-- ,, M IIW 'irf. c r ?-; - ..-f-.- - Oia -sew-PV Ek&S - ',V &?. 3 t ; -v urns.f - - - S j- ,. , , f J "-jjfeffeMi'i liJllflliiliMMiiMii iifti hi n i"ii i Se1 &S3BKHSKQKK&MwmBKB&MKBwKMSAtta iJS!Ssi:a, ? - .. . - '.-n,,l,,!'4 v I rfc , & i : : t.- -W atop at by Test II tWKOB aa.ad ;Trf Lil by theiv- IRrpil Tkiaiof the bitter, aiswase aorrHriT "e4SfBciMe recssarly rTy rw ?ar. lywairn fri3dMpare Mn.n graved and Xatej etai tittered, to tee interest it skiy. rathe Litems Uftan: lathe later- ' 1 hxrmocy. is (be tatere-t cifniia a- itrctti.tty lrt tals this e sto;eed wow. 1 ot. in two years t:-c-aa fast mil t iimugar--te-i aud re;ted agai . iutf-aaia 4 by the Ui--entv e-ise tiered ad lumleriBS """ .r .nterval. ttaide Keek .-MMai. AmI Tme Cxrrxr hot that ate pceb- wil down rAeTetnsenitic ticket, and stepihri fer aal fidular. tbatthe ofe kattrrn hare beea -rcllty , year after year, auiiar dheenskm ia 'be ranks id the iany. al data; their Btetust o create tt feeiinsai uad I ciazea. T&ere aesdd not have I'l ol ki ttus city, aad icia -iljrat lytad thebsfcars iilu ticket. dat.ic year age. The viz a. are simply ipaas:hie .'or t e atraiaed oaaVtin o: Bain ki tab dty. ltiiuDe,a Trani'i nTar.tatt oca ms Jiic. McKeebjr, Jake Maict . i mini. W'tjgkt lauru urs a&tiIrw utaau. abeakl a-Braut-u t'Lrrp tat'toabtaBtuaaailgaiaK uiaiifc Jetnavaial tutav iatctcaf fe4 CkmU. X anuB a&ase u K. r amy, aa4 ar rapatU.-aa ;iartjUouM nae spia tae ai.gUi aadtaruar lue ueltof overkearl. Uatti tkis U dou. .e4 t1ouu will crtrr te aa core ptohtobs taaa ft sUkij. Tbeyateawuot an ar!aei.le. kave .'Mnhias is ccataujn mtk ste eti). ezoeat ads p.be aTaricioesoeat aRer txwaV aad aary. lae xaterests el tke ot. re r nmlarj nk daesi. Tkcir aiat istodon Utefanam aa4 ae Ueir(cket wuaboutfle while Jotacao. dijxeas t KM dead, are you aftliag t aalsl tou crowd ol botiera tara:u.tm UnldocJbe 7o d nrparuinnt b. coa xaulcf this dattanlly aaae u terenge ujnii aasa abo Tote 'be saic&t refobUcaa ticket. aad fgBttas .Igaad taea bw wiU uot aoUBit u laeir dictatioau mad tl. UxxK. fuse fur the eagre revUkaa ticket aad sqaelcfi tsi eTertasttac n i Mil light of Duck alt Ktebr's. T tk Ttm VtMir CM y . Kext Taeaaay jewa! ae -eallad apoa t ny wkttiwr this gmz of team are ranalc the pol- iocaaf tkiaeaaatrer vartkertae peopla I are. Tkej have bees dH?est ia circala I tia U kiad of audiclocsioriea ia ragard tOKT.aaiBBieLwkilexr. Hcmmel aad h D. B. award 4tb page- Jlead tae Kd ctoud aVpuaacaa with a gmt deal aUowacce thfc k. Irtck aeKreby the uaa h hualaosz ruined kVtl ckud by Uis -4ii: aod rer ugf td spirit. U the editor of that paper, aad is tacked by aach ata asJaaMiaer aadJae iUMer. the uc. coaatcrjart of the -o tcaptible lucky, all ot whom atop at aoih i?. aud care but Utile lor the tows, juat so they "au carry thrir ewU. therelore y n eaa -zpect caator beticiczeas wJl b viUited aad tra Jueed lu that di?rtmtled aheet thi wfk. as It oatheereof rJectKai. If yea nzaltbeeiiyto 7u-. wipe thec out next Tae day, aad do ti ef .ectuL'y, and the ri:j tU thea j-rpcr Te U patnrrvaborn in