The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1889, Image 8

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-.7-"- i n-Vi -,'- -H.-
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3 i
a i
j ake effect Nov. 23d, 1343.
.p-Hastings leaves
jy o:uos.m.
p imTastlngs dally " Ii3epni.
,IjIner-om dally ex-
v- -,, . 5. j 1.m.
'"jomlls-slings daily ar- fcV '.'
' 100'
- .- ' lRr VIA WVBOltK.
No. IlK-pa'Wr to st Joscpa daily
: " leaves W.-J8 ajn.
No. 40 passenger to Kansas City dally 10:33 p.m.
No. 15 iasciiger fiorn Jeseph dai
ly arri?es
No. 39 paven.;er from Kansas City
ai rives
No. 7! f Might daily except Tuesday or-
5:30 p m.
12.43 a.m.
No, 78 freight daily except Sunday
11:00 p.m.
No. 31 iwstsuger to Denver daily
No. 1.1 passenger to Denver dally
2:30 a.m.
leaves 5:40 p, m.
No: 15 passenger from St. Joseph ar
i ive.i daily 10:ii a. in.
No. 40 passenger Tram Kansas City
dally arrives 10:'J5.m
No. y.u freight for Denver leaves dai
ly except Sunday 6:15 a.m.
No. 13( freight from Denver, dally ex
cept .Sunday arriAes 8 :40 p.m.
No. 13 accommodation to Oberiin
runs Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Red Cloud, Neb. , Nov. 30. Special
to The Bee. There are very few names
in history enjoying the distinction and
notoriety of that of Bed Cloud. The
name itself hae many pleasant and very
many unpleasant associations. It is de
rived from theearley days of the Sionx
nation and it no donbt emanated from no
particular source.
For many years the southern bound
aries of the Sioux reservation were along
the present Kansas and Nobraska line.
It was then that Red Cloud, the great
chief of tlio tribe, located his village on
tlte north bonks of tho Repnblican river,
near tho present site of tho young and
prosperous little city of Red Cloud, and
there maintained hi? headquarters lftitil
tho reservation was thrown open for set
tlement in 18GS. Early poincers soon lo
cated tho present townsito upon a beauti
ful mesa overlooking tho broad and fertile
valley of tho Republican about two miles
north of tho river, and here to day stands
a bustling, energetic city of 4000 inhnbi
tiants, tho county seat of Webster county
tho population which will reach nearly
12000. Red Cloud, by force of nature and
surrounding conditions, is destined to be
in the near future, the chief manufactur
ing and jobbing center in southern Neb
raska. She has a magnificent water pow
er, second to none in the state. She has
the lull and undivided ti ado of Jewel and
Smith counties in Kansas. She has one
of the largest railway systems in the world
the B. & M. , with uepot, offices, eating
house, rounu houses, etc., located here.
She has the Red Cloud & Kearney lino of
railrord soon to bo constructed which will
intersect and traverse the richest and most
productive parts of tho Republican and
Platte valleys. She has a splendid system
of water works. She has broad avenues
and driveways macadamized and beautifi
ed by natures luxurious growth of elm,
poplar, oak throughout the city. Sho has
the Edison st stem of incandescent and
arc electric lights, tho dynamos of wnich
an- run by tnrbiuo wheels placed at the
falls on the river. She has several miles
of .-street railway. She has a number of
fine, large brick business blocks, costing
from $-.,000 to $.10,000. She hat perhaps
one of the largest and finest rollers mills
in the state, representing an investment
of over j0,C00. This mill is run by
water power and has a capacity when run
ning full force of 1.T0 barrels pur day.
Rod Cloud also has a pressed brick factory
of 30,000 daily capacity. She has two
public, school buildings costing 18,000,
eight churches, three lumber yards, a
court house and jail costing lJiKK), i.ii
opera house, 10,000, seating capacity 000
n completely equipped fire" department
hose carts, hook and ladder trucks etc.
Red Cloud has five hotels, tho Holland,
tho B. JfcM. Eating housr, the Gardner,
Valley and Fourth Avenue. The Holland
is the leading houe for traveling men be
ing, located in the business center, llrst
class in every respect, heated by steam,
etc. The Gardner is also first-class and
divides the trade with the Holland.
Red Cloud Chief, A. C. Ilosmer.
editor nn't! proprietor, established in 1873
has 1000 weekly circulation.
