The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 15, 1889, Image 4

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-, &
WANTED at the New York STORE
11500 People !
To help cany off those
Flannels, Blankets, Comforts, Underwear
LADIES' SHOES in all grades
We also carry a large stock
The board met as adjourned with
fstxtt'fii members present.
'I be minutes or the last meeting were
read and on motion approved.
On motion the clerk was ordered to
draw a warrant in favor of the Webster
County Agricultural Society for amount
as provided by statute, section 12,
chapter 2.
On motion theconnty board accepted
the offer of A. T. Ormsby relative to
the land of W. H. Delancy fold for tax
es, the county to pay said Ormsby $250
and Ormsby to quit claim said land to
the county. Former warrant for $88.37
to R. Pitney to be deducted from above
The claim of J. W. Norris for a re
fund of taxes on the east J ot Lot 2 in
block 2 Morey's addition to Blue Hill,
taxes for the year 1888.
Oa motion the committee on county
property was ordered to insure the
court house in the North British Mer
cantile Insurance Co. for $1250 and
nlo in the Underwriters Insurance Co.
tor $1250. Premium to be paid $100
aud policies to be tiled with the county
On motion C. Schenck was appointed
justice of the peace in the first ward of
Red Cloud city to till vacancy.
On motion the claim of H. E. Sanford
aud J. if. Ross for $142.50 as claimed
differences in the quality of stone used
in the building of the county jail was
rejected by the board, by the following
vote. '
Yeas. Hummel. Dickinson, Kaley,
Garber and Jones.
Nays, McCalluni, Barcm, Grovos,
Laird, Martin, Thomas, Wilder, Coon,
Wells and Cather.
The board now adjourned to meet
November 13, 1889. "
Red Cloud. Nov. 13. 1889.
Hoard again met as adjourned with
seventeen members present.
On motion the county treasurer was
instructed "to pay over the advertising
fees as they are collected to A. C. Hos
mer, except the advertising fees on
blocks 11, 12, 13, 14. 15 and 16 of Guide
Rock village, which are to be withheld
on account of an error in placing said
blocks on the advertized list.
On motion the county treasurer was
instructed to transfer the cash on hand
in the sinking fund, funding bond fund,
bridge judgment fund, court house
fund, safe fund, bond fund, old poor
fund, nnrplus bridge fund and special
bridge fund, to the general fund of
On motion the count treasurer was
instructed to make the following trans
fir from the old road fund: To road
Dist. No. 12, $17.92 to balance an old
overdraft in said district account; to
road Dist. No. 41 $1.44 to balance an
old overdraft in said district account:
to road Dist. No. 42 SC.92 to balance
an old overdraft in said district account:
to the old road warrant account $9.56
to bacance an old overdraft in said ac
count; to the old surplus" general fund
account $10.35 to balance an old over
draft in said account; andjhen transfer
tne balance on hand of said old road
fund to the general fund ot 1889.
The resignation of F. A. Sweezy as
county judge of Webster couaty,. N
braska was presetted to the beard tad
Tee board thee procesdsd te mu tee
acancy cause by Jedge Sws-mt's res
ignation, by appointing D. F. Tronkey
great bargains that have been coming for the.
:dry goods,
of the CM. Henderson Red School house shoes. The Little Red School house shoe Is now six years old and last ye
sand children. Call and pee us and we will do you Good. Best goods and lowest prices guaranteed
count judge of Webster county, Ne
braska by a unanimous vote.
The official bond of C. Schenck as
justice of the peace to till a vacancy in
Red Cloud city, was presented to the
board and approved. .
The following resolutions were pre
sented to the board.
"Whereas: It is the opinion of the
board of county supervisors that town
ship organization under the present
system is cumbersome and too expen
sive to the tax payers of Webster coun
ty, and whereas we believe that the
commissioner system is far less expen
sive to the people and a better mode of
expediating business, with equal justice
to all parts of the county.
Therefore be it resolved: That this
board of county supervisors is willing
and ready to consider all legally signed
petitions as the statute requires for the
purpose of ordering an election at the
general election in the year 1890 for
the return to the county commissioner
The foregoing resolutions were di
vided and voted upon separately.
