tssssasss &&&ftgC&&Sj&&8& axswR?aEi6ja& 1 :ES dp i J IFTY-FffiST CONGRESS. List of United States Senators and Representatives. The following is a correct roll of the prima facie members of the Fifty-first Congress, in cluding tbose elected to fill vacancies caused toy death and resignations and those chosen by the four new States. The latter have all elected their House members, but Montana is yet to choose two United States Senators: SENATE. ALABAMA. Term rrpire. Term expire. Janes L. Push, D- ISOTlJoba T. Morgan, D.1&5 ARKANSAS. James K. Jones, D..1SJ1 1 James H. Berry, D..1S96 CALIFORNIA. Leland Stanford, K.lliGeorseHearst, D...1933 COLOK.UK). Henry M.Teller,R.. 1831 EM O. "Wolcott, B..1K6 COXNtCTICCT. OrrilleH-riatt, K..1691, Jos. It. Hawley,R..lS33 DELAWARE. George Gray, D lS3;Anth'yEisins,R..lS FLORIDA. V.'ilfcissoa Call, D...l!,Samuel Pasco, D...1SBB GEORGIA. Joseph E-Broin, D.1S31.A. H. Colquitt, D...1S35 ILLINOIS. a B. Farce!!, R....1SH;S. M. Cnllosn, K....1&6 INDIANA. D. WT. Vooraees, D1S31,D. S. Turpie, D....1S33 IOWA. IVxc B. Allison, R..lljJ. F. "Wilson E.....1885 KANSAS. John J. Ingalls, R.1SM;p. B. Plumb, R.ieSB KENTCCKY. J.CS.BIackbum, D.1531 James B. Beck, D..1835 Louisiana. James B. Eustis, D.1!&1 R. L. Gibson, D 1K6 MAINE. Eugene Hale, R....ls33,V.m. P. Frye, R....1SS5 MARYLAND. E. K. "Wilson, D . ..1S31.A. P. Gorman, D...1S33 MASSACHUSETTS. Henry L. Da-Jres.U .1-N.G.Geo. F. Hoar, R..1SS5 MICHIGAN. F.B-Stockbridse.R.lSJOiJames McMillan, R.1S95 MINNESOTA. Cus'm'n K-Davis. R.1 -"93, V. D. Washbum,R.lSO MISSISSIPPL Jas. Z. George, D...1SO Ed. C "WalthaU, D.1SS5 MISSOURI. George G. Vest, D..1SH F. M. Cockrcll, D..1833 Nebraska. A. S. Paddock, R ..1S33.C. F. Manderson,R.19S5 NEVADA. John P. Jones, R...1S31 IV. M. Stewart, R..1S33 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Henry W. Blair. R .1S91.W.E. Chandler, R..19BB NEW JERSEY. Rufas Blodgett, D 1S33.J. R. McPfccrson. ..18K NEW YORK. IVra. M. Evarts. R..1531 Frank Hiscock, R..1S33 NORTH CAROLINA. Zebulon B.Vance.D.lSl Matt V. Ransom. D.1S95 NOirrU DAKOTA. Gilbert A-Pierce.K.lSSl, Lyman B.Casey, R.1SG ouio. . Henry B. Payne, D.1S91 John Sherman, B...1S33 OREGON. John H. Mitchell, R.lS31,Joph Dolph, R....1955 PENNSYLVANIA. Jas. D. Cameron, R.1S91 .Matthew S.Quay,R.lS33 RHODE ISLAND. JCern"W.Aldrich,R.lS33;XathanF.Diion,R.lSS5 SOUTH CAROLINA. "Wade Hampton, D.lMl.MattC. Butler, D..1S6 SOUTH DAKOTA. Gid'n a Moody, R .1S31.R. F. Pettigrew, R..1S93 TENNESSEE. "Wm. B. Bate.D....lS.G.L G. Harris, D 1SK TEXAS. J. IL Reagan, D....1H5 Richard Coke, D...1953 VERMONT. J. S. Morrill, R. :31G. F. Edmunds, R..1S33 VIRGINIA. J.W. Daniel, D....lriCJ J. S. Barbour, D...1H6 WASHINGTON, TV. C. Squire. R....lsi'l,John B. Allen, R...1S33 WEST VIRGINIA. C J. Faulkner, D...lS3tj'John E. Kenna, D..19G6 WISCON-IN. J. C. Sr-ooncr, R ...lSil Pniletus 5awyer,R.:S33 SUMMARY. Republicans.... 45,Democrats.... .......37 HOUSE. ALABAMA. at. nominee'.' Uitl. jommeet. Z. R. B- Clarke Di 5. James E. Cobb...D 2. H. A. Herbert".... D 6. J. H. Bankhead..D S. William C. OatesD 7. W. H. Forney" ...D 4. Lewis W. Turpin .DJ S. Joseph WheeIer..D ARKANSAS, 1. Williari H. Cate .D; i. Joan H. Rogers.. D 2. aR-Breckinridge'Dl 5. 3. T. aiicKae" D samuei . feeiu : CALTTORNTA. 1. J. J. De Haven.. ..R 4. "VV. "W. Morrow. .R 2. Marion Bitrr,....D1 5. T. J. Clunie D S. Joseph McKennaK I C W. A. Vandever..R COLORADO. HoscaTownsend..Ri CONNECT! CUT. 1. "VV. E. S:monds....R; 3. CA. Russell" R $. IV. F. "Willcox.. .D; 4. Frederick Mile3...K DELAWARE. J. B. PenningtonDi FLORIDA. J. R.H-M.DavidsonMl 2. EotKrtW.BullockD GEORGIA. 1. RurusE. Letter. .D 6l James H.Blonnt".D U. Henry G.Turner".Dl T. J. C Clement "..D 5. Charles K. Crisp". DI S. Henrv C. Carlton". D 4. T. W. G:me... D Allen D. Candlcr".D 6. John D. Stewart". DJ George T.Baraes".D ILLINOIS. I. Abner Tavlor R 11. William H. G-est.R 2. Frank Law'er".. D li Scott Wiket D William E.Ma&on"R 11 AT. M. Sprinrer"..D S. 4. George E. Adams'R 14. J. H. Rowells"....R Albert J JIokinsK 15. Joseph C Cannon'R Robert R. Hitt...R 16. George IV. FithianD 6. 6. 