The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1889, Image 7

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    UJ ' ytftyy ' j
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Eerraon Delivered by Rev. T. De
Witt Talniagre at Joppa.
TIip .if " Work of the rioneer In L'n-
oteiitatinu Kleemoiynarj- Wurk
i:rvieeil Her Influence a
I'ereunial One.
IK-.n;: his visit to the Holy Land,
Jcya. the homo of Dorcas, was visited
fcllcr. T. OeWitt Talmage, and while
ii r he delivered the following ser
tr "i taking for hLs text:
A : a" the widows stood by him vccpln,
.-3t ,w.ns the coats and panneuts which
1 r made while she was with them. Act-.
."...ass of Joppa! Impressed as I
zr -ii jour mosque, the first lever
s . ni stirred as I am with the fact
t r harbor onee floated the groat
r.ft ' Lebanon cedar from which the
zr. . s at Jerusalem were buildtd,
. n's oxen drawing' the logs through
t . " i -J tov.-n on the v.-ay to Jerusalem,
: .n 'an make me forget that this
" was the birthplace of the sewing
s . "" '1 a has blessed the poor in all
Z.s ' Tn- disasters to your town when "M- '"abajus set it on fire, and Xa
y ' .1 five hundred prisoners nias
... - ' n vour neighborhood, can not
e. j. a r" forget that one of the most
z. j-f ' 3t charities of the centuries
v a.- --"-.ed in this seaport ly Dorcas, a
u .r With her n"edle embroidering iiieflaceably into the tx?nefi-
of the world. I see her sitting in
v r..rl.ome. In the doorway.and around
z." .' ti.e building, and in the room
K rr she sits, are the pale faces of the
i - Le listens to their plaint, she
r rs ti ir woe. she makes garments for
t &. he adjusts the manufactured
. . to suit the bent form of this
.ri.w.1 woman, and to the cripple
t comes crawling on his hands
an I Alices. She gives a coat to this
cr. she gives sandals to that one.
"."..' the gift's she mingles prayers and
-fa- and Christian encouragement.
TI fn she goes out to bo greeted on the
s .'( corners by thoe wliom she has
" t --. I. and all through the street the
r- - L ard: "'Dorcas is coming!" The
s .v . jok up gratefully in her face as
' puts her hand on the burning brow.
. thr lost and the abandoned start up
w. "- ' ope as they hear her gentle voice.
. 1 -gh an angel had addressed them:
x -a- siii goes out the lane, eyes half
. with sin think they see a halo
( " T, about her brow and a trail of
:r. her pathway. That night a
4. a a i shipwright climbs the hill
a! j. a- ues home, and sees his little
tll flad and says: "Where did
- o:nes come from?" And they
- . i..i. "Dorcas has been here." In
.ir j'laee a woman is trimming a
- '-. Dorcas bought the oil. In
..: :. - place, a family that had not
' i at table for many a week are
r- - "i d now, for Dorcas has brought
'hero is a sudden pause in that
a - aii's ministrv. They sav: "Where
- I rcas? Why, we haven't seen her
f vjr.any a day. Where is Dorcas?"
"j V-i cue of the-e poor people froes up
ai I knocks at the dior and finds the
r. tsi- solved. All through the
I ...nts of wretchedness the news comes,
Dorcas is sick!' 2Cb bulletin flashing
f- n the palace gate, telling the stages
c a King's disease, is more anxiously
na.ted for than the news from this sick
y nc fatress. Alas for Joppa! there is
v..Iinz. wailing. That voice which
us uttered o many cheerful words is
v.ned: that hand which has made so
r. any jrarments for the poor is cold and
.: the stars whioh had poured light
.ri the midnight of wretchedness is
l.:r.nii d hy the blinding mists that go
s rom the river of death. In every
J-fjrsaken place in this town: wher
t -.f there is sick child and no balm;
r--ever there is guilt and no com
n. s -ation; wherever there is a broken
Li-t and no comfort, there are despair
.TlZ looks and streaming eyes and fran
t gesticulations as they cry:
Dorcas is dead!"
