tik. . ? .Mk'"C MALIGNANT OIPMTMEftlA. naataottr' roily la CMmko t'aata Oatbraaa In Ohio. (hncuuo. Dec. 27. The Ohio Stitto Board of Health lias lcn notifies! of ttie outbreak of diphtheria at r.snM. vtllf, O., which bids fair to develop into a terrible epidemic. A Chicago ih-al clan in blamed for the calamity. It U said ho Issued a false certificate as to the death of a clilM, whoso remains were shipped from Chicago to Zaucs villo, ami infected ople thete with diphtheria. ANiiit one week ago the eoraso of the child, which wm the daughter of Henry It. Tuttle, mid had died In Chicago, wu shipped U KiincaviUo for burial. It was taken to the residence of Thorn n (Jlhhoti.s, a relative for funeral crvlcvs. Tho certlllcato of death, Mgned by a Chicago physician, gave Mie causo-t of death us heart failure and blood oi.HOiilng. Siihwiucutly It was discovered that tho child had died of dlphlhoila. Two inmates of the Mb bona hotiau Imvo alncn died of the dlseaau, thieo other deaths outs du of the family have occurred and six mem ber of the Gibbons family are down with tho dca.oe. There In great Indig nation in ..uiovillo ugal st the Chi cagii iiliyslcliin, and Secretary I'ndnt will canter with tho Stuto Hoard of Health of Illinois In an utluuipt to ha o aim prosecuted. UHiii leceipt of tho above Informa tion from Z.iucsvillo Dr. Wlekcihatu took lunuedlato steps to locate the case, and discovered that the child had died In Ilavontwood. Dr. Porter, thu med ical examiner of Lake View, ruoited the facta back to Dr. WIckeiNlinm. Ttecasowas that of Ethel C. Tut lie. It was tlrst reported to tho I.ako View branch of tho health department on November iV by Dr. 8. 1'. Hedge una caaa of diphtheria. Thu death certlll cato wan Issued December 7. "The caaso of death was diphtheria," suys Dr. Porter. "The permit wat no nindo out mid llio plneo of burial was desig nated ait 7. im nvlilo, O. If tho rallroail company locelved tho tiody for trana portaeioa mid the permit n.i IhhiumI tiy thladcparlmtmt wax presented to them I a of the opinion that thu company is iMipniutlhlu for tho spread of any contagion from tho body after bolug to accepted for transportation." DESPERATE DARKIES. Tha Allaraal tn Arrl a N(ru ln1i at J-aut, Q., nulia la tthulvaala KiHuk. SArA.fNAii, Ga., Dec. 27. The trawl tu at Joisup hrlstmas Ug'i ut ten a. m., when Chief Marshal l'gott mid assistants attempted to arrest Hob Hrower, tho notorious negro outlaw nnd fagitlve. Ilruwer ralMil his gun to Ms tdinuldcr and deliberately shot ilowa A.Hsl.Htaut Mar.ihul llarnhlll, kill ing him itistautly. Tho chief iuarhal then fired on Hrower, but missed him. Brewer returned tho tire mid shot gett tbrouu'h both Ieir. Hrewerand oriiWd f tenor t we've men then fled I to MoMilliuu sw.iiii. aluwyardsaway. 