The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1889, Image 5

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    , v .
, , , -rMifcBgBSW - XLs
k Vi-
Will remain but a short time.
Office at the Gardner House !
A perfect system of glasses scientfically ad
justed to all complications Never be
fore has any optician received such
flattering testimonials from the
Prof Strassman,
You can consult him about
About Eves
nl how to take tare of their. Mora
liht far unfortunate spectacle
wearers and the doom of blind:
nets prevented by his
Alaska Brilliants
Australian Crystals
a uw chemical combination
of ppectacles and patent eelf
adjusting Eye glasses. The
ffrst time introduced into this
country. Manufactured to or
der after examination by mod
ern instruments
Prof Strassman
Arrived in Rod Cloud to re
main a short time He is do
ing an immense business
throughout the United States
giving the best satisfaction
and delight to hundreds with
defective sight. His knowl
edge of the human ye and
hiiTskill in adjusting the glas
s's is marvelous beyond im
agination. "Endorsed by all great men
of this country and Europe.
In an instant, as if by mag
ic, he is able to tell you any
ailment of your failing vision
noini out the cause and dang
er, and adapt brilliant glass
es, peculiarly ground o suit
every defect of the eye wnich
will aid in strengthening the
eresight of the old and young
ftrJAniists ihvitedio examine
Sie new sostem of preserva
tion of the human eye.
Teachers should watch the
See Circulars for other
early mrnisestations of their
scholars eyesight and report
in time to their parents to
have their eyesight examined
by Professor Strsssman, the
expert optician of national
Artificial Eyes
Persons deprived of one eye
can nave tins deformity re
moved by the insertion of an
artificial eye, which moves
and acts like a natural organ.
From 9 to 12 am, 1 to
4 pm and 7 to 8 in
the evening.
Octobers, 1889.
We regret very mseh to learn that Prof.
Straeeman has de edto leave our oityia
a short time. While here he has snooted -ed
by his strict atteation to his profes
sion in greatly beaefiting a large number
of our citizens, aod he leaves as with naay
testimonials from the bast residents of
the city as to his ability, which is anqaes
tionable. He is very frank with those he
cannot help, always tolling thcra the truth
and gives them good advice gratis, and
those whoa he can help mien a great
chance if tney do not see him. He has the
good wishes of all our citizens for his fu
ture. Kearney Enterprise.
Major's Otllee,
Hastings, Neb. June -jo, I860.
To whom It m:iy concern:
IVins icrMm:illy:iciua'mtcl with Prof, stras
iiuu, titlri.ui, rcrc4i'Utiii the lmdou Spec
tacle and eye-j;Ui comiuny. I take pleasure
in sa in; Unit I have personally purchase! of
liim long and short range glasses for my ienoii
:il use, liclio; lug, from an experiment and use of
his glasses, that hi& knowledge of tlieeiulity of
Uion and in-neral defect in sight
that of any optician I hne met inJ5 years, since
v.liidi time 1 have had to use kUiiscs.
I regard hint as a leliahle optician, and fully
coiutucnd him to all persons homsoeer
A. 1). Yocuui. Mayor.
3tNstU6cs T. S. 1'ottcr, C. II. Hokup, M,
AValivcr, t". K See, X Thorrton, SeamiU). O
.Jackson, lli.ddeiihurj;, .ir.Iiu Deeper, I. Urad
CK KLsdeti, caldiall, II J Mack, cotsley,
IlioiiiMin, Norris Drown, .io-.hua Wood, T
Messic, J II Clarke. N II Johnson, K II Moray
.1 1. Keck. S Kay, .iuld. M Cuperuell, J A
Stone, Cjuswell and s cuUdburg. Misses A
AVoIfc. llurr, .leunic uiuflleld, F It J'.arkhead,
Mary Murdock, Finch and M Shurr. Messrs.
HCWilcy, I It AYambaiij:h, I Hilliken. A
Steadwell. It L Ilaldwin.J C Stien, F Foster, C
,i Ilolt,.C Beswick, ltev. .ios Shields, A Camp
liell. K A Moore, F It Jones, Dr F V ihice. Prof".
jTMallilieu, Judge ttillespie.J w Tatlcrmon,
G B Monroe. C A Lee, II liee. Dr. W P Smith
Thos Hammond, T II Carey, K A Jtewart, aior
row, FJialone. W W llitterson, I) II Ilicbnell
Dl.Undell, S iirigham. J W Whitney Kani
pii st. and A Aralcron.
