ahall kaea-ewe-saetaf wa eaaan to an arraageaatnt that yam will carry awt yewr aart " v aat la a gearaateeT' 111 aifa any eaewre yte like, seed tha lady nrtieesly. "aad I'll atart edf tm harU te ax arrow - "WHaaat letMng nay awa kaaw vfcwes yaw have feaar aahl Mr, hVwwa. ana touely. "U! yea. I dea't waat to have a row m.M hlav I kato rews," aald tha lady, gently. "Aad kdt totaenrr law I red the M gwatlevwan. arertoyed at taa "I've aevar heat taenm. If f tad any anywhere akamt fmm ahall hate 'ra, sad walnaae." aaU hla Utrrsnnaanlea. w levadv eaealag aaa artor nawvhar ta VsW VVfV tat sMjaMwMt saTJHa4sWa,aaw aeeHaUaartoe aaviag wMwelya to ha artttoi waa tawaH laaawtoai eaa a taw anas sat 4 ska 4 swear ThU aas rkat to a saoMwka aaJHelavi and fa any n'e4-4tousK.n. awl eld Ms I Hrowuwas nl n little startled by Vhn I vttrtloaate aalnt of tha lady' de mand, ltut thla trail of a ar atwlahla ehaiacler, mm a as it dlstaie4 hl, served to rendr him the mre awtlewa " lacmpte the hargatn by deejdv la rwrelng him with his adversary a an serupubntsnean, ta hla analrtj lode liver his eon, aeVliedlre-ll hlwiwrlf Irowi her clutches, he rrmllte4 hlmsrlf to bw ble-1 prvtty trrely, mt he KM lh , satisfaction, whn h Dnaltv tV hl depsrtuiwol caivjlnf away with him. In addition to s wtltten undeiuVlnj; In Mla lds lull elaaslo i 4b,l. a Arte Conviction thai she ws not Ukivlvto1 eeisvurage Jai.V s atlentlons any more. I he nett day be had tan fuftl.rr saticttotv of M'orivinga telrtamtrsim the l4t, dlspat, b ,1 trwtu lkHlye, Showing that she bs. (ulfillel ber promise to have i'.nglsnl for awhile, and, Mlitf thus rautrl, he made an excuse to stroll rx'Und to his ' chsht. her, partly out of mere cut(Uy and partly out of VS.MO uneasiness on the lad aocouul. Hut hn found th ,Mver Jack had gone lntt the rxtutAtty the sAiue iitorulng, and It struck Mr Hrnn, trvMu all hculd gather, that suuie iHt of tnislery altauhr-l to this pvvlng lie had left no addtrss, and h, U.ty, knew whore he bad tfunv or when hn wvuld roturn It was a niern coincide nee, no doubt. hut the old rMttlriiisn Suld lvM belp noticing that bis son' abrupt JcpArtuio ttmk place on the same ,v and at aUtut i the same lime a MU Uda Hell slatlt 1 on her journey It i nievl snob a monstrous thing to noiwl Mou fch and tdissl of conspiring against hlu that he Indignantly tT'Klle.l the notion from his mind, hut he could not fvfrsta from sending s niesengr round to Mr rt)phen f 'at low'a office lo Inquire Of that joung gentlemrn whether h knnw any thing of Jack's wbrroalmut Ttie erpl that tho messenger btmighl bark was that Mr Carlow had als.i dUapiMiamt without any nolle ,i hla rmiio)er) and the combination of ptrpletng elf rumstanrtts not unnaturally esUx-d old Mr ltrown to wonder nneli briber they had any connection wih on an olhr Mhalcvrr the explanation of Hall was, HHr Mr lirown w forvel to remain In a stale of mvatlfW'atlon and Increasing perlurlietloM for anrsl d), during which h hoarii nothing of hi nui of of Mr Carlow oUhr but oitn flu aft-r MMtn, tie returning to hla vlTWe after a short absence, he found Master Jack ealM In hi private tiom, iVltg o pale anl nervous that he liutlnrtlvi y guesMNt tliataoiiti-UMplraaanl rvolllon was In store, "I ve