The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1890, Image 5

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'. 't l - A
'IP? '
' '&
' i J3
"ft 'if'
)it &td ftw jThuf.
V. C. MejftMR,
Katereit at Oft l'ot Oftlrr In 1!rl CU.n.t, ri,
mull matter ot the round ctuvi.
Absolutely Pur.
fliUpottilcr nrirr varna. Martcl of uie
trriiKtti mii1 li(irvimi'iir, more rronomlntl
lluui Mm orillmtty kltitl aliil cannot to mII Hi
romwtlon Willi tli j iimlflluilr otlow rt abort
wrliit alum or lHiial' tmwitm. NM oulr
t(W Wnll ttrct. N. V :ttr
HMstlril by Our Aim Mrti r, nual
Prewnrral (or lur Hradera
Call at H. A. Uandy'a for Carau
Uitv coal.
Genuine Canon City coal at H. A.
Handy', try it.
The largest assortment ol rucking
chain at Taylors.
Mr. II. I). South ick, the oil man
has something to say in this i.Mio.
Just received two cars of genuine
Canon City coal at H. A. llamly'e.
I guarantee my coal to he genuine
Cvnon City: Try it. II. A. Handy.
I'ap Berkley has taken a two weeks
contract to put up ice for the II. A M.
W. C. Laird adds hit natuc to tho
big book of tho Great Family Weekly.
It is said that one of our prominent
business men is to bo married in a
few days.
Head what Curt Kvans has to say
in regard to tho Statitnrd Oil Co.. on
the last page
A. J. Worthingtnn, formerly one
of our prosperous citizens, mid now
of lite. Iowa, is in the city on bust
tie. T. J. Wilder, our tuw clnirnmn of
, the hoard has boon on the sick list
with U grippo this week and eotoa
ucntly unable .In attend to business.
Am boy postoftioc has been discon
tinued by the order of the posttinster
general. Most of tho patrons of that
post office will et I heir mail tit Ited
Tho "Jersey Lily" announced thr.l
George father would not boon thr-Finance-Committee
this ) car, but not
withstanding the prophecy c,f too
rage of Wisconsin, George, like the
Old flat', in still there
Tht great popularity of Aycr'sl'ills
M a cathartic is duo no less to their
prnrnptnes and efficacy than to their
totting of sugar and freedom from
an injurious effcots. See Aycr al
manac for this year, just out.
flacker A l'arkcr our enterprising
grocers shipped a car load of meal to
Oregon this wek. The meat was put
n. by or packing man, Mr Iiindsey.
Mr. L. by the way, is shipping large
quantities of meat these days to all
arta of the United .States.
My B Mem in me oiai.ruurnai
lean that in all probability, our
. .. . .1 . n.. I I '
worthy friend, hd Highland of e'Ur,f: enouKh to solicit the. If
brs.ks City, will succted to '. nc,i Cloud want nllroaea hc mast
Pnichv'e position In this city, and ,)f M j a,
that Mr. I. will take Hnpt. I'helan'a ..... .
place. TllR ClIlKr will be rnurhj fcwrtkn.
pleaaei) to have K I return to
Kd return to llnl
one. j uuuerngntu, nave nnrni some oi tnc
lUrvey Vtacent, engineer at ,l,eU.l sold by IL A. Handy for canon
. ai..iAl 4 m 1 1 ml an L tank It X i
city waier work, l-ccomlng Iire4
ingle blesacdnesa concluded to light-
e. hi. burden by fining the great
.-. of Benedict, and on Tueid.y
" . '
WM wtiuw in me noiy WOn o. Fbfl. BJ u, ,wf, .nur.
rimoay to Ml May Marekleld, hhler j IK Uwu4. J. J. N;e.
Teironistlog. The Cmir wishes A. C. Hasmsr. G. II. White.).
Ue VstPT eonple meh hppJn. Ki Smith, II. IMInUbinnon
mmmrf' r " ,,!. A.fitronp, Join T. Jrawen,
The Democrat prtly ritrac4jj((j, Batltr Ir. lH)ey.
iu aiepe, in iu last week's Utvt on ud many othera.
the Faenlar nition. Wewonli ab-I ZZ
... tltt J r .
imn tne U.n w -J ' '
nrtiasM. There " ao ntctity to
fIef Ue to HKtby rtsl frf ttiag
i..awt laastsL Star bv vonr
nawiltna van M nshl.awd right will
UiZmZkillt : Of ere il is
!T.'Cifw7ra,b.lil.. ..Ule
tew IIe 3eweTt imfar nra y ranMwewwy rr' wri iw
iTHeinwi4fawelifnjrmwgwnm(lntr44ef lk etai l4 el which
Ualbarett ' nv rkUf aartra In
And Anwnl thrtlr nasi i'wwwlt .
f Hank books at Deyo'a,
Farm to rent. G. W. Barker.