The Srst resolution was lost by the
following vote.
Yeas, McCallum. Dickinson, Kaley,
Garber, Cather and Jones. 6.
Nays, Barcus, Groves, Laird. Martin,
Thomas, Wilder, Coon, Hummell,
Frame, Fish and Wells. 11.
The latter resolution was carried by
the following vote.
Yeas, McCallum, Barcus, Groves,
Laird. Thomas, Wilder, Coon, Hum
mel, Dickinson, Kaley, Garber, Fish,
Wells, Cather and Jones. 15.
Nays, none.
Not voting, Martin, Frame. 2.
The official bond of D. F. Truukey
for county judge to fill vacancy was
presented to the board and approved.
A motion to instruct the county treas
urer to transfer $3,000, a part of the
cash on hand of the bridge lnnd,
and $1,200 a part ot the cash on hand
of the insane fund to the general fund
of 1889, with which to pay all astound
ing warrants against saiu tuna ana
stop the interest thereon, was lost by
the following vote: Yeas, Barcus,
Groves, Laird, Martin, Hummel, Kaley,
Wells and Cather. Nays, McCallum,
Thomas. Wilder, Coon, Dickerson, Gar
ber, Frame, Fish and Jones.
The county treasurer was instructed
to transfer $100 from the insane fund
to the jail fund of 1887 and the county
clerk was instructed to draw a warrant
for $100 payablo to the Pauly Jail Co.,
on said hind, that being the balance of
$10,000, the contract price of the jail.
The county treasurer was instructed
to transfer all the cash on hand of the
poor house fund to the general of 18S9,
the same to be returned to the poor
house fund whenever wanted there.
T. G. Wilder was authorized to pro
vide a home for the old man Roberts
for the winter on as favorable terms as
The county clerk was instructed to
advertise for bids, jointly with the
connty clerk of Nuckolls county, for
building three bridges on the east line
of Oak Creek township between Web
ster and Nuckolls connty.
George . Coon, G. W. Hummel and
D. McCallum were appointed to ap
praise the. s Jnw J of section 21, town
1, rang 10. '.
The fcMewsmf ekueme were allowed
s& warrants ecdersd draws oaitae
fetidfereadef 1M.
J. Kline, work oafcrUfM, 400
Joto SwiaW. mora tHrtftjM. - - JM
dress goods
and Black Hosiery warranted not to fade. An elegant stock of shawls and woolen yarns.
and sizes. A good shoe for $1.50. Men's and Boy's Boots & Shoes
Edward Spooner, -work on bridges,
O. W. Hall. -
G.W. Francis. - "
A.Hurd, -
P. Hedge, " -
W. P. Kenady, - - .
J. W. Schwaner, - " 810 23 to
D. G. Anderson, " -
K. Bishop, "
G. E. Coon, " " -
G. E. Coon, superintending bridge work,
T.G. Wilder, - "
Jos. Garber - - -
W. H. Barcus -
V. C. Laird bridgo work
4 50
23 41
0 25
14 00
25 00
106 00
71 IB
6 78
L. D. Thomas
James Anderson road work $31 10 to
C. L. Funck - - -G.A.Martin
" -Stephen
Harris, "
Kobcrt Harris , " -
J. F. Buckle. - - - -
L. Campbell. - - .
J. W. Boomer, "
W.A.Hogate. - from SC 00 to
E. Snedger, " , " - S3 00 to
G. F. Pope, bridge piling,
D. B. Heard Agt, hardware for bridges,
O.H. Martin, "
S. W. Hnll.
L. B.Tliome, "
Cowles Lumber Co., lumber.
14 40
20 00
13 75
15 00
16 80
156 83
20 36
Traders Lumber Co., lumber, -
S3 06
S. J. Whitten. lumber,
B. 8. Proud At, lumber
Piatt & Frees Co., lumber,
R. A. Handy, lumber,
B. S. Tibbits, pile driving.
29 35
Bed Cloud, Not, 14, 1889.