7. T. J.Henderoa"..K 17. tawaru Lone" u g. Charles A. 1U11 ...R 14 W. S. Forman... D 9. Lewis E.Pay.on"..R 19. James RAVilliamsD la Philip S. Post". . R -31 George IV. Smith.B INDIANA. 1. Wm. F. Parrott...D.' S. E. V. Brookshire.O 2. John IL 0-Xea:i"..Dl 9. Jos. B. CheadIe"..R 5. James B. Brown..D'lO. Wra. D. Owens".. -R 4. VVm. S. Holman" D 11. A. X. Martin D 6. Geo. W. C-oper..D li a A.O. McClellan.D 6.T. M. Browne" .. R 13. B. F. ShlTely" D ?. Win. D. Bvnurn"..DJ IOWA. 1. John H. Gir" R T. Edwin H. Conj:er.R 2. Walter I, Have".D S. James P- Flick... .R 5. D. B. Henderon".R 9. Joseph R. Reed...R 4 John H. Sww;acv..It 10. Joseph P. DolliverJt b. Daniel Kerr"...I..R 11. Isaac C, Strub!e"..R 6. John F. Laccy R! KANSAS. 1. E. X. Morrill" Ri 5. John A. Anderson'R 2. E. H. Funstoa"...R ft. E. J. Turner R 3. B. W. Perkins"... .R T. Samuel R. Peter.B 4. Harrison Kelly Ri KENTUCKT. 1. William J. Stone"Dj T. W. a P. Breckin- 5 William Ellis Dj ridsre" D 3 H. Goodnight D S. J. B.McCreary...D 4. A.B.MoniKon:eryD! 9. T. H. Payn'T -D 6 .VsherG Camth".D 10. John H. W -,.a...R t. John G. Car:isle"..D 11. Frank V i'lnley..R IjOUTSLIN.V. 1. T. G. Wilkinca"D 2. IL D. Coleman It 3. Andrew Price V, i. S. C. Elanchard'.D 5. C J. Boctner? D 6. S. M. Robertson'.D MAINE. 1 Thomas B. Red'.Rj 3. Seth L. Milliken'.R 2! Nelson Dingley"..R; 4. C. A. Boutelle- R MARYLAND. 1 Chas. H. Gibson"..D! 4. IL Stockbridcc.-.R 2! Herman Stamp... D S. Barnes Compton..D a H. Welles Ruj-k..DJ 6. L. E. McComas...R MASSACnUSETTS, 1 Chas. S. Randall R T. Wm. Cogswell.... R 2 Elijah A-Mors-c.. R N F. T. Greenhalgc.R 2. John F. Andrew.. .D 9. J.W. CandlerT R . Jos. H. O'Neill.... D Id. J. H. Walker R 6. N. P. Bank" R 11. Rodney Wallace... R 6. Henry a Lodge -R li F. W. Rockwell'-.R MICHIGAN. 1. J. L. Chipman"...-D! T. J. R. Whiting. D 2. E. P. Allen" Ki S. Aaron T. BIs.....R 3. James O'DonccUMr 9. B. M. Cutcheon"...R 4. J. C. Burrows" R 10. F. IL Wheeler.. ...R 5. Chas. E. Belknap..R IL S. M. Stephenson..R . Mark L. Brewer". R( MINNESOTA. 1 MarkH.Daanel:l.R 4. Sam'el P. Snyder.R 2. John Lind" R, 5. S. G. Cmstock...R 3. D.S.Hall E MISSISSIPPI. I John M. Allen"... DJ 5. C L. Andcrson...D " James 3 Morgan" Di 6. T. R. Stockdale"..D S T. C. Catchings..D' T. Cha&. E. Hooker.D 4." Clarke Lewia. DI MISSOURL I. Wm. H. Hatch. .D S. F.G.Niedringhaas.R 0 Ca"!. H. Manur".D 9. Natban Frank R si A. ai. Doekery...D'lQ. Wm. N. Kiney...R 4. R. P. a Wilson.. .Dill. R.P. Bland" D 8. John a Tarsney..D!ia Wm. J. Stone"... .D 6 JohnT. Heard"... D 13. Wm. H. Wade...R 9. CILXortoa 4J.lt Jas. r. ayier-...u MONTANA. 1. Thos. H. Carter....R NEBRASKA. h Y.-J- ConnelL....R 3. G. W. E. DorsejB . GUbert L. Laws..R NEVADA. L Horace F.BartineBi NEW HAMPSHIRE. V Monro Nnte R 2. Orren C Moore... X SEW JERSEY. 1. C A. Bergen Rf 6. CD. Beckwith...K . James Buchanan'R 6. H. Lehlbach" R 3. J.GeiseahainerD 7. Wm. McAdoo....'.D 4. Samuel Fowler... D! SEW TORE. James W. CovertD IS. J.A.QuackenbnshS 19. Charles Tracey.D Felix Campbell...D a Wm. a Wallace...RkSX John Stanford. 4. JohnM. Clancy... D; !1. John Moat R 5. Thos. M. MaenerDrJ. F. Lansinc . Chas. H. Turner.D,3. Jas. S. ShermanR T. E. J. Dunphy. D24. David WUber....R a Jno. H. McCarthy.D.SS. Jas. J. Beldea....R 9. A. J. Cummings...D 28. Milton Delano..R 10. F. B. Spinola.....D27. SerenoE. Payne. .R 11. John Quinn. D 24 Thos. S. Flood...R li R.P. Flower D2. John Raines R 13. Ashbel P. Fitch..DS0. Chas. S. Baker... R 11. W.GStahlneckerD31. John G. Sawyer.. R 15. Moses D.Stivers..R32. J. M. Farquhar...R 18. John H. Ketcham'R 33. John L Wiley.. ..D 17. Charles J. Knapp.R 34. Wm.G.Laidlaw.R NOimi CAROLINA. 1. Thos. E. Skinner..D) fl Alfred Rowland..D 2. IL P. Cheatham...R 7. J. S. Henderson..D 3. C. W.McClammy.D & W. H. IL Cowles'.D 4. Benj. H. Bunn D 9. H. G. Ewart R 5. J. M. Brower R! NORTH DAKOTA. L H. C Hansbrough-R. onio. 1. B. Butterworth"...R!i2. J. J. Pursier.. R 2. John A. CaldweU..R 13. J. H. Outhwaite.D 3. E. S. William"... R 11. C. P. Wickham"..R 4. Samuel S. Yoder.D'l5. C. H. Grosvenor.R 5. Geo. E. Seney" ...D IS. James JL Owens..D 6. M. M. Boothman".R'l7. J. D. Taylor" R 7. nenry L. Moreyt..R14 W.McKlnleyJr..R & IL P. Kennedy "..R lft. Ezra B. Taylor.. R 9. Wm. C. Cooper".. R at. M. L. Smyser.....R 10. Wm. E. Haynes...Df.'l. T. E. Burton B 11. A. C Thompson"..R OREGON. 