Mrs. W l Shea baa been very sick
this week.
Note Uio change In the timetable
on another pige.
The big S couldu't play the "old
soldier racket" on the supremo court
If you want job work cheap and the
bunt material tued, call at TlIK ClIlKr
Wo have, instrument for aecuratc
ly testing and fitting the ryea with
spectaeles, L. II. Ditu.
Job work at this office cheapsr
than any one. for fine quality of go jds
and in a workmanlike manner.
t'etcr Svendsen made the editor of
this Great Family Weekly Miiilo this
week. Ilu will read TlIK ClIlKr for
Our holiday trade convinced us
that it pays to sell goods cheap. Wo
will continuo low prices en every
thing in our lino. I. II. lyo.
Henry Scott has had the "a la
grippe" on tec sheriff's office for four
years past, and now the "grippe a la
llusiun" lus hun'flat of hi back.
The snow of the last few daya has
afforded our young folks, and all
those who love tho "beautiful" much
sport. Sleig'.tiug has been all the
tlc. ,
Miss Carrie Hummel, daughter of
Geo. W. Hummel, ia very sick, but
under tho care of Dr. Uamercll hopes
aro entertained of her recovery. We
hope so.
Tho la grippe is still going the
r.utids of lted Cloud, and every day
brings in more accounts of people who
are down with the great Bussian
The snow storm of Sunday block
advd railroad traffic on the II. A M.
and all the tral-s wero delayed sever
al hours from a too plentiful fall of
the 'beautiful."
If you have not bought n heavy
suit or over coat yet, jnu will ho tho
winner to the amount of abcut f,0(l,
if you will eall on llerg A Galtisha
and buy one now,
Tho street oar line uas badly block,
aded Mom ay morning, bat I'ap lluat,
tho iblo superintendent anon had the
nine Reared by thn mm of a scraper
and a good team of mule.
This office ha had too much la
grippc,our dovil first,our foreman sec
ond and our "extra sub" third, and
between all of this trouble it keep
tho editor "Hussian."(jokc)
For the wxl two month u shall
sell all winter goods a price nnvi r be
foro known or heard of. Sacral
lines of goods will be closed out with
out regard to cost.
Hkkii A Gai.viiia.
"Thonu whom the goU wish to de
stroy they Srst make mad." This to
thu'Jtiacj "The mills of the
Goda gilnd slow but etcctdlng
fine." and just now the grinding
down at the mugwump headquarter,!
excruciating and financially painful,
M. It. lientley has been eat dur
ing tho last few days. He rrporte
ennsidcrihlo railroad activity, and
tlitnVa nui tionlfl nuirht ti ti nn
(their metal. The gnldrn opf-irlM.!-
ty u now ,ltrc
Lomc w , ,0B
Itallroada will never
that don't show -
' This- is to certify
that we, Ike
, uuderigned, have burnt some of the
nit-j -"- - -- --."
! ' ""J '! U,
?el. '!'
l' V0" V,Tr U'xx'l
it Iriitlht lllttllllM
!- Ir tV H.M .! V ,VI, VVI
' 0n tf r,4 amngeli
mft ;ft out 0f Kefa ehAtctef In lathi
plMe, the Udi; wly f tie Cow
rrerailBtl tlitth have 4Ufw t
ptttnc the aurtainMct "an , nrr r Uj U i
evening Ub art .Mil t niUU nll JJJe
Febrry. Tkt -tie n.Ul M?J?
A l.llllr rrrwiiat rr,
i'twu Ttur.U ItrfuHkAtt.)
U ktlrr.U) I i.tllrallr ll
Mt ftniifci it. Kviiiutf utr.HUtiUl-lr 'lll,
lli nii .ii mj i.ftTi WmiMj lt,
Auit 1 iu inm tkVlj n.t 4
la IrUiOe lot II Ui twtt..
Vtkj .). t th Utvt Ihltit hii.
