The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 03, 1890, Image 6

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A. C. IIOSMKK, rabllihar.
Sum Pabiia recently had a relapse.
There was a secondary hemorrhage
frem the ear and groat anxiety was
felt. ---
WnsN Congress reiuwcmbteii Presi
dent Harrison, It Is said, will nond ti
special message adverse to tlio further
"olnsge of allvnr.
Jokkph G. Fox, professor of civil
topographical engineering In Lafayette
College, Easton, Fa., died tlio other
Might of paralysis.
Count Kahoi.yi, formerly Austrian
Ambassador to Great Dritnin hiiiI Ger
many, died suddenly while hunting on
his estate at Presshurg, Hungary.
TnKGovenmr of Texas hud informa
Hon recently that a riot was threatened
In Tyler County and ordered out the
militia to aid tlio slier Iff In kooplug the
Tub United States Supreme Court
has granted tlio State of Virginia leavo
to file complaint against the Htate of
Tennessee iti regard to Uie disputed
boundary Hue.
Tim Warren Avenue llapt 1st Church,
Boston, has voted to call llev. Georgo
C. Lorimcr, I). D., of Chicago, to the
pastorate, made vacant by the resigna
tion or Be v. O. P. 01 fiord.
TriB Secretary of the Navy has
adopted a now design for tlio flag of tlio
navy, to take effect July 1, 1801. It
will be applied to both the flag and tho
anion Jack of the navy and consists of
s rectangular arrangomont of tlio forty
two stars.
At present when a drummer from a
foreign country visits Mexico ho is
compelled to pay a Federal, Stnto and
municipal tax, which completely closes
him out, as tho taxes altogether amount
to nearly. 1200 a trip In any ono State.
Mexican buyers liavo to purchase by
cataloguo or go abroad In person to pro
cure foreign goods.
Hkiuikht Wahd, tho African ex
plorer, denies tho story that Major
Barttolot was killed by a nativo
because ho struck a native woman.
Ward says Stanley has boon deculvod
en many points, and that ho will prob
ably nullify many or his statements
about llarttelot and Ward whou ho
learns all the facts.
In tho Western College tiro at Tole
do, Iowa, tho collection of curios of
the late 8. H. Thomson, of Chicago,
was totally destroyed. It cost In cash
over 1126.000 and was tho property of
his brothcr-ln-Jaw, Charles Mason, or
Toledo, to whose wlfo it was be
queathed. Not a single relic or the
valuable collection was saved.
Bar. Mr. Trrawoimi, of tho Now
Plymouth Church at Milwnukeo, Wis.,
baa made an innovation in tho usual
Sunday evening services, delivering up
'his pulpit to laymen, who uro permit
ted to discuss all manner of themes,
while he acts as umpire. His chuich Is
open every day of the year, and Is fit
ted up with a gymnasium, a -coding
room and a restaurant.
Thb National Knitting, of Berlin, at
tacks Stanley's statements in regard to
Emtn Pasha. It says these statement
seem to be made with tho Intention of
replying to the reproach that Kmln's
embarrassments were caused Input t by
Stanley's appearance and his determin
ation to rescue one who did not desire
to be rescued and that Kinin must bo
heard in his own defense befoio con
clusions can bo reached.
Solicitou Hktiiuun has returned to
Washington fiom New York, and Is
engaged in tho preparation of his ic
port on thocomlltloonf affairs In Castlo
Garden. It Is understood that ho will
recommend certain changes In the
present Immigration system with it
view to reconciling tho long pievalllng
differences letwceu thu l-Ydeiul and
municipal authorities in charge of Im
migration ulTaiis ut the pint of New
Spkakino about the Union Pacirto
Refunding bill, Charles Francis Ailmui
recently sold he hud been waiting nine
fears for Congressional action upon the
baton racillu debt, and he had got titod
to waiting, ills maternal liimlly con
nections had waited ninety )oai for
Congressional action upon tho Fieuch
pollatlous claims, and the virtue of
patience when dealing with Providence
r the United States Goverumuut had
beau fully Impressed uhiii him.