1. BInger Hermann"R TENN SYLVANIA. 1. H. H. Bingham".. 2. Charles O'Neill". 3. S.J.Randall"..... 4. Wm. D. Kelley".. 5. A.C Harmer" 6. S. Darlington..., 7. R.M. Vardley... S. Wm. Mutchler.... 9. D. B. Brunner..... 10. Marriott Bros'.us. 11. J. A. Scrantont... 12. E. S. Osborne.... 13. James B. ReiUy.. 14. JohnW. Rife 15. Myron B. Wrieht.R 18. H. C McConnick'R 17. C. R. Bucka!ewt..D 14 L. E. Atkinson".. .R 19. LerlMaish". D J3. Edward Seull R R R;21. S. A. Craig Di2J. John Dal2ell. D.23. T. M. Bayne.. ..R ..R RB4. J. Warren Rav .R 2S.CC Townsend...B X. W. a Cnlbertson.R . n V TC.... T R.2S. James Kerr D RHODE ISLAND. 1. H. L. Spooner"....R 2. W. O. Arnold".. ...R SOUTH CAROLINA. 1. Samuel Dibble"... D 2. Geo.D. Tillman" . D 3. Jas. S. Cothran...D 4. Wm. H. Perry.,. D 5. Jno. J. HenspniU'-D 6. Geo. W. Dargan"..D 7. William Elliott... D SOUTH DAKOTA L Oscar F. GiCord...R 2. John A Pickler....B TENNESSEE. 1. Alfred A. Taylor.. .R 6. J. E. Washington'.D 7. W.CWhitthorne.D 8. Benj. A. Enloe . . .D 9. Rice A. Pierce.. ...D 2.L.C.Houk" R a H. Clay Evans.... R 4. Benton McMUlin'.D 5. J. D. Richardsoa.D; 10. James Phelan D TEXAS. 1. Charles Stewart".. DI 2. Wm. H. Martin"...D 7. Wm. H. Crain D 8. L. W. Moorc"....D 9. Roger Q. Mills ...D 10. Joseph D.Sayrs.D 1CB. Kileore" ...D; 4. D.B. Culberson".. .D 5. Silas Hare". Dl 11. S. W.T.I.arham..D 6. Jos. H. Abbott" ..D VERMONT. 1. JohnW. Stewart. RI 2. Win. W. Gront...S VIRGINL. 1. T. H. B. Browne"..R 6. Paul C Edmunds.D 2. Geo. E. Bowden"..Rk7. Chas.T.O'FerralLD a Georce D. Wise"..D 8. Wm. H. F. Lee...D 4. EdWdCVcnable.D! 9. John A.Buchanan.D 5. Peter G. Lester. .D 10. Henry S.Tucktr..D WASHINGTON. 1. John S. Wilson... .R' J WEST YIRGINU. 1. Jno. O. Pendleton.DI 2. John D. AlderscaD 2. Wm. L Wilson".D; 4. James M. Jackson.D WISCONSIN. Luc'nB. Cawell".R' 6. CharleB. Claik.R Charles Barwig..D R.M.LaFollette".R LW.VanSchaickt.R Geo. II. Brickner..D, 7. O. B. Thomas ...R K. Nels P. Haugen..R 8. Myron H. Mc'Mird.B THE TERRITORIES. ARIZONA. Marcns A. Smith" IDAHO. Frederick T. Dubois R. NEW MEXICO. Antonio Joseph D. UTAH. JotnT. Caine" Mcr.-D. WYOMING. Joeph XL Carey , "Member of the Fiftieth Congress. Member of a preceding Congress. SUMMARY. ...R State. J?j. Dim. State. F.tp. Den. Alabama. 8 Nevada 1 Arkansas" 5 N. Hampshire t California 4 2 New Jersey... 4 3 Colorado 1 .. Sew York 19 15 Connecticut 3 1 North Carolina 3 6 Delaware 1 North Dakota. 1 Florida 20hio 16 5 Georgia 10 Oregon 1 Illinois 13 7 Pennsylvania.. 21 7 Indiana 3 10 Rhode Island.. 2 Iowa.: 10 1 South Carolina. .. 7 Kanas 7 ..'South Dakota.. 2 Kentucky 2 9 Tennessee... .. 3 7 Louisiana. 1 STexas 11 Maine 4 ..(Vermont 2 Maryland 2 4 Virginia 2 6 Ma-sachusetts 10 2. Washington. .. 1 Michigan 9 2 West Virginia. . 4 Minnesota 5 ..Wisconsin.... 7 2 Mis?isippl 7 Misuari 4 10! Total 169 161 Montana 1 .. Republi'n mj S Nebraska 3 ..I GOSSIP OF THE GREAT. Mextxik ITI., King of Abyssinia, la fhe son of a bejrar wosan who took th fancy of bis royal father. FmxcE5s Louise, Duchess of Fife, is fond of drawing, and is said to be really meritorious artist. The Kin? of Bavaria receives an in come of 81,000,000 a year from the profits of tho Hofbrauhaus brewery. The Grand Duchess Sergics, of Rus sia, is a distinguished authoress, now writing the lives of the Empresses of Russia. The Shah of Persia begot a peculiar passion in England. He became infat uated with capo-coats and had a largo number made of all colors and from va rious kinds of materials. The rumor that the Prince of Wales is suffering from Bright's disease seems to be confirmed. There is no donbt that the English royal family is plunged in gloom, and that Victoria is worried about the succession. According to tho latest reports the Prince's physicians have informed him that ho has not more than two years' leas of life. His trip to Egypt will bo undertaken to re lieve, if