sin aad raited ia ia. iuityaad has ueen fostered carefully so that :t -o14 crow uj after its aeadeacnpt aareau 3rwe only ala: is to tear down bcaiaes latr-r--sts of Bed ckxid if a will subserve their own telSsh e&ds. The roters of Ked tioud should 3ve theai a wide berth. Her. aaaiTBel has dairaed from the 4rst that he made ho pledges to the First Kat fo&al Bank, aelatet. a-eKeebj did aot write -the abore for it ia the troth, allaoagh it does aet state all -hat sir. ssbbmI daiated froai the start. aedained farther that he bad aiaae ae pledarea to as j baakor aaj ptrsoa eaa aeetad with a bask, ae was approached by a repreeeatatioa of oae aad oaly oae baak. That was . B. Smith oae of the directors of the F. a. bank of this city. srr.arammel stated to the geatleaaaa that if he was elected their bank woald be treated fairly, aad the Cazsr brlieres that ar. Smith himself woald be satisfiad with on eqal division of the county faade 3at atcKcebj aaadehfl aad the other offi cers believe that they codd get the whole tf the money bj howling, "First Natisal .J Bnk ring." -boodlers." etc. Thereby ettia away with their better jadgsse&t -.nd escsiag tLem to forget two years ago chen(a3 ia this ease With xr. atztamell) they conld find nothing against xr.atcNitt -o raled this hne aad cry. This Dock McKeeby has a ncaber of times boasted of bayitga paper in -noasia aad defeating aa objectioaable candidate and was foolish saocgh to think neeoald do the same thing ia Webster coaaty. xcEeeby isaotaew, aad it ufair to preame that Lm paper that was aet profitable or h weald have stayed there Another traage coincidence We aaeer--tand he practiced- law at one time aad cae party iifrma as that he practiced aaedidae tor a while. Now raiad yoe he casae here practaced aw for a while aad loaned r. xaicess a :aoBcy oatil sir. x. was drava iate too many aary ssit. that he did net wader stand at he had loaned the mostey at 10 jr cent. Kow he is ranaing a newrpa Irr. Doyoasee. We weald adrise him to fend a less iateOigrot dass of pcepie next time. Eh. Decky. Oa aai after tke fxtt izy ef Jo- v-aber 1339, 1 will Bwaitirdr aet sell Pm oa time, except em baUiia cio tracts orc fckaWe aotes. J A. Noskasx. wt thai taesaea ef the straight rspaUieaa ucket have beea maktag a deaa aad maaly ight aad hare aet beea disposed ia anyway try toinjarethe persoaal, Iwsartsl, eraeeial tandiag of aay ef the imposing eaasU dates. While the big 8 oatftt led hy swab snea as xcKesb y, Joe Garber, Siasoas, Jee .raer, yeeag Tburabarg aad Flaaab, waggiag hikiai hasw acToted their eatire tiaseia aaaderiagiaeTery way rrvryoae oppesed te Fasalrr for treasarex. Taw baas sacceeded ia getting a few sore hesds f their ewa ragalar faag a as- atet whe are they. Leek at ia yoar owa preciact who are ep tae straight repablieaa tieksv Are they asea wheat yoa eaa aelisra, an taey saea wheaa yea taiak are actag heaeatly ikusasatn i, are tfcjy asea wheat yea taiak hoeesUy baUsTs thear stori a they are telling yea ia rajrard te Qm. HaauseL There are seass two er three of hose asea who wast