I nuiOfkl tllku )il In l'Ui
IUHtlURJ! U 111 IkdltWftl liuU.
VVlitch in HMVrjr S'uUI l ( iuitil win,
Ati J tlllrll h,l MWftlr Kill il In
An J U.vj tftM llx '4uUiut iull rvxtu.
Whr ikml th Iltliii (hu,
Hal l)i rit llitltw !( lit cot kstrt.
Or lia itijr iHiucivttiitan (-! iU.m lli-l.
Ol Mihlii rataM WliWIi i.Ulr i4,
Or ha l nail , I ulUti mi alia,
Olil V III Ilia aritiUiwnt mu
fVilna Wlltl.l, taM lb Jnarr "r '''t'1
auills , !!! Utt It iuuio lliati I ran Ur.
AhiThtri Jerty Lilly.
Go. tVarreu ha hecu eonfirmrd
riostmaslcr at Itrd i loud in ll0,
ust 10(1 year sooner than the
"Jersey Lilly estimated in his mug
wump sheet. TlIK CniM' congralu.
lates its contemporary, Mr. Warren on
his succasr and the eoiritilcle failure
ot tho gang who tried to defeat him
by unmanly mean
Nl A miratonl.
About a year ago. or little oer
James McNeny wa asked a city at
torney to hlo a complaint against one
W. K. Ilalley, preventing him from
tearing up tho ttr.t ralway, which
ho tlireatei.ed to do, and tho cltlxrii
all agiced to stand by him and Sher
iff Scott, if they fhoutd get into
trouble by doing so. They Old le
quested. McNeny liiado out thuja
per an I Shcntl Sooll served t lit ru.
and ltatley was taken in uhargn by
thn alaritl, Haley soon aflruard
sued Mr. MnNeny and ShetiU recoil
for falsu imprisotiuiaut. In tho (V S
court alleging lamagu to the mount
of 10,00lh l?i to dale the cost Hi
t lie cao have been four or llvo hun
drrd dollars, and these gentlemen
havo had to put it up alone, not onr
of our oitiicn liave offered 1 1 aid
them or to pirc them any reason to
hope for encouragement, This I
nut the right thing to do. Il in not
fair to cxfxct these two iifii to aud
tho hlutitof llua cam when alt of Jttil
Cloud should be intereated ao
great a public !mcririe. The hold
ers of the ll.fiQO in stock in the
street car line should how thrir ap
preciation by turning over their re
piclhe amount to Mr. McNeny and
Scott to nghl tho ca with, In the
federal cvuttr.
The new board of supervisor for
16'.I0 wet at the court houie on Toe
day and eflceud a teioiarr orcan
jaaticn by clectiug Gt,llunin.el irm
porsry chairnun. tin clur4i
the bird agsin sfsfmbled and afur
disputing of miiio minor buium,
proceedrd to elect a chairman Two
candidate were in the field Tit. T, J,
Wilder of Hill Townrhlp and
A. II. Kstey of IU..J Cloud. Mr
Wlldfr received a msjority of the
vote and waa dechrid t Ucted, He
wa eortrd to hi ret and In a fw
wpll choim rcsuirk returned hi
thanks to thtf tvmd for the honor he
stowrJ'srca him, Wi- pr-dlet that
Mr. Wilder will Uf- of lb best
ekalrman that the board ha hd and
TllR Cllltr la blfkMd to trvt hi
SOTM ii r ilia wjr.
Keen is in the soup, but nrt In the
supervisors, .1, L' Kramc hk KH, i
still there and Unties tonbip will be
ably rfprMwM fjr lt nut jr,
Charley Gmt w mrwhat dis
GkuUd when be lers4 Ibtt the
preena eart decided bnrovll nM tsl
a seat on tu tyoarrl tni y r.(l brly
ability a a jparr!o; ii nxt appri
daie I ay alrlax nUat. Tba
little eietk's Ce I a mennrnt'Sit f
hi fame.
The big S wf Aebi fiptr
d at binf kn'xkd v ti i,i Uird
rf sbervir. Thy agLt to hiic
tri4 in ''' tbt at rsau wtuit.
Warn' Voa? The U-ti 4Wt
W r1j;tt nllfecst him.