called, father, to say that I am quite willing to com Into your busi ness," said Jack, after they bad ex changed a hurtled greeting Ml, Indeed! Vou hsvu s.)iue Very gl reawia for the fs-quesl, no douhl," said tbn uU gentleman, prompted by an Ir resistible preeentoienl, "Where have you Iwn7" On my honeymoon." aeswrd Ma tor Jack, aa unhlushlngly as aMsble "Keally, Have I the pleasure of know lag the lady?" Inquired old Mr, lirown, turning ominously whlto and heglanlng to iretnhlw, "I know that aha promised you nerrr lo marry tn." sl4 Jsek, rslslag hi vole ami speaking firmly, "but I over-i.iorsuedt-4 bef. Mie Is sn orphan, snd was left alone In the world." "An orphan lon'll)h that nonrnew to me, air. I'm sfrald that I'm 1-1 tr arualnte with yunr wU's rhaealr than you are rrlisl old Mr Wrvwn, rommenclng to grow purple In Uie fa, a he vtt acted n 4or-um-t fre-u hi roat fa"ket with a furtous gesture "Head that, sir, though I experl yuu kuo all altowt IL" "What ins earth lathis aiH'Ul r lx)s wh.l? Ut. Itolir exclaimed Jaok glancing at the per' "Hh a letd t4 expression. "May M.i me that Uk. Jack." rrr-l hi father, hastily snatVhlng tt,w Jtsj-r away from hit. "Ikel stanl alarlng there Tell i(.U you bsi mart lei Why, I thought you uMtl We were talking just auw el Amy Msrb Ian 1," aald Jack Amy Marshland," rrird hla fathf, auUldlng Into bla chair with a af t of spasm of unsaleable relM Hut Jack, mlsiih JetdsnJ Ing the iae of his parent's ematton, pror-dsd wllh all tbe elnri)s-nc at bis enme4 to r r t-ue hi rtrl and to plead ftr fo given arid by the time b bed lbrd, old Mr ltrown bad risen to ti wressbm, "It'ell, my hoy, ym have g1e me a ahfjek, but we'll wy no Mere sUml It. Aftor alt, ;wu might bsve done vn Thank find' yon bsvn warM a lady, and If yovr are pf etar4 to eetite dve an! rvrme Into the b-4larsa- " "A tboeaaad lhanka, father riled Je.k, grsspiag tha old man's hand with 4llghtH fervr MH the way, why 414 you refer to Istta Hell Jst mT" be a444. vaMdrlsly "Have ys hard the etovyr" Tha ewarv. What stxryr iasjr4 old Mr Hrwwn, gwllUly rrashlng the iarrimlaatlng paper In his bead "a Wat ataphea Car tow Ve r memtof Mtophear It apvare that he wsnud to marry fla lull, aat In ar to raise nvaary he teevaiU4 saw, an s44 uatle a hie to pay us wvaxaa a large em a the faith ief saaaeeat'h-ae4' Wall etory ra4)ere liris entersd into tha ptset, ht when aha get tha nwaaay she tasted ta frarte with aeneshmly aiae. m,hn fltwed la a f matt eteto ea rage, aad there was aa nafsl raw aa the fevetevarse the night. Ii la all the papera fsnr W?m U tok4 ep In a freart artoea tor aaaaeU "fssrvaa hlw right. It are ear-awa- ly like a eafadie latorpwasd Mr teraed aaewnataUi V red daring taa rarital. "I hep thy1 keep him in taa freer h art awa. ateaaa. toe Aareer. If he f aad taa hre ersla. I tovUd ywt toeaweh tohiaa, Jatk-aew, mlad thair-lwtoaTrat. etoetee aaa ate taisai re, PetetTlwj aweaMeiae ye gava asa far xay as4d. A erva. jred exasaurwiy tnurtsa. (ta ewrvXerf-lA4 Hi WaiL hsaatavd If I ea toliava 111 try H ate aaa t eat rtw af tuaa Ti; m- . j . . a. trAMaelfMMl AtfrOAO, stt nastag twa sVAlatw In aaat atww wm eaa gat a xltttw ta fv leu fa ta Vttraaea Witliaa, f Oervnany, fa aaally dtorharfled aa atteadant aha kad kaaa