The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1889, Image 2

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A. C. HOSMEK, PablUher.
Summary of the Daily News.
The fifty-first Congress met at noon on
December 2. When the Senate assembled
the Senators from the new States of North
and South Dakota und Washington were
sworn in and assigned seats. Several unim
portant routine matters were disposed of
and the Senate adjourned At noon the
House was called to order by Clerk Clark.
The roll call showed 337 members present.
Mr. Heed, of Maine, the Republican caucus
nominee, was elected Speaker by a vote of
1GG to 15t for Mr. Carlisle, the Democratic
nominee. Mr. Henderson (111.) offered a
resolution for the election of Kdward
MePherson, as clerk; A. J. Holmes,
as serjeant-at-arms; C. A. Adams,
as doorkeeper; James L. Wheat, as
postmaster, and Rev. Charles B. Kamsdell,
as chaplain of the House. The resolution
was adopted except as to Mr. Uamsdell for
chaplain. Rev. W. II. Milluirn, the present
chaplain, being re-elected by a vote of 158 to
151, several Republicans voting for him with
the Democrats. After t lie members had drawn
scats atid the new oiliccrs qualified, a commit
tee was appointed to watt on the President
and the House adjourned.
THE Senate transacted no business on the
3d. Soon after assembling the President's
message was received and read and tliu Sen
ate adjourned The House met and after
the reading of the President's message the
Speaker, under authority given by the last
Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, appointed
Messrs. Itayne, Ilitt, Carter, Culberson
(Texas) and Cunimlngs, as a committee on
the centennial celebration. Adjourned until
The Senate on the 4th, after assigning new
Senators from the States of North Dakota,
South Dakota and Washington to their re
spective classes, by lot, proceeded to regular
business and many bills and resolutions
were introduced. On motion of Senator
Hoar the select committee on relations with
Canada was continued for the present ses
sion. The Senate then proceeded to execu
tive business and soon adjourned.... The
House was not in session.
Ix the Senate on the 5th among the bills
and resolutions Introduced was one by Sen
ator Voorhecs in reference to tariff taxation,
which provides for the collection of a suf
ficient amount of revenue to pay the ex
penses of the Government; for the taxation
of all articles of luxury at a high rate und
reducing the tax on the necessaries of life,
and for the curtailment and overthrow as
far as possible of all monopolies by enlarg
ing the free list. The Senate then adjourned
until Monday In the House a communi
cation was read from H. P. Leedom, late
fecrgcant-at-arms. announcing that his late
cashier had absconded with a large sum of
inonev and asking for a committee to in
vestigate his (I.eedom's) accounts and a
committee w:n appointed witli full powers
to act. The House adjourned until Monday.
The National Wool Growers' Asso-
ciation met in Washington on the 2d.
The public debt statement showed a
decrease during the month of Novem-1
ber of $4,809,072.
Secretary of the Navy Tracy
denies jwsitively the current report
that the new naval cruisers are ex
travagant coal consumers.
Assistant Attorney - General
Shields, of the Interior Department,
has decided that the act admitting the
new States does not repeal all the pre
emption laws, but only that of 1841.
The President has sent to the Sen
ate as nominations a large number of
recess appointments.
Secretary Noble has left Wash
ington for his home in St Louis on
private business.
Congressman Butterworth is
preparing a general anti-adulteration
bill, which will require that all articles
made in imitation of well known
articles be branded plainly.
Secretary Windom on the 5th re
ceived from four banks offers to sur
render $1,600,000 bonds. All of them
were accepted.
Silcott, cashier of Sergeant-at-Arms
Leedom, of the House of Representa
tives, has disappeared with $75,000,
money due Congressmen and others on
salaries, etc. Leedom was under bond
to make good his cashier's defalcations
The New York Post's Washington
special says: "The President expects
to be able to make a practical re
organization of the Supreme Court
within about eighteen months. Justices
Miller, Field und Bradley have signi
fied their intention to retire within that
Recent local elections throughout
Massachusetts showed very little
change politically. Most of the cities
and towns voted on license or no
license and were about equally divided
on the issue.
General Stephen R. Smith, one of
the most prominent military men of
Connecticut, died recently at New
The Baltimore Board of Trade has
passed resolutions opposing the grant
ing of subsidies or bounties to foster
American shipping interests.
The McAuliffe-Daly fight at Boston
ended in a draw at the end of the fif
teenth round.