possible, his mind of its present despairing tone. He has always had a presentimont that he would never bo King of England, and he is now con vinced that his forebodings were cor rect. The young German Emperor has shown himself a most astonishing trav eler during his short reign. He came to the throne in Jun, 1SSS. Since that time he has spent less time at home than in traveling, having visited the following places: St. Petersburg, Den mark, Sweden, Frankfort, Sonnenburg Dresden, Detmold, Stuttgart, Munich, Vienna, Rome, Naples, Hamburg, Leip zig, Breslau, Wilhehcshaven, Stettin, Buckeburg, Posen, Oldenburg, Schwodt, Weimar, Eisenach, Kiel, Brunswick, Sigmaringen, Norway, England, Bey routh, Karlsruhe, Strasburg, Hetz, Slunster, Dresden. Mindea and Han over. i THE DAVIS OBSEQUIES. CeremoHlea Attendlag-tb Fuersl rjcf feraoa Davte at New Oriaaaa The Ex Confederate Chief Buried With Military Honors. New Orleans, Dec 12. Yesterday could not have been more beautiful. At seven o'clock the sun burst forth and a beautiful Southern day dawned for the obsequies of the Southern chief tain, Jefferson Davis. The citv was crowded with thousands ' of people, representing the prominence, the wealth and the chivalry of the Southern States. Six or seven Govern ors were here, attended by their staffs, J and bringing with them great delega- j tions of people. A dozen companies from Georgia, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama were ' here, and with the Louisiana State Na- of New Orleans participated in the pa rade. The crush on the streets exceed ed any tiling that has been wit nessed here on the occasion of the car nival festivities. Across in Lafayette square, just opposite the citv hall, a , dense multitude gathered and Canal street, Camp and St. Charles were crowded with people from all over the 1 country. I The floral decorations were added to vesterday morning. Thev came from every State and city in the South, and were superb in their design and finish. The town was draped from one end to the other with most elaborate showings of black. Business fronts and resi t dences that were barren of mourning ' emblems Tuesday were covered, and every bit of bunting there was in the city flew on a staff at half mast. As soon as the doors of the city hall were opejied, a stream of visitors began to pour through the death chamber to take a farewell view of the remains of the famous Confederate leader. The crowd of visitors was even greater than that of Tuesday, there being hundreds of people from abroad whose visit to the city had been delayed. It was not until 11:30 o'clock that the lid of the casket was closed down for ever upon the features of the dead. The remains were then conveyed to the front portico of the city hall building, where the simple but impressive rites of the Episcopal Church were per formed. LaFayette square in front of the city I nan ana tno streets were aenseiy packed with people, and the balconies and every available space from which the procession could be reviewed wa9 crowded in the extreme. By universal request, Mr. Davis was given a funeral in full accord with his superior rank as a military officer; in addition to which the numerous civic and other organizations combined to render the cortege in all respects most imposing, not only with reference to numbers, but in the pomp and circumstances of its elaborate cere monial. At 12:10 the casket was conveyed from the memorial room to an impro vised catafalque in the center of the front portico, whose massive pillars were entwined with a profusion of crepe. Over the casket was thrown the soft folds of a silken flag of the "Lost Cause," as also the glittering saber with which the dead soldier had carved fame and honor for himself, and glory and victory for his country on the crimson fields of Chapultepec and Monterey. The obsequies, which were according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church, were conducted by Bishop Galleher, as sisted by five officiating clergymen of various denominations. At the conclusion of the religious sen-ices the casket