JI (I L i i - OUR MOTTO :" Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar is the Price of The Chief. Vol. 17. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, December 6, 1889. No. 19. being foolish enough to buy too many overcoats while in market, and rattier than carry over a lot will sell all heavy weights at wholesale cost. We handle Selz Bock bottom shoe sold every where for $ 3 tb if has been our price but will sell you them for next sixty days at $2 . 50 giving you the best shoe ever offered for the money every pair warranted also offer you as usual 100 cents worth of goods for one dollar, in other linep our underwear, for selection and prices, can not be beat and we allow no one to undersell us on boots and shoes clothing is our line, and we make a business of it we also keep a big stock of piece goods and make up suits to order giving employment to people at home come in. we make no charge to show you our goods and give you prices. C. WIENER, RED CLOUD. WYMORE CITY BAKERY Restaurant and Lunch Rooms. Oysters and Ice Creani in Season. Meals & Lunches We make fresh every day Ladyfingers, Jelly Rolls, Dough nuts, CooMes, Bread, Cakes, Pies Buns, Etc. Boarding and lodging by day or week. Jos. Herburgeb, Prop. enterprise as H CIABKE President, Albany. N.T.. J. A. TUUiST.pTice-Preaident Robt. V. SHIBEY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. JaOAM CO -nATTk TTD n dTWST QZH fifll Ited Cloud, Neb. Albany3ew York. FAMM a9 DIRECTORS: II Clarke, Albany. New York Geo R. Beach, BalstonSpa 2J.Y. Wi H. Eobon, Albanv, N. Y. E. S. Francis, Pittield. .Ma B.V Shirey D.M.Piatt B.V. Hiubland. J. A. lulley 3I.B.McXii MONEY LCANED. r . t , On improved farms ia-NebraiKaatid Kin-is. Sloncv furnished as soon a ti securitv 1 approved. Pnncpal ana interest payable in B.ed Cloud LIVERY, FEED, and SALE STABLE George Watsons old stand where we make a specialty of educating vounc horses for track or roacl. Call and see ns, GILBERT BROS. Prop. TtrALMTT CBEEK. "Not a drum was beard Not a funeral note As his corps to the ramparts we hurried, Not a soldier discharged hifl farewell shot, O'er the grave where our He ro was burned." See? "N'uf Ced." Things are beginning to cool off a little since election. The Democrat are getting used to their new quarters inside the big 8 and "every thing is lovely aad the goose hangs high" most to nigh for farmers making a iivinc (?) raising 14c corn. Frank Pierce is now safely toasting his toes in Arkansas having departed for Chat "land of wine and honey some time ago. H. U. Bode is the champion bad luck man of Walnut having lost bogs and cattle this fall until von can't rest, buch pluck and his deserves better returns. Walnut has an S of its own and it don't feel very "big" either. It is said that Nick Blankenbaker spends four thirds of his time cussing himself for not getting married soon er. When he has been married as long as Dennis however his regrets will take a different turn. Speaking of vacancies there is a 'vacancy" in our school treasury. The present beard had thought of attempting to hold a seven months school this year but upon counting their cash they found that they had barley enough money o run a six months school andr-'yxLiy close shav ?ng at that. Prettj tough is'nt it to pay a 35 mill tax ou account of school aid then only have a sis months school. As before remarked by Dennis bonds come high. As remarked by that worthy sage Joe Garber, "experience is a bully teacher but it generally comes to late." The question uppermost in the mind of Dennis at present is sup posing district 3 had paid out $50 for school books this year whether we would have been able to hold any school at all. Uncle Joe Holcomb has left us to go Red Cloud to show the native s thereabouts bow to run a livery The vacancy thereby caused on the school board has been filled by the appointment of G. N. Blankenbaker as director of district 3. alnut in general and S. D. 3 is in particular, holds out grat in ducements for settlers our taxes will "settle" anybody. Jim ancc is new sitting up nights with the question " ith which party shall I next cast my influence"' In 87 he was an "ante monop" in 83 a republican, in 89 a democrat. Next vear he will embrace Belva Lockwood (figuratively speaking) unless he comes over to the faith of Dennis -viz the Prohibs. For the first time since the world began there was no Thanksgiving dance on Walnut Whats up- Hew ever the signs all indicate that a good many of the natives will "dance" be fore spring. The dance trill be some thing of a stern raality. As predicted by a good many our road machine is a good deal of a fizzle Everybody