The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 15, 1889, Image 9

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- i,iM(tM;l!lilfHe1jfMBtg,.: j
Ducker's Cash Dry Goods House.
Come and see our cloak room and the largest and finest stock of
-Cloaks, WRaps and Jackets-
:Zf Ever shown in the city at prices that are making friends and customers for us every day.
"I believe that we are selling cloaks at as low or a lower price than you can get them at in any of the larger cities, when you consider the
fact that our Joliet store handles fort) or fifty thousand dollars worth of cloaks in a year you can leadily sec that wc.
have a big advantage over merchants buying a few garments.
; ; I will discount any price you may bring me on (straight) goods of any kind.
all kind we can and do show the best goods for
county, come and see us,
Ctotfcered Up by Chief Reporter. Ii
Aa4 Atomt the City mad Cevvtjr.
Hard coal at cost at
K. A. Handy's.
Capt Blaine was in the city Tues
iay. fl. W. Brewer went to Campbell
last Saturday.
Best gloves and largest variety at
2terg & Galusha.
Chas Dow repaired tlie standpips
last Wednesday.
For wool hosiery in mens' and boys
go to Uerg & Galusha.
L. C. Gilbert the bunker of Cowlcr,
Tras :m tho shy Tuesday.
2ow is tbetiuje to-buy your hard
en-! .i' It. A. Ilaudj.
L.j.-r ,'..;S jitttinc: an i::i-
ECLCC :o ,. Jt LfCMMlt.
The nic j-t ; :t ijCFt line of kid
gloves in the city at the
New York Store.
Dillard Bedford starts in a few days
for Hottcntott land. We are sorry
to lose Dillard from oar midst
Head B. 31. Martin and son's new
"ad" in this issue. They have one
of the finest stocks of dry goods that
can be found anywhere
We will give The Chief one year
for the best dozen ears of corn, anl
six months for the second best if de
livered to this office before January
1, 1S00.
We notice fanners from east of
Cowles in Red Cloud purchasing
coods Tuesday. Farmers it will pay
you to cemoto our town to buy large
or small bills of goods.
Blanket?, comforts, yarns, flannels,
jeans, cascmeres. canton flannels,
muslins, cotton batting, underwear
etc, are sold at lowest cash prices at
H& New York Store.
J.McArthurs team took a dash
from the meat market to the north
art of the city last Sunday. Jack
fteoms to be in hard luck.
Those people who have not been in
to look at the immense stock of cloth
jafc at the Golden Easjlewill be as
tonished to find such an assortment
sad the low prices marked on them
ja plain figures.
-.. - -' -- . i ...
J'UK.Wfc-- s-s-j aa--- -.- -JJ
dor.d ii. li.uds cttU .- " time si .--asti'e
Mrone-t, i'ur'sUann most Healthful.
Dr. l'nefs Creiim Dakiiu rowder does not con
tain auionia, lime, or alum, Sdd only m cans.
l'Kici: b.vkixu i")Wi)i:i:c).
A Goo d Cousb Syrap.
There is nothing parents should be so carefu'
about as selecting a coujrh syrup, llcgss
Cherry Ceuhispmp casts no more than the
cheep and inferior nostrums thrown en the
market. 'The liest is nene to coed, be sure and
keep it on hand at all times. C. L, CottitMt
E. O. Delworth Deputy Inspector
of Womans Relief Corp? of Neb. will
be in Red Cloud Monday. Nov. 18th
to inspect the Corps. Members are
requested to be present.
Brssa' Cherry Coash Syrup.
Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trarto
ant the sales are ioitivlv marvelons. whir-h
can be aeco'iuted for in v other way except
that it is without dcutt '.nc Itest on the market.
Askfora-dtiesnre yon uet the genuine. We
keep it. C. L. Cot ting, Drujjsbt.
Opera llonne.
Ruby La Fayette, the lady who ap
pears here on Monday, November 18.
supported by her own powerful Drama
tic Company; needs no recommenda
tion to our people for upon her former
visit in December 1887 she created a
more than favorable impression by
her truly artistic rcndtti-in of some of
the most trying solos on tha stage.
