The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 03, 1890, Image 7

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    ... , . wi -. f- iimn f
Aadatsry btWy's asppy,
Mutoe aees snlwsopiouil
AlUUiilMlfl vrtr.
Tca'd think there ntver am
A baby horn before It.
Tosesbim lux folks In
Kxprtttly to edote It.
He sets lb youngtter't acrss,
Poorsuul, into fltlffCW
Br pointing ost tt mirks
Of grsttnsse on lb mklit,
"The hed't a ported domei"
A Shsketpear or a Ueon
YouM thiak tb child, at least,
To bear bU ilsdJy take on.
Ttio pridt'a a deadly tin
Anrt Ckrlst'sn ht-lbt minute
Ho knew it m a boy
lie taw nimsslf eithlu It.
Ami too be counts himself
No measly "tin all perlater,"
lie reflected there
Ilia grralntit crows greslrr.
Ital wait until tome day
Tbero oomet along aaotherl
lie won't ftel halt to big
vTbes baby baa a brother.
And tbo' tba Infant's far
from blag utt tbo wont one,
la (tniua Ilea In tMt
llt't ttnarl bcoauto the Brtt one I
Boston Glob.
The Bomance or HeatberteiiLh HaH
By Manda L. Crocker.
Corrniarrr, 1K3.
CHAtTEIl XXVIU-Corri!rc.
Now that aho has spoken to ma and 1
know that thoy are to bo united, Miriam la
not reticent alwut aak og of tbo affair
atnlL Hhe talks freely of ber coming mar.
Huge, and In a abort tlnio our ilana aro
laid lomakalt a happy, onjoyahlo event;
and in our devotion to tbo dntAlls ot thn
futuro festivities wo forgot that, friend"
over whoso name wo puttied oar bruliia ao
much at first.
Hut wa arti upiln put in m I ml of it In a
day or two by Allan' writing a hurried
letter from New York saying tbut "hl
fr-end, having business In the city of Now
York, thoy hud tailed for that port, and a
eoon aa possible they would bo at Hay Vlow.
In twoer Uirco days from date wo might
look for them.
"Ho hud forgotten," ho thought, "to men
tion tha friend's ii a mo in hla laat letter:
would juat aay now that It was an old ge.ii
tlsman who resided near tbo liltlo church
of All Saint near Hastings, by tba namo of
Earle Fairfax I"
Miriam uttered a cry when aho read this
natno whether it waa one of delight or sur
prise ar both, I sever knew. Bho threw up
bit hand, aid, staggering forward, threw
herself tuta my arm. "Karlo Fairfax t
Earlo Fairfax!" she repealed. "I wonder
why-O, I wonder why I"
"Miriam," said I, "don't you want to see
t ho old gentleman; Arthur's uucic, 1 pre
For a moment she lay quite still, making
no response. Then she said slowly: "lie i
a good, kind old nan; such a friend of
nine-inch a friend of mine I"
Tha words wara whispered with colorless
lip an4 pallid check. I was sorely puuied
to know why. If be was such a fed) kind
friend, she felt Um way at mention of hla
People, don't generally grow white as
death at tbo prostiect of seeing a friend,
not generally, at least, and I waa at a loaa
to fathom this new phase of affairs.
I made no reply. 1 simply released her,
and she went directly to bor room, with the
latter clasped tightly in her nerrous fin
Iters. "Old memories," 1 said, by way of
excusing this, to me, unaiplalnable freak of
Miriam's. "Doubtless his name waa tutor
woven with some painful memory, which
the mere mention of was like the thrust of
a dagger."
Hha did not rome down to dinner and 1
did not see bur until tha breakfast hour thn
noxt morning. Hha was cheerful aa usual
and seemingly auxlou that I should forget
the Utile episode of the previous afternoon.
Launching off Into conversation, In which I
waa sure that her heart bad not the least
interest. In order to dotract my attention
from the- pallor of bor countenance, aho
managed to become unusually talkatlvedur
ing tbo breakfast hour.
"Perhaps," aalJ I to myself, "sh Is not
paler than usual, and I am yoking up yes
terday's circumstance with a morbid fancy
of my own imaginative brain."
lint whesj Maggie, my little maid, said
solicitously behind my chair after Miriam
had cscuaod herself for a walk In the gar
den "It seems to me that the lady la Hi;
1 atxax is saixorvo roixxD wig am
she Is narommon white-faced aad talks
sort o' wild Uks, don't you thlnkf" I
thought, ski well, thru my roejertur la
not all aa imaginative affair, after ail Bat
1 said to tha maid that "tha warm weather
might have something te da wtu It."
Ont well, she 'peara ae aasious like
persisted Margie. "1 eaoubfal think taw
weather would aire that worry U her lee
aad msaner, ma'am."
