& -wi-$ 5--J. &4 1 J.-; M' BED OLOUD CHIEF, NEWS OF THl WEEK. nv a MURMIIIO AND sHIftNED. JOHNSTOWN'S FUND. aWDMNLV CALLED. Jured reeently by n train ). eUn wVumawunww aMMH aWsvnlaVsrVlVlw VKMnTVi esalleMea ef tba raa at MM J 5..f s :; AS ,-0?d. i a)M ; 'i i ,VW ! WW 'AM'' m I1' . V pa' i v s A km H. tf' xft? .. & y & r I.'" m fa fc w lV , sv NT''s I$v. jpwtr- r-tfv ir. . if 'Atw ;v k. iS A.. IS. I . T 5ft5ff SWirt -mrfftft ii j 1'iiRf.r A.. '-.j OLMJA MIlRAfKA, K& 4.TW TV- ' Wv iWl k- OURRINT OOMMINT. . W-" '' Muwav4h'i circus has been Mid to filth syndicate. ::VM " ucvnun a'Aosta, uromerpz King vAS HttHwtl of Italy, IB ill. n Mxral dentlis from Influenza nave J at Villa Labas, Mexico. ir.YsSf twalriant of Hmim tiava jd$ jl ited taw teeall of the British Con- i Fi wk Smtinb, prominent Amerl sun tronomer. died recently at Fred- CM MO. 'v ' T ilnsnces c ;' ' Una ha fine & tf$ iceaaary. I,"4'' T i editor of t at f Mexico, T i tonnces of Mexico sresstd to be a fine condition ti.at a loaa U El Progresso. of the has been sent to jail ,for famine; Adelina Pnttt A tAHAat Lincoln, son of Robert V. ncoln. Minister to England, re una sick, is out or danger. Senate Committee on Patents u favorable report on the International Copyright bill. MATORMAMDKHWMbMtntroduoed atto Increase the limit of the cost of Oaala's public building to 1)2,000,000. JtLL introducod in the House bv lUfsentatlve Mills provides for re mity in trade between the United Mb and Mexico. CoMMissioNRn Gnorr has to Nebraska 224.72- tier lot the proceeds of the sales of turn lands in the past four years. In. Cairns of England, known ht fas) as Vlseount Gnrmoyle, who pad i jorteecue aw,ooo to setUe a i of promise suit, died in London Htiy. ft mine owners of the Charlerol Uot of Belgium have Mven their xaau per cent. Increasefn wages and Ml reduced the wodklna hours to ,M The strike has jfnded. ! M Milwaukee Laka Rhnra A H em Railroad Company has do- l d a 7 per pent annual dividend on II Mtnmon stock and a 81 per cent. ;jp anua on the preferred. The net yiywn et,ow,nas. AtUM tried to pass Confcder- bllla on a blind Muinut Baiter In ,y.Veark, N. J., 'recently as having V-aWsJI ameted killed blmsnlf with mor- -BMhft.iWhkfc. wlten aearolNNi. be said BMaietne and was allowed i wKr f".pLoRl Comnwalub Nahkh of Msa .? 4n ii ;'' i 4ala fci dead. Ho was a victim of In- hi v.-tnenaa. Lord Napier was born In 1810 rM served with distinction In a num- t a -mm oc wars in which Great HriUin was aed,hls most brilliant campelgn- lag being in connection with the cap- , ton of l'ekln, the Abyssinian expedU . !' "" "l MOglUMI. WBAT la claimed to be the laramit .Mtaralaa well in the Indiana belt, if )eft la the world, was struck by the Miniui Gas Comranv 'he Culbertson farm. In Blackford oanty. forty-flve miles south of Fort rayne,lnd. The well had been bored feet and the drill hnd gone 19 feet o Trenton rock, when the tools war Mown out of the well and the tremend- as epaa-air treasure of N pounds to the square Inch Immediately resulted. A chats of strawberries has been ahtpped from Charleaton, 8. C., to New Tack. They were growu in a field in the suburbs in the opejn sir. Should warm weather continue a week i the annual strawbsrr mn win feamdy lor marketing, the straw lam season at Charleston opens gen rally about March or April, but the ftttlt la now ripening rapidly and the ntlreerop which, aggregatea about a pillion quarts will be harvested before March, unless a bllnmrd comes along. A resolution has been passed by the North Dakota Legislature allow ing the members their per diem for the time they were abseut on a holiday Jaunt to the 1 'aclflo coast It nravidud Uat those who did not want the per allem need not toke it The Attorney General has rendered an opinion that the members aro not entitled to it Borne of the members say they will take the-money itny way and other tev.duggeated an appeal to the courts. Lieutenant-Governor Dickey has re- I to certify the per diem of tboM bare who havs applied for it te i urn tseaaia has net voted that h hall do so. on of mind