Tbmodork T,, the Clark
Street ealoonkeeier and particular
friendof Dr. Crouln. has tiled In the Chi
ago probate court an inventory of Dr.
Croula'aestate. Conklln Is the adminis
trator to collect, and his reports show
thai the only property left by the mur
dered man consists or u library worth
H00 and surgical Instruments worth
lot. The Inventory was approved,
at bo final dlsHMitlon was made of
the property, which will go to Conklln
a a creditor and Dr. Croulu'a brother
mi Arkansas.
Tub contractors for tho construction
f the new cruiser, Baltimore, have
notified the Navy Department that the
vessel Is completed, and Secretary
Tracy haa formally Instructed Captain
Schley to her conditionally upon
the completion by the contractors of
any work remaining to be done under
the contract. The Baltimore is the
Ifbth vessel accepted by the Govern
',MMMt since It undertook the constrwo
ttaa f the new aavy. All the veaaels
wmhw sieei, or wbuvi tut Koaeii
I wain MM BeftBBIKf .
Gleaned bjr Telegraph and MaiL
Pkhhidknt Caiinot, of France, who
Is suffering from Inducnzu, Is slightly
Di.TOtJUAOKNo rumors existed on tho
Kid of Samuel J. ItandaU's health.
KmvAitu T. Waitk, son of the Into
Chief Justlco Waito, died at his
mother's homo In Washington on the
2d ol llrlghl's disease
An old sHcch of Lord Salisbury 'alias
been unearthed, In which he blamed
England for Ireland's misery.
Hkv. Mn. Sl'UtuiKON has had another
severe attack of gout.
Dii. Soiiwkinkuiitu, In a letter from
Cairo, urges the German Govemmout
to secure tho services of Emin Pacini
and send him to the Interior of Africa to
conciliate the Arabs and crnatn a com
mercial center at Lake Tanganyika.
Italian Anarchists have posted pla
cards In Lugano culling upon Italians
to follow tho cxamplo of llruil and
overtlnow tho monarchy.
Tiik funeral services over the Into
Heniy W. Grady took place at Atlanta,
Git., on Christinas day. Ills icmulus
wero interred in Oakland cemetery.
Tiik widow of Gencial Geuige If.
Thomas died suddenly ut Washington
on tho 2ptli.
Tiik President accompanied by Sen
ators Edmund and lluwloy autl others
left on tlio With for a three days' duck
hunting trip to the mouth of tho Poto
mac und along ChesaH-nko bay. They
went in Comniodoio llaleuiau's steam
Gknkuai. IIoui.anoku denies that
ho has been engaged to lecture In the
United Slates or has ever thought of
such a thing,
At Mare Island navy yard, San Fran
cisco, tho other night a boat was upset
und four men were drowned, live lieiug
rescued. Among the drowned wasn
sailor of thu Tieutoii, who escaped dlro
peril at Samoa.
A mai.ionant outbreak of diph
theria l.i reported in tho ItiiHsInn set
tlement of Eureka, McPhoison County,
B. I).
Notick has been given to the steel
mill and blast employes of the Lnckit
wana Coal and Iron Company that on
January I an advance of wages of from
5 fo ill per cent, will go Into effect.
This uffects over 8,000 men and Is Jus
tilled by the Increased price of steel
At Yaqulna City, Ore., Ilvo persons
weie swept overboard and drowned by
a heavy sea as tlio steam schooner Far
ullouo was being towed across tho bar.
Tub Loudon Daily News says that
Germany will send an Ironclad to Bin
xll to protect the German colonists on
the Hio Grande.
JosKrirSniTT, forty-threo years or
age, a Jewell y men-hunt of Providence,
H. I., who has been III sotun time, left
his house early the other morning and
went to tho track of tho Old Colony
railroad, waited for tho Short Lino
train, placed his neck across the rails
and was beheaded.
Maoamk Bonnkmain an enthusi
astic suppoilor of General lloulauger,
has Just Inherited fljUO.OOO, tho bulk
of which she will devote to thu Gener
al's t'UIIMO.
