'".jrj:hrfrWi'hit Hiii)iirfUinJWi '-MV& w W MIS - fv'T 7 ft' ft Mi. I p; I PI! ft k l,r- FLV k "tt V J& ft w: at ." We leera Tim a arl?ate tewtor, thai V Nmm, Mm ewtorarteieg mm iff, at few Baa ef the Wewtora fMilwni Mereeatite Aaeeiatlee ef Bed Cleed to Mir a reverter ea tha Mbfrij(lw.)lttpUiM. OwoM frteae to eae of Mm eealag krlg kt stare ia tka galaxy of the editorial wsrM. We wiflti kia great saeeees ia hi mw utertoklag mh! will elweye kt pleased to kearof He prowporiiy, Fal Vaa Dr Yoort ef Oaeka la a tramp eerd. for jean JUerraae? kaa been abasing kia akeaefally. Tka otker day Vaa Der Voart replied lo Reeeweter in meet aeetkiee: torae, cettiag kia ie tke qaiek, end Hi tan he played tka kaky aet, aad awed Vaa Der Veere for eriariaal like!, ii of Ukiag kia owa medieiae like a man. Tmb Cmif kas act aaek sea for a newepaper aaa, who will akaee a private eititea, aad tkaa get aed when the p. c. gate tke keeiof kia Thb Caw waald ke glad to kave short artietee real ia ay tke faraera on tke Alliaaee qaeatioa, aad tke beat metkoda for oktaiaiagkeOer prioea for fara predaete. Ne wkether yoa are a repeklleaa, erat or what, we will be aleaeee to receive and pabliak yoar opibioa ea thia great qaeatioa. Who will ke tke Iret, Tiir Cmar will alaa ke glad to pebliah,free of ebarge, aay AUiaaee newa that ie aeat iato tkia eflee, aad hereby eolicit the aaae aad reejaeet the emeera of all aaeh eeeietiee to toward the aaae aet later tkaa Thanday of each week. The iadieatieaa .ire tkat wkea tka board of seaetviaera aeet ia tbeir Irst eesaaioa ia 1890, tkat tkere will be a greater coateit for acata ia tkat body tkaa there waa ia tke lata Mob taaa eleetioa eqaakkle. It appeara tUt tka Attorney Oeaeral kaa givea it aa kia opiaioa tkat tke aid oaeere ia every towackip holdover, batia Webster coaaty, (it waa the oaly oae) superviaore were elected ia every towaship whether there wan a call or not, hence tka great war of tka aeaaoa How it will eaaeoat ia kard to tell but we imagine tkat ia tke aad the hoW-overe will wia the vic tory. In another place in today'a paper will be fouad aa able article froa the pen of our deaocratie f ricad, Hob, W. A. NoKeighan, on the "Far acre Problea." Tna Ciuar doea aot quite agree with hia aa to the remedy. The' great faraing ale- meat today, aaa be coaaared ta a ahip upon a torm beaten eea, rudder low, and without any Ixed destina tion, with the everlutiat: breakera jurt ahead waiting patiently, aa it were, for the hip to drift npoa the rocka and go to piece. Thia ia the condition of the farmers today The great monopolies are sappiag the life's blood out of them, laaacially speaking, and the great eipedicaf, to onr aiad, ia in perfect orgaaisa tioa, tkea they will be prepared to oope with the great problea of "high tariff, or free trade," aad determine which will be the most beaeleial to them. nsasnasaasRvaa v That aaweiir. We are informed by a persoaal let ter, aad by the Democrat and Argua of Red Cloud, that Treasurer Fasster