J., ,.Uf J& t A & fiillHsElBfla OUR MOTTO :" Eternal "Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar is the Price of The Chief. Vol. 17. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, December 13, 1889. No. 20. being foolish enough to buy too many overcoats while in market, and rather than carry over a lot will sell all heavy weights at wholesale cost. We handle Selz Bock bottom shoe wold every where for $3 thif has been our price but will sell you them for next sixty days at $2. 50 giving you the best shoe ever offered for the money every pair warranted also offer you as usual 100 cents worth of goods for one dollar, in other lines our underwear, for selection and prices, can hot be beat and we allow no one to undersell us on boots and shoes clothing is our line, and we make a business of it we also keep a big stock of piece goods and make up suits to order giving employment to people at home come in. we make no charge to show you our goods and give you prices. RED CLOUD. C. WIENER, WYMORE CITY BAKERY Restaurant and Lunch Rooms. Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. . Meals & Lunches We make fresh everyday Ladyfingers, Jelly Bolls, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Bans, Etc. Boarding and lodging by day or week. Jos. Herburgeb, Prop. n. !. Robt. V. 8ELTBJEY. Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LttAN CO., PAID UP aPl 3 JL,f 50.000. Ked Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIRECTORS: tr rurlto Alh&nv. New York Geo R. Beach, BalstonSpa N. Y. H. "goJSon, Albany, N. Y. E. S. FrancbfpitteBcld L Ifa, B.V Shirey D.M.Piatt E. V, Hiehland. J. A. Tulleje M.B.McNil MONEY LOANED. On improved iarms in NebraMca atsd lUnpaa. Monev furnished a Boon the security is approved. Principal ana interest payable in Bed Cloud LIVERY, FEED, and SALE STABLE George Watsons old stand where we make a i specialty of educating young horses for track or road. Call and see us. GILBERT BROS. Prop. vlLLHiLLLE m iKHH enititpi. Diak B :' I got yomr letter last night and waa glad to hear from job. Dartiag how is tout haad . Mary aad Faanie waa here laat sight B- , do yea thiak Iwamldgowith B while, you are gone. No, I woald aot. darling. I was sorry to hear that yon got work beeaase I waited yoa to eoate hoate to aae. B , doa't yom kaow that 60 days is a loag time to wait for yea to eoate hoate. Miad ate aad do aot stay oat late at night and do aot drink. Please eome home and do not go away from me cay more, I am so lonesome I do aot know what to do, Darliag. Yoa sent me 6 kisses but I eoald not see them any place. Won't yoa have some? pietners taken andsendmeoae. I haye not been any plaoe since yoa have been gone. I think ill stay home and be good yoa migns nome tor tnann- giving. neu l most oiose ror tain time. Be a good boy. From Your Darling, F . The above was found by one of our citizens who requested us to ad yertiso it and see if we could find the the owner, who can haye it by calliag at this ofioe immediatly. Afceat Clcjr Ectaaar The matter of economy in ciy affairs baring been sprang recently, we wish to here state, Tea Cmir believes that as matter of fact, the city has been running too excessively for sev eral years. The idea of payinga mayor $109 per year, and the coaneil men $50 each aad so on. It's simply preposterous. Chicago with the sec ond largest, if not the largest city eoaneilia the world, ioes not pay her aldermen a sent, they do it for glory, and why not in Red Cloud? The sal ary of oity ofioials should be cut down one half, that would be quite a saving, at least of $150 and then there is positively no use of a street commissioner as the city marshal could look after that business. There would be another saving of $500 making a total of $650. There's enough actual ezpease without any superfluous extravagance. Then again there are the electric lights. Till Chief cannot see the necessity of keeping the lights burning on moon light nights, it's an absolute waste of the raw material. At least $200 per year could be saved there, if not a lit tle more, with just the same results . That would be a saviags of $850. Thk Chikf does aot care who is elect ed city eoaacilmen and mayor jast so the work of economy goes on as it should be. Tm Chief will always be found. -fighting for good sqaare economy, but will not countenance any political ehicaaery for the pur pose of alleged economy. allr . It has been said by some one that The Chiif has built more railroads oa paper than any one. To' this ac cusatioa may it please your honor, we plead guilty, msiag a legal phrase, if we may be permitted to do so. And yet. notwithstanding the fant, if our people are aaxious tor tne prosperity of this city, it behooves one and all to be upon their metal, and make some effort to get railroads, even paper OBes, if nothing better can be procured. The Chief has labored sealemsly for enterprise in Red Cleud the truth of whieh cannot be gainsaid and in looking over the field, has no reason to be ashamed of the result. However, there are men in the city, that arc wealthy .that should put forth their every influence, that are setting idly by aad letting other towns knock the persimmons, while RedCloud con tents herself by watching them pluck the prizes. The Chief wanks to have these landed capitalists, who are more interested by 100 per eent than any other citizen, to get a move on themselves and do something that will count in the matter of railroads. It ought not to be expected that the poorer classes should be continually helping the rich get richer, while they are apparently disinterested. If our rich menfhad one half the enterprise and ambitWB, that the capitalists of some of our sis ter towns have, we would have had another railroad !ong ago. It takes energy, grit, ambition, money Cloaks,Furs,Dry GoodslNotoons The Largest Stock, the Latest Styles and Lowest Prices ! Will be found, at R. M. MARTIN & SON'S, latcaL.3.tfri DRY GrOOXJS HOUSE RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods. Don't forget the place, first door South of Dickerson's Egg Store. Moon Block. and any amount of hard work to build a city, and in order to do so those who are heavily interested in city property, and farms adjacent should take the lead. If this was done there would not be many days intervening before we had new railroads, manufac tories, and a city growing and boom ing right along. Shall we have it? On December 24th, 35th, 31st and January 1st 1890 the B. & M. will sell round trip tickets at one fare for the round trip to stations not over 200 miles distance. Tickets limited to return to January 3d., 1890. A. Conovir, Agt. '.2& PERFECT CURE FOR MALARIA c & R EW 'S HnmniHiWHMaBi mmm acta mm tfcs SUflMfsaaa BteMars tfet feat TaafckMVB. OMteMedwttharwttfcMlaBkita. ag-irfcrtlmliiiii imiilUJiw. nne- GEO. 0. STEKETEE, tiraei RsaMt, WUk ralwmjti SEND FOR OUR CATALOOJICm PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Ioan Agent Red Cloud. HAT SALE ! Our Clearing Out Sale of Winter Hats WILL BEGIN DECEMBER Ifl9 Wool Hats from 10 to 50c. French Felt Hats $1. Hat Frames 10 to 20c. Fancy Birds and Wings at Greatly Beduced Prices. Children's Wool Hoods at 25c. Children's wool cloaks to close out at 50c Call early as these goods must be closed out in a few days. Mrs. S.R. McBride. New Billiard hall! P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor, RED CLOUD, - - - NFBRASKA. Fiae tables, reasosables rates, aiee treatmeat, is oax motto. Come aad see as. a n a r $1 U : BMMMMssssaaaaata, g - flagaaggaetttf5!5!?f55S