Ti.t y send for the apostle Peter, who
happens to be in the suburbs of this
r.a-i, .stopping with a tanner Simon
v name. I'eter urges his way through
'it crowd around the door and stands in
' o presence of the dead. What expos-
. a-on and grief all about him! Here
-anJ ome of the poor people, who show
c ga-ments which this poor woman
hi 1 made for them. Their grief can not
ix apea-ed. The apostle Peter wants
ti -1 rfoms a miracle. He will not do it the excited crowd, so he kindly
f-icrsthat the whole room be cleared.
Ti door is shut against the populace.
"i.i apostle stands now with the dead.
(' . is a serious moment, you know.
v-Lon you are alone with a lifeless body!
Ti. apostle gets down on his knees and
--a vs. and then he comes to the lifeless
i -m of this one all ready for the sepul
. ( -. and in the strength of. Him who is
iii resurrection he exclaims: "Tabitha.
. arN'" There is a stir in the fountains
o' life: the heart flutters: the nerves
ti-ill: the cheek flushes: the eye opens;
btc- sits up!
We see in this subject Dorcas the
Cciple. Dorcas the benefactress. Dor
ra the lamented, Dorcas the resur
ri .-ted.
If I had not seen that word disciple in
my text. I would have known this wom
an was a Christian. Such music as that
never came from a heart which is not
iiiorded and strung by Divine grace.
JJefore I show you the needlework of
this woman I want to show you her re
generated heart, the source of a pure
Lfi and all Christian charities. I wish
that the wives and mothers and daugh
ters and sisters of all the earth would
imitate Dorcas in her discipleship. De
fore you cross the threshold of the hos
' pital. before you enter upon the tempta
tions and trials of to-morrow. I charge
von. in the name of God, and by the tur
moil and tumult of the judgment day,
oh. woman! that you attend to the first,
last and greatest duty of your life the
seeking for God and being at peace with
Him. When the trumpet shall sound
there will !e an uproar, and a wreck of
mountain and continent, and no human
arm can help you. Amidst the rising
"irVie dead, and amidst the boiling of
yf -er scs, and amidst the Hve, leaping
tnundersof the flying heavens, calm
and placid will be every woman's heart
who hath put her trust in Christ: calm
notwithstanding all the tumult, as
though the fire in the heavens were
only the glidings of an autumnal sun
Ret, as though the peal of the trumpet
were only the harmony of an orchestra,
as though the awful "voices of the sky
were but a group of friends bursting
through a gateway at eventime with
laughter, and shouting '-Dorcas, the
disciple!" Would God that every IMarv
and every Martha would this dav sit
down at the feet of Jesus!
Further, we see Dorcas the benefac
tress. History has told the story of the
crown; the epic poet has sung" of the
sword; the pastoral poet, with his verses
full of the redolence of clover tops, and
a rustle with the silk of the corn, has
sung the of the plow. I tell you
the praises of the needle. From theYj;
leaf role prepared in the garden of
Eden to the last stitch taken on the
garment for the poor, the needle has
wrought wonders of kindness, generos
ity and benefaction. It adorned the
girdle of Jie high priest: it fashioned
the curtains in the ancient tabernacle:
it cushioned the chariots of King Sol
omon; it provided the robes of Queen
Elizabeth; and in high places and in
low places, by the fire of the pioneer's
back log and under the fla--h of the
chandelier, everywhere, it has clothed
nakedness. It has preached the Gos
pel, it has overcome hosts of penury and
want with the war cry of '"Stitch,
stitch, stitch!"' The operatives have
found a livelihood by it. and through it
the mansions of the emplover have been
Amidst the greatest triumphs in all
ages and lands I set down the conquests
of the needle. I admit its crimes: I ad
mit its cruelties. It has had more mar
tyrs thu the fire; it has punctured the
eye: it has pierced the side: it has
struck weakness into the lungs; it has
sent madness into the brain; it has filled
the potter's field; it has pitched whole
armies of the .suffering into crime and
wretchedness and woe. Hut now that I
am talking of Dorcas and her ministries
to the poor 1 shall speak only of the
charities of the needle. This woman
was a representative of all thoe women
who make garments for the destitute,
who knit socks for the barefooted, who
prepare bandages for the lacerated, who
fix up boxes of clothing for missio. ries,
who go into the asylums of the suffering
and destitute, bearing that Gospel which
is sight for the blind, and hearing for
the deaf, and which makes the lame
man leap like a hart, and brings the
dead to life, immortal health bounding
in their pulse-..
