The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1890, Image 3

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A. ., I'uMUhrr.
ItKI riot'lt .... NKHItASKA
Wbatla(ealiaisn lilt thine
Decked wan a scarf pin. a chain and ring
Dreswst Ik full nf lutnsculste style,
fseortlng sn rye el. s lisp sud s mlUj
Telklt; ef nwa, of concerts and balls,
Krrnlag aaseratOles, snd stlernoon calls,
flunntug bkaseif st "t homes" and harsra.
Whistling nanjurkas, and antoklng cigars T
Waatlaaagestlemsa? Hsr. I Hone
HoeallM of cuuiiucata snd dreda he ha ilonet
One who utifclushlrtifly glorlr to apeak
Thlnr which should call up a flush to hi crmkf
One, wh. wtall rutting at sc ttoa unjutt,
Kohs ecint reutg hert of Ita purr-tirs add
Scorn to steal money, or Jowrls. or wraith.
Thinks It a wrvtig to tako honor ttjr stealth f
What Isagenllrmsnt Isltnotcne
Knowing lasUwtlvrly what be should xhun,
Speaking a wenl that could Injure or ln.
Spreading ae ecitmlal. acd dceii'ntng no alelat
One who know how to put eseh at bU tea.
Striving wioeoeefully always to plce -One
alia cu u-ll by a (Unco at your cheek
When la tr allcat and when he ahuuld apeak?
What I a gentleman t l It not one
Honestly rating thr hrrad he h won.
Walking la uprlchtniM, fearing hl Cost,
Leaving an stula on the path ho ha Irod
Carliin net vrtwlher hU coal may I old,
Prlilii(C sincerity far aline sold,
Kecking new whether bin bnml way tie hard
Stretching It boldly to grasp It reward!
WhatUaraitUiun Hay, Is It birth
Make a t noble or add to hi wurtht
It thrrr ii family tire to h bsd
Hhariy enough to conceal what U
Berk out Mm mun who ha Uod for hi gulds,
Nothing la tremble at, nnthtnr to hide,
He he a noble, or he h" In trade,
He la the cwillrtnan Nuture ha ruadr
-The nioU
Tho Risk Tony Took in Rotunilnjj
Uto Lost Diamond.
Not very long ago thnro lived In tho
beautiful Wyoming Valley hi Pennsyl
vania a Itoy named Tony Tumlyn, or,
rather, tin lived at tht head of a great
ravine, which cut It May down Into tho
valley through stoop mutintnluN.
Tho house in which Tony lived was a
lilt I one-story cabin of two room, ono
of thotn with little In tt besides a ci)k
tovo anil tuhlc, tho other with notlilnif
In tt njwit twohedM. Porhapt I ou(jht
to aay that thin was tho Iiouho that tho
hoy ate und alopt in, for he Utnl out of
doom, nmt wo did IiIn Mater AjM)llotila,
oxeejit when (tho wan needed to help her
In tho gray, rocky lottoin of tho ra
vine ran a fletvo little white brook that
never hud time to make itwelf deep, hut
foamed nnd frothed and sputtered all thn
way down to thn valley.
On the rltfht rono t'tie wall of thn ra
vine, aloplng a little, ami richly green
with hemlock, and on the loft a very
MlranffA night lndeMl, a "iitralffht-up"
wall of ycllowUh rock alntut tlfty feet
high, ohoqunretl with a row of (entreat
U:k aquarcs. These Miuarea are great
Vpenlnga high enough to aerve a door
t Mtrava forthetalleatglanU.andlf yountnp
4 lualdo your loot win fall upon a a mjim,
flat altnoat aniooth black floor extending
back many hundred of feet, and disap
pearing Into tho blackest darkneaa. If
you look up thero Is a rmooth, ahlny
. black celling, and aupportlng this won
derful celling at widn Intervals, am
enormous black pillars twenty-five feet
In circumference, spreading out a little
aa they tuch tho ruvf full fifteen feet
above your head.
If you will look closely, you will aee
that not only aro floors, ceilings and
pillar all of ono material, but they are
also actually In one piece. Thn material
Is coal, and the oenlngs am tho en
trance to a long workod-ut coal mine.
If you were to go to-day to visit a
modern working roal mine, the only
part you could see alnivc ground would
be thn breaker a huge, wooden struc
ture containing machinery for hauling
up and breaking tho coal, and you would
have to go Into the earth some hundreds
of feet, by means of an elevator, (o find
thn place where thn coal comes from.
Hut many years ago, when people first
bejran to look fur coal, they often found
It "cropping nut" at tho surface, and at
this particular spot where Tony and
"Ap" lived, there cropped out one of tho
largest veins of coalever found twenty
four feet, thick. Ko It came about that
this rocky hill was all dug out and
turned Into an anthracite palace.
Over on the other side of tho hill was
aew, vertical opening or "shaft," and
very morning Tony's father, who was
a miner, wont down tbn ravlno and
around the bam of tho bill a distance
of a mile and a half to bis work; but
there) was a much shorter way If one
caoae to take It, and that was througk
the "old opening."