The well known Monongahela Hotel,
Pittsburgh, Pa., was burned on the 5th.
Loss, about $100,000. The 200 guests
of the house had to make a rapid exit
for life.
John Kendarooch and Annie
Chomo have been indicted for the mur
der of the woman's husband, a paralyt
ic, who was found hanging to a bed
post in Potsdam, Pa., on November 27.
It is stated in Portland, Me., that
the Canadian Pacific railroad will soon
construct a huge elevator and make
other improvements at that place,
which will be the eastern terminus of
the road.
A correspondent of the New York
Evening Post sends word that the Rus
sian censor has forbidden the following
New York newspapers circulating in
Russia: The Evening Post, the Sun,
the World, the Times and the Tribune.
The New York Herald is allowed to
enter Russia.
Judge Patterson, of New York,
granted the petition of John J. Plunk
ett for absolute divorce from his wife,
Mary II. Plunkett, the Christian
Science healer who some time ago
mated with A, Beniiey Worthington,
the bigamist.
Adults A PATTi-arrivedatNewYork
on the Teutonic on the 5th. She had
two funny little dogs and Nicolini with
During a fire in the Francis Axe
Company building, at Buffalo, N. Y.,
ono workman was killed, several badly
injured and one boy probably fatally
burned. Loss on building small.
Cvrus Fillmore, brother of ex
President Fillmore, died at .Lagrange.
Ind., recently of typhoid fever, aged
eighty-seven years. lie was well known
throughout the State and a prominent
Democrat. His wife, who is eighty-five
years old, is dangerously sick. They
had been married over 64 years.
The Western sish and door factory,
Nineteenth and Wyoming streets,
Kansas City, Mo., burned recently. The
Iofs was about $50,000.
By the breaking of the rope of a cage
in a coal mine near Steubcnville, O.,
two boys were precipitated seventy-five
feet and killed.
Fire in Shell Lake, Wis., the other
night destroyed one-half the business
section of the town, causing $35,000
Ik Macon, Uliopolis, Clinton and
other Central Illinois towns diphtheria
is raging, and there are many deaths.
The disease is not as a rule, however,
of the worst form.
Secretary Lesueur, of Missouri,
has decided that social clubs must pay
taxes. They can not be exempted
under the church clause of the Con
stitution. It is reported in Chicago that a secret
meeting of brass manufacturers from
all parts of the country is being held
there for the purpose of forming a trust.
1 he Cherokee Legislature has agreed
to a resolution for the appointment of
a Commission to meet the United States
Commission to consider the sale of the
Cherokee Strip.
J. P. Willis, a deputy United States
marshal, and City Marshal Morgan
were both killed in a pistol encounter
recently at Holden, Mo.
W. O. Marquis has filed the neces
sary papers contesting the office of
Lieutenant-Governor of Ohio upon
. L. Lampson, who had a slim ma
jority. George W. Lininger, Republican
candidate for mayor of Omaha, was
defeated by Richard C. dishing, Dem
ocrat, by a majority of between 1,1Q0
and 1,C00.
Squire F. Taylor, son-in-law of
Hon. Alex Caldwell, ex-United States
Senator, committed suicide at Leaven-
worm, nan., lecenuy vy suooiiiig nim-
self through the right temple. He had
been despondent lately, but -nothing
was known sufficient to account for his
Six of the men arrested at Ardmore,
I. T., charged with the train robbery
near Berwyn, have been released by
United States Commissioner Hocker,
at Purcell, having satisfactorily proven
an alibi.
TnE coroner's jury wasof the opinion
that the many telegraph wires had
much to do witti preventing the rescue
of the unfortunate persons who lost
their lives in the burning of the Minne
apolis Tribune building.
TnE Miner House at East Tawas,
Mich., took fire recently. Two charred
bodies were found in the ruins.
Governor Millett, of South Da
kota, says there are 600 families in
Minor County who are starving to
death. The Governor was soliciting
aid for the destitute.
Mrs. Sadie McConkey, of Du
buque, Iowa, has been awarded $6,995
judgment against the Travelers' Acci
dent Insurance Company on policies of
her husband, who, while treasurer of
White Pine County, Nevada, was shot
and killed beside his safe.
At Duraugo, four miles north of
Dubuque, Iowa, a rear end collision
occurred between two Kansas
City trains. Conductor Berry, of
the forward train, and Simon Hickey,
of Dubuque, were killed. One engine
and seven loaded cars were wrecked.
