WiB WW OUJIMflVUI C. Seaeoek, Justice of Peae. US' mi .- aMr--- . -- Srff ?' - ,v- is l3j-i. '. - i Vu 4A--5?fXr "if V Jr V 'V 'J. ' .i C ?r :"&' : SUPPLEMENT TO THE CHIEF. sS?Sr .. I a.jn.. - fffrnri -tstt -tm. ? w?r 'sJcsJ3Bk33IE - T iv'-f'-fKp t a I iii I THE TRAbERS WILL !. f -t t Pi pnJ POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world R. V. TAYLOR, KEEPS THE FINEST LlNE OF Furniture n the city at prices that if in want of anythj ig in his line. njlite Firf t National Bank, Bed Cloud. 1. V.niui, 1'res. IIenuy CLAKKE,Vice-Pres. Jko. R. Shiszt, Cashiex IIowakp B. Cathek, IRST NATIONAL BANK, ? Red Cloud. Nebraska. CAPITAL, - $75,OOQ Transact a general banking business, bay and sell county warrants, al?t tuunty, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange DIRECTORS" Jas. McNenv. J. A. Tulleys, G. W. Lindsev. R. V. Shirey. John R. Shirey. E. F. Highland. Henry CLirke, A. J. Kenny. cker & TIE GROCERS EED CLOUD, NEB. Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud, L. "II. FORT, Manager. Ib&tM&ta miished to all Lands in Webster Comity, Accurately and ON SHORT NOTIUE. Km in;: hrul ien v.ir experience In nnty record!! and one of the mwt complrte set of Ab ln(.'t UkKs In tli- state, we suaratitee satisfaction. Yo-r favors solicited All unlets illletl promptly lo.oea dollar bond filed anil appro ed. Address or call oa L. H. FORT Manage, Red Cloud, Neb. J. C. WARNER. EAL ESTATE AGENT Have lands of all kinds to sell or trade for stock or mortgage note. Town property to sell or trade. 'arm Loans made Office ovei McFarland's store. New Billiad hall ! P. L. Jeffers, Proprietor, ED CLOUD, - - Fine tables, reasonable rales, nice treatment, is oar sotto. Come and see as. Thff GoHca Essie as atual hMiH,. LUMBER CO. MAKE 111 all can afford to buy Assistant Cashier Parker, of Title quick and easy JxrBKA-MkA. . ... mu. . .TuviiiTiBiiLiiiru uiiaiuasu IMI democrats ia the United Sut r'T3BBBBl?lBlaM3"lkfc Wesbsrn fciobel Artesian water tbionghout the house. Only two blocks from city ball C. SCHNEIDER, Prop. 1314 12th St. Dearer, Colo. RATES I 25 and $1 50 PER DAY. The house and furnisaings are U new. Elegant rooms with first class meals at moderate rales. First claM livery and boarding stables in connection with the hoase. C. W. Kalkv, J. L. Kalev. KALKT T.BOS. A TTOBNEYS AT LAW . Agent for the B. A fc.M.K. K. lands. Oaeeoti Webster street (.cTiCldinI. Nebraska. BROWN S Marble and Granite Wor3 A. U. BROWN, faor. Fine Monuments and Headstone Flrw vd 4ki Av Pd OlnnV D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Age-" Red Cloud. F Knout, Iks $ 1. (Chicago ft Northwesters Bailraad.) J. IV. Dacbxek, Local Areut. Arrivew Jjcaves. raxsenger aaopjm. 3op.m Accoin. ana Freight 3.-05 p.ra. SHlopa UAKl'INUS TO THE EAST via Northwestern route. Arr'ves at York 5:32 p.n. Frcmoat :l."s Oma ha, 90 p.m Chicaxo, liOBLSt lHnl9J0ii,m Leaves Chicago S:p.m. ouaha 8:40 a.nu ar rives at Hastius 2;t. o.in. Omasa . Paul City, and all points XORTH, EAST, SOUTH. WEST. Tbeolny line to southern Nehraskt. Dakota, iiot Sprlns. te Klack Hills, and Central Wyoming. Tannsh ticket and baszase cheeked to des Unatton. For rates, tiate tables etc, call oa J. B. Dacbkkr. Acent, Hastings, Neb. H. R.Btnrr, J. K. Bcchatax, Gen. Manager. (en. fas. Agent. Omaha, Neb. O. C. Cask. Jam. McNaxr, CASE&MCNENY. TTORJfElS AND CJNSEURS AT LAW "lU practice in H courts of this state ?9mensa well a litigated business careful j ltd eSciently attended to. Abstracts farais l-3i auBlieaiioa. tirnric-Over First National Bank. ckraa.Ka qEO. O. AND R. D. YEISEfi, r&OPKlKTOB" OV THE ta but; Mitl UStG REDluOUD. KJBR Complete and only act of abstract ? books in Webster county. Graaing and f 1 J J ?.H - 7. . . - mmm rUllUX IIUVI SUM Vlljr luuucny jl lasa .JESSSftSteS"!" i earth in psjsHHpRil.l Brn9BSSSBBfSBSB A r.kea Hearted M.iker. A recent issae of the Post Iatelligenee, of 8eattle, W. T. contained a piteous ap peal of a "Broken-Hearted