bef ere the Ba pablicaa cosaty eeareatk sskiag far favsta, bat the people saw it to them tasswhers. Thea this big S west tethesa aad reprseaated that they were said eat aad they mast aelp te defeat the tiekst aad thereby get rsTswgs. (Joe Garber says rereage is sweet,) Of eearse the eatattaea says, Hsiaisi is the oaly saaa we eaa defeat aad we will tarn oar whole attaatioa to him. Aay aaaa who kaows the oatfit kaows that this gaay arrer attessped aaythiag with aa hoaest saetiTe. aad these an the fallows the people of this eaanty have to aght at aboat erery eleetioa. They havabeea saewed aaeer the last few times they have attemped the regalar belt, aad the Cazar taiaks this rime will eorer thea beyond reaareetioa. Even a large portioa of the dstaocrats say ee are aet ishtiag the battles ef the big 8 aad propose te hare aotaiag to do with taesaer the fight. D. S..eard4th 5NRY COOK BSAXKB IS WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Varnish, Stationery, Books, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. -i a . . atalev aad c F. t III s. West. Use. Barker, c. gS". V 1 si r aertasM. JTHtrntsl? ew are a- aiT. W. tsafaeld Uissart. J C Wataer. c L Wlefret W. W. i BWJ-. i cujuw n.Krus aaa bbjuod rastesetatoeraaase aa aasaal ,; statt. aad riai naf the assnd ef an face MEG4M " wm si baakhy rmaa wMa) wsatLrsal saseass. We laaraatoc erery baCtle.C. UCettac Drae&jt- eat Txr StasfHorpn-gi,, ncaes was sssasatsea he aesusrysaat eyaaaaS .k.. - --- laB Mta rr elTida aeaceBt. f Tbeaamatosle"Thefaeaiarsssttefs5arBss " maaiitki se eateswrary. i.th.-atkManaTatoiaeMasamaiaad cairr aas sec eat wast t cairrkas weabaDaaTe ssawaT eiiaasiaia airsasrilaia 4bb bathe tontrarr. Tea bad better read year - ;T-V'CTT,.'" n a-a it oswrbaf are Tea pre theaa cassea. vecayaaaaai awbacatiea, we taiak, aad make the thea be lathe jeBWataerHwerryiasL?iiernhyahiat ac aceacSa's bead aad says he win tt f5M teBeiesassed. A cartam cssatiMsr seat baa ward thatbe weald take aaa . r it his re- iieiaat j swl shlfcitr awarr'T - pay is fur tecy sac that aNt last far the tsaary.aad rue sjnHlfii Is able te k. Up M roiactfl psaas howerer, Jsehasast beea aWeteraae' theawjaeywesriissw-.as he has saade no tra der. Wedoatttdak the head weald bsweak read if the eeaaty sadsshsuld aUew joe te withdraw eatseiy. W'mere kis wrthwrawal. I iTta fiasm the ahere was pet an.Joe after the aaa are sstii Twasar. Lisas wiu A 1 Cesxoa wyrwy. aathlac aareata shield be se earefa' antiisii threwa ea the Bwseiasaaw-awwtra i m xwcr. we hand at an taaa. C L, Cettav abnat erryOBaicherup raeep aaa latener marker, lae beat a awt.tEUGa'CHElt.T COC aecputm m -tl!