was borne by a de tachment of soldiers to the handsomely decorated caisson which had leen pre pared especially for its reception, and on which it was to be conveyed to the cemetery. From the caisson rose a catafalque, consisting of a unique and beautifully designed canopy, measur ing from base to dome eight feet in length and four feet in width and sup ported by six bronze cannon. As the funeral cortege traversed the streets, from the turrets of every church a knell was tolled, the clank of sabers and the tramp of iron-shod feet echoed along the interminable lines, while soul-subduing dirges blended with the solemn booming of the minute guns. Parts of the city not directly located on the line of march, or in any wise remote from thescene of pageant, were literally depopulated, their in habitants having gathered in countless numbers on the banquettes and other available places from which an easy view of the marching column could be had. Bishop Thompson opened the cere monies by reading the first portion of the Episcopal burial service. Then T. S. Sappiugton, of company B, Tenth United States infantry, sta tioned at Mount Vernon barracks, Ala., sounded the bugle call of taps and Bishop Galleher read the second portion of the ritual, consigning the body to the grave. An anthem by W. H. Walter was sung by the choristers to a cornet ac companiment. BishoD Thompson re cited the Lord's prayer in which the cnoir, tne clergy and the general public joined, and then the beautiful ''Rock of Ages';was rendered and the religious rites were over. The Braxo Improvement. Fort Worth, Tex., Dec 12 Thomas J. Ilurley has just returned from Europe, where he went in thein terest of the mouth of the Brazos scheme. With him comes Sir John Moore, an engineering expert sent over by English capitalists to report on the work being done. If this .report is as favorable as the report of the first en gineer sent over by the Britishers, the Brazos improvement will be pushed re gardless of cost. Thirteen feet of water on the bar has been secured. This is the largest private undertaking of this kind ever known in the South. FROM LANDS AFAR. ITAX.T has 4,890,000 trees, which pre face 1,200,900,000 lemons per annum. It is proposed to light up horses' heads whh oloctrio light during fogs in Lorn don. These are now sixteen Browning so cieties in the various provincial towns of England. Cbexatiob: is coming more and more into vogue in Germany. At Gotha 100 .bodies have been cremated since Janu- ! aryl. At the Paris Exhibition of 1567 the theaters took in 92,100,000, at the expo sition of 1ST8 S3,00,000, and in 1889 S3, 050,000. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Switzerland has resolved to banish cats from the republic on the ground that they aro killing off the birds. m CATARRH. Catarrhal Dearne-Hay Fever A Sew Home Treatment. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lininp membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereoy Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. S. B. This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamph let explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of three cents in stamps to pay postage by A. H. Dixon & Son, cor. of John and King Street, Toronto, Canada. Chris tian AdcvcaU. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. How pBovosiXG it is when you want to give vent to your temper by slamming a man's omce coor oeainu you to nave one oi those "air" arrangements close it for you never so gently. Berkshire News. Egrpt and Jerusalem Via the Azores, Gib raltar, Naples and Borne. Geo. May Powell, of Philadelphiat is act teg as sj)ecial manager for organizing a tour of ladies and gentlemen to visit the East. The ocean steamer "Circassian," 4,274 tons, has been chartered to start with tne party from Sew York February 19th. Return through France, England and Scot land about Mav Cth the second section ar riving in Netv York not far from June 7th. The main tour will cost less than t500in its cheapest form. Radiatorv excursions to Ephesus. Constantinople, Vienna, etc, can be