What a contrast between the practical
benevolence of thi woman and a great
deal of the charity of to-day! This wom
an did not spend her time idly plan
ning how the poor of your city of Joppa
were to be relieved: she took her needle
and relieved t'iem. She was not like
thoe persons who sympathize with im
aginary sorrows, and go out in the
street and laugh at the boy who has
up-et his basket of cold victuals, or like
that charity which makes a rousing
speech on the lenevolent platform, and
goes out to kick the beggar from the
step, crying; "Ilu-h your miserable
howling!1 The sufferers of the world
want not o much theology as practice:
not so much tears as dollars: not so much
kind wishes as loaves of bread, not so
much "God bless yous!" as jackets and
frocks. 1 will put one earnest Chris
tian man. hard-working, against five
thousand mere theorists on the subject
of charity. There are a great many who
have fine ideas about church architect
ure who never in their life helped to
build a church. There are men who can
give you the history of Duddhism and
Mahotnmedanism who never spent a
farthing for their evangelization. There
are women who talk beautifully about
the suffering of the world, who never
had the courage, like Dorcas, to take the
needle and assault it.
I am glad that there is not a page of
the world's history which is not a record
of female benevolence. God says to all
lands and people, come now and hear
the widow's mite rattle down into the
poor Ihjx. The Princess of Conti sold
all her jewels that she might help the
famine stricken. Queen Dlanche, the
wife of Louis VIII. of France, hearing
that there were some persons .unjustly
incarcerated in the prisons, went out
amidst the rabble and took a stick and
struck the door as a signal that they
might all strike it. and down went the
prison dooi and out came the prisoners.
Queen Maud, the wife of Henry L. went
down amidst the poor and washed their
sores and administered to them cordials.
Mrs. P.etson. at Matagorda, appeared on
the battle-field while the missiles of
death were flying around, and cared
for the wounded. Is there a man or
woman who has ever heard of the civil
war in America who has not heard of
the women of the sanitary and Christian
commission, or the fact that, before the
smoke had gone up from Gettysburg and
South Mountain, the women of the North
met the women of the South on the bat
tlefield, forgetting all their animosities
while they bound up the wounded, and
closed the eyes of the slain. Dorcas,
the benefactress.
I come now to speak of Dorcas the la
mented. When death struck down that
good woman, oh. how much sorrow there
was in this town of Joppa! I suppose
there were women here with lamer
fortunes; women, perhaps, with hand
somer faces: but there was no grief at
their departure like this at the death of
Dorcas. There was not more turmoil
and upturning in the Mediterranean sea.
dashing against the wharves of this sea
port, than there were surgings to and
fro of grief because Dorcas was dead.
There are a great many who go out of
life and are unmissed. There may be a
very large funeral; there may Iks a great
many carriages and a plumed hearse;
there may be high branding eulogiums;
the bell may toll at the cemetery gate;
there may lie a very fine marble shaft
reared over the resting place: but the
whole thing may be a falsehood and a
sham. The Church of God has lost noth
ing, the world has lost nothing. It is
only a nuisance abated: it is only a
grumbler ceasing to find fault; it is only
an idler stopped yawning: it is only a
dissipated fashionable parted from hi
wine cellar; while, on the other hand,
no useful Christian leaves this world
without being missed. The Church of
God cries out like the prophet: "Howl,
fir tree, for the cedar has fallen."
Widowhood comes and shows the gar
ments which the departed had made.
Orphans arc lifted up to look into the
calm face of the sleeping benefactress.
Reclaimed vagrancy comes and kisses
the cold brow of her who charmed it
away from sin. and all through tho
streets of Joppa there is mourning
mourning because Dorcas is dead.
When Josephine of France was car
ried out to her grave, there were a great
iiny men and women of pomp ana
j pride and position that went out after
her: but I am most affected by the story
of history that on that day there were
ten thousand of the poor of France who
followed her coffin, weeping and wailing
. until the air rang again, because, when
j thev lost .loephine. they lost their last
I earthly friend. Oh. who would not
rather have such obsequies than all the
I tears that were ever poured in the
j lachrymals that have been exhumed
from ancient cities. There miy be no
mass for the dead; thero may le no
costlv sarcophagus; there may le no
elalwrate mausoleum: but in the damp
cellars of the city, and through the
lonely huts of the mountain glen, the-e
will be mourning, mourning, mourning,
because Dorcas is dead, "lllessed are
the dead who die in the Lord; they rest
from their labors, and their works do
follow them."
