The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1889, Image 3

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Besolution or the Farmer' ConEren-.M-.titiC
xt Tear in Iowa.
Moxioomebv, Ala., Nov. 17.
Anioni; the rcsolutio 113 passed by tht
farmers' conr:.-s was one favoriii"
schemes for improving t!ie Mississippi
aud Missouri rivers and for a ship
canal across Illinois connecting the
Mississippi and Lake Michigan. The
farmers' institute was indorsed and
national aid iccommended and a Na
tional Hoard of Agriculture demanded.
Chicago w.-is indorsed over SL Louis m
a place for the World's Fair. II. F.
Kolb, of Alabama, was re-elected
president and a vice-presn'eut from
cich .SUite was chosen. H. 1 . Clayton,
of Illinois, was elected secretary and
Mr. Laurence, of Ohio, treasurer. The
next meeting will Ik; lield in Iowa,
A resolution favouug the repeal ol
the tobacco tax was defeated; also a
resolution that the revenue from the
whisky and tobacco tax should be dis
tributed among the States to relieve
local taxation, also a resolution favor
ing Government aid to steamship lines
to build up trade with Central and
South America; also a resolution fav
oring unlimited coinage of silver; alsc
a roolution favoring bounties to sugar
growers. A resolution favoring Cou
greaMonal investigation of accidents to
railroad employes, caused by imperfect
brakes aud couplings, was adopted; al
so the following resolutions, which
were pifpaifd by Hon. William E.
Laurence, of Ohio, and reported favor
ably from the committee:
I.esolvcl, That while Congress main
tains the ikjHcv of a protective tarill
we demand that all farm product
shall Ik: as fully protected as the most
favoied of the manufacturing indus
tries. Hesohed, That while as now, a pro
tective policy is maintained which sub
stantially protocLs importations of for
eign carpets and many other articles of
manufactured goods, we demand that
the duties on mutton, sheep and wool
of all kinds shall be so increased as to
equally prohibit the importation of
mutton, sheep and wk1 of every kind
which cm, under protection, be suffi
ciently produced at fairly remunera
tive prices in the United States to sup
ply all American wants, including the
better ela.-s of carp-i wools, especially
as carpets as luxuries are entitled tc
less favor than faun and ranch pioducta.
Ikcsolwd, That the tariff on wool im
portcd to make c.upfts should at least
be as high as that imported to make
"Resolved. That if protection to this
extent be denied we will call upon the
fanners of .!. Tinted States to assert
their pow-r at the ballot box and oth
eruiseto nj-ht the wrong and injury
of discrimination against them. If they
fail in this the wool and mutton pro
ducing indutiie.s will be o seriously
crippled that they will be in a large
iiieaMire deployed and the farmers will
no longer have any interest in protec
tion lor the manufacturers of woolen
goods, but will insist that they shall
have no larger measure of protection
than is accorded to the wool industry,
including any kind of wool.
Re-ohed, That the fanners of the
United States are not adled upon to
support the nomination of any man for
I'residenf, Senator or Representative
in Confess who will not to his utmost
ability aid in carrying out the object ol
the foregoing resolutions.
ltesolved that we favor commercial
treaties with nations which accept sil
ver as legal Lender money :is well aa
gold and against those which have de
uioneti7cd silver.
Alter an amendment had been de
feated a vote taken on the resolu
tions and alter considerable discussion
a division was agreed upon so as to
take a separate vote on the silver reso
lution. On the majority report, ex
cepting the silver resolution, the vote,
as taken by States, stood :is follows:
For the resolution :is reported by the
committe:; Colorado. "; Florida, 2. Il
linois, 2S; Idaho. 2; Indiana. 10; Iowa,
15: Kansas, II; Kentucky. 7; Maine,
11; Mirhigan, 15: Ohio. 24: IVnnsyl
vania, 2:; Missouri. 11: Rhode Island,
G: total, 110. Nays Alabama. 12; Flor
ida. 5; Georgia, 15: Indiana. 7: Ken
tucky. 7; Texas.14: Missouri. IS; North
Carolina. 1 1: total. S!) The silver reso
lution was then carried unanimously.