realavg a fraaek aevwi. Taa lUtswn alt and the RwffaU Mill gale have sjxpplaewaa tod the rVwteefav maerh aa xwpwlar rawnto in atta Tan Cklnrea coast, tea theee4 mile la xtat. Is lighted at night hy aa rem plrte a system ef ighthwen a tha sheers ef any (vllltad eeaty9 rrntuuwtta Knvrv, tha hvad ef tha great mil and gun tew4ry at werlln, has estahllthed a fund nf lie ta to en eel hla empUyea to hslld their eaa houses. Tvtn lalvr qsrstlea la said to he retak ing every lhtewt f pwUle Interwst la lndon, the 4eiia Ike tahertaf )aa for the totteent ef thlr ran dlllon hsvteg lrxat )ww4 ami tia annat, Tnn Turkish Ootwawtht rve to itttre with the trad la Circassian wwaisn, a4 ha tttrHlr4 Its die. gale In the African eeatrrwere at Hfvts ls to prpH any ltrvllon in the trtftto, Ovu ef the ret dogs of tVe riav nf Xtatr strayed away lh eth day from tSalletal ll(stlat Csrtt, UiomV ist-fw In a ahwn, ehsiw It wax igtt4 hy thw In. Ipilim tie it rellar "Tew. my tolengs te tbe IMwtswf It a)" Tna Shah nt IVrsle ha adnrd to tha towlldernsent ef haab)t by al-peial-Inga )-' I al rwmmUaien to draft aw rlvll sn-1 criminal rvdes, k4 ha upset hi oas snd issurtlers hy erelg hit allngass ta fwregw name ef hi fwr avnat prrregaltvea. An r.egltxhwvsn haa Wrughl tha cee taals ef the total castle ef Nut as berg, contalnleg the moet esplts elletiea ef tsslruw.ee. ts ef lertere eitawt.reallaf aa,OMlnall Thtre la a library nf , velMtaes, giving the hWtory ef etiwa an4 torture fet many eentuiia Ttya on three year ago the Haitian ttoternmeat aatahlUhed ere-tlt hnah fer the piirpoaeef asatatlng the a a nam ef targe estate wh kapeeard to ha prwse4 fer meney Thsefwt has bee that the number el mrtgwg4 ut ! isucih grl than ever 4 msny'ka longtng to high eotdrs at te I eebl this year fer en-yaent ef the inter est e loan. An unusual rualratt was 111 nlt-nee-t upon sen ef the grlmlni den wharves -an auetton ef n to-swlWwl ae4 tntorrstiag eelltstttoaef arulptuiea Just Imtwirted ttm Italy It rmerleavl work a by tha mol ffiemlnaat Italian artists oftr.rrenl, MHttt,Tsnipa, reuatu,01tvlel, I'ratl, IVirarlal. tag nisi. Ivy , and nthsr tTlotentln, kV'avaa ami Nailltaaaetilptora. Tnr, n4ern land ef ftol ta Aeswta- tluagsry, Kvwry k4y there eeete to pak n 4l0renl language frese every Usly else. A new tolaf-hyae Ilea haa just been wneaed ha I w wen Muda faelh and lfeg'e, and taa employee etd net agree what laeguaga to use ta ea other (tome wanted to speak tJeenjan. name frVllsh, yet atbr Magyar ef Orn'h, At last taa dlMeulty haa he a get aver hy na erdiaanea that frem-k akall keeasd. Tan fsmvwagebl ailnaaef the prevlae ef Caraheyn,4partaieataf fuae, lfe, wbbih werw formerly werhed nxteaslvw ly hy tha Maanlatda fta4 frwrtagsesa, tmt were aatoe-iwegily nhandnnml. ra'tlf an asweuat ef the attarka ef enrage aa4 partly heenwaa ef revstultahs, are ew xtltlng great Interest, Many quails aad plsxwr wtaaa am kelag taken we, aa, with tbeadvamawtrtvlllxatUn and lm prevemanU la the ra4 a, eUrtle is Ukleg repU atrVaaa in that dlstrtot, a here there la Imtaeaaa avlMrai aad tegttahle naellk. Naistea. I'.rrt th I set. IM A. T, Meauasevwere. rVaheur, fa, fa-' Mr I iautoesr a w4 la tolf ef leer en iffl'nillt rv,.r niu Mmeu ag-ra fneM. wWe hr thst ; w had le eaH1d I nf svas, wt Mlrt ejeef xer p(lu I gave am tor -t kf n4 tor et A etghtor, Mr ttTf, had r4 with MlU M avere Otse e )t, M to4 Uk (Jiialee eetll hfs tosrleg ass yrlt; (Njfwd ( tfaes'erw wrwernile r ! e. to H" rarwdatwttUxfr-sM awtir Ur Ut-rfwttoii, lfiih.i tale It 4beto. tetrutr Kav J i 'v It t the naraarrtot ladr wtoee ante tor ewrs SW4BW mm srv sw sn ae a httwsea. -kvetoa (Vvriee Mf a rase aetrr gA ea nto nwfwiar ahi Ma he town the at tel !