Her support id now 'stronger than
ever and lovers of legitimate amuse
ment will be gratified with the best
performances ever seen here.
3 .WV?SSs-
2 rk-rr.-- v
iFilsif fl I K
I crew wSbSRI ra tji irizsl is l
V pr?- rriS J '
It will pay j to visit D. B. award's
cash hardware store Pricas have gone
down 33s per cent since yesterday. Thia
is a fact.
50 ets buys a suit of underwear or
$5.50 buys a finer suit than any one
else sells. Berg & Galusha.
W.D.Suit.Druggist, Bippua, Ind. tes
titles: "I can recommend Electric Bitt
ers as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has Riven relief in every
case. One man took six bottles, and
Whs cured of Rheumatism of 10 years
standing." Abraham Hnre, drugeist
Bellville, Ohio, affirmes: "The best
selling medicine I have ever handled
in my 20 years' experience, is Elec
tric Litters." Thousands of others
have added their testimony, so that
the verdict is unanimous that Electric
"ittrrs do cure ajl diseases of the liv
ti kidnovs or l!od. Only hulf dnlhtr
at he'try Cook's drupbturi. 2
- -
account ot uu
'' r it ' .Af n
lat 3I,-Bdav cv -
'L- (J. A. II. c
:u:uy i . v...
untleritand that Ktiitor l'iumb
wao in attendance and took a lively
part in the proceedings.
Another wonderful discovery has
been made and that too by u lady in
this county. Disease fastened its clu
tches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests but her
vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For three
months she coughed incessantly and
could not sleep. She bought of us a
bottle of Pr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption and was so much re
lieved on taking first dose that she
clept all night and with one bottle has
been miraculously cored. Hnr name
is Mrs. Luther Lutz.'. Thus writes
V. C llamrick & Co.. of Shelby, X. C
Get a free trial bottle at
Cook'3 Drugstore. 1
rr.. ,
Great English Remedy.
Murray's Specific.
A guaranteed cure for all ner
vous diseases such as weak mem
ory loss of brain iover hysteria
headache pain in the back nr
v ous prostration wakefulness leu-ccrrliu-a
universal lassitude sem
inal weakness imjMrtency und gen
vralloss of power of the Ceucra
tive Organs; in elthei sex, caus
ed by indiscrelon or overexertion
ntnl vrlitMi liltimntltr Ia-iiI tn
MMiauaC 1KEXATUBE ou a:e, imax
itv and COX8UMPTION. siwa
box or six boxes for S5 CO. Sent
by mail on receipt of price. Full
particulars in pamphlet, sent
free to every applicant
We Guarantee Six Sexes
to cure anv case. For every 83
order received wc send six boxes
with a written guarantee tore-
. 1 lta wnnnAv it nit tlftlrt
does not effect a cure . Address AfUC ItU
all communications to the sole
manufacturers. Tnc Mckhay Mcdicixs co.
Kansas ity Xo.
tSr-Sold in Bed Cloud by C. L. cOTxINO sole
the money that you ever saw in
we will save you money-
State of Nebraska I
Webster countr f
In the district court thereof of the eighth
judicial district.
The Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. plaintiff,
Charles M. Sandberg, The Keene Five-Cents
Savings Bank, U. 1. Catler, William E. Jack
son, and the First National Dank of White
water, Wisconsin, defendants.
notick or SUIT.
The above named defendant, the First Na
tional Bank of Whitewater, Wisconsin, is here
by notified that the above uamed plaintiff has
filed in the above named court, its petition
against it, and tlte other defendants aiiove na
med, the object and iracr of which are to fore
close two mortgages bearing date February 1st
188G, executed by the defendant, Charles m
Sandberg; one to the plaintiff and one to the de
feudant, the Keene Five-Cent Savings lank, on
Hie following described real estate .situate in
the cou:tv of Webster, in the state of Nebraska
towit: The south-west quarter 11) of section
twentv-two (2.!) and the iiartli-enst quarter d);
of section twenty-eight (gs) all In township three
i:; north, and rau?c twelve (iiriwest 01 tiiesixtn
nrlueipal meridi.ui, and to Pave saia n-ail estato
appniiscd, ndu-rtisfd and M to pay olfanu
discharge the ilelts wilh intetit and cusis-,
whl "U s-i d mortise w -rt- k:vl"i to svine.
