The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1889, Image 5

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    'CT "-W3B.9T-
. K
M r
Will remain but a short time.
Office at the Gardner House !
Relief for ALL EYES.
A perfect system of glasses scientfically ad
justed to all complications Never be
fore has any optician received such
flattering testimonials from the
SSKjff ." Jk
VST' -"5r 3ll
V-V-.".- aaBPaal
s '&f2tiBaVaBaw9P?v
Pro, Strassman,
You can consult him about
About Eves
ml bow to take rare of them. More
light far unfortunate spectacle
wearers and the doom of blind:
ness prevented by his
Alaska Brilliants
Austrailian Crystals
a new chemical combination
of spectacles and patent self
adiustinir Eve classes. The
first time introduced into this
country. Manufactured to or
der after examination by mod
ern instruments
Prof Strassman
Arrived in Rod Cloud to re
main a short time He is do
intr mi immense business
throughout the United States
giving the best satisfaction
and delight to hundreds with
defective sight. His knowl
edge of the human eye and
his skill in adjusting the glas
ses is marvelous beyond im
agination. Artificial Eyes
Persons deprived of one eye
can have this deformity re
moved by the insertion of an
artificial eye, which moves
nnd ads like a natural organ.
From 9 to 1 2 am, 1 to
4 pm., and 7 to 8 in
the evening.
October.?, 1SS!.
We regiet .-iy much to learn that l'rof
stmssman has de edto leave our city in
a short time. While hero he has succeed
ed by his strict attention to his profes
sion in greatly benefiting a large number
o our citizen". aiid ho leaves ns with mnay
tariimoninh from tho bt resident." of
the city a? to hi ability, which i unques
tionable. He NM-ry frank with those he
4n Ma - JiTM
i.xi. i x -y j3.c'
- 1T-
cannot help, always telling them the troth
and gives them good advice gratis, and
those whom he can help miss a great
chance if they do not see him. He haa the
good wishes of all our citizens for his fu
ture. Kearney Enterprise.
ayor's Offlce,
Hastings, bcb. June 30, 1389.
To whom it may concern:
Being iiersoually acquainted with IroL stras
nian, optician, representing the London Spec
tacle and eye-glass company. I take pleasure
in saying that I hate personally purchased ot
him long and short range glasses for my person
al use, believing, from an experiment and use of
his glasses, that his knowledge of the equlity of
vision and general defect in sight surpasse
that of any optician I have met in25 years, since
which time 1 have had to use glasses.
I regard him as a reliable optician, and fully
commend him to all persons whomsoever
A. D. Yocum. ayor
Judge Osterhout, E. S. Runyon,
W. M. Banting,
L E. Doty,
. Chidister,
Jas. Ball,
W.-M. Smithion,
Mrs. G. N. Hall,
Jas. Banting,
Jacob Rcinhardt,
Rev. Couffer,
Frank Wiall,
Mrs. B. Taylor, Miss E. L. Gtley,
MrsSATerpeningMrs. R. Smith,
Win. Leirle, Mrs, GfSheldoa,
C. K. Milner, Mrs. Manning,
Judge Wilson, Dr. Bell,
Judge B. O. Perkins, Ed. Lenoard.
J. G. Weioe, O.P. Fnlton, sirs, xanspeak
r, Mr.JHoag, C. L. 8chell, Dr. Gillett, Mrs.
E J Huine, John Ellis, Missvinke, Mrs Kea
bit, airs . A. Coit, Mr. Barler, David Reed
J. G Dole, C E Osborne, J H Fuller, Dr.
Fulton, Mrs E A. Ilerdman, aire H W Shep
herd, D. Somero, S. A. Wright, H E Rollins
atiss I Shaffer, Mr Bentley, Feo Cnnninghah
SC Sheldon, Mrs MeConneU,WF Terry, O
NMrheelock,Mrs,r. Ayers,Geo, Piatt, T
C Hunter, W, D, Fichols, xrs, Hendersoa,
Rev Quick, Mrs S F Lester, Mr. Kribba,
air Green sirs Ryman, mrs Ryant mrs C
Corbin, J F King, mrs A L Main, T B Her
shoy, C B Boyce, S K Davis, C H Stoll, J
L magee, judse Enloy, mrs S B Dooley, C
E Smith, Wm. Oraham, mra Hagy, Dr J W
Kynett, mrs C A Jaokson. miss 11 moon,
A T Lewis. E Themas Dr v W Burns J L
Barnes. J L Bprnes, W cole, S j Parker, mr
Penwarded, mrsTrift, mr, Ryan. Dr. Sabin
mrs N maxwell, mrs. Reigg, F P Troxell.