averted a disss. panic in Grammar School No. is t Baltimore recently. Tberowsnun. ward of 400 children In the building. Ulsi Gllmore had a class of thirty boys In one of the class rooms on the second fleer, when n email boy whispered to Mff that the little room In front was AIM with smoke. Mies Gllmore aw tn smoke curling out of the ttriiaa In tiny clouds. She calm t$ rdered her dam to march out into the main room. The m Lt ) " "bafml and n retreat waa mad In good - aider. Then Mlaa Gllmon toy Mn. m&il & Lm, bMlt wvry. Mr. Kfc'.istSETiica ZZ7. jzjzzj7zsrT-r?m tiriftm TM m boys went down Into the 9aJi WIIJMnt atoMlac to ask aiiMtlou. sweeny im soya nan gone Mr. Long :5K?,tvM t"B aawwo to ismiM ner gtria 'iVMmlisjBff leer at ones. Thegirla 8sW$V'm MN " f1 entrance MXL ; W$ lit wae eiwatulshed, life M -J OHS4 by COM! Tns SeasM trsaiaetoe Mo ImmIiims of ( rsl lmH)Hanee en the Mth. Several pabllo baildlMRS bills wera rtportnd. A bill pMaed for a railroad bridge somas lb Mlteoarl rlTf r In Nabraaba, senator Flawb addreeMd the senate oa lila roaolatloa retatlng to ttie lease of certain lalanda la Alsaka. and tba Senate adjourned upon belag not Med ef tbe proeeedlnire In the Ilonae recardlna the death of Repreaenlatlvo Kelley,,,,!n tboHoueea report waa made by thn eomailttee Inventl Ratlni tbe Slleott defalcation and a bill nnVred appropriating tjm to cover the defalcation. A minority report waa also aub mltted. Under the call of Htatee mnr bllli and reeolutlona were offered. The Okie, horn a Townelte bill waa then considered In Oommltteeof the Whole nnlll adjournment la the Senate on the Itth the bill to declare trusta and combination! In rcMralnt of t rude unlawful wae reported and placed on the eslendar. The remainder of the aeealon was occupied In debating Senator Call' renolu tlon in relation to the claims of riorlda un der the awamp land Rranl, la which Hcnntore Call, Plumb and Unlphtook part....Aftrrtlin Introduvtlnn of eeveral bllla the llouenrn. fused to so Into Committee of the Whole on the Oklahoma Townalte bill, but comlilerrd the bill appropriating n, to cover the Slleott defalcation. Nosetluu waa ruaebed before adjournment. latheKenuteoathe 15th Senator Sherman Introduced a bill to provide for a permanent National bank circulation. The Senate tlieaT took up Senator Morgan's resolution rrqftV niEinaine uniiea maieior nraan anoaena. tor Turple apoke at IriiKth In iipponfof It. The reaolutlon went over. HeeVnl bllla aaaed, among them the blU'roliUIng to uometeada In the Indian Territory i for the settlement of claims of the Matn of Mlaeourl for payment to mllltla datylng the rebellion, and authorising the coAitructlon of a bridge oyer thn MUsourl rlvr within one mile of tb mouth of the Kaakas river.... The lloue reaumed ronalderanion of the bill appropri ating tllflOO to telmburee member who loet by'.he Slleott Defalcation, and when a vote was reachediSjie bill waa defeated by IM yeas to 111 naya.The llouee then adjourned. IM the Mfnate on thu 16th Senator llala reporteiyadwraely the bill retiulrlng thn Sup rlitfendent of the Uenaua to aecertaln Whats)orcentageof tbe people owned their tarssT, the number of farm under mortgage uttQ amount. Senator Hutler'a bill to provide fbr the emigration of colored people then feanwupand Senator Hutlor addrenavd the Senate In support of It and waa replied to by Senator Hoar, Adjourned until Monday.... The whole erealon of the llouie waa ocoupli-d In talk upon a resolution In regard to locat ing the World'a fair In IftPJ, thn tight being virtually one bctweea the Katt and the West Thefrlnndaofeaoliaectlon weresoneareiiuiil that the House reached no dodnlte result be fore ailjournmeut. The Henatu was not In session on the 17th. ...,'lhu House again took up the pending question at adjournment, the motion to re consider thn vote on Hid substitute for the report on the World'a Kalr location. The mo tion to table prevailed by Iti to 111, and the original motion for a select committee to lie called the World'a ralr Committee prevailed. The House then considered In Committee of