Following tho Inng-desorU-d "gang
ways" for a quarter of a mile or so, you
would come out upon thn great smutty
breaker, with Ita roar, and ita dust, and
Ita calm-pile. However, this was re
garded as a dangerous thing to do, and
tho children were told repeatedly nnver
to attempt It, butthls caution was hardly
necessary, for If ever they ventured back
among the dark pillars, the blackness
was so dense, and the feeling of damp
ness so tispleaaant, that they were glad
enough to nil into the sunlight again.
All in and about thn great doorways
of thn old opening, and among the stone
chips of tho slippery ledge outside, were
, found pieces containing "Impreswlons"
of ferns and other leaves that had flour
Isbeit green and fresh many years be
fore, and dying, had left their sculptured
s-ertralw npcm thi rocks.
asTacr were also other pieces covered
wild what aright be Oiought the molds
in which dainty fluted ea-hells had
le ensvk Again there would come to
lifht avail sections of tree-stes&s. pith,
sjbaod and bark all tnrned to stoae.
sVfnalde were other straagw and Uanti
JHil thlngm chunks of ecvl coats-d with
isvulnhar. that looked alscost as If they
were crested with fold other chocks
wavered with what sewssed like tor
Btatosl aoinu of ser wad moat hesatl-
fat f aU, slabs of "ralahow" eawl. with
their nalors plsyiag late savh ohr as
aerfertly as oa aay asastisha tail, aasj
ssahitur oaw hslksve that la trwt
which God aH la taa
len somehow preserved In the InmeU
of thn earth, like thn shells snd ferns
and flowers, fur future ages to see and
Tony and hi sister sxnt hours look.
Ing for these fossils, and one corner of
their bedroout was pllcnl up with a sl
lection that would have delighted the
hearts of gi-ologlstorcurlolly hunters.
Many such curliMlty-hunters came to !
the old olH'tilntf nvnrv summer car-
rlage-Uads of them gaily dressrsl, and J
the two children wore always on hand
wuen they heard thn roll of wheels
coming up tho narrow road of the rat Ine,
for tho tourist always wanted folls,
and If they could not find enough to suit
them, Tony or Ap would bring the l,et
treasures from their stores, and offer
them for sale
Ono day there came up a carriage-load
of unusually lino joplo, Tho gentlo
men wore their sUx-Vlm nutsldn their
trotlser-i. tut An tn.r fwil)i. -..!
their coats worn short and lelted like
Tony's Sunday one. Tho ladle were
beautifully dressed, and somn of them
wore, little jacket like the men's coiu.
Ono of these ladles was so pretty that
Tony and Apliwt thlr hearts to her,
and all tho young men In tho ptrty
seemed to be already In tho same condi
tion of mind.
This young lady was eager to mVo a
collection of the fossils, and had put on
thick (toots, and Ixiforo Itoglnnlng to
pick over tho shale she pulled off her
gloves. If there was any hand In tho
world whiter than hers, at least Tony
and Ap had never seen It, and on ono of
her lovoly lingers was something they
could not keep their eyes sway from a
ring with a stone In It a stone of -Hitlit
whiteness, orVr w hosn surface pla) id the
most lovely colors, like those In the
rnlnlmw coal, only much more soft snd
rudlant, nnd seeming tut her to float
around It than U bo really in the stone
Tho young lady who wore this ring
was very energetic- ami ventuiesome.
She dug among the shale with her pret
ty pink fingernail, atonal on tiptoe to
pick tho sulphur off the walls, and even
went bock us far a tho third row of pil
lars. Tony saw her starting off In that di
rection ami followed her, for she looked
as If she meant to walk straight through
tho mine. Ono of tho young men fol
lowed, too, looking as It ho meant to go
wherever shn did.
When she saw him she jumped ttohlnd
a pillar und protended to hide, and then
tho young man ran around tho other
sldo of tho pillar, and Tony heard a
sound of tussling and laughter, and out
ran tho young lady trying to get her
hand awuy from her companion.
At length she did gel It free, nnd they
both walked hack to thooMnlng togeth
er, outside of which. In tho broad sun
light, the rest of their parly, with Ap to
help, worn still fossil-hunting. Tony
Stayed behind, for his eye had Just light
ed on some' tine stM'ctmcus of ralntow
coal, which ho thought ho would gather
for tho pretty lady, and so etjgroswd did
hn liecomn that, when at length ho
looked up, all the tourists had gone, and
Ap stood alone In onn of tho great door
waya calling to him.
As hn stooped to pick Up one last
piece of coal, ho saw a little glittering
object at some distance before him. Ho
picked it up, and in a moment saw that
It was thn ring with thn ralnlKiw stone!
Thn young man must have pulled It
of? thn pretty lady's hand when she was
trying to get away from him.
