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Whitson was in Omaha this week, Read Adam Xorhart's new nd in another column. H- W. Dickerson and wife are homo from Denjrer. Geo. J. Warren and family were in Lincoln this weak. K. SkeSin of the Democrat is visiting in the eastern part of the state. John Holcomb adds his name to tha lit of the Great tamily Weekly. Many thanks John. Remember that C. L. Winfrey will sell yon a carriage, bnggy or road cart on long time and at first cost. Go to Henry Coot's for your holiday gifts. He has tha finest line of Xmns goods to ce fonnd in the valley. Everything suitable for Christmas gifts to be fonnd at Henry Cook's. His stock is very large and sclacted with great care to especially please his patrons. Henry Cook the druggist and stationer has the nicest line of miscellaneous books albums, and Christmas novelties to be found in Red Cloud. Call and see him be fore you buy. Call on Henry Cook if you want to sea the most beautiful line of Christmas toys on the Red Cloud market. Ho has every thing that the eye could wish for or the. x- 1'rof. Loisette's Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persons wishing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus free as advertised in another column. Your wasted cheeks may have all the plumpness and bloom of health through your use of Aver's Sarsapa rilla. This time-honored remedy still leads the van. It improves the digestion, purifies the blood, and in vigorates the system. Give it a trial. The harsh, drastic purgatives, once deemed indispensable, have given place to milder and more skilfully pre pared laxatives; hence the great and growing demand for Ayer's Pills. Physicians everywhere recommend them for costivencss, indigestion and liver complaints. Cal Kenady, who has been brikcing on the B, & M. had his shoulders pretty badly squeezed the other day wmlo coupling car?. J'r. i'amcrcll the B. & M. surgeon, drrsscd his wound, and Cal is now able to be around again. heart desire. Mrs. Mary . Dollarhide of Sterling, Nebraska, mother of Roy Hutchison is in the city. She paid this office a pleasant call and will read The Great Family Week ly for another year. Charley Winfrey has the agency for a machine to heat water for your cattle to drink. You wili find t advertised in another column. It is a mighty fine thing for farmers. - What would i:i:ike a nicer "Christ mas present than a nice Smyrna rug. Call and sec them at F. V. Taylor's. Those people who have not been in to look at the immense stock of cloth ing, at the Golden Eagle will be as tonished to find such an assortment and the low prices marked on them in plain English. All goods are sold at the New York Store at the lowest cash prices. I can save you big money on fiirni ture and carpets. 100 different pat terns of carpets cut without waste at F. V. Taylor's. The finest line of Rocking chairs in Ked Cloud at very low prices, at W. L. Haines' furniture store. Our universal low pices arj what catch the large buyers from outer towns. The last ten weeks they have been quite numerous with us. Bebg & Galusiia. One must see the underwear liefere they cn appreciate the low prices at which C. Wiener is selling it, nm-mr.er Bere & Galusha arc the only merchants thaUell the "Patent suits. Their Biiftinc Hoominsr. Probalilv no one thing has caused a. general revival of trade at Henry Cooks Drug store as their giv ins away to thier customers ot so manj f rrc trial bottles of Dr. King's ew Discover for Cnnsumption.Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from thn fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Coulds, Asthma, itronchitis Croup and all throat and lung disease quickly cured, lou can test it before buying lv petting a trial bottle free laige eize $1. Everv bottle warran ed. 3 ?ho Red Cloud mills have started up acain uudcr the management of Lew Albright. m Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks nu epoh in the life of the indi vidua. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the igcncy whereby the good health has )3en "attained is gi ate fully blessed, dance it s that so much is heard in araise of Electric Bitters. So many icol they owe their restoration io health, to the use of the Great Altera tive and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will Eiirlcy find relief by use of Electric nittcrs. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at Henrv Cooks Drugstore. 3 The New England supper at Henry Cook's old stand Tuesday night was a grand success. BiickllB's Arnica Salve. The best sa've in the world for cut, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, .tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns; and all skin eruptions, and positively cures, or no pay required, ft is guaranteed to Hive perfect satis faction, or maney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. A NEW HARDWARE STORE PERKINS & POTTER, Call the attention of the Tpublic to their NEW STOBF, next door to Lindsey's meat market, formerly occupied by D. B. HEARD. A fall and eomplete stock oi Hardware, Tinware, and Stoves, Bought at prices that must sell the goods. We guarantee to to DISCOUNT any figures you can get dseAvhere. W p Hero f p 'Business And propose to show you that we are in earnest. Call and see us. PERKINS & POTTER., WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. 4 '. i- -U i onouiuur