has appointed one, K. H. Jones, stalwart republican, aa his deputy, aad says from his decision there i bo appeal. If such is the case, Mr. Faasler's name, politically will be " ." When the democrat of thia eouaty in convention assembled and nomiaaui) Mr. Fanslcr, little did they suppose that tkey would be com pelled to head over the spoils to the enemy. The cry isoa, and aa apfeal will be the result. nr new rufimr. At last "tke loud waves lashed the hore" and Oeetge J. Warn a, editor of the Argus, kaa bean appeinted postmaster at this ptae, aotaith ataadiag the vile and dirty work that had been ucd agatast him by kia op poRfata, Dr. MeKeekv thought it would be 1980 before Mr. Warren would be appointed. His predict ion was all right except he was a lit tle og m usual, aa to dates. All sorts of dirty Jobe kave keen attempt ed to defeat aim, bat ke kaa triampk- ed over all of them. Tut Cmir ex toada hearty eeagratalatieea to ito Mr. Werrea, over his lat'lesereapeeeibre a feoei- tkaj. He may well feel jubilant. ceffeee. " 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmsm la eirtaa eemwmry ta ewr tree. I betwaaa Ik he baa aaa vara aterailaat ia thate eaye rWpaweto wkaareiaep- oHtoe to rekere, aeaaiiafly la aeH- tiee, to be ecejaiaaaJly aaaartlf g the lleve aa they de aa NMV PPwaJ aTawarlBalaWe It ladeatdadly agrawiH ' diegme la tka Aaerieaa peepteto lata aaahawn aaatapaa taarfair Tka tratkff tka aaatoria, fewtraa Aaarlaaaa waaai kaliaU tkaaaalvaa to tkat rata tkat they weald aaU their akaaaly. Tkere ia aa doakt what aaaa peaaOe aaa be pankaaed to 4 mm aaytWag, hat to apply tka kaaa iaaiaaaatoaa to tka gaaeral pak lie la eltogetkef wraac aad dlagraca fal. If a aewapaper kaaaoaatida er the ether ef a peiitfcal Ight, tke fry geea ap tkat tka editor ia paid far kia eervifff : wkea rarely, if ever, he gate eawagh oat af it to pay for the leadpeaeila ke weara oat ia iaditiag tkeartielea. Tkia claaa of aeaadal it toa eeaaealy iadafajad ia. Scarcely aayaaa eaaapea kaviag kia aaae be aaearad witk tack vile allaiioaa ia tkeae daya. People rarely ever tkiak twieeaewaiaya before epeakiag bat aakriddle tkeir toagaea aad let ga tke viala of alaadara witkoat even aa aaek aa kaawiag whether there ia a akadew ef tratk ia their aeaertioae. Newapaaera are aot free froa aaking tkeae falaa atateaeato aboat people wbo de aot pleaae tkea, aad aa it goea, aatil today tke Aaerieaa peo ple kave a rapatatioa abroad, of eel- liag aliaeet tkeir birthright ia their awd raee for poaitioa aad weaitk. Slaader aad oalaaay ia both aoralty aad aaeialty daagaroaa, aad tka world woald be better off if thia viee eoald ke blotted oat eatirely. Maay Uvea kavebeea, aad are every day, wracked ky thoagktleae aeaadal aaa gara, wko aake a kaaiaeaa of breath iag aaapieioa oa every oae. Thi Chiiv waald eaggeat that it weald ke well to add elaader to tka iajary avlla to ke reliaqaiakad ia atartiag oat tka year of 1800. ivtiitxnu fioensoiM. Red Claud, Jaa. 3, 18M. Board agaia aet