Mayor A 1 Yorum,. Ill Cessna, Kev Stark, T
E Fairel, Wlengart, judge O Hewitt. UrS J
McAllister, Mr Morlege, S F KoUerU. mi ss
ireves LittlelieltJ, E O Toj t L un.n, 1 A Iw-
tsu.,SIdeli r. llowird 1'ivs Molu, J II Tan
ner. L. J Felt, A MYigtou. Dr Keller, Dr Chap
man mix . K Houston, lr iiacon, Mrs C A Car
Iner. Kei Cru.-swiiitli. K "V V K Jones. J II
.-caloN. 1' 1! Mew.ul. Mis H.igiteusod, Mrs i; nut
Ton, Mrs j W Hammond, sirs Kersey, Mrs J H
rain. sirsSnoddanl.J K Thompson, Mr Kilgor
Mrs Van Cootieii.A W cox. c It Tailor, Mrs
Mc Wade. D M Elhinney, Dr W Futt, c II Mare
ton, Mrs Young, Mrs Koalich, Fraud Dotty,
sirs V Loomis, J M Slorris, c S Lace. W W But
ton, Mrs K II Toinliusoii, Mrs wehstr, Mr J
Agustiue, Mrs Lombard. mrXurry.MrJ C Idi
son. Mr I W siccrearj". sirs Uiley, Judge Caslin
Mr llartigan, sir J Flick, re Benedict. Mrs O
Alexander, siri II Lee, sirs Harlocker, Mrs
Dr fliidier, Mrs Win?, Mrs M llarliu, Mrs M
Miller,. I W lfcir.ns, Judge Bates, L It UrcTory.
Fev Father Let'. Mrs S I .l.iyiiM. capt Sleeper
Mss K A Warner, Dr T J Foilffeld. Mrs A B
Tot, Mrs Hessler, I. Hale, Kev 1 S Darts, Mrs
M A Small, Taoutnian, Miss K Smith, E M
cheney. E I) copsey, Anderson. Ir Eortsta,
Vrs g" L O reen, II J Potter .Mrs Morris K Raw
ley, AB cotlclin?. Mistresses Julien Hone, West
liissell, Taris Lanberson, I Neerinp:, and Blod
sett, JcWoorley,.! I Houston, M Desch, Dr
DTiscler, Knight, L Creeu.JM Hale. David
.. . . , ,
n Meow eii.
fb M l&taf
u . IIOftXER,
Absolutely Pure.
This nowder never varies. Marvel of cure
Jtrenethand wholesomeneas, more economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
eonpetion with tha multitudes of low test short
weight aluai or phosphate powdors. Sold only
las Wall street. N. Y. Oitv.
tied by Oar Alert Reporters, aad
Prepared for Oar Readers.
Stone building blocks at Deyo's.
Proms from 30c to $1.50 at Deyo's.
Get your hair cut at Stingley's bar
ber shop.
M. R. Bentley was on tbe sick list
this week.
O. It. Chancv
in Superior
this weak.
Mrs. F. R. Gump is visiting in
Several marriages are reported to
take place soon.
The Democrat has moved its head
quarters over Mixer's store.
Jeff Ward talks of starting a demo
cratic paper in Red Cloud.
The best line of gloves and mittens
at lowest prices at Wiener's.
The city is putting in water meters
where parties are using motors.
Go early to Deyo's and select your
Jkmas presents and avoid the rush.
Ao dealer in this town ean meet
our prices on albums. L. H. Deto.
Why do you pay a big price for
books when you can buy one of Dcyo
for 25c.
Dolls? Well I should say Deyo
did have dolls. Step in his store
and see.
The New
tcra for the
York Store is hcadquar
the best makes of boots
and shoes.
Wc advise our readers to coto
Deyo's for their toys, books, and hol
iday goods.
Clothing has never been sold so
cheap as it is now offered by Wiener
the leading clothier.
Foe Sals: A good span of young
mules, or will trade for young cattle.
Inquire at this office.
S. T. Vanhorn, gave his little
daughter Myrtle a party this week in
honor of her birtbday.
Melton overcoats that others ask
$16 for C. Wiener has been selling
all the season for $14.
A rare opportunity to make $500
before Christmas. Address with ref
erences Gast, St. Louis.
Melton overcoats that others ask
$16 for C. Wiener has been selling
all the season for $14.
D. C. Myers has added his name
to the Great Family Weekly. Peo
ple can't do without it you sec.
50 ets buys a suit of underwear or
$5.50 buys a finer suit than any one
else sells. Berg & Galusua.
The nicest and best line of kid
gloves in the city at the
New fork Store.
Deyo is to the front this year on
holiday goods. He has the largest
stock in town and prices tbe lowest.
$2.00 buys an overcoat of Berg it
Galusha's that other people imagine
they are getting bargins in at $3.50
W'encr, the clothier, is also head
quarters for boots and shoes. You
can find Selz's hand made goods and
cheaper grades there at rock bottom
Call on Wiener before you buy yu
boots and shoes, for your wife, chil
dren or yourself. You will not only
rave mone, but get the best foods
The Christian church steeple is
wending its way heavenward. By the
way the Christian church is one of
the Jiost handsome of our church edi
Every man who has a family should
preparo some present for each mem
ber of his household. It is such lit
tle things at that that binds the fam
ly more closely, and makes life worth
living for.