added for a reasonable increase of ex pense. Rollo Floyd, the prince of Syrian Drago men, will have charge of the Oriental Sec tion: and Messrs. Gaze & Son. of London, have been eniraged to manage the European Section. Rev. l)r. C. F. Thomas, an expe rienced director of foreign tours, will have Emeral charge en route. A number of young die have already been booked, as Mrs. Thomas will have charge of a department for them. This will be by far the most for the money ever before offered in this line. For further particulars address "Circjlssiax," P. O. Box 700, Philadelphia, Pa. I wemen were elected to our Legislatures there would be no scarcity of candidates for Speaker. Kearney Enterprise. Only One Night Out to Florida. When you come to think of it, the Monon Route his shortened the time to thirty seven hours and twentv minutes between Chicago and Jacksonville, Fla., and affords choice of interesting tourist routes via either Indianapolis and Cincinnati, or Lou isville and Burgin through the famous blue grass regions of Kentucky. The magnin cient system of Pullman's Perfected Safety Vestibuled Sleepers constitutes practically a TTirouoh Car Line between Chicago, Jack sonville, Thomasville, New Orleans and the Southern Winter Resorts, the transfer con sisting in merely being ushered from one Pullman car into another. At Chattanooga is agan afforded choice of lines en route to Jacksonville, either line of which passes through scenes of histor ical interest. Four times every day in the year the beautiful trains of the Monon Route leave Chicago for the South. Intend ing tourist to Florida and the charming cities of the Gulf Coast can gain interest ing particulars by addessing any Ticket Agent of theMonon Route, or James Barker, General Passenger Agent, 1S5 Dearborn Street, Chicago. " The baldhcaded man has one comfort. No one can accuse him of being hair brained. Bmghamton Republican. Oxlt 5693 minutes from Chicago to Cali fornia by the San ta Fe Route. You get the only line of through cars without change cnicago to lxs Angeles, ana you save z hours' time. Tax man with one suit of clothes can speak of moths without shuddering. Scran ton Truth. "Will be found an excellent remedv for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them. The letters our wives don't care if we do keep in our pockets instead of posting them V's and X's. Detroit Free Press. Cordis asd Colds. Those who are suf fering from Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, etc., should trv Brows's Bronchial Tkochxs. SuUl -nlv in boztt. It is paradoxical, to say the least, that the higher classes are the lore classes, and tho lower the hire. Lawrence American. Are unlike all other pills. No purging or pain. Act specially on the liver and bile. Carter's Little Liver Pills. One pill a dose Tsx less a woman believes in a man the greater the respect he is apt to feel toward her. Milwaukee Journal HAtE's Honey of Horehound and Tar re lieves whooping cough. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in 1 minute. ' Bomeibi.v attractive in the way of a cigarette holder a pretty girl's mouth. Rochester PostrExpresa. m It is the lie abilities, asset were, that make the successful assignor. Albany Ex press. A rare opportunity to make $500.00 before Christmas. Address with ref. Gast,8t.Louis. 3ax wants but little here below, but when he can't get it he is in want of every thing. The best cough medicine is Piso's Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 23c. THE GOOD OFFICE OF: iT wel1 illustrated in Xl.-AjiC the cure of neuralgia. k I'll lt0tbe chief symptom of Uflvvlld which Is. an intermlt " J ivV. a? tine pain which follows I m the course of the nerve J III affected. St. Jacobs Oil XLa bv epntle rabbins and applied frequently, will cure NEURALGIA. 156 Sactett St.. Brooklyn. X. Y.. Jan. 31. 