Til. Minister r Marine i.t Kllle.l Kat
Itatllj Woittnlrtl -The t4ue Hue te
.lnlitin of lrrr.
Lommn". Nov 17. Dispatches have
been recei d fiom Hio de Janeiro to
the effect a revolution had broken
out in, aud that the I'niziliuu
army was in control of the situation.
The Ministry hail resigned. The dis
patches said that the revolution was an
attempt to establish a republic in
place of the monarchy of which Dotu
Pedro is the head.
A dispatch received here yesterday
mnniiiii; sl-ites that the Minister of
Marine was not killed, as rejorted. but
that he was shot and seriously wounded
by rebel soldiers.
A still later dispatch from Rio de
Janeiro re'Mrts that a republic has
1-een proclaimed. withSer.or da Fonseca
as Fm-ideiit. The Imperial Miuisters
have been placed under arrest aud are
Itept in Iw confinement- The provi
sional government guarantees protec
tion to members of the Imperial fain
ilv. m .fc
StaMt Horror.
St. .losnrn. Mo.. Nov. 17. Shortly,
after eleven o'cIock"Friday ;isight the
livery" barn and B.iiileivns of James
Casey, at Four-hand Mesanie streets,
caught fiie and in half an hour were
burned to the ground. Twenty-seven
valuable hores ami Ue:ity-seveu mules
were roasted alive.
Gill's livery stable, Chuksville. Tenn.,
was destroyed by tire and fifteen head
of horses perished- Among the nuin
Inir was Single wood, a trotter, valued at
57,00a. Loss between S3y,tW0 and $40,
D00. 'o insurance.
A Rnline; Uj- the Court In the Crnnln Trial
Canoes the Prosecuting Attorney to Best
III Caae.
Chicago, Nov. 14. At the opening
of the Cronin trial yesterday morning,
Judge McConnell announced his deci
sion on the question of going into tlit
past history of the Clan-na-Gael.
The last witness on the stand the
previous afternoon was Expressman
Brown. He is an ex-memrer of the
Clan-na-Gael. He was asked whether
or not he preferred charges against Dr.
Cronin in 1SS5, the State's Attorney
explaining that he proposed to show by
the witness that this was a fact; that
Daniel Coughlin was a member of the
trial committee, and that Dr. Cronin
was expelled from the organization.
The logical consequence of the ad
mission of this testimony was a com
plete investigation of the Clan-na-Gael,
at least so far as it could be made, to
show causes for animosity against Dr.
Cronin on the part of any one of tlia
prisoners at the bar.
This offer led to Jie most earnest and
protracted argument between counsel
for the State and counsel for the de
fense that has yet taken place during
the trial. Nearly every lawyer engaged
in the case on either side had something
to say during its progress, and there was
much plain speaking. The talk oc
cupied the time till adjournment and
Judge McConnell announced that he
would hold the matter under advise
ment and would render his decision
yesterday morning. In accordance with
that arrangement when the court was
called to order yesterday morning
Judge McConnell announced his opin
ion to be that the evidence sought to be
elicited from Expressman Brown on
the points named was incompetent and
ruled it out.
This decision, of course, rendered
any further attempt to examine Ex
pressman Brown futile, and Officer
McKinnon. of Winnipeg, who was on
the stand Tuesday, was recalled. He
testiGed that Burke told him he had as
sumed the name of J. "W. Cooper bo
cause two men were watching him.
At the opening of the trial in the af
ternoon State's Attorney Longenecker
said that in view of the court's ruling
in the matter of evidence as to past do
ings of the Clan-na-Gael, the State
would only put one more witness on
the stand a man named Chancer,
from New York, who, he said, was not
now in the city.
It was suggested, in view of this an
nouncement, that the court adjourn
until Monday to give the defense time
to prepare its case, but it was flmdly
decided to adjourn until Saturday
morning, which was accordingly done.
