-f, J,,, t - . .. v y. H i . - r , guxr j -; ' Ducker. h' tho 'l'' i W . f .- . v .- . v V K . . a-"' DUCKER'S T Backer. I I tf r- L. SPLUTTERS Gathered Up fcy CM sBeoorterw li Aa Afcoat the City aatl Coootjr. PAMM LwANS. I have the fcgeney for ten different loan eoapaniet, and can give yon the benelt of any of their peculiar plans of making am loans. Therefore I can make a farm loan quicker and at lower rates than any other agent in Webster county. I make option loans or straight loans tor 1, 2, 3,4,5, 6, or 7 years, also on irst class city property. Compare my terms before placing your farm loanand save mon ey and regrets. 6. W. Barker. Rear Red Cloud Natl Bank. The ladies of the Congregational church wish to express their hearty thanks to all the friends who so gen erously assisted them in the carnival; to the business men who were at mush trouble and expense in preparing their representatives; to the musi cians for their faithful labors; and especially to Messrs Cowdcn and Heard for their indispensible aid in preparing the grand march and the Military drill. Mrs. C. . Tagoart. Mbs.Dwigiit Jones. Mrs.' Howard Catiier. GAUFIELRt. t to i- vt v.1 piana rung riosea a very success- frft term of school in district 10 Fri- day last. Frank is a good teacher and has given good ?;ititfaction to all parties concerned. Mr. Charles Kent is going to make a sale and move to Washington Terri tory. He has sold his farm to his son Will who has jus-t returned from Washington. Wc may expect Will to take tohimscir a vmifidrnco. John 1). Campbell h is just finished hauling off 1 400 bu of corn for which he received 15c per bu. School report, District No. 49. Webster county. No. of schoolars attending .school, Males 4 Females 18 Average atteudcuce Males 2' Females Kj. No. with necessary textbooks none. No. visits of County Superin nndantone. No. visits-of Director one. Term commenced Sept 2nd, cl.id Nov. 22nd. No. of months taught, three. No." of days taught fifty ine. Frank Kwa Teacher. LoottMerr. OR d after tho irst day of No tember 1889, T will positively not sell goods or time, except on building ...Mt iir nn bnnkablc notes. A. MoRHAItT. ' Cash 4CLOAK8 I Come and get our prices before buying. Dry goods of all Kinds, CHEAP ! J. J. DUCKER PrefclMtlsalBf Wemmcnf. If there were any doubt of the pur pose and temper of the prohibitionists it has been removed by the election of last Tuesday. It id quite immaterial to them who the candidates may be or what their attitude, or even what the attitude of ther party may be toward temperance legislation. The one end and ambition of the prohibitionists is to break up and destroy the Republi can party. They keep this object in view first, last and all the time. They seem to think that such des truction would lead to the upbuilding and success of their own party much as the decline and demise of the Whig party prepared the way for and ren dered inevitable the Repuplicanparty. The votes in New York, Ohio, and Towa all point the same way, and give emphasis to the conclusion. There have been several such parties sincethe war, the Greenback party being the most formidable of all, and more are to be expeoted. The Repub licans must expect that sort of difficul ty to arise. Political vagaries will continue for many years to eome to dream dreams and see visions of great success, mistaking the Whig ghost for their own shadows cast before. There is no escape from this. It is to be ex pected as a matter of course. When, such a political disturbance) arises there is only to abide its naturally subsidence in the patienee of hope. Today the spectacle is presented of Governor Hill, the most extreme ase of subserviency to the whiskey inter est ever known in American politics on a State scale, persistently aided and abbeted by the prohibitionists. The same general fact, with lesa personality, is presented in Ohio and Iowa. The country-at large can pot fail t" take note of this close and abhorred alliance. It, is inevitable that, the sincere friends of Prohibition the nonpolitical masses, will become disgusted with this sort of thing, and prohibition as a distinct political or ganization will go the way ef the Greenback and the Henry George parties and kindred political toad stools. This may come soon,. or it may be delayed somewhat, but, how