Tiik City Council or St. Louis has
apnolnti-d a conunlttoo to give tho re
cent passage of tlio gas bill, which Is
nlleged to bo a big swindle and steal, it
thorough overhauling and to ascertain
ir possible whether any "boodle" was
used and by whom. A majority or tho
committee Is composed of the opponents
of thu hill.
Tub Secretary of the Iuterlo- has
allowed 15,770 of the original claim of
Smith Smith, of Gove County, Kan.,
amounting to 117.163 for deputations
committed by the Northern Cheyenne
ItiilltitiH hi 1H78.
.1. D. Hkvkll. formerly station agent
atWilmette, III,, und his wifo and
child, while cniMtlug the tracks, were
struck by u parsing train and all killed.
Hv it tail end collision of freight
trains on the Lake Etle A Western road
near Glouwood, the other morning,
thliteen cam of grain and two cur loads
of hogs wero completely wrecked ami
tho locomotive badly damaged. Tralllu
was delayed neatly all day.
A SKiituu i ace riot occurred ut
Jessup, Ga., on Christmas day. Two
whites and seveinl negroes wero killed
und many wounded.
Tiik Insurrection In Bra-.ll In favor
of the uiou.iichy was suppressed after
Millie ttoulile.
Skvkn pi boners escaped from tho
penitentiary at Kingston, Out., on
CliiiHtmus eve, after overcoming und
gagging thou keeters.
Soiitiikhn Ute Indians of Colorado
aru anxious fortholr speedy leinoval to
Wiiii.r returning rrom a Christmas
evo dance Miss Mamie Campbell and
her cscoit, ll-njamln Luett, were
struck by the oystsr express on the
Pennsylvania railroad, near Pitta
hmgh, Pa. Mlsa Campbell received in
Jones that resulted in her death in a
few houni,und l.o veil was fatally hurt.
A man answering tho desciiptlou of
Sllcott has been traced to Ottawa, Out.
lie was greatly changed I u ntuiearMtic:
his hair was dark brown. By inquiries
he made it was thought he was trying
to leavo thoeountiy via British Colum
bia, lie had plenty of money.
CtiutsTMAsdity, ISM), will long be re
membered in the United States for the
phem nieual mildness of the tteathcr.
Wilmam Guaiiau, of Cnrtersvllle,
Ga , nleuogripher of the Cherokee Ju
diciary circuit, and Anna Jones were
mauled u-cently. The bride la seven
teen years old and Isndaughterof Rev.
Saw Jones. The parents opposed the
SwirzKK, Nbwittbr Co. Bad other
firMu were burned out at V ekaburg,
Miss., on the night of the Nth. The
torn was 1170,.
JfmiK a number of men and women
were skating on the Huhr at Warden.
Ithenlnh Prussia, the other day the lot .
gave way and three of the skaters were
swept under the ice and drowned.
It is reported that horses in Austria
are nOllcted with the prevailing influ
enza. Hkavv storms wero reported on the
20th from various places In New York,
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, accom
panied by loss of life,
This recent California ralnn proved
especially disastrous to railroad prop
erty. In places the trnckn woro eight
een feet deep In water.
John P. Jonkh and William II.
Palmer wero found dead In a hotel at
Bethlehem, Pa., having blown out the
gas tho night before.
Tiik four stump clerks In the Chicago
post-olllco are very much worried over
tho uuiiccountablo disappearance of
stamps since last July. Every effort to
solve the mystery has been a failure.
tho marine hospltnl service, has pre
pared regulations to prevent tho intro
duction of leprosy Into tho United
Two old ladles living alone near Do
Witt, N. Y., wero asphyxiated by coal
gas tho other night.
Trn earn of a Wabash freight train
went down an embankment at Delphi,
Ind. Three tramps wero slightly hurt.
Lkna Sciiii'i, n poor woman of
Omaha, Neb., deserted by her husband,
has been terribly ulllicted. She left
her three children thu other morning to
go out washing when tho house mimed
and all three perished. Quo was a babe
six mouths old.
It is said that tho Indians In tho
vicinity or Fort bully urn iiildlug and
Tiik United JStatos Cruiser Charles
ton wont Into service at San Francisco
on the 20th.
Tin; Salvation Army people In Switz
erland still continue to defy thn au
thorities, and morn vigorous measures
than ever aru proposed.