11m lrKrt of the Runs threw the towa into a whirlwind of excitement, and taw negroes were followed into tha swamp by several citizens. Among then weru William Wood, a carpen ter, nnd bin sou, William Wood, who la on a visit from KMgelaud. S. C, to hia fattier. The negroes dodged Into tho awmnp, nnd when young Wood run In behind them llrewer rose up a4 ahet him through the he.-ul, killing hlui Instantly, and shot Wivul'a fntlier ta the face. Accomplishing thin moeh, the negroes ran further Into theawamp nnd eac ipetl. Ttie news of tho death of young Wood mid the cerlous bhootlng of his father spread like wild fire over the town, Vmfuslon reigned for a time and .feaaap acemed to Im In the hands of a violent mob. Mayor ilopps called n meetaux and hasty arrangement were made to protect thu town. Seventy five armed men were leathered in n few mlmatoa and followed llrewer and hia party a distance Into the swamp. McMillan swamp covers over 4"t) ncrc. ami llrewer Is so familiar with ita hiding places that the effoita of tho poM to locate him in the swamp wct regarded as In vain. The strength of the Boson was increased by at leautt twnnty-tlve arrnel men U-forn un hour had ela -d, and a picket Hue araa feraved on the east tide so as tn ilw hltilt anrlxHly from coming out of the swamp to the town. The nxiUrclMhlo information la ih.tt ton paoplu hae Ken killed nt Jebaup, namely. Hitnhitl and Woods, by llrewer; Anderson, white, accldcnUtlly; Johnsao mid Ilopps, In Jail; eut, ocdorel, on the street; twawhi'm and twasegriHniwhosn names are not given. A ! WmH' Tvrrlbl Hraaaaat. I Omaha, Neh. Dec. 27.Three chil dren of Mrs. Ieua Schlpp wete bumtl to death In the cotUgn at ni Heron street shortly after eight o'duak yrtrday morning. One waa a toy of seven, another a girl of four and Mie o'hera baby boy six months old. The tn mi's husband deserted her eight inoutos ago and she had since heea mniiiig her living by taking in wanting. Yesterday morning ahe started tha fire and lucked tha door and went out to get amae clotaeav During her nbaenceth honse caught flru and the children were bwned to deals In the ptesrnre of m ppte, who were power'ea vtaaaTathMi; ( t attlorala Malaa. Ka ItRitKAKUlxo. Cal., Dc 27-A ' torriac rainfall Ttwalay night aid In caliali i daniaga. All branch of the gaala Fe railroad in Soutl.trn Call feraia were WAeoed oat aod aaany hridr n gone. It la est I teat d a alia aad a half of track to aowrad with froaa taadtJMea. BridgM anal are waaatoal cast all aver kha adfhUsririg country. Two RaaU Fa kttato ar imm at Marataw ana rru racHae irataa ara HENRY W. RADV DKAOr Tka tlraat anakr Kaila aa (Wat llt . what I'MifMtMlr. Atlanta, da., Doc. fit. Henry W. Grady Is dead. Death came at 3:49 o'clock thl morning. Its cotalriK had been feittod ty thww who had watched the case cloaely, but nobody cixled It to soon. The scene at his heme du ring tie last hours win most pathetic It waa slwrtly after eleven o'clock that