mr, Sallisbury, mr lugraham, J B Weston,
Wm Uewerkcl, E S Davis, mr. moody, mr.
in r.y.isWiiur, Mrs M Harlin, Mrs M
Miller,.! W Karnes, Judge Bates, I. It Gregory,
Fev Father Lee. Mrs S I) Jayncs. caiit fcleener
Ms E A Warner, Dr TJl'aJtffeld. Mrs A B
Tot,MiHcvlcr. Mlale.Kevl S Davis, Mrs
M A Small, G Taoutmau, Mis-. E .Smith, E M
cheney, E I -op-y, Anderson. Dr Eortati,
Vr ; L tlreeii, 11 .1 Totter .Mrs Morris, E law
ley, A 11 emitting, MMn-ssesJulien Howe, West
lilVwll, Paris Umbersoii, V Xi-erins, ami lllod
'ett, J c Woorley,.! D Ilouvton, M Desch, Dr
DTigelcr. Knisht.L llreeii.JM Hale. David
X M cow ell.
5iaorA I) Yocniii,.li; Cessna, liev Stark, T
K Fa'irrl, Wiengart,.indj;cU r- Hewitt, Dr R X
MfAlIister. Mr siorlec. S I' ltolierts. ml ss
tresses Littletielit, E C Toj-t. L wnian, 1 A Iw
ea.s,SIdelI r. Howard l'ros Molux, C, 11 Tan
ner, L .i Fo It, A I. Wigton, Dr Keller, Dr Cnap
111:111 Mr I. F Houston. Dr Bacon, Mrs C A Uar
dner. Kev Crovwaitli. K?v WK Jones, J II
Scale. V H Stewart, Mrs llasuew.snd. Sirs it nut
Tim, Mr j W Haniuiniul. Mrs Kersey, Mrs .? H
min. Mrs Snodtlartl,.iK Thompson, Mr KiUjor
Mrs Van f.ooilen.A W co, c B Tajlor, Mrs
Me Wade, D M Klhhiney, Dr W 1'utt, o II Mare
ten, Mrs Young. Mrs Koalicli, trami iKrtty,
Mrs V lMinis. J M Morris, c S Lace, W W Dnt
ton. Mrs Ell Tiiiuliiistm. Mrs Webster. Mr J
Agustine. Mrslinard. mrXurr,Mr J : Mi
sou, Mr 1" W Mecirarj". Mis IJile-, JudpeCaslin
Mr Hartijsui. Mr .1 Fliek. t r Itemsliet, Mrs E V
Alfvander, Mri 11 Lw. Mrs llnrlueker, Mrs
l'A llollad.
Misstresses T. S. l'olter. '.H. lloue, M,
Walker, : E See, X Tliorrton, Seaman, C
.Jackson, IM.ddenburg, .10I111 kter, L Brad
C n lristlen, caldwnll, II J ack, cossley,
Tlionistm. Mrris IJrowii, .ioslin.1 Wootl, T
McssicK,: H Clarke, X II Jolnisou, K 11 Morey
.11. Keek. V, Sllay, .iudd,M Ciierncll. .1 A
Stone, rasswell and N cliildlmrK. Misses A
Wolfe, r.urr, .icnnie tautlleld, F B ntirkhend.
Mary Mf'rdofk, Finch and M Slmrr. Messrs.
II G Wiley. I B Wauihaugb, G Jlillikcii. A
Stcadwell. B I. Bstldnin.J C Stien, F Foster, C
j Holt, .iCBeswick, Kev. .iosSkields,A Camp
bell. K A Moore, F U Jones 1 F W Race, Pror.
J TJiallilieu, .nidge Giltepie, J w Tatlenuan,
G BMouioc. G A Lee. 11 Lee. Dr. W T Smith
Thos Hammond. 1 II Carey, K A Jtewart. Mor
row, FMalotie. W W Fatterson, D II Bicbnell
I) L ITndell, 8 r.righam. .1 W Whitney Katu
(piist.and A Anderson.
f $td bitd kitf.