The board of supervisors met as per
adjournment; seventeen members pres
ent. The following claims were allowed
and warrants ordered issued on the
bridge fund:
8 . S . Wells , work on bridges, - $ 21 00
Ira Sleeper. " " - - 3 75
J. L. Frame, - 1550
Jacob Goll, work on bridges and roads, 149 95
N. Sanford and John Chapin, work on
bridges and roads, - - - 15 00
Otto Stoke, work on bridges and rcad3, 2 00
Frank Kuehn, surveyor, - - - 8 00
Fuller & Good, hasdware. - - 1500
G.H.Whitson, i 9 55
Bed Cloud Pub. Co. advertising bridge bids, 5 00
A. C. Hosmcr, adrertisidg for road , etc, 21 00
The following claims were allowed
and warrants ordered on general fund:
L. D. Thomas, services as supervisor, $ 18 30
W. H. Barcus, " 19 83
J.Martin, - - 1520
W. C. Laird, - - 1200
G. P. Cather, " - 33 75
James Groves, " " llOO
T.G. Wilder, - 1010
S. S. WeUs . $12 00 credited by S3 00 4 GO
bos. Garber, 9 20 " " 12-3
G.E.Coou. 9 10 " 110
F.. H. Jones, 31 00 " " 23 00
Isaac Fish, 8 00 " " 00
A . H. Knley, 11 20 7 23
J. L. Frame, 10 CO " " 2 00
M. W. Dickerson, S21 40 credited by $8 00 10 40
D. JlcOnllum , 10 20 " 2 20
G. W. Hummel, supervisors services, 12 70
A. C. nosmer, printing, - - - 10 50
Omaha "republican Co., supplies , s20 00 to 9 50
51 75 to 40 50
19 50 to 15 00
" 22 40 to 12 40
' - - 375
Gazette Journal Pub. Co. supplies, S19 50 to 16 00
- u - 37 45 to 33 00
G. M. Plvmb, printing, - - - 5 00
G.J.Warren, - 19 00
W. M. Welch, supplies , - - - 4 so
John Morris Co., supplies. 533 25 to 30 00
F. V. Taylor, coffin for G. Hamilton 48 50 to 35 00
H . B. McNItt, postage and express , 11 22
J. H Bailer, canvassing election returns, 4 00
H.E.Pond, - 403
H.C.Scott, - 400
B, M. Young & Co. clothes for jail, 5 30
Frank A. Kuehn, guarding prisoBer. 695
Frank A. Kuehn, boardiag and guarding
VanBessoa, .... tgu
f. W. Xrer, jaOors fees , etc.
T. W. Hatfield jailors fees 33 29,1
Man ..... mm
lOHMJIKCNKinHln, $ . rrMllM W) HMWMII. 4
- past ten days of American and foreign production, all the iatest styles.
and triings
W, E. Wolf superiiiteiulin jail S20 0O to 5 00
A. T. llajos supplies to Anthony lo CO
.i. 1J. Cruzln ' St'irtenfiuleii 1 ir.
Harrison Kailey mend Ha Jmay boot.. . 2 25
L. P. Albright insuring court hoike 100 00
J. II. Bailey making ta list s;i 20
' " iKwtage and axpress 13 43
(5. P. father expenses at .state fair 13 55
J, AV. Wallin criminal fees lo
F. A. Sweezy rent f pes, eoal etc 31; 53
J. L. Kuley tax refund C 62
.. F. Watt, 2 00: J. L. Philips 2.00- E. O. Par
ker 2.00: Charles Molley .'). W. E. Kpperly 2;
J, A. Ilicktev messeiwer 3-M): A. 11. Spraoher 2:
L. 1). Wells 2: B. K. Hudson 2, A. W. Clioat 2.C.
Osilbic 2..I. !!. Laird! I, 11. Stauser2 S. P.