The Pan-American Close Their Junket-
"WAsnixcTON", Nov. 14. Just forty
two days after the morning of October
3. when the special train bearing tha
international American excursion
party pulled out of the Pennsylvania
railroad station in Washington, the
same train, headed by the same loco
motive which has drawn it nearly 6,000
miles, rolled triumphantly into tjiecap
itol city and drew up at the station,
having successfully completed the most
interesting and. from a railroad staud
K)iut. the most extensive trip ever un
dertaken by one train. How the ex
cursion has resulted in furthering the
important objects which the Amer
ican conference was called to attain
has been eloquently told by the dele
gates themselves through the me
dium of the Associated Press. But
it might be proper to add upon the
authority of one of the United
State delegates who had accompanied
the party over several of its thousands
of miles traversed that the effect upon
our own people had been most bene
ficial, and that as a consequence of
their association and exchange of ideas
with the delegates, many of the mer
chants and business men in the dif
ferent towns and cities where the
tourists have been entertained and in
structed have had their attention
seriously directed to the vast com
mercial possibilities of the nations
lying south of the United States, while
the people generally -are awakened to
the facMhat we should feel the deepest
interest in the welfare and prosperity
of the sister Republics,
Corfrnor Frauds AtlrUea the People of
MNaonrl to Do on November iS.
Jeffeiison Citt, Mo., Nov. 14.
Following is Governor Francis" Thanks
civing proclamation:
In order that the people of thN Common
wealth may manifest their appreciation ot
the manifold blessings they have enjoyed
during the year soon to close anil give ex
pression to their gratitude to Almighty God,
for freedom from famine and pe-tileace, for
a bounteous harvest :i:id abundant prosper
ity, for the priceless gift of h Government
for the people and the peaceful perpetuity ol
our institutions,
I, David It. Franei, Governor of the State
of Miouri. do designate Tour-lay, the 2J:h
dy of .November, in-tant. as Thanksgiving
day, and I recommend that on that day t be
peopl assemble in their houses of worship
and give thauk- to Providence for the nbuu
dance of the year and signalize their grati
tude by bestowing chnrity upon the poor aad
performing other good work".
In testimony whereof I have set my hand
and caused to be MIized the gret seal of the
state on this the eleventh day of November,
In thej ear of our Lord one thousand eighS
hundred aud eighty-nine.
Uy the Governor, Davii IL FEANCIS.
A. A. LXiUECC, Secretary of state.
m 0
Paytnater-lf neral's It-port.
Washington, Nov. 14. The animal
report of .Paymaster-General Koehester
to the Secretary of War shows'that the
total disbursements during the past
fiscal year amounted to S14,T5S,C21
a net increase of 321,91 S over
last year, due to a large increase
in the number of discharged men, 937
more than the previous year.
To these men on discharge are paid the
accumulations of their retained pay,
clothing not drawn in kind, deposits
with interest and their travel allow
ances from place of discharge to plac
of enlistment.
The Finding of Dr. Cronin' Clothe. 9nf
ideal Cae. and Other Articles in a st-r
Calrh-1'..-in Lends Freili Interest to
the Celebrated Murder Trial.
Cinooo, Not. P. The sensation im
connection with the all-absorbing Cro
nin case still centers in the finding of
the surgical caso and clothes of th mur
dered physician, and the forging of an
other link in the chain of circumstantial
evidence that clanks ominously around
the conspirators. For som- time com
plaints have been made to the sewer de
partment of the Lake View station that
the sewer it the intersection of Evan
Bton avenue and Buena avenue was flush
and running over. Two or three sewer
cleaners were detailed to investigate
the cause of this trouble. Michael Gil
bert was foreman of the cleaning gang.
Mike Roeson was one of his assistants,
and W. W. McMillan had charge of a
flushing wagon that was taken along to
expedite their operations. The three
men raised the cover of the man-hole and
Beeson was lowered into the hole. He had
carcely reached the bottom when he
ahouted back that he had found a box. A
moment later an oblong box twelve
inches long and nearly as broad was
hauled out of the filth. Although great
ly befouled the box showed evidences of
having been varnished and polished,
and a brass handle in its center showed
that it had been carried like a sacheL
Gilbert and McMillan opened the box.
One glance at the contents convinced
the men that they had at last found tho
clothing and instruments which Dr.