The accident was caused by a switch
being thrown prematurely.
Near Rolfe, Iowa, recently G. W.
Marquette, a hardware man of that
place, and William Kennedy were work
ing a pump when the ground caved and
Marquette fell into the well head lore
most. His head struck against a jut
ting rock as he descended, scattering
his brains over Kennedy. Kennedy was
severely injured.
The executor of Frank M. Taylor,
who died near Boonville, Ark., has un
earthed $7,000 in gold and $3,000 in sil
ver, which Taylor had concealed upon
his premises before and during the war.
Search is still progressing, Taylor being
very wealthy.
Squire Downey, a colored man
living near Frankfort, Ky and his
wife went to visit a neighbor, leaving
their three small children ya charge of
the house. In their absence the house
caught on fire and the children perished
in the flames.
Ewino Watterson, son of Henry
Watterson, eloped and married Miss
Jeunie Black, of McMinnville, Tenn.
W wv a. a a . m
xoung watterson 's action is a sur
prise. He returned a year ago from an
European tour and is now a traveling
agent of the Wabash railroad.
Fire in the depot of the Vicksburg,
Sbreveport & Pacific railroad at Vicks
burg destroyed $50,000 worth of freight
and a number of adjoining buildings.
The Southern cotton crop aggregate
is estimated at 7,124,000 bales. Texas
leads with an increase of 313,000 bales
over last year. Tennessee, North Caro
lina, Arkansas and South Carolina
show decreases.
The State Senate of Virginia lias au
thorized the Governor to accept in the
name of the commonwealth the statue
of General Robert E. Lee, soon to be
unvailed at Richmond.
The boiler on the sugar plantation of
a planter named Meredith exploded at
Colfax, La., recently, killing six men
and two women, all negroes, and
wounding several others.
Jefferson Davis died at the house
of his friend, J. U. Payne, at New Or
leans on the Gth.
The boiler in Governor Jackson's
sawmill at Marion, Md., exploded re
cently. William Dennis, aged twenty
two years, was killed, and William
Dixon probably fatally hurt. Richard
Martin had a foot blown off and two
or three others were seriously injured.
A receiver has been appointed for
the Kenuesaw cotton mills at Marietta,
Ga. The financial condition is not
During a trial in Judge Blanton's
court room at Marshall, Tex., opposing ' good business qualifications and soon
lawyers got into a dispute and weap- possessed, himself of the unlimited ani
ons were drawn. The result was that ' fidence of his superior.
State Representative Alexander Pope I Last Saturday he notified Mr. Leedom
was mortally wounded, dying the same that he was going to New York and
day, and Senator W. II. Pope, his j would be back Saturday night. A
brother, was seriously wounded in two . message was received from him dated
places. Another lawyer was also hurt. New York Monday morning saying
The trial of Moussa Bey, who was
charged with committing murder,
arson and pillage in Armenia, resulted
in his acquittal.
TnE Sisters of the Visitation in
Washington have sold their convent
and academy property on Connecticut
avenue to J. II. Flagler, of New York
and Florida, for $650,000. This prop
erty contains 114,579 square feet on
Connecticut avenue, L, Seventeenth
and De Sales streets, improved by the
convent building, and it is understood
that Mr. Flagler intends to erect a
grind hotel on the site.
The Salvation Army headquarters
at London and adjoining property
burned on the morning of the 3d.
The platform of a theater at Wicnhen
in the province of Shantung, China, col
lapsed recently during a performance.
Iwo hundred persons were killed.
The reports of disturbances at Lis
bon, Portugal, were false.
TnE largest elephant in Barnum's
show, now in London, fatally injured
its keeper in a fit of rage the other day.
The President of Nicaragua has ap
proved the treaty forming a union of'
the five Republics of Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Honduras, San Salvador ana
Gautemala under the namo of the
United States of Central America.
WniTELAW Reid, United States
Minister to France and his wife have
gone to the South of France and Italy
on a month's tour.
TnE bark Christian Schriver, from
Buenos Ayres, reports that at the Dela
ware breakwater she passed nine dead
bodies, eight of them the bodies of men
floating on a life raft. The other was
that of a woman floating near tho raft
with a life preserver around her.
An English company is reported to
have applied for a concession from
France for a bridge across the English
The Kaiser has wired Stanley and
Eminthat ho sympathizes with them
and sends congratulations and wel
comes them home. Mackinnon, the
chairman of the Emin relief commit
tee, was summoned to Windsor Castle
by Queen Victoria, where he dined and
Emin PAsnA had a serious accident
at Bagamoyo the day after his arrival.