witk all aeabera present. A aatioa tkat tke judgea and clerks of eleetioa be allowed aa extra day for aervieea readered November 5 1880, waa lost by the followiag vote: Yeaa, Bareaa, Grooves, Laird, Ceea, Haaael, frame aad Fiak. Nays. MeCallua. Martin, Theaaa, Wilder, Diekcraoa, Kaley. Oaraer, Welle, Cather, Jeaea aad neatea. On motioa the report of the eoaaty clerk of feea received aad disbursed for the quarter eading Pee. 31, 1889 and alao a recapitulation for the year 1880 presented to the board aad ap proved. The report of the county aaperia tendent of reeeipU and disburse ments for the quarter ending Deo. 31 1889, presented and approved by the board. Report of D. MeCallua of dis bursement of aa appropriation made at a meeting ia July 1899 to Guide Rock towaship for the purpose of building bridges reseated to the board aad approved, and balance re ported on hand of $tl,2!t, ordered turned over to the county treamrer. The bond of Chris Fassler, treasur er elect, in the sum of 100,000 wn tpproved . The spprtittsl of the a a w of sec 21, town 2, range 10 was present ed to the bord and approTjd. The e $ of n w i being appraised at 10, and the s w 1 of n w J at $5 per acre. Oa motioa Mesir Garber, McCal lum and Wilder ware appointed to look into the case of J. W. Myer re gardiag Soldiers Home at Grand Is land, aad his connection therewith. Oa motian the clerk of tke district court i iastructed to bay a atove for his own ese aa said clerk, aad to pay aa amount aot to exceed 910 far the same. Oa motioa tke eomaittee on county property waa instructed to sell the staves belonging to the eouaty, not ia use at tke prtaeat time. Oa matiaa a committee of two waa appointed to meet a like committee from Nuckolls eounty at tka pelat on the county line where ttke construc tion of three bridgea ia contemplated east of town 3, range 9, ta confer re gardiag the bailding ef said bridgea, aaid committee to report te this beard at their aext meeting, said com mittees to also confer regarding a bridge eoateaplated oa eoaaty line, aBataataaaaal at aaaaal aWvwTavaF V aavJV a a nataaemmaa aJ mmmaaa 9 aefeamaxaa ta aaaumn ataa mwwWWW w laJini 9y Wmmfm ? MaW mmtr aaaaVBama la aaaaWaaaaaaaaa! aaa aaaaNaam f aaaa aaaar aTVVfJV laf W9w9KWmw9m W VwVwBf laTWV aay aaaaal aa? aaaataaa aaaaaaaaVaaaaTV aft af LaM aal Oravaa. Oa aaaaalt waa ordered, teat J. W. Mryar aad faaaly be aaatantat SaMlfffB Seaaa at Otaad bkaai. The kaard aaa adeaaraad Jaaaary 3, at 9 e'etoei a a. al D, ChrlaFi W.B. IvmJ.KsBf. D. F. Toww amt amOasMfea 4 g Crary, Caaaar CowfTAauw. T. PL Wataara, J. C Wi Keaaa, J. J. Mye, J. D. Jcancae or thi Pbucb. B. O. Far- tm, Joha Blaiae, Jaha Zaaa. S. B. Shtriar, A. C. aaafcral. O. B. Harvey. Theaaa Baertoa, Hearr Laabrert, A. P. Hagaa, J. M. Stoddard; Ira O. Har- Ua, Baaiaal Wee, Albert C. 9aaMh, FafMMW nCMMMaVp Aa 9e avMlaVPt Ha aaV Stovaaa, Geo. W. Barter, laaaL aillar. A. J. Meaae. Aaaaaaoaa.