Absolutely Pur
iwder never varies. Marvel oi pure
icthand wholesomeness, moreecononiiciu
than the ordinary kind and cannot Desoia in
competion with th multitudes of low test short
wehtht alum or iihospnaie powuors. pui mm
108 Wall street. N. Y. oity.
Bastled kyOar Alert Kepertens ad
Prepared for Oar Reader.
(Jottings the Santa Claus.
Stone building blocks at Deyo'i.
Dolls! Dolls!! Dolls!!! at Cottings.
Drams from 30c to $1.50 at Deyo's.
Get your hair out at Stingley's bar
ber shop.
Books of all kinds and very cheap
at Cottings.
Ths best line of gloves and mittens
at lowest prices at Wiener's.
Mrs. Oartnell, was visiting with
Mrs. Park Watson this week.
60 early to Deyo's and select your
Xmas presents and avoid the rush.
No dealer in this town can meet
our prices on albums. L. H. Dkto.
Buy your Christmas goods at Cot
tings and get. a chance at the Big
Why do you pay a big priee for
books when you can buy one of Deyo
for 25c.
Dolls? Well I should say Deyo
did have dolls. Step in his store
and see.
The New York Store is headquar
ters for the the best makes of boots
and shoes.
Wholesale prices will be given to
Suuday Schools on toys and Christ
mas goods.
Eddie Emigh, won the Demorest
medal last Friday night at the Bap
tist church.
We advise our readers to goto
Deyo's for their toys, books, and hol
iday goods.
Clothing has never been sold so
cheap as it is now offered by Wiener
the leading clothier.
Fo Sale: A good span of young
mules, or will trade for young cattle.
Inquire at this office.
Melton overcoats that others ask
416 for C. Wiener has been selling
all the season for $14.
Melton overcoats that others ask
$16 for C. Wiener has been selling
all the season for $14.
Every one says that Cotting has
the largest and finest assortment of
Christmas goods in the city.
50 ets buys a suit of underwear or
$5.50 buys a finer suit than any one
else sells. Berg & Galusiia.
The nicest and best line of kid
gloves in the eity at the
New York Store.
Dcvo is to the frenfi this year on
holidav soods. He has the largest
stock in town and prices the lowest.
$2.00 buys an overcoat of Berg Jb
Galusha's that other people imagine
they are getting bargins in at $3.50
John Wilhelason has gone into the
manufacture of horse radish. John
is a rustler and we have no doubt will
make a success at his project.
Well. Sarah, what have you been
doing to make you look so young? Oh
nothing, only been using Hall's Hair
Benewer to restor the 1 olor of my hair.
Call on Wiener before you buy you
boots and shoes, for your wife, chil
dren or yourself, lou will not only
pave in one j, but get the best foods
Wener, the clothier, is also head
quarters for boots and shoes. You
can find Selz's hand made goods and
cheaper grades there at rock bottom
Pope Bros have had an immense
wagon trade this season . They are
now at work on the 4th carload.
They sell the John Burg, the Stude
baker and the Harrison.
Our worthy old friend J. C. Hol
comb has purchased the Gates livery
stable and will run it in the future.
Joe is a good fellow and we wish him
much prospeity and a good trade.
A Caaa Caacfc Kyran.
There is nothlac parents should be so rarefu'
about as selecting a cough syrup. Begcs
Cherry Cough Mprup costs no more than the
rheep and inferior Bostrums thrown en tho
market. The best is nene to pood, be sure and
I keep it en hand at all times.
j. J., lOUIIlg
A nice cane seated chair for 75c at
W. L. Haines'.
Best gloves and largest variety at
Berg & Galusha.
For correct fitting clothing go to
Berg & Galuriha.
Vnr aillr anil wnrtd nnrWwftlT Ptt
te Bare & Galusha,
Look at those fur trimed overcoats
at Berg & Galusha's
For wool hosiery in mens' and boys
go to Berg & Galusha.
Another lot of those cane seated
chairs for 75c at W. L. Haines'.
A fine line of jeans, cassimeres and
flannels at the New York Store.
Overcoats cheaper at Berg A Gala
sha's than any where in the city.
Cotting's window display of dells
is fine. One doll three feet high.
A nice dress flannel 36 to 54 in
wide from 35cts to $1.00 per vd at
the New Yerk Store.
Melton overcoats that ethers ask
$16 for C, Wieaer has been solliag
all the season for $14.
Farmers when von come to town
take .1 little time and examine Berg
is Galusha's prices.
Melton overcoats that others ask
$16 for, C: Wieuer has been selling
all the reason for $14.