IXAtv wJW b a cri ttiun iH tM
j rims' UM2ty VeU I Ilk, r tW4
WYa a m
Mk II 94 -
U rnrtawwl mi ew w
ajMSSjw4aia4tat'sJi. im stoma 1 1
Ut Uw Mm aj4ejwa f aUaiwr wrist le
tavif wwartnf is mmm
m IU
G. W, llummell temrMtary ekalrfaan
Adjourned to January 1Mb trttu at 9
a. tn
Uoanl met putsuant to adjournment
and In abenc of chairman J. U Frame
i was ehn to fill chair.
Krport of ronnly juibjre on board of
(upenltor read and apptovetl.
On motion h following were drw
clarl in cm Let of the Uarl lor
log jrar
I). MeCaUum, Guide Koek,
W II, llareu. Iloaver Crrek,
Jauuv (tnura, Stillwater.
W l Ulol, OakCtek.
JoUm Msitlti, I'hIxUhi.
Im l Thoma. Kint Crk.
T, G Wilder ricaaanl lllll.
G. rL Coon. Garrishl.
(J W, lliiutnifll, Una.
K. I. Alje. KmI Cloud.
.Samuel I'ihi, Itrtl Cloud, 11. Warw,
A II Kalei, " M,
J I., r' i ame. Matin.
Naao Ftali, GIoiiwihhI,
S S. Well, lUrnitmy.
U V father, Oaiherton.
K, . .tout's, Inavatu.
A MeCnll. W alnut t'rrk.
tlut iiiadn protett again! Mating
all ol aIhmu uamptl ttiemtier ami Hlml
hi errtlllesln of nlreltoii.
Motion made and airled to pnotl to
elciitloii uf pt'ttiiauentehalrtuan, whrt
upon T. G, Wilder ol I'leaaanl Hill was
dul) elciMed
Clerk oitletrd to draw n warrant
In fa,nr orSaiitonl A Ho for Ilil.ftO
lommt of jiidgiiivnt aaln! Webetur
county, ntao a warrant In (aVtr o(
KiMik Wheat lor - amount of
judgment against Wolicler county.
tin motion tho eliH'llon of aohllera re
liel coinmltlre wa laid ovrr till after.
I'lioti I'tiitltlcatrt ol town eleik of
lUtlu tiiwiidtlp, V, M. Hall waa nv.
polntetl jiiatlcti of the peacn and bond
Tim following official bonds wein
died (tint aiipimeil,
C Hehrnek, Corouer.
Amiuuiom-I.. II. Well, Otto Hkjfl
cr. Town Thkasimkm N. H. Wajfnner,
V, A. Gooit, l, Hnl.lcr. K. Guide. J, II.
Itrmnrrg, K. J. I'nterson,
Jt'sncks or no; I'aaca-Nobls Man.
lonl, C. Sehenek. V. N Hall, II. T.
Itoae, Jamea Anderson, J. A, llarvrt,
Thos, I'rathrr, II, U.OrmvtVeo. Har.
TllWK Cuku-J I.. Wolf, II, tilt,
hnm, V II Itu.t.
tOHsTAntti! -Y. M. I'atkvr, W.
Moolgomeri, C V Hansen. W, W.
Gllhett, $ .imImh.
ItoAit (Ivi.ust.s'.ii John Gurltiai,
No, 40, Joseph Tophain, No, M; Tlio.
Honl'Mi, No, 3V J, lljriir, Na. JWj I.
IWiMoti, No, 17, (-. Johnaon, No, 4)) H.
Whltf, No. ? ll. Gioal, No. .1l( M.
Koaa, No, j O. Koluil. No. 4.1 (
J. A, llll) . No. 5; J. It. Cnatdfl. No,
TJ, I.. (' Oluutrad, No 4, John Writ
ten, No. a,
On motion l ho follow I tig wrw at"
pointed a aohlhsi's la-llef tommlllawil
J U. Millar, .1 joi., G W Haan 1
)ti John MeCalliiNi I )ar.
On (iioiltm th lolca wrrw undd
And lha IroHld actl a i-otumltlM on
thn wlol and tho following claims
wr audilt'd and allowed:
A. IJ l!.-.,tl.Ui, ,. 9W
I., II 1twt, Il4ia, . IS
Wv rliii,Ulw on lnl, SH
a t vimiw, J.u, ea
K. I'jwtt, t"l A ,
A J Hr, Mf.Utswa, eta
ft. )l, Num;w, r., ia-Jlfc-( U, VTSS
la. n. ft UU, 4J M ;,
Hallo., t'i f tVt, -IS
AdjourtKnl to January 14, 10 an.