the Whole the Oklahoma Townalte bill uatll adjournment. rnnaoNAt. and political, Tim Pope and eight of the Cardinals are afflicted with la grippe, Jamhs E. Camnucll was Inaugur ated Governor of Ohio on the 13th. Wahhrn Hhistoka, for thirteen Ears Associate Justice of tbe New exlco Supreme Court, died In Dew ing recently, aged sixty-eight. Srmrior Pimuntal has been ap pointed Prime Minister of Portugal, consequent upon the resignation of rjenbor Gomes, owing to tbe dispute with England. Calvin S. Uricu has been elected Senator from Ohio. Kmin IIky had a relapse on the 15th and was again In a critical condition. Tnnnn was a great agitation In Lis bon because of the announcement In the papers of the arrival of tbe llritlsh fleet In the Tajtus and thu departure of Mr. uiynn l'ctre, tlie llritlsh Minister. It waa reported from Hrsill that the brother of the present Minister of Aari culture, four ex-Mlnisters, tliree Sena tors and several Deputies had been ar rested hs Implicated In the attempted revolution of December 18. PHiNcnsa Maud, daughter of the Prince of Wales, has been seriously sick with influenxa. She is In her twenty-Aral year. Chauum II. Danporth, for over twenty years city editor of tho lloston uerald, died recently of pneumonia. Walkkh IIlainr, eldest son of Hon. Jsmes G. Elaine, Secretary of State, died at Washington on the 15th after an attack of Influents. Up to a few hours before hedied It wasuot thought he was seriously sick. Tun Republican caucus at Des Molnos, Iowa, chose W. B. Allison to succeed himself In the United States Benate. No opposition was offered. Plymouth Church has Installed Rev. Lymun Abbott successor to the late Henry Ward lleecher its pastor. Hev. Howard S. lilisa waa Installed aa assistant past'r. mkv. t. iikwitt talmaor was re ported sick with Influents at Pari. MIMiKLLANRttUa, Turkic men have been arrested in the ChlcksKitw Nation, Intllitn Territory, charged with having robbed the ex press ofllcu at Wynne Wood. L T. W. H. Schmidt A Co., door ami sash manufacturers of Milwaukee, Wis., have HHalgned with lia.ooo liabilities and 1188,000 nominal assets. Tun steamer Meantmore, which has arrived at lloston, passed an iceberg a quarter of a mile long and 900 feet high. ih town or riora, Miss., was en tirely destroyed by fire the other morn ing. Only one business house was left standing. It was a small but wealthy place. Loss and Insurance uaknowu. Two freight trains collided at Sny dertowu, Pa Ten cars were wrecked. Couductor Dlefenderrer waa killed and eeveral of the crew hurt Tmm marbm statue of President Gar. ald, Intended to form part of the Garneld memorial structure now in Istooms of construction at Cleveland, a, will be admitted free of duty. Bt the explosion of tbe boiler of a ateam shovel used In excavating at ITalletou, Pa., on man waa killed and fourteen more or leas seriously injur!. In his will the late Conirreesman W. D, Kelley, of Pennsylvania, left all his property to nla wire and four children. lta value was not known. Tain Pope's coming circular wtH deal with Urn religious duties f CatheUos, A SLMtrr but atoneuneed shock of oarthquaka waa felt generally nt Co lumbia, S. C, en the 14ta. There was, however, no alarm. Am extensive robbery of Turkish priority bends and Mexican National Bank shares occurred recently while they were in transit from Paris to London. Tnt long contest for tba Bt Louis pottmastershlp ended in the appoint ment of John B. Harlow. Foun persons were drowned recently 1 by the capsixing ef n boat in a pond near Carmi, III. Black measles la epldemie at Fords vllle, Ky, Tnn gust artesian well at Woen socket N. D., haa farmed n forty acre lake of warm water and on halt pres sure throws a solid stream 150 feet Th Waljwle (Mass., emery mills have been destroyed by ire, causing 60,000 loss. All wsa Insured. A. W. Merrick's reaidenoe In Minneapolis, Minn., waa destroyed by fire the other night causing 190,000 loss. , Jojrfr H. Lynch, the principal mer- IchKnt tailor of Detroit, Mich., has laiicu eiiu iibhtj iiaumuea. vauew, unseasonable westtier. Hrnry