Owing to his nearsightedness he mis
took the height of a railing and fell
twenty feet, fracturing his skull.
TnE Brotherhood managers claim
that they have signed all the base-ball
players they need.
The house of John Madden at Kings
ton, Ont., caught fire the other night
and while he and his wife were trying
to extinguish the flames their means of
escape were cut off and both perished.
THE latest.
The Chinese troops recently suffered
a severe defeat from the savages on
South Formosa, 300 or 400 of them hav
ing been killed.
Recently a mob attacked the China
inland and Methodist Episcopal mis
sions at Nanking, China, and destroyed
both chapels and an opium refuge and
stoned the officials who attempted to
General Francis W. Palfrey, tho
well known historian, died recently at
Cannes, France, aged fifty-eight years.
He was a Harvard graduate, a lawyer,
and during the war a volunteer in
fantry officer, being made Brigadier
General of volunteers in 1S65 for gal
lant conduct.
Consul DmLiER, of Florence, Italy,
incloses to the State Department ex
tracts from Bologna newspapers in
which it is openly charged that horse
meat is extensively used there in the
manufacture of bologna sausages.
Two children, Robert and George
Lilly, aged six and four years re
spectively, were suffocated by smoke in
the basement of the flat house 169 West
One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street,
New York. They had been locked in
by their mother while she was market
ing and they set fire to the place while
playing with matches.
In down towu circles at New York
on the 6th it was rumored that a panic
:n money had broken out at Buenos i
Ayres, causing great excitement there
and many large failures. The rumor
could not be verified, but it was said
many business houses had received
cablegrams announcing the fact.
Business failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended Decembers, num
bered 316, compared with 249 the pre
vious week. The corresponding week
last year the figures were 305.
President Harrison and party left
Washington on the 6th for a trip to
William Peters, secretary of a
Cincinnati building and loan associa
tion, has confessed having embezzled
$15,000. He is now in jail.
Charles Johnson, colored, has been
hanged at Gadsden, Ala., for the mur
der of a policeman in November, 18S8.
Captain Plunkett, the notorious
Irish constabulary leader of Cork, died
in that city recently.
The coal miners of Westphalia, Ger
many, propose to institute another
strike to compel the masters to do
justice to the men who organized tot
last stri
The Cashier to the Sersieant-at-Arms of
the National House of Representative
Abscond With STS.OOO-l'robably Goae
j to Join the Canadian Colony.
WAsn i ngton, Dec. 6. From present
appearances Edward Silcott, cashier of
the sergeant-at-arms of the House of
Representatives, has fled, carrying off
72,000 of the funds entrusted to his
, care.
t Silcott was a trusted man who came
here from Ohio, and was appointed by
I Mr. Leedom when that gentleman as-
' snmed office six vears ago. He had
, that ho had been detained but would
return Monday night. A similar mes
sage reached his wife in this city.
As he did not appear Tuesday Mr.
Leedom was fearful that he had been
overtaken by somo accident, but to sat
isfy rising suspicions began an investi
gation. The information that Silcott
had drawn his bank balance deepened
the suspicions and the inquiry was
pursued. The enormous office safe
could not be opened at the moment, as
Silcott had the combination, but when
an entrance was finally effected it was
found that somo $:50,00o", set apart for
the use of the paying teller was intact.
The next inuuirv was made at the
. - Treasury Department and Mr. Leedom
was stunned by the result. He was in
formed that Silcott had called there
Saturday and had drawn about $72,000.
It was jiossible for him to draw this
large sum without exciting comment,
as he had for a long time been charged
with the duty of collecting tho money
with which the salaries of the Repre
sentatives are paid.
Silcott is under bonds in the sum of
$50,000, his bondsmen numbering about
fifteen persons. This is, however, an
indemnity bond given to the sergeant-at-arms
and Mr. Leedom, who is him
self bonded in the sum of 50,000, is
directly responsible for the shortage.
Mr. Leedom says that he would have
trusted Silcott to any sum of money.
Mr. Leedom says that it was within
Silcott's power to carry off not less than
150.000 instead of the $72,000 which is
missing. It was suggested by a person
standing near that to have
carried off the balance would have
chaliged the nature of the crime from
emberlenient to theft and have sub
jected the perpetrator to extradition,
even in Canada, whither it is already
rumored tho missing man has fled.