Mr. Kti-rett nunnuuevd that Mr. l!rdy was sinking nipldly and that the end was near. Then It waa that ail tho members of the family and rela tive gathered alout tha alck bed hoping ngalii't hot, yet praying that the bitter cup might t taken from them. Friends who had at the doc tor' suggestion lift the house a few hums previously were hastily sum moned. At 3 to the sick man drew Ida last breath and the groat heart waa still. Mr. Grady was Atlanta' favorite citizen tho center of It public and so cial u flair, Perhaps no other nun holds such a peculiar place ill the afTeo tlons of a commuiilty .. he held. '1 he National attention which ho at tracted by his famous speech at tb banquet of the New Kmcland Aseochv tlou, a few years ago, when, with un expected eloquence, he volet! the Southern wish for National unity of spirit nod purpose as well ns of govern ment, st lengthened bis hold upon the frleiubhlpof thonelyhktiswho already knew and esteemed him. Mr Grady was a stout, blftcV-h.il red, black-eyed man of thirty-nine, and 1 could apcnr either fifteen or llfty. lie was of an elastic temperament and bo llexed In relaxation, worked like a Tiojan and frolicked with the zest of a boy. When he got through with Ids 111 till In tlm tfioriil iil tin uiuilil i-oinn Into Uie room wheto Wall are lteed, Joel j Chandler Hum In and tho other member of tho editorial foroo of tho Constitution were, engaged ami break up thuli work for fifteen minute. Sitting on Mr. Harris' desk ho would bring everybody nronnd him ami the nudlelice wem re - . . . . .. galnl with Jokes mid a tunning satire on current events. Iho entertain-, ment wound up with the sudden-. iiess of .i company on double quick coming to a halt All at onco f Mr. Grady would put on a snrlous face and retire to his room, slnmmlng tho door I -eh I ml him. With hit . stenographer, Jim an amiable young I man built like a shoestring and capable of an amazing amount of good work Mr. (irady was cloietel for mi hour or no. Tho amount of work he got through with In an hour was astonish ing. In a few minutes he would lay out a week wotk for his staff. To his friends Mr Giudy was an In tense partisan and to his enemies a dmiKcrous man. He worked on big en ternrlM-s. but could no through details with amazing tapldlty. His (xirsoiml neuaiiiiitiicB wus eycui wui, auu he knew something uWiut every Unly. For a man with an Imag ination ha could dlu-est figures wiUi wonderful qulokucaa and preclelon. G rally's father w;u a Confederate ofllcer and was killed In battle when Henry was fourteen years old. The Illness which can owl his death Is-gan with a cold which he caught at the Plymouth Kock celebration In Hoaton a few days ago. WEST SENTENCED. Twa jil Maaavar nf tha t'hlraga Ttaaaa lli- Til satriat. CilirAoo, Dec 21, .Ihiiim J. West, ex-edltor of the ('hitniro Times, ei president of the Titnos