who ha& put a team on it has exhausted himself in an effort to find breath enough to cuss it. It is claimed by some that the action of the town board wa? illegal and there in talk of repudiating the contract. It i whispered that K. D. 25 will get t:alf the lumber that comes into Walnut during the next two years for 'road purposes. It was not always ' thus but it is a long lane that has no turn . "As it was ia the beginning is now and ever promises tr be" rcy namt is Dex:;is. Cloaks,Furs,Dry GoodslNotions The Largest Stock, the Latest Styles and Lowest Prices ! Will be found at R. E MARTIN & SOU'S, CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange for . Goods. Don't forget the place, first door South of Dickerson's Ess: Store. Moon Block. ah boi . A veiy enjoyable entertainment was held at the residence of Judge Tron key, one mile west of Amboy. on last Monday. It being the nccassion of Mrs Mary Laws 5Sth birthday. Mrs Law being the recipient of a very handsome pie sent from Mrs Trtnkev. X.X. X." PLEASANT I'K Allium A pleasant surprise party was held 1 at the residence of J. TJ. Cleghorn, at ' about ten o'clock thrre Gr four iragons representing cme five families of bis nearest neighbors drove up and took full possession . After a song prayer was offered and then the tsble was spread with an old fashioned din ner which they brought with then and a geaeral good time was enjoyed by thoe present. Stru. B4ILBOAD KCHBLINGS. The citizens ef Kearney held a rous ing railroad meeting last week, at which Tvas thorobtrhiy Aiscned tha prospects of a road leading off south east. nearl along the liuu of the old Santa Fe "survey, the plan seems to anticapate the deep water harbor on the gulf coat, and the object to get a line of railroad in operation by the time it is accomplished. Kearney cit izens have been skirmishing aronnd dotvn in Kansas, looking up and talking ing up roads, and have struck a line which is favorably located, and one towards which the people are favorably inclined. This is a line from Hntchtson, Kan to Kearney, ; and on nortnwest to the Black Hills. From Hutchison, sontk a road is now in course of construction, called the Hutchison, Oaaaha Gnlf road, and for quite a distance is completed. Tni line being supported by the Rock Inland, and itisaidthey would be plaJ to tak hold of the line northwest from Hutchison up ttirouglt Minden, Kearney and on to the Black Hills. There tems to be two good routes from Kearney to Hutdii-on. The first, or western route, would passsonth to Minden and cross the Repneliean river at Riverton. It would pas through a large number of towns.of which Smith Center, Downs, Ellsworth, Lyons end Hutchiwn are county seats The eastern route would pass through Minden, cross the Republican at Red Cloud and strike Mankato, Beloit. Lincoln. Ellsworth, Lyons and numerous smaller towns. The county seats have from 2000 to 3000 people and Hutchison has 16,000 Th country traversed i very rich. This line is worth looking after by the city of Mind"- And the time to act is while the scheme is boiling. If it is a good enongh roai for Omaha to look after it is pretty near good enough for the people out this wav. Minden Gazetta. Tiler is nothiDs parents should be s carefu" aitavix as selecung a cough syrup Bc Clicrry Couh sprup (.oats no morr T::r.n tos cheep and Inferior nomin thrown a the Eurfc.pt. '!! best is itne to good, be ire autl ?: BLUC.a' CI1EKI1V COUUH &YEUP. We ke? :t on liaad at all tiwes. C. L. Cottins imjsast. Look at that natural wool under wear at Berg & Galusha's K. V.SniREV, Pres. Henry CLAEKE:Yico-Pres. Jxo. II. SiiiKEr, Cashici Howari B. Cather, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITA S75,000 Transact a general blinking business, bay and sell county warrants; alst county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange DIRECTORS: .las. McNeny. J. A.TulIeys, Gr. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shirey. John R. Shirey. E. F. Highland. Henry Clarke, A. J. Kennoy. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERs RED CLOUD, NEB. D. M. PLATT, Heal Estate and Loan Broker, Real Fstate bought and sold. Money Loaued on farm chattels and personal paper. County, Township and School District Bonds Bought Long time Commer cial aper, a specialty Also, solicits Collections Office in Kaley Block, over Perkins Hard ware Store, Red Cloud. Store. New Jewelry Webster St. west aide, window in Haines' furniture store, S. M. SEAL, Prop. Jewelry, Watches, Cloeks and Spectacles. Repairing Watches nd fitting Spccticles a specialty. Call and see me, at Spokesfield's forme stand. ' 1 SJ l JS I I 1 H m X m f s- k