mi, tlie.Firt National bank of Whitewater,
V.':scu:sia, ar- ftinJsoriiotiaeiJthat vou are re
quired to apin-;ir and aa- ".! .:! p--titi..i : or
licfore Moi.(l.t, tk-' -.:it vnth L'rKlil day ot le-
txniuer. I..'
liiKM:nB:i: : -
i , - . r. . . , . :
,j...i. r i -HJ-". . i- 'i!.:;'oi.i'
Itcd C.oiid ai. rti.i.'ba'iU rt ::U ! u . No
ka, Iwillofer forxilettie following property:
One ro u hore nine jears old, one hay
horse- nino years old one red and white
cow four years old, one standard mower, one
sulky hay rake, one stirring plow, one breaking
plow, on harrow, one cultivator, one set of har
ness, and ae wagon. And sale will be made to
satisfy a chattel mortgage conveying said proji
erty, made by Klijah Herrick to Charles II. I'ot
ter, dated June 1st IssO and recorded in Web
ster county on which there is due at time of
first publication SSXJ.S5.
State of Nebraska
AVcbster county
To whom it may concern:
Tlie commissioners appointed to view and re
iort upon a certain roaa prayed for in a cer
tain iKitition dulv signed and filed with the
county clerk ot said county asking that a cer
tain public road be located as follows:
Commencing at the south-east corner of sec
tion ilfteen, (13) town one. (i range eleven, (It)
west, thence running north -lO'.o feet vur. II de-
igrees, M minutes wes; ami iiience easi .i
j f(;t.t var.'JSdegrees) minutes nortit.thencennrtli
too feet var. 'Jt ttegrees wesi to tne center ot
road running east aud west, and known as the
I.'cd Cloud ro-id, has reported favorably upon
the owning or said road. All fit, .-etions there
to or claims for damages must be Med in the
ofnceoi the countv clerk ot said county on or
before noon of Wednesdiy. January 22, 1'J or
said road will te opened without reference
it-d Cloud, October IT, liSl.
J. ir. IUilkv,
ounty Clerk.
From ibe Depot
To Bradbrooks
Photo Studio
State of Nebraska, ( .
Webster County, s
In the district court thereof of the eighth
hidicial dbtrict.
The Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, plain
tin vs
rhoehe j. Ballard, Martin S. Ballard, her hus
band. Veorge K. Chayney, Ltzzle M. Chayney,
his wife, and Charles If. I'otter, defendants.
moticc or surr.
Tlie above named deiendants. Phoebe .r. Bal
lard and Martin S. Ballard, her husband, are
hereby notified that the above named plaintiff
has filed in the altove uamed court, its petition
against them and the other defendants above
named, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a mortgage bearing date July 1st IS;,
executed by them to the plaintiff on the follow
ing dascrihed estate, situate in the countv
of Welwter in the state of NehnLska. towit-
ots live. ,.rl and six, (' and the norta two
thirds jl of lot seven TJ in liloek seveu 1 ill
Mniili and .Moore's addition to tho city 01 ld
Cloial. X'lnr'a. and to have said real estate
nnpraiscd. advertised, and miM to pay off and
diseharxt: the debt will! inter, st aim com , which
saiil mortgage was aiven to seeur. Von and
eaeli efioitare fi rUiur notilitrl that jouaro
retiuired to npiiear an I answer aid tetitiou on
oriiefore .Mei'dxiv t!ie sir'e -nth LIt t:v of Do.
eenuer. s-:.
Tin: Nh:i:ask. Lon asjiTjucstCa.
Rv.'no ! . I'.i.:.. i ''v
'r!rtt5-r n!tsn "'stlee Finn: t'rnor.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv vir
tue of an order of tab issned by L. II. Fort.
cierK oi tne tustrict court of the elgbtn iiKtirial
district in and for AVebster county Nebraska,
upon a decree in an action pending in said
court wherein Caroline aturray trustee, and
.tames It. Murray are. plainttff-. and Koyal K.