--C. A. Davie, Joha Foyer. Henry A. Howard, H, A. IteCaaa, Wa. F. Beakla, Jasaaa MeCartoey, 4. M. StofMy. Aaaaa Dtllaa, David Dtagaa , J. M. Bawea, A. H. Alexaadar. Wa. Eaeha, Jaha Slaaaea, i. aaDeraa. Boad OvaaaaanaB. B. Mitokall, No. 10; Fred Happert. Ba. 14; C. W. Uadgrea, Zfo. 6; A. Hedge, Be. 9; J. D. Ceayae, No, M D. if. Strattoa. Ba. 8; Joe. Heary. He. 44; Jaha Zaaie, Be. 7; Daaial Tria, Bo. 27; Wa. S. Jeffrey, Ho. 11 ; Joha Aaderaea, Bo. 30; P. C. Okerff. Vo. 47; B. F. Hedfea, Bo. 19; Aagaat afalra. Bo. 49. Town Ct.8axa.--D. A. Aaderaea. Charles B. Hlehe. G. W. Fraacie. Gee. F. Pope, L. G. Geaeraax, fc. H. Payae, J. W. Boktaaaa, W. G. Parker, B. Tar aer, C. C Cex. Oa aaottoa the eaaaty araaaarer ia laatraatadtoflaaaalthataaea B I af LeaitoBotoee'aadelUoateBtaa BUI (aetag 3 aeraa) aaaaisid ta Jaaa Tyler far imt aaa alee aaaaaa to Xfiaa I aM4TUM"J 0aNar 49VaMjf far the year 1888, aa thai haata appear. The hoard adjearaee) aatil Jaaaary 3rd at 9 o'eleeh a. a. Jaaaary 4th beard aaet aaraaaat to adjoaraaaat. Oatetal boed efO. A. Teal appeared. OanaetleaD. MeCalluaa be aad la iaatraoted to keep the Guide Beak bridge ia repair aad ill bridge eriba if he daeaaa accessary, the I Iliac ef eatd eriba aet to exaead f40 per aria. Oaeial report oH.C. 9cett, sheriff presented aad aaareved. Offtoial boad ef H. A. Salable, aa areveal. Oaeial bead ol D. A. Clark approved. Oa motion the peraoaal deliaqaeat taxes of S. 8. Walls be etrtekea freea the tax Met for the year 1881, lMtt, 18M3, IIW4 aad 18RA, Aaproprwttoaof 915 eraa aaeh aa aay be aeeeeaary thereof graated te Haraeay towaehly te belt dowa 4 bridgea. Oa aaotioe the read eepervieer of Reil Clea4 towaeeJp be ordered to re pair the bridge at hie earliest eonvea ieaee. Ta folio ln r'almwr aUowmtat war. rants eroVretl MitarMinry avncral fuiwt el la, M. W Rlrd arnrlrea rase f Rray t al S a tt nei-Buvsaona pbbvuii. S VIU ll.) JiMHM l)(0Tm 11, 1) MrOUIuas icaa, w.c. lalnl t), J. r. rmm ia.de, Ul). Thonua 19.W. ftaiuiiel Hcaion tS. K It Jom ta, O W Ittmiim-I l., T J WIMrr 10,t, Jotham MarUn ,'. M W rMrkenna ,!, II r i'mthr i.: Jm. darter tje. I mm- rith II, A H KaWy W Rarrua 10 ea, it K. Conn ,. T W, HatailntrilOTetr.aiitn as aa I), r. TrtiMy atprnw JimIs aw a as A. C. lliMr prtntlaat (ar roimtr 73 a jeaoBc. K A V4l)ka n.m, Wnmk IkXaaaa atsa, Jaa alliM jt.io, Kolx-rt Martin) 1.1 C W KJarki a so, I- MrruM A w Murrow s. a H CnrySi. W1U LnrkkartXt W,Vana I M.J J iwr -A, Janjea amark it. C r Raa M 14, A Mothart jnin. T A WIVii,a B !aiRk M la, 4. K Antu :4 in, A I. .Hianwnn U a Om Grig v AthUrvon llfilP S, H W r"nllim 4, Jnkn Jtmmn l.. J.vk irali. Ii M Kothmck i:. II Aatrr, MW U, tJ luruf tm ram. ol llartsravri , . T 71 Ont.i Wrrn prHittini; for nmaijr it as 4 U WU'w jIIxih)Ih- ..... 1 it W mw krtrAtr , .. , as If tl M-.Nltt ivta8 , ia r J KinjMUry etc., , , ... ... rem jo llrrewfvr far Jury s a I!Mmw - ass J. II, BaltaytUmpi ami aspf,.. ., .asm W R tMa inhm wM , tm ,4.le Haa4ra watk mi imsjI. ... ..... s The fallowing elaiae were rejected: iirti W, Parkrr trr i" Jukawi.., .... 