I speak to you of Dorcas, the resur
rected. The apostle came to where she
was. and said: "Arise: and she sat up!"
In what a short compass the great writer
put that "She sat up!"' Oh, what a
time there must have been around this
town, when the apostle brought her out
among her old friends! How the tears of
joy must have started! What clapping of
hands there must have been! What sing
ing! What laughter! Sound it all through
that lane! Shout it down that dark alley!
Let all Joppa hear it! Dorcas is resur
rected! You and I have seen the same thing
many a time: not a dead oody resusci
tated, but the deceased coming up again
after death in the good accomplished.
If a man labors up to fifty years of age.
serving God. and then dies, we are apt
to think that his earthly work is done.
No. His influence on earth will con
tinue till the world ceases. Services
rendered for Christ never stop. A Chris
tian woman toils for the upbuilding of a
church through many anxieties, through
many self-denials, with prayers and
tears, and then she dies. It is fifteen
years since she went away. Now the
spirit of God descends upon that church;
hundreds of souls stand up and confess
the faith of Christ. Has that Christian
woman, who went away fifteen years
ago. nothing to do with these things? I
see the flowering out of her noble heart.
I hear the echo of her footsteps in all
the songs over sins forgiven, in all the
prosperity of the church. The good
that seemed to be buried has come up
again. Dorcas is resurrected.
After awhile all these womanly friends
of Christ will put down their needle for
ever. After making garments for oth
ers, some one will make a garment for
them: the last robe we ever wear the
robe for the grave. You will have heard
the last cry of pain. You will have wit
nessed the last orphanage. You will
have come in worn out from your last
round of mercy. I do not know where
you will sleep, nor what your epitaph
will be. but there will be a lamp burn
ing at that tomb and an angeljf God
guarding it. and through all the long
night no rude foot will disturb the dust.
Sleep on, sleep on! Soft bed. pleasant
shadows, undisturbed repose! Sleep on!
A-Ieep in Jesu-! llles-ed sle-p!
From which none ever wake to weep.
Then one day there will be a sky rend
ing, and a whirl of wheels, and the fiah
of a pageant: armies marching, chains
clanking, banners waving, thunders
booming, and that Christian woman will
arise from the dust, and she will le sud
denly surrounded surrounded by the
wanderers of the street whom she re
claimed, surrounded by the wounded
souls to whom she had administered!
Daughter of God. so strangely surround
ed, what means this? It means that re
ward has come, that the victory is won.
that the crown is ready, that the ban
quet is spread. Shout it through all the
crumbling earth. Sing it through all
the flying heavens. Dorcas is resur
rected! In 1S.".". when some of the soldiers
came back from the Crimean war to
London, the Queen of England distrib
uted among them beautiful medals.
called Crimean medals. Galleries were
erected for the twohousesof Parliament
ami the royal family to sit in. There
was a great audience to witness the dis
tribution of the medals. A Colonel who
had lost both feet in the battle of Inker
man was pulled in on a wheel chair;
others came in limping on their
crutches Then the Queen of England
arose before them in the name of her
government, and uttered words of com
mendation to the oflicers and men.
and distributed these medals, in
scriled with the four great battlefields.
Alma, l'alaklava. Inkerman and Sebas
topol. As the Queen gave these to the
wounded men and the wounded officers,
the bands music struck up the nation
al air. and the people, with streaming
eyes, joined in the song:
God save our jmicious Queen!
Lonjr live oar noble Queen !
God save the Queen !
And then they shouted "Huzza! huz
za!' Oh, it was a proud day' for those
returned warriors! Put a brighter, bet
ter and gladder day will come when
Christ shall gather those who have
toiled in His service, good soldiers of
Jesus Christ. He shall rise before them,
and in the presence of all the glorified
of Heaven He will say: "Well done,
good and faithful servant!" and then He
will distribute the medals of eternal
victory, not incriled with works oi
righteousness which we have done, but
with those four great battle-fields, dear
to earth and dear to Heaven Bethle
hem! Nazareth! Gethsemane! Calvarv!