ever delayed, come it mnst . A party so lost to decency as to lend itself year after year to the very political purposes which it professes to antag onize is to utterly destitute of the saving grace ef common sense and or dinary respectability to long bold its head above water. Inter Ocean. ' Dry Goods House ! Just received another large lot of A Good Saxseatlon. An exchange is agitating the scheme to name all country roads, as streets are now named, and to number the houses along these roads. The Chief thinks the plan is a good one and should bo adopted by county boards. At present the roads have no designation except as iucidently fall to them, and it is often difficult for strangers to find their way with out frequent inquries. Name your roads and let the name appear on each corner. It will then be easy to find as any house in the city, where the street and number are given. Bears' Cherry Coach ffjrrap Is jrivins splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sales arc imsitivlv marvelous, which can be accounted for In co other way except that it is without doubt -ne !est on the market. Ask for 4 cd be sure yon get the genuine. We Keep 11. u. j louinj;, unigsisi. JVDSON KANSAS. Corn husking is the order of the day, and corn is turning out big. - Mr. Charles Stcffens baby boy died on the morning of the 22nd., after a sickness of four months. Aged nine months. Mr. and Mrs. Steffens have the sympathy of the entire comunity in their bcrevement. School has closed for a months va cation, in district no 90. Sid. A Good Couzh My rap. There is nothing parents should be so earefu' altout as selecting a cough syrup, lieges Cherry Cough Mpnip costs no mur than the cheep and inferior nostrums thrown en the market. The ln?st is nene to good, be sure and get fSKCKV CHKKltV COUIill SYKUP. We keep it on hand at all times. C. I, Cottiug Druggist. Graves Kobbed at Janlata The discovery was made yesterday that the graves of the father, mother and brother of the late Hon. James Laird had been robbed and the re mains taken to Hastings. The news created great indignation, as all had requested burial here and considerable expense had been incurred by Mr. Laird to make the Juniata tbeir final resting place.-Oniaha Jiec. ' Dr. Jaque's German worm cakes destroy worms and removes them from thejsys tern. Safe pleasant and effective. Good mothers use Dr. Wincholl's teething syrup for children with colds, so.e throats, and to regulate the bowls. Uncle Sam's nerve and bone lini ment will rellev. iirains. bruises, neuralgia and rheumatism, I). L. Field, No. t East Ma ple st. Dr.Jackue's condition powders the best for horses, cattle, hogs and poultry. Get the boot EUerts daylight liver pills, for sour stomach, torpid liver and ludigesUou, Cure your coughs and colds with Ellertstar and wild eherrr. All druggists keep t. Large bottles flfty cents and one dollar. Happy Home blood purifier Is the eople's popular medicine for purifying llw MihmI and malarial diseases etc. 1-aiyc bottles i fifty cents and one dollar. L MIRE .. rj?HHCt!s CREAM 'TJWDE Sumner vis Itssunenor ec nceprovrttta a os homes for more thai quarter of a century. It Is used by the United States government. En dorsed by ihe heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest, ana most Healthful. Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder does not con tain amonia, lime, or alum, Hold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. SEW YORK. CHICAGO. 8T.LOCI3. Great English Remedy. Murray's Specific. A guaranteed cure for all ner Svous diseases such as weak mem ory loss of bndn power hysteria headache pain in the back ner vous prostration wakef ulluess leii-corrhu-a universal lassitude sem inal weakness inipoteney and gen eral loss of power of the Genera tive Organs; in eithei ex. caus ed by indiscretion or overexertion . . and which ultimately lead to BthieTaldad prkmatuke li ace. insan 1TV aud CO8UMPT10N. si mj a box or six boxes for $5 on. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full fiarticulars in pamphlet, sent ree to every applicant WeGaaraatee Six Boxen to cure any case. For every S3 order received we send six boxes with a written mianiutee to re fund the money if our specific SSTmT does not effect a cure . Address JUIttlMMft all communications to the sole manufacturers. The Mukbav Medicine co. Kansas ity Mo. CSSoIdiu Eed Cloud by C.L. cOfxINGsole agent. . SHEBIPrS SILK. Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue of an order ot wile issued byL. II. Fort, elcrkjitthe district rourt of the eighth iudirlal dktrict in and tor Webster county. Ntlirakji. uikiii a decree man action ixniliimiii said court wherein Curoline. Murray trustee, and .tame It. Miirrnv are rilaintttl. and Koyal IC. Wicks are tlefenilftntsl shall offer for sale at J public endue for casn in hand at tne east door or the court house in Ked Cloud in said county (that being the pl;iconliere the last term of said com t was holdeu) tfu tl 3Wh day of Novemler lsatl o'clock pm- tire full iwing descrilied property to-w it : Jlie cast iKilf of the north-east quarter or section 13. m township 4. north of range 10. west of the six p. m. IK V ebstcr county Nebraska. . . . G.ven under my hand this 23th day of October ! .. H.C.Scott. Trunkev S Sweezy Sheriff. Plaintiff's attorneys. QEO. o. and b. d. yeiser, PROPRIETOR? OF THK Wiosir County AW OiiieS fVimnlafu inrl nnlv snt nf :ilistrftfit books in Webster cotinly. Grazing and arming lands and city property for THE TRALERS LUMBER CO. Will MAKE s VT POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world F. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS TUB FINEST LINE OF Furniture. In the city at prices that all can afford to buy if in want of anything in his line. Opposite First National Bank, Red Cloud. e artrara r twi A fritiSSK PERFECT fllBP CURE FOR MALARIA ?ff aaOngBtfaaot SmtiiriiDtt UrrrzBS will make one em loo of the best ItUters known, which will CURE ladicestkm. KatenintheMloMUMh, Fever and Ague, and artsnpontha KMaeys aad IBatrtei; the betf Tooic known. Caa be nwdwith or without rptrita. JVlrafar the chrmpot remedy known. FuIIdireo tioDH oa each packaca, Sold by Drnmut or Kent by mad, portage prepaid. Price 3ect. for einghfcor two packet for 6 eta, U.S. stamps taker at paymeat. Addren, 9 GEO. 6. STEKETEE, Cm. RapMs, Mck. ralwaja meattoa taia paper. WoMIKIM AND HIS PARO It beats them all. No book like it. Everybody wants it. 200 iHtulrations. Hubmtouv Patheti&Fas cinatiag. Hundreds of dollars to hustlers. Old and yoiinn buy; alo thousands of G. A. K. and Sons of Veterans One agent has ordern! "terTW books. Anotluc Blade iSt In 4 d-iyi. an other tookl5orders in .') asin. in 1 C. A. R. 1'ost. Choose territory at once. 21 attractive illustrations IWr-Trjeie' free with circulars and terras, N. C. Hamilton A CO.. Publishers. 2 Superior Street. Clcreiand. O. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY ISCiVElY AMI TIAIIIMI METMM la apita of adnltetated imitanoas wruch fata tba thwry; and practical rtMlta of the Oriainal. is aptta oT the sronak ausrcpraKotstwoa br envioas wooUI-ba empriitum, aad in spite of "bawai tempts to rot" hna ofthfniitolhtsUboT,(aII orwUich iliainiUMi taa undoubted SBperionty and prnHanty ot luataaehiat). FtoI.lioisMUArt at Kent iutuvtUtig ia rerofniasdl MrfMI BaUy atodied bia System by naoolatn rs vttd an.lv vhil being sfvdi'nf.sMC ataflw rx.A.lAHSXTTB,Z37mhATi N.T aal 'jJb JC " J3Z Diilr TAKE THE STEEET CABS From the Depot To Bradbrooks Photo Studio MOON BLOCK. D. B. Spanogle, Real- Estate and Loan Agent Red Cloud. THE COMMERCIAL BARBER - SHOP. Ladieft aud child reas bnir catting n. npeeialty. Give me a aall and ba treated whit. Wm. Stinolev. m:V .VI' WHULfMALK iiriESS-OOQBS ft GLOTNlie UV itti ;nre ton tnmicr t yi,a will nlr.tf what o-i Taut :t..u .;nl i- :ir y.tiuplf. , carry an elf.iu: ai.l Ciiini'lt'i' M--c nf MIIUb. jlrrmm tinndm MHd I'Im1; frr-nf t.j t-ii'1i!mt at low "i ajare. Ton cinnit uuudcslr our pncen In ll'.' ."Suit mint (tvctrmiu Trilch tin b sent nb;rt u appro?-! m-in T-ttlptnl e i-n.itli nio:fV to ciianntse return tl.rj-tw. u sar.il rul for oir-niPaiiiranient fre. Import our material and iiMkeonrttwn Kariuciiit. " Bfro. "" . MIE.I.EB. Chlaw, It. -.. -- vbh-iiw mni. v.nrcmtj. IBlcOBaailTeBvalTar. , aal aatlafactloB la tta IcarBof GoBorrlKt aad , Cleat. IpreeerUcilaad V Veaiastafl waaraBwat as tmW Sartaatysyssa HflaWaMeisBBBd. fealsafelaracemiaaaA. -' lac It to all rofftraaa, jf ia.4. siwiEaV a, -hbT OewAr.HLJH PRICE, Sl.wO. QBI fastalat k TWnnlBtsi Ix- C. I. Cottiko, AgestwcT ter J r M A XStoKStoJEHEaES3S6Baa3!? ' raaw pr ,