Cronin had carried with him to his
death. There was an assortment of ex
tension splints with which Dr. Cronin
had provided himself in anticipation of
having to set a fractured leg when he
reached 0"5ullivans ice-house. Then
came a sachel and a bundle of clothing.
The men delved deeper into the filthy
mass and found another satchel, the
iron framework of which only remained,
and which contained a bundle of cloth
ing. A caso of surgical instruments,
the steel of which was heavily coated
with rust, was drawn from the clothing.
One of the men summoned the officers
of tho SefSeld Avenue station and
twenty minutes later a patrol wagon,
manned by six officers, dashed over tho
Evanston road. The bundle of cloth
ing, tho instrument box and the sachels
were loaded on the stretcher and carried
to the station-house and thence to
Superintendent Uubbard's office. Here
a more careful examination wa3
made of the parcels. The leather
sachel, after having been submitted
to a bath under a hydrant,
was opened, and the first thing the
superintendent drew from it was a book
that had swollen to more than
twice its original size. Through th
dirt on the ily leaf the name "Dr. P. II.
Cronin" was discernable. In another
portion of the book was a package of
cards Cronin's business cards which
were in a fair state of preservation.
Twc C0VT
Satisfied that he had at last recovered
the doctor's clothing, Superintendent
Hubbard ordered that the dirty mass be
removed to the East Chicago station and
scrubbed, preparatory to delivering it to
the State's attorney. But Judge Longe
necker and his associates decided that
it were better to present the stuff
before the jury in the condition
in which it was found. The
clothing and instruments were
thereforo carted to the State's
attorney's office and spread out for in
spection. Mrs. Conklin, who saw th
doctor disappear with one of the assas
sins, identified each article as it was
placed before her as having been car
pied by the murdered man when he set
oat for the O'Sullivan ice-house. All
the clothing showed that it had been cut
from the body after death. Tho light
spring overcoat was slashed from the
collar to hem and the sleeeves were torn
from the waist to the shoulders. The
cutaway coat of diagonal cloth was cut
into pieces. The vest was cut in twain
as were also the drawers, undershirt and
collar. A keen-edged knife had done the
Indented writing upon iron has just
been successfully done by an Eastern
iron foundryman, by the following
process: The impression on the iron is
made by writing backwards on thin pa
per in a mold, and then pouring in the
iron- The writing thus transferred to
' the plates, when the iron is cooled, is
wonderfully clear and distinct, and is
so deeply imprinted is to defy any a
tempt at erasure.
I At Anniston, Ala., one day recently
a man was hauled up in court for using
profane language in the presence and
hearing of ladies. The fine and coett j
footed up over one hundred dollar. '
iV I w -1 a 1
Catarrhal Dcafne- llay Ferer A Xew
Home Treatment.
Su-Ierers are not peaerally aware that
these diseases are coatairions, or that they
are due to the presence of living parasites
in tho lining membrane of the nose and
eustachian tabes Microscopic research,
however, has proved this to oe a fact, and
the result of mis discovery is that a simple
remedv has been formulated whereby
Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness
are permanently cared in from one to three
simple applications made at home by the
patient once in two weeks.
N. B. This treatment is not a snuff or an
ointment; both have been discarded by
reputable physicians as injurious. pamph
let explaining this new treatmen -s sent on
receipt of three cents in stamps to pay
postage bv A. H. Dixon & Son, cor. of John
and King Street, Toronto, Canada. ChrU
tian Adciicate.
Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should
carefully read the abo . e
These are more pictures of George "Wash
ington sold in this country in a year than
of any other person. For figures apply to
the Post-Oflice Department. Tonkers
Solid Vestibaled Trains
now ran tor the first time over an Eastern
line via the iLchiran Central, "the Niagara
Falls Route," and the New York Central
and Boston ct Albany Itadroads from Chi
cago to New York and Boston. These trains
are not only equipped with the finest Wap
ner palace sleeping cars, but are mace
thoroughly complete by having vestibaled
dining, smoking, first-class and bagjrasre
cars, and although constituting the famous
limited" of the Michigan Central, carry
all classes of passencers without extra
charge. Attached to this train is a through
sleeper, Chicago to Toronto (via Canadian
Pacific), wnere connection is made with
parlor car for MoatreaL Accommodations
secured at the Michigan Central ticket of
fices. No. 67 Clark street, corner Randolph,
and depot, foot of Lake street, Chicago.