The snasd knew that something ilka a
shadow bad fallen athwart the aoh ef ear
guest, and with natural IrsNittleUiveBeeewea
deieg her best to wring a eot.ftet.OB from
WawU,MiV," l.aUa-'y "let It
pass, ami tr seeks i-aefly ill er worry lag hhwat
aay thing she will tell aa ty aad by, if H m
sreswr for as to know n Thus admoalsfced.
Um maid gar me a ksasr of ewstotoa aad
fewgsa clearing away tha breakfast taJeg
la sUeaee, while 1 social Mlnam, dswa Ut
the garde ef reaes aa4 aUiee w treat af
"PUiBwariwg I aal4, aw sWyreetadme
i wMH wrstry smfie frees swesada ressv
-P5aCV msmsaaw" mamamammPia-V
' mmmaaai taw Ma lewad Ma mi tmt
rag, aa I half atM-md taamwaafa.
tag tan morniog
During tha afternoon, waU 1 warn av
gaged In the rearranging ef aluatmr ef
sutety lilies which the wind haw tseeed
ruthlessly from their fastimiaff, eae
drew up at my humble gate sad twe
gunilemen alighted. Instinctively I kraew
It mutt be they whom we were eipecttag,
and I dropiwd my twtne and went do wa the
graveled walk to meet them.
Mure enough, as on ef them came for
ward, I mvguUed my equal utaace ef the
As kvh as h looked up he smiled had
extended hit hand. ! remember your
faxV he saM, gladly Teem be IntiMduced
aa eld gentleman, In a dark gray suit had
goldbowrl glasses, as "Mr. Karle Falrfas,
of suburban Hastings, Rug "
"Hhe Is In them." 1 said, Indicating the
direction of the library door with a wave of
my band, as Allan looked Inquiringly about
tho liltlo front rlor Into which 1 had rou
ducted them.
I knew aba would rather meet him alone,
iYitut,oejs to criticise or intrude on the
sacrediicss of thulr grietln, and 1 knew
also that ahit was In there waiting for
Allan, because I caught the swish, swish of
her drvss, and the soft closing of the library
4oor as wo came In.
A Hun I'crcival gave me a look of such
jotmis grutltude that 1 thought bad be
a-krd mo to carry a thousand letters to the
ends of tbo earth for him, Instead of one
little retjuest that be did, that look re
warded me in (ml for every thing,
Then be stepped Into tho library and
closed tho door behind him, while 1 did my
best to euterUlu this friend uf Miriam's,
although I could see plainly that he was
very nusinua to get a glun-vse of her, as his
eye sought tho libntry door frequently. 1
was fully us utixlous that alio should meet
him, for I had a curloMly to s tlicni ttv.
gelber: if ttivro was any secret between
'.hem, irhnps 1 uiU'hl lio nblit to guess It
should I seo their ineviiug.
After awhile Allan oame out of the
library, follow til by Mirum, whoso fun
uns a study Hhe st'emiil quite clad to see
the old uncle of tier ricceaxd husband, tiut
thorn wns a frightened, iiiqulriiiK look on
liur ftu'o that dnrtot not put Itself Into
word. it not before us
I ixitUvd Allan wuti'lilnglicrwllha gravr,
uneasy expression when she wmvered
with tho uncle. l.vUciilly he read the
rlildie no lictter tiian I did, aud thu worried
look on tier fsoe tut him HI at raan.
I could seo tlmt Allan luted her madly,
and 1 t.ild to myself that now, after he hid
cmsscd the ocrau at her bidding, If any
thing would h.tpKti tntcarata them again,
it would wreck hi Ufa completely.
Tho nevt day Allan had some letters to
mail, and ho drove the phsctou down to
thn city. I had eipoctcd Miriam would
rldo out with him, hut for some reason she
did not, so ho wont alune. After bis de
imrturo Miriam took her uncle Into thn
library to thuw blui thu portrslts ot her
self and family ''as they were once," she
said to him with an apieallng look.
I went out to sm after souui dessert I bod
ordered fordlunor and to offer a few sug
gestions to Maggln, knowing that I was not
needed In tho library. Instinctive! 1 fell
that the portrait business was oaly ruse
of Miriam's to got Uncle Fairfax all to
hereif for a cnufldeutlal talk. Doubtless
it wns bor privilege, I thought, aud some
wayl fell glad that Allan-was out of ear
shot, and that It, whatever It milflit be,
would bo over before hla return.
Having an occasion to go Into the parlor
an hour or so after, whoa ahotld I see
standing Just outside the library door tut
Allan Torclval, and hla attitude waa that of
an attentive listener. 1 could not see his
face, but 1 knew he beard the coavoraatmh
goiug on tn the library,
He bail returned then and bad come In
unobserved and Justin time to hear well,
1 hod no Idea what; only it seemed to me,
all the time, that It waa something which
he should lint hear. "Oh, dear I" I sighed, In
growing coutternatlon, not Intending that
Allan should hoar me, as I waa on tne point
of turning softly awar, but his quick ear
caucht tho lelltalo sigh, and ho looked up.