Tiik Pittsburgh Southern Com
pany, tho syndicate of largo river coal
operators which was formed three years
ago with a capital stock of 1, 100,000,
has gouo Into liquidation.
Ci.aiiknvim.k, Tenn., was afflicted
with a race riot on Christina day.
One colored man wan fatally nnd an
other seriously wounded. A verltublo
reign or tenor existed ut Jessup, Ga.,
tho killed numbering tun and tho negro
Ilrewer's outlaw gang being hunted by
armcil parlies of whites.
Fiuk broke out tho other evening in
tho Everett building, corner or Nnssau
mid Ann streets, New York, and burned
for hours. Loss to occupants and
Miih. Cox has placed temporarily In
the National Museum ut Washington
tho Jewels and other decorations given
her husband, thn lato Congressman
Cox. Later on they will bo returned
to tho Sultan, as custom In Moham
medan circles requires that such ex
pensive gifts slut 1 1 be returned to the
donor when the recipient dies.
Du. Gamiii.r hits let in ned to Leola,
8. IX, from a trip to Hryd, the settle
ment of tho -h-ciio of tho diphtheria ep
idemic. Ho hits thn names or thirty
seven Itusslau children who lutvo died
or tho disease. Only two have recov
ered, and a number aru still sick.
Tiik United States soviet service
has received Information that Her
minln Thlbault, who ran away with
Sllcott, the defaulting cashier of the
House or Hepresentatlves, had returned
to New York.
AllltlTluNAI. IHNPATflllK
A nitANOii or tho Itrltish Sallors-and
Firemen's Union has lccn formed in
New York and Increased waces will bo
asked January 14, when there will lie a
Br.itiil Mtr.uit ilimuiiwtrnllmi Tim llnnn. I
shoremen aro with them.
By a collision between freight trains
in it cut near Moyer station, below
Scottdale, Pa., tho other day both en
glues and tit teen cars wero wrecked
and thu train men nil Injured but not
A cavk-in of largo proportions, oc
curred at Plains, a suburb of Wilkes
bartv, Pa., reioutiy, when, without
warning, tlio sui face of tho earth settled
and great hulas appeared, some or them
thirty feet deep. St. Ico's Catholic
Church was damaged, as wem tho par
sonage and several other buildings.
Wil.i.and Caivln O lull, brother, of
Burnett County, Tex., charged with
murder and roblery, wero killed the
other night by thn deputy sheriff of
Edwards County while resisting arrest.
UusiNKslulluioH (Dun's repot t) for
the seven days ended December 27
liunibeicd 288.
Tiiiikk now Bishops of tho lloman
Catholic Church wero consecrated at
St. Paul, Minn., on tho 27th. They
were Bev. John Shanley. or St. Paul;
llev. James McGolrlck, of Minneapolis,
and Bev. Joseph It. Cotter, of Winona.
On the Frailer river road near Van
couver, B. C, blx young men were out
sleigh riding when a tree fell, crushing
the sleigh and four of tho occupants
and the horses. Tho other two escaped
with severe bruises.
Onk house was wrecked, a steeple
blown down and other damage done at
Fall lllver, Mas,, the other night by a
storm. No one was hurt.
By the giving way of a scaffold flfty
feet from the ground on a new bank
building in Baltimore, Mil., three men
fell and two were probably fatally In
jured. JoHKNt Newman and Ernest Lum
ber stepped from a Chicago street car
In front of a freight tram the other
evening. Newman died In two houu
and LoMberg case was critical.
NANiur.R, au Apache Indian, who
mtiMertHi Lieutenant Seward Mott, of
the Tenth cavalry, on the Saa Carlee
nervation March 10, 18H7, baa beta
hanged at Globe, Arts.
Thb cable working between Mara
Ban Bad Bio de Jaaeiro has, accordiaa
to lattet advloM fcsai BmlL mumb! to
wars. NeeauMbftvM let the break
ib ib una, aa BMeua ef eeamuahM
1mm bet wee the twyaiataarellaiBii
Vfca MMttaa IiNmiim KMal pra4tc
-Bicipital Orawd4 Ml tk Hmm
Tafclafa. ratal Tara.