C. L. Cotting will havoa grand
opening of Holiday goads Saturday,
December 7. All arc welcome.
Cotting will guarantee to sell you
albums and family bibles cheaper than
any peddler dares to, and better
Don't spend a dollar for anything
in the clothing lime untill you ex
amine prices and dualities at Berg
Remember we sell a melton over
coat for $16.00 that other people ask
$20.00 for.
Berg & Galusha.
What will you do with all the
clothing, etc., is asked every season
of C. Wiener, but when one sees that
the piles of goods are way down at the
Given Away,
For every one dollars worth of hol
iday goo is bought at Cottings store
he will give a chance in the drawing
of the Bw Doll worth $7.50. Draw
ing to take place Christmas Eve at
7 o'clock.
esse Kerry aa flyrap.
Is civinc sDlendid satisfaction to the trade
and the sales are posiUvlv marvelons, which
can be accounted for In u other way except
that it is without doubt vne best on the market.
Ask for and be sure yon get tne eenuine. we
keep it. V . L. Cottini;, Druggist.
31. S. Harsh has been doing aervi for
his country for the past fonr weeks at
Omaha, as U. S. juryman. He was home
Sunday, and returned Monday expecting
te have to stay fonr weeks longer.
The Jersey Lillv" who edits the Repub
lican, seemed to have become quite wrathy
o er the good send off given Sad Cload by
the Omaha Bee. because tnac paper piacea
hia subscription list at 500 positively giv
ing that paper 200 more bonafide sub
scribers than it really ever had. The
bluster abont 875 subscribers will do to
tell some one that is not posted, IJr. lc
Kteby, bat don't try to make anyone be
lieve it whe is posted. Th Chzet has
two bonafide subscribers to yonr one, and
you know it. It is easy enough to send
ont sample copies te people, and to peo
ple who never subscribed. f their own
free will, but when it comes down to get
ting bonafide subseribers,'Jt don't oecur
so rapidly. The Chief's circulation is
double that of the Republican, and we
don't force the paper onto people either,
by sending it to their address whether they
subscribe for it or not. Subscription
liars are the wcrst kind of liars. Tax
Chief' list is 1000 and has been growing
rapidly, having addtd fifty to our list this
week. There is not a paper in the city but
what haa more subscribers than the Re
publican. 1'nai a Fortune.
Is acoodhealthv. nearly akin. Few are a-
, pea
ware ef the fcliort time it takes for a dlsor
dered liver to cause blotrkes on tae lace
and a dark greasv skin. One bottle ef BEGGS
restore this organ te its nataial and healthy
tat, snd cleanse the blosd of all impurities
It is ateetiiic with wonderlul mccess. HVe
guarantee every bottle, U. L. Getting, Ittngght-
The long felt want in this commu
nity for sight-restoring glasses is now
supplied by the successful optician,
Piof. A. Strassman, from Berlin Ger
many, for a short time longer at the
Gardner House. ' '
The waste of valuable eyesight can
be prevented, if not- to late, by his
correct mode of 'equalizing all ine
qualities of the injured eyes. In his
specialty it is conceded that he is the
head of the profession, and many or
the best citizens and-puyscians hare
been successful in obtaining relief by
the nsc of his glasses. Among them
our following:
Dr. McKeeby Dr. Dencey.
Judge Gaslin, Judge McKeighan,
Mrs. Piatt, G. R. Chaney,
F. Bichardson, Mr3. Grimm,
Mrs. A. L. Funk Mrs. Stroup,
Mr. Bcardsley, David Lutx,
D. F. Scammoo,
Mrs. Alden.
Mrs. Thernburg,
Mrs. Fenters,
P. Barklcy,
Airs. Lather,
L. H. Fort,
Mrs. Wm. Gates,
Mr. Tingley,
Dr. Moranville.
Book binding done at this office,
have any old books, bring them in.
If yon
Berg &
hats, Gaps
That will interest you
rVm. Britton shipped a carload of hogs
Great excitement ia Bladen last Satur
day. Two runaways at the same time.
Quite a number of cattle and hogs are
dying in this vicinity.
The winter term 01 scnooi coiiKaencea
Monday with Mr. Snipp as teacher.
Robinson & Jackson are selling ant
their entire stock of general merchandise
nt cost.
The banker, S. H. McLaughlin spent
Sunday in the country with his best girl.