It is stated that Mr. .Leedom was
victimized once before by the iinmeui-
ate predecessor of Silcott, but to an
amount insignificant in comparison
with his present loss.
Death of the Noted Confederate Leader
Sketch of IIULir.
New Orleans, Dec. 6. Jefferson
Davis died at 12:45 o'clock this morn
ing at the residence of his friend, J. U.
Payne. From the beginning of his
fatal illnessMr. Da
vis had insisted that
his case was nearly
or quite hopeless,
though the dread of
pain or fear of death
never appeared to
take the slightest
hold upon his spir
its, which were
brave and even
buoyant from the
beginning of his at
tack. In vain did
the doctors strive
to impress upon
him that his health was improv
ing. He steadily insisted that there
was no improvement, but with Chris
tian resignation he was content to ac
cept whatever Providenco had in store
for him.
After death the face of the deceased,
though looking slightly emaciated,
showed no trace of suffering, more
nearly resembling that of a peaceful
sleeper than of the dead.
Jefferson Davis was born June 3, IS08, fa
that part of Christian County, Ky., which
now forms Todd County, and soon after bis
birth his father removed to Mississippi and
settled near Woodville, Wilkinson County.
Jefferson Davis received an academical ed
ucation, and was sent to Transylvania Col
lege, Kentucky, which he left in K2t, having
been appointed by President Monroe a cadet
in the Military Academy at West Point, where
he graduated in 1323.
In 145 he was elected a Representative to
Congress, and took his scat in December of
that year. In August, 1S47, he was appointed
by the Govcrnor-of Mississippi United States
Senator to fill a vacancy, and at the ensuing
session of the State Legislature, January U,
1819, was unanimously elected to the same
o;Hce for the residue of the term, which ex
pired March 4, 1S5L In 1830 he was re-elected
for the ensuing full term.
In September, 1S51, he was nominated for
Governor of Mississippi by the Democratle
party In opposition to Henry 8. Foote, the
candidate of the Union party. He resigned
bis seat
In the Senate on accepting the
nomination, and was beaten in the election
by a majority of 999 votes.
In 1653 be was appointed by President
Pierce Secretary of War, which post he held
nntil the Inauguration of President Buchan
an in 1357. On his retirement from the War
Department be re-entered the Senate for the
term ending March 4, 1963.
On February 4, 1861, the Confederate Con
press met at Montgomery, organized a pro
visional Government for the seceded States,
and on the 9th, by unanimous vote elected
Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate
States of America.
Emla Pasha Fatally Iajared.
Zanzibar, Dec. 6. After enduring
the hardships of many years of resi
dence in the interior of Africa and the
fatigues and dangers of his journey to
the sea it has been the fate of Emin
Pasha to receive an injury which is
likely to result jn his death. The
Pasha is very nearsighted and habit
ually wears glasses. Yesterday he at
tempted to go about his room without
them and unconsciously walked out of
a window, falling some distance to the
ground, fracturing his skull and inflict
ing fatal injuries.
Tan Kaaiu Railroad CommUsloaers Ad
Jiwt the Rate.
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 8. The Kail
road Commissioners have rendered
their decision in the matter of the com
plaint of the Board of Trade and salt
producers of Kingman of unfair dis
crimination in railroad rates on salt.
The Board, after reviewing the facts in
the case, sav:
"We are of the opinion that the salt
tariffs to local points need revision in
the interest of all those concerned.
But this involves so many adjustments,
not only as it respects the salt interests,
but as well those that concern the car
riers, that its final consideration will bo
entered upon at another time, and
further notice to parties in interest.
"Upon the complaint before us Ave
find and decide that the rate on salt
from Kingman, Anthony and Welling
ton should bo the same to all Missouri
river points as the rate on like com
modities from nutchinson, Nickerson
and Sterling, and tho board directs and
orders that such rates be made uniform
from all the points above named.
"The board also finds that tho fuel
used in the manufacture of salt is slack
coal supplied from tho coal mines of
Southeastern Kansas. The cost of this
per ton delivered at Wellington is $45,
and the freight rate is $1.70; at King
man, 2.65, and the freight rate $2; at
Anthony $2.75 per ton, and the freight
rate $2. and Hutchinson $2.40 per ton
and freight rate 81.80. We think that
in justice to so important an industry
as the salt manufacture in this State a
concession should be made on these
rates as follows:
"Kate on coal slack to Wellington
$1.30 per ton and to all the other points
of salt manufacture in the State SI .50
per ton. And believing under existing
circumstances that these rates would
be fair and reasonable the board or
ders and directs that these rates on
coal slack, together with uniform rates
on salt to Missouri river points, be
adopted and made effective upon all
railroads operating to any of the points
named by December 15, 18S9."