Tho Webster County Argus, e.-tablishud
IS7, by G-o.J. Warren, has 1000 weekly
The Red Cloud Democrat, established
1S88, by D. J. Myers, has .WO circulation.
The Red .Cloud Republican, established
in 1888 by the Red Cloud Publishing com
pany, has a circulation of 500.
The First National R. V. Shirty, Tres;
John R. Shirey, cashier. Capital $7.1,000
surplus aud undivided profifH, $lfi,7i9.!Kr.
'1 ho farmers' & Merchants' bank Ex
Go,oruor Silas Garber, Pres; Anson Hiby
cushjor. Capital $100,000; -surplus and
profits $C,22Z.
Red Cloud National J. W. SI crwood.
Pre?; L.P. Albright cashier. Capital
75,OCO, surplus. $3,000.
Tho Nebraska and Kansv.s i'aiin Lean
company Capital .50,t.tJO. H. Clarke,
Pros.. Albany. J. A. Tulleys. Vice-Pies; R.
V. Sliircy, treasurer.
ICAL -state.
G. O. and R ! l'cier are ainom tho
leadinu real estnte dealers-in Led Cloud
inud handlo farm and city property exclu-
flO lZ.
No. HI n
pt .'
No. 133,
MfJ-... - ITr. ;. C YtJ;Me isvnci .10 OU
eifci . ;
(Sj. settlors in -Vcbstcr county.
P. B. Spanogloof Ktu Cloud is one of
... -ml Rettlrs and heaviest real w-
falc dealers in the state,
He al30doc8
Its superior exce nceprovettl n h os
homes for moretliti quarter of a ceniury. It
is used by the United States government, fcu
dorsed by lhe heads of the great universities
:ts the Strongest, Purest, ana most Healthful.
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder does not con
tain amonia, llnje. or alum, Sold only m cans.
general loan tmsinesa on farm and city
Red Cloud can boast of her natural fa
cilities for carrying on manufacturing of
aay kind, having an abundance of water
ann sufficient elevation for good drainage.
A joint stock company have constructed
a very costly and substantial dam across
the Re publican river a conple of miles
above the city where the roller mills and
and electric light plants are located,
llerethoy obtain a fall of abont twenty
fact, which furnishes unlimited power
for all manufacturing purposes.
Webster County SnppIIeN for 1890.
Notice is hereby given that until January 1st
IKK) sealed bids will be received by the county
board of supervisors of Webster county, Ne
braska, for supplies to be furnished said county
for the year lKWand to be ordered from time to
time as needed, bids to lie accompanied by a
good and sulllcient bond to Webster county in
ease contract is let guaranteeing faithful per
formance of contract.
The following is a list of supplies required
and the manner of bidding, all bids to be tiled
with the county clerk.
li!,0U0 note heads, printed and ruled, 7 lbs.,
per l,ooo.
au.Ooo envelopes No, 10 XXX printed white,
per thousand.
20,000 envelopes No. 6 XXX printed, white,
ler 1 ,000.
8 quires records plain page per book:
S quires records printed head iter book.
s quires record priuieu page er dook.
C quires records plain page per took.
U quires records printed page per book.
All records to be full bound extra KuBslau
ends, lands and front canvass cover, 40 lb
Parson's Scotch tlrst class linen ledger paper.
Peerless arm rest SxTJ per rest.
Leon Isaac's ihjus no. l per gross,
Leon Isaac's pens io. 10 per gross.
Leon Isaac's pens no. 9 pur gross.
Lead pencils, Faber's No. 4 hexagon rubber
tips per gross.
I-ead pencils Faber's red and blue per dozen.
Rubber bands No. 11 v. rigated per 1,000.
Rubber erasers (ink u..d pencil;Faber's per
Figuring tabs 5x8 (100 each) per 1,000.
Figuring tabs 0x10(100 each) per l.OW.
Arnold's ink per quart.
farter's carmine ink per pint.
Abstract legal cap 18 lb Crane extra per
Abstract legal cap 1G lbs Crane extrnner
Abstract legal cap cot ruled Crane extra per
Ruling pens No. i per pen.
Mc;iirtiaper fasteners round heads No. 1
per box.
mcUill's paper fasteners, round heads. No 0
per Uxc.
claim blanks i slice, per 1000.
Certificates of election (cr hundred.
claims for damages on roads ir hundred.