1S8B. I wes taken with neuralgia in side and suffered 6 months. I was given up by doc tors, but was cured by St. Jacobs OO. MICHAEL MCGINN. At Druggists -asto Dealers. IK CHA1LE5 A. VOfiOtt CO.. Cozuomptlea Smrely Cared. To the Editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy rats to any of your readers who nave consumption if they will send me their express and post-office address Respectfully, T. A. Sloccm, M. C, 131 Pearl street. New York. A good thing for young speculators to remember is that as a rule there is some thing crooked about a straight tip Harp er's Bazar. A Core of Catarrh in the head, as well as of all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, if taken in time, is ef fected by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, or money paid for it will be promptly returned. A morx pleatant pbTflc Yon never will Ond Than Pierce's small "reHets," Tne Purgame kind. It looks like a blackmailing scheme for any alderman to suggest that the city should more away and give the railroads a chance. N. O. Picayune. TVe value everything in this world by comparison. Water and air have no intrins te value, and vet Jay Gould, if famishing in the desert, would give all his wealth for a pint of the former, and think itrAcap: hence, life and health are the standard of all values. If your system is full of Malaria you will be very miserable; a few doses of Shallenberg ers Antidote will make you well and hap py. Is one dollar a high price to pay ? The philosopher is like the moon hi brightness is due to reflection. He is not always bright when he is full, however. Terre Haute Express. Orecon, the Paradise of Farmers. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant crops. Best fruit, grain, grass, stock country in the world. Full information free. Address Oregon Immigration Board,Portland,Oregon The people who give tone to society sel dom give any thing else. "VAsnixo powders are strong alkalies, and rwfii clothe. The purest soap obtainable is the best and cheapest. Dobbins' Electric Soap has been acknowledged for 24 years to be the purat of ail. Try it right away. The difference between a bitter bite and a biter bit is marked. N. O. Picayune. Smose the best ''Tansill's Punch" Cigar. m Kxow thyself. If you can't get the requi site information, run for office. Time. Helpless 40 Days "For 23 rears I bare suffered with sciatic rhen matlm. Last November 1 was taken worse than erer. and was unable to get out of the house. I was almost helpless for forty days. snZering great aaosy all the time. In December I commenced taking Hood's Sarsapanlla. After the second bottle I was able to be jpt and around andattenJ to business. I took flreootlles. and a m now so free from rheumatism that only occastonalirlfeel It slightly on a sudden char go of weather. I hive great confidence In Hood's arsaparilla." Charles Hxssab. Christie. Clarke Co Wis. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drusgists. tl; six for 85. Prepared only by C. 1. IIOOD 4 CO.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar J4OTHERS rKinnu JMQsdlUm ImOSSL OIWNISHESDW'----- "UOTHERSrVV WjYi i CHILD aATjiWAfii muuatna '-i,r LiniLl BRADFIELD REGULATOR Ctt ATjANtAgi ULD MYALL ORUCB&T3. an A Noted Divine Says: "I have been using-Tatt'a Liver Pilla for Dynpepvla. Weak Ntomaeb and Cootiveneiis. with waich I haTwIeaa; bcea arrilcted. Tutt's Pills ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I aevcraad anything-tedoraenomach rrooci. 1 rcrrommtnd inert to all as the beat medicine In vxlutanec.' Sev. f. R. OSCOOD. Xcw TerSc. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 4A aiurray St 'cw York. TRADE MARK. The Braid that is known the world around. I CURE FITS! When 1 say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then hare them return again. I mean a radical cure. I hav made the dlwae of FITS, EPI LEPSY or FAlXISO SICKNESS a lif e-kar tudr. I war rant mj maedr to cur tho worst cares. Because others haro failed Is no reason for not now receinng a cure. Send at once for a treatlv and a Free Bottle of rar Infallible remedy. Oir Express and Pot-Offlee. U. 6. ROOT. M. C 1M Pearl Street. Sew Tark. auntiBnmimini!na k nMt4 a. a will care ! vt.dim vevgaoTrapcwach fsrwe. CATARRH Gold in toad j Elf t Ureas BalsT LT B305 U Warrea SU.S. T. NEEDLES, SHUTTLES, Forall Sewing Machines. STANUA ro Goods Only. The Trade arsllew. Send for wholesale pn re list. BLaXock ll'r'o Ci REPAIRS. . 