Ir you have conquered your inclina
tion, rather than your inclination you,
there is something for you to rejoice at.
Catarrhal 0eafhe Hay Fever A Jfew
Home Treatment.
Sufferers are not Fenerally aware that
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j J. B. This treatment is not a snuff or an
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receipt of three cents in stamps to pay
postage by A. H. Dixon & Son. cor. of John
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' tian AdvuczU.
Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should
1 carefully read the above.
I .
i Thehe is one point in favor of the man
that laughs at his own jokes. You are
never in doubt as to whether he intended to
be funny. Tcrre Haute Express.
Tis fart to -n woman crowlna old before her tlico
All lirutfn-down and hopeless when lire should
hiildtt prime;
Shefeel ber.ell a bur.len when a blessing she
should be
And lone tor death to brinshcr release Ironi
, misery.
If these poor, discouraged women who
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could only know that health could be re
gained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, how eagerly they would hasten
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stand that it is a safeguard against the ter
rible diseases common to her sex. It is
1 pirTjifl to pive satisfaction or money
paxuior it will be relunded.
Cleanse the liver, stomach, bowels and
whole system by using Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
When a Spaniard comes to America and
pet to preier a oeer garcen to a duii ngnt,
he is said to be on the road to a higher civ
j ilization. Texas Sittings.
I m
A S2.50 Taper for $1.75.
; TnE Yorrn's Companion- gives so much
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! l;9l. Address, The Yocta's Companion,
Boston, Mass.
It's very monotonous to be rich, but
there is a variety about being poor that
sometimes makes one weary. Philadelphia
I Inquirer.
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To the Euitok: Please inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
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; use thousands of hopeless caes have leen
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will Kend me their express and post-office
t address. Itespectfully, T A. S'locuj:. M. C,
I 1S1 Pearl street. New York.
Wrrn its yellow, green and blue plumes,
the new Brazilian bird of freedom must be
a comproaii e between a paroquet and a
i peacock. uaiumoro American.
! G. M. Scott, of Okolona, Miss., wrote to
Dr. Shallcnberger:
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I selling it for tiff Ik i':r, and know it to be
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case. Sold by Druggists.
"The human race is a great one." said he.
"Yes." said the widow to whom he was en
paged; "lam now on the second lap." N.
V. Sun.
Oregon, the Paraiie or Farmers.
lli'.d. equable climate, certain and abundant
crops. Best fruit, grain, grass, stock country
in the world. Full information free. Address
Oregon Immigration Board.Portland,Oregon
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Merctbt had wings on his pedal extremi
ties. The inference is that he had soar feet.
Bingham ton Kepublican.
Mt friend, look here ! you know how weak
and nervous your wife is, and you know that
Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her. Xow
why not be fair about it and buy her a box
Policemen never commit crimes, and
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elors' buttons cease to come off.
Ant one can take Carter's Little Liver
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FLOCK Patents, per saei:...
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FLOl'l: Choice
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wyi; Vo '
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20 a
10 w nc 10
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SnEEP Fair to choice 4 00 e
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440 e
31 e
44 e
IS 0
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CATTLE Common to prime. 4 00
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BUTTER Creamery 13 e
PORK 1110 .11
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hide the presence of jnitnil f-ii. Ioobins'
Electric Soap is pure, white and unscent
ed. Has been sold since 1505. Try it tio.-.
The statesman in his eagle flights of ora
tory simply spreads his opinion.
Tue old smcker's delight 'Taasill's
Punch" America's finest ."c cigar.
A bake opportunity to make S.V0.00 before
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Tutt's Pills
This ponnlar remedy ncvr falls ta
ef rectnml! jr care
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And all diseases arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
The natnral reanlt in froed appetite
and nelid ricB. Done hiaall : eleiraBt
ly suur coated aad easy to s allow.
MM Cocoa
1 absolutely pure and
tt is soluble.
No diemicals
re vi in iu prepirt: cl It fca
Kxm t&sn tirtr tim-i lis umtfl of
Cocoa mixed miix Mircb. Arrowroot
or Sujir. snl i tiie-rfcr far mere
rcocaniic&ltCGtttnpZMf then one cnl
a cup. It is iViic:ou:.