3 SS r Kwahn . . J as iCWinwr darjr IH K O luikfT ntoas for Wrtie .... a a II Om-mtftrfcanlllac ) ,. I & JtflUkltulrtMiaSfrMra .... I SS Daard now adtouraed ta meet with- eat day . J. II. Bailrv, Ceaaty Clerk. A aeeei reeaf vaa. araay M evaBawaveia aaayTRrea aaawaaaa aay aBw fflasFawal aacart aa aalaH am rnraw. mbjbb Ba ajBeTo aaaaa WaT Ba lawvVa Ja) NaB Pmi rn4rT,!rVT "wi laseMse aaae at ah tteare. Vl ttattiac aajaadi! naaif. Oarfc. aaaaTeWa) 4lraTaaaafa XfVaaMJa eJVaaVaV J ta i a. Iitaa W. M r.aLaLOraaaaw. DiHali lyi. lari araer. waa. m. wee"- j 1890 The New York ; "' IBr W. A. acsUasAaa. lBrronCauasr.--WltotBMkewe eeewpl year fclasl effov af kb.es. you eeaamat to esfer year reeeers sea. tsmeghto aeg gaeaaekyowrwtlatotulaMwaaAaCwnir, salHse MTheOrea Fteblea for te. Far aaare teaolve.', la eer reaaarhe wa win aaeh a avoid party aeelaaWee aaal aCae siv. yara.net raf.rsams, anJ te gat aft kh. araahviaetreBjafeketaefeetee pawty argaalaaatia, er psreeeai totetesta. Ia year artietoyee seyHTbe only reanesly ta. Caiweaaaalvaaee is for ta. farmer, to thereeaaJy erfaaiae, aaa aet seal a dot- UrawertbefaMaaaamUaatkay aae gi teeliviac.rtee.'' W. rnm with yoa m tetk. ea4 ef eraaaiMtlM ameag the faraMra, bat aay effort ka aaatral pries by nfaaiag lo . ell arer. . failara, for ka. rseaea that w. meat bar. rtotblaf. areeattea, Mm . Th. baMare of raal aaat. aaa eaettal aMrajragea wtH aoaia as ta sea ear pteJeaaor thay wa aypaal ta tbe eearta, aad eemmaail tb. abariff to aaMthamforaa. Aaaia iee aar that, -It ia ant fre. trade or bib tariff that wiH balp lb. taraaam to R caa wilb tbuaa wbearaatkaaaekiaaka eraah tbaas, aad aakUnrwaaiaad, thai wiH b eaaklaaaaly robbed of good prta." It ia tre. that farmeva wiM b. rebbad wbethar organised er not, if they fall to saalaUia their righka. Th. aaaaa ia Ira. of laborer. arehaate aad yrnfaaaiaaal aaaa Thay will b. robbed if thay tarn tbair baai.au over to tbair mas ptitnra,aaw. bar. enna. Orgaaisatioa araoag faratar witt brisg aa goad raaalka aatil tbair anitad effort are yropariy diraetad. Tear ntUr year w. baa. beee atriviag to prataet ounalvaa fraaa tb. affeeta ef a aaaaa witbaat aay ia I ail by aot aadaratandiag t aaid eaaaa. or af bow to raaaav.it v Whataanaad la a batter aadarataadiag of tha natioaal axd anaatadlaw that affaet aad gortra eeaa eemaaaree, aadwagat vary UtUa aid frowj year artieta. IMeea wbathar bigb or low are detarmlaaJ eat to maah by the aiaeaat of meaay wa raaaita for tn pro deots, a. by tbair essbsagablaaalae wbaa effeted la tbeaurkeai af tke world, ia .a far sagar, wasliai, lambar, tree tkiaga aaaaasaiy ta eer aaaafait i aeaeaaafaleppaealkia af iaa larsa. Aiaiiliaaitlia ef pviaw, U -tba rale Beaaea bevaH er krada, Mwive- faafaV W aBBajWy aW laafJaT tjajMaHasmlfaV faafar atoerka. aseetwaes uatda. wMeh wa aa abaaga ear pradeca ta tbe aiarkat. aad w aalUr. that tb. ramara wisl seesleds that bigb tariff deea almtabb tbe eraaaag abl. valaa r ariaa of tbair pradeca. W. saH it