Company and still a claimant In civil suits for a con trolling interest In its inainigement, was convicted lust ttlurit of the crime of overissuing the stock of the com pany, knowingly, ileMifinwlly and with Intent to fraud, and Beiiteuced tn pay dun of tl.iM) nnd to lw Imprlsonml in the penitentiary for the tnn of five )ears. Charles K. Ur.tham, West's unvate secretrr and the secietary of the company, and his allegiMl confederate and co-defendant, was acipi ttiil WImmi the clerk of the court le.ol the July's venlicl Wet th- , trayed llttlo emotion. 'Iln wrlgut of tlie cnishlnc blow, however, fed heav ily on Flank J Smith, the old) one of hlscotuiM'l present, whose )liilrrred ' nnd wIumc eyes (libit with tears. Mr. Smltli took a few momenta to irg.iin command of hi feeling and then en tered a motion for a new tria' The tearing of ariftimeuti on the. motion waa set for llmrsday au-l Frid4y, Jauiiaiy 2 and 3. iM'ai. pending which t'me Mr, West was left at liberty on flM.tXJU ball. Tk "U atia. St. I'aoi. riK lMXiM, Dee, H THa ecllpae of tlm un ww oltaerved with partial sikxtm Sunday. Tha aky waa clear durinz the fltt part of thercJU but was ohtcored durine the totality The reaulu dtaln-d thrtnuh a forty fool phololielkraph,BJaiigil by Bfge Vow, were entirely aocre(ul. They will enable its lo give accurate connection of pmltion of tha moon In relation to tha stin. nVventy plrtuns were taken Iwfor and forty afU'i tts UHalUy. Ttirre was no hitch In U working of th apparatus. With etra pbotogrsphic appluiicr and asltea we could rAi,j hire obUinad Jt) pic turf. Different pha of cloud art recorded wltli aitco-,. Tlaa Mata M-atv TlatRWA. Moot.. Iec 24. Tee M no Jonffff any donht that lantoi tha yar la ro-Ui two sato of Uidtod Htatoa twnatcrrs wvJl h laaea roalnatad if not "electa" ty tha Draaocrata aod the KepuMicaoa of MonUna. Tha fttb- licam hav cslle-t a caanaa for taw M and tha Iaaava.rato will aaa at tha aaaa ties. Gaton IT; 9. Haaadan. tha Xafthatw PacMar aaaa. aai i waa tail ataiai u aaaa a Miiantf af KetwMssaa Tkara afa thfaa Daaaartlc fbiNrnriNTi: A Ahca eeeafaa ku Wea erf aa Iw4 ttA lateai t ate aatnrat gm rr ttw Iai4aa laU to Uat ttvy. a AUtoaa f IMaiilM. SrartAtT wroafkt la Italy attar a taUI ef an Arlpa artist msy ael a btaoght hr trre of duty aa lVt ara 4aUa at aa Aiavrtoaa artUi, kaa 4m144 taaTrvatary DaaartntnU Twa ATBica (K.) ma k fat etn4 a awMatta oera husVar, wkt.ia la drawn ikrb Mia flsUal huisstha em a elasa aa cenU a daslred ll ta cialaiad It tU kuk twaWe are a day.. A fees an lowtnf ea a raak aearOalt, Cal, feaai r stita bub 4ra4 ialtars. tit eraaloyar kpt all Wet taly 4lUr ( It. ! Uft tk riewwaa to a'.ad kit waary ay la tie leld. Mav b kU Ike little Uwib died lattdy. Mar aass waa Mary I". lawyer und k was Km abjkly-elfkl year ago In marllaf , Maaa Wkat taaae at the tank ktaUry aayetk not. but Ukaly It la