Ills face was white and his handsome
ejes wcro misty with tears. Ho put his
linger to his lips quickly to warn me Into
silence, but that was unnrcesary; then be
Ix-ckoucd niu nrsror. He wanted mo to
hear also, aomclhlrg, perhaps, which con
cerned neither ono of us 1 shiwvk my bead
in the negative, but be only beckoned tha
more peremptorily snd I came to his side.
A f tor I heard the first sentence, through
the Uoyhole of the library door, I was as
eagrr to play the eaves. iropixr as Allan
was willing 1 shuuld, psrhaps.
"Then you are not sorry new that I
dashed thn glass of poison from your hand
just In lima to prtjvtnl you r s wallowlug ill"
It was Uncle lairfst Swkltig, and a tort
of exultation rang through bia pleasant
Allan caught bis breath and put bt band
on tho wall f..r fc-H-ort, looking at me wsth
the horror he dared not express showing
through those beautiful eye of his, now
dilated with a terrified expression.
Thra ramo Miriam's full, sweet vnio In
answer, at) ing ia little tremulous tones:
"No, Undo Fslrfax, 1 oaa aay gladly that I
am not sorry; on tha other head, I consider
that It Is to you I owe my Ufa."
"I never think of that night at the fUst,"
she continued, "without a shudder. Mutt
found my home-oMtllng so dark, ae e4 a4
lonesome, and had Just left Alias feeling
almost heart-broken, and my own heart waa
aching dreadfully also, so much so Uiat I
cboss death rather than to rotitlnuo a
Knowing a I did tfcat my ooasln loved me,
I was almost wild with the Utought that I
bal closed him such misery ot aoul whea
I amid aot avert It"
l waa ae afraid," she hegsa again, after
a pause, "tbst you might bsve mentiwiesi It
that night to Allan to yuvr vuyags, load
vertaatly, of ooursejbat I aevsr wsnt that
beshyjldrverkaowsf tbs wild, heartless
words I said during ytrur stay. Ycti re
member thai I saxl aevrr shwild lutta te
Allan' suit, bv'.s I hsl sworstohate
every Perdral, dswJ or alive, coming la my
way. 1 think I was almost wild aigbt,
nncl. True, 1 had sail 1 should hate even
the name of Peroral and despise every eee
la whose veins rsa the proud Uoud of the
bouse, but that la all made Bull by a better
"Ho, then, yem gad yosj Vwe Allan Per
erval ia spite of his being aadealaUy eae af
tbeprctrt family V
Alls Perttval's fere hlar.chwl like alb
swd he stooped nearer the nVx toreuh Ue
acswsr, which taeaai life er death tetat
deepest bopss, and la the aaoMi lranlo-as,
raaslcal veioa It raaae;
"Ob, yes, ancle, I haew that I kf him..
trifd bard, for the sake ef my rash ealk,
aol to tb remember him kl&dly, hat tee
tnaqeeredat lest." The Mara Uidisf ha
eheckla the haa4eoae eyes ef A22ea Pee
eital irvf,i dorsra his cheek sj4 he
heaved sigh, wk taw glad BgVl cam
atraliaat bar late his cocsteaaooa.
Tie wU," rrWd the old km1il - T
well there la ae aUee la se grate a&d lav
aortaht a matter Ye.r life haa bee very
stark, my dear alee. 1 am glad fee yisa,
hswaase I thlak yw havechoesw wlssly.aejl
mw hafwy te hear that yiet really are ia krra
rJr BajammammmmmmmmmmmmmmammBM
t-wmig vKr
lost It. deep thought, "Ivor deer," he re
sumed, with a quaver In his rulcc, "how
sbe mutt have suffered I the,llhepi4n
from her lips I Oh, tied I oaly to think of
bnw near ray darling was lo the gates of
death 1"
Allan's voice died la a whisper of emo
lion, and ho shook as wlthaa ague. I said
nothing, but now 1 knew why she grew so
wnltn and nervous when she lr"-d that
Krl Fslrfax wss In Allan's company Hhe
was nftald thai "Inadvertently," a tbo bad
told, the old gentleman had rrveelrl that
hour of anguish lo her lover, and perhai
told him of her vow This, doubtless, she
Iniactn.d would prove dlsastrvits aud drive
Allan from her side.
"It is best," said I, Um rrlli-tUii, "thai
Miriam cover know we heard this. Hhe
was driven to the rash Wir, aud lb suicidal
attempt as well, by terrible slid pivssing
torrow, arid aa she had tided the dajsot
anguish safely orr at lst, Ills wise never
lo disclose, a woM ot what wo heard at tha
library dimr "
"."ertainly," ho replied: "tlm secret Is
ours, sud my Uiiiling will never know I
Could not lle ntthuul we," be rreettl,
'tn i tt- i iw mt un.
looking uplirighlly. "Thai little confession
is worth more to roe than the whole world,
rvesi though I did bear It ravcs-dropplug.