Iloant ml pursuant to aitjiwmewl.
I limwiirpfefftt. Chairman Wilier
olng sick, llOi or (iienwtawi wan
chon chairman pro Urn.
Tt.f ehalrrua ia-poriH Ik flhiwn
coMinlu-e for venr Wfi,
JluU.-W.C'.II. VUh and KnUy.
aalms-Catbtr, Tbomna atol l.alrw.
Kupptlea Framt, Grov aa4 Vm.
rrliillrij;-lltHjrnll, llaomaa n4
ftfttilng with ohisIj tr;aurer nvl
flarh-Martia, UcCeliuM 4 Catnr.
fW tiling witb J4g, sheriff anal jaikf
Msrvw. Al and Well,
HrWgGrov I'rama aaJ Harre.
Uoad ," Hwmmtl ai.4 Iair4.
Jail, rottit bo and (findKn)i
(;h and I'Uh.
OHinty pf Urn--'IVrHM, FraaM
ltd lilUHf
OtaWial lko.dWltt. llMliiv nfta)
Mmkw ViHlf'f, llnnv
k1 ad Kilttf,
ladil- )iV, oti, MT-Ji(im,
IW, OfAt, Hatu s4 AJ.
0einfit a rprnvnl by 4i'
Sato v,irpt-t J ffMnt year
AH ferv Mt4ry -tiMwf4
KaiH )st$ilMif e4i wrrau, an
Cltfb H. C, iJiU1 lMnUr J 7th,
!j-M. ttft4X, l, Havtni flt7 Uh
I. rgMU Hu. U, fct fit 7
Ckrfc S'K 71, 414 January fUn,
CVf k n, ;,nlw1 rnwenary M , lw,
M)f'eU'4 m, . nmnwnt f ! i.
Mtsaewl Im mm stontw'4 wr thn
!imr fnaMsjftrw avret 'A IhiW h
At cost !
C. Wiener,
To make rttom for olhcr i(k1, wa will
all of our
Women, Misses
and Children's shoes
At txmt. An an intra liitluriniit to liuyont. wo will jjlvn n
9Ao bottlw of tlto rnlrtirntl (Mlt KIk Hlttwt ln'tii
frw to vry ptmilmiMir tf J,fi0 of nlwjvit iftHMlx,
If yott mut f;tHMl nlittow ulion, now In
your tlims
m H m W
Wn" nwawnn kPW" anta
Lower than any yard in the world
aUHnwi f una) ApporttenmaH.
'I'Um reirtilnr avmbannnal npMftlon.
ment of the state Khwl fund hs ln
orwtilx in 1 1 oouaif uMuii,
Whter oxwalj' hi siHiownt Im
f.1,M).ti7, wnlth amount b-a ho ap
M.ttotml by the fount t UoilnUntiil,
MUs K. J, King, among the vattoo
ehool illitikl ol I If t-oiiM), a fol
low) i, ohu, aiitm
. IM f!MMl, u tw
M -M
I .1
II .
at .
. Sltl
a ol
i m
to ,
II .
II ,
I ...
M ....
if a
If M
st w
VI .. .
la. Wtw W(a1
m -...
M . ..
M .
Ala). n r4
CwTM law) Hlt,Mf, awM -
luf awnM (a4, n w hi awwt
SM, MUaaw, 4 U4 , Mawa at (
A an ia IMseswinl M tee we wW
tlta n IU MvllU ft IS atMlta4
lr aiVMn 4ff, fine I f s-ax
f 9tMf f ntn ate If inn ai
gH4 4ae awt, tv U lan ,
sntaal i'wamHs1U aawlta4n; U
amMHrw ltm 4 lfc awwH el
fjWfVMWW. faf IrisaS f-f l)MMi anaVf
farm fan IM f mi I MM- U wM U
Mn4,w!tatoa4vt ra4yUwnl,a
V tMWaafe aVatMS. f SMI l4y, reVraw 4a
tnV, H4UW WHH-a aawwflawl U, fll
lV n4 fw fU '4 ftmmf mt
tu. l0'rt t f4 im
14 ia;,
j- ut f Mwr ?'
l V f MSM
Jan. ir,MM,
Href. Mewawaaan' 4lVrt4 -!(
al Uwyw'e, al half h't nn
Ke(Uflr 4 AeJu Ms etiM mIm
viaMfxar ei alsjWh(aj Call ai
a then, Gi4 4W tinker rW 2f
jtenf trhvw.