McCill's Mjer Listeners round heads No. 2
1-er bo,
Copving inV, Sfcveps per pin;.
Knife eraserextra quality er Knife.
I 'erf eel ion mucilage per dozen.
Perfection letter files per file.
(ilobo document lioxes I04?x4 1-2 por dozen.
!lole document lioxes 10x4!4.'t 1-2 p;r dozen.
Clolio dodument boxes I0x4l4x3pcr dozen.
(iIotHMiocutuent boxes 10x4'ix2 1-2 per dozen.
(lobe document boxes loxlUx! per dozen.
Olobo document lioxes 104UM 1-2 per dozen,
(Hobo document boxes lOxlxl per dozen.
J jsticcdocket 2 quire extra per dozen.
Justice docket quire extra ier dozen,
Fee books 2 quire e,lra per dozen.
Road overseers receipt book 100 in book per
doeu. .
Road lists, extra material perdozen.
ai poll books sou votes each for IS'jo per lioak.
Tax receipts, original, duplicate and triplicate
per 1,ik.
Receipts for payment under protest per 100.
Redemption certificates per 100,
Application for liquor license ier 100.
Allulavit for bounty on scalps per mo.
Appointment, oa!Ii and report of road an-
praiM-r. per too,
Appoininient, oath and report of road com
misiiniicr per ion.
Cert ilk-ale of acknowledgement per 100.
Certificate of ollicial character per ino.
Vitillcati-s tor bounty on scalps per 100.
Flection notices f r ls30 per dozen.
Ollicial bonds per too.
Oath of olliec per too.
Notice, oatli and report of special road com
missioner per loo.
Road ocr.seers annual settlement per 100,
Attachment affid vits district court per 100,
Attachment orders district court per 100.
Atlida its agninst garnishes district court per
Affldavitsof replevin district court per 100.
Appearance louds district court per 100.
Bonds for costs district court per 100.
May bonds district court per loo,
Injuncf ion bonds district court er 100.
Replevin bonds listrict court per 100.
Attachment bonds district court insrlOO.
("curt wrappers (civil) district court per 100.
Court wrupicrs (criminal) district court pe
Captions totran'cript distiict court per 100;
(.crttticatvs to transcript district ciuirt ih.t
Caption and certificates to take deposition
district court per ion.
Commission to take eiosition district court
per loo.
Notice to take deposition district court per
Declaration of intention district court per 100,
Kciurns oi executions district court per iw,
F.xecmioiis on trai.script dls'rict court er
Final papers district court ier 100.
Jury am
Ill w
itness list district court per 100.
Order of delivery
in replevin uismct conn
per loo.
I'rccincs district court oer too.
R-cogniAince of criminal witness district
court per hundred.
Summon original district court ier 100.
summons cipy district court per 100.
Stitmnaus in error, district com t er ino.
Subpunas original district court per 100.
S.iiipirnas copv, district court icr iw.
Sulipicuas In criminal caes, district court per
IatPn:t nt or costs district court per 100.
Verdicts of jury district court per 100.
Aliidav.ts and" undertaking tor order of at
tachment in justice court ier 100,
Affidavits tor garnishee justice com t pcrl&O,
Api-cjl justice couit periw.
Complaints justice court perils).
Coma.iuueiiia for contempt justice court ier
Ivxwtilious jiisti'e court per IW.
Mittimus la bailable cases justice court per
.Aoiice oi consume sale justice conn iter iw,
Notice of garnishee justice court ir lou.
Onltv el; justice cMurt jkt IW.
Order of sale of attached property justice
court per 100.
Order cf arrest, justice court per l. ,
Recognizance to ktep the j,cacojusUsS2Cuit
per lflo,
Replevin summons. Justice court per ISP.
Siiibhims, ortgiBal justice court per loa.
Cash Dry Goods House !
Just received another large lot of
dry goods of all
Summons, copy, justice court, per 100.
Summons against garnishee, justice court per
Subpomas copv justice court per 100.
Subpnjnas original justice court per 100.
State warrants justice court per 100.
Search warrants justice court per too.
Undertaking for costs justice court ikt 100.
Undertaking in or der of arrest justice court
per too.
Verdict of jury justice court per loo.
Venire for iurv iustice court oer loo.
The county board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
.1. II. ItAiLRV, County Clerk.
Red Cloud, November, 25, 1380.