Now no more shall aiy life be sod and
lonely, neither will hers. I Uiink we are
coating out fnitn uudsr tho sbalnwa of
lletherleigh "
It Is a week later We have bad a quiet
wedding at Hay View cottage, and hence
fortbillsa house with a romance. Ttieiirtgh
bote all look upon mo at oiitw-f tiiefstoml
few in baring such wealthy, arisUacretlo
friends, but I fil lonely and dmertol In a
great measure,
Allan Prrclvai and his protid,qurnty wife
have gvne to their beautiful bumeon the
Hudson. A magnltlrrnt country seal some
fewmlles from New Yorksulled their fsney,
and they have left me for a little happy
world Of their own. A hstr, handsomer
couple I bellsvo I never hsd the fortnimui
see, Allan's beaiullig fare and MllUm't
n)oua ountenanee will long he reun-m'
bercil, as I ssw them fade Into the distance
this morning Ksrle Fairfax res with them
a far as the city of Nw York, and floiu
Ihenon for Knglaud In a tew days.
The kind old uncle that he l, gave away
tho brble tor the srmnd time, bo ntRoaUng
ia that rapadly In the tittle church of All
Halnts on thai never to Uv forgotten, cheer
Iras wedding night that ssw Miriam and
Arthur united In their clandestine roar
Hut this wedding was far different. No
ceremony In tne deep shadows of a dimly,
lighted cb'irch: no giing out across the
lonely church ysrd, -al tho while, silent
headstones, and dark, lKavj-sha.)ownl
brassrs of an Kngllsh burying gnAiud, aid
no flight front au angry, pursuing nrmt
No; thn little parlors tf lsy Viiw iwllage
reveled In their brightness snd frsgrant
beauty, and f.lrly glowed with hsj.iriiss
borrow. I front the glorious Jtuo wthr
and Uio ninny sijushloe for the auspicious
vent. Jlay Viewmttage, thai had r-r
known a marriage, a birth or a denth,
searonly ever tha coming or going of
friends even, plsmed Itself snd bitesome-l
atoorw Into Importance a the house where
the wealthy married tholteirrss
of a magnlaWnt sum, from over the sea
No woodrr that I felt prvaJ if the hand
some, accomplished couple. The KifLttso-t
light shlaiag In tboe beautiful ry Uhltd
the gJtsy brilsl vail rf richest U'ltore ws
enough to fairly Intitlcate any amL And
tn handsome groom, who guod with such
fotMl pride eej the regal wotr-se at his sxIa,
WBSBfte of Ood'a hobleaen, surety
Aad whaa they passed eut, and down lU
miniature avenue of llliee ar.d ree all
abbm with sVwjr fragrhnce, filling the
sweet air with lv atd beauty, I said sof t
fy to myself: ''YcrahavesUppeslthishspt'y
eay from est the ahaaVrws of lleetterkigh,
aad forvvar "
TVy wttl retera try aad Iry, after th.r
Httle trrar of lnp..-thm t,f thvernt hnsne.
Miriam sold, with tte of her IndeecHhsble
smllns: "Wt wiUtwme bsck t m fort
few days shortly i weemte hot leave yeu
allatoece, yow know" Avd I blssird her
beamisg fane aodaat "Ne," with ix
kste, strange f eelleg nomleg at my hesrv
Ithlsk I aever raaliatd howmvhlbs.1
seeraaw to lev the daughter ut my doer, de
frWd ontU w, Mut that is IhecUt tf
earth j the ryde ef fortatve hriagtsgssa
sklfte to see heart casta Ha abedew ever a
other, aatd hithostgh I miee fcwr I say H M
AIUm gave Miriam the Jewels iA the
eseslslie sliver tea aerrfcr he branght
f rem their far T deeh alchss la the Haath
artrtgh wsKa ad swrwed her the portrait
ef hie father, wUrh-the Jadly s4d ssjire,
aa he smiled hut, era ae glad as U gtte
aim frees enrt the cec-Uea) la the asxeetral
I waaaWemj if the memory af her last VsH
to Ha fleemy aelitmla nsese be Ws her a
ah) aeat rs-rereati wsr tte fare seblM
tajatef Utemsaat he svl. I faM7teew
tamtg cf thai irylag hear gated thwgh her
mial. far sbe tuesit hr qvrtrrwg hp W
the pertrsH aad whiaawred, la. f av4 - We
meet egaler Aad ASaa tartM swate
aseehleesseaiea wfc.whhe wsmma be iswetf
haag lertagly erar law
af hi
paw si
ftaoearvt M.namwv4 whtrwsif
ea her weadiag aay, hwt I sever hw Jaet
what saw taiaavea sMag aatal I e4 mimef
j,I i. Jl Mi rm- J- ri.
j . , aVea) bV.-.t
aayrmaa wf amr
hy," she said, asth Wtsaeeree.
rVe awht!i tbej are alt I krt
rtheseaiall I hsie frwa wrre
and i hut they are quite eHih "
hey will vm heck fr a srv
le,i my Kmeir hettxv ths ti
,iw siace halng knonn thetr bright
d thn tVe elegant country seal iv
sua um rvii incni,
Vme in tho library The casket ef
llag Jewels left In mjr kivplag Is
)sinntnrlr ItsanilenUokSUlslle-
ne.1 cotrr that It Is an )xtrki(ii ef
A fair, sneol fe comet tVvlir
me frm tho chkt-iif! i-st !er
rrcnI0n, and 1 br a fib, full
JC "rhrt bleisist ste thev
wlivar trutolh Uu ' ) shutntyita
and Umv my lil In my haids in sttei,t
slrit tvouuuutou, for t rvalue INat l..Sj
IVn-Ual tstir-ar.