Mr. D. C. 3Iyers, of Red Cloud,
Nebraska, an uncle of our Frank, was
in town Fridav of last week. He
. . - - ---r .. w w -
r I spent apart of this week visiting
. -.,-.. ., . , ,
lOMCr relatives nortn-WCStOI Sdlcm.
calem Argms.
School BlNClpIlae..
There has been some little dissatis
faction cropping out about the strict
I school discipline. Some few people
have decided in their own minds that
ic is nonsense to supervise discipline
ovor the children while in school.
The Chikf has heard socio little com
plaint in this regard and therefore,
rises to state that without strict ob
servance of stated rules in school
there is no use of sending children
tnere to be taught, because it is ab
solutely necessary to have discipline
in school as it is the regular army, or
any other body, where a master over
numbers is necessary. If a child is
permitted to do as he pleases in
school, in nine cases out of ten he
will get along very slowly in his edu
cation. When the children are mad
cognizant of the fact that there are
certain rules laid down for their gov
ernment, and that there is a penalty
attached for disobeying them, then,
(though they may grumble at first)
they will begin to appreciate their
school work, and not till then. The
trouble with Red Cloud schools, is,
that thev have been carried on too
Icmncnt in the past, tnd it is some
what of a task for the children to get
dewn to a strict observance of the
rules. The parents should always
uphold tbe teachers in the manage
ment of their school duties if they
desire success in the public schools.
It is better to have good schools, well
kept, than to have poor schools un
der careless discipline. The people
should desire the best results from
the public schools, and should en
courage the teachers in their great
and laborious work in training the
children in the various educational
branches. It is getting to be a man
ia, we are afraid, for the American
people to always be raising a kick
whether they are injured or not, just
as the old fellow said, "to hear their
heads mako a noise." More good
work is being accomplished in the
lied Cloud public schools today than
ever before, for which wc ought to be
extremely thankful.
. .
A Very Mean ThlBjt To Do.
Some few weeks ago we noted in
these columns that some miscreant
had committed a most heinious crime
of poisoning a fine horse for Capt
Munsell. valued at about $200. Of
all crimes, or all mean things to do,
the meanest is to wreak vengance
upon a dumb animal in order to get
even with a man, whom one may per
haps have a grievance against. UapL
Munsell 6eemF to have the enmity of
some one in his township who takes
delight in poisoning his horses, for
just only the other night he had an
other fine animal poisoned. The
captain discovered the condition of
the animal too late to help it, and as
a consequence it died from the ef
fects of the poison. The last horse
was valued at $150, and the first one
at $200. Capt. Munsell is one of our
best citizens, and just why anyone
should have a grudge against him he
is at loss to determine.
W. G. Smith, familiarly dubbed
"Jim" came down Wednesday morn
ing on a hop, skip and a jump, pro
claiming cnthuiastically to his friends
that he was papa of a bouncing girl,
lie has already filed his bill of partic
ulars, alleging that should any young
man be found swinging on the gate
with this young lady that he will
more the court to give him sixty days
at hard labor or get off the gate. It
is reported that grand-pa Boats and
papa Smith arc both happy. Wc ex
tend congratulations.
Dame Rumor reports to our repor
torial ears, that we are to have sever
al weddings soon, wherein cupid is
accused of touching the hearts of
sonic of our cider people. All par
ties arc said to be quite up in years
and becoming tired of a life' ot sin
gleness and have concluded that it is
not good for wan to wander this vale
of tears alone, and hence have con
cluded to join their fortunes with two
of the fairer sex.
What will you do with all the
clothing, etc., is asked every season
of C. Wiener, but when one sees that
the piles of goods are way dowfl at tho
end of the season we do.not wonder
what induces the Golden Eagle to lav
in such heavy stocks. People appre
ciate big stocks and much mors tht
low prices that are always given by
C. NViencr.
Persons buying clothing arc always
in fear of being taken in, but when
they can deal with au honorable
house like the Golden Eagle has
proven in tho last six years this fear
vanishes. C. Wiener has alwavs
made good anything that is not satis
factory. Goods are 6oId by him on
their merits.
For correct fitting clothing go to
Berg & Galunha.
A nice dress flannel 36 to 54 in
wide from 35cts to $1.00 per yd at
the New York Store.
Melton overceats that ethers ask
$16 for C, Wieicr has been selling
all the season for $14.
Farmers when you come to town
take'a little time and examine Berg
& Galusha's prices.
Don't spend a dollar for anything
in the clothing line untill you ex
amine prices and qualities at Berg &
Galusha s
Are you going to buy a carpet If
so do not fail to call and examine my
sock and prices. F. V. Taylor.
Berg &
hats, Gaps
That will interest you
Jolly Kris
Is now located in
mm i hi wiii ii i " i i
Where can be found a large arid complete
line of elegant and desirable
Suitable for both )oung or old, married or un
married, in fact my stock is fine and care
fully selected. Prices very low.
Red Cloud, at
- - . -