Paris, Dec. 20. In consequence of
tho spread of the Influenta epidemic
the hospitals nro crowded and the au
thorities have been compelled to make
extraordinary provision for new pa
tients. This has been done by the
erection of a temporary pavilion on the
grounds of tho hospital Beatijon.
In tho school of tho daughters of
members of the legion of honor at St
Pools one-third or the pupils are III and
the school has therefore been closed.
Dr. Gennadi Seo read a paper on the
Inlltionzii before tho Academy of Medi
cine of this city, which was discussed
by other distinguished members of the
profession. Ho thought tho academy
should not encourage the opinion that
tho epidemic wan without gravity. Ho
said that tho patients were very apt to
havo pneumonia or bronchitis in fatal
Dr. Diijnrdiu Bcnutuetz disagreed
with Dr. Seo as to some points In tho
nature of tho malady, but not as to the
fact that it was not always benign. Ho
believed that tho epidemic was a form
of thu dengiio a peculiar erratic epi
demic fever allied to tho rheumatic af
fections. Ho had observed Unit it urn.
sonted two phases: First, a nervous ,
puase, ami next it catarrhal phase,
and that there was sometimes an
eruption a Htmple rush. The varieties
in the disease wero duo to tho predomi
nance in a case of any ono of theso i
Dr. Hochard suggested that the rash '
might ierhaps not ho n sort of disease.
All concurred in tho opinion that tho
dihcuso is not harmless and In caso of
relapse tho consequences uro very se
Hkkmn, Deo. 'JO. The public health
authorities report a great Increase In
tho number of cases of inlluenzu and
an aggravation of the disease with an
Increase In the death rate. Tho ratal
effects are produced by complications
of pneumonia and laryngitis. In Mu
nich tho disease Is Increasing and the
hospitals are lull.
Tlio epidemic has appeared at Gala
tue, Ural I a and Bucharest.
St. PiiTKUHiiuno, Dec. 20. Tho
Czar has suffered severely from the
prevailing epidemloof Influenza. Yes
terday ho was too 111 to attend the
regular Christmas church sorvices, and
was ulso compelled to omit tho cus
tomary review of the parade of tho
gourds. The Empress presided at tho
luncheon given In tlio Auitchkoffpulaco
after tho military parade.
Lisiu)n, Dec 20. Influenza provulls
to hucIi an extent among the soldiers in
the garrison hero that it will probably
prevent tho proposed review Saturday
on tho occasion of the proclaiming of
Dom Carlos as King of Portugal. The
King is also suffering from an attack
of Influenza.
Ilia Krmalni Tahoii to Oakland After
Simple Nrrvlrv.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 20. The funer
al of Henry W. Grady look place nt
uio nrat Aiuiiioiiist Church ut two p.
in. yesterday. The body was taken
fiom his homo at ten o'clock in tho
morning under escort or cum
in ttrcs rrom all organizations to
which ho belonged, and was
placed In tlio church, where for three1
hours a constant stream of people,
many of them fiom other parts or the
country, pushed by to view the
raeo loved so well. There were
many pathetic- scone.. Tho I
ceiemonles wero performed by
ilvo ministers mid wero of the !
idmplcst kind vossilile. Tho interment
was at Oakland. Tho funeral proces-,
siou was tho largest ever known here. '
It w.s aslmpluoutpouriugof Georgians
in honor of great man. A special
feature of it was tlio Constitution stuff
on loot us an escort.
Thrown OtT lh Cnr.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 20. Yes
terday aiternoou as tho cabin cais
were turning the coiner of Ninth und
Washington tdiccta William Ueed was
thrown off and In falling tdruck the
back of his head uhmi Uio curbstone,
thereby crushing the t-kiill and severe
ly cutting tho scalp. Being tendered
unconscious by the Hcvitlcnt, the
patiol wagon was called und he
was taken to the hi1Ic station, wheie
Mirgeon Itieit did all that was possible.
Suigeou I uen considered that the man
could not rtcovir, coiiM-qucntly he sent
him to the city hospital. Heed is a
pattern maker from Leavenworth,
where ho tuts a mother and sisteis. His
Christ mas vielt to Knuoas City has
probab.y cost him his life.