Guineup has been arrested In New York State charged with hav ing attempted to wreck a Chicago ft Northwestern railroad vestibule train In Jackson County, Wis., nearly a year ago. Thr Althea Hill-Sharon divorce suit has been finally disposed of adversely to Mrs. Terry. Tun Supreme Court of North Caro lina has granted a new trial to Father Boyle, the Catholic priest convicted of rape and sentenced to be hanged. Twrlvk Armenian women whose relatives were murdered by Kurds have arrived at St Petersburg to Implore an Interview with the Csar, having been refused a hearing In Constantinople. Editor Pahkb, of London, who charged Earl Euston with gioss Im morality, waa convicted of criminal libel and sentenced to one year's im prisonment In the hustings court at Petersburg, Va., the grand Jury returned "not a tine bill" in the case of General Wil liam Mnhone, charged with feloniously shooting Herbert Harrison on the night of November 6. The President haa not yet signed the iroclnmatlon opening the Sioux lands n Sonth Dakota and will not do so un til spring, as he is avers to compell ing the would-be settlers to camp out during the winter and thus subject themselves to bad weather. Ahtpla Brothers, bankers of Lon don, Paris and Madrid, have been de clared bankrupt Their liabilities are sjooo.ooa Trade and navigation returns shew Canadu'a trade with the United States 101,000,000, against Mo,ooo,ooo with Gleat Britain. Three negroes were drowned recent ly by the upsetting of a skiff on tbe Tomblgbee river noar Aberdeen, Miss. Lucius D. Stone, dealer In sad dlery, San Francisco, haa filed a peti tion In insolvency. Liabilities, 1205, 000; assets, not known. Physicians claim the epidemic la grippe Is on the decline at Washington, although six deaths resulting from It were reported on the 10th. Ilecent ad ditions to the Influent Include First Assistant Treasurer Bacheldor and Apjtolntment Clerk Baynes, of the Treasury Department ADDITIONAL UIBPATCtlBM. Tnr, Proslilont and Cabluot and many other high officials of the Government ittendod tho f unnral services 'over the remains of Walker Hlalno at the Church 3f the Covenant, Washington, on the Uth. Mm. Taylor, Canadian M. P., has pre pared a bill prohibiting thu importation sad Immigration of forelgnersand aliens ander contract or agrtwtnent to perform labor In Cauada. Kmin Paniia Is suffering from an ab scess of the exterior of thn skull which haa caused partial paralysis of the tongue. Ho see bo Europeans except a German doctor. A dispatch from Oquawka, III., says: Klmer F. Reed, Hllsa Tracy, Charles Wilson and Alexander Whltmore, of (llsdstone, were drowned in Orlswold's slough, near Burlington, thn other Right. They started for a dance but thulr team bocatue unmanageable and backed over tho bank and broko the tee. I loth horses went also drowned. Nkws has reached Alexandria, 1a., that A. 11, Duller, living near Morcland ttutlon, had killed his brother-in-law, H. M. Hayes. The deceased and Mrs, Itutlerwere gasadohudroa of thn late Oovernor Tbomaa (). Mooro. CiJctttiXM house returns for the week ended January IS showed aa average In oreaseof 1.8 oosaparod with thncorrv- nonaing week of Uat vear. la New ork there waa a decreaae of I.e. Tint rtrattUan Oevenuneat has issued a decree dividing tho country Into three banking districts and for their Issue banks with a capital of a,ooo,oo la Oovernntent stock, the circulation ot each bank's notes ta be conaaed to its own district. PowtiRKLT, of the Knicats of Labor, was wall eaough ot the lalueaaa on the 1 states arrested at tha suit of Gal- lag haa at Soreatou, I'a. A waters; oaeurred en tho leaoraia ra dio railroad Beer MUmlBn-haaB, Ala., re oeatly. Eagtaeer Ihwry was killed and several other peraoas were eerieusly and nernaaa catally lajureaL PMHca Aninno, Duke ef Aesta, brother ef the Klafef Italy, aad for merly King of Spain, died en the 1Mb. He waa King at Hpaia tresn Deeeatber , We, uaUl February 11, ISTt, when he abdleated. Ue married hla nleee Hep lnansjnlsFsj( IBsaws Tnn faaaral ef Nearle, the