Krrnhreiit;. KaKLT IKgistxd.
xsd aJisirably iJipted for iariUJi
11 c'l f Iorp-:oni in .tilth.
Sold by Grocer- everywhere.
W .EASES & CCLDoreiiester. Hass.
Ihcdcatarrhso bid
there irere great torn
m my note, one place
tras eaten V.roujh.
Tico loiilts of Ebf
Cream Halm did the
icort. Jy note end
XcSrOUn, SMV. Mo. HAV-akVEF?
A particle U applied into crhno:nl acd is azre-
rb.V. I'noMf'-nt'sntilnHnmt. Ijt mill, rr
. EIA imorfci:U.S.SeWarrTnit..NerVorJc.
Ciwfnn 4131 """all l?atn
iiTSBOa fll Try it X Ualy SA
Us; Pccian Strengthening EixV, MjLfJLlmlS
to the ta'te. but not a iCTcrac. Cur" illllnii.
bm. Ccneinl licbllltv. Indirection. Liver
Complnlnt, Fever and Ague. etc. J3T"Asn.
Tone ItitrcjnisT urn it. MnnufjcturPd tiv
STNiMt THIS fkf'Z to tjsw-u.
lMpaproTiarto.IlIatrAtI. "fc WFifWfc a
civtn yiJEKtnnll who acpd nwui imrraMrili,
C4tnr WEDB ATVAiria r.r 190.
io I. I.OTIIKOP cm- ISCteTO.N. iienuua taUoiTer.
ga-SlZli IMi Pi.MB.TBj tr.. t nu.
1 1 ill
CllJ M I'M
'SIIU.MO. I fl-2o, o. 291.60
nice pnsenr.
Will last a HfrUmt If tour Hartwar 4t3t' katent it
to use. Cheartest. Relief is immediate. A
certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal.
It is an Ointment, of rhich
to the nostrils. Price. 60c
by mail. Address, E. T.
m jH A K M amouttclv fuc
The Plain Truth
bthat Hood's Sarsaprtll h" cured thonands of
people who snflered severely with rheumatism. II
neutralizes the lactic acid in the blood, whlc
caus tho terrible pains an-1 ache", and alse
vitalizes and ennchs the blood, thua preventtn
the recurrence of the tSLeae. These fact? warraef"
uslnurjnngvou.if you suffer with Ucuxa:iiai. .
Sire llood'a Sarsaparilla a trial.
" I had rheumatism so tUat wfcn I sa: or laid
down I could hardly Bet up. Hood's Sarsaparilla
has almo cured me." P.CARXCS.Galion.O.
N.I!. If you make up your mind to try Hood" not be Induced to taie any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
8oldbyalldrnezits. fl: slxfirSV Prepared only
Iy C.I.UOC)D&CO..lA)welI.JIass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Tho ben Rubber BOOTS and MIIOEN la
the -K-orl.l are branded WA I.F GOODIKAB
Mil UK CO. Whpn you want rubbers call lot
WALES Goodyear.
the word "(Joodyar" on them, a that name la
uM ly other companies on inferior ponds to
catch t tie trnrto that the Wale fioodycar Shoe- Co.
ba tafcli-livrt ty always maiine cim! roods.
htch frt c!Hkt u -c.inorav to bur the WALEH
5 T n Vaou cclr.
lrcn Lrtrrs Mcti bearings. Eraaa
Tax btmm an i Maui box lor
EvervsiroSale. lrfrrpTiclte
. rcrntiontlUK pater ami adurcaa .
rSUDt THIS FirUm? tuu TRivnta.
When I t cur I do not mean merely to nop them
for a time and then have them return Uffain. I mean av
radical cur- 1 have made the dt-ease of FITS. EI'l
LErSY or FALLIXi? SICKNESS a lift-lone study I war
rant my remedy to cure the worst caMs. Ilerautai
others h failed l no reason for rot n- rereiviacav
cure. Sndatonceforatreati and t Free Bottle oT
mr infallible remedv. Give Kxpreys and Post OAcaw
II. ti. KUIIT. M C- 13 Tearl Hlreet. ftew York.
ar-saxs nns papsu t m was.