Four Supervisors to Be Appointed and
Their Districts A-utigneal.
Topkka, Kan., Dec. 8. Labor Com
missioner Betton has received a com
munication from Robert P. Porter,
Superintendent of Census, announcing
that four supervisors will be appointed
in Kansas to take the National census
of 1S00 in this State. For this purpose
he has divided the State into four dis
tricts and each district will have a
supervisor in direct charge. The make
up of tin districts is as follows:
First District Allen, Anderson,
Bourbon, Butler, Chase, Chautauqua,
Cherokee, Coffey, Cowley. Crawford,
Elk, Greenwood, Labette, Lyon, Mont
gomery, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson
Second District Atchison, Brown,
Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Geary,
Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Leaven
worth, Marshall, Miami, Morris, Ne
maha, Osage, Pottawatomie, Riley,
Shawnee, Wabaunsee and Wyandotte
Third District Cheyenne, Clay,
Cloud, Decatur, Dickinson, Ellis, Ells
worth, Gove, Graham, Jewell, Lincoln,
Logan, Mitchell, Norton, Osborne,
Ottawa, Phillips, Kawlins, Republic,
Books, Russell, Saline, Sheridan, Sher- i
man, Smith, Thomas, Trego, Wallace
and Washington Counties.
Fourth District Barbour, Barton,
Clark, Comanche, Edwards, Finney,
Ford, Garfield, Grant, Gage, Greeley,
Hamilton, Kearney, Kingman, Kiowa,
Lane, MePherson, Marion, Meade,
Morton, Ness, Pawnee, Pratt, Reno,
Rice, Rush, Scott, Sedgwick, Seward,
Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Sumner and
Wichita Counties.
What the Missouri State Board Has SaTed
to the People.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 8. Mr.
Downing, of the State Railroad Com
mission, says that a single decision of
the Commission rendered in a coal case
several months ago, in which this city
was interested, saves to the city $750,
COO a year. The figures weregiven him
by George II. Nettleton, who is one of
the most thorough railroad ac
countants in the? country. Ac
cording to the decision the
coal rate was reduced from 55 to 35
cents per ton. Mr. Downing claims
that the State Railroad Commissioners
have saved the people millions of dol
lars since the body was called into ex
istence. As to the effect of Missouri
river transportation ujon freight rates
he was not prepared to talk, but
thought the importance of the enter
prise has been greatly overrated. He
said if it saved to merchants $500,000 a
year it would be a grand success.
The Australian System.
Portland, Me., Dec. 8. The Ad
vertiser publishes letters from the
mayors of Maine cities, county attor
neys and prominent Republicans on
the subject of ballot reform as applied
to this State. All except four replies
favor the adoption of the Australian
system. The Advertiser says editorial
ly: "Now that this system has oper
ated, successfully in Massachusetts,
there can no longer be any doubt that
the next Legislature in Maine will pass
a similar law without serious opposi
tion." m a
Pending Recognition.
Lisbon, Dec. 8. The Portuguese
charge d'affaires at Rio de Janeiro has
been instructed to maintain semi-official
relations with the Provisional Govern
ment pending the recognition of the
Republic by Portugal. This recogni
tion will be given when a Constitution
of the Republic shall have been defi
nitely adopted.
s s
Jesalt to Be KxpeUed.
London, Dec. 8. Rumors have
reached here from Janeiro to the effect
that the Jesuits are to be expelledfrom
A Prominent Attorney anil Member nf th
Leglslature Shi.t In a Crowded Court
Kuum Two Other Woumletl.
Marshall, Tex., Dec. 7. Twelvr
months ago ex-County .Indite W-T. s.
Keller entered suit for divorce against
his wife, E. S. Keller. Judge Hazel
wood, who was district judge at the
time, entered a decree giving two of
tho children to each of the litigants.
On November 20 application was made
by the wife to Hon. J. S. LHanton,
special juJge in thu ease, for an ordei
to restore to the wife the youngest
daughter. The order was granted, and
an officer was sent to San Angelo, the
present residence of Judge Keller, for
the child, which was brought back.