Mrs. C.K. Uicks returned last rmay
after a three months visit with friends in
The Congregational church is .nearly
completed and Thursday, December l'Jth,
haa been Bet for the day of dedication.
Harvey Springer will open np a grocery
store in Mrs. Monroe's building op
posite Hick's drag store. Harvey is a No.
1 fellow and deserves a share of yonr pat
ronage. Give him a call.
Last Sunday while Frank Ferry was giv
ing an exhibition of riding a broncho he
managed to get all over the street and
partly into Hick's drug store through the
B. Lee met with qmte a severe acci
dent last Monday while assisting to re
move the fly-wheel from an engine it Mip-
pea ana ieu, Biruung mr. .uto uu uu tnt,
badly braising both of them. 8
18 a blood disease. Until tne poison la
expelled from the system, there cam
be no core for this loathsome aad
dangeroas malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough coarse
of AVer's SarsapaiiUa the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begUs
the better ; delay is dangerous.
I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
aad was treated by a number of physi
cians, but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health."-Jesse M.
Efoggs, Holman'a Mills, 27. C.
"'When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec
ommended to me for catarrh, I was in
clined to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies, with little ben
efit, I had no faith that anything would
care me. I became emaciated from losa
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost the sense of smell, aad
my system was badly deranged. Iwaa
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re
ferred me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease is throagh the blood."
Charles H. Maloney, 113 Biver St.,
Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rxmaxD ar
Dr. VI. C. Ayer ft Co Low, Matt.
Frketi; six bottles, $S. WortatS a fettle.
Viwr Gouty Ahtruf ItB
Complete and only set of abstract
books in Webeter county. Grazing and
i arming lands and city property for
lr. Editor I sand you a few notes front
West Inavale.
)isi Jessie Warren of Red Cloud is
teaching a model achool this winter in
district No. 51. Number of pupils 13,
the general average on laBt examination
day was about 85. She haa taken great
pains to giade the ockool this winter on
the plan as reccommended by the superin
tendent. The farmers around here are all busy
husking and shelling their corn.
JCr. Cochrane' house was taken pos
session of by the young people of the
neighborhood the other night, a surprise
on the Kisses Warren and Cochrane. All
report having a good time.
A Visitob.
Inequalities Of The
Whether young or old, heretofore
pronounced by others as an impossi
ble to equalize the eyesight and fur
nish glasses, will now find tbeir suc
cess by calling witheut delay on
Professor Strassman, the expert op
tician of National fame, now in our
city. Consultation Free.
At the Gardner House.
The Mistakes of Others
In the difficult application of com
bination glasses; and all kinds of cy
lindrical and prismatic lenses manu
factured to order in the various mer
idians to meet all requirements of op
tical defects.
Prof. Strassman. St the Gardner
yodng's c. o. d. KiraroRicm.
Now is the time to buy a dress
"We are selling dress goods cheapor
than ever, call and see the dress
goods bought at the great dress goods
sale in Now York about one third
less than they are worth. We will
receive on Saturday the 14th, a line
of jewelry for holiday presents, at
prices that will astonish you. We
never saw sach bargains in ladies
cuff buttons, breast pins, fancy hair
pins etc. Call early and secure a
bargain. Amas cards and handker
chiefs will arrive on Monday. We
are constantly receiving bargains
picked up from the great sales in
New Yotk City and we are enabled to
sell cheaper than regular wholesale
prices. We are selling off our millin
ery at half price.
Young's, C. O, D. Emporium.
Notice is hereby given that under and by vir
tue oi an execution issued bv I- II. Fort clerk
of the district court oi ti.e eight judicial dis
trict in and for Webster county Nebraska upon
a decree in an action pending in said court
wherein George R. chancy assignee is plaintiff,
and Joshua Brubaker Li defendant I srail of
fer for sale at public vendue lor cash in hand, at
the east door oi the ccurt-house, in Kei Cloud
In said county that be ins the place where the
last term of said court was hoiden on the 9th
day of January. 1890, st l o'clock p m. the fol
lowing described property towit: The soatk
east quarter of section 22 town 2 range 10 west
of the sixth nm in Welnter county Nebraska.
Given under my hd this 11th day ot Decem
ber 1880. M. C. Scott, beri.
r.y J.c. WABHKa, Denty
G. It. chaney. plaintifl s attorney.
11 ii
' : "' gt laaaaawawaWaaaaaaawaawmawMBawaBawaBawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaii 11