Kiiimi Trarhvra Htvot.
Toi'RKA, Kan., Deo, 20. Tlio annual
session of the State Teachers' Associa
tion began at Representative Hall lost
night. Governor Humphrey made the
opening address and was followed by
Prof. Wilkinson, of the State Noiatal
School, who reviewed the past year's
work of the association. A prize ban
ner has been promised the county
which sends the largest numU'r or
teachers, and In consequence tho at
tendance from each couuty la very
Am Kwpl? Haaal.
Tor-RKA, Kan., Dec. 30. Newton
Tlimpm a young man who la serving a
twenty-five days' sentence in the city
prison here for cany lug concealed
weapons, boasted a few days ago that
he would be free on Christutaa day. A
friend furnlabed him with a revolver,
and yeeterd.ty afternoon when he was
eaipkiyvd in the Jail yard, he made a
break for liberty. Mae Lytle punned
hlai, BMd Threpp tamed aad threat
MdtoalMMHBlBi. Lyttekaeekedhka
oowa.dtemedhlBiaad ledhlai hMk
BflBSB, What b BBMrt hfe Chit)
Cafcaa Aaaaiatlaaltia Vnnklmg U a OalM
With tha OaltMl Htatat-AdrMtagM of
Ha'ana, Dec, 29. Tlie excitement
caused by Senator Call's resolution In
favor or tho acquisition or Cuba by the
United States has not subsided. It
Increases ir any thing, although not so
oM)idy displayed. A cablegram from
Madrid tends to keep up Uio anxiety
and showing that thn provallingophlon
In tho mother country Is that the
United States Government, although
appearing to he indifferent, Is aiming
at annexation. The liberal party in
palu is taking advantage of the
situation nnd is pressing tho Govern
ment to grant Cuba all tho liberties and
privileges she claims and thus secure
hor fldelity and defeat tho claims of
the annexationists. In Cuba Call's
motion has taken hold not only of pro
fessed annexationists, who aro In larg-r
numbers hero than Is generally
supposed, but also of a vast
majority or the Cuban people,
who piofoundly belle vo that it
was presented in tho Senuto In ac
curdanrn with some secret resolution
passed in the Pan-American congress,
which Is tho bote nolr of tho loyal
.Spanish pnrty. Tho Hldulgnnbe loving
Spain to he still tho Spain of the Fif
teenth century never ceaso to declare
that "the ever-faithful island" Is not
for salo, that there Is not enough trim
uro In tho wor d to buy her, that force
can not take her. and Spain would
spend her hist d-dlur nnd sacrlllco her
last soldier to maintain the Integrity of
her territory. They contemptuously
ignore tho possibility of Cuba going
over to tho United States of her own
accord, yet the party in favor of such
action Ih growing every day. It em
braces all the IImtiIuiiiI discontented
elements of the population with a pow
erful nucleus of the old republican
partt, which has mndo many efforts to
cstabii h the independence of tho Isl
and. All now seo their only hopu is In
the Un.tod States. Tlioy claim
Blaino is well aware of tho im
IMirtunco of Culm to Spain, nnd uio con
vinced that before long Cuba will enter
the American confederation, where her
commercial interests ami political as
pirations lie. Tho plundering and
ruinous administration of employes
whom tho Spanish Goverumuut sends
to Cuba have greatly iuereasml tho
public discontent, and hits converted
with the annexationists a large number
of rich Spaniards ItcloiurJng to tho con
servative party, who seo their fortunes
melting away throiiKli steady deprecia
tion or property or all kinds. All these
disaffected elements only neol to Iks
united under it strong hand to make
the annexation sentiment of tho coun
try tell. Thou Cuba would fall as
nntuially to the United States as a ripe
jioar to tho ground. One of the stiong
est Incentives of the patriotic annexa
tionists to a union with their great
neighbor Is that their fair Island may
be nved rrom thu grasp of negroes und
the fate of Huytl and San Domingo,
to which It la tending.
A Fata. AcrlOrnt nn tha ;hpaka A
Ohio Kullrnari Tha Victim.