enraatan, stBtdaey, N. H. W-, Deeeatber 14, was srltesased by tally lta,eee people. The auvyer and aldenaea and a deputetsee ot membereat Parllaaseat teak partis the peeeeaaloa, which waa one at Ike leageet ever seen In Australia. aaU Craeaalsa la Mia IrwarMagi "mtsoriKLn, Mo., Jan. M. Aboat tea o'clock Friday night the neighbors of Hugh B. Farmer, who live about eight miles south of here, saw that his house was on fire, and on going to the scene they found thn entire building completely enveloped In flames. Thn house was built of logs, and looking Into thn main room thoy saw Parmer's dead body burning to a crisp, but all ef forts to take It from tho burning build ing worn futile, and after thn Urn only cbarred frsjrmnnts remained. For several years past Farmer had had a number of negro tenants, on his place some of whom ho reeently detected la stealing from him and at once had them limvo his place. Tho first theory after thn Ore was discovered was that a coal oil lamp had exploded and burned Fanner and his house, but later develop ments lead to the theory that some of tho thieving negroes murdered him for his money, and on account of their ill feeling set fire to the house to destroy all evidences of tho crime. Farmer hsd two pot dogs and after the fire the bones of ono of the animals wero taken from the smoldering em bers. The other was found on the place alive with his bslr saturated with coal oil. The deud man Friday purchased a gsllon of roal oil at a little store aesr hlsplacn and it Is thought the murderers used this oil to flro tbe building and poured it on tho two dogs after they had killed their master, but that one of them escaped from thu house when the' dor wsa opened. The terrible affair has caused Intense excitement among the people of this lo cality and no effort will bo spared to un ravel ftie mystery with which it Is sur rounded. Tho unfortunate man was a bachelor about sixty-five years of sgn and lived all alone. He came to this section from County Wicklow, Ireland, about thirty Sears ago where he was educated for an IpUcopil minister. His family were wealthy and aristocratic people, and be cause they refused to permit him to marry his mother's pretty housemaid, with whom he had (alien deHpcrutuly in love, it Is said ho liecame embittered agalnit them and left his native land. Soon after his sweetheart was wedded to another. After he came to this country he received a largo, sum of money, part of which he invented In tho Inn farm of about 400 acres near this city, on which he had lived as a rccluto for the past thirty years. Ho also pur chased real eatato In other adjoining counties and had considerable money deposited In tho Urcunu County bank at this place. The deceased had no relative hern so far as can bo learned and tho heirs to his property In all probability live In Ire land. He was a highly cultivated man, but waa usually quite reticent and was well read and posted on all current matters. Ho was a prominent leader in tho grange movement among tbe farm ers several yeara ago ami was highly re spected by all who knew him. WALKER BLAINE FUNERAL. Tke Remalne af the Son of the Neeretary ot Ntata Lal4 to Rest. Wasiiinotok, Jan. IV. The funeral of Walker Hlalno took placo yeaterday morning. A private funeral ceremony waa held at tho homo of Secretary Illalne, in La Payette squsre, at 10:90 o'clock. The lrealdent and Mrs. Harri son, all tho members of tho Cabinet, K. W. llalford, aeveral members of tha diplomatic corps and some Intimate frlonda of the Secretary attended the services, which wero conducted by Rev. Dr. Hamlin, pastor ef tho Church of the Covenant. Tke body was then taken to tha Church of the Covenant, where the reg ular services wero herd, tho Rev. Dr. Hamlin officiating and Prof. Walter Damrosch presiding at the organ. Prominent among the throng wero the President and Mrs. Harrison, the Vice President and Mrs. Morten, tho entire Cabinet and their families, the Justices of thu Supremo Court, members of the diplomatic corns, delegates to tho Pan American conference and Senators aad Representatives. The