The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 29, 1889, Image 1

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Vol. 17.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, November 29, 1889.
No. 18.
We Invite your Inspection.
We are now open and ready for Business. Call and examine onr line of
Dry Goods, all new and of the latest designs. The largest and most complete line of
dress goods in town will be found in our stock.
Ladies, and Children's Underwear,
wmmlmmmmmmm Ll all sizes and Colors. ""
We have a line of staple Dry Goods that -will astonish you when you have examined our prices. ew goods arriving eyery day.
9v -rL
The only full line of furs
In White, Gray, Red and mixed.
Cloaks, Cloaks,
The Largest, the best selection, and the Cheapest Prices.
Ladies New Markets Childrens New Markets.
" Jackets,
Fox, Beaver, Otter, Lynx, Monkey
skin and Marten in muffs and boas.
Short Wraps.
We have furnished up Cloak room with good light to display onr complete stock of cloaks and would
be pleased if you would give us a call before buying elsewhere. Remember the place," ftfoon bldck, next door south of Butter and Egg
store, .butter and Hggs taken in exchange tor goods.
R M. Martin & Son
Our Offer.
To every subscriber to The Chief.
old or new who will call and pay
their subscription one vcar ahead.
A lady in this city has got to that
time in life when spectacles become a
necessity after night. Bj daylight
her evesisht is as clear as ever, but
--- ,, 1
paying us tneretore i.-o, we win,when she tries to thread a needle by
give a handsomely bound book con-, 1:m; ,; ht ghe woaders T!iV it js tbat
taininc from five to sis hundred pages
This offer will hold good until
January 1, 1500. Remember that
The Chief is the oldest and best
weekly paper in the county and will
always be found in the front ranks of
journalism. fighting for what it thinks
is richt. and never swerving from its
coarse in fighting monopolies and all
institutions that are trying to keep
down the poorer classes, to enrich
their own pockets. The Chief be
lieves that the poor man has rights
that the rich man is bound to respect.
Xow is your chance to secure The
Chief and a fine book for $1.25. The
recular price of the paper without the
i a
irom tne siimsy conuiuon oi me
Republican's advertising columns, and
the sickly hue pervading the owner's
countenance, we presume the busi
ness men have set down on the news
paper which persists in villifying our
citizens. The Republican is the only
paper that cries out that it is for the
oldier. aud th-iu at the first oppor
tunity, tries to $:et au old suldier re
moved from the office of marshal be
cause he would not vote for the dem
ocratic nominee. The Republican's
w- for n old soldier depends alto-
cether whether the old soldier can be
worked by that outfit or not. If he
can't be worked they don't like him.
and if he can he is a
well met. It is time tnat tne war
ceased and the big S should stop
their howling.
--- -"
Mrs. M. 3. Rownds adds her name
o the large number of Chief's read
ers. The Chief's list is growing
rapidly and we expect to have 1300 in
the nest GO days. Come in now.
she cannot find the eyelet as readily
as she did before his film came over
her eyes. It worries her. She does
not wan: to believe that age has any
thing to do with her dimmed vision:
in fact she scouts the idea, and when
spectacles are suggested as a help to
her failing sight she feels provoked.
Those who have passed through this
stage know hov it is themselves.
The other night the lady undertook
to make a new collar for a gown with
a green shade and :n order to set a
pattern that suited her she ripped the
collar oh a black sown aud then cut
the one for the green gown exactly
like it. When she came to sew tha
collar on the green gown, not being
able to distincuish between colors on
account of her failing eyesight, she
sewed it on the green gown and did
not discover her mistake till next
morning when she began to dress lor
church Of coarse she would not
even admit that her eyesight had any
thing to do with tho mistake: still
she has since been trying on specta
cles but she claims thev are for a
Congress will soon meet and The
Chief hopes that that distinguished
body will try and do something for
the benefit and ameloriation of the
laboring classes who have been suf
fering for years at the hands of rich
corporations and monopolies, that
have been suckinz the verv life's
Why didn't the Republican and its
co-laborers look out for economy last
spring when The Chief wis calling
loudly for economy in the city affairs,
instead of now trying to oust a worthy
official on the siimsy pretext of econ-
y? The Chief was the only pa-
- in the eitv that made a war for j
frit-uJ. rLt. will wear ihci in the
seclusion of her hojie for a. time, but
bv-and-by she ivill get braver.
blood out of them. The sole idea of economy, and for that matter we have
these institutions seems to be for the . been calling for reform in the matter
purpose of squeezing the latt of city finances ever since the iccep
dollar oit of the poor man's tion of the McKeeby administration,
pocket into their own until it During that term we called upon the
has become really a burden for council to cut dewn the ialaries of the
the poor and middle classes to exist, city officers one half, the present sal
It is a shame that congress in its ov-( aries being principally luxuries. The
erign capacity should continually city needs a peace officer, bat does
work into the hands of rich corpora-' not need a council and mayor, that
tions. and forjet entirely those who, draw salaries, besides there ars other
have made it possible for them to ways that economy can be reached in
hold their positions of honor in the city afiairs, than by using underhand
laid. Something must be done, and j ed mean. Th present council
that at once, to alleviate the great should pass an ordinance cutting
wroncs that the -working classes have I down all salaries at least one-half be-
been subjected to, in the last few j fore their terms of office expires. Out
years dv tnese iron neeiea ana souiess
corporations who are constantly turn
ing down every screw of oppression
to make the life of a laboring man
less wcrth living, The peopla won't
stand it much longer.
"I've been redeemed," sang an un
fjrtuaate ic the treasurer's office
the other day when he redeemed a
tax title on some property that he
The editor f the Republican would owned. The place was sold by the
make a good tuxidermist as he is al
ways trying to stuff the '-dear peo
nie" with some of his bare faced pre
varications. The Republican wa5 ; soup when every mnth increased the
amount ox penalty lie naa to pay tne
good Samaritan who owned the tax title.
snow fell ia large
county treasurer for taxes last No
vember. Xo wonder his soul was fill
ed with joy that he was out of the
tn s use mm, , -, ,
'hal f ello-1 e nrst 0Q1 Pa?er tIiat has lr3n
dered our best people, and not con
tent with having done so before elec-
Those people who have not been in
tion continues, toco so alter election, fir lo at the immense stock of cloth
-iI- tu - ,. , ., :e, st the Gclaen Eagle will be as-, jeans
iii-u ucMuauki ivwi;i" ..
city government has been too expen
sive by half for at least three years
The ladies of the Congregational
church are arranging for a novel en
trtaiament which will be given some
evening during the next few
weeks. It will be an old fashioned
-'deestrict skule'' in which about
twenty-five or thirty of the older citi
zens will play the part of tac scholars.
Those who remember the old sxhool
house of forty year; ago will have an
idea of whst the "deestrict'" skule"
was. and they .will enjoy an hoar in
living over the old scenes; and those
of younger years will be interested in
learning how their fathers and moth
ers were taught in the old days.
paper ought to lose its subscription
list for keeping up an unholy warfare
on our good people.
Blankets, comforts, yams, flannels.
casemeres. canton flannels.
tocished to find sueh an assortment i muslins, cotton batting, underwear
and the low prices marked on them I etc, are sold at lowest cash prices at
in plain figures. itLe ew lork Store.
Tennysons poems bound in cloth
nly 25cts"at Deyo's.-
Tbe beautiful
quantities Monday night.
Look at that natural wool under
wear at Berg & Galusha's
All goods are sold at the New York
Store at the lowest cash prices.
M. W. Points adds his name to the
Great Family Weekly this week.
A. fine line of jeans, cassimeres an
flannels at the New York Store.
Overcoats cheaper at Berg & Gala
sha's than any where in the city.
The M. E. Sunday school hadt
very pleasant entertainment last Sun
day evening.
Remember Berg & Galusha are the
only merchants that sell the "Patent
Shoulder'' suits.
The Golden Eagle as usual has a
large stock of gloves and nuttecs.
Buying all kinds of goods in large
quantities enables him to any and sell
The sale of the Street railway has
been confirmed in the district court
and we now presume that Lloyd Cra
bill will soon be a bloated railroad
Wm. Richardsou has purchased the
Centra) Meat 3Iarket, and wil hereaf
ter run that institution. The Chief
welcomes him to the citr, and hopes
he will meet with much success.
Cattle hare been dying somewhat
in various part3 of the countv from
eing turned into the corn stalks and
allowed to remain too lone therein.
It is dangerous and the farmers should
be more careful.
Marshal Shinkle wishes to announce
to the editor of the Republican that
he Toted the straight repnbliean tick
et. There's no mugwump in tha
marshal.. He served too many years
in the late war 'for that
P -..
A nice cant seated cfrair for 73c at
W. L. Haines'.
Best gloves and largest variety at
Berg & Galusha.
For wool hosiery in mens and boys
go to Berg & Galusaa.
Another lot of those cane seated
chairs for 75e at W. L. Haines'.
Melton overcoats that others ask
l&fbr. C: Wiener has been sellin
ason for $14.
ere never as ehea
are now. ueyo is seuing aasmmmj-s
Hismjry of England, 5 toL bound in,
clotlor $1.25.
Pp Shea and wife nave again
settled down ia the city. They hare
been .visiting in St Joseph', Mo., for
several months.
Remember we sell a melton over
eoat for $16.00 that other people ask
120.00 far.
Bekg Jc Galisha.
Our universal low (rices ars what '
catch the large bmyers from outer
towns. The last ten weeks they-kava
been quite numerous with ms.
Mr. J. W. Smith, who recently'
started the Central Meat Market, has.
afld the same and will enter some
other business. During his short
ownership he has made many friends
who will be sorry to see' him out of
Tk Ceartrml M
I hereby announce to -my many
friends ever this section of eomntry
that I have purchased the Central .
Meat Market of J. W. Smith when I.
propose to ran a rst elass market on
a strictly cask basis, therefore ena
bling me to sell meat on a very
close margin. I shall be pleas
ed to bare all my old friends to"
call on me and aa many others as are
in need of meats of any kind. I ea- -pecially
solicit the farmers trade..
Old stand, irst door north of Henry
took s drag store. Uoma aad
me and I will treat yo. aieelyj -
- k
a ;'
2 1. i
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