Tony's first thought was: "What a
tressurel" and hn ran eagerly to show It
to his sister, but before hn reached her
tho thought quickly came, "1 must re
turn It;" and a third thought quickly
followed: "How can tt lt returned?"
When Ap saw the ring she gate a lit
tle scream, and understood at once thai
thn lady had dropped It
"Hun, Tony, run" she exclaimed:
"they've stsrU.l down alresdy "
Tony ran a short distance, but soon
catno back, saying the carrlsgn had got
too far ahead; he could nevurovertake it.
"Perhaps thn lady will mis the ring,
and come back for It," ssld be
"No," said Ap, "h won't, for she put
her glove on l-efore she got In the
wagon, and she'll never sen that thn
ring Isn't on her hand till she gel
Tony was thinking hard.
"There's only one way," ho ssld. at
length. "I can got through tho u-.en!ng
before they reach the brekker, und I'm
"O, Tony, don't, don't. "cried Ap, hold
ing on to htm. "Whal'll mother ssy and
father? You know they've said you
mustn't never do such a thing, you
might get lost or kilt."
"Ap," said Tony, "I'm roln todo It,
that's sll there is. You just run up abd
tell mother what took me. That pretty
lady's got to have her ring."
"You'll carry a IsnUtrn, won't you?"
pica-led A p.
"No, there atat no time for a lanWn
-I'm off" Tony" voice came already
from behind the third pillar Ap Uwl
watching hi in with a dUmal feeling of
anxiety, then turned and sramporr-l as
fast as shn could over the nks and
water, and up the hill, to tell mother.
Tony had started on a run, but s.n
came to a stop. Tho ground hgn to
slope away frightfully, and the darkness
was like a black curtain hung close
before bis fve. Turning, he could still
cstrh a glimmer from th far-swsy
openings that looked no more than little
spot of brightness. Another step, and
their twinkling light could not rearh
He held the ring tightly clepd In his
hand, but remembering the crtty of
having both hands fre- to feel his war.
he bethought him tf his p kets. Alas'
Tony's pocket were tike the bottotalests
pit, and were vain things for safety M
he ptst the rtsg In his saouth, and start
bravely forward on his dangerous way
in the darkneas.
Ilravely, lie4. bat rashly, consider-
lag that he coqm art sew a thing, fer
haste being the owe Idea in bis salad, he
did not watt to be rautWss, and Hum
hltng along with arm. o-aUtrwH rans
pJswp against the sharp tamer of a
nillar, gave his new a fewrfa! blow, asvd
almost swnlla-sTssI the riag.
This wewld aerefsW He as gsv
atewly and ssrely. st la what dlree
llsws aasMiM ha swrr aatt? Kefeltaaa
alia tawcalaf ttva alllar, ht fcs ) fa
and vent ,fx forth was like Jumping off
a hlghcUtl, or casting one's s. If utUt the
ra, hen would he ever touch antvlher,
and what pllfalt might llv ttween?
The air was chilling snd smelt sul
phury, and water could le hrsrd Ulck
ling and dropping with a hollow drearv
sound Hut he must not linger, so w 1th
one hand still on the pllUr, he out a
foot forwsnl. It did not come down
tlm any thing, so Tony slrvUhed out
his leg a little morv and yet iet with
nothing Drawing hi tool UsiV It
struck sgslnst s sharp edge, then he
sat dawa and felt with hi hands.
Horror' he was on tho brink of a
precipice, and thciti was no telling how
deep It might le.
Sitting down, with his leg hanging
over, ho could not touch hottomi lying
prone ho could not reach it with hit
arms c tended. Tremblingly he lot
himself down, ami hung by his hahds,
but his feet found no re .lug-place. He
drew himself up again nd at down to
The thought of turning lek never
oiK'u came to him, this thing had been
undertaken, and tt was to tie csrrlod
through Tony did not ssy to htmlt.
"If postihln ' ho simply meant to do It.