As I sit wmpprd In the s(vitr of
sweet memonrs I can t lu the dlus
dtstsnee the tvrwrr,.thl gshles and
wvlherstatned t.l4n ef ih.t, crlin t.
aged HeAtherleigh Hall, and the tM.nly
taflurnonot lty lVrvlval trv-r ti, Ho
can not statute even tn dartrvamt A
trstle, sa.1 fretlng ivte uver e, .
IVggyt'taikson In tier xhlie Ctip and snnny
vandjkn stands l-efore mn, rva.ltue m
thoughts with those it ti)u etes of t,tis.
and I hear her ) "An Oi .1 ntvsr iv u
dsrtlnt, thn jiHing tatsthrrss, s-'u "
A dark oaken sU'rvo r)e ul of the
stialo s ot a deep. wld. sileM all, and I
faticv 1 ace a ahsAswy fim, hd hisr,
atrallblly ivmtng diwn the snclent sUs
soft livttall. and I shudder to think thst
tierhapsthemaslrrnf HeatberteUb nesr
lfM-llitmy soul that Hir lltlperl I net
doasil, that if ha could ho wv-uU tei.d
ouises dire and dnlful en ths.viof the
iMlnlierltHl tor presuming to a. Hi t his
daughter's hand,
A Sigh ut relief iiur as t ivttiv, tis
thitthodUttiherit(6 have oiiUhM and out
wilted ell lit liialnllcllve i4siis and tl its
of the proud. Jealous suceslors, that Um
new housn of the I'eixivals will yu
grandly from the ruins of the old, sod thai
thfttn counted the very let In the proud,
old Kugtlth family hate ttvsl lo Ua (hs
gtreteil, hut en this side the tea.
Momclhlnti rouses at fiom my vision
Oli I it is Maggie Milting hlthr and thiiher,
Inlcut en putting Ihtugslo il(hts trtpaa
lory lo settling dunn Into tho oj, qult
groove ot two in one house.
Oh I )es, and I gso out of thn window
toiiHMl ho see, thawing liltlo btun lilts
through the Meet, at I iwlch gllntwe ul thn
thorn ftniii tvlMrol sit I can hear the lst
lets surge of tho waist, but they wily ting
a deep bass today to the luantt of h
Out there la the little garden ot libra
where a year ago Miriam tisd to walk la. k
and forth, sorrowful and stow ;wt In hsr
gown of crsje, with her grvel sa1, re-pns-hfbt
eyre wandering over Ita tauty la
a Joyb-sa, allent wa,t. Her fin tisr.lloMteJ
the whiteness ef the pure, aatluy hknstinre
that stietl their fragraoce ar-uiiid hr la
Vain, and the dark shadows of evening iloj.
In thrlr S-imboniea with the sweep of beg
rotiea ss she wandered slowly about llsua
Ing to the ssl, hopeless story told hr bt
uosnlng waves of the sea
Hull.Mlayt and the s mum r brees f rvtk
frvnn the limltig htttowt iueetUv through
Um mrrry etr apwwnef jM)fl praise te
Him, who In His owe goad lies assaetb
alt thing welt. And the Sowers, awaet.
Ilppul and tragi sat, aod gaily la m4uh
raencoaa If lo ssri " We bsve seen her,
w bat e seen her, and fell the tnsgm sweep
of her bridal rote-a. Hhe who use. I to drv
tesrs of the e)eeprt anguish ea our beads,
and bieathe btes prayers ftw to the
IMsaalng winds, smited mi lit today, smiled
at an angel smiles, and hat swept by na
llinarni of him whom she invee, Wa are
gla-t, we ate srltul t"
And the rososaad title mingle nswet
confusion as the wind kisses them Iwnesth
the skies uf Jims.