District court of Webster county.'Nebraska,
Novemoer term 1889,
In the matter of the estate of Christian Bakke
On reading and filing tho ppetitfon of Andrew
O, Berg, administrator of the estate of Chris
tian Bakke deceased representing among other
things that the said deceased died siezed of cer
tain real estate therein described and that it is
necessary to sell the same to pay the debts of
said deceased and praying for license to sell the
same and it appearing to the court that it Is
necessary to sell real estate for that purpose.
It is ordered tliat said petitio.i be heard at the
court house at Alma, Harlau county, Nebraska,
before lion. Win, (Jaslin. judge of the eighth ju
dicial district of Nebraska on the 22nd day of
January, 1890 at 1 o'clock p, m.
it is f tirthur ordered that this order be pub
lished in the Red Cloud Chibp a weekly news
paper published in the city of Red Cloud in said
Webster county at least four successive weeks
bf fore the duv set for hearlni:.
owe & McNeny J. K. Cochrax,
Aity s lor iiettiioners. judge i'resuiiii..
Di'trict court Webster countv. Nebraska No-
vemoenerm issv.
In theniatter of the estate of Edward Demara
On reading and filing the petition of Xavia
Demurs, administrator of the estate of Edward
Demars, deceased representing among other
things that the said deceased died siezed of a
cerUin interest in real estate therein described
and that It is necessary to sell the same to pay
the debts of said deceased and praying for a li
cense to sell the same and it appearing to the
court that it is necssary to sell said real estate
for that purpose. It is ordered that said peti
tion be heard at the court bouse at Alma, liar
Ian, county, Nebraska, before Wm. Caslin, judge
or the eighth judicial district or Nebraska, on
the 22nd day of January, 1890 at 10 o'clock p. in.
It is further ordered that lids order bt pub
lished in the Red Cloud Chikf a weekly news
paper published at the city of Red Cloud in said
Webster county at least four successive weeks
before the day set for hcari ng.
case & JcNeny, J. E, COCiibax.
Atty's for Petitioners. Judge Presiding.
District court of Webster county, Nebraska,
November term 1S89.
In the matter of the estate of Isaac May,de-
on reading and filing tne petition of William
May administrator of the estate of Isaac May
deceased, representing among other things that
said deceased died siezed of certain real estate
therein described and that It is necessary to
sell tho same to pay the debts of said deceased
and praylnir for license to sell the same and it
appearing to the court that it is necessary to
sell said real estate for that purpose.
It is ord-red that said petition be heard at the
court house at Alma, Harlan county, Nebraska,
leforo Hon. William l5ashn,Judi:eof the eighth
judicial district of Nebraska oa the 22nd day of
January iswat i o ciock n, m.
It is furthur ordered that this order be pub
lished in the lied Cloud chikf a weeklv news
paper published at the city or Ked Cloud in
said Webster county at least four sucuessite
weeks before the day set for hearing.)
case & VcNeny, J. K. Cochbak.
Atty's for petitioners. .tudgo Presiding.
Notice is hereby given that under andtyvir
t-ieofan older of Kile issued byb.H. Fort,
clerk of the district court ef the Mh judicial
district In and for Webster county, Nebraska,
upon a decree In an action pending in said
mutt wheiein Daws & Fois is plaintiff and
Alma Downs is defendant x shall offer for sale
at public vendue for cash in hand at the east
dor of the court house in Red Cloud in said
county that being the place where the last
term of said court was holden on the 30th day
of December 1&D at 1 o'clock y. in. the foil swing
described pioperty to-wit: The south-wost
uuarter of the north-west Quarter and south-
eji unartrr of north-Wc pi.-.rterof sclln
fourteen, 14 Iowa one, 1 north range- twelte.
lij wost oi tuo p. in, in tveoster county, rc
iraska. tiiven undor my hand this 7th day ef No
vember 1889. U. v. nxmy
By Case & Merlear Sheriff.
Plaintiff's attoiBay.
Come and get our prices before buyin
Notice ts htreby given that sadsr and by vir
tue of an enter of sal iasaed byL. H. Psrt
dark of the district court of the th
judicial district In and for Webster
county, Nebraska upon decree in an
action pending in said court wherein
Daws A Foss are plaintiff's sad Klizabtth Span
ogle ct al an defendants I shall o8er for sale
at public vendue for cash in band at the east
dMr af the court hnos In TtrA rtnml In tfd
count? that being the plae where the last terra
or aaia court was noiuen j on ine aotn day oi De
cember 1889 at 1 o'tlcvk p. m. the following dis
cribed property to-wit: The west half of the
west half of section twenty 20 township two 'i
north ranee twelve Ml west of the 6p, m.ln
Webster county, Nebraska,
Given under my hand this 27th day ef Novem
ber 1889. II. c. Btott.