horn ho st tho cosl wss crumbled
up, and his hand placed uncinwlliusly
among tho lo.o piices,
Suddenly he roiucmltorcd once setting
Ms father drop s stone down a "csve-ln,"
ami thai his father had said ll wss a
very deep bote, because of the long lime
they had lo wall to hear the stotut touch
loitom So bo tsik a hit of coal In hit
hand, held It oierlho ldgcanddlt-l
It. Instantly there came bck a Utile
sharp clink thai sounded very near
Not a moment was to be lost. Again
ho lot himself down by his hands, t,tok
a lung hrosth, lot go, and fell st-out
four Inches,
After another long breath of relief,
Tony began exploring on his hands ami
knees. Ho did not Intend to risk falling
off any higher ledges Tho floor still
tilod downward, and Tony almost
walked on hi brad a ho craw led along,
Presently ho tnni-d upagatust another
pillar, or It the side wall? Ho felt
carefully along for some distance, and
decided that It wa the wall: then rising
up from hi knees, which wss cramped
and cut, ho ventured (4) walk, or rather,
creep, feeling tho wall all the while
with Ills hands, which gave him a er
lain sen mi of sscurllv
Hut ho yet felt as If al any moment
he might step Into a bole, ami ho did
step Into deep tool of water, gelling
weluptohls knees, and sometime ho
stumbled over stalagmites curious
ringed formations made by water dtop
plug upon tho mine floor but by dint
of pluck ho gained headway
Also, ho licgau to grow iim to the
Utter hlitcknoKi, as he found that how
ever needful tho m'Hii of sight seems,
thero are other sense that will lake It
plaro. Ho was certainly kept on tho
alert. T) guard bis face from sharp
projections of tho null, lo find a safe
footing before ever he dared plant a
foot waving his leg lfore him ss a
tnesstirlng-worm wave It head Ihvo
all, to keep from swallowing the ring,
Tony's mind and Ixtdy were well i sam
pled, even though his eyrs were of no
use to him
Ho now felt snre from the sound of his
footstep that l.o had left the great ojrnn
chamber with Its pillars, and hod en
tert-J the gangway, or torrldur, which
connected this old mine with the new
one. Ho knew, fur he had heard his
father ssy so, tlist this gstigwsy wss
forked st a certain point, leading In one
direction down into tho working mine,
and In the other direction bringing one
out u)ii the surfare of the ground
How was Tony to choose tho right
way, when he did not know whether tho
working vein led to the right or to the
This difficult) was a serious one, for,
although he could not gel ririlisl j
lost, ho could not lose much pnclous
time. However, h thought that If Ihu
worst came he might trusts miner In
the new gsngway who would show him
tho way out
So ho took heart snd plldl on
wsrily His hearing wss uncomfortably
sharp. Kvery nolm seemed imts.rtanv,
and now and then came a sound which
made hi heart thump ll wsssiWs'V
ling, sometime suoces-ded by a falling
sound, snd It brought to Tony's mind sll
that he had etrr heard of miners burled
beneath falls of coal
This old mine had lost msny of Ha
supports, hometlm the huge pillars
had been ,,robbed,"ns It Is t slled by the
miners, who hated to et so much gil
roal wasted, and also found It lcr
mining than drilling Into a soil I
"breast" Then they would neglect to
put In wooden projrs. or where they did
put them In, thrs prtijrs would decay
and then the wall overhead s1rdy
creaked by the action of sprlntr, "mild
tumble In by sheer, unsuppoft'-l weight
Tony felt - snd had gl reswirs
to fel thl st any iwnet he was
likely to b crushed ,j tiint tf Ml shd
The P.Kif wss now (yetting soft and
mi my, a is the res when muri, Ih'!
den cpm by iro-n snd mules, sa be
thought' he wast l nsrfng the fork,
or el, lhf.1 without knowing it, be had
entered the new gsngwsy
He quickened hi Uj s tittle snd in
another rnomnt tuaipd hi hesd
against a gr"t sw.lnilw, aal at the
same time got a big tpltnW In tn of
his hands.
He did aot mlrel either the bm or
the splinter, bowtr. ' bU V'J t
finding hlmlf In Mn.e drflalf plv.
and nobmgsr wsaderlag ab-rst blindly
la those vague, dreadful chasnUrs, kf4
In CrnUntS'4peislewS) 4l In the
floors s'M cracks la the celling Taay
M acre 4hr mirM I wtn m it
the other side wlo wtculd vw him a
h way o-Jt lo the ssrfarsr. so he
kno-ked hard with his St, eel I lag rt
at th assne l(we.
He thumpM with all his avlght. and
vainly itrots to open th henry tlw.Wr
irjr hiaaslf tm it was fetewi a the
tAher aUe, and presses tly he hesrd the
sea's voidest die away la a 4Utr.
Then the Ware Hula telle sat Wa la
the sWknesw aad arte Ilk a ftrL
Ne aMrwl hlsassHf driasT faetw aa
aswsssl hf ry asaly; a aeea4 Aa
itpaaty sa ta aastaw, aad aH
csrlng to pi V fvtts he th.Mtght of hi
father coming hotue ndsaVltk f,r
him, and giving htm up (r 1m1, for
Tony wa inv. Jt now In a tt.vl mind
to reason, and it didn't orsr to him Ihsl
his father would (vmn with a Isntem
snd reMie hint.
It seemed hours,dsy,nce he bd ttn
hiiHrl( wr frvHM Ap 'd ttartc! tipn
hi terrible journey And Wow the dy
would never fet h r llugi he snd the
ring wore hurlM In one grve
Tunj elrtl so hard tht the ting lim
ble.1 out of hit mouth, snd he h I to
feel sround for It among the cosl dutl
He now held tt tlghllv In his I i 1, not
daring to trvist tt In hi mouth.
Nmii his rr was eaught by s slight
hurrying s,tumt among the rulm, and
s tethlng tsnover him. In moment
ho felt himself stUrkcd on all sides by
small animals snd he Vnvw ho st
the mercy of rstl This brought the
tear to sn end nd Ton) to hi fet.