"Across the world he foliowssl hsr," sight
a viiion from the summr choir, ret ertiug
leunyson's day dream, snd I clasp uiy htt1s
tm(Ulslvry, murnmrlrt'i "tiiot bleet the
briilegnwea and hi bride I"
Uw a VMg mAj tlbtalH4 taleahle
MnnwlMta tsl In 1t,
A r-f'l husbahd, lib rhsrtiy(,'lxgtns al
homo, and tto yimug woomo really kwt
vt twlinr unlit ti, ss tfea him whne la
live, with bis mother sod sUtrs A writer
In tl Journal and Mfssrngivr trlaie lw
one "hrtdeelei't'f oblalned this klrtwMge
Just In titles
A tnvug to wlMn Jehu Wlltrm was
mgiigal, was tlsltlng at his notitr', John
hl a bright Utile sister, who ImsMl
t$ fv4 iif the llor
Ibcy were aloes together the i LlUt said
c Ml Jouea, I with jta wmld stay st sr
Itntisn always
Tt preepoctlv bride, with a twt bnah,
reMdli "H Vvi tike in -t writ tbst
you would ! gla to bave m tit a UIff"
MV's ' ssi Aata, "hut IlistsMM. what I
ws thtoklsg awt, When ivs ar sm-1
tre John Is horrtl II wlli v little
otes 411 baus ns sbwl sit Ue IIi-ji "
MU Joers ws slerUed. Hhe b4 iWtght
thstJoha wasapartUetsrly saelahle ywsg
n-ii. rlhe had .." 1 with grt aatksfaw
Un itow klrl lr wet to the ysgr Hit
dirnwlt la hr twmt Has it tveelMa
list thlt wa all Ht " ' "e wk14 ! far
the werl4 tnsity a wM was rfeHf
rtes im.1 hersb te sso-h a UUJedertlage
Anna Hhe 4eterJi.d te IsvsetlgaU the
m altar
Ht mstsgol te be rreat, sssaee. Wha
Jt4tn ree where t-VestJilfo wsrealfH;
In the bsnu As m a h wa seavr
evig b to he heard he tnA ovt, agrtiy t
"Yes little hrsts, ysrs hsre - Utu
hrl Uetortl ef the hwi-a this atlewtete
1 Uglteyv gd irvnteg"
That was sikoerh ff Mls Jtaae. f)vh
ae aider brothsr woeid svt he lihsty u
bsk a frA hvWss4 The esgagetseet
ritg was rvtvrt,adlt VrietKt wsat
Istee facing that st had kasdt a prvvv
sWatiat earp
i i ' ee
(silMt VtswrwMiel ae III
UtMaty f eight , the hrethaw
ef the atrrtfttrr's 4ef ws tehe dewa with
srarlet e-vt sivd died, says a writer la the
sV-stea Pest. H i.1 hhe setesai eevtee
axata tf V llttees had Iwea Vilg vesv a
hvg aarterehrew. AtVr tUs aaath this,
trrth aeveral Uer tssefsl tyeiUieg, waa
Ctrhed away la a trvsk. yaaea
Ut, la VKi, taw sU .ia lew sd the 4ie
M thla trtsUr with Vrr set a yw.reey wtaea
sbe made te fUsJaef, UiU wsefhaa
r-s4Mg The traag was r-xJ tfce '4
awyafhrr rtssrriral. aedl X hOtere-hrsta
waa taee v sadpte-HtUd te 14 adase'
try.aeA4 a trsttsg IV- ttl fetetgM
the MiO fttw waa euvt by s-farie
fevsr Ii ws a "t- te U aV-Wt whe
wre ceiled te nwsstllstx-a hrw the diseaat
had heee cwrtrmitAd, a Uf had haea ae
acswt frr as U-t twaa f yeaes At last
at evtrrroil in tha Me that le yW4e
bm might here trsM4t f giaeaae,
mwMP asxw aTaw! mmWrn aPlwwWlaWnJs P
Mid the aaere4 w,(h w.ewal
shaHaadmaaag law awawat totmaatf
wonniiifir iiiimuiAiL
Mow ftoM. H TtUof Wma Tmnr.
ovist tity Haasmtswt
tha hll4flht AsststsNt I nsaeaag
Wei kMl4mi hf the , ahe
laslte Mia t- 141 Aaiaw
the ttetUw wereeta.
ttVPTtit I.
IIIKlKNT ivara.rraph la
mrr-uiniAT niMgii.
tr lnterrate.1 lies Mr,
YVohkloa. 1 1 staled that
lie Hugh O ln?
hsd said thst tf he
should AM a lotrgUr
his hnuae ho r5il4 ge to
htm Masrw4 and "U)t
to him as wituld te a
ftlrni wham I iaairl
K hstjv
It h th. a drw4 u lake iwy
1ltllt Issm V ea ha. a a.e..l.h aw
av ' ---". - rwtrwi mnew
would I eu. his artnt. wnU feltew
mm io me ,i.Mr ami lnle htm t vet
Ashe read Utt JUr- Wobbles' ftve
hesMied with stwpelhUtng aessat.