AA'icksare defendants, I shad oiler for sale at
public vendue for ca-sn in hand at the east door
of tlie court honse in Ked Cloud insaMcounty
(that being the place where tlie last term of said
court was holden) on the srth day of Novemltcr
10 at 1 o'clock p in., tlie foil .wing described
property to-w it: Tho east half of the north-east
quarter of seetion 13. mtownshltt 4. north of
range 10. v.e-: of the six; p. m. in Webster county
Ctveit under my hand thisita Cay of October
Trnnkev & Svtxty hheritf.
l'Liint;tI's attoraevs.
Take Notice.
Toita,. Jewett:
You are hereby untitled that on the Ilthday
ot February lis. L. Uamn purvhased at priviito
tax sale front the county treasurer, M, II. Me
Nit'at the court house iu Ued cloud, wvbster
rountv Nebraska for the taxes of issi; ainountrng
toS3JX 'Ihe north-east U. o: the south-west T.
section 2S. town I, rmge U, containing -50 acre?
tijted iu the name of Hugh J. Jewett The
time for rrdeinpli-m of said land from tho lieu
of said tax sale will expire February ltthlssr.
and if not redeemed before the above date, I
will make application for a treasurer tax deed.
Tnkc Notice.
To Ilngli J. Jewttt:
You are hereby notified that on the 11th day
of February 1S-S L. llaiun purchased at private
tax sale from the county treasurer M. Ii. Mc
Nlttatthe courthouse in Ked cloud, Webster
countr, Nebraska, for the taxes of the vear 1886
amounting to SXSO. Tlie: vth west ii of the
south west H section 33. t n I, range 12. coa
taining 40 acres, taxed iutli. name of Hugh j.
lewetu Tire time xor retiea i"'u oi saiu laaa
from the lien of said tax sale II expire Febru
ary urn law, nnair no; reae-L ea oeiore tne
above aate.i wiu ntaKe appucaaon ioratreas
arer's tax deed.
-:," -',," "'t.n.1 .. ,'. .;. .
V:--. V.. . ... ..,:'!'.,i.t;--- ' r
I her. Is--1, . i .l.iit- rei!i!i:re;i;(i;-irion Nu. 1.VJ7. !, ,'.": f "1-'.' ' ',",," ' - 4.s ';
lor tne n.ta-rtesi.jiurtero: seetioii .o. Jl, m ?'" "."A,"': .'n?, ,' . ' ""; "'" .-ritd
t,)w nship No. -. north, rang- U we,t. nt,S..: K, i!l ' V T ' V.' ,',t,v- Ne,,-;'J:- "'
lie uara-s as witues-es. IDra-u W. Hr.ldredge, ?i ln..V'i lu!."iP "f l,-l,!l V -, ':rrTf ;,,:'1 ,:i'
IjiiiIst'.Olmstesid. James AV. Vance and Ceorge tf, i iV. ?? tl1 "r.ti, SJLs w
AV. Kniglt all of luavale. Neb. Ttlulir ?n, - r,l.,J Hc 'Y?,'1'"1,'- u,:iCT
T ? Vnrv Bcister 'he tunefor redoiuttnmof sdiliund lroru the
- -.r
- vV-t-
this or any other
cloud, JNeb..
, -, Tk IVtlee.
Joseph W. Warren and o. W. Ball.
You are hereby notified that on the 2Sth day
of January, is8J".I, . ftium purchased at
Rriratetax sate from the county treasurer. M.
;. McMtt. at tlie court-house In Bed Cloud
ebster countr.Nebraska. for tho taxes for the
year 1836, anuuutlruc to $7.15. The following
described land: situated in Webster countv.
Nebraska, taxesi in the name of Joseph W.
