n i 1 1 tl -. r- - . - '"n$Rtfr -t i At'' f- ,: J C o s a o u J) C). - t 53 - r; c) C s O 01 00 00 0) til o - z o 2 en en W Q w 4- 3 ft 8 mo O (J 2-. fcO u o CO . c 4 3 o 3 ,4 o au 02 GO GO X v- b cu u a, CO C o u CO lO CO at CO C cu u lO N u lO C lO w CO CO t o CO b aJ .h CC 1: s . j-i cu r V-M Mm i lO y U CU O u. CO cu aJ i d O.-H g C 5 - o o bJ02 & cu C - i l-i CO as t- 0) E CO J as Cl lO C3X) O u O H co CO T3 as -9o o T) 2n O -i-.cn O rt s-a CO S D OS OS CO cU 5-s &Sjs cu c Si sa vc s o o o o 00 CO -l 5 rt SU a o o CO ," OX) 43 O CU Q O a CO cu S10S N co CN cu o S 2 sc: co w t: d co .S uQ c o :: 2 CIO CN L) CU a aS a 03 (M u a, 5P3' c) CU s o cu s o aS u CO CO CU 3 Pi5 ?r-e P--E 03 3 ; cu cT CO L. CO C CU u CO a- - f- i V- w as o co O gco CQ .0 z CU CO CO o C3 5-h o w.w C5 cU o oS o o encn-ira cu cu O co co co cu cu 3 cu s g " o C C) cu as OS 2 as CD oO u 5 o . s 1 2 d S o S ( N p WW QC u W 3 J-. - CO "w 5 S S d 5 o S 0 o Q n o Jefferson Davis, tbe embodiment of Ibe ''lost cause," kss buried in New Orleans, last Wednesday under the Jackson monument. How tbo spirit of Old Ilickory must have writhed at this desecration of his monument, for it is on record that Jackson once upon a time was in favor of hanging a South Carolina conspirator who was plotting against the government of his country. But in these later days treason is considered a virtue, and the defenders of the nation are de nounced as "coffee coolers," "mendi cants," and such names as the most bitter malignity can inspire. Tke Great Cro Bin Trial. The greatest trial that has been known, for many years to the Ameri can people, was the Cionin trial just ended in Chicago, after over three months deliberation. On last Friday the case was given to the jury, and from that time until the verdict was rendered on Monday last, both sym pathizer and opposer were on the qui vlv'e to ascertain the result. The ver dict, fixed life sentence upon Cough-lin,-Burke, andO'Sullivan, which was somewhat of a surprise, as it was generally coucsded that it would have to be a death sentence or an absolute acquital. The verdict in behalf of Keunze of three years, was a seiinus blow to the "little German" who ex pected to secure one of not .guilty, as did Bcggs who wk-s :-et at liberty. It was certainly a wry mixed up case and it was almost impossible for a jury to convict the men of be ing the actual murderers, and do justice to their own consciences. The Chief does not believe in cap ital punishment, except in very ex treme cases, and docs rot believe in if tlieu, tit any great extent and does not. bc'ieve much more in. that kind of circumstantial evidence that weaves a -y ebb around a man's neck, principal ly becjusc there's r. chance to make a reputation for one'.? self. The evi dence while it was extremely damag ing the prisoners, yet much of it seems to have been of that kind that wwild not warrant the jury in bringing in a verdict of capital pun ishment. While four of the sus pjcH bave been found guilty, yet there remain jirave fears in the minus of many that the real . derers are still at large. T hile it is a matter of conjecture with some as to their guilt, it is morally certain that the deep laid plot has not yet been fully developed, and perhaps never will be, and the real culprits name will probably remm a mystery. Nearly all colds are slight, at first bet their tendency is to lower the syatcm that the sufferer becomes a ready victim to any prevalent disease The use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the beginning of a cold, would guard against this danger. Everything suitable for Christmas g!f is to b feund at Hemry Cook's. Hi stock is very large and selected with great care to especially please his patrons. 2811. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE First National Bank. AT RED CLOUD. In tbe State of Nebraska, at the close ness. December 11, 1889. BESOUBCES. Loans and discounts Oveniratts U.S. bonds to et'ure circulation Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.. line ironi approved re- 1 sene sigents 14x0. Dim from other National Hanks 400, Due from shite banks and bankers Ileal estate, lumitureand nxtures Current excuses and taxes paid Premiums paid Checks aim other cash items 1,379 Hills of other banks 705 00 1 Fractional p.ii:r currency, nick-Isnnd cents 13 29 Specie 2.H70 7." IaimI tender notes 2,000 00 Redemption fund witliU.S.trcas (3iH.ricut.of circulation) J.S9I 9.C3J of busi- 130,313 06 5,785 17 18,7.-iO O0 -t,99ti 05 15,319 01 504 75 lV-ffi 'i 3,8S 2' 1,307 23 C,GCS40 ms: Total $201,255 471 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 75,fi00 00 Surplus fund soooo UmmiJed profit 8,301 74 National Hank botes outsUiudlni; 1C,75 00 IndUidual deports subject to check 43.111 11 Demand certiHcatrs deposit 14,404 55 ) 57.r75 73 Notes and bills re-discountcd 10,00000 Dills payable 25,000 00 Tcl 5201,255 48 Slate of Nebraska. County of cbster, ss. I,. Inn. ILShirey, Cashier oft lie aboe named bank, do solcmulr swear that the aboo state ment is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. J no. R. Shirty, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before inc this 20th day of December, l&o. O. C. Cask. Notary l'ublic. Correct Attest : .Tamfs McNkmy l H011HRT V. miiiiry. VDlrector .T. A. TULLKYK. I SIIEKIFF'S SALK. Notice is hereby git en that under and by vir tue of an order of sale issued out of tbe district court of tbo eighth Judicial district in and for Webster county ebraj.ka upon a decree in an action pending in said court wherein Nebraska Loan KTnist co. is plaintiff and RobcrtD. Thorp Martha o. Thorp JaneLapham EmimersoaTal cot&Co.andStadcbakcr Bros. Manufacturing Co. ure defendants, I shall offer for side at pub lic endue for cash in band at the east door of the court house in Red Cloud in said county, that being the place where the last tern of said court was holdedl on the 22th day of januarv, 1890 at two o'clock P.M. the following- describ ed property to wit, the southwest quarter of section twelve 12) in township four 4) north of range twelve, 121 west of the 6 p m in Webster county vebrasaa. ;Uen under my hand this 29th day of Deeen ber 1839. H.C.Scorr.bherlfl. jko. M.IUttAX. Plaintiffs Attys. 21-6 SHEKIPF!i 8AI1E. xotiee is hereby Riven that under and by vir tue of an order of sale issued eut of the district court of the eighth Judicial district Id and for Webster county Nebraska upon a decree in an -ction pending in said court, wherein Kdward R. Hiiiige Ss plaintiff and Joseph W. Warreu and Julia S. Warren are defendants, I shall of fer for sale ?t public vendue for cash in hand cast the at door of the court house In sa'd county in Red Cload tliat beiug the place where tho last term or said court was holdtiu on the 22d day oi January 1890. at one o'clock P. M. the following described property to w it : The northeast quarter of section ta elve 12J iu township two 2 north range U west of the 9th P. M. in Webster county, xebraftka. civen under my band and seal this 19th day of December 1889- L , H. C. Scott. Sheriff. Cask& Mcseny, Plaintiffs attorneys. 31-5 A NEW HARDWARE STORE PERKINS & POTTER, CaU the attention of the public .to their NEW STOBF, next door to Lindsey's meat market, formerly occupied by D. B. HEARD. A foil and complete stock of Hardware, Tinware and stoves, Bougkt at prices that must sell the goods. We guarantee to to DISCOUNT any figures you can get elsewhere. And propose to show you that we are in earnest. Call and see us. PERKINS & POTTER., rii ' WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. A. If i I wraaejexi5aRaBBEBsraBKassio awwauai am wuwim,M,wwwni!;gBiaiaaaaa - Vgft-- ay.-jt,.-a