"That t sihsl 1 llgsdfw,Hrtaise,"
hetsa4iki4 halt sloud J t I'tolUsn.e
Mvr en4t a tiurgtsr to say house thai It
i.WUr t trust I tUalt hsi ih
Cn U ll'Slhtiw "
Ahl how llllla the reivtfHj geatt'
man knew of the ptvsvnl, ll sines uf
III" future
l.en then tha hurgtsr si on hit way
hi him
fit t
The shades ( nlg hi had fsllen with
ttnususl detthei.Uort They hsd fslUn
lo the Hnt wf abiit law. Hat
WobUlis an.Ve with a start,
aonieona lu the I..vjm ...eons who
as slitting tUahhlti lies WwhhUs
u tioisiismi fe st.s snd jr
reeled t.i tint tlf ale He hrd s-mn-ls
la the t.. V pstter and wsnt th.f. The
hurgtsr wss tliem and his dark lat..o
lilkdo hint lltde to the rsk.l i
Ahem," rimrVn. Mr Viohdl, by
wy of lnlttKrg htmslf
"Tbrnw up jour hsnds," hls. thn
tuirvWr, Intellng at tha m lUi
toiin hoot.r at Mf WobbW-s To Ih
dU toiled ttklnn of the psrsn thn
k.kiu hiih1 Ut atxrvt ninety sit
Vet he was not sore afraid ''Mr
friend. hn aatd, with an slimt si
that (tii'llousiinM for ttl h lis Is a.itt,
mt raissn, nb sain
' i hate aot eatea my hands Aad
standing with arms kliU h ratmty
fa'-l the now aetonlshM burglar
Well, I I- slugged." ejeoylsled Ue
taid nig hi Iswbreaker
lie wasn't s.tiUiwed te this.
Ml A ITCH lit
He Mr. Wobble t plained Ms
friend Pwnlev-Mt's system, snd the hwlg
lar kindly isffared lo help pel It la pvv
cat itperwtlofi
"I t a a g(-ud e),t), acil.nJy re
arVcd lh hurgtsr, "an! If otiljr tewrw
itee'ud adopt It its hUhee ud hate a
ttK, wnnnirs gtritts.
dntun sight easier Urn, Thrr aawfash
Is full of tttsl
'stovlstly UlaU.-
Is full of tttsls aad trlbheilsUea,
Then the grl irswa Ulk4 fetgtf
aw tha svbhft of cwvewmtarat aad Ih
ia4iiiA of prtttly tuiMh sy thing
lilt wvrdt tlh)y had awava effai mi
th Urgtsr's mIM, for ust atrtthy
a. tvatly s,lt.4 aad alah4 apaewvlag ly
at his holt stark,
"Hum. Mr HsrgJar, JeetUlp yew re If
and wel'vrwv If Urte isn't very mwh
lV I'm'inUf, frfft that h d'atte
hasty as hre fast "
Vut a rFrS6i.t the eHmlaar heart was, ui ulj tv a kv.4tal, aad
Ihea he .rf.ed4 b tall a large Wag
whkh he had Utrtsgn Jl) lu Ihle
wsaeUft, with (., paraua's light aetd
trtabr valbatUe.
nArTr'.hj ftg
At last the UirgUr arVl Mr.
Wobti hd hslpe-4 him peek the leg,
wa rwraarrai
We aasieteel hint lo the frvet 4r. a4
xmw i imar tmsavL aV
I ! n i , i I..-, ii , r'.i.-m
m ijmm i.m.,i. mm mt imammm .
Naaw Asw,v .amw M LwBae
amrBX swmasmammi. -
i m tmm iinitMfcii-i .. i . ,u.frj
e-j WA4 t-pa-ut dWa th4rh street
trt Iwske thai M. pnUm 9Mt, a'
giAHUttt HsgKtag M-ar, sh4ld "aa4
lar hk v.ryUs
( trmrn v
Th il4ee- f Mr.Wehwhia was
)Adftwi.s. rewriting it tvt f)t
4j sefMAw. Ita ha4 writ 1-1 a it hefesa,
l.t the UtxUt had lisadt rtalfy tahea
It vl.V the ,ti0 pta.Uf. A
larek st the V,e ia rseertutsv h tha
( "vrdial ' tCeHaev"" a Wagg
irL He wt aeek aNtaaervel, av
I f Vva ttg4 ajamv "Vva 4eawdaaaaB
ha laow me," ha said, "wl taa Mm)
hargUr h railed en you last algal I
sbihs yeir aerwi.iw, Hqt I ra4 II a4 la
rHies.iuivei aat a refefwew asaav I
, wUh ,t rwtura your slif sod gtv m
i self no Ut (asll.
The hurirtat tasUtsal sa III hav
lmtit.1 ever the police. w
ita aaTrvaaati rv.
roatUtinl, snd uadsr the hahltoal ntav
last wt was teamsed ws 4tU Ut ttfsv
iutmtw vi
Thlh4fUf,eowUttg at It did, the
w-'tat W this late, was ttt long far this
rotate and It sxrttaty nwslla4,.
fwarlee ldervt, la thb-ego lUrataV
atttAattxtti rt otr,
Pilnetpat Wt, TVnoy, what aa I
do for itwf
'lVeitny tty teahat the seel ma --p
to S thai ,u'.M !. 1.1 aai I
. ... r , .... .- , " --., - .