llousoof Representatives did not meet until eleven o'clock in order to al low tho members to attend the funeral, aad the Department of Justice was closed all day. Tho State Department was not for mally closed, but all the officers and employes who desired to attend the fu neral were permitted to do ao. Negro Mlsslaaarles. Nkw Yobk, Jan. IV. The four negro youths, who came here on tho I.Iberia from Africa on Thursday last, and who are bound fur Nahville, Tenn., where they aro to recelvo an education to fit them as missionaries in their native lands, were passed by the Castle Garden Commissioners yesterday. Mr, Peck, of Peck A Snyder, gave bond guarantee ing that they would not become a charge oa the country. A WM4 RaM at Large. Marshall, Mo., Jan. iv. A mammoth panther or tiger la roaming at largo la the Klk Lick woods, southeast of this city. It was chased yeiterday by aov enteen hounds, but waa not caught A general auat will be engaged la aad an earnest effort made ta capture the ani mal. CaaaaU By Ike Asslaeat. LotusviLLK. Ky., Jaa. If. The men at work In the calseoaoa the bridge here have struck for aa advance of wagea el nearly lour ceata an hoar. The cause is the receat accident. Marshall, Tex., Jaa. te. Burglars eatered the oflce of the Watera-inerea Oil Csv la this city last alght aad get aver ft,) worth of netes aad money together. The safe was blesm open with dynamite after Ue neaee wan brakea Into with teals stolen frees n Macksaaltk shop that eras alee broken lata Maothcu kUnnv emstsd the ether aisrht at Breadway aadTklrty-f rstetreet,New Yevk,sharfed wtth dleerdarly eaaduct Ma sseAa n eeuatarvaarf agalaat tha waa nailed out and diwhaif id. Ktaeey far ateHef. FBiLAOstLFifiA, Jan. IS. A meeting of the Johnstown flood relief commis sion appointed to distribute the fnnde contributed for tbe relief of the suffer ers by tho flood in the Concmaugli valley and in other parts of Pennsylva nls, was held here yesterday. It was strictly private and, with an Intermis sion forlunrheon, lasted from 10:30a.m. till 0:30 p. m., and was presided over by Governor Beaver, chairman of the commission. After tho meeting it was announced that arrangements hud been perfected with the Glrard Life Insurance, An nuity and Trust Company for the ad ministration of the annuity fund whereby the 822 children under sixteen years nf age orphaned by tho flood In the Conemnugh will each receive IM annually until they shall have reached the age of sixteen years. The sum ap propriated for this purpose is 1116,000 (including the first payment of 116,100 already made to tbe orphans). It waa also decided to appropr.ate H),000 fox the erection of a hospital in Johns town and 15,000 waa appropriated fot , hospital purposes In Wllllamsport I The application of the Y. M. C A. fot relief was refused on the ground that the fund was not applicable for such relief. The secretary's report showed that 110 women widowed by the Johnstown flood had been paid 1179,471 and they will be paid t05,2fi0 for their children In annual payments varying as to the number and ages of the children. The report also shows that there were esti mated to have been drowned In the Coneuiaugh valley 2,'Jffi) persons; num ber of bodies recovered, 1,076; identi fied, 1,021; unidentified, B54; missing, 805. The unclaimed dead, nuiutwritig 741, wero collected and buried in Grand View cemetery. The lluauclal report of the secretary is as follows: Amount received by Governor Beaver at Ilarrlsbnrg from all parte of the country ami world, ll,225,H72.83; received from Phila delphia committee, 600,000; recelvoi' from the Pittsburgh committee, I-'jOO, 000; received from Now York commit tee, $516,109. 85; total, 2,902,072.08. Tho expenditures have been as follows: Appropriated and expended at Johns town, l2,4:M),3u;i.0; expended in otliei purts of tlie State, $232,204.45; dis tributed as specially directed by do ors, 12,271.85; office expenses at Ilnrrlsburg, 1,)&42; general expenses, 1,318.70; llrst payment to orphans. 10,100; total, 2,6H!I,747.11; cash on deposit at Ilurrisburg, 1218,. 