Mother' to theehief of police, praying for the abol ition of the "vicious allurements'" of the city which have raised her son. The Post Intelligence of the following day con tained an editorial which must have out raged the feelings of every mother who read it. The mother is told that if hr j sot "has gone into the service of the devil it is his own fault'' and that he "will never be worth anything until he can resist the 'allurements, of the drinking hell and tht brothel." This is poor comfort for the "Heart-Broken Mother" of whom ther are so many in Seattle because of thesa "vicious allurements that as a friend says "it is impossable to guess who is the writer since it might have the cry of so many in our midst." There are few. if anv. ritiM in the world where the saloon and the brothel flaunt as openly as they do in Seattle. From their tenderest veara th children are familiar with their existence of shame, the very knowledge of which it a contamination. Many children are weak through inherited taints and could only be kejt from falling by beinir in an atmosphere of moral and wholesome liv ing, just aa the child inheriting a tendency to physical disease must be kpt from on favorable conditions. Others are deoriv- ed of paternal care, or worse yet, take their first lessons in sin from the father's example. A thousand conditions prevail besides an abnormal tendency to evil. which may cause the youth to fall a victim to temptations constantly besetting him and which no maternal care may be able to offset. Chief among all the means of deterioration is the familiarizing of the youths with evil by the presence of the sa loon and its twin companion, and it . shocking for the public press to condone the existence of these evil haunty or to say it is all the youth' fault if he fall? The broken hearted mother has cried alot d in her agony against these iniquities ami she is told that her son is alone to blame. To what anaihiliation of reason, sym pathy, and sense does a cringing subserT iencytc theliqaor traffic carry the busi ness man or the public press . If, because of a broken sidewalk or a pitfall in the street this mothers son becomes mrimed or crippled, the city is to blame and must recompense her as far as possible. How much more, then, should the authorities bear the responsibility and the blame when the snares and pitfalls of the soul, which they have placed in the way of the inexperienced, ignorant and weak, have been the means of destroying both soul and body. Against every person who, le--gaily, morally, or in the way of business, has to do with the planting or sustaining of these "vieipas allurements, the vokr of every brother's blood who falls through them cries out to God for vengeance, and more powerful than the trumpet of Josh ua will be the cries of the heart-broken mothers to bring distraction upon the modern Jeriehos which are given over to the pollution an shame of the vicious allurements. The following marriage licenses were issued by Judge Sweezy in October 1889: ( Charles E. Wayman 28 - ( Mercy M. Shonn 17 . Edward Jones 27 (OllieOoldsberry 2fi . (L. W.Stayner ; "j Minnie Sepraeyer 2U C Walter A. Sherwood , 24 Carrie B. Miner !. - (, Albert P. Fitzpatrick 2 (Nettie E. Shank 2; (Bert Tennant 2 I Delia Weideman 22 ( George E. Taylor 4. 2." ' ( Almeda B. Cowgill 1 TBacklla Aralea Salve. Tlie best sa've in the world for cut4, bruises, seres, ulcere. alt rbeom, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ckilblaim1. corn?; and all akin eruptions, and positively cores, or n pay reQuired. it is guaranteed to tfive perfect satis lactioa, or maaey refunded. Price . 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Cook. It will pay yea to visit D. B. aara'i eash hardware store. Trices have gone, aowa SSjj per ceat since yesterday.- This is a fact I P T rWakanl TrmMmrT the ! "" " ww ? ? I y.z: v ; '. 1 l" '- U r i I : i - IekeajeerBBWtBaa yea Itnr Jinu Tknltilava