The creslures werv sll stist him hd
every time hn put hi tool down he
slepjuM on one, s that the sir was filled
with horrible Utile uUrls nd veils,
Thn rslt were raveuouslt' fierce, and
!umed Wpsvn Imwjt ss he sUggcred along
dtlug through his stocking snd ttou
M-ts. lhe honor of Ulng -ev In the
dsrkness b) hungry tl msde Tony de
jM-rale, and ho rushed on milly bang
ing hlmtolf aglnst the wall, and r
cetvlng cuts snd bruise on the tight
snd tcj,
Tony felt h sltength tl coursge
giving out, sod In another moment
would have fallen, when there soddonl
twInVlinl out If fore him light, far
) Imt clear, shining lUo the ds),
whtch ludi'4-.t tt w s
HU strength returned upon him, sod
tusking s ttnsl elforl he imI tlko rrr
towsrd the evergrowing brightness,
lesvlug his tortoentoit 1st tililnd to
.UrU out tlnlr dlpstln(mcnt by
lhemevcs, snd lo sustvh lor other
When Tut) rosched ds) light gsln,
he was a dteadlut looking object. Ills
face was CsHotisI with a iompiund of
cosl-dnsl, tears and i)cl, bis elothee
were UUereit and muklng wot, and tho
hand which clenched the ring wss
nesrl) sklnniHl
He afaiut by the light,
and with tho strange fa'wlhlrrlog eit
lion of tietng In a new world which al
wajs conies o one at the first Instant
alter emerging from dsrW underground
pUops Nkiii, howeter be got his lr
Ings, snd saw to his delight the carriage
standing by the breaker, and thn psrly
Just alighting snd preparing Itidewhd
the kbafl
They lis. I drlien slow), stopping
often to ndmlte Hie vtows, and o lis-1
taken Iwenll five minutes lo sccom
plUh w distance of a inl! snd a hslf,
twenty Ue liilnulo that had faa a
twenty five bout lo Tony In hi under
ground psssage
hen ie resebit home, .sjr the
ravine this time, ho limked rsye his
mother watching for him with a stick,
but she only tsu snd fell on his n-ek
and ll"l Wlm. weeping as If he he.1
teen tho prodigal ontvtuinlng.
Ap sski-l ImmssllsU-ly whet the pretty
lady said when he gste bsck the rtug
"HI10 asktsl me what (of I it scratched
It, and gut ll so dirty
"And didn't s,r give you noihln?"
"One of the gentlemen ho give ine
this," and Tony showed a silver coin,
"he looked kinder cross like st the Isdr
when she said Ihsl to tile, and I doll t
think she's o very pretty after sll'"
And if 'pretty I ihsl uretty d.," I
don't think mi either. IMHh Urown, In
Youth' Companion
Itwo w I'm thr la.ha.Mltlw I'iim4 l.s
Mir-NM,h MrUSvk
When irfop)n 1m,iiio p,-.tU)i, fie rv oris
and resiles from mi 1 work the iUm nf
miillclue they generally w.k r'luf from
consist of uch drug ss quinine, phos
phorous. Iron and (he gilsbe hitter
tonics The they 1 k4-r to pull the In
together snd there I 11M doubt they are
t sluahle imsllelne. but the error made
by Hie siift iff I this llroy do nut f't
remove the fu
"O, I cari'l sp wotVlng to l-l," s
msnsald to ln mi, I tn "' on sa I
am. I ran uRcr "
This might Ii sll very ll If ,,, .
go on ss he wss, Ihst U, get no wur'
One might suffer him the Inomiertl
1 r.reof III heal thin order to support Mite
family but the thin 'f of the m-fr. ut
tdljitlon having .nf eflrct, sn
entrance, them Is no stsylnglu sdvsn'e
er-pt by using rsdlcs tes.s
Tb lwllptl(llCUMJ by Micr Htuvh
l-rslnteirk, or s Uj prvionge! stU'ntlon
lo builrx , I very Ibsidlout in It ad'
vane. When otve fslfly 1 tUlll.d,
lU jm4om are l.t roggk tj (he
Invalid, stxl fl lr,"u It-roVM frepers'
live In feet, he I kru-trl nl t.f
tin.- " so to M'sk, M wthi then he
had noted hU falling p)s fa fore.sad J
laid down hi n or iofil hi ldgr
It hen, lhn.ttl. feat tttim b-Hi sldf
i'robtbly or, of the i)ht alfn Is
slight dyapspsls, mlUU ran wt s t
trlt.ut 1 lo error In diet, snl i.f 1 1 -b
sir, et' Jt U a Mfros Vlr. t,( sVnht
dy)-frtls, sM,etim-, with
-Wily froo liver spepslhy Th'fe is
nt the ste r'lUh hn f4 yd
1't freei this staU- i -.ght !.
piquant fxlfahta, wlae ot .