With it came the father. Judge Blan
ton was ignorant of the order of Judge
Hazelwood. Judge Blauton came
down Thursday evening, and com
menced yesterday morning to
investigate the matter. The
court opened at ten a. m. W. R.
Greer and T. P. Young represented
Judge Keller, and W. II. Pope, Alex
ander Pope and James Turner repre
sented the wife. Mr. Greer addressed
the court at length on bohalf of his
client. When ho concluded W. II
Popc arose ami made some remarks, at
which Judge Keller took offense and
replied to Mr. Pope in equally offensive
language that so oflcnded Pope that he
grabbed a gold-headed cane that was
lying on the desk in front and hurled
it at Keller, who instantly drew his pis
tol and commenced firing.
About this time C. R. Weatherby, a
relative and warm friend of Judge Kel
ler, appeared upon the scene and with
pistol in hand opened lire on Tope.
The excitement at this time can be bet
ter imagined than described. Major
James Turner fell early in the action,
but on examination his wound proved
to be only a flesh wound of the abdo
men. W. II. Pope received a ball in
the left shoulder and one through the
fleshy part of the lower right arm.
Three other bullets passed through his
clothes. His wounds, though painful,
are not considered fatal.
Alexander Pope was shot through
the bowels.
Keller and Weatherby were prompt
ly arrested and placed in jail.
Your correspondent was occupying a
seat in the gallery of the court house
while this bloody tragedy w;U? being
enacted. Many ladies were among the
audience. The bar was full of lawyers
and friends of the contending parties.
Many took shelter behind desks and
benches, while others lied. The women
fled, screaming with horror at the ter
rible sight.
Hon. W. II. Tope is State Senator,
while his brother, Alexander Pope,
represented Harrison County in the
Lower House.
State Representative Alexander Pope
died last night at nine o'clock from the
effects of his wound in the court house
The War Department Takes no Official
Action Regarding the Death of Jeffer
son Davis
Washington, Dec. 7. The War
Department has not lxen officially in
formed of the death of Jefferson Davis
and has taken no action with respect
to it. A large oil painting of the de
ceased hangs on the wall of
the chief clerk's room, which im
mediately adjoins the office of
the Secretary. It is surrounded
by portraits of other ex-Seeretaries,
including Simon Cameron, General
SchoGeld and Messrs. Floyd and Con
rad. It bears the inscription, "Jeffer
son Davis, Secretary of War 185:;-57,
Pierce's Administration." There was
no crape about the portrait and the
flag over the building, which had al
ways been half-masted on the death of
an ex-Secretary, floated fn a good breeze
from its usual place at the top of the
Secretary Proctor, seen yesterday
morning and asked what course the
department would pursue in regard to
Mr. Davis' death, said: "Iseo no oc
casion for any action whatever. It
would serve no good purpose that I can
see. It is better to let the matter rest
in oblivion, sleep if it will, and to rel
egate it to the p:ist, than to do any
thing that would revive memories
best forgotten."
a Bill A creed Upon to Orgaaize the Ter
ritory of Oklahoma.
Washington, Dec. 7. Congressmen
Springer, Mansur, Perkins, Struble,
Peel, Baker and Allen have agreed
upon the draft of a bill for the new
Territory of Oklahoma, and it will be
introduced at the earliest day possible.
It is very comprehensive, embracing a
territorial form of government, a com
plete judicial system for Oklahoma and
also the Indian Territory, and also new
town site laws adapted to the situation
in Oklahoma. It extends tho land
laws to No-Man's-Land and provides
that the new Territory shall use the
laws of Kansas until the close of the
first session of the first Legislature.
It provides for commutation of home
stead entries after eighteen months'
residence upon paying 91.25 per acre,
and, in fact, provides for every phase
of the anomalous condition of the peo
ple of that Territory upon the lines and
conditions desired by them as made
known by the visiting Congressmen in
September last.
Maasaa Mast Be Faalsbert.
Constantinople, Dec. 7. A num
ber of American missionaries held a
meeting in this city to consider the
course to be pursued in relation to the
recent acquittal of Moussa Bey, the
Kurdish chief, who was charged
with robbery and outrage upon
Christians in Armenia. It was de
cided to summon from Van two Ameri
can missionaries who were assaulted
by Moussa Bey and to have them place
their evidence before the proper au-
TrVm,ie9 " w believed that Mr.
Ilirsch, the American Minister, wiil
insist on Moussa Ber being punished.