Cincinnati, Dec. 20. Officers or the
Chesapeake A Ohio railroad have In
formation rrom White Sulphur Springs
that passenger train No. :t uoiug west,
was wrecked nlniut two miles west of
White Sulphur Springs by a btokeit
axle and ten persons killed.
Tho mail car, combination car, coach
nnd ono sleeper wero derailed. Thu
sleeper was turned on its side. The
other sleeper, Hockbrldge, wits not in
jured. The couch telescoped tho com
bination cur, and there the loss or life
Thu following were among the Willed:
Kl.lder Kidd, of Hannibal, Mo.;
Barksdale, hucgagcmastor.of Hunting
ton; II. Morriion, mill clerk, of
Chin tc.stnn; lie was not on duty but
w s returning to his home; newsboy,
name not known ; two colored
men, names not known, who worked
on the Allegheny section; Tin mis
Kursch, of Ulackstoue, Kan.; J. 1).
West, of Howurdsvlllc, Va.; the other
two names are not known.
About ten are icpoitod iujuted,
but only tho names of two nro
given, who are most seriously
hurt tho conductor, Schwekert,
whoso legs were crushed, and Soctioit
Mu-tcr Meyers, who was hurt In thu
back ami breast. The dead were wnt
to Itonccvcrtn and th injured to the
Caldwell llutol at Wluto Sulphur
Sm-Wmi'a Land Criminal.
Wichita, Kan., Dec. 28. Deputy
Marshal McDonald has arrived here
with four men I mm No-ManVLaiid
charged with murder. They ate know n
a Charles, Tom and George Johnson
and Dick lliodhurst. Tho Johnson
Ikiys hud had their headquarters in the
Stnp for Qvo years, going there front
Dakota. They are W'lievcd to t
m-niW-rs of a noted gang of despera
does. the recent dedion of Judge llrewer
is said to have canned much consterna
tion among the characters of the Mrip.
Gvoigo Johnon, tho most intelligent
of the quartette, said: "I wonder if
they Intend to call us to answer crime
committed lfore the Brewer decision.
If they do the boys down home will
have a tough time of It."
Chicago, Dee. 27. Word waa re
ceived from Springfield by aomeof the
friends of Oscar W. Neehe tliat the
Governor had decided to pardon him.
Ills children are preparing to welcome
him home on New YnarV.
Mrs. Cox h.u placed temporarily In
the N itlonal Museum at Washington
the Jewels and other decorations given
her hueband, Ute late CoBgreaaaua
Cos. 1 atar a they will be returned
to tha Switaa, aa cwtoats b Mohaav
assdaa eirdea rejarea thai auch M
Btaaive giru ball he retwrwed I Hw
A Phltadalphla Matf leal CrpartO raSoaia
Inlaraitlag roiala la Bagar4 to tha lro
traa ana Treatment of tha frrvlUng
plilMla-Th lafluram Koaaliaa TfeM
Pim.ADKi.rntA, Doc. 28. Tlia l!edl
cal News or this city publislie aa arti
cle on influenza, "la grippe," by Prof.
Bobcrts Bartholomew, of Jefferson
Medical College. After giving an his
torical sketch of the disease, lis pathol
ogy and morbid anatomy, thu aather
"Influenza comes suddenly; goes aa
quickly. Thu least robust, at any age,
and womeu seem to lie the tiist viotlms.
It is here a question of bodily condition
and not of the sex. Tho largo num
bers simultaneously attacked attract
general attention, and thus tho most
impressionable aru .seizotl, tlio oiuwt be
ing facilitated by any depressing CBte
tfou, such as fear or illness.
"There Is no rigor, properly to he
thus designated, but rather a series of
light chills and a feeling of heat there
with. Sometimes nmlaiso of a general
kind is experienced, but, like the at
tack Itself, is short In duration 1-wtiug
but n few hours.
"With the first access of tho natal
Irritation comes tho chilliness, which Is
followed by some fevcrlshtiois with
more pronounced malaise, and in gen
eral tho headache, weakness and sore
ness of tho members, especially ef the
larger Joints. With the progress of the
case in some epidemics there U eon
siderable weakness, even marked de
pression of tho vital powers. The
pulse becomes small and weak, the
mind gloomy and restlessness ensue.