AkMrtber syreptow I o t
tirI fllr.g sVent tte hsd, fsJlM
may fa or pf,erf w shd abvpttJIy, i
r-mw ,, f mw -M,. wrm imvw 1
'ft a hot, er I the vp i it, h's1, fc1
the hsbd U )eeet wsarlly errows the
;, 1,1 fa U gifts tfvrteUirhtfcse,
then thing fagia to g I1K wriig,
aad Ihs-r are ntvu-hi ui pvltksw
ss-1 IrnteMllty faos r.f spirit I
n.r4ti Vy smt of sJp, T- U
daegrr ahead. If svi lsie4 fttne si
hs-4. t hapfy is h who saw the if
! la ti, I ssy awt piUUj la
time, tii, sfforlive thoagk the retrre
snsy he, thri a yA ui 41 ''
frwss the th si health, Uycsvf wkPn
a a $rt elth thai silgatset Utm.1
sd retsrn vf rerspiary py tw .(
mj reader stay ever mc that r4l
CswyseM's Vaswliy lMsrlsr
Whew yws he a tM um avv4
Irasrsv hw 1 rwre It- AU fit frti
lavw hew, aasf they sell ys test that
ae ai aftVt th saWL-Jt'.O. Ivaysaa-
!, t.P,tt,SSs K S( mt
,111 Msl.Osts r lfUs
Therw are several wsjs nf mskfag
prtmsnenl wls ef sltinet etc Net IWm
drcnt trpMn the kind of stone te V
li-d Mone dlffsr very Min'b In their
farm, the best kind is the hsrd fatee
and gselold rvsik, whtrh rntto flat
plecs-s which ran ratlty b split or
broken, sn-l of m h s letter that thy
will not s.iftf'n r beesV den wnder the
aetlon ot water The worst st the
toutvl water worn ecUtev u( the hsrdr-'it
kind of granlfa ef qnstts. hWh.fafy
the tledge snd ie slwtest lnttlbl fa
l broken In the ordinary f ln
lhrt mr mlnccl . a eii msn
aeshle sKsiwi by btttntnf then In a
hep wllh Ctie wtkst mle with
them, V hen th hesphst t,wtlie diS
lid the atone r still (vl hot fa
pall ef waiir thrown upon lhm will
cause them lo split snd bring thewi Into
a more tosnsgtsbfa end vasefal n
'the drlnt et alone sheutl not t
lrs than ten ot li-l tar he In width
snd made round In the Uiltont that
the waler cliannsl lusj t-o kutt U the
lvld.llt slid tho cutting Ml of the
stdr-a of the ditch will be svwlded 'Ihsn
rm. t,
with the f! atones the msnnrt of tt 1.1
lug the dsm w m a follow A atone
breaking hammer uf alt or elsiit ptmnds
wight will U reiUlre., snd wjih Ihts
the lone e tifukt M Into long nsrtttw
tr nearly i-imaI In width snd
Ihlcknrs4 as K(salbln. '1 bean idai're sre
pfaeod englhws along the .fa nf the
iltfh slid firmly fanlde-l so that thn
los srOovrn with earth elnrf, snd lhy
will not fsll Inward list ploens ate
then trim me. I s.i sa to fit aero the
dll.'h shd lie firmly ttfon the tide pit, es
a ahonn In fig I,
This leatts a free chsnnrl (r th
wsfar, wllh plenty of rnn st lh l.fas
for It tat Mdse Into the drslw Tl
cover the top Joint so that aatth wilt
not drop Ibruv-gh, all the fragments t
thrown Into lbs ditch upo the rtvs
pieces, and If Ihei Is plenty of Ui
wvrw the dlt"li sssy be (wvrtly Ailed np
l within a toot nf lh surfM, ssi ae not
toltilerftrw wllh the flowing then
ftlle.1 with the esrth akm omI In the
digging A drsln made In this wsyal
the f,m ef a hkfh slope to eel off the
wsta-r from a pleee nf crs-ra farttosn
whleb as a ueelMse msrsh rsly thirty
yeses age Is still dlwdisrglng a Urge
and dntlnsoo slresm ef pure rlraf
wsteri It Is sn underground hrk In
fart, snd works a hydrsullt ram, nhlr.h
Ii .falltef.-! wsler st the rWtsav s4
lm So supply sll needs since It wss
Th ewstrel atone need a different
ftiolhod, 1hwe shield l laid la nh
s msnaer a to Wrdgw Ihem In lh fav
Umi of thedlleh In the manner shown
in flf , akt throwing other stones
? -JV.