825.67; cash undistributed depos ited In Johnstown, KW.3H4.03: total cash on deposit 254.700.00; lest amount appropriated to other parts of tbe State, 17,735.65; net amount unap plied, 1236.074.05. From thin should be deducted the amount appropriated yesterday, Including 22.442.l5 sundry claims ordered paid, $100,342.05, leav ing an unexpeiul . biihttice lit tbe hands of the commission of t70,o:il.40. RAILROAD COLLISION. A Wrack at Olaelanall la Whleh Several I'ersnaa Were Kit 14. Cincinnati, Jan. 16. At 7:1( o'clock last evening, aa the Glendalt accommodation bound for Cinclunnt' on the Cincinnati, Hamilton A Daytor road was lenvlng tbe station near Col lege Hill Junction the Chicago vestl billed train on tho same road ran Ink the roar of tbe accommodation. Then were three passenger cars of the Gleu dale train containing about beventy uve iwople. The locomotive of the Chicago vestl- bulcd train ran half way through th rear oar of the accommodation, piling the passenger cars tn a neap and set ting them on Are. The locomotive ol tbe accommodation was not derail;) The fire department was called front Cincinnati and the Ore waa extin gut shed. Superintendent Nelson, who arrlveC In the city from the scene o. tho wreck nt midnight, said John Wilson, ol Cincinnati, Conductor F. W. Wither bee and an unknown woman were killed outright. While James (Haley, the bag gsgemoster, who was terribly burned, and William Klamlta, a pasHengcr, died at the hospital after being brought to the city, making the numtwr of fa fatalities nvo. The engineer and fire man of No, 31 were terribly injured, aa waa also a boy. name unknown. from Carthage, O. They are in tlx hospital. It Is claimed that no otbci persons were seriously hurt. Tho numlwrof fatalities and injured, considering tbe completeness of the wreck and the number of passengers, wss comparatively small. The block system was used there and it hi supposed that No. 77 was not out or her block when No. 31 entered. When No. 31 struck the accommoda tion train It smashed the two real eoaehee. Aa Ol OBastaas. LoirooN, Jan. 18. The oflclal cor respondence between England and Portugal on the disputed territory in Africa is published. Portugal based nor claims to Nyaasnland and Maaben aland en treaties two centuries old and the ruins ol ancient forte. Lard Salis bury In reply u sarcastic and he re pudiates these archuwlofieal argu menta In n taao vetbenrlna' aad la. A. a a a. . uirougaouL ocmnrrnn, M. Y Jan. 18. Ana T. Seute died hare last evening aged sixty five yeara. Ha was the BraaUaatef the Hop Mttara Company, and was the man that nutde that patent saedkine fhmeui by Mtennlva ndvactislng. The ijiceamid had very tam laterseU In wsmsrn Kaneaa. ue of bamle OMWsn a Dadfe city. Bbaaaidant f Us, Ftrnt nine owned Nailasaal Haak tnaam. Ha tnan unit of Um lawn ad InafaMa. rear a rtataattafenasaa aXAB, akl rmlaVnm e amartem, oTvMNaV eJMy watt (, at. WASJUffcrroiv, Jan. ML Mr. warlar Illalne. examiner ef claims of the State) Department aad eldest son of Secre tary Blaine, died at the family real-de-ce-the old Seward mansion, facing Lafayette park-at 8:20 o'clock last evening of acute pneumonia, sujierin duccd.by an attack of la grippe. Ifor had been ill only n few days nnd hlv. death was a sudden nnd severe shock to an unusually large drele of friends,, who were not aware that he waa dan gerously 111 until yesterday morning,, while the family, who were all greatly devoted to him, ant prostrated with, grief. Mr. Blaine was not feeling wellanli lsst week, but went to the departtswht each day until Friday, when be be came much worse and was compelled to. go home and take to but bed. He made light of his Illness and thought that, his recovery waa only a matter of n. few days. The Secretary gave n dinner party Monday night to n number of i eople prominent in official society, -nd Mr.. Walker Blaine waa then feeling so much better that he sat up for some, time chatting with his father's guests, and afterward walked about the house. By this course he contracted an addi tional