"When a fatal termination I U oc
cur, as a rule, an extension downward
into the trachea and bronchi takes
"Although catarrhal and croapoua
pneumonia are said to lo complications
they should lo regarded as occasional
considerations and when present are,
properly speaking, constituted parts er
the malady.
"Thechlof Importance of croupous
and catarrhal pneumonia Is that the
development of these, out of an exist
ing catarrh of tho bronchi, U frequent
ly it cause ot death.
"Tho rapidity with which the diseane
Mipvrvcnos, its preliminary develop
ment lclng hours mid its wholo care
but a matter of three or fourthly, Is
remarkable, ltclupse aru common,
usually each succeeding sui7.ure belag
milder, hut not it few pass by easy
transition into ehrouic bronchitis, em
physema, asthma, etc.
"Obviously a catarrhal process tm
exteusivo and severe, may coutiihute
Immensely to chronic diso.ino of tho
middle oar, oustachhui tube, uoso aud
throat, and thus permanently damage
tho parts.
"Tho boat manner of securing Im
munity is by the inhalation of sal
phuric acid gas daily when tlio ap
proach of the epld mlc renders It nee
e.s4ry, nnd by taking five grunts ef
salicylate of cinchonidino three tlaaea
a day and by so living a to avoid tak
ing cold.
"When the attack has hegaa ti
seems to me dosiruhlo to give ene er
two grains of calomel ut nUht, Inhale
oine sulphuric acid gas, and have the
patient alt in a room where steam con
taining cucalyptol can ho Inhaled in
large quantity. Tho Insufflation of
resorclu by dusting over the entire
urea of affected parts as far as prac
tical Is also recommended.
"Tho internal remedy most desirable
is utrophiuo iu solution one grain to
one ounce of witter tho doie being
from ono to five drops, the minimum
being for little children. Tho tincture
of belladonna may Ut used from ene
to ton drops twice a day. Aa thin
modicaut is both prompt and prolonged
iu action, it should bo given not more
than twice a day, unless the deo be
much smaller than Is advised above.
Salicylate of cinchonldiiie and quinine
.should le given as a prophylactic rem
edy, if there lie reasons to that
such power Is really exerted by it
"My own conviction Is that as a
prophylactic tho combination ef ein
chonidiiio with sallclic acid Is prefer
able to quinine. For the depieaalon
and melancholy it is probable that
atrophiue would be better. For the
distressing headache, joint pains aud
wakefulness autipyrin, ncotaiiltld,
pheuacetltld, phenacetin and other ger
micides and autlM-ptic will, no deubt,
be found useful."
Nkw York. Dec. 28. The number
of iersons iu New York und Brooklyn
suffering from influenza is very large
and constantly Increasing. In moat
cases the patient Is subjected to severe
muscular pains, catarrh, great debility,
etc., with numerous concomitant
discomfits varying In different cases,
some caes running Into affections of
the bowels and others tlioso of the
lungs. While no Instances or death due
directly to Influenxa have been re
jorted the number of deaths rrom
pneumonia haa inci eased so rapidly as
to Indicate some connection brtweea
the epidemic of eo-culled infliw uaa and
turn or thr mkab.
Camton, Mass., Irc 2. Thomas
Smith, aged twenty-live, of this tews,
died yeu-rday morning. He had been
ill with la grippe and ventured oat be
fore he had entirely recovered. His
Illness developed into pneumonia with
the stated result.
PHruAomTtiiA. DecN. A promi
nent phylc(an told a representative of
the Unltrd tTe yesterday Uwt Urere
were probably not less than iiX well
demteil cases of la grippa in this city.
He said It attacked all cUi alike aad
In some families four members eat of
six were laid apwtth it
CHICAGO. Dec. W. Tna 1)1 ! MTaam
ays thu U grippe ha rewahed OtiewM ,
tad that one phvsiciaa reaarU sViaaaiJ
which ne eonaM rs Benaaaa ml
ataxea Attonwf
atamsf the
n, tr