Martin messenger 4,70, J. F, SnutnSG. W. Ba
ker 2 C. C Cox messenger 4 70 Louis Soderber:
2 K. II. Funke2 W, II, Howe 2 1. M, Francis 2,
C, A. Davis 2 August Kn.-diow 2 31. Wilson 2
Otto Stoke 2 Wm. VanDyko 2 F. I J. Deanard 2,
A. Hedge 2 A.. 1. Means 2. A. B. Pierce 2 .iohn
Lfchtfoot 2 Peter Cmover2 E. si. Perkins 2 Jas.
Murray 2.1. W.Mjer 2 G. B, Chaney 2 John
Byrne 2 It. Zajietk messenger 5.20 Thomas An
derson 2, P. II. Sailor 2, II II. Springer 2 It. S.
White messenger iy c.C Stout 2 Marion Alex
ander 2 j. W. Wratten 2 G. P- Cather messenger
&20 Olof Benson 2 C. II. Holt 2 X. E. Worley 2 II
II. Holdredge 2 De .iay .unison 2 .las. Noble 2 P
S. Noble 2 L. M. Johnson 2 .1. W. Itobiuson nies
senger 3.20 W. II. Fostewait 2 R. Croxton 2 A. i
Delhi messeiiger 3.40 C. A. Seel 2 E. F. Simpson
2 F. G. Dickinson messenger 6.00 L. D. Smith 2
.1. X. Bent2 G. S. Gibson 2 W. A, Brubaker 2 F.
II, Gerlock messenger 6.00 jhrLs .lessen 2 T. A.
Itobiuson messenger C.30W. .7. DeUihoyde 2C.
L, Funk messenger 4.70 It, Turner 2. j. A. Lope
man messenger 4,10 j.N. Kellogg 2 John Gross
messenger 4.10 A. II. Linebarger2 H. E. Pond
messenger 4.10 D. S. Coombs 2 John Polnicky 2
John Bean 2, W. E. Thome 2 James Burden 2
Abram Scott 2 A, J. Dake messenger 6.60, 0 E,
Kany2G. k. Bringelsod2 E, A. YanDyke2 c,
G. Knight messenger 4.3) F. I. Hutchison 2 II.
Holdrege messenger 5 JO.
The following claims were rejected.
J. R. Willcox travelling expenses
$6.50. Omaha Republican -Co., blanks
not good S1.C0.
The sheriff was ordered to purchase
a suitable jail register for the jailer.
The report of J. H. Bailey county :
clerk for fees received and disbursed
during the quarter ending September
SO; 1889 received and approved.
The couaty elerk was instructed to
ascertain trom the State Auditor the
amount due from this county to the
hospital lor the insane and notify the
connty treasurer of the said amount,
which the county treasurer is instruct
ed to pay into the state treasury.
6. E. Coon, G. W. Hummell and T.
G. Wilder were appointed to appraise
the N. E. of N. E. , S. E. of S. E.
and S. i N. W. V 16 3 12.
The amount of the new treasurers
bond was fixed at $100,000.
The committee to settle with the
county treasurer was instructed to set
tle with the treasurer when ever he is
The appraisal ot the X. E. ', of X. E.
', and N. E. ', ot S. E. 16 U 15 present,
ed to the board and approved.
The board adjourned to meet Janu
ary 2d, 1890.
The best eastern and western coal,
always kept on hand and at lowest
prices at E. A. Handys
Remember we sell a melton over
coat for $10.00 that other people ask
$20.00 for.
Bebg & Galisha.
Our universal low'Lrices ara what
catch the large bnyers from outer
towns. The last ten weeks they have
been quite numerous with us.
Berg & Galcsha.
Persons buying clothing are always
in fear of being taken in, bat whea
thej can deal with am honorable
WM hk the GMm Kagk baa
a-roTM in the laat aix jeara this fear
Taaiahf. C. Wiener haa always
made gmA anything that k stM
factory. Goods are sold by him on
their merits.
Berg &
That will interest
Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery,
Books, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Boarding Horses' Feed Barn !
vas worn by two hundred thou-
Red Cloud, Neb.
hats, Gaps,
W. W. Gilbert, '3
WlaSM to BUifj- bis frleafe tfcat
Watson Barn'