tb. beat sMtkat abate wa aaa gat aba btgbeM aria, far war giaii Tb. aal aaarkat far ear vara piaawiu Is abtsaa, aad It wfll be jaat ae teeg aa wa mm. .aeaaasraata valee fw a af waealor eeewee a peead af 1 VaMV ami eUlVaWaaBJaa) BaMsaa Ts" wHaa favtaaajataNaeaaaaerta. If ffanMr AbaaaMbkataatoaaaVkaat H wUI briag mora aaoaay ia LiaarBwat tkaa iaKew Vara. Ha aad tbat wHk gtae ft DKALBIUJ IN Dry Goods! NOTIONS, r " its and Shoes, Lowest Prices Guaranteed. CHAS. SCHAFFNIT, Moon Block. New York Store. worth ef perk ar grata, ha can bay double Mt ef woelaa geoda oraagnr that ha east bay la Maw York, after nailing hia vredeete la Liverpool in competition with ail tbe world. He would be (If left free) ia a paaitioa to do hnaiaaaa at n profit, for th. raasaa that ealling hia enrplua in tha warid'a epoa aaarkat, and buying In the a aaarkat. h. eeald asehantf bin wheat earn, aerkor boaf, for doable th. amount ef ralae tkat h. eaa obtaia ia hi boasted kema atarkai. It name to th. farmer that tkia waald raiaa th. price of hia product, Bat whan ha laade hia goodt at tha pert of hi. owa free eauntry, a otutoni houaa oaViial, by authority of law, rolleeU a tariff tas oa prioe of (or the good- for which ka Hchangnd hU produeo) which wkeat paid leaven Fanner A no niuie, and ia aaaay eaeaa aot ao much n. do could have eiekaaged hi product for in th home market. Doe thi tnrllt notdltuin kah tka aria, of aad eschangttbln value of farm prod waf Will ome ndvornta of kigk or low tariff, plave tall the farmers of Webeter eoaaty, what (Utterance it woald make to th.ui whether thu govera maat eaataieataa a part of the price of their good whan sold, or come to their farm aad enannirate a like amount out of the toek yard, whrat bin or corn crib? The writer hold that it nukre no differ riM lat u nt at the truth rren though parti,- die. Year an the hrewt'd In kalligant manuf'cturer of the country saw that the frmrr of Amerlen with theirraenrv lndatrv and klll were thir only dnngerou roinpftltor'.tJi a that Wa ware not only ffvdini; ait ear pnp eheaely aad nt a profit to a, but were eiek.Rgtg oar tnrptu for foraicn nun faetarara, and thu rlathng thm rhrap. ly. ThamanafactnrM formal their or ganUad oppoaitioti t. our com petition with lham aad in the nam of American labor and American Industry. Thy da maaiisd tkat dntia be Utird on ilia gttod (tha priae) for which ieh.in. Wkieb diddatroy our prvftt and gate to Iheaa, a moaopoly of th home market in maaafaetared px!. It make no differ eaea ka th. IkOOit wealthy organised tariff leagae miUowaara, that we are robbed of eoekalf oar prodoatien, aad our hora aaertfagad. It uno diffrnca to them that the Aaserieaa laborer pajitme dol lar for tea paaade of eagar thAl ea could trad, ear prod oca for and tfl to him for fty eeau,.r that he pay twenty dollar for a .lt ef dothee tkat la th world' market are worth oaly tea dollar. Thu ia aaaa by ear content and by th aid of oat vat. Pees ia the name of American labor aed aader the