By Case ft McNeny, Sheriff .
Plaintiff's attorney.
Land office at Bloomington, Nebraska.
November 27, 1880. f
Notice is hereby given tnat the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that .sud proor will be made before the Judge or
in his absence the elerk or district court at Red
Cloud, Nebntsiva, ou Tuesday. January 14th.
1800 viz:
On home-stead application No. 11.259, for the w
V, ne Ji, s-c 6, tp2 n r ll, w. Ho names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz:
Svend IJndquest, Christian Jesiwrson, Pewr
Svensen, David C. Smelser, all or Red Cloud,
Nebraska. T. F. Ashht,
Prof. Loisette's
In tpita of adnttmted imitations which mitm Om
tbeuty, and practical nsolta of the Original, ia (pita of
the ariat miKrepresantationa by enrions woaldJM
competitora, and inspiteof "baseattemptatorobntiia
of tho frnit of bis Ubors.(all of which demonstrate the
nndonbted snperioritT and popularity of bis teaching).
Prof. Loiaotto's Art of Kerer Forjttina is Tecocaixaa
ttvdny in both ilrmiphcres aa marfcinir an Epoch ia
Memory Culture. Hmirapectas(Mntpctfrm)giaa
cpininnsnf people in all parts of toe alobnwholiaTeaoW
oally atodied bis Syitam by ooneapondenca, ahowiaa;
that his System is utedonly uUUJbeima afwdtaf.fMt
irttrtcardM: thatony booketmUUtmedinitvt
gtf"f I. igi ip&Kmrterutotyrti. c ForFksaeestae
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Specific.
A guaranteed cure for all ner
vous diseases such as weak mem
pry loss or brain power hysteria
headache pain in the backnr
ous prostration wakefiiitn.x ion.
corrhoja universal lassitude sem
inal weakness innMimmrmni ran.
oral loss of power of the Genera
tive Organs; in elthei sex.caus-
eu uy inuiscreuon or overexertion
and which ultimately lead to
ity aao coasuaniun. 9i ou a
box or six boxes for tS 00. .Sent
by mail on receipt of price. Full
particulars In pamphlet, sent
free to every applicant
We CSatamsitee Six
to rureanv case. ForeverrSS
order received we send six boxes
with a written guarantee to rc
finnl tlif tnnnpv if our srtwifle
does not effect a cure. Address ttftwTtksBC
all communications to the sole
mantuacturcrs. The JIuicbay Medicine co.
Kansas itvXo.
t?.Sold in Bed Cloud by C. L. cOfxIN'U sole
It teats them all. No
bocU like it. Everybody
wants it, 200 illustrations.
Humorous, PatheticFas
cinatins. Hundreds cf
dolUrs to hustlers. Old
and young buy; alo
thousands cf G. A. K.
and Sons of Veterar.s.
One agent has ordered
"verTWbools. Ancthre
EiaiISc3 In 4 days, an
other tcolcl5orders in 3)
tarn, ml G. A.K. Post.
Choose territory at once.
attracne illustrations
ftec Wkkckcnlars and tons.
Kinds, CHEAP !
Lower than any yard in the world
In the city at prices that all can afford to buy
if in want of anytbi lg in his line.
Opposite First National Bank, Red Cload.
New Billiard hall!
P. L. Jeffers,
Fine tables, reasonables rates, nice treatment, is oar i
Have lands of all kinds to sell or trade for stock or mortgage notes.
property to sell or trade.
Farm Loans made quick and e&sy
Qffice ovei McFarland s store.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having had ten years cxerienceiu county records and one of the most complete set of Ab
stract books in the state, ne guarantee satisfaction. Your favors solicited
All orders tilled promptly. 10.000 dollar bond tiled
and approved. Address or call on
L. II. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
Red Cloud.
lotto. Coae aad see a.
oj TUl$
QEO. o. and b. d. yeiser,
ta Mi IW CfScS
COmDiet and rmlir ul nf .li. .
books in WelMtor coanty. GraaDgaS
! amine laind aarf . Z? Tf
" "j pup7 for