- ill waasaaaVtarrernyathataayeac :na. ntlTvis-fTiniTw anwnffat q wrrw.UH. UV vwa.vu CITY gi-WS. G aaa see E.A. Baadj. Glass aad patt-at Dtjo's. Tke west eo.a kesker's swap it sold by Deje. Coaibw, toeth, sail aa hair brashes 4t Dejo's. Far silk aae! wonted caderwear ge to Ber Galasba. Galliford sk Beaeyeatt will saake leaas oa city artpity. Pat some weddias cake lathe tatand re oere USy . Xcd-cated to th- Hebaet edner. The district eeart, by order ef Jadga Gaslia, has beea adjoaraed to Tntsaihai lMhlBeS, Oae aiast see tEe aadenrear before they can appreciate tke low prices at which C. Ui-ner isselliag it. Dcn't fail rh3e ia town te drop ia aad see D-B. Beard, as makes priees oa the 4th page which are. certainly cheap. It will pay yoa to Ti-it D. B. Beard's cash hardware store. Priets hare goae dowa S3Js per ceatsiaee yesterday. Has is a fact. Pock vcKeeey. Wrirht Tecml-atx. caarlrv oather. Jimtms. et a! bavr asuprvme am wat of RaH to eater a repablieaa cane-9 after the repcMKaa coa:tyTkfcet. that at be asked to stcj do aa and eat ef the party. Tara te the f oerth page aad yea win see sometatag that wfll iaterset yoa. D. B.nerdha resolTed teeleeeeet atretea This is certainly a great chaaea far the farmers of Webster aad adjeag soaaties te lay in hardware at weadeifalj low prices. she repaalicart octt. headed by Beck Mc Keeby. prists the Ushaet this week free saw farai-bes the paper, ytt Prams aay be is cot ie3 np with them. Ua.a-. hey jast era haa aadraadBreeebev Pr flasit is is the snap aad th- pnieiBs wiS scale bin hah far tyiej ap with thebig Serve mistake the sicca of the Maws. xcKeeby ssys (taroaeh rtambseafflt that the F A- x. bank Is not paean ap bundle to feet Fasafer. wMh b a deeteec filar bend, ibey hare set ealy ass ap hoodie, bat hare armed to payFassler 9 per rent lasiieat ea n nafj ae posUx TBbaakaa aaser a-lUsuef rcaoeai rioas tspeorteaai baTeased Bssuerfrect to bBTTatesfor Fasseraaa hat eea held dabs ererthe heads ef ssec to etaaaH them te sae ft Fasaler. That's the kind of saea aVy are. Their statemen ith3t they have shiC speut aoa rytselcctrasriitccawTrst bnsh. ever sslered te Merit deal werd.espsrialyas a nesaewefdU. If the ttefefaimtt eeaUatfsr tSJec. However Joes af- ameaatta amek sssretaaa he was sUaatary aad car wanted to eaOect asses weU UMs While we were streMiag ap the creek theether day we aotiesd ail the thrashiag wasdoae,aadeora hasktag is the erder ef the day, the weather bssag tae tar this time of year. Fszawrs are meriag rap idly abeat. We Tinted Miss Fkhers sehooiawjdfeewd her ia goad spiriu aad the ache el splendidly eaadsstsJ We taiak she is a saodel teacher. We alee saw a small herdef Tsryaaehega at Mr. HaSmaa's ems of them beiag qaiw lame waieh he is eertiaa seme haaters to secure your Tablets, Books, Slates, Pencils and other rcboot cappliee while the stock is complete. Jl t rr IT Zl tfc to Ulfl lasaroaadthoiadosareseaA. BuKaleys hewiUbeeompeUsdto pat the law that is what aB the farsMrs say ea taeereek. As all hare sematsiag te say aa pwlitisa,I say eld maa what do yea taaak of Hsmmt; Ohbeisageod awaiBSlB,t taaa the osass. Tea I i reesmskaa, always Teted that tiekst, bat! anatsete for Haauaelter fearhewaibe' ia the little! nag. e ask aUTeters what to en - - ..-.