if . !! i t CJ o s o u o IS en fciO g (L -MO 3 en C 3 0) 00 CO 0 6 Q Z o 2 W Q Pi O 2 PS 3- GO a s u o - C en o O fa o SO - -i a; a. (A e U CO nJ a. CJ C V 'J 2 CO co 3 fll v o 8 CO C u a 10 C lO y 5 j is CJ O u C rt i-. Oh CO Vi CO lO be 6'r n c co bflc5 r-o O 3 .co n3 t: u a t- o a E CO ? CO C fcJO biO o o H u lO CJ Clio 2 -4- 5 co rt D in O J u id & o CO QJ O CU CJ fcfl,C O 3 r- Ol ; J -- r: lO CM rt cu 3 CO CD J2 5?lO v' L hA 5,-S P.2 C3 CO 00 rS55 CO -o OO O C rt c o u. c OJ CO 13 O O CO o U u. 2 3 C5 4- (J XcoCN o co !- ?s cu c US CO CU u nJ CD o O H co O co cu ID cS J "SO S CO cu 2 E CO CJ u CU '43 SZ C) CO . p 3 CO CO p CU u e O :-. CO u, IS en CU en rM 8g w V . . OU c3 cu cu pfj e a - cj m cu CJ a. CJ CM v! co Ui 0) 3 cJ r cJ $ cm a ocn g 55 -2 13 cJ CO J2 CU .CO o 5-S S H CO ?s55y5Jm g a cu oSS o 13 O CM cc O S cu cu O S C CIO 43J34Mh co co & co cu cu 3 cu St, -01 8 g & c2 g CD Cw . o o si -a o S C3 ri O rd S 2 QD WW m o H i i o o n o o 5 It is to be hoped that on January 1 1690, that every citizen of Bed Cloud will appoint himself a committee of one to help build up lied Cloud. Now is the time to oommence work on a sugar beet factory. The subscription liar ol the Repub lican, still maintains that bis circu lation is the largest. A newspaper that has to force its subscriptions on the people wcether they want it or not does not amount to much and the "Jersey Lilly" knows it. The Repub lican's list, free ones and all is not far from 500, while The Chief's list is 1000 and growing ever day. When the people want a good paper, they subscribe for the Great Family Week ly. Subscription $1.00 per year. The Chief's city list is as large or larger than the "Jersey Lillies" whole number of papers. A Happy Hew Wear. The Chief wishes its thousands of readers a Happy New Ye?r. On next Tuesday evening at 12 o'clock p. m. the old year will have taken its flisht and 1890 will be ushered in with all the pomp and glory that its birth is entitled to. With the begin ning of 1890 it will be in order to form new resolutions, and new deter minations. In doing so it will be wise to make such resolutions as can be easily kept, and then you will be sure to keep them inviolate. We hope that with the commencement of 1890 that many new resolutions will be formed and that the year will be a prolific one for good deeds, bountiful crops and great prosperity to our peo ple. The Chief hopes that 1890 will be one of groat happiness and prosperity for Rod Cloud and Web ster county. The Faraier'N Alliance. We do not know much of the inside working of the Farmers Alliance, but if,it is tor the advancement of the farming class we wouldsaythat.it should be propagated by all means, for if there is an ythinir needed bv the farmers it is an institution tbat will bind them more closely together in their business and social interests. There has always been a lack of unifi cation among farmers and as a conse quence they have been overridden by nearly all the other classes and made to take any prise that the middle men saw fit to give them. Let them join forces and demand their rights, and if the Alliance will bring about the desired end, we should say "All Hail the Alliance." Give the farmers a chance and they will come out all right. It has been a lack of co-operation that has kept them dow so long. It is time anyhow, for them to organize and protect themsslves against the opp resive heel of mo nopolies which have banded together to crush the farmers and every labor ing man. The fearless editor may offend and lose a subscriber, but if he is right, in the end he will gain five. He may lose an advertiser, but if he is right he will gain two thereby. If he la bors not to displease anyone he wilt please no one. If he tries to ride all the horses in the field be will b" un horsed by each one of them. The editor should follow his honest, well considered convictions, and the man he shouid labor to please is himself. If he docs this with ability and with out fear or favor, he will have a greater following and better support though he be wrong half of the time, than he who trims his sails to every change of the breeze, and without chart or compass, principles or pur poses, drifts aimlessly about with every shifting tida. There Hasting? was quite an accident at this week. The ireight train on the Grand Island and St. Joseph road ran into the B. & 31. wrecking both engines and mortally injuring one or two men. If there is no law on the statute book compell ing trains to stop at junctions, there should be. We have noticed a great many times in riding over the state that trains pay very little attention to crossings and rarely ever stop. It is n fact that newspaper readers do not sliffht the advertisements. Thev have some to realize that the advertise ments in the new9pnner represent b that which the merchant have for sale, and they tnke paine to familiarize themselves with what the storekeepers hava to offer. Moreover the constituency of a paper are apt to be governed by what they see in their own paper. If the paper is accept ed in Its political, moral, and intellectual tone, as our home paper is, advertisers share the respect and the confidence be stowed upon tne paper itself. This is an important fact for advertisers to remem ber, at the same time it calls for exercise on the part of the newspaper publishers of ;cea8 care in the admission of adver tisements. Towel rings at Taylors. White sewing machines at Taylors. A fine line of center tables at Tay lors. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, at Perkins it Potter. A nice dress flannel 3G wide from 35cts to $1.00 tbe New York Store What would make a nicer Christ mas present tban a nice Smyrna rug. Call and see thrm at F. Y. Taylor's. Mrs. F. Newhovse has just receiv ed from New York a nice line of short jackets. Call and examine them. For yarns, zephyrs,, silk muffler) tuts, anu buk BanaKcrcnieis, aooas, dress goods, etc., call on Mrs. New house. Don't spend your time running around town for neck scarfs, but go direct to Berg & Galusha where such goods are kept. to 54 per yd in at GAKPIBLD The new school house in the Wag goner district is almost completed and reflects credit on the workmen. Mr. McCartney and Mr. White. Mrs. Canfield will remove to Guide Rock in the near future. We are listening for wedding bells in several directions. John Hnsclbacher's team ran off last week but did no damage ezecpt breaking the harness. Rev. Folden has baen holding meetings at the Ash creek church for some time but has closed at pres ent until January 2nd, when he will continue them until after quarterly meeting, which will be January 4th and 5th. Rev. Folden is an able minister and wo predict much good being done. C. E. White and family spent Christines in Franklin connty visiting with relatives and reports a very en jtyable timt. J. O. Save Tour Hair BY a timely use of Ayers Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and tbe original color was restored." Melvin Aldricb, Canaan Centre, N. H. " Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor is evidently ajrreat aid to nature." J. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past fonr or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless, causing the hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it baa caused my hair to retain its natural color." Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in Dry Goods, &c, Bishopville, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, nxraansr ' Or. J. C. Aver ft Co- LowaR, M Cold by Draggled ead PerfUKT. Horses and Cattle a Specialty. Dr. Keller's Jennicide the only genuine hog and chicken remedy. Every can warranted. Tank heaters all sizes. Euggies carriages and road carts for sale at first cost. Don't fail to see the wonderful tank heater for sale by C. L. Winfrey. Mrs. F. Newhtuse has the finest line of sho.rt jackets, yarns, zephyrs, and in fact everything else in dry goods in the city. Klectlc Blttrs. t This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have nsed Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malaria fevers. For cure of Headache, Consumption and Indigestion try Electric Biters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per oottle at Henry Cook's drugstore. 5 TriE Chief is belated this week a little owing to the absence of the edi tor from the city. BbcIcIIh's Arnica Salve. The best sa've in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain', corns; and all ekin eruptions, and positively cures, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to Ifive perfect satis faction, or nianey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. HENRY -.v- COOK, DEALER IN Drugs, ' . ' Medicines ! Books and Stationery. Paints and Oils, Putty and Glass. Medicines of all kinds. Patent ZtPPtNCOTTS MAGAZINE, witk Ut varied tmdMullMttonttKti, is a library in itself. It was indeed a hffljUto&t 1$ rimt m entire novel in each number. Not a short novelette, but a tcng ttorysnth s yon are used to get in book form and fom from one dollar to one dollar and a kalffon Not only that, ontmiikeath nnmberyomgti anabnndamceof other contributions.wkitMgna yon a good magamno besides the novel. The ringing blows which have been struck em the gateway efyofmlar favor, have resounded throughout the entire land, and today Lifin eotfs Maganut stands in the front rank of monthly publications, and is the most widely-read-ani-talked-of publication of its kind in the world. For full descriptive circulars, address UPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE, Philadelphia tzxn per year, as cts. single number. The publisher of this paper wiUncoiveyowf aniscription. SheriST'ft Sale. Wr virf ha nf an nvoftitfT lmcA H- T. II Fort clerk of the district court ef the eighth Ju- illpisil f1lrrlrt in fliiff fnr IWIiafor mnint sinil I state of Nebraska ant) to me delivered In lavor or Frank V.Taylor, plaintiff and against J. H, Cllne. E. E, Cline anU. L, Patten defendants. I have IeTll unon the followinc described real estate as the iirnnertv of .1. II. Clise tow it: Lots ! and ; in Mock I Lute's addition to city of Ked Cloud in Webster eountv, Nebraska, with all the appurtennnces iR-longins thereto and I will. n the 28th dav nt January 1800 at on o'clock p. m. on said dav at the east door of the court house of said Webster connty, Nebraska at Ked Cloud in Mid county, sell said real es tate at public vendue to the highest bidder for rash to satisfy said execution the amount due thereon in the asgTfpatclteing the sum of forty, three, and ninety-live one hundredths nollars. at 10 per cent interest from December 11. 188K, and el'.'ht and flfty-flve one hundredths dollars costs and accruing. Dated December 24, 1SS9. CUseft McNcny. H. C, Scott. ntfs attorney. Sheriff. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. H. FORT, Manager. Ahmtwmmim of Tltl9 Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOflCE. UavinK had ten years experience in county records and one of the most complete set f Ab stract books in the state, we guarantee satisfaction. Vonr fa ors solicited All orders tilled promptly. 10.000 dollar toad tiled and approved. Address or call on L. II. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb. R. V.SniREY, Prcs. IIenrt CLARKE,Vicc-Pns. Jxo. R. Soiret, Cashic Howard B. Catiier, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Red CIosz.d, Nebraska. CAPITA - $75,000 Transact a general banking business, bay and sell county warrants, at? connty,precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchan DIRECTORS: G. Jas. McXeny. J. A. Tullcys, John K. bhirey. Henry Clarke, A. W. Lindsey. R. V. SIrirey. E. F. Highland. J. Kennoy. J. C. WARNER. REAL ESTATE AGENT Bare lands of all kinds to sell or trade for stock or mortgage Botes. Town property to sell or trade. , WATNED Men to take orders for Nnney stock on Salary or Commission. I can make s successful, SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my instructions. Will furnish hand some outfit free, and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. O. Graham, Nurseryman, 9w Rochester. K. Y. Farm Loans made quick and easy Office ovei McFarland s store. THETRAbERS LUMBER CO. WIU. MAKE f ?SIKT" -Wit POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world i J tL jjsasS2KsssBwae!sES3iesa? 3j t''jr3(jfe.-.-t,fe-.i. - &