Warren and W. Ball, Tho north west Ji.or
the north-e:istt 4 section 12. towih-j; ranee; a
containing 40. acres. The trtue for re
demption oC. sabt land from tm lien or said
tax sile wiM. expire January ath. Is). aurt it
not .redeemed., before theabove-.cktteexpirss I
wilt make aplication for a Ueasurer's tax
lee,,- L. Baum. "
Take Notice
Joseph AV. Warren and Geo. l, r.;UL
A ou arelicre'y notified thai on the 2Sth diy
of.,'uimary t.ssx, L. it;uiiii puul)jsed at rivatt.
tax s:de from.the county treasurer 31. It. McMtt.
attheruurthiHis4iii ItedCbaid Wehster eouti
ty Nebraska for L'ie taxe- of the vear ls-St:
amounao toS7 I5:ni the following desenhed
funds situated in V.'eti-.te cnintv N-hraka
taxed if: the naii'e of Josi-pp. V.'. Warren ainf
i!eo. V Hill ThfS-uitii rst !- or the north
nut'.uarti-r. oe i town .ans- it iimrui tin.'
Wae i!. The li-ne for i-t;in,.t it of said 'and
front the ! n of s.4 il t sl- . ill expire .Ian.
Jxl-Jiuvl : i:.t r d-i "d beiore th ahoi
datii Millet-.. 'iljUmtwi U: & treatsrer"-
tax deed. li x.
lure Jali'i:irv "Hit
t!Xandif irotrudumed lforeth(satMn,tV .i.,t,.
e.xirvs. I willnoke application lor tre:isurer's
ax deed. Utlxtnt.
Take Notice.
To Hugh J. Jewett:
You are hereby notified that on-the nth day
of February 1SK. L. llaum purvhi-.sed at private
t.x sale from. tt?e county treasurer 51. B. Mc
Nirt at the court hone In Uwl chuid. Welwter
county Xebrssku. for the taxes of the year l&ic
umountiiig to$.'tj. The south, east M ot the
south west M. sections:, town I, range licon-Uiuing-i'Jaisres.
taxed in the-nara-?ii IiirhJ
Jewett. the tirnjfor redemption of saidTantL
from th Hen or s:iiil tax salo will expire Fel
niaryllth 13Ji and irnot ide-ined lerore-tln-ubene
date I will make application for u trca
vrer's tax diei. i i;,Uii.
Ta!te XotI .
A'ou are iter. v uotitrtsd tl at tfti ta ittli dr
of February. j Uutj:1 purehased a: pri
vate tax sale rom the eoutnv tresisarer I i; the courthouse in Kit! cloud WelVa.
ceunty Nebruslci for the :xes of th year is9
amoimtiug to S5-VJ The s.,uth-wesi il; f,t tp'.
south west l-t section s;, town 1. range i- Con
t:Un:ng 1 acre'?, fixed iu th name ot llu-h J
Jewett. The time for rfdenudion will
L'uKvtfm-TII . .fbi ...t .-" . . ---.
i .171 ...ii. inn i.n, .inn ii uoi retiei
redeemed !tf-frr
trie aooe ua:e I win make
treasurer's tax derd.
ai'plicatiou for a,
. - - lien oi said tax sale will ex
Tae NiiUcr. '
Jo,ep!i AA". AVarrea and Ueo. W. Hall.
Yu are hereby iroliiied that on the "sr'i dar
of Jan, l$H L liaum purvli.ised at prtvat" tar
sale from tlie county treasurer M. B. McXi'tt at
thecojrtlnMiSiiulCed Cloud. AVebster countv c
eU. for tlie taxeH of the year iss; amounting
to 37-Ij on the following descrilxxl property to ft,
wit simated iu AVecsb-r county Nebraska taxet
iTthenaaieofJwseph W.Warren and Cec AV.
liiwi i:ie nonu east o: tne nonh e:ist U of m
jectlor.12 towu 2 range 11 containing 4 acres
The time of redemption of said laudfl .;
from the lien of said tax sale will ex-"
pire January gN iiooanfi if not redeemed befoe
the above date expires I will make "application
fora treasusers tax deed. L. B.vx.
C. W. Kalkv. J. i ILalev.
A TTOKNEYS AT LAW. Agents for the B.
Oftceaa Webster street
. Jiearaaka.
&,'$ -