dead, tea. A Cai.iraaaia aer ralaUa that alia tie isvnt ralnaUrsa knaey eeepl f Anfal'a Caaia, talara (Vanty, r aoaaycaaiifk far tkalr Tliaakaytvlaf dlnara ky picking ua gald la Mm Irtauaad la tk akalluw atraaai. TaS last mall Um kelwran v-is to now faarday. twalia keura aad tkrasv a,nartara. Twaatr-Bta lana ( asatl atat tor fraai Kaw Tetk Oty reoeaiUy a'f rlfad at Maa fraaatao Id taat Uaa raTnr, Otuaka, Ckayanna, Fortlaad, all faol Ua Inturaoa mt balag nearer Ua Kaet. A cAKie&a ( kaffaleaa far Anttla Corkla'a faa forest aa CVoydoa aaoun atn Utaly raaand Utoug k Clartaiaat. N. H en rout to Kewpert, N Mo Tkey earn front "Ruffal Joaas," wke karda them at Wlanteef, Man , wra srta feMS.ttO and ware twalva da;a an tka road. The aian la okarf rtrta tby caane aaaceakly and sfcaad lk Journey well. NAnraaLgaa kaa keaa dlaenvarad to Bonama Ceunty, (l,, and la viae' f Ula cheap fuel tk aeoal at fan Fiaattao eee "la thalr mlai'a eya" tkat ally da . wleplnf tnte a graat wanurVUirlng .--- i. C. (.. -.I..... ll...l.l eeatrr- Tt fn rraacUx Ontnlrla aayathatlf thare la abumlaaoM f tka gaa the faet "means more u Han Kraa else than halt a doten new trenaooaU aenUl rallrvada." An arulo wall towing s.oaagalloae fjarmlauu waa eoasplawd at Yanktoa reeaaUy. It la tka largtst In tha Nartk waat, dlackarg Ing naarly H.C0 karrala vary teaty-4ur kauia. Tkrraaraauw twentyflva artesian walla In ta.it rauaa ty what evasklnrd raf!y la naarly e.Oto karrala ft day. Tk Ainw af tka wator I eo grat tkat It la kolag uaad far awUf ar, Tira alglcal aurvy, threugh rraf. W. H atalai, raecatly scad aat annat taiportaat dlaetarla t ladlaa ra Una sraataf Waaklnglonon whatlakaawaaa Plney Iraaok Hill. Tkgad arreara k tha raasataa l aa In4laa wrk- ftno. a,r itl. KkBtifaotar of laiala- aaeato, waapoaa, ete. Tk spot kaa kan ateavatod aad iasaleaseato kava heea feu ad slaar to tk had rack. Tka dlarcvary la eanaldtred to he af tka gteataat laiaartoaca to arekaaalagtato. tlassr miiUkaa ar rtn mail In lata Irvlr .'"If to "onomlie. It ta a sate mleta foiUi that tin? alwaya tho i-iJ A elv phjrtlcUn tiiay onat oa jour Ufa If u kava Matarlaiu ttiur ajttnn, joi will nat anly tat mlaarabf, but unfli u work ll Unat la ututiey lust. Dim dollar -l far Mialleniirrrra AnUclnto will tao cnj I twautjr four baor. ao)4 by Uru-Ma. Tare aspnruMit kaa ta trltw a ua aa. tn wLau trada is dcth Kaaraav falaa arlae. Tea gnldra iuir aeiwsars U tat ta Mtly ra Ualila aca4weapa.h(aatia)Uin laaAar. A Mnxm, eaok U ttifrlor aaavratvr a tka Boat aaavlar af THE QENEfaAL MANKETS. KA.SSAS rtTT, ! as CATTl.R-m.lnhltia n-.r I It its ll0lt t)'ll SJalltesuas. HlMlS-rjixAllcliulo trr WlltAt-Nit 2 irrt I J litl nni-xi, i . OAIk Kii, i kV. .su. i .. . rUIUK-l'slrnU.tr k rr) ., ... IUV-tUlt HIJTIt.K" Cltoltw intuit J, nii:ir-'uii ! Mi.v-.1itf lUUJSiIUlit , ... ... simul'i.r I o I a I Ui m t tl a II ita ", I tc a l iv m a a ll a ft m I tt I d a a I tt m l mi tt to at m im n sv1'" i . t - "H m 1 I n I IT'S m tt IIS la a eu I M t a It t-l t.RI ,... .