00 Locust st-StXouisio ga igignayAray h.ijuc. nfBMaKuSM BsssVarcEr Best Cough U edMnc. Recommended by Plirdelaiia. Ctorw where &U els fails. Pleasant and arneaUe to tha fJhiMren tslte it witboot gYp-fEcs uiavi.i aaa;aaBK OIVK JS1VJOYSI Both the method and results when Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidney, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8H FSAXCISCO. CAU IDUrSVtUE. KI. HEW tOM, H.T. WALES GOODYEAR RUBBERS. The bet Kakker BOOTS aad SSfOKSIa. I WALES CWOBIYKAS roii want rubbers calif the world are branded SHOE CO. When you WALES Goodyear. and do cot bedecetTed by buyingotherrubbera wruf tne word "Goodyear" on thorn, as that name la used ty other companies on inferior goods ( catch tne trade that the Wales Goodyear Shoe Coj has establihed by always making gewvt gnotfgy which fart makes tt economy to buy the WALSH CeL'htd Worsts 0at bct diktct raos factost. EAVIHO 40 to50 PES CUT. AiingieOnran from the znana f acturer at wholesale rrlce. No AGENTS' PROFITS or EXPENSES. SEXT OS TEK D AT3 TEST TEIAT E.ND FOB CATALOGUE. WORCESTER ORCAN CO wuBftSTaa, Baas. VSAXXTHIS rxtLZnwjtmtjnvM. MEW YORK DETECTIVE EDUCATIONAL IUIE1M HALL RUIIOIM, KANSAS CITT, Ml. Young men and others desirous of becoming pro Ceient detectiscan recelre. a thorough, practical knowl edge of toe busin by taking a coarse of Instruction through the abov institution, enabling tbem to obtain good and lucrm tire positions with any of the mojtrs spectabl agrncir in Europe or Amrv Snfflcient knowledg of criminal lawls f amis nd in addition to the practical work of aaordinary drtcctlTeaxw.il a a sound training In tracing financial d.faleatlona. Eminent professional talmtcnleemployed in teaching each branch. Enclo stamp when writing for fanner Information and term. sbtsaxk res ranx nf7 ex. mMa NORTHERN PACIFIC. IlLOW PRICE RAILROAD LANDS 0 FREE Government LANDS. BILLIONS OF ACRES llanrwta..rtk 9m a. Moataaa. Idaho. Wahlata aad Orsg.su CBMIa BAD l'ntUctlon with map dKcriMngTaV CHU rUn BIST Agricultural. Ormzinz and Timber Lands now open to s.ttlers. SENT FREE. Address Hill? R llUanHH uana commiMioner. wunwi wt uisiutfiini esrsuu Tfla fix ec m a ST. PAUL, MINN. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. SEXD for Catalogue w --.GUNS Hunting Equipments. Ball. Gymnasium and AUf letic Goods and Sporting; Novelties of all kinds to tr K- aacajotT iSportina Gaads Company, (f ' Mala Street. Kansas Citt. Mo. rsAsz tms ttitz wj t RAW PUR SKINS! Hifhest Cash Prices Pais. HOMEST USvRTKMT. PROMPT RETURNS. Bead far oar Mice Comae. A. K. BURKHARDT A. CO.. 113 W. Tocrth St.. aad IIS aad 114 Burnet Street. CXXCOTAXI, Okie. araaax this r akb m a, jm . A ROOT OIFT TOC CA ORDER TO AST ADDRESS. OUR LITTLE Ht-V AM) WOMEN. St a year, fvnplas of ose&cts.:f alll&ets. B. LgTsUWr CO., aeatai. rsAJu this rsnvq at w mm. PENSIONS! MRS wj Address r. M. Procured quickly. R-pag-.DilSDhl.toB Pension aimS Bounty Laws scsTraaa , r ."? -as.. eaavrr.rtii,i. . -- -- -- wv .... fc.... j-v i .yv 1 1 p, ajm araaaa bus ruu mmj saw ; AWNINCS. TENTS, COVERS. C. J. BAKER'?. Fourth and Delaware Streeta,. Kansas C ty. Mo. Send for Illustrated Price Ltat. ssai mii.isiiiaiassjMHm PATENTS '! TB3 raKBswr Ska. m Tor L1VLMORS. aO-paga BOOK FEES. AUnaa W. T. Fitzpraid. A Mary at Law, Yaattapoo, V. C. $5 to S8 a day. Samples worth Si. IS FREE. Lines not tinder hnre feet. Wrtta BBgwRrgasirrrr ago aoutaco.. Hwtr.assa. S ASIC TBJS r AttX troy mm jm warn. wanted STANLEYS u 9JJU. Beatlsros. Salional Pubus EXPLOaUTIOXSrs- If riea. w Siaar Pabllsbiag Co St. Loma. SBfSaJU THIS rina awry jsa aslia. flfJC SITST. Boot-teeplng. Penmaaihlp. Aritb nUaslE ssetle. Shorthand, etc. thoroughly taught by maU. Circulars tite. aaiasrs """ Bsasw,S.T. A.N. K.-D 1270 WBEX WUTUU TS ABtTEsmI3ta PaJBASR state fast jaa saw the A4tlswsaeat U (aft objection. By drasjzista. ibK9RHI 7T-& I 1 a U I r I it vssSFSfm-i&'lir' ss1- - 'aW3sBJI" mm'm.at&m IWMUiMSMW. fcSrstsgias- JWi &tG?stl?Z!ZngSxSiX&tx Js1. , w A. 9