')fa. r ..
teift MMS-m
K WfW'-
Oft h 1qD lo wetlge the Wp'per slow
firmly In Its plwe, a4 then eilfag la
with fw.sH .-, This vptt nllfag I
Irnpoftsnt, for rrtharwa the sspsto
Ir.ay fa. soe4 tWetlw sa4 ette ef Ihe
faiitoie ensa fall 01 ff pla In !lef
wp s sine drain whirl, bed I wve
choked ll was fowad lV.1 by ntrfat' by it wrong d'deg tf ll, lh
itrsls bed iti4 la tesny ls. snd
tl.t rsr I'wese- f S wfkst,s wh the
tgle of the eOtpt';f U mm and
4lst lh wofh prop'fty tved sa (
PM. ff rspslr wklh was wo- ha
mU Ike eetary orlglstl !! t ef lh
t kn swly tint' gfsref la h hm pfia
rsre trry r"l d'Sfa Sssy he Sfa Im
t hi way The dluh I 4g narrow sv
mf Ihsn a) 1 sy ha M, e (es
h Ufnmi lh lge-vl sfMt U
throes (n Ural, snd I v with lh
slfar ae, IH U lsssfat Hrw;
tih ihe fl The av-t ; lh U?
gfsiel Ulsid lh asfar wilt he lUdrslsw
With sll these dfsfaa. M lh esrlk
rrtr1g f tvH oo ihsa a farri lhlli,
lh. sslfe'e wsl'r rimld h t frswv
afaklsg dirselly lain tkeaw, k mUt
lb srdl 14 fa wseae4 less Utw lh
dfsltx, lMfSt IhU lh Soil sherttd
hw well fjmi'A ses h vfssaHI kt,
ex If it ( poswlU. hy S-Ufag Ihe tsxwd
ssluMy j st least this she 14 U 4w Um
a fw year, satU th tu e
twrdM:strt sad . fa a gseef ss
U a fi k Uesi A)lk4 Sn ed tt
wltaffwesf' a f ;' f he (
4mm U oa sve-wty d'sl tssdy s4 If
11 he hew ttj we t wilt retire this
Has M law u wM K y to ah
drsfa frvss tt tnWrsseIUte ytvesvli
after whUh th fa, sttl let fall ef
assail waters. asvd . , a
tht taw hewvkasH rata will st ifmm
laU la avt) aad Is4 tu way law ftto
draiaa la a serf etvwrl Urn. 4ia
m etnar aVswiae. T
(tfv . ' ; .w 1 ; ,
t aasw; "'. Vol
a. Awst. a .Sa4 1 Sf Wt
W IwslsBstaTK ''KfiA
it, ml w m -Myr,j.
ts t.UU Vatee ef Heee and fWST
V4sws tHW44,
Tsklng loth h n rows a thy
are geefUf Veyt on the fsriss, th
msnwrw fn.s the farmer will hsv tha
West iSUthle, tditnt feel, hnweser.
( like drtpplg Ihe auhjevh y mj
IMMIo m the Hrv't' Ovreike, wllh
seh s Ktlef awvwcr, far lhr nM hw
a reKn glvrn far the neer whea r
slide, ss If eee wl only fallow Uf the
suhjeel opened by Ihl w4lle") he will
gsln HgM npm one of lh men l wttsr
tsnt topics that estv be roMldefswl
Ihe fartw. Tv tgU the begt)leg,
we held hr-af In nve4 lhal lhrw )
only pes ftvot ef cwtlfa rht hS leen
gtten lo IK, and Ihst all of the ee
menl In Ihe twannf sl have lea
anpplled U the fiwst. A ww hvsy aw
that fa4s vsif n ane"wU nl fer
ttltting ekcmenl they rtr with Iwwiw,
w rest held ll a rrt Ihsl the ktvt
of tl slen toowf fsrw sntrwtl gve
etna the Vin.1 of snvfe wo gt fru
then, 'ihla It Ihe ksie prtncfa t S
lf n In mlw.1 in rnMffag iNie !
jft. lh thrcrt eUetents ef fetlltUf
that we re fer r nllrvmen, ph.w.
phoflc 4l4 wl 'ivh Of MMf lunlteg
atwfT. gfslu and ev-wcenlfslcl faU
like roltow ! hte- snd ell etesl not
Isln lh g(elr. swt.oml vf I hex thte
(eitllUIng rttitl4nK sh1 straw rvw
tU the U ftlaH'H ed wey Sf
twrstw r fertllUleg isleuent In tsrnv
Th neat pdt otw lrne In mind Is
Ihst .'! anfatst ww fa.t sppfopUte
to Itself ot the re,nUOt fafUtllf I
sitttd t e with ll eslite and wnl,
. that if ee upply lh etwte Snvownt l
ted lo different snleiala we ll n gel
eaUr Ihe .sen sniOMHl ot faftllll; la
the eC(mem ot esh, A tlllle lefle.