cold, which quickly settled ou his lungs and developed Into acute pneumonia Tuesday night and yester day morning his condition waa so alarming that all immediate relatives of tbe family were hastily summoned home by telegraph. He wasdolirfous moet of tbe day, with an exceedingly high temperature and painfully labored respiration. Mr. Walker Blaine was attacked by la grippe on Friday evening last The maludy was ushered in by a chill, fol lowed by bk'h fever. Severe ca tarrhal symptoms Immediately at tacked the lungs. Theso continued1) through Saturday and Sunday night in an ameliorated condition. On. Monday improvement in tbe left long was noted, though pneumonia conges tion wits pi esent In the right lung. Orj. Tuesday all of the symptoms became, aggravated. Well develocd pneu monia supervened In th right lung, ac companied by high fever aud delirium,, which continue 1 until his death, which occurred almost without premonition at 8:20 o'clock and was due to pul monary effusion. Mr. Blaine was born In Augusta,, Me., May 8, 1885, nnd therefore wiuu nearly tilirty-llve years of age. MISSOURI CATTLEMEN. Delegates Gather at MaaaUa aa Deaaaaea Cunsblaee. HetjALIA. Mo.. Jan. 16 Tha dnln. , . . - .... w .w aratna tit tha rattlemen'a nntiventlmi ar. rived in the city Tuesday, and at night a mam meeting was neiu at wiucn ex flovnrtmr Mnrahnaiaa nmslilnl. Thtt delegates assembled at nine o'clock yenicraay Horn in jr. Mr. Jjeounni, Saline, called the meetina? ta order. Mr. Leonard read a ealt for a m-o Ins InslliHl htf tlm Parmura Ilitaltim ana n orxing Men's Association of Sa line County. Ex-Governor Morehouse was them elected temporary chairman aud tnndo a short speech, In which, he set forth the object of the convention, and con cluded by saying: 'There have been mado m re millionaires In this coun try within tlie last fifty years thnn in all its history before. The agricultur ists of the great Missouri valley are bxkiy paying interest on more than three thousand millions of dollars. The farmers have to pay alL tbe expen ea of all this wealth aa a. rule In this country. Not only stock men, but agriculturist have assembled, here to devise a way of means wbereby the laborer cau get t ereal profit of bis. labors. Methinks I hear Jsy Gould and the members of the 'Big Four saying, 'What are you going to do about it gentlemenV The man who finds n remedy will go down in history as n wiser man than Solomon.' " Mr. Norman J. Colman.of St Leuls, then addressed thecouventlon. He par ticularly confined his talk to combines) and trusts and bore' down on the "Big Four," snd said they bad a firmer grip upon the stock raisers of this country than "la grippe" had now upon the peo ple of Europe. Senator Clay, of Au drain, aad Mr. Irving, of Callaway,, made short talks. . ... . .. a . ... . . Tho committee oa endantlals than. made a report, which was adopted,, s'owing that 228 ware entitled to scats In the convention. The committee on permanent organ isation then proposed the name of Norinin J. Colman as permanent president James Brooks, of Carroll,. aa vi-pre.acni;ireorge W. Longman,. of 8t Loots, as secretary, and Mr. Mscdlarmld, of Kansas City, as assist ant secretary. The committee recom mended that Messrs. Longman Llay, Leonard, Davidson aud Gov- tenor Morehouse be appointed n XNsmlttee to effect tlm atfrmanent a canltationof Uio stockmen el Maaourt. ITm report was adopted. Liukutt. Ma, Jan. lsJa L- ihartx, the lawyer who killed t.k Lew ton, waa reexamined yesterday be- S2T". ,1?tk' Jy m4 " tor rial wtUrnut ball, tlm Justine statin-.- $ if !?! BnawU to rive bond in !,. CtnVKLAjm. O Jaa iaaVi S- ' fcwtiilldren at boenn with Mrs. fUranaekyV brother. I e wae )atoxloatad nnd nut hla lightest Pino est the bed In whleh Um children, 0Z9u!?mfi'' k tan Swan um house aa neaety esanwrmad bilets rth!jaaeu arrived. Tbsdinninn JlT-!!SfTi J!4 -TowlnmkJ, ineawaar af tba aawMaLSBaa in. ml Iraa .. all " "- iTz - MaMa.Bf-alfiva; esweai, im U Tha simii ABBBT BBBBBBBBBBBk Braat Aamaa, etas pane, r --: . i aH eawasdUeavataai ) axa aasaa: aaai :W I sbVi nm