I. , lig h4fe4
le) wgi ymif t)Wv
renwaathnn. mj awWwaV am yawj
faiati AMaaV tMjA tJnwM Ut 8l
aMpaj aWjnwW najnwenw S aj nMSX aMej
w t eww
At cost !
nHV """el
Siatiiwar Matl r tttMawOi,
TheJt; l.ilf; bfth lapwhll
rail MVgWtolHp shall dWN the lfl
n,ut he KtOn In a (Wo ihw f
tilo Jut uoe Aftar Uinlrg h(
bllaOr tifott il ffpiiMuan iirh
t tail hv ai Lait his ! and
want ih rinty ofTiUi ii; hii
a ihtte i h fV4oty GhiS)K TV
ttal WimtiUf U ohfliM. 'til ft
(I i o,.f fibllOH rff h M
Mate, alt dfil II WlrPl laf fUii a
idflMrG litaiuifi A.fl mtU
envtiid ih "mm Lilly
" .A i M . .
evaM to II rafOinlg, bll
tlht li'OW!fM rthlfM lb
w iUk
) Wlllf
UMp ht aiti aMMlt, it nttt
nililrd u iMt,Uit ws kNwif( T
the tltlor Ulonfis tho pwiU sj4
w ftiuvnlt In towg In ll, r.
Pihlfro Th?s(fahMtii uf inal
hl hW Vafan to ! Mil Ihll tk
load Im wlli7 in i hf9;fV a hoi
liy rifinflfig hhi lttf ht imiw
nviOi Miii t th Jm)!) wiU
nvl bf alt Id n4k dp lb hH
that Hni in that affilr etaitr ihlo
Mr In. Mi lUadr-irI )U
egrUwIoii! i4iiMa( i(4llii f
.Vhiaka nouM Ilk? 10 tm to lt4
In l'telf j4 IU a fiMrli (nli
Inle, Thi 9tuU I nt at lb nvwtl
bnn(l ht ;' famie
nM take ip, a4 af Ml. )((b te
lfcfifaieii fiint vim thn ram
lag Uueit as4 if o ftMr ef
ti iaiwf hiy laiuad U Gf,
It wtti4 C wait ajtfh fi' lhw
ll i l K Tmnksy i wfcaj'
rpi4 ibiw off of Im m4
iiy ifniMaiiyM t lb lU,r,
H wild hal wl faiwwi
gt txthir axt 4 m f) Ihl
lfrftJtt mM irl en rtttwlt tar
hM U l'Niifi
n MesMwini
Ji tw ?ia a it MeaMUr,
iztb d i jn4it) M:nrMc 11
alal Vim l4 af 1, In whi4
. .. i. S . .'a'H-.
Mi li wte !;( I J J
. - Ft i ;" .1
U( Ha4y nvh4r htiM)i
Mi aimfiii ihii4 in rll
tM . ! a !. fMrf
-n t Jt-at1
ie It - lv ) i hit ta im
tiM'ffl4n rM4 itanvMtlsa. (t
(he f hlMfV TU M) 44
tkf t(Uil5 nyf ! JMfl Kta Mfiri
i. i.j uiJ. .. . t
m wa a7 CTwrwf f fnr pan
Kaft-'i tim'hif 4a a ii
ht fiiHUj tM nfoiulh,
WW. 'a eMBV
The iU Krk Bi givmi l).
VlJr a-4 ralr A fjfiljr Hn ! Ij
IMI MaMwjaMMt kf Will 4
4ri'a sUelk). UlirtjfVt tfd
that If ih iblit w 4t Ui i
4U av 4 the JilM't f rH !
mI 1444 lhV tU af (
s f'U rt t f(i the
l titwmt by hij U& foU wtt
Mvn4 l4tMtJ i f- (j
i.''. J ' fl
WtiMtks WiIi ttriiw el
while i IhU i44M H4 II,
Maiai M WM atmlMitliMJ WiMT
aaaKlS f rfi
It jUwm M( mwi n n4 Jf
M ) MM f WWWII" warn ! Ii. wa
niwnia w a .TLW,
MaM P M wawMalaja .M W.M
Ji f '