' m b give iwt a sever whipping
I Tsk ff yeor JVtt- IV-h
She Usee Mlsw Mae.
"Wkafw at yo4 gwtng, a ffM
tnaldr he ln-w(rv4,
riiovitl the aahthef IwdketUa sin.
tlhue of aw an side (. ehatawler, my la
Uw,. dr II ea )W (a ts.4ea IrWloeofe,
w,re mf aaswarvahfe dfterstiUsUow
it to attract vh aa aasownl of )el
dild frwn hhe lltlevt4 w-l nf tha
gwntly sttliHlatlng kin as may tat
deemed ittery and adiltehte." eaim
I; repll-., th rustUglrt, wt. had aswh4
for we wekt U a rhssiua fasntty
And h pasM! vipoa h mf, leatlaf
a gilt-ting tdtwl gfotwtlag wtoia the
grout.! where lately had i.4 a aawda
dnHMf Ofswcerjf Wei id
What Its twMa WMt Itw,
Tismp I'tsase, str, a rtarf a d.
tat woitd give me a anw, ewswfiwtahla
hw tf the winter
lUwetaleat Part; It wsmhlf WstJ,
aoman thsll snt all winter hiag fa
the ashw wf ww doll, litre's hha
"Jsahe. air
' lint atop lli-w U that saveaal a
gtt tow a heeser4
"IVH gtt se h-ata' dfwfth, air, a'
th.w the -eftie aa' the ywg et reUra
me hi alnur q.sHt, sir H f Y
r avsaaaiasststsw.a TWg m,Wi
rtaaeeae awd Wa lost I hae.a,
"Pntoelse aa a ryUedld Mtwf ema.
aetsr wk
Vmi Ut he had hie dneheeta,
Whn h ttert4 elf aad saUi ?llhaf
atimwr a leader ha,' he 4 llta
IftlthseseU the awrU 1st adtww ai alt
wtsd H
' lt-a4s ihstr
"Why, he hwM hate gwaa tea aw4
said 'Nut. It tk-rt Wwst 4, ea wr
I other, 11 l he Urrrwwlag, Taeeaa
wey a 11" Jlarswr's Hatar,
aWtlaewtel AWwll.
(Tha ntrtllf's ywegl bee base AW
lf4M n h Utling a act HsgCwal
rib st-4 hat ln shst p fii aa h-r at
leasts a tfwai th Hihte ira lytag
TVe Minister H, pa, hst ;
leer! that fw l
MU l't of eae, pepav
MislsW I'srt si ssi well, lata
Aih 'eU. haVa aa1 etateew
'(st. All lea are llara." " I
Aa Pedaehg wesahee,
Thete, darting, the last emat
he. as he started 4a Ih eteaa.
Me had aearljr reehd the fata
the aw ti4 hm haeh
"1'ie JmI haea sewalsag ama
sahl. "aad that late bias a hwsat Maw
Ue thlrteeath, a4 that laaaAafaHf
aalsmhy wsetUr, sea haea
Whs a ha Kalirgjt a the aawea
aa Ihirty-aetea "rfw Hrtt Ka
Yaw Meet. m rt.
Ce'aMr -I am te fVsal 4a JfeeaaV
etly. aM I mm tm Aaserwa W atej aw
Me'intaile 4a hWper, ae Mwatea) heiwaa.
I hae twdselr u make ma'asastU awat
hewaenl tahh b as awsea ef her hav
iwmlag a ('trmm 4 Jtsreasliy,
Jeslr llarw ewnkl fw Ilka a aaaf
af mU wih eheaf ef gwhf Uaaawwsea
aa4 yrr la the Mhr? JaesUe
n-kly r
OrwosUggs- JVs txeh a aaa aef
tery, last -ir awsatteatta) a)l( aoaeg
mtt yet W sdleh v4
ifta4 MaUrrp4lgHilhy, lama
, t h'd ;t. 4ia41eaT H9
Wfhe, ih hifftereal tieethevmtfl
f)tMwiMsggwnA4, ae I waa ahwal ha
as; j-fi slhtsa wltaW4.vw ivaga- .
fsawt-n Ul:
aVbgaaa mm
Cusiver tl Urhar ehe) Ua lams
Aprwtlne e, sir. Ma la at awsww
Cwevmaes Aay til lag erhte
Atttltttl, saetee) hla pa,
wsr-ley the ner says h U very
wi fttyv Umt hUss4.-, Yr stgwe,
M aaseel assamaaf aa Vamsv
fSlev-l haasy 1 asa ajtf.MI
;w. awaatwa. i aea maaaa a
Will ye tsrr avt
lteiseVa, maWUsgv 14 mewrg
wlt y-v weswtwtaw aw Sgltaataw
Uas yaw aaa, mi mitxal Maimv-.
i ' um .'i'iiii mi, p. an i in ii i mwmamJ
JsmxamxamxamsVal mmmv J X
m f-mvsaa4msmkratsdwvahha