( .fa. eirrfj-"1 ''"'H1 ff1"' " ' '" """ "' ' t 'jsa v "m TMK OCHtflAL MANt4CTI a awa aa a tnr, ise wa tm a lev a w ev a N rt m let a m v t e lit ti caTTtJ-rMrHsaria-t t astir w n'M-iitUu Met WMaay.n.r4 jxm.1 to-s nrrw..KA I faTa.av I tr-JiM I rt Mt-aVrtt, p a,a lian I m m tTrrat mt sr Caaesv.r-ai eae , U a m ft a M a a a V at a e It e WsVwaaaaw Tthark,wz Man-MssM evVATfraa el t0K CntTI4toeaer Swa-sa fraav.raa , , Mrrr sir rtr1"aH-.Wsa . nHt)TXli4 ( i , iava.a , teva . asvTTaa.s rvaa WW. fTTfJu--r nvnwreftf444 svr-w aar-rj'vaw M rfrt'a-wur wawei ,M vMfar r. Ut-., , . 4 fraia-a. t , r. a m e m m ve ta a in e in tee st t W a m H urn W at tar a m aat e m ara t te s a a air- WV) MWJ n at an MrrnrKatot'rsesMy C4TrlJt.riMM f s, rta,awwi -. eMx KtTn.x ,4 , , . ,. Crraaa i ttrMt , 'itftwaasaarnsw..,,, w e at t a a Aa ava asa es w It M ar.Tnaav-cnsaery . ,, , , re,4. .., tvMtw r2awahaWT' IKMIaf i True loo ta as est toe test Swaw at ata ra sent f" " wMa,awaa vy rls W" wV,As,wJ twsstaeiiesa-e. aasi wa ssm aawsaae aaa mi we ewa a s aae waa ef I wr a ( fe naeaaa eeai, veeiHeeeasi smaxawawa ta ne tm vae a m swea n4 pea sa tvaa see Me re esrwwe sr eea vm sa s vsssasn leal tevae es rua ts seee a4 sasaitasaata ) Hood tawf patHai twna raa)S Be nuaiiwi a i a.Mt awe-naista tttSMhsff. VM IMISWIIO,! fOO wrOfMfvi OfMi wMWT THC T IIIMKOV CHILDREN a vv ? re CarnNafl NUffLIt OATaiall saY.1 eTOinXVwVXif .1 Tutt'sPils will eave tka dJunwaato feanaaa state ml asteeeff , aaa ewahea kxafaa whatever taa w tense, Twef farfti 8i0k HwrlUaMl, raaee ne etowd aa4mttata aJHsfa tea Itaa await, gtte keaa asjeaa DTlop Wlm nasi ml4 anaarte, WtosjnalffMay ssanteeS, tTttHW, aVsrta. awa am mi.i rvVrjjtvwHBi ttrU ikaasajraaMii W. tAeiKhTAs'al NnCHimiim swses Wms es Vsa w-awt wan sW swfajswjsxaVy pagwg my I a i te m lewis s'ns, s l4 wai lMtleWfHNSt I awaaxasBl taa swsaaaTsfaal ewwewsf wwrw wmrswwevswrwg w W iAIllwaOOal nawi inav isaaeejsxanaaii iaa yjw WALES , ? mrir WALM mwTtttic t tefTi w fd a. ft ad) 4ai fanwaadu. a rasa ! wataaaaa nana Awanaft UiH Wtv..M eVs"jl vwv k s fte I tte,M Msl4eej u ih iars la-e as I .-- T- .,. -. j'- mrz .Ml. W.M.a mm m aawwiwn m we ," mt s-eXi . is:,fs.wi7wM ravneu nrse e net tn wa J e3sti.if.e-i iisi.m. tAVtefwdtntaw .sraraaLtrje e a a aptf aaavasys nil i isawir ft efsaawsay a saaarlwea. BRrfartll wawaaeitr; a, awa'swmwsv1' "h'H'JL swaaraaaA s." eCt'lA'sUrtB r , rtaeteialBsKfm l t eswars mm4mimi.,' ,. " m-r -tow ajnnaiaeafc- aevaweeaMVai-sxjaajaw4 ? B.Safwwx '.r.i eat oTtM Is vw vfifMmk'. ,4 aaafwaf nereawieimawaereawinwea'ftiw wiawa i hiewajaxawaaaisaiswjaaasasajai tmmmm$. wmimmm JONBB tralfM muST EPPS'S drfUTlf COCOA wrtm snt4HamiwaMsrswTLswswl aw see JaVrreMsi wT " w JtJ eWaMawswsBMWawaa gSfagL umimsj '7vi. rf1?1' i 4; ft. nv.l .. t, ur fit A) A ). h. w Tf. iV