- n-n Tna areheiLT for the nomine. Thea where do aesae ef , "owtaw? !amL Teastaadtoday m toH yea that yea ! eNtrtattbe s-ad where the hewAwaacker stead danag ?I select from the finest line line of scfool tableti in thecitT- C. L. CoTTING. Dnugist and BoolDeller s. tiat mhdaT at art s' rreaaarerli. it ia Ked doud Wi the tsaea ef tbe scar ufr f nead te aettaer saae. it yoa aoath west t-s sirtisag. taL raat-- a poed, deaa. heaast saaa ia oaVe I tamaax 4 aetea. taxed m tae same jC Hmh J. etptrr-brfon- fara CX. doa't vote for a democrat jest to the bolters. Gerrge Haasmd ia that wiM aot tie ap wi t aay bank er fee tioa. Biwlsxcs. ( Jewett. Thewaar twacBpttea wt 1 " ; tae aaaii ese i was ssaav t teas art rs tax deed. Cewiesea Mead. J. H. Peak as the c Oarid Fraacss has parahsatd L. B. Wright's property aorta ef Cowles . Graadata Best is qaite sick. Mr. aad Mrs. I. K. Terry arrired ia y last, te attead te the pread father ef a J. K Bream saoeed taaswwakatohis ea the hi! west of H.C- Cattes weat te ysmh of DL and her ef the east part ef ;. l fr Battel thai week. sreoasgs is beiag rspairad aad fitted ap far Bar. Flatt whe ksBtheaearfatare. aVw94B7vej joseHi w. warrea and eo. w. a are aereir sacmaa mat en tae ssa Car af Jan. lsaX UsamparHi sedatpritat U sale from thecamrjrlrea.wer w B wcN rx at thceonhaw' aBswCload. Weaetcr ceasti ;'e. for the taxes of ass year aaawmt-nz toeT.tfmtaeloDswmr; eescrfted peeeerty v wwskbwsbbm sarrowjasy saaa tasau I the saef Jamah W.warrsa aad Gee. W. last Meaeay wish begs mra.aWheraadaer Gw f Wat StiBfley a ler airvt ekss samre er hair eat. Tea will he treat ed aice aad aeenre tret claw werk. Oe whe ha .-eaa poode er little Bsoaey, baya widely. Follew eat aaa;. ia hy haytag at D. B. Heard', Fer kt' ld stand. tae n BaHtheaorth ectief Etewas he thaw ef ftna tae Baw ef Seaiimi iBWeawhwfwal Sera a. or sBarre afl ex- TMarehswsirawidtaateaateirahsBy otfteraary tsss.UseamsasNsswdmastrar au sate tram the .raaetr usams . M. b. aV- at aaeeaanheaa iaBed oxasf. webwer uassvyitmarsaarlhraiBBief aaaT i mi imilas; tesus. TaeaattheastBaetsseiialB a. t. sertasa 3S. tewa l. reaac K, eaaaM-rtas acre? t aad la the same el THsah J. Jewett be time sse i disasWiawiaaid aaadwem the Bert ef xaUtax safeawl exatraHPtwraary HthHaa, aad at awe redressed essste the aiese eatI wiaaaea4iilwmBwan-BSMmtaaesed. L-Batx. TeHawJwMt; . . Tenai asfiBby aoBatedaast ef Fesawaryaawu aaaaims'B i aiah w-4U saeUaa Bsntt d t ri -B. 1 tttatthe.twrtl s rear i M. ef ra sxtt aLraace ' r-o- taxediath aasseef BaahJ. at far iwara. w-wraM land ef said aaa aalra rapwc Fehrn- . ed eetsrecbf foratrees- 'staasaea. I. Barx. H o-wett- las aryU'h HaKaadsf aet BBSTeents.1 walaakei - ra-Bter a jaaaa after tiie 5th. The people do not tbe long list ol braves wco oeiong to ::t -mho will tie mv I the wirwam of the Great Familv taken ont for cause? And too not closeted with Nome Bichard Tniattei np -wc ere i. ..a.. 4 ,i urn. ' 3 tt .:. . . Vt-V aT-D r'V- TT2" once r the ' jasts i' hat md lent Irit (hid f It a fcrel jthe kief of & ae ak ET f5? w ire- th Lire .ine iztr rsr ywa ffer- i of r and pen- UE2 ade fin" time for his teof cing ibly ttSrf ion" onldj f he icial 'J a that '9 id is r-fM r w - cted are: irho oald se firm fact sach a man as is seeded ia so i:at .,.,, .. T. siin ir iji i