doiaaiv cry of a home market. Let farmer organlt. Lot them Beady tb. eaa aad tbe effect of lhe -etrtstmeeta oa eer trade and thay will de. mead free Ued,er at lat a fair trade Stive Baaiaei enactor In th raaa of life' of kbawe ahaeket aad w will be ie th front rank of th. greatcoat With oa. BlatntioM ar kom aj wa etoae tkia artiste, wilb a d-lra to con 1800 pvv Store V r ft aaaveaJeet fewVi I A aaaMMaaalaTpameaaf e vereset, aaeY T W tinn. from time te time, If aa aad agreeehi. to yea. ago th. writer aasdad aa oversea, i having aomeoora to aeU,eeaae teBed Cloud and foexd tkat eera waa leee tkaa fifteen cents, lflaar Bros, affared te ex change oa a eoat for eae haadred baahele of corn, or to take seta ia trade at ifteea easts. Wa conetaded te do witaeat tke eoat. With no tariff ea woolea geeaa, Miner eoald have asM aa the aaaae eoat fornbeat t.vsa dollars, aad weald have takn Afty buhU ef eora aaita eeaiva lent at retail price. Did tke tariff aet re dace the prieeof eora ta .beat sevee eeata byeompelliagaatodewitheatthe eeeter trad, one haadred baskets ef eera worth fonrteea dollar ia th. .pea market, for a coat worth oaly sevee dollars ia the live open market. McKialey, Ckairmaa ef th. ways aad mean (te rob tha farmer) ef tk. preecat congre aye that Mtkea. reatrietieaa ea onr trad, are th dietatea ef sallghtMed patriot ism." C.tamea peraoaa like a. call them robber. Tkere ia ae law compelling a te ecareh ear vocabu lary for fancy titles to apply toaaperha man erimlaal or aaeommea erlaea. Constipation, I r aot resardted la aseaea, la Bahm to 1 bacemaBaaitaalaadehroaie. Draa tic purgatives, by wvakaaiagta. bawekt, conttrm. rather than rare, the evil. Aye, ruts, beiag mild, effective, aed streagthcBlag la tbeir actioa, are ajeeer ally rccoauaeaded by the faculty aa the beat of aperient. " IlaTing teen snbiert, for years, to eoaatipation. without ariag able to fad much relirf. I at lat tried Ayer'a Ptlbu I deem it both a duty aad a lies are to testify that 1 haw derived greaabra eut from their ue. Fur over two Tears peat I bare taken oaa of these Bill, every night before rctirtag. IwoatdaV witliBcly be wiiboat tEem." O. W. Uowraan, 'Jti Eat JUla at.. Catlmle Iw "I hare Wen uklag Ayefa riHa aed rB.,hf m ,u m 'iy cUk. tan. aad cheerfully recommend them to all to need of a safe bat effeetaal cathafkke.'' - Joha M. Bogg. LoamvilfcCiyT u Foe eight years I waa emrkreBi aha foRstipatioa, which M lam aaraaaa aa bad that th. doranra ceatd do eaSBata for ar. Then I hawaa ka bate Ayar. F11U, and aooa tka kal - - - tbeir eatnral an.1 rrwaUr arttae. aa that - ... ,w w ,, aawieaa."!. j Loagkbtidce. Iwyaa, Tasaa. sni ii rriicti - navtns nae. Ayefa Ftsm, Vtah Bwai rrsnlt. t fHy iMdiJcB. Uemaar Mw mV7 rra icr whkh tbey an -T. Conner. M I.U,C AVer's Pills. I HAVw fiOfme - mwA mAltaforioornidt w mlmmf U1 Will dW tagarBf, mac tvjrn. nnaa ---- -- other vorinr atwBr tx. Alltlf I K.t m aaa em A. i T " air Pl1' w F Kel b', x oog 15B, al Cload. $21 &r !ii vjt- . : ". -