8XD for Catalogue
nnntlnc Equipment. Base
Ball. ;ymuaslum and Ath
letic Goods ami Sportln:
Novelties of all kinds to
I. ?. I Wi Sporting Gocds C
a u Kansas
rtinrj Coeds Company,
3-sjxt tais pat:
m Gawm na.
ktwe -n:i.i. MEXIH A.
WA III! rtifcfcnnii-.i-r--l-
ly natuinc the Miorten ver-e in th I!it.aam1 inclos
ing 1-1 two-eent atumiia for our valuable tuxit.
Sivmc full de-enption how to make Iluucn-d. or
!Seauti:uIandlnHT:H;niveIloliuuv Presents, i-ancjr
and Letul Articlr-lor;helloiiii;aiicv Worfc.etc
to intriKlncf it. Insular price St. I n'rdelav. Ad-
nre. itli. j:a.AAIS.4W4 N.Mains:..IIutch
Kana. Z'r Kei-ekcnces Hutchinson Bai
ai-.-i-UIil TUls TATZ.S. mu trt j r.a.
nndnllothordiraes of tiie Uctum. li"ea oi
W.imen and llifas of th ktti cured bv Drs
THURM'ON cfc MISOK, IOO W. y:h street.
Kana Cit v. ilo. No nmnev to t'e paid until patient
i cured. Write for our circular which will eive yon
all i:ecesary i-formation and the nani of bun
rtred who have ben cured by u. Header. If yon
areiiotaHi'-tcdyour''eIf cut tbisou and send it to
wC3rin you know of one Mich. If n"t,
nlfitni3v: von niavneed itin the years to ccrnc
r-MAXETHU partiirmrbaa juasa,
Irocured quickly. 12- page
" wl"l"af fcountvIjs SFSTrciE."
VJilre- P TT FTT2GEiia.TTl. U. M.
Claim Acencv for Witcm .-oldieip. luju'iapolis, lad.
nVlX THIS XAtZZ .mrj txu yoa rta.
F- CrVESTORS. t-tae
W'. 7. FUzrraM. Annnwr
a: Hi, w ucra. 1. c
r.vasiz ruts przu..rr u. .aawrct
SF" AMdVriX A.'.'I) IitlAKU IV.. ill.
1JJ orhi!ietcom!-ioti and :IW JA iff
w,,r I'XIF.lHTtoAcenisorionrNevr Hook-
$ J!I TIII3 fiitr. ti d yta ttt.
to S8 a day. Sump'.c worth S2.I5
FKHK- I.lne not under hir'e' fH-t. V.'nte
rK-TFR.n;rTT uy. . iiuiPEitiu.. i:jt:..aie-
a?Ta2tC T313 raPCIl tw? um j nu.
and Excnanrei Fr--f'atal:rne.
a.CEATilKtCO .Eiducad,V.
a2JUIL THIS iaPKR mrtrj rta y r-t.
Yn,SM2 ESPti "'""'n Telecranny :. d
I Uoaiia Asent" Ituinelierejind"eciir
?wi:ituatiin. write J. I ISlUiVirN c-aiia.Mo.
r-'lltE Tin3 ?JTEX rw or'.rw -it.
Xctoltail K a !-. n.M.all.o.. A. 1la.klaeis.U.U.
TFI PCR1SIIY "B"r "aratee a (rood payinc
I fctatUniir II I ituca to every craduat
I American SjchiwI of Telt-craphr, Jladlaoa. Wia.
?-.". Ctl THI3 PATES mrtbttraRtu.
WANTED OlHUlXl O Africa. .w Ro k.
V-Uju. But term". at.oaall'ab!i!i:aKCoiiLooia.
JT.V tMC T11IS PA?EE tnir cm jca wnia.
ISfl EfiC STrDT- Bookkeeping. PeaTsanihip.Arltb
flWlflb uietc. Shorthand, etc. thoroughly tancht
by catu Circulars free. BETiS-TS tuIXECE. BafaJc-l.T.
f. 6ERTS WANTED! Famous Mi.ochi Steak
A!!IEH on trial. V,orth & Co St. lou.Mo.
A. X. K. D
late that jo aaw the Adiertiacaieat Ib tUi
arrccTTT. Vaiaior
FFJiSIOS wUaoaddaf .
semaot aampls.
cure is
a small narticle is amrfied
Sold by druggists or sent
Hazeltixe, warren, Fa.