I fan w point owl the trsaun fef
dllTeresw A grown hre, ehiehj d.ww
eel ner (n weight, hut aeeh day
sM iml at HUfk e( hl bust; In Ufa
ewehltl p "7 the fes-d, WshsI et
dentil ! owl In Ihw eaervmenl alt lh
fattltlirts tn the f.l svpplled kiss
Theeoll, or a he gslnlng In weight,
evldewtty teUlnSaoioe.lf IheeefawtehS
In the tsly , s tht ft lo help nsske up
the Iro-tswt wsfghu A row giving
anllk Itsnafer sOne ut the altiesyew to
the ssltk tn Ike ht of ewseine, w
sutne ef Ihe siltk aet phwphofa s-'ld
In Ihe h of h these are (of Ihe
t.wlldlng up el Ihe msw-le and howe nf
he ef I.Sl-fanllt lhe, lh rre
wieul of the cow glileg milk d not
tnfaln U of the ttttlaieg elements
swppHed fa ihe f,wl, sinew a ptl.W e
lhnv I rsirvld oft In the rwtla. Mhp
rtMte nllrvifen lo)as(( iV,t ftnt ihe
wied snd the yojk Ihst ?.iwals It,
sw that the msnufe u ht also, deew
say quite roelaln alt nf lh fanlHtfag
Wisletlsl In the ieL
I'stlewlnf slet gsln In eeifhi. km I
tke inrej I atmewt whtdli tallow,
and that Is ni nllrtigvn, fhoey-kosfa
acid or potash In lhal, o the etf Ue
tatlrllf all ef the fsfttlUlaf fa
ta wt In hi esftetwenh The awwlisg
wig, like Ihe yawing other nelanats,
hkktss test of the f.eel fettlllllaf eke.
Mientfl f hi frsane and ssweyfa, tml
hea grown, Ukee e- very I it tie, fae
Ihe sawve re.,w (hat Ihe fslkealast
eleer Iskew Utile. In alt ae aaw
ever, the w4eal uf fsrUlistwtf eleavaM
slracul frww IK f.eaf by onr fsrsn aa
al I less than w.w wotM seewsw,
1 he Ittilli of lte freel esHMWMsM I I
Mp et twtfaakrdrsi, whlrh w hwrat
nplntl) fa4 er ron?erte Ik 1st fat,
and rsibo hjdrsU af lsles M
tnanrs We tHsy atfaw Ihst fftrwlasr
animals lake ot swntnaf like tea per
et. f lh facility fn Ihe feed, while
telUh at take nstt fitw laettly he
Iwentsttw per real. We hat, Ihsa, a
sid pfOfewviisMa tt fat burn ta atlwd.
tit, That theesosint ef fertility (alien
trt nf the fasel e ! nlhlef wlh
salwslt tkst gsln tvrihlag In wwhyhl,
twli at .iik herss- sd grwn HU.
tip lr willeh ftiws, whMh sdaew ffwsn
Isrwniy U Iwenly nw per awet- 4 law
far tltUleg eleawenls la Ihe nsllk.
The third lsoawfat dn hi fat
ttenlsf4 I that a fat pwrief Ihe fat
Hilly Is fa the Ht, In eersl way
It I fair lo tlsvafa Ihst lhrwferih
ef lh feritllilHg sfasnenfa ne-faretMt-ttd.
f slW are In thtldt M ewly use.
fastM In IM r,lM errteenh This le
Ing im a ped fa tsfa4 la
sfafwfag ts iispwetesxt t.f saifttf I
)biM tt ef h ssnnw.
awwwv 1 sa warf !
a fwrs ttwswss Neie Aawnsl law
On t,f lh iwrt saefl svpfaewaU
lhal ran be hrvg hi nf,siw a fs 4 nvsr
kl gardes U a ssesU M The
sheren In llg, I fa l fe fag. h
ft wld sM fetwn aH 4a
no, I wtrrai. siefv
Ihst fa, Ihe iatk ef whfah- th tatses
Is asefa fa feuieaa miV VK It 4lf
ff ff Mlfaify aUds ewly e keilasy
ten wheel afahd, a hrsi la Ihw
Sgfstfag, 7Xw hew fa saw 4
stii sal ltra fm sa Itva ifa kWh
swee h'-h hM fsnsvrfw. An aila
sva-fa nf h-4, Uwfh ! es-ttd ftVv 4
sit The- h$M twaMaehs
We lkArners, sad a teas whea he
rtO J l'Wl WMI.tM
a tea ! s sfad with lhs has
adew hra easela sawfaw la sseke If
faa Ilk that esvwwa fa V4, ra
etsa eeefar thaa lh vlhr, th whsels
arwaweJUr, Ut la Ha with ta rw
anew, s4 taarsl la law saasa Waeh, a4
then there ht a aal arraishlaf sw
hwiwawa Ik rnaaM. That aat arw
wk, ttvts lawk) thUfc, aew m lha r
aara, aad thwy asa ha Wen with hwy
awaialewa If dentr Taa iVaa aafa ef
ataw rwwewes new sweet wis few) w mmu
t a J4 tway tw
)M m assw isaxr, a
a,"sa,,M-' ,Mwwio",,,'"f,i,-,',w',swar-,asj
l35 .,. WMMMjQiu