The fence owner who puts up a sijn
"stick no bills' as a warnlnr to agents for
theatrical companies would possibly do
mere good by making it "bill no sticks."
Washington Capital.
'Mtr pleasnres ana pa'ace. tho' we mar man.
Beitei-ar so ba-ctjle. there's no place line home.
especiallr if blessed with a wife whose
hours are not spent in misery caused by
those dragsing-down pains arising from
weaknesses peculiar to her sex. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription relieves and cures
these troubles and brines sunshine to many
darkened homes. Sold "by druggists under
juitlvs euaraiifc-e from manufacturers of
satisfaction or money refunded. Read guar
antee on bottle wrapper.
The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qual
ities of Dr. Sage's CaUrrh Remedy are un
equaled. Asd now a riral of Edison's has come to
the surface with an invention for piercing
the ears without pain. No modern opera
house should be without one. Pack.
Florid and the South.
The Louisville & Nashville Railroad,
with it6 double daily fast trains, still affords
the pas?en jers for Florida ad the South
east the best facilities and quickest time,
with fewest changes. Only thirty-six
hours Sl Louis to Jacksonville without
change of cars. Only thirty-fojr hours to
Savannah, twecty-threo hours to Atlanta,
seventeen hours to Chattanooga, twelve
hours to Nashville. For any further in
formation write to J. IV. Mass Division
Passenger Agent, 114 North Fourth St.,
St. Louis, Mo.
The law permits a man to use his wife to
rob his creditors. Yet in the fao of this it
is argued that marriage is a failure. Bing-
hamtoB Herald.
West Brook, North Caeouxa.
Sept. Cth, 1566.
De. A. T. Shallexbirger.
Rochester, Pa. Zai Sir The two boxes
of Pills you seat rae did everything you said
they would. My son was the victim of
Malaria, deep-set. by living in Florida two
vears. and the Antidote has done more than
hve hundred dollars' worth of other medi
cines cculd have done for him. 1 have had
one of my neighbors try the medicine, and
it cured him immediately. 1 now recommend
it to every one suffering from Malaria.
Respectfully yours, TV. V. Moxuoa.
Dentists oujrht to make good campaign
orators: they have such an elective way
of taking the stump. Baltimore American.
Consumption Purely Cored.
To TnE Editok: Pleasa inform your
readers that 1 have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
use thousands of hopeless caes have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption if they
will send me their espress and post-omce
address. Respectfully, T. A. Sioccsi. M. C,
151 Pearl street, Sew York.
Tin: man who cats four meals a day on
the steamship must be fond of the sea
board. Boston Commercial Bulletin.
Metuoceitt always copies rjptrinrity. Dob
bins' Electric Soup has been imitated more
than anv soap made Ask vour procer for
2oin" Electric. Ali other Electrics, Elec
tricrtv, Magnetics, etc., are imitations.
It is a sailor's experience that seas gen
erally wash in dirty weather. Baltimore
Like Oil Upon Troubled Waters is Hale's
Honey of Horehound and Tar upon a cold.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.
A eooD way to make money in oil is to
stand by and see the other fellow put dowm
the hole Wheeling (W.Ya.) Intelligencer.
Do not purge nor weaken the bowels, but
act specially on the liver and bile. A perfect
liver correcter. Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Otsters are very self-possessed creat
ures. They never tarn red when they get
into a stew.
The best cough medicine is Piso's Cure
for Consumption. Soldeverywhr-e: 25c.
f Comes S:irsrST0RiES nr-f,f Science ttiaumRtf ucreiv R sr?- v
SeetheIargeadvertisetaentlnr'e'noaig;neofthipaper Snd for Colored Annoqneemeat and Spedmca Copies, freg. ,
T-?"te-t fTfTt Vfii-liiinA
Cores where'aU else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the PS
taste. Children take it -without nhirnr'nTi Rr .lmm. wSA
Oregon, the raradUe of Fanners.
