M r-s . - jw ;ifjat; a-j u V.P ,vt A ! , . . . " iBBBM . il K3V tr h fa $r Awrf being foolisli enough to buy too many overcoats while in market, and rather than carry over a lot will fell all heavy weights at wholesale cost. We handle Selz Rock bottom shoe sold every where for $3 thk has been our price but will sell you them for next sixty days at $2.50 giving you the best shoe ever offered for the money every pair warranted also offer you as usual 100 ctnts worth of goods for one dollar, in other lines our underwear, for selection and prices, can not be beat and we allow no one undersell us on boots and shoes clothing is our line, and we make a business of it we also keep a big stock of piece goods and make up suits to order giving employment to people at home come in. we make no charge to show you our goode and give you prices. i. C. aoSKER, -THE Preprfetoz Greatest Part of I WEBSTER COUNTY wa st ay store last week. I wait jou all ia POWDER Absolutely Pure. nils powder never varies. Marvel of pore nraiiKtband wholesomcness, more economical than the onllnary ktnd and cannot leacld in compttion with tlia multitudes of low test short welxht alum or :-hostihate bom dors. Sold only in cans. KOYAL BAKING lOWDEIt CO. 106 Wall street. N. Y. olty. 'ms ek Snits, Berg & Galusha Are Making PRICES ON Jfr CITY CLATTER. istletl fcjr Oar Alert Bepwrtcre, Prepare far ar Readers. C. WIENER, RED CLOUD. WYMORE ITY BAKERY Restaurant and Lunch Rooms. Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Meals & Lunches We make fresh every day Ladyfingers, Jelly Rolls, Dough nuts, Cookies, Bread, Cakes, Pies Bun3, Etc. Boarding and lodging by day or week. Jos. Herburgeb, Prop. E. OLABU President, Albany, N.Y J. A. TTJIiIiBYVioe-Fresident Robt. V. SHIREY. Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM &AM CO., PAID UP CAPI2AL,oO,000. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. DIRECTORS: H. Clarke. Albany. New York Geo R. Beach, BalatonSpaN.Y. W. H. Robeson, Albany, K. Y. E. 8. Francis, Pittaneld, If at B.V.8hirey D.M. Piatt E. V. Highland. J. A. Pulleys M.B.McNit uamcv i riucn i On improved tarmB in .NebraMca hjiU Km. Monev famished as Boon as the security w approvea rnncimi ana interest pyaic m ncu vwmm New Jewelry Store. Webster St west side, window in Haines furniture store, S. M. SEAL, Prop. Jewelry, Watcbes, Cloeks and Spectacles. Repairing Watches and fittiag Eaectieles a specialty, uaii anu see me, opwcBMm " "" toil Bun! Warner & Wolfanger, Boots PnnnP Shoes n Boots mm Shoes p4 W. bT rmond to our NEW QUARTERS jest North of the F. M Bank and now hare the Largest Stock of Boots nd Shoes Krer sea la Bed Cloud, and they will be sold at prices that will make tkesa go fast, ia fact we are going to Sell our Goods Cheap for Cash ! We kits a IngMt itoek tnd wsrrtat en stack. Glass and patty at Deyo's. Alex Bentley is homo from Naw Mexico. Get year hair out at Stioglej's bar- her shop. G. W. Dow will soon have his new eagine in running order. Geo. W. Ball of Akron, Colorado, was in the city this week. The best lint of gloves and mittens at lowest prices at Wiener's, Two weddings in high life next week, so Madam Rumor says. The district court was in session this week. Judge Cochrane on the bench. W. B. Roby of Haigler, was ia the city this week looking hale and hearty. The ladies of the B. H. M. society will give a New England sapper Dee. 10th 1839. Clothing has never been sold so cheap as it is now offered by Wienor the leading clothier. W. H. Wells of New York a broth cr of P. A. Wells of Blue Hil't, wsh in the city this week. Deyo is selling albums 20 per cent eheapcr now than you can buy tlieai for during holidays. Fox Sale: A good span of young mules, or will trade for young cattle. Inquire at this office. We would be much pleased if our correspondents throughout the county would send in the news. Next Thursday will bo Thanksgiv ing, rnd we presume tbtt that tur keys and Plumb weill roost high. Our i itiseus should not forgot to remember the poor next Thursday. Drop your nickle in the Helmet's lit tie box. The street railway was the cause of Pap Berkley twisting off a wheel from his wagen. Pap talks of suing the city for damages. Wiener, the elothier, is also head quarters for beets and shoes. You caa Sad Self's hand made goods and cheaper grades there at rock bottom prices. F. A. Sweezy has resigned the jadgship, donned his sombrero, pul led down his vest, and moved to Blue Hill, where he will hereafter attend strictly to farming. Beginning Monday, November 18th Pullman sleeping cars will run be tween Lincoln, Neb., and New Castle, Wyoming on trains aamber 41 aid 42. A. Conovbk, Agt There will be a contest for seats on the board of supervisors. It is claim ed that nine of the old board hold over, but it seems that there were men eleoted to take their seats. Hence the contest: Judge Trunkey has now been in stalled as judge of tne county eoart and is holding down the bench in good shape. He is thoroughly reno vating the office and will have it in good shape in a day or two. Frank Kuehn has purchased a half interest in the city livery stable, and henceferth the firm name will be Me Avoy A Kaeho. Frank is a g.iod fellew s will get thtra if aajbeaj is . TO Cfliir wishes them oeettJ of ifteoMi. And shall make prices the coming week that are bound to bring yon. What do you think of the following CASH .'. PRICES. Steel Nails 8 lbs 25c Wire Ci 25c fence Staples per lb 4o Overcoats, Underwear, hats, Caps Gloves, ANE MITTENS Barn Door Hangers pair 40c Spades solid cast steel 60c STOVES, Actually less than COST. That will interest you THIS WEEK. a C KBSVjBSVgBSSBB .alSBwMwMw SBBE Come in aad- HENRY COOK BALM III WALL PAPER Paints. Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, Gulliford & Honey cutt SEE THEM. Wash Boiler 8 1.00 Coffee Fot 4 qu 20 Stove Pipe 12y Stove Shovel Powder per lb 25 Pocket Knives and Cutlery at cost Yours Truly, DB. HEARD. Agt. Perkins old stand. AND INSURANCE. Over City Drug Store, - Red Cloud. laetirawas written la the fesst esaalMi QefanaLsaM Pali aaa see as bslereanMaga : .we eaa aire feeder torn taaat as -Just received at- Murray's Fair Store In the Moon Block A large assortment of QUENSWARE and GLASSWAP E at special bargains for the next two weeks, so as to make room for our CHRISTMAS GOODS. D. M. PLATT, Real Estate and Loan Broker Real Estate bought and sold Money Loaned on frm chattel! aad penonal paper. CmHj, 'fowuhip mi grtool Diitrict Boidt Baukt Lng tiat Omaw- Office in Kalcy Block, over Perkins Hard ware store, Ked Uoud. a ! d I ! I I I I ' B SI ! 'fa . f a i C5 t I LfrNSuT0 $IS55 wJ8gyHMiVa83n MslWWW - m zrr - . -- I ! 'I A ' -t-i-