- ...., MIZ A KIM T. IXItMA. CATTIAXSMrptws Hnn llUUfevt' tUfll (!-' niri'.r-r.ir t rrit nl M 'l.)k , Will: AT-a I i-l. . (XVh-J. ..., .. a.. ,.,, IATW-'i ( .,.,, ,k , Itll yin. 1 ,,, u, ., JVTTKE-'Cff ior HaK CillOA(l. CATTIJl kitr', .ii , IIO;-l'Milu tad ahlpMig aHr.i.r-r'f t'.tir,i. . . nM'n-Wlaur l.,t WHRAT-Ms. 1 UM-o. i , 4 ,.. ...... OATw.l., .... . . .,. art-.,, j , . , ruRK CATTtA 0w lk'S V HIm Iff H,r,nr1 In rW4t, , , nHtL.7-.itHi ... fKS-Si.. , risrsWff-rMOt-l. ,., fit'TTTM lOCfij , t I X. la 1 1 at JH M 11 It M T t at i r i t M r.t IVa Ms M S as it I ia nv a )H . aas IK I SI I Tt tl W l m ta a IB) It a a a st t a It a PAINS AND AOHKt. Maasat gsMaft. tm Vato. tw . . H-i!?i?w-!l m MA aa aaalte asnaaast aaaaTasa. E ttotaw llalawd aaawawJaaatjfaiaawaalihai ilaav awawtaaiaw iU atonMU aaV t.aTAMM -aUrvaal Waeaa Ma? ttt.A Mt TralaMt. Mufftra a at eaaaralty awara Uat it.aaaaaa era o,ta1H, r Uvat laa; rs dua i U raa H lit af aaiaati ta tAa llaisf sKtahrt tt Ka , a4 aasiarkaa luSaa HkiM.vt roivh atwet ar. b 4 ti U W a ta.t, .( tk ia1 et (Ms dl.rr la UoO a ttweW aJt -a era tiUl wfciatij OtarrV, Hay tM a4 t'alaitjva) tVhfit r kaftauritttv Ml to trM en lhi Inpla f.ivur ir.ta al koa.a hjr U pattsnl rhiw Is twe sivtt M H ttiU U raltcaot I rt a nu(? dt aa eUtmanl, Ivta hsta tvn ilks,arv)nl by r jlaWf jhj rlstitst is'urifM A 9r-h t i'tlnlr llil tw lvtiiil I msI urn mi.t t ihr iu ta turnf l r"m rnU br A tt lHn a tVi ',r tttJuVa w.l KlrtK hteart, Truat. l;asad -a tuffrrs trvm Ctrri1a) lATviMea ata-dJ amtulo' f"- lt at a Nesaisa l-4t Is iuf s etta Uaasl ft aiNMsa s . e.t (Kan atisc U ta U.- la Ur. ttr tMVtasJt aVtV as4 iUsa Use.Hir ruUalCaV; avittaa -Koia vtila Jsurnai it rwt a, irl(Mlk lima ss.t wtiy aa.t lit w UiWsii lrsjta rtl-rrianOni wok aa rttalh ttfl e f u tf I1a's (taM MMlral I.Kirrt l J rvail'lv U n In lU nittjit U-u W wsttsat tt ti ifai. ires lit cviltt Mlaeys cl tho Mnt, (Via an-l a.-ls "t All -'r(vil sftli. Ui'ii. r una; ai4 li It Mil t irruuitM M0 1i1 efTnrel for aa luniraWa er of Cijri h tr tl i-i.fi'lm at IM :r lUnaMj !V I , ) Jlvi4kla 0e weutl nKflsa that rvutitarfitt ry ra taia.l U.atr wrk. ! i ktl1hai f tUtvw, s4 tattat aia aUrf-J it U Is j'W. .(laitlMtcra Atxarlran - . - ('ma.la mil u4, T" m ViMttta l' latarai ! rfm.lcr Hist I l..s a Mitir iixf)i ti llio alvr asn,n rfaaa lit II UkivK u ItiPutaittWct tiilft cat !. tn eraiurnlJ)- r.n tfati Im lat U Ihu lottJei af ai fttlj la aarrl ) jur rrailrra w tn battt rufctustetltft II U-i vtillwcJmo Uilr aipnwt aa pxi vJt.f IJm. ItMpA'tfutlr.T A Hunvx.kl I ll IVsil stja!. Ham Yalk. I ltsa tttUrtaU taag It U lata , ta(otaf UiHarh, -lUa't arla." sw.inui'ltw ar (ruati)r uala tala It aou TVraol.1 IIUW. Yetirltjr rmtiirthtlimMNti,wta Uhll- ( ailai litUn ltr IMI U. ar i"i tr.al4 hn tiat rrt all IkauUlra tnuu lnrii,i lltrr ai tnrn ay il,ijr na YkUPUSs OI RXjOYal Reta the Miathesl and rasnitu wlte ByruporFtoaUuiaailtiaplaaaaat aad rv freak hi U tha taata, aod acta Eatly yet prvwptly a Ui KHneya, ver aad Rawela, claaaasa thaaya taTneaVtually, dtofsala aohta, baaa achat aad fever and atirea hahltual exmatlpatloa. Hf t ua af Kip ia laa aalv remedj af Ita Vlud aver ynt ducad, flalrg to the tatta aad aa twptahla ta tha ttnmartt, rmrud la ft action) and truly laWlcial In ill tnVta, fHTrei only from the avast baalthy and airraeahta ultatanrea, ito tnany atrellent qualltlia com ineal it to all nail have mad it lb moat ponular remiy known. Hvrop of Klg U fat as I In Mhj awil Utttaahr all lei"ng dnif f Uta. Any rrfUM IriiggUt wa aay act hare it on harHl will pra ear it promptly fur any oaa aha withe t try it l)a H aocent any etiltstltut. mroMM rm snvr co. a ri4;ce, rt. laVsjMi. ar. (w te. ., dantzHK i1 0 P"1 ItSSENS RMN .aata Ta Lirr a. "sdTmotheb r VriCjirrwarrr UICTiOfmrM tTIIIfTTftt Karses, MtCsit PNitnr mfCELLAMEOUl CUTS! ZiHimklSmiM f ! tiU H ffwflaw tAIM. 4 Cass w a . - - r-"ir aar.a.f Maa iltaiatwiiaaUaagpatiWCaa aw wrrw w tm m aMia a mm esa OOTM. wiir M taHtV aTPVaaaaB BBBBBBaBBBBBBV BBBBBBs w "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBX HfcASV 7'Anri Haa Um. K fa.4 a f-w.. Mitosavsfci rrsea Paal Itaaltv rvttala aait tUhlttl i. rraia, , !- 'atrt ill Uara ,tn r-. Aitv eav Baal trail, lnlUm. rsii Oirafva lattnltttattMt Ksot tvn)aMWr" . Tee es s f,Ws a awta hf tt 4Ut tvk s4 riirr Tlan taaa Jal .- aaaiatMaAaf l,a Vl tt?ftltW tHtrtt rtlfr ta I .. t . b..i...m L.i. t... H. tt ivuaa lt ll t,l tl.v (MWt ln. lJff lthaaeWiMkWtl4 tVa (rA IM. It la 1 tt u VUrt ?it w Mrs, kt M kn'ti Vtitsi t Ms"M ttrn. ii i n ii m .., . Ww. .. " - - i.iiti.k no ri:n kd i" tor ! anA nmttot tail ( to n4 tawaH Ha Ux r4 RMIwfy ItiT'a Mta, anl II a tn 1 44 bat " V ll"l aVsr til eon h-iSN atkl lt)a hiH atki iva taaar ( aalt.4 ((Mat All O.I 4r mrm ft t-4 , BMil II m a Wa lir IwalOi m nam ad aa Watts ltai aWa. It wt aa tMitia hawk 4 s4 t-ta "f ti 'r twrar t4iasr alvat ratoa ttof "IsS atoan a-n law way hf naaaa" aiaat i.ai ftst Mlm - tn aasiianHtai . t'Mtl tf r fa twatlf rtMw far flaiiMiat, wt.V- I atil.arasllr aiAirivWHrol hi t affHl af artlaa tka lisr. 'Oit tor las. lA.it r aa aatiarstl'Mt, t-jt tviw hkit ara I-Sflioilrtf ta rvalOw fatl tto () t a4 lamisto IM. I Xta's lla.U4t UU- lHa tasary alii isira H, at N tin 4 $500 aat' awir aweai ik wm taas a Maat ttstah Madtstaa. lLavBsaV' k. aaaaBBaBaaaaai aaaBBaaW vLWWWm. M a SLmW aBnBBBBBBBBBBBBVVtW BTfl VaVBBaa7 aA 1 aV JE?Zr aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBa anawav 4ff M klCVV BaaaBaaaTHlBaa'sBBBBy aaaaBBBaa?BaWBBBBBaaaaBT hw I 4T m WtttfmfmWmmmf waaaaaaal W f BEaTABP Cwra Kfa sdl ta f(U. I'aaaai4 atyt Jfs to. ChtMrssa toka i altiWti a.a,jiaa. Ito ' a -a-.-. i.-i. ,ifm.mmii ii.i.ai.iaW4 iiiwasiilafS) .-.?:...catawwh MUM MIM I tna awwtH V 13a Ila UI ( 4 aOVf 4aa Hal tii bt JM laf, ta 4 ttr a IA. I I. A t-t Or-.t4. it n (..-.., 0Aya i'm e. . .... r V . .wniw-a. TMIt It TNI HOU. MTA4S (I. rt whkfft t WrwUftdl Tho alraUJ trwM krtajtwrt th MfMftdl MfaHirtdl. f lilt's Pills alAOC miH taOSUMO Mr AT IN. BBWiaLetwfjaiawvaaj raatmsa BaaaaTPw. mmCtaura am it. .aii aWMka9al ttlTX WmVimMmmttwM K;iI' aajat Ra4Baa VsV. a. aW a7H asa aaaaaaPVwY 1 BnaBBBaal HwABaTBBwKlaT LaLal EPPS'S OnATEfUC-OOdd0TrdL COCOA Ta f(s a MMa wket IVhtdaa r.1, wh ntt m 4 u ta - alii h u iws or"l"'v mi st Mat M f ri's Ti r st rw aa na is, try ll. Vatr wwi aaa U . a s A aaat ai-nwalnattHon., t aio sivajtv.nl 4 u trvw ia7. wsa sra i rMi A t fe ri"V .of r ranratS tm .tto r... fu fftsAt .r aaa Ua iwUr arlUU Ia u I nawstof tVHftt jt tk?vt trW ! 4tlts IH ists aM taxsstx ly sjagW fVl cat.'h nt ao ? Ml4 Oi ibf - AlUUa IIVI-i vc yTt.if rm' rs-kH ctgaav laa. 0t , fm.nim.t'mmmmmm , mt .aas .ajaiaWaJ ctssss a fl trial TU tt lkwwtaal Mr-tr will M--S lrA Sana Mar. III w tlawl fva tti tWaVts f I Ml tn ht tatta k fsltot TYaaaatsaa) ftfllr vatU; In ihh. It ts taw ) iM4 tVft, t4a ., laa lha, . (! ttosaMaa tal aslHa, a" ra loiKfs, nrfa lit wt-i whwvst K Wash lrs M(On4 4 et. " tie a tttlit aM Otttwiaaa, toakaa i, ll l aa afl riMtr l.Ai-1 ttaWal laavtsr ta Mas i ll ftKlr tvl awvtsf M Ms aato 'Vmb aM t M ky drsat1 itat4 aaasaaaaa ftwwt ala tMAW.fM T ft I ... M .. I - - . . . . . lata ttlkrtW a waiHftwiff. Muai It u ta-aa eaea. , U-l It atM tasHMaf la r 4 At t atwa I t mnim.lwl) tif iHxaiaf tM rf M aas aa faffUl Wo iis lHfaiar MMt, Aas. itttto. titn, fla IUU, '. V aM at. laa naanA a, im-4 M Mf(itvi"waV CATaaaM afjatav, r- a tasank to It MiaA M.a ts-f msawi astaa, H Ha aa4, tvMfciajt shaj a toav tw a aaa atpsfj taaaaaai aat. asy Madras saatttlwi las 2x H aaaaaVaa bbbbVbb! wP" T3aaal 0RTjMaHI PIOIFIO. aAviMatMruriirr. lia w nt mhv. MaAOIkirt a.aoT "ltiwl?at- NdtO aasssaafhtlaal raCl wun r? 1 H ea vrw)iavA. A IktH, VasaiW ! Aa ajk aM-t4iai-iM t aiy m a. aisaaaa lif,tafta?wir.rr a'- aai;rt . alKttijaM LCURE FITS! aiwaf w. la. Has a m'ttt ta way r y"a aw ' ra aaf . i' jt 1 ViTria aiaaav - fcr ' lWfJ,l a at . .k "MMWMMMWIMIWMIMMMMMMMM UfcLff f -F' saaat awas k tl.lk IVaaU-Jtm aHMswir.M.a.aaa sw'wawar awgkaj aavaV aMK aaaV daa? aaawk -.. ... ..-rJJ.T(-1 iTaiMiirijiiitiBii ;..ju,- - - AVaVtU-M ttoaNaasaaaajiapaasl(aiass irt 1 1 S Mini HfranrazLMSPfc . .a aaaa " . .'.t-uai.. i a hvvwSaw) WrawW aaTaaV SS twaaaaaaaaitx !. taawiaTnwi S i.T -r f - -. .. .. an SI. PiTFMTft a w "ia iH iff m rmm "m'mM'vmMmmimtii - dHBaaaalBLaBr awawaaar aatojaJkh AfaajaaMsaaai gAaaaianaBaaaaaaW ajtsi. sTP ZI -T-T aasT 1 wawawsaWwlta tW twala Jf MarUa Met! tow ay ietaaa &T MATH ijw iaa waiataasataasawsta a - '" - - --i-- - i,'i..