Mild, equable climate; certain and abundant
crops. Best fruit, grain, grass, stock country
in the world. Full information free. Address
Oregon Immigration Board,Portlacd,Oregon
The star actress wardrobe is incomplete
nowadavs without a divorce suit. Torre
Haute Express.
A Soke Throat or Cough, if suffered to
progress often results in an incurable
throat or lunsr trouble. Jroirn's BruncUial
Troches" give instant relief.
There is a silver lining to every cloud
the man who can"t get credit is never
worried by duns Boston Conner.
Have no equal as a prompt and positive
cure for sick headache, biliousness, consti
pation, pain m the side, and all liver troub
les. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them.
The weather is as uncertain as the ae of
a-girl over thirty. Richmond Recorder.
A 10c. smoke for 5c "Tansill's Punch"
Washington, Tex.. June as. 1SSS.
Had afTcrcd off aud en for fifteen years
TriuiEtrainelhark;r'o t-ouble with it now;
tvro rean aco was cured by ft. J.irobs Oil.
yoreiurn. lL CAETMELL.
At Ttr.ccr.tsTS and Dialers.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
pently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kiud ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
san ntAncisco. ci.
LESSENS PAIN." D Tn liff rw
mmtt m -t -
.ddr-i P. H.
Prc-srrd qaletlr. IS-pap
pimi'lilrt vn 1 melon and
Addre.- T W FrTZCT.RMJl. U. S.
Claim A?racy for Ve9tm ro'.ai-r. ludUTupu'is.IacL
r"AX!THi Pirtitrrjteira'-
Zrn? jSm
E?llf ytvl iJBk
This is the Clasp, wherever found.
That holds the Roll on which is wound
The Braid that is known the world around.
. " TJ wl11 ent ont and n liP. ' n
VJUT W'!T(," .. will aenri Th Tonth's Companion rr.F-E to .Tan. 1.
af?VTlwilr.IirerJfrom ,hat ,,atr- ThU ,r,r inclnde the FOUR POCDLE
1E Add""' THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston, Mass.
T?nAAMfH..,1.J 1 nr
rfw.-VH. u. uuiiuia.
Dangerous Tendencies
bronehtaItnbor Inns, mar anne on bronc
orOTatnptlwi. which reap an Immense harrest
of d':L annually. Hence the neceit J of .Tins
camrnl:meJ.ate attention. Hk1- -P-
cure catarrh br puntyin: anrt cnrtchlns the Mood,
re-tunns and tonlns the di;ca.-eJ orsan?.
"Hoo-r-sar-apanlla cnre.1 ae of catarrh. rre-ne-
of the bnjnch.altaSe-.anJ lerr.hle heaOae.
B-Gibbons. Uailton. Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold br all Sru?tst. SI; sir for S3- Prepare! only
ty C- I. IIOOD CO- Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Cleanses theB?&MBff
Nasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
I n fl a in mation.
Heals the Sores,
Restores the
Senses of Taste
and Smell.
AnirtfrIianVixi into earh nostril n.nd N rr
aM- lTir5rt-- t:tdlCrv,:' br mail, rrsicred
aetata- hLY KUOTHEK. Varren st. e York.
Tun's Pills
Tepnrehfcm! toe not tuak
tbm rtculnrbnt lcavetnetn fa none
coBdltiea than before. Tne liter Is
ttae the aeat of trouble, and
mast act m It. Tatt'a Liver Pill art
directly u teat organ, canslmr a fre
flow r bile. Kitboiii wnirn. tbe bow
cla are alwaya coast Ipalea. Price, 23e.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St, New York.
"Byathorocsh knowldse of the nataral laws
whicieoT.rnihe operation of dietton nci S nu
trition, and by a careful application of the Bn
properties of well-elected Cocoa. Mr. Epps ns
rroTided our breatta-i miles ith a denca eiy
tarouml bevenwe which may sare : many h-aTT
doctor. hiil. I by the judicious ue of uch
articleof diet that a constitution cay beKradual
Jy built up untl strong erush t Jft ?!
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tW k Taa parts, wry tm ; ttt